Cold War & Homefront

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United Nations (U.N.)

1945 established Security Council's permanent member-states: China, France, Russia, U.K., U.S.

Brown v. BOE of Topeka, KS

1954 racial integration of public schools

Richard Nixon

= V.P. running mate

Executive Order 9066

>100,000 Japanese Am.'s relocated

Senator Joseph McCarthy

Red Scare - Arthur Miller's The Crucible

Warsaw Pact '55

opposite of NATO


"Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party of the United States?"

"iron curtain" and "containment"

"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent." announced the beginning of the cold war

House Un-American Activities Committee

"Hollywood 10" - didn't aid investigations blacklisting

President Truman

"The Buck Stops Here"

Japanese Internment

"This sense of fear and uncertainty caused a wave of prejudice against Japanese Americans."

Rise of suburbia

"White flight" -Levittowns - cookie cutter houses -Green spaces w/ housing options and amenities

Eisenhower's Political ideology

"conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings"

Truman Doctrine

"it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."

Korean War

-"Forgotten War" -on the heels of WWII -important w/in Cold War -1950 - 1953 Armistice in Panmunjom -North invaded South

Eisenhower presidential campaign

-"I Like Ike" -accessible personality, war hero, break from incumbent Pres

Disparities and Inequities

-"Invisible Poor" -marginalized groups and minorities -cities take a step backward → urban decay suburbs flourish -(HUD) Housing and Urban Development - for urban renewal -Mexican-Am.'s = migrant workers -U.S. immigration policy → 1950s deportations -Native Am.'s - mainstream assimilation -National Congress of American Indians v. Bureau of Indian Affairs -"termination policy" - U.S. isn't responsible

Women's changing role in society

-"Leave it to Beaver" ideal of women as mothers and homemakersvs. reality -Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique (1963)

Communist (Red) Scare

-80,000 Am.'s in Communist Party -Truman "weak" approach questioned. his response: Federal Employee Loyalty Program (Loyalty Review Boards) -identification/label enough to ruin lives -Constitutional rights violated -accusational evidence not viewable

Death of Senator Joseph McCarthy

-Communist fear-mongering, political grandstanding, unfounded "evidence" -"McCarthyism" (pg. 827 infographic) 2-05 State Dept. names of Communists -allegations against U.S. Army '54 -his reputation and career are destroyed -dies three years later

U.N. intercession

-Eisenhower Doctrine: aid Middle East against Communism -Soviet Nikita Khrushchev against Hungarian revolt -Am. doesn't act, U.N.'s fundamental flaw*7

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

-Historic ex. w/ contemporary implications =Iran's Shah reinstalled w/ Am. financial influence =Promoting U.S. political, economic, and military goals

American Dream

-Idealistic on the surface but Mad Men-esque -Rising divorce rates -Changing roles for men and women -Consumerism → shortages, inflation -High unemployment, but...

Automobile Culture

-Ike's Interstate Highway System -Increased production Credit -Status symbol -Suburbs -Drive-ins, drive-thru's

American "Brinksmanship"

-President Dwight D. Eisenhower "Ike" 1953 - '61 Abilene, KS -WWII Allied Supreme Commander -Atomic bomb → Hydrogen bomb

U-2 Am. spy plane (Bridge of Spies)

-U.S. pilot Gary Powers -Ike's response (deny, deny, deny, don't apologize) v. -Khrushchev's (you better apologize, oh you won't, well we don't like you)

Fair Deal: New Deal extension w/

-compulsory health insurance (ring any bells) farm subsidies -raising minimum wage -improve Social Security -rural infrastructure (flood/irrigation) -low-income housing -civil rights emphasis

Economic pressures

-determined domestic policy -Political pressure too: Dixiecrats (Southern Democrats) -Opposed to Truman's brand of Democratic platform *Truman blames Rep. Congress, gets reelected in '48

Rock n' Roll

-gospel, country, rhythm and blues inspired many early black originators → white mainstream popularizers -white teenagers were drawn to the music -rebellious, controversial, originally unpopular w/ adults


-nonconformity, opposed to consumerism, anti-establishment -Beat Generation exemplified Am. counterculture -poets/writers/artists - ex. Jack Kerouac: On the Road, Allen Ginsberg: Howl -coffeehouse-poetry-finger snapping-goatee having-black turtleneck wearing*

Result of Potsdam Conference

-occupied Germany: 4 spheres of influence -eastern European bloc - satellite nations -Stalin's belief in inherent division b/t communism & capitalism

Sec. of State John Foster Dulles

All or nothing strategy - pushing things to the brink

U.S. General Douglas MacArthur

Allied commander

People's Republic of China

Beijing Summer Olympics - introduction on world stage "One China"

Berlin Airlift

Berlin loophole → Stalin testing Allied resolve 327 days (1948-49)

British Prime minister

Churchill as WWII P.M., Attlee, Churchill returned*

"Trouble in the Suez"

Egypt's Nasser nationalized the French/British Suez Canal + Israel invaded

Marshall Plan

General George Marshall: U.S. Army Chief of Staff → Truman's Sec. of State "not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos."

Potsdam Conference

Germany, July '45 involved Big 3: Stalin, Truman, Clement Attlee, not Churchill

political & personal rivalry

Harry Truman & Stalin

North Korean dynasty

Kim Il Sung - Kim Jong Il - Kim Jong Un

Truman doesn't run again

Korean War Containing Communism (Truman Doct.)

1944 S.C. case

Korematsu v. United States


L.B.J. era compensation Reagan $20,000, H.W. Bush, Clinton

Zoot-Suit Riots

Los Angeles, CA (1943) Mexican-Am.'s v. U.S. naval servicemen/white citizens

Social Conformity

Loss of individuality Yes-Men Trendiness Keeping up with the Joneses* Increased advertising → consumerism, materialism "planned obsolescence"

Communist China

Nationalist gov. w/ Chiang Kai-shek Communist (Chairman) Mao Zedong corruption & failure to aid peasants & working class

NATO '49

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Against soviet union

Eisenhower political initiatives v. Truman's

Raise minimum wage Increase Social Security/unemployment benefits Increase public housing funds Interstate Highway System Dept.'s of Health, Education, Welfare

Cold War Arms Race

Result of Manhattan Project advances Unintended consequence - upping the ante

Popular Culture

Rise of television news and entertainment same relevant issues as today

Civil Rights Movement

Rosa Parks Montgomery Bus Boycott Little Rock Nine 1957 - Pres. Ike → federal troops to Arkansas, National Guard orders against Gov. Orval Faubus

end of WWII was not what America had hoped

U.S. & Soviets in Germany - different realities

Space Race

U.S.S.R.'s Sputnik I U.S. - NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Admin. 1958)

1953 Joseph Stalin died

Warsaw Pact in response to W. Germany's NATO inclusion

General Macarthur's perspective

all-out war against China

McCarran Act

anything "subversive" - open ended Pres. Truman veto failed

suspending a writ of habeas corpus

civilians were not subject to military courts, even in times of war

Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

controversial trial → death penalty Atomic bomb information to Soviets


denying someone a right to work

impact of communist fears

duck and cover

Cold War (1945 - 1991)

end of WWII - Soviet U. collapse

GI Bill of Rights

federal government house, education, business loans

President Truman's perspective

focused and restrained fires Macarthur

38th Parallel - DMZ

like Germany: division & Soviet attempt to consolidate capitals: Seoul & Pyongyang, D.P.R.K.

U.S.S.R. absent at UN vote

no dissent


not like 1920s Jazz Age Charlie "Bird" Parker, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie

Communism v. Capitalism

state controlled economy, property private businesses, entrepreneurs Joseph Stalin's non-aggressive pact Allied strategy Manhattan Project

East and West Germany

unified U.S., G.B., and France

General Omar Bradley

war w/ China would be "the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy."

civil war

weakened Nationalists → Taiwan '49

Greatest Generation → Baby Boomers born in mid 1940s - 60s

youth centered culture, advertising, purchasing, education, automobile parallels to 1920s?

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