Climate Change

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//World population Increase、affluent lifestyle and globalization --> Burning of Fossil Fuels、Deforestation、Agriculture、Industries、Urbanization

// Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC),are known as greenhouse gases and they are found naturally in the atmosphere. The gases trap longwave radiation emitted from the earth's surface warming the atmosphere. The earth receives shortwave radiation from the Sun. Some of this is reflected and some enter the atmosphere and is absorbed by the earth's surface which heats up the earth's surface as a result. The warm earth's surface emits longwave radiation to the atmosphere.

// Concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased since the Industrial Revolution. Among these gases, the most significant increase is the amount of Carbon Dioxide.

//Humans release CO2, which causes warming, which boosts evaporation, which in turn amplifies the warming. This explains why, despite water vapour constituting the largest part of the greenhouse effect, there is strong evidence that human activity is driving.

Through the increasing world population, affluent lifestyle and rapidly globalization, human's acts of burning fossil fuels, deforestation, developing agriculture and industries, and also urbanization contribute to global warming.

1. Water vapor - human releases heat and increases evaporation which can contribute to the release of water vapor 2. Carbon dioxide - human releases carbon dioxide - various transport vehicles - the burning of fossil fuels - land use changes and industrial processes 3. Methane - cattle ranching - rice farming - biofuels and biomass burning 4. Nitrous oxide - atmospheric chemical reactions - soils under natural vegetation

Human Causes - Burning of Fossil Fuels - Deforestation - Agriculture - Industries - Urbanisation

1. World Population Increase 2.Affluent Lifestyle and globalization

How has global climate changed?

Global climate change refers to the variation in the climate patterns in the long term. It includes changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns over several decades or longer.

~ The phenomenon of rising global temperatures is known as Global Warming. ~ Singapore(the island) has warmed, notably in the mid-1970s when rapid urbanization took place. Global climate change refers to the variation in the climate patterns in the long term. It includes changes in [temperature, precipitation, wind patterns] over several decades or longer.

CAUSE: - human - anthropogenic (human-activity) increase in greenhouse gas concentrations(extra released greenhouse gas is the problem) - other anthropogenic forcings(industrial revolution, burning of fossil fuels, the release of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas, global warming) - urbanization - regional variations (in the man-made global warming effect) - In cold areas, UNWASHED coals are burnt, which releases more greenhouse gases. - methane - rice fields - rice farming - flooding of fields generates methane - organic matter - dead plant matter - cattle ranching

What is the greenhouse effect and how does it work 1

The earth receives shortwave radiation from the Sun. Some of this is reflected and some enters the atmosphere and is absorbed by the earth's surface which heats up the earth's surface as a result. The warm earth's surface emits longwave radiation to the atmosphere.

Greenhouse effect VS Enhanced Greenhouse Effect 2

The enhanced greenhouse effect occurs when human activity causes greenhouse gases to be released at a far greater rate than that of natural emissions of greenhouse gases. As the quantity of greenhouse gases to increase, research suggests that average global temperature could increase by almost 0.5 degrees centigrade over the next century. (conservative estimate) This phenomenon of rising global temperatures is known as Global Warming.

Greenhouse effect VS Enhanced Greenhouse Effect 1

The greenhouse effect is a natural process by which greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. This process keeps the atmosphere warm to sustain life on earth. The Enhanced greenhouse effect refers to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to a rise in global temperature.

How to write a response to graphs [e.g. How has Global Climate changed]

Trend: Upward/Increase in global average temperature Evidence: Start and End EXAMPLE: Between ___ to ___, global average temperature has shown an ___(upward/downward) trend from ___ C to ___ C. An ___(increase/decrease) of about ___C. {The increase between ___ to ___ is significant but irregular with temperature fluctuations.} __(number) periods. The greatest rate of increase is from ___ (steepest curve)to ___.

What is the greenhouse effect and how does it work 2

Water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)} are known as greenhouse gases and they are found naturally in the atmosphere. The gases trap longwave radiation emitted from the earth's surface warming the atmosphere.

- soils under natural vegetation

[Uncultivated soils make up the majority of the Earth's land surface. So the nitrous oxide produced by microbes that break down nitrogen in these soils are considered natural sources.]

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