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What was Calpurnia's fault?

that Scout could read and write because she made Scout copy down the Bible


the Finch's housekeeper; acts as a more distant mother-figure to Jem and Scout

What area did Henry Hudson explore?

the Hudson River and Hudson Bay in Canada


the arrangment of parts of an artwork;can be symmetrical,asymmetrical or radial


the combination of elements of an art that add extra interest to an artwork


the flow of electricity through a conductor

impact (n)

the force of a hit

induced magnetism

the influence of a permanent magnet's magnetic field on a piece of iron, which makes the iron act like a magnet


the lightness or darkness of a color

rain shadow

the low-rainfall region that exists on the downwind side of a mountain range. rain shadow is the result of the mountain range's causing precipitation on the windward side.


the material in a light bulb (usually a thin wire) that glows when heated by an electric current


the passing of traits from parents to offspring.


the path that a stream follows


the point where two lines cross


the racist town in Alabama where this book takes place


the release of a buildup of electric charge such as a spark or lightening


the size relationship of one part of one part of an artwork to another part or a whole

force field

the space around a magnet or electric current where magnetic force is present

body image

the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body


the thin point of a path;can be actual or implied


the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature


the visual accent,stress or sense of importance created in an art work


the visual quality of objects,as they reflect hues on the color wheel


the way a surface feels or looks

tender points

trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. Fibromyalgia syndrome is a common disorder characterized by multiple tender points, widespread deep muscle pain, sleep disturbance, fatigue, and depression. The term fibromyalgia comes from the Latin word for fibrous tissue (fibro) and the Greek terms for muscle (myo) and pain (algia).

reliable (adj)

trust worthy / dependable

attract (attraction)

when magnets pull together

repel (repulsion)

when magnets push apart

peer pressure

when people your own age try to influence you to believe or act like them


where you can get a loan to get out of jail if you promise to go to court

arts architecture

which element is this: how people express their culture/ feelings through arts how buildings were built and what they were meant for



Ambulatory care

practice environment in which the patient receives outpatient preventative care from a nurse practitioner located in a medical office


rapidly increasing prices

goal post




collapse (v)

to fall down

efficient (adj)

to get good/ best result

eradicate (v)

to kill all of something

Help a classmate.

Ayude a un compañero.

revolutionize (v)

to make a complete and basic change in; effect political change

hacer un video

to make a video

modernize (v)

to make modern/ or new

bribe (n./v)

to offer something good for something received


to open

budget (n./v)

to plan how to use money estimate of how much money you can spend


to prepare

inherit (v)

to receive money or DNA from your relative

slim (adj)

to say something is true or yours

halt (v)

to stop

consider (v)

to think about doing something

scold (v)

to yell at someone if

answer a question

отвечать на вопрос *L*

open your book

откройте свою книгу

translate the word

переводить слово

write on the board

писать на доске

match the items

подбирать пункт

pick up the pencil

поднимать карандаш

raise your hand

поднять свою руку

label the picture

подписывать картинку

underline the word

подчеркивать ответ

help a classmate

помогать однокласснику(одногруппнику)

check the pronunciation

проверять произношение

work in a group

работать в группе

unscramble the words

разгадывать слова

draw a picture

рисовать картинку

sit down


listen to a cd

слушать CD диск

ask a question

спрашивать вопрос *K*

check the correct boxes

ставить галку в правильной коробке

put the sentences in order

ставить предложения по порядку

put away your books

убирать свои книги

read the definition

читать определение(слова в словаре)

patient's ankle pain tends to be exaggerated during weight bearing activities when the ankle is maximally dorsiflexed. Which component of the gait cycle would likely exacerbate the patient's ankle pain

①Initial contact is the beginning of the stance phase that occurs when the foot touches the ground. The ankle is typically in neutral or very slight plantar flexion at the time of initial contact. ②Loading response corresponds to the period between initial contact and the beginning of the swing phase for the other lower extremity. After the heel contacts the ground, the ankle moves into 10 degrees of plantar flexion in a controlled manner. *③*Terminal stance begins when the heel of the stance limb rises and ends when the other foot touches the ground. At the onset of terminal stance, the ankle moves into the maximum amount of dorsiflexion required during the stance phase. Motion eventually reverses and reaches 5 degrees of plantar flexion by the end of single limb support. ④Pre-swing begins when the other foot touches the ground and ends when the stance foot reaches toe off. Pre-swing is associated with rapid plantar flexion to approximately 20 degrees

therapist hypothesizes that a patient utilizes the paraspinals and hamstrings as part of a balance strategy to address a sudden, moderate disturbance in the patient's center of mass. This type of reaction is MOST likely associated with

①The ankle strategy is the first strategy to be elicited by a small range and slow velocity perturbation when the feet are on the ground. An ankle strategy in response to forward sway would require activation of the paraspinals, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius. ②An ankle strategy in response to backward sway would require activation of the abdominals, quadriceps, and tibialis anterior. ③A hip strategy involves shifts in the center of mass by flexing or extending the hip. A hip strategy in response to forward sway-발판을 앞으로 뺀다- would require activation of the abdominals and quadriceps, not the paraspinals and hamstrings. *④**발판을 뒤로빼서 몸이 앞으로 쏠린다* A hip strategy in response to backward sway would require activation of the paraspinals and hamstrings.



A physical therapist is performing passive range of motion on the shoulder of a *43-year-old woman who received a rotator cuff repair 5 weeks ago. During passive range of motion, the therapist notes a capsular end feel at 95 degrees of shoulder flexion*. What should the therapist do?

frozen shoulder->inx; *begin joint mobilization* at shoulder joint

Missouri Compromise

"Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states.

Employment Branding

"Employer of Choice" persona an organization presents to current or prospective employees. It is the value an organization promises about the total employment experience

Samuel Slater

"Father of the Factory System" in America; escaped Britain with the memorized plans for the textile machinery; put into operation the first spinning cotton thread in 1791.


"father of the family"; man that was head of a Roman family

Whiskey Rebellion

(GW) In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion.


(in ancient Rome) overseer of morals (also taking the census); person who eliminates inappropriate matter; V.


(n.) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action



physical therapist reviews the medical record of a patient rehabilitating from a total knee arthroplasty-reduce normal knee ROM-. One of the entries in the medical record indicates the presence of a 15 degree extension lag at the knee. Which of the following goniometric readings would be most consistent with this condition

*1*. 15-100 degree active ROM(85degree), 0-100' PROM 2. 15-100 degree PROM, 0-100' AROM 3. 15-120 PROM, 15-135' AROM 4. 15-135' AROM, 15-135' PROM =knee normal PROM extension is 135 but decresed due to surgery.

A patient with a spinal cord injury has an impaired response to the sensory test-light touch- shown in the photograph. Which of the following conclusions is most appropriate?

*1*. Proprioception is also impaired 2. Temperature appreciation is also impaired 3. Two-point discrimination is intact 4. Deep pressure sensation is intact

A patient complains of pain in the right hip while she is ambulating. Upon examination, you notice that the patient has a significant drop of the left hip while in midstance on the right leg. The MOST appropriate treatment for this impairment would be

*1*. Standing hip abduction of the left leg;while standing on the involved hip and abducting the opposite, you are loading the right hip (closed-chain) more than the left hip (open chain). Thus you are MORE effective at strengthening the right hip abductors by using the closed chain exercise 2. Standing hip abduction of the right leg; this can be answer but 1 is most appropriate.


*Abducts and laterally rotates thigh at the hip*->*to stretch piriformis-> medial R. and adduction*; piriformis stretching;*flexion of hip to 60 + adduction* and *flexion of hip more than 90 + lat. rotation* -pirisformis function: *piriformis laterally rotates the femur with hip extension and abducts the femur with hip flexion* *FAIR test -to assess for *piriformis syndrome* -*flexion+adduction+int.rotation of hip* in sidelying -**Passive internal rotation & resisted external rotation-> painful** *piriformis strain -forceful hip int R. overstretch and strain -limited passive hip int R. reproduce sx from tight or tense piriformis -pain w resisted ext R. suggest *contractile problem w piriformis*->cause pain in same region -*piriformis syndrome* due to spasm(tightness) can cause abnormal alignment and mechanics of hip and pelvis-*coxa vara and excessive lateral rotation of hip- resulting in functional shortening of affected limb*(*functional leg length discrepancy*)->significant pain in WB positions 1shortened stride length 2functional shortening of affected limb 3*external rotation of hip in standing* 4 decreased lumbar lordosis

During a cardiac rehabilitation exercise session involving patients who experienced myocardial infarctions. 4-6 weeks ago, the most significant abnormal response requiring the immediate attention of the physical therapist is a sharp:

*Decrease in systolic blood pressure* =can indicate hypotension. DBP can be decreased or increased a bit but SBP matters when declining while exerciser

To increase the step length of a patient with a right transfemoral amputation who is taking an inadequate step with the limb, the therapist should

*Light resistance and stretch applied to the right pelvis in a posterior direction* during mid-stance to late stance will increase hip extension and eventually facilitate forward pelvic rotation on that side.

patient has a 2-year history of ALS and exhibits moderate functional deficits. The patient is still ambulatory with bilateral canes, but is limited in endurance. An important goal for the physical therapy POC should be to prevent:

*Overwork damage in weakened, denervated muscle*. =denervated muscle of motor =refer to CTA

To increase the step length of a patient with a right trans-femoral amputation who is taking an inadequate step with the limb, the therapist should:

*Provide posterior -directed resistance to the right ASIS during stance*. =PT stand behind pt and push anteriorly


*abduction and medial rotation to expose tendon and for Kenndy-Hawkins special test initial position*

What are the upward rotators of the scapula?

*serratus anterior and upper/middle trapezius muscles produce scapular upward rotation and external rotation*.

A female patient complains of lower back pain that radiates down to the medial malleolus. On assessment, the patellar tendon reflex is decreased-L4-. The patient has difficulty walking on her toes-S1-. *Sensation is decreased on the medial aspect of the tibia and medial malleolus*. The patient is suspected of herniated nucleus pulposus. The root that is most likely affected is

- medial mallelous;L4 =lateral malleous;S1, = Hamstring; L5 = Great toe and dorsum of foot; L5


-*as knee extends and patella moves superiorly* and vice cersa in trochlear groove, *sulcus angle increases* making patellafemoral joint *less* stable ->superiorly displaced patella may *contribute to lateral maltracking and more often seen in genu valgus as Q angle is increased* --fracture on superior pole of patella-> *90 degree of knee flexion should be avoided*(refer to youtube)


-*most powerful technique for validation of data* -powerful technique that facilitates validation of data through cross verification from two or more sources. In particular, it refers to the application and combination of several research methods in the study of the same phenomenon

measuring blood pressure

-2-3 mm Hg per second;압력을 최대로한뒤 풀때, 최소로 압력을 적용해서 풀어야 천천히 bp가 내려가니깐 -therapist prepares to measure the patient's blood pressure by inflating the cuff 20 mm Hg above the patient's estimated systolic value

most common mechanism of injury of burners

-A "burner" is a common nerve injury resulting from trauma to the neck and shoulder, usually during sports participation. - *The injury is most often caused by traction or compression of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus or the fifth or sixth cervical nerve roots*. -Treatment consists of restoring range of motion, improving strength and providing protective equipment. Return to sports participation depends primarily on reestablishment of pain-free motion and full recovery of strength and functional status -kinds =Downward traction- 아기 낳을때 주로 발생하는 손상 at Erb palsy C5-C6;waiter 's tip =Upward traction - Hyperabduction - klumpket C8-T1


-A tear involving the *outer third of a meniscus often heals without surgical intervention since the outer third is vascular*. -The middle and inner third of the menisci are avascular.

to determine the impact of pain on the lifestyle and daily functioning of a patient with chronic pain?

-BAS for acute -*standardized disability questionnaire* chronic(subjective pain)

blinking reflex

-C3 oculomotor / pupillary reflex -nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic branch (V1) of the 5th cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve) sensing the stimulus on the cornea, lid, or conjunctiva (i.e. it is the afferent). the temporal and zygomatic branches of the 7th cranial nerve (Facial nerve) initiating the motor response; blinking reflex


-CN III: turns eye up, down, in-medial, up rotation-elevates eyelid by inferior oblique -CN IV: turns adducted eye down-look nose-by superior oblique - Superior oblique - medial, down rotation Inferior oblique - medial , up rotation

CKC vs OKC b/w femur and tibia

-Closed-chain activities involve the body-femur- moving over a fixed distal segment.- - Open-chain activities involve the distal segment-tibia- moving freely in space.

diaphragmatic breathing

-Diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing or deep breathing is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity. *Air enters the lungs and the belly expands during this type of breathing*. -breathing with the use of the diaphragm *to achieve maximum inhalation and slow respiratory rate*; to prevent *dyspnea and atlectasis*

T10/12 level standing and gait

-Due to weakness of hip extension, a patient with spinal cord lesion at T10 will be unstable in standing unless the hips are positioned in front of the gravity line->Shoulders posterior to the hips for T10 -full hip extension is most important for T12 to be able to walk; hip extensor enable humans to stand. -T level->complete paralysis of LE

patient completing a closed chain activity emphasizing knee flexion. Which description is most consistent with the described therapeutic activity

-During closed chain knee flexion the femoral condyles roll backward and glide forward on the tibia. =at CKC, convex femur moves on concave tibia. -during open chain knee flexion the femoral condyles roll forward and glide backward on tibia. =at OKC, concave tibia moves on convex femur.

Latissimus dorsi

-Extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm; draws the shoulder downward and backward -flexion, abduct, laterally rotate for stretching


-Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at the hip; flexes knee -extend, adduct and medially rotate for stretching

foot movements

-Forefoot - adduction abduction -Subtalar -eversion,eversion, supination/ pronation -Calcaneous - valgum/ varum -Tibiofibular joint - Dorsiplexion/ Plantar flexion

tensor fascia late

-Hip - flexion, medial rotation, abduction knee - lateral rotation, Torso - stabilization -Stretching: extension, external rotation, adduction

pain and snapping in the medial region of the groin. On assessment, the *symptoms are reproduced by active and passive flexion-extension of the hip*. An audible snap is noted with the extension test. The patient is most likely diagnosed with

-Iliopsoas *bursitis* -Meralgia paresthetica =Femoral outer nerve at outer thigh(lateral cutaneous)

A patient's left knee is being tested using McMurray's test to assess meniscus integrity. During one of the portions of the test, the knee is taken from a position of flexion and internal rotation, into a position of extension and internal rotation. In the test's final position described above, the MOST ACCURATE description of the stresses placed on each meniscus is:

-In a combination of knee extension and internal rotation the menisci will move anteriorly during extension as they follow the tibia. *In addition, the medial meniscus will move further anterior-tensile stress- and the lateral meniscus will move posteriorly-compressive stress- as they follow the femoral condyles during rotation*. This specific combination will *result in a tensile stress at the medial meniscus and a compressive stress at the lateral meniscus of a left knee*. --medial meniscus; form of screw and longer than lateral meniscus so movement occurs longer at medial meniscus

reverse total shoulder replacement

-In a healthy shoulder, the rotator cuff muscles help position and power the arm during range of motion. A conventional replacement device also uses the rotator cuff muscles to function properly. -*In a patient with a large rotator cuff tear and cuff tear arthropathy, these muscles no longer function. The reverse total shoulder replacement relies on the deltoid muscle, instead of the rotator cuff, to power and position the arm*. fracture of the humerus, glenohumeral osteoarthritis, significant deltoid weakness are causes of conventional surgery while *irreparable supraspinatus tear* is cause of reverse total shoulder replacement

inpatient;phase I

-Inpatient (acute) -from 2-3 METs -> 3-5 METs:5MET -short exercise session, 2-3times a day -exercise: rest= 1:1

A patient presents with *limited ankle dorsiflexion range of motion both actively and passively when tested with the knee flexed*. Which of the following tests would be MOST beneficial to confirm the suspected reason for the decreased range of motion

-KC;if limited ROM d/t muscular->no limited ROM with passive movement by PT. Correct Answer: -Testing the joint mobility of the talocrual and distal tibiofibular joints would be indicated if a restriction in the arthrokinematic glide of the talocrual joint was present and therefore limiting the dorsiflexion range of motion. - The other possibility would be decreased flexibility in the soleus. If this was the case, then a finding of normal joint mobility-with PROM- would indicate that decreased soleus flexibility was the culprit. Incorrect Choices: - Testing active and passive range of motion with the knee straight would add a potential influence from the gastrocnemius as this is a two-joint muscle crossing the ankle and the posterior aspect of the knee. Since the initial testing position with the knee flexed indicated restricted range of motion, adding the effect of the gastrocnemius would provide no additional useful information. -**The restricted range of motion was present both actively and passively, ruling out decreased muscle performance as a potential reason for the limitation in range of motion**

patient who has been on bed rest for three weeks has developed a plantar flexion contracture. Which phase of the gait cycle would be MOST problematic for the patient based on the described impairment?

-Normal ankle range of motion needed for the stance phase of gait is *20 degrees of plantar flexion to 15 degrees of dorsiflexion*. -Patients who are on bed rest may develop a plantar flexor contracture secondary to the positioning of the ankle under the sheets. -PF 의 역할->지면을 밀어서 push off해서 몸을 앞으로 나아가게 하는 추진력과 같은 역할 ①heel strike to foot flat; Heel strike requires O degrees of dorsiflexion which progresses to 15 degrees of plantar flexion at foot flat. ②foot flat to midstance; Foot flat requires 15 degrees of plantar flexion which progresses to 10 degrees of dorsiflexion at midstance. A patient with a plantar flexion contracture may have difficulty with the end of this phase (i.e., midstance), however, they would have greater difficulty with other phases of the gait cycle. *③*midstance to heel off; Midstance requires 10 degrees of dorsiflexion which progresses to 15 degrees of dorsiflexion at heel off. A patient with a plantar flexion contracture would have the most difficulty with this phase of gait since it requires the largest range of motion for dorsiflexion. ④heel off to toe off; Heel off requires 15 degrees of dorsiflexion which progresses to 20 degrees of plantar flexion at toe off. Though heel off requires the maximum amount of dorsiflexion (i.e., 15 degrees), the majority of this phase occurs with the ankle in plantar flexion.

patient with coronary artery disease received inpatient cardiac rehabilitation after a mild myocardial infarction. The patient is now enrolled in an *outpatient exercise class that utilizes intermittent training*. The best *initial spacing of exercise/rest intervals to safely stress the aerobic system is*:

-Outpatient/home exercise(subacute: onset 3개월 미만) -activity between 4-9 METs;10MET -30-60 minutes(5-10 min warm up& cool down) -3-4 sessions per week -exercise: rest= 2: 1 (goal =5:1)

Which muscle is responsible for protraction of the scapula?

-Protraction of the scapula is sometimes called abduction of the scapula. -Muscles: serratus anterior is the prime mover and Pectoralis minor and major

difficult bilateral pronation

-Restriction limiting eversion of the calcaneus and medial rotation of the talus; bilateral pronation


-Spondylolisthesis refers to a condition where one vertebra slips forward on the one below it due to a bilateral fracture of the pars interarticularis. This condition most commonly occurs at L4-L5 or L5-S 1. *Children ages 10-15 who are involved in activities* such as gymnastics, weight lifting, volleyball, and pole vaulting are particularly susceptible to spondylolisthesis

inductive hypotheses

-Start with specific observations and reaches general conclusions -A case report provides information that can be used to generate inductive hypotheses for future studies

Acceleration phase

-The *ulnar collateral ligament* of the elbow is injured -*cocking for posterior capsule*

piriformis function

-The piriformis muscle is *part of the lateral rotators of the hip*, along with the quadratus femoris, gemellus inferior, gemellus superior, obturator externus, and obturator internus. The *piriformis laterally rotates the femur with hip extension and abducts the femur with hip flexion*. The *lateral rotators also oppose medial rotation by the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus*. *When the hip is flexed to 90 degrees, piriformis abducts the femur at the hip and internally rotating the hip when the hip is flexed at 90 degrees or more* -Origin Sacrum -Insertion Greater trochanter -Nerve Nerve to the piriformis (L5, S1, and S2) -Actions *External rotator of the thigh*

Spinothalamic tract

-The spinothalamic tract (also known as anterolateral system or the ventrolateral system) is a sensory pathway from the skin to the thalamus. From the ventral posterolateral nucleus in the thalamus, *sensory information is relayed upward to the somatosensory cortex of the postcentral gyrus*. -The spinothalamic tract consists of two adjacent pathways: anterior and lateral. The *anterior spinothalamic tract carries information about crude touch-light touch*-. The *lateral spinothalamic tract conveys pain and temperature*. -The pathway decussates at the level of the spinal cord, *rather than in the brainstem like the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway and corticospinal tract*

While observing the ambulation of a 57-year-old man with an arthritic right hip, the therapist observes a right lateral trunk lean. Why does the patient present with this gait deviation?

-To bring the line of gravity closer to the involved hip joint; Leaning the trunk over the involved hip decreases joint reaction force and strain on the hip abductors. These factors together decrease pain in the involved hip -trunk right bending is like right one leg standing; hip moves left a bit and head downward to involved side.

On auscultation, the therapist notes loud, high-pitched sounds over the sternum. This breath sound is identified as which of the following?

-Vesicular at alveolar-located at terminal location-;slow, lower sound d/t its distance -Bronchovesicular(중간가시);moderate pitch - *Bronchial*-marked w/X; loud high pitch - Trocheal at neck - signinifcant severe sound d/t its close location


-a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells that form lumps known as granulomas -Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body, but mostly the lungs and lymph glands. -DD; usually young woman, systemic disease, lupus-meaning wolf face-;butterfly

anterior pelvic tilting

-anterior tilting-> ilipsoas n erector spinae->thorocic kyphosis and increased lumbar lordosis and 거북목->weakness of ab and hip extensor -anterior pelvic tilting->hip flexion/오리엉덩이

forward head posture

-commonly appears *as a part of the Upper Crossed Syndrome* and Thoracic outlet syndrome. - Treatment of which involves stretching muscles in the front of the torso such as the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor while also strengthen muscles in the back of the torso such as the rhomboids;*neck cross syndrome* =*Stretching muscles that cause neck protrusion*: ~Lower cervical flexors: sternocleidomastoid, anterior and medial scalene muscles. ~Upper cervical (capital) extensors: semispinalis/longissimus/splenius capitis, *suboccipital muscles* =*Strengthening muscles that cause neck retraction* ~Lower cervical extensors: splenius/semispinalis/ longissimus cervicis ~Upper cervical (capital) flexors: longus capitis, Rectus capitis anterior, Suprahyoid muscles

cranial nerve

-corenl reflex of blinking by trigemial nerve -pupil reflex of constriction by oclumotor nerve


-d/t to *decreased core strength*-> *Femoral antetorsion and medial knee stress*. - Low muscle tone and difficulty with achieving sitting are reasons why these children choose to sit in a stable W sit position. Children with Down syndrome typically exhibit low tone and hyperextensibility. -W sitting causes wider BOS that enables less trunk control and balance with down syndrome children.

therapist works with a patient on abdominal strengthening. The therapist attempts to have the patient complete a modified sit-up with their head and shoulders positioned on a wedge while in supine. The most likely rationale associated with the use of the wedge is

-d/t weak rectus abdominis =shortened hip flexors;A patient with shortened hip flexors often performs a sit-up with pillows under the knees to decrease the pull of the hip flexors on the spine and allow the patient to lie with the pelvis and spine in neutral. ~hip flexor works when doing situps.

Following a period of spinal shock, a patient with a complete spinal cord injury at the *T-5 level* is placed on a bladder training program coordinated by the physical therapist. A realistic ultimate outcome for this program would be independent voiding by

-daily use of the Crede maneuver (lower abdominal manual pressure); used for LMN(CNS) cauda equina syndrome -*reflex emptying using suprapubic stimulation techniques*;usd for UMN(CNS)


-dashboard syndrome/knee hyperflexion->PCL ligament damaged; refer to fig b

Bacterial pneumonia

-def; infection in one or both lungs. It may involve just one small section of your lung, or it may encompass your entire lung. -The *bacteria cause the lung's air sacs to become inflamed and filled with pus, fluid, and cellular debris*

Goldwait's test

-differentiates between dysfunction in lumbar spine vs SIJ -Patient *supine* with your fingers in between spinous of lumbar spine. With your other hand, passively perform a straight leg raise (SLR) (+) TEST: if pain presents prior to palpation of movement in lumbar segments, dysfunction is related to SIJ

patella movement

-knee flexion->patella inferior -knee extension->patella superior -NPTE 에 자주나옴; 잘 알아둠

knee and patella movements

-knee flexion->patellar inferior vs knee extenion->patella superior -knee valgus->medial petella M vs knee varus->lateral patella glide =knee valgus; VMO strengthened and vice versa -screw home mechanism; meniscus 크기 대칭,, femur fixed->tibia lateral rotation vs femur medial rotation when tibia fixed

packed position;check

-loose packed position of the radioulnar joint is 70 degrees flexion and 35 degrees supination while the close packed position is 5 degrees supination full extension -5 degree supination distal radioulnar joint closed position -10 supination distal radioulnar joint resting position

passive vs active

-musculus structure-muscle- examined by active movement while passive structure-ligament and capsule- are examined by passive movement. -passive structure does not elongate like muscles

myofacial vs fibromalgia

-myofacial(근막); trigger points inx -fibromalgia; system sx; tender points =11 out of 16 tender points

Upper-Crossed Syndrome

-referred to as proximal or shoulder girdle crossed syndrome. In UCS, tightness of the upper trapezius and levator scapula on the dorsal side crosses with tightness of the pectoralis major and minor. -This pattern of imbalance creates joint dysfunction, particularly at the atlanto-occipital joint, C4-C5 segment, cervicothoracic joint, glenohumeral joint, and T4-T5 segment -*Specific postural changes are seen in UCS, including forward head posture, increased cervical lordosis and thoracic kyphosis, elevated and protracted shoulders, and rotation or abduction and winging of the scapulae*. *These postural changes decrease glenohumeral stability as the glenoid fossa becomes more vertical due to serratus anterior weakness leading to abduction, rotation, and winging of the scapulae*. This loss of stability requires the levator scapula and upper trapezius to increase activation to maintain glenohumeral centration -Inx; Rhomboid and deep neck flexor strengthening

restrictive vs COPD

-restrictive d/t atlectasis -COPD; astham, bronchitasis, cystic fibrosis

tilting anatomy

-고추위에 있는 뼈를 기준으로-pubis symphisis- -anterior tilting not related w hip flexion or extension -not related a lot w/innominate movements.

pelvic tilting

-짐볼위에 앉을 때 공이 앞으로 가면 pelvic posterior tilting / 뒤로가면 anterior tilting, 근데 생각해보면 anterior tilting 되면 hip muscle들이 가까워지니깐 hip flexion에 가깝고, posterior tilt는 extension에 가깝겠네요 -anterior pelvic rotation -> lumbar extension -> hip flexor shortening -I believe you are asking if someone has an anterior tilted pelvis resulting in tight hip flexors, if an appropriate intervention would be hip extension. Since activities requiring hip extension would require stretching or lengthening of the hip flexors. -anterior pelvic tilting =nutation; flexion of sacrum andd posterior rotation of ilium -posterior pelvic tilting =counternutation; extension of sacrum and anterior rotation of ilium

A patient reports a chronic history of widespread muscular pain, multiple tender points throughout her body, and excess fatigue. Upon examination, the therapist observes that the patient's tender points are distributed throughout the body and do not refer pain when pressure is applied. What diagnosis would be MOST accurate for this patient? 1. myofascial pain syndrome 2. chronic regional pain syndrome 3. fibromyalgia 4. systemic lupus erythematosu


Half kneel with involved leg posterior


half keeling with anterior leg involved


Arthur Radley

..., This character is a recluse who lives near to the Finches. This character is the subject of various rumors that this character is a ghost, or a murderer. All of the kids in Maycomb are afraid of this character. This character is just very shy and this character does not wish to interact with the townspeople.

scruffy (adj)

.old and dirty

A 48-year-old male referred to physical therapy after experiencing six months of progressive hand weakness reports that his right foot has recently begun to "slap" the ground when walking. The therapist's neurologist indicates that *infectious and autoimmune etiologies have been ruled out*. The neurologist requests that the patient schedule an office visit to discuss a potential diagnosis of:

1 Lyme disease; usu *affect large joint-knee*- 2. Guillain-Barre syndrome 3. myasthenia gravis 4. *amyotrophic lateral sclerosis*

walk with excessive pronation as result of

1 conpensated forefoot varus 2 internal tibial R 3weak tibialis posterior

Following a hip fracture that is now healed, a patient presents with *weak hip flexors* (2/5). All other muscles are within functional limits. During gait, the therapist expects that the patient may walk with

1. Backward trunk lean; weak gluteus 2. Forward trunk lean; weak quad 3. A *circumducted gait*

therapist is evaluating a patient who presents with bilateral knee pain that he describes as arthritis. He states that he has never been officially diagnosed with arthritis and wonder if it could be osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis or neither. Which of the following is a similarity between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

1. Both involve inflammation around the joints;R 2. Both are symmetrical in joint presentation;R 3. Both are prevalent in weight-bearing joints;O *4*. Both can be genetically linked.

A patient demonstrates some out-of-synergy movements in the right upper extremity indicative of stage 4 recovery after a left cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) pattern that represents the BEST choice to promote continued recovery of the right upper extremity is:

1. Chop,reverse chop with right arm leading. 2. Bilateral symmetrical D1 thrust and reverse thrust. 3. Lift, reverse lift with right arm leading. 4. Bilateral symmetrical D2F and D2E, elbows straight Correct Answer: - Both chop and reverse chop patterns move the affected arm out of synergy. -Chop; oblique;D2E->D2F;칼집뽑기 Lift;D1F;얼굴막기 thrust; 밀어내다 -KC; UE is more flexor pattern Incorrect Choices: - Thrust is an out-of-synergy pattern, and reverse thrust is in synergy. -Lift is an out-of-synergy pattern, and reverse lift is in synergy. The same is true for bilateral symmetrical D2F (out of synergy) and D2E (in synergy).

therapist has determined that the patient ambulates with excessive foot pronation. This deviation would not occur as a result of

1. Compensated forefoot varus 2. Internal tibial rotation 3. A weak tibialis posterior

calcium channel blocker(diltiazem)

1. Decrease heart rate 2. Reduce blood pressure 3. *Dilate coronary arteries*

An inpatient with a grade III diabetic foot ulcer is referred for physical therapy. Panafil has been applied to the necrotic tissue BID. The wound has no foul smell; however, the therapist notes a green tinge on the dressing. In this case, the therapist should:

1. Document the finding and contact the physician immediately; if wound has foul smell and yellow(infection) tinge *Document the finding and continue with treatment* =strap virus->green tinge

Standing postural assessment of a patient with spondylolysis reveals an increased lumbar lordosis, shortened hip flexors, and Fair (3/5) strength in the abdominal muscles. Which exercises would be MOST appropriate for this patient

1. In prone, perform press-ups, raising upper trunk with arms while keeping pelvis in contact with table; Prone press-up would further increase the lumbar lordosis 2. Chair-sitting with hips and knees flexed to 90°, perform alternate anterior and posterior pelvic tilts; This position may allow the short hip flexors to contribute to the movement without strengthening the weak abdominals 3. In supine, perform straight-leg raises to stretch out hamstring muscles; When the abdominals are weak, straight leg raising results in back hyperextension and possibly pain and therefore should be avoided 4. In supine with knees flexed, perform posterior pelvic tilts with isometric; When the hip flexors are short, the knees should be flexed. Because the abdominals are significantly weak, only posterior tilt performed with isometric rectus contraction will work.

A patient underwent surgical decompression and repair of a large rotator cuff tear 2 weeks ago. Which of the following interventions is LEAST appropriate at this time?

1. Maximal elbow isometric exercises: Maximal exercises are not indicated at this stage of recovery at the elbow 2. Active elbow flexion and extension through full range 3. Pendulum exercise 4. Passive shoulder flexion to 90° Shou lder shrugs and push-ups with the arms abducted to 90 degrees can effectively be used to strengthen the upper trapezius and serratus anterior for inx of rotator cuff

Female athlete triad

1. Menses 2 Eating habits 3 osteoporosis

Examination of a patient recovering from stroke reveals a loss of pain and temperature sensation on the left side of the face along with loss of pain and temperature sensation on the right side of the body. All other sensations are normal. The therapist suspects a lesion in the

1. Midbrain. 2. Right cerebral cortex or internal capsule. *3*. Left posterolateral medulla. 4. Left cerebral cortex or internal capsule. Correct Answer: - A lesion in the posterolateral medulla cause mixed sensory loss;ipsilateral and contralateral(described in this case). -Pain and temperature are affected, whereas discriminative touch and proprioception are not (the medial lemniscus is not involved). Incorrect Choices: - Sensory loss will be *completely contralateral* (not mixed) only after the discriminative sensory tracts (fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus) cross in the upper medulla. - Patients with lesions above the medulla (midbrain, cortex, or internal capsule) will present with contralateral sensory loss=>*not complete sensory loss above medulla level meaning left loss of pain and temp on face and not complete contlarateral loss of pain and temp on right side of body*

spinal level reflex

1. Noxious stimulus; cross extension 2. *Muscle contraction*;inverse stretch (myo-tatic) reflex is a spinal level reflex that has an involuntary response; (flexion) 3. Cutaneous sensory stimuli; flexor withdrawal reflex 4. Muscle stretch; normal stretch(extension)

A patient is referred for buttock pain that is present when she runs any distance on evaluation, the physical therapist finds weakness of the patient's hamstrings in the prone position. When direct pressure is put on the sacroiliac joint, the hamstrings are strong and pain-free. What type of intervention would be MOST appropriate for this patient

1. Sacral joint mobilization *2*. Sacral stabilization = Si joint instability-hypermobility-as diagnosis->hamstring weakness = the rest choice is about ROM and 2 is for stabilization 3. Soft-tissue stretching 4. Soft-tissue mobilization

Alexander Hamilton

1789-1795; First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.

Farewell Address

1796 speech by Washington urging US to maintain neutrality and avoid permanent alliances with European nations

referral indicates that the patient demonstrates good recovery: both involved limbs are categorized as stage 4 (some movements out-of-synergy). The patient is ambulatory with a small-based quad cane. The activity that would be MOST beneficial for a patient at this stage of recovery is:

1. Supine, bending the hip and knee up to the chest with some hip abduction. 2. Sitting, marching in place with alternate hip and flexion. *3*. Standing, lifting the foot up behind and slowly lowering it. 4. Standing, small-range knee squats Correct Answer: - Stage 4 recovery is characterized by some movement combinations that do not follow paths of either flexion or extension obligatory synergies. - Knee flexion in standing is an out-of-synergy movement. -KC; **UE is more flexion pattern and LE more extension pattern** Incorrect Choices: - the supine and sitting options are flexion synergy movements, and the other standing option focuses on knee and hip extension (extension synergy movements)

patient with a left CVA exhibits right hemiparesis and strong and dominant hemiplegic synergies in the lower extremity. Which activity would be *BEST* to break up these synergies?

1. Supine-lying, hip extension with adduction. 2. Foot tapping in a sitting position. *3*. Bridging, pelvic elevation 4. Supine, PNF D2F with knee flexing, and D2E with knee extending Correct Answer: - The typical lower extremity synergies-hip extension, adduction and internal rotation- are effectively broken up using bridging (combines hip extension from the extensor synergy with knee flexion from the flexion synergy). - Bridging occurring in closed chain; bridging consist of knee flexion and hip extension and pelvic elevation increase hip extension. Incorrect Choices: - Supine hip extension with adduction and foot tapping in the sitting position are in-synergy activities (lower extremity flexion and extension synergies). -Supine, lower extremity PNF D2F with knee flexing, and D2E with knee extending moves the lower extremity in a pattern closely aligned with the typical flexion and extension synergies

After completing an examination of a patient with shoulder pain, the pt concludes that the cause is *subscapularis tendinitis*. The clinical finding supportive of this conclusion is:

1. Tenderness at the greater tubercle of the humerus 2. Painful resisted shoulder adduction 3. Pain provoked with active glenohumeral external rotation; pt cannot stretch due to pain 4. *Pain provoked with passive glenohumeral external rotation; more stretching and more pain*


1. Vertical disorientation; pen standing vertical and pt try to recognize it 2. Topographical disorientation; 길찾기 4. *Spatial relations*; to duplicate a pattern of three rectangles

A 14-year-old boy with advanced Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is administered a pulmonary function test. The value that is UNLIKELY to show any deviation from normal is

1. Vital capacity. 2. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) *3*. Functional residual capacity. 4. Total lung capacity Correct Answer: - *no deep inspiration and expiration b/c muscular dystrophy will alter the respiratory muscles' ability to pull in air and blow out air*->decreased vital capacity, total lung capacity, and FEV1 -Because muscular dystrophy does not change the lung parenchyma, resting end-expiratory pressure (REEP) will occur at the same point of equilibrium between lung recoil and thoracic outward pull. Therefore, functional residual capacity will not change. -Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) is the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration. *At FRC, the opposing elastic recoil forces of the lungs and chest wall are in equilibrium and there is no exertion by the diaphragm or other respiratory muscles*

Embargo Act

1807 act which ended all of America's importation and exportation. Jefferson hoped the act would pressure the French and British to recognize U.S. neutrality rights in exchange for U.S. goods. Really, however, just hurt Americans and our economy and got repealed in 1809.


1. fluent aphasia = receptive aphasia = wernike's aphasia:we*r*nike의 r은 *r*eceptive다 2. non-fluent aphasia = expressive aphasia = broca's aphasia

XYZ Affair

1798 - A commission had been sent to France in 1797 to discuss the disputes that had arisen out of the U.S.'s refusal to honor the Franco-American Treaty of 1778. President Adams had also criticized the French Revolution, so France began to break off relations with the U.S. Adams sent delegates to meet with French foreign minister Talleyrand in the hopes of working things out. Talleyrand's three agents told the American delegates that they could meet with Talleyrand only in exchange for a very large bribe. The Americans did not pay the bribe, and in 1798 Adams made the incident public, substituting the letters "X, Y and Z" for the names of the three French agents in his report to Congress.

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory from France. Made by Jefferson, this doubled the size of the US.

As a result of a cerebellar lesion, a patient presents *with incoordination and problems with balance and posture*. To help improve this situation it would be BEST if the therapeutic program incorporated

1. lower extremity splinting to improve stability and isokinetic exercises at moderate to fast speeds to emphasize reciprocal movement(skill) *2*. weight cuffs to increase proprioceptive feedback and use of rhythmic stabilization-stability- and slow reversals hold-controlled mobility- techniques to facilitate stability =in balance, visual, prioception(somatosensory) and vestibular is important 3. Frenkel's exercises to help with incoordination and PNF activities emphasizing traction of the proximal joints = good for *ataxia* = 3번도 답이된다. 움직임의 길이나 깊이가 약할 때 4. perturbed balance using a gymnastic ball and PNF patterns using D1 diagonals which promote proximal mobility with distal stability(controlled mobility) =>KC; mobility, stability, controlled mobility and skill

plumb line(N)

1. posterior to the coronal suture 2. anterior to the lateral malleolus 3. posterior of the iliofemoral joint 4. Vertebral bodies of the lumbar spine

when instructing the family of 9 year old boy with duchenne's muscular dystrophy, the main emphasis in the lower extremities should be placed on :

1. strengthening the knee extensors and plantar flexors(dorsiflexor) 2. strengthening the plantar flexors and stretching the hip extensors 3. stretching the hip flexors and plantar flexors 4. strengthening the hip flexors and knee extensors. -*Knee extensor and dorsiflex weaknees and spasticity of hip flexor and plantarflexor*

The left phrenic nerve of a patient was accidentally severed during thoracic surgery. Which muscles should the physical therapist facilitate and strengthen in order to provide substitute function

1. tranversus abdominis 2. *scalenes* 3. internal obliques 4. external obliques -배에 잇는 근육은 expire(1,3,4,rectus abdominis) 가슴쪽근육은 inspire

A patient enters the clinic with low back pain. She states the *pain is worst with walking, moving from sit to stand, and bed mobility-supine*. Based on her subjective complaints of positional aggravators, which differential diagnosis would be MOST appropriate

1.Lumbar disc herniation =no pain in supine and pain in sitting/standing(weight on vertebrae increase) *2*. SI joint dysfunction =pain even in supine and hip joint instability(hypermobility/hypomobility) 3.Hip osteoarthritis; no pain in supine 4.Spinal stenosis; no pain in supine

During gait evaluation, a physical therapist notes that a patient demonstrates a shorter step length with the right lower extremity. Which of the following problems is most likely the cause of the gait dysfunction

1.Right iliopsoas contracture->circumduction and shorter stride length of right leg d/t limited hip extension *2*. Painful left knee

MS kinds(N)

1.relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis 2.primary-progressive multiple sclerosis; symptoms have gradually gotten worse without any plateau or lessening in severity 3.secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis multiple sclerosis


A religion of ancient india

postural correction program for a patient with forward head

2. strengthening the thoracic erector spinae muscles. 3. lengthening the short suboccipital muscles. 4. lengthening the lumbar erector spinae muscles

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of the United States Author of the Declaration of Independence

A physical therapist completes a respiratory assessment on a patient in an acute care hospital. The examination reveals *decreased breath sounds and decreased fremitus*. This finding is most indicative of:

A *pleural effusion* B pulmonary edema C consolidation D atelectasis


A Chinese philosophy that was devoted to strengthen and expand the state through increased agricultural work and military service.


A buddism shrine


A building or another building object

Erie Canal

A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, completed in 1825. The canal, considered a marvel of the modern world at the time, allowed western farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in the North and allowed northern manufacturers to ship finished goods to sell in the West.


A community of a bunch of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

Greenfield operation

A company builds a new location from ground up.

Following the decision to adopt a new science program, a series of professional-development workshops is scheduled to train science teachers. Which of the following would yield the most helpful information for evaluating the effectiveness of the professional-development program?

A comparison of how well students performed on science achievement tests before and after the workshops


A destructive, rotating column of air that has very high wind speeds and that may be visible as a funnel-shaped cloud. can do so much damage.

Proclamation of Neutrality

A formal announcement issued by President George Washington on April 22, 1793, declaring the United States a neutral nation in the conflict between Great Britain and France.


A group of advisers to the president.


A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms.


A group of people who keep law and order and make laws.

language family

A group of similar language


A heavy snowstorm with strong winds & cold air.


A large landmass that is smaller than a continet


A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials


A local leader of an armed group


A long period of little or no rain. its really really dry.


A major religion that developed in india


A member of the most powerful class in ancient Greek society

Era of Good Feelings

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.

What was John Cabot trying to find on his expedition?

A northwesterly route to the Spice Islands.


A person who travels to holy site


A person's personality duty based on the individual in society


A person's rank compared to others


A philosophy that adheres to the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It shows the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society in the present world and stresses a moral code of conduct.


A pictorial symbol for a word or phrase.


A plan of action for accomplishing an organization's long-range goals


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land


A relating founded in ancient india by the religious teacher the buddha


A relative who lived in the past


A religion in China which emphasizes the removal from society and to become one with nature.

claim (n./v.)

A request you make to your insurance company for payment of the benefits allowed by your coverage.

bhagavad gita

A section of the indian epic

Industrial Revolution

A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods.

Alien and Sedition Acts

A series of laws that sought to restrict the activities of people who opposed Federalist policies (1798)

Monroe Doctrine

A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

civil service

A system of hiring and promotion based on the merit principle and the desire to create a nonpartisan government service.

Protective Tariff

A tax on imported goods that raises the price of imports so people will buy domestic goods


A teacher


A type of social institution. A system of beliefs that affects how people make sense of their experiences and provides a framework for questions about life, death, existence.

War of 1812

A war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France.

el nino

A warm ocean current that flows along the coast of Peru every 7 to 14 years

5-month-old female is suspected of hip dislocation. The physical therapist reviewing the patient's record expects to note which of the following findings as the most significant during the examination

A. A positive Ortolani test. *B.* A positive Galleazi sign; C. A positive Barlow test. D. The child walks on the toes on the affected side;for hip dysplasia =A/C for 3개월 미만 ~A is test for hip dislocation while C is test for hip redislocation =B is 5개월 미만

patient demonstrates difficulty in advancing the trunk forward in terminal stance. The pelvis flexes forward to maintain vertical orientation of the trunk. *Increased lumbar spine extension* is observed. Based on these findings and on the gait pattern of the patient, which of the following conditions is most likely?

A. Hip extensor weakness;r/o by The pelvis flexes forward to maintain vertical orientation of the trunk B. Hip abductor weakness C. Hip pain. *D*. Hip flexion contracture

Ms. Mansour is the principal at Riverview Elementary School. The past three years have shown a marked increase in the number of beginning teachers leaving the school to pursue other professions. Ms. Mansour has identified learning more about attracting, retaining, and supporting new teachers as her individual professional-development project this year. She plans to conduct research into the problem, including surveying the beginning teachers, and to improve Riverview's practices for supporting them. A. If the Riverview School is typical of national trends, Ms. Mansour's teacher survey is likely to find which of the following as the primary reason for teachers leaving the profession within the first five years? B. Ms. Mansour's research has revealed several impediments to attracting and retaining quality teachers. Which of the following impediments is Ms. Mansour able to address as a building principal? C. The practice in the Riverview School has been to match mentors and new teachers based on sharing the same teaching assignment; for example, an experienced first-grade teacher is assigned to mentor a new first-grade teacher. This practice has not always resulted in productive mentor-new teacher relationships. The mentoring program is likely to be more successful if mentors are selected primarily for the mentors'

A. Lack of Administrative Support B. New teachers are frequently assigned to difficult classes and afforded few opportunities for support or growth. C. desire to be active participants in another's learning and growth

As the principal of Dolly Madison Secondary School, Mr. Constantine supervises several academic departments, including social studies. Ms. Riley teaches eleventh-grade American history and is a veteran teacher and one of six in that department. During the last week, as Mr. Constantine routinely monitored the hallways, he noticed that Ms. Riley's classroom was often dark and that the television was on loudly. From the sounds, the television seemed to be playing cartoons and old episodes of I Love Lucy. A. Which of the following methods should the principal use to determine Ms. Riley's purpose for choosing the instructional resources and strategies she has? B. If the principal determines that Ms. Riley has been using resources that do not align with the curriculum's instructional goals, which of the following is his most appropriate next action?

A. Meeting with Ms. Riley to discuss the rationale for her use of the teaching materials B. Developing a professional-development plan with Ms. Riley that focuses on effective teaching strategies

Mr. Stephanos, supervisor of instruction, is part of an administrative team charged with moving middle school faculty from an individual to a team-teaching structure. Each team consists of four teachers, each of whom teaches four sections of an academic subject and one section of reading. During the transition, Mr. Stephanos' primary role will be to monitor how well the teaching teams are operating and to keep the rest of the administrative team apprised of their progress. A. Mr. Stephanos realizes that the success of the team-teaching groups depends on fostering positive interdependence among group members. Which of the following is the best way for Mr. Stephanos to encourage the formation of this interdependent relationship? B. In the initial meeting with the faculty, Mr. Stephanos plans to discuss the advantages claimed for team teaching. Of the advantages, the greatest are C. Shortly after beginning the team process, Mr. Stephanos observes that one team is in conflict over how to assign teachers to reading classes where students are grouped by ability. The key for Mr. Stephanos to successfully manage the conflict is to

A. Monitoring to ensure that teams divide responsibilities equally among the members and holding each member responsible for explaining the team's decisions B. better use of the talents of teachers and the opportunity for new teachers to work with experienced personnel C.use an appropriate style and intervene at the appropriate time

The district where Dr. O'Neal is principal of an elementary school has recently adopted an approach to professional development that de-emphasizes "top-down" methods directed by administrators and emphasizes "bottom-up" methods directed by teachers. Dr. O'Neal is anticipating a transition period as teachers develop their skills as active participants in their professional development. A. Which of the following actions by Dr. O'Neal will be most effective in illustrating his support for the district's new approach to professional development? B. Dr. O'Neal plans to use the next faculty meeting as a training session to introduce teachers to the use of two types of self-directed professional development: reflective practice and action research. These methods are similar in that they both ask practitioners to

A. Selecting a self-directed method of professional development to model, explaining how it works, and providing updates on its effectiveness in the school newsletter B. identify a problem to examine, analyze data on the problem, and then study their work to find solutions to address the problem

Stockton Elementary School, along with other elementary schools in the district, has adopted a new mathematics program. The superintendent has charged the new principal, Ms. Benson, and other elementary school principals with ensuring a successful transition. The principals' first goal is to plan for a series of professional-development workshops for the upcoming school year. A. In drafting a plan to identify topics for professional development, which of the following steps should the principals take first? B. The principals agree it is critical to have a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of any ongoing professional-development program. Which of the following strategies would provide the principals with the most valuable feedback? C. Which of the following practices is most likely to help teachers deepen their understanding of the mathematics program as a result of the professional-development training?

A.Ask teachers to complete a needs assessment identifying areas of weakness in their instruction B. Examining data on student performance at a set time after the professional-development series has concluded C.Discussions should address implementation difficulties and successful strategies

The newspaper at Evergreen High School publishes an annual survey of student attitudes, preferences, and interests. Over the years, Ms. Berg, the journalism teacher, has helped her classes learn how to construct questionnaires, analyze results, and write in-depth stories with the information gathered. This year the survey focused on teachers and their instructional methods, including assessment. The results were provocative. For example, 42 percent of the students rated two particular math teachers as "weak" or "poor." Ms. Berg is very concerned about how the faculty will react when the survey results appear in the school paper, but she believes strongly that student journalists should have the same rights as professionals. She consults with the principal about publishing the article, who hears her concerns but ultimately decides that the newspaper cannot publish the survey results and accompanying stories. A. The basis for the principal's decision is B.Based on the principal's decision, which of the following conclusions can be drawn about the principal's values and beliefs?

A.the negative impact the survey would have on school culture and morale B. The principal realizes that his first priority is maintaining a school culture that promotes the school's goals.


Access, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate

Judicial Review

Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws

John Adams

America's first Vice-President and second President. Sponsor of the American Revolution in Massachusetts, and wrote the Massachusetts guarantee that freedom of press "ought not to be restrained."

Robert Fulton

American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship (1765-1815)

John Marshall

American jurist and politician who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1801-1835) and helped establish the practice of judicial review.


An ancient social class whose members are restricted in the job they make an in their and in their association with others


An area of high and mostly flat land


An extremely cold, dry biome. really humid


An indian prince


Ancient sacred writings of india

Reasonable Accomodations

Appropriate modifications or adjustments that do not impose a disproportionate or undue burden on the employer. Aims to ensure that persons with disabilities can participate in the workplace equally with others.

Balance Sheet

Assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity


Compares performance levels and/or processes of one entity with those of another to identify performance gaps and set goals aimed at improving performance.

Share a book.

Comparta un libro.

Generation Xers

Born early 1960s to early 80s

What muscles are involved in scapular retraction

Both rhomboids (major and minor) also act to retract the scapula,


Banish a person from his/her country

Excessive upward rotation of the right scapular is noted when a patient attempt to perform shoulder flexion. Which of the following exercises is most appropriate to help correct the excessive scapular rotation?

Bilateral scapular adduction with the upper extremities medially rotated and adducted across the back->strenthen downward rotator rhomboids =upward scaplar rotator;Upper trapezius, Serratus anterior =Downward scapular rotator;rhomboids =pec minor tight as cause of upward rotator and round shoulder =When the rhomboids and levator scapulae are too tight, it causes weakness of the serratus anterior 1. Right scapular protraction against resistance with the right arm at 90' of flexion->streghten serratus anterior which can worsen upward rotation 2. Bilateral scapular elevation-by upper treapezius- with the upper extremities at 180' of flexion->strengthen upper trapezius that worsen upward rotation 3. Wall push-ups with an isometric hold at end range with the elbows extended->strengthen SA


Born approximately 1980 to 2000 (Also known as Generation Y/ Gen Y)

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946 and 1964

The principal is considering revising grade-level teaching assignments as part of a plan to address the weaknesses of the instructional program. After proposing the changes to the faculty, the principal senses growing opposition.

Bring together representative members of the faculty to examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of revising the teaching assignments

Look up the word.

Busque la palabra.

In order to unlock the knee from terminal extension in a closed kinetic chain, which of the following must occur?

Lateral (external) rotation of the femur on the tibia =Lateral (external) rotation of the femur on the tibia allows the tibiofemoral joint to flex in the weight-bearing position.(sitting)<->standing;lateral R of tibia on femur

lateral movement of mandibular

Lateral excursion of the mandible is produced by the contralateral medial and lateral pterygoids and ipsilateral temporalis muscles->tightness of ipsilateral temporalis or contralateral medial/lateral pterygoids affects of limited lateral excursion.


Carry out or do


Chinese religion that believes the world is always changing and is devoid of absolute morality or meaning. They accept the world as they find it, avoid futile struggles, and deviate as little as possible from 'the way' or 'path' of nature.

Mandate of Heaven

Chinese religious and political ideology developed by the Zhou, was the prerogative of Heaven, the chief deity, to grant power to the ruler of China.


Christian holy people

Job Competencies

Cluster of highly interrelated attributes, including knowledge, skills, and abilities that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively

normal TMJ arthrokinematics for wide opening?

Combination of anterior translation occurs first 26 mm then anterior rotation?




Conditions in the atmosphere closest to Earth that happens everyday in the sky witch changes.

The Mountain View Middle School is open to students on school days from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Each morning, the principal arrives on campus at 7 AM and routinely finds groups of students waiting outside the school building. A similar situation occurs each afternoon after dismissal. Many working parents in the community drop off and pick up children before and after their work hours. The principal would like to address the potentially unsafe situation. Which of the following should be his initial action?

Consulting with the superintendent about the districts ability and/or obligation to supervise students who arrive at school before or after hours.

Answer a question.

Conteste una pregunta.

Copy the word.

Copie la palabra.

patient recovering from stroke demonstrates hemiparesis of the right upper extremity with moderate flexion and extension synergies (flexion stronger than extension). The therapist's goal is to strengthen the shoulder muscles first to promote elevation of the arm. The BEST method to achieve this goal is to promote

Correct Answer: - Obligatory hemiplegic synergies are present and should not be reinforced. -*Shoulder flexion with elbow extension* is the correct choice. It is an out-of-synergy combination that strengthens the shoulder flexors needed to stabilize the shoulder in an elevated functional position. -In sitting, bending forward with elbow straight and hand touching floor is a good example of an early activity to promote this. Incorrect Choices: - Shoulder abduction with elbow flexion is part of the flexion synergy, whereas adduction with elbow extension is part of the extension synergy. - Adduction with elbow flexion is an out-of-synergy combination but does not strengthen muscles needed to elevate and stabilize the upper extremity

A IT is instructing a student in proper positioning to prevent the typical contractures in a patient with a transfemoral amputation. The therapist stresses positioning the patient in

Correct Answer: - The typical contractures with a transfemoral amputation are hip flexion (typically from too much sitting in a wheelchair). -The residual limb also rolls out into abduction and external rotation. - When in bed, hip extension should be emphasized (e.g., prone-lying). When sitting in the wheelchair, neutral hip rotation should be emphasized (e.g., using an abductor roll). Time in extension (prone, supine, or standing) should counterbalance time sitting in a wheelchair. Incorrect Choices: - Resting in supine with the residual limb resting on a small pillow in a position of hip flexion is contraindicated, as is an adductor roll in wheelchair sitting.

Examination by the PT reveals normal sensation and movement on the right side of the body with impaired sensation (touch, pressure, proprioception) and paralysis on the left side of the body. The left side of the lower face and trunk are similarly impaired. The MOST LIKELY location of the CVA is the

Correct Answer: - This patient demonstrates involvement of the long tracts (sensory and motor) indicative of involvement of the contralateral cerebral cortex, parietal lobe. *Incorrect Choices*: -Tracts cross in the medulla so it is the right brain that is involved, not the left. -The involvement of the face indicates a lesion above the level of the midbrain. -A lesion in the spinal cord would not affect the face. -A lesion in the brainstem would produce facial signs contralateral to the limb signs;

A patient is standing with excessive subtalar pronation. The therapist examines for possible related motions of

Correct Answer: - With the patient standing, the calcaneus is fixed to the ground. Subtalar joint pronation will occur as the talus plantar flexes, adducts, and inverts. In response to subtalar joint pronation, obligatory internal rotation of the tibia, femur, and pelvis occurs. - 일반적으로 calcaneus기준으로 talus는 이것과 반대로 움직인다. 그래서 talus는 PF, adducts and inverts when calcaneus DF, abducts and everts. open and closed kinetic movements occur in opposite way. Incorrect Choices: -External rotation of the tibia, femur, and pelvis would be associated with excessive subtalar supination. -The pelvis must follow the rotation present in the lower limb (specifically the femur).

During an ultrasound (US) treatment, the patient flinches and states that a strong ache was felt in the treatment area. To address this patient's concern, it would be BEST to:

Correct Answer: A reduction in intensity is indicated if a strong ache is felt. Incorrect Choices: -The *question assumes that the treatment size of the area is correct*(strong ache was felt in the treatment area) Increasing the size of the treatment area would minimize the ability to elevate the tissue temperature. Thus, the patient would not experience a strong ache from rapid tissue temperature elevation. - Adding more transmission medium would encourage transmission of acoustical energy, and thus potentiate the rapid tissue temperature elevation, contributing to the patient's symptom. -The frequency has to do with the depth of penetration of the US energy, not the rate/speed at which the tissue temperature is being elevated.

The Midland County School Board reported to the superintendent that the percentage of students who drop out of high school has increased over the last three years. The principal has been charged by the superintendent with addressing this concern. Of the following, which would be the most effective approach for the principal to use to encourage students to stay in school?

Form a collaborative team to research successful dropout-prevention programs and recommend one for use in Midland High School

4 Phases of Strategic Planning

Formulation - Stage 1; Development - Stage 2 Implementation - Stage 3 Evaluation - Stage 4



Job Description

It gives employees a very clear and concise resource to guide job performance. It's a written description of a job, its requirements, required tasks, KSAs, responsibilities and reporting structure. Describes the most important features of a job

What was the Treaty of Tordesillas and which countries did it involve?

It was an agreement between Spain and Portugal that divided land using an imaginary line that ran from the north to south pole. All land to the west belonged to Spain and he land to the east belonged to Portugal.

The Radley Place

It's located on a bend in the road. The house is dark and gloomy with no screen door. The yard is in the back with a porch in the front and back.

Atticus Finch

Jem and Scout's father, a lawyer and a widower

Charles Baker Harris

Jem and Scout's summer neighbor and friend. He is a confident boy with an active imagination. He is fascinated with Boo.

Hamilton's Financial Plan

Pay off all war debts, raise government revenues, create a national bank

All corners of the world

People come from all over

total hip replacement

hip flexion contracture->shortened stride length d/t limited hip extension

Blue Ocean Strategies

Creating competitive advantage through innovation & has no other competition. The unknown market space, untainted by competition".

What were the conditions like on the slave ships?

Crowded and filthy; not enough room for slaves; slaves chained in place; temperatures were very hot; disease spread quickly; slaves only fed rice and water on occasion

job specialization

The process by which a division of labor occurs as different workers specialize in different tasks over time

Strategic Planning

The process of setting goals and designing a path toward a competitive position


The rebirth of the soul

A physical therapist is evaluating the gait of a patient with sciatic nerve damage. Which of the following gait deviations is the patient MOST likely to exhibit?

Decreased ankle dorsiflexion =Sciatic nerve involvement will cause weakness of the tibialis anterior, resulting in foot drop. Articular branches of the sciatic nerve distribute to the hip joint, and muscular branches distribute to the flexors of the knee in the thigh and all muscles of the lower leg and foot. -sciatic nerve->common fibular nerve->deep/superfical/tibial nerve -femoral nerve->saphenous/sural nerve

French Revolution

The revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.

Lowell System

Developed in the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 1820s, in these factories as much machinery as possible was used, so that few skilled workers were needed in the process, and the workers were almost all single young farm women, who worked for a few years and then returned home to be housewives. Managers found these young women were the perfect workers for this type of factory life.

Dictate a sentence.

Dicte una oración.

illegible (adj)

Difficult or impossible to read

Janesville School District requires that all teachers submit electronic copies of their weekly lesson plans to the school curriculum coordinator. Written guidelines for developing lesson plans indicate that the plan must clearly emphasize rigorous curriculum and standards-based instruction. A first-year teacher often fails to submit his lesson plans on time, and when he does submit them, the plans often do not appropriately reflect the standards contained in the guidelines. Which of the following steps should the curriculum coordinator take to best help the teacher comply with the established procedures?

Directing the teachers' mentor to make preparing and submitting lesson plans the primary focus of their collaborative work.

Cone Middle School has failed to achieve adequate yearly progress over the past two school years due to chronically low standardized test scores in math and reading. The principal and administrative team have been charged with developing a school action plan for the upcoming school year. Which of the following would be the most effective initial action of the plan?

Dis aggregate the data, identify specific areas for improvement, and then form a collaborative team of teachers, community members, and officials to develop the action plan

What is Balboa remembered for today?

Discovering the Pacific ocean

Discuss a problem.

Discuta a problem.

waist-hip ratio

Divide the waist number by the hip number. *A ratio of 1.0 or more in men* or 0.85 or more in women indicates that you are carrying too much weight around your middle. *This puts you at increased risk of diseases that are linked to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease*.


Each of the two times of the year when days and nights are of equal length. so when its half and half.


Either of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator.

Brainstorm solutions/answers.

Elabore soluciones/respuestas.

Led Patriots militia at kettle Creek

Elijah Clark

A parent who arrives at the school office to enroll her child asks to speak privately with the principal. She informs the principal that her child has tested positive for HIV. Legally, the principal must do which of the following?

Enroll the student and check district policy

How did the desire for spices lead to the Age of Exploration?

Europeans' desire to find a better way to get spices from Asia

Brain Drain

Exit of educated & skilled citizens from emerging & developing countries for better paying jobs in developed countries. It also occurs when individuals travel abroad to study and acquire skills but do don't return home

An albatross round his neck

Experiencing stress or annoying burden

tenant farmer

Farmer who works land owned by another and pays rent either in cash or crops

Cost Leadership

Firms pursue a strategy capturing market share within their industry by virtue of lowest price. (Walmart)


Firms pursue a strategy from competition aim for being able to charge premium/higher prices

George Washingtion

First president of the United States

Explain the two mistakes Miss Caroline makes in the first day of school:

First she tries to give Walter Cunningham money to pay back later, that he couldn't pay back because he was too poor, and then she tried to tell Burris Ewell what to do, not knowing that the Ewells were trash.

Which of the following are appropriate physical therapy interventions for the management of a joint with heterotopic ossification?

Gentle stretching of the affected tissues as inx =Calcification(heterotopic ossification) - Aggressive AROM and PROM are prohibited


Giving priority to one's own goals over group goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications

What does solitary neglect mean?

Great Britain basically let the colonists govern themselves

multiple sclerosis

HEP is important d/t charactersitics of ds; remission an worsening

Draw a picture.

Haga un dibujo.

Ask a question.

Haga una pregunta.

What did Bartolomeu Dias accomplish?

He found the route that led to the Indian Ocean when traveled around the southern tip of Africa, or what is now known as the Cape of Good Hope.

How did Cabral wind up in Brazil when he was looking for India?

He sailed southwest to avoid the Gulf of Guinea and strong winds carried him to Brazil

What was Columbus' goal on his first voyage?

He wanted to prove that you could reach East Asia by sailing west.

therapist examines the gait of a patient with a tras-tibial amputation. The patient exhibits delayed and limited knee flexion after heel strike on the prosthetic side. The most likely cause of the deviation is

Heel wedge is too soft =heel wedge used for knee flexion but if too soft no knee flexion

What was Scout's first "crime" at school?

Her first "crime" was knowing how to read and write.

A patient is unable to fully extend the right knee because of a 20° knee flexion contracture. Which of the following compensations during the swing phase of the left lower extremity is expected?

Hiking of the hip on the left =A knee flexion contracture on the stance limb would make it more difficult to clear the opposite leg during mid-swing. Hip hiking on the left may be performed to attempt to "shorten" the swing leg. =clearing of opposite leg during mid swing requires full extension of opposite knee

Cherry Picking

Hiring needed skills from a competitor or another industry. Offering higher pay/better benefits to entice employees to join your company but does not require any new skills or competencies

What was the most important achievement of Magellan's voyage?

His sailors sailed all the way around the world.

First Revolutionary War victory in Georgia

Kettle Creek


I have

When did slaves first appear in present-day America?

In 1619 a Dutch ship arrived in Virginia and traded slaves on board for some food.

How was Hispaniola's native population affected by European arrivals and what was the main cause of this effect?

In 20 years, the population went from one million down to 30,000 because of new diseases and harsh treatment of slaves

filial piety

In Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors.


In Greek this word literally means "love of wisdom." It refers to the study of human existence using logical reasoning.


In buddhism a state of perfect happiness and piece

cervical spine injury is performing stabilization exercises that focus on the lower cervical and upper thoracic extensor muscles.

In prone position with the upper extremities abducted and laterally (externally) rotated, horizontally abduct the shoulders and adduct the scapulae

Whose death brought about Dutch control over the spice trade?

King Henry of Portugal

A group of parents has approached the assistant principal with a proposal to alter methods of teaching algebra to their struggling students. The group notes that the staff teaching algebra uses a dated textbook that supports only traditional methods. Which of the following would be the most appropriate course of action for the principal to follow?

Including parents on a committee to examine research-based methods for mathematics instruction and textbooks that support those methods

Cash Flow Statements

Incoming and outgoing cash in the areas of operations, investments, and financing and remaining cash reserves. Organizations ability to meet its current and short-term obligations

physical therapist is completing a manual muscle testing (MMT) examination of a patient with right lateral hip pain-imply weak hip abductor-. The standing alignment reveals anterior pelvic tilt and associated hip flexion-imply tight hip flexor-. During the MMT of the right posterior gluteus medius, which substitution is likely to occur?

Increase in hip flexion angle to substitute with the tensor fascia latae. =TFL as hip flexor and knee extensor =when gluteus medius is weak TFL gets stronger respectively since they are located obliquely.

Which of the following occurs during increased physical exertion?

Increased ventricular refilling, secondary to increased venomotor tone

Who helped the colonists at Jamestown to survive and what crop did they teach the colonists to grow?

Indians and tobacco

Parliament response to the Boston Tea Part

Intolerable Acts

Business Life Cycle

Introduction & Growth (hire in large numbers), Maturity & Decline (layoffs occur)


Is the process of encouraging candidates to apply for job openings. Quality of applicants is crucial factor/ not "quantity"

Judiciary Act of 1787

It creates 2 series of courts below the Supreme Court

A therapist performs a lower extremity sensory assessment using a cotton ball. The therapist strokes the cotton ball along the fibular head and dorsum of the foot. The innervation level?


Read the definition.

Lea la definición.


Led by Thomas Jefferson, believed people should have political power, favored strong STATE governments, emphasized agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, pro-French, opposed National Bank

patient has a very large right-sided bacterial pneumonia. Oxygen level is dangerously low. The body position that would MOST likely *improve the patient's arterial oxygen pressure (Pa02)*-ventilation more than perfusion- is:

Left side-lying with the head of the bed in the flat position =In order to match perfusion and ventilation, the therapist needs to place the unaffected side in a gravity dependent position, or that of left side-lying

12 weeks

Length of time employees are protected while on FMLA (480 days)

stroke is ambulatory without an assistive device and demonstrates a consistent problem with an elevated and retracted pelvis on the affected side. The BEST therapeutic exercise strategy is to manually apply

Light resistance to forward pelvic rotation during swing-rhythmic initiation- =Anterior-directed pressure during swing cannot be best answer

Unofficial representative of Georgia at Second Continental Congress

Lyman haul

What did many Europeans think about the religions of people in distant lands?

Many Europeans felt that it was their duty to spread Christianity to people who didn't worship and believe as they did.

patient recovering from stroke with minimal lower extremity weakness and spasticity is able to walk without an assistive device. The therapist observes that as the patient walks, there is *noticeable hip hiking* on the affected side during swing phase. The BEST initial intervention is:

Marching while sitting on a therapy ball. =*Hip hiking is a compensatory response for weak hip and knee flexors* or extensor spasticity. *Active exercises for the hip and knee flexors (marching)* is the most appropriate intervention.

Job Specifications

Minimum qualifications required to perform the job( degrees, training, certifications). Reflects what is necessary for satisfactory performance



How that group of Tori's prisoners until help arrives

Nancy Hart

Did Columbus achieve this goal?

No, he didn't know that a big landmass (what we call the Americas) stood between Europe and the East.

Did Magellan actually circumnavigate the globe and return to Spain? Why?

No, he was killed in battle in a local feud after beheading a local chieftain.


Not favoring either side in a dispute

1250 hours

Number of hours an employee has to work within 12 months to be eligible for FMLA

In order to unlock the knee from terminal extension in a closed kinetic chain, which of the following must occur

OKC;Knee extension(Lock) - Tibial external rotation on femur and Femur Internal rotation *CKC*;Knee Extension(Lock) - Femeur external rotation on tibia , Tibial internal rotation


Occurs before actual recruitment. It generates a pool of qualified applicants (active & passive job seekers) who may be potential employment suspects or referral points for other suspects.


Operations managed regionally; communication and coordination high within the region, less so between regions


Opponents of ratification of the Constitution and of a strong central government, generally.


Organization seen as single international enterprise; management talent comes from any location, strategic plan global in orientation

Employee Life Cycle

Phase 1 - Recruitment & Selection m Phase 2 - Onboarding & Orientation Phase 3 - Training & Development Phase 4 - Performance Management Final Phase - Transition


Political, Economical, Social, Technological ~ Valuable when an organization expands operations ( new country or region). Helps an organization align strategies, activities, and programs with "Big Picture" macro environmental factors that are affecting our world

Strategic Planning

Position the organization for the future

Who is considered responsible for Portuguese Leadership in ocean exploration?

Prince Henry the Navigator - He helped design the ships, draw maps, and teach navigational skills. He also convinced his father to invest in the expeditions.

A patient with a spinal cord injury has an impaired response to the sensory test shown in the photograph. Which of the following conclusions is MOST appropriate?

Proprioception is also impaired. = Proprioception and light touch are carried through the posterior column to the medial lemniscus and thus both are likely to be impaired.(fig;light touch testing) =light touch and proprioception by anterior thalamic track while temperature and pain by lateral thalamic track

Age Discrimination Act

Protects employees age 40 and over

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Protects families for birth of child, adopting, foster, own illness, serious illness of immediate family member

patient keeps the knee extended at heel strike and through the stance phase. Knee flexion is reduced. The *movement into full knee extension snaps the affected knee back*. This finding indicates that the patient has

Quadriceps weakness =genu recurvatum-back knee- as compensatory posture =knee extension snpas the affected knee implies genu recurvatum

Employee Value Proposition

Reflects the values of the organization. It's the foundation of Employment Branding. It creates an image that attracts and retains talented employees. Why would talented people want to start working for your company? Why would they want to stay?

Dr. O'Neal observes that a faculty member who has been vocal in criticizing the district's new approach to professional development does not attend faculty meetings when a training session is on the agenda. Which of the following is Dr. O'Neal's most reasonable response to this situation?

Remind her that despite her objections to the new approach, she is expected to attend any meetings specified in her contract

Income Statement

Reports revenues, expenses, and net income(profit) for a specific period (quarterly or annually)

What are the downward rotators of the scapula?


What were some of the navigational techniques used on ships?

Sailors used the sky to help them find their way, using the sun and starts as their guide. They also used instruments such as the astrolabe to determine their location.

In 1779 the French Navy help Patriots take back what coastal city?


Actions speak louder than words

What a person does says a lot more about their character than words they say

Jem Finch

Scout's brother an one of her best friends; enters young adulthood and faces difficult issues

Lewis and Clark

Sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase.

Initial assessment reveals scapular winging. Which of the following are the probable diagnoses based on this finding?

Serratus anterior dysfunction and Trapezius dysfunction


Served as centers of trade, public performance, and political administration (for example Athens, Carthage, and Teotihucan)

Scout said, "He ain't company, Cal, he's just a Cunningham." What did she mean by that, and what was Cal's reply?

She said that because the rest of Maycomb considered the Cunninghams trash, so she was being influenced. She didn't consider Walter as real company. Cal's response was to say that anybody who came to Scout's house was company, no matter where they came from. She was also very angry

Why did Scout rub Walter Cunningham's nose in the dirt?

She was angry at him for getting her in trouble with Miss Caroline Fisher, because she tried to explain that the Cunninghams were too poor to pay for lunch.

expected pattern of spastic hypertonia in the more involved upper extremity with stroke

Shoulder adductors; forearm pronators; and flexors of the elbow, wrist and hand.

A patient recovering from stroke demonstrates hemiparesis of the right upper extremity with moderate flexion and extension synergies (flexion stronger than extension). The therapist's *goal is to strengthen the shoulder muscles first to promote elevation of the arm*. The BEST method to achieve this goal is to promote:

Shoulder flexion with elbow extension

Dill dared Jem to touch the Radley house, because he said that Jem was a scaredy cat

What did Dill dare Jem to do, and why?


Soil that is frozen all year. it never melts exspecially over time.

temporary magnetism

a piece of iron that behaves like a magnet when it is touching a permanent magnet


a quality that occurs when all parts of an artwork combine to create a sense of wholeness and completion


control of a product or service by one company

An angle of 170 degrees to 175 degrees in the frontal plane taken on the lateral side of the knee is considered


inadvertent (adj)

not meant to, not intentional

hypothetical (adj)

not real/ true but imagine able



el español



all weather in an area over a long period of time.



aggressive (adj)

argumentative and/ or physical



A patient reports pain over the sacroiliac joint and buttock on the left side. The patient's pain is reproduced with an ipsilateral active straight leg raise, sacroiliac compression test, and palpation of the left sacrotuberous ligament. In standing, the right posterior superior iliac spine is higher than the left, and the left anterior superior iliac spine is higher than the right. Interventions should MOST likely include unilateral isometric contraction-hold relax of the left hip:

The clinical signs are indicative of posterior rotation of the left innominate. *Isometric contraction of the ipsilateral hip flexors is a muscle energy technique to correct the problem* =KC;muscle energy technique is same as hold relax =hip flexor is tight d/t posterior rotation of innominate

National Road

The first highway built by the federal government. Constructed during 1825-1850, it stretched from Pennsylvania to Illinois. It was a major overland shipping route and an important connection between the North and the West.


The first written language of india

anterior interosseous nerve

The flexor pollicis longus is supplied by the anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve (C5-T1).[4]

What trade got France interested in building colonies in New France?

The fur trade

A physical therapist is evaluating the knee of a patient who sustained a severe twisting injury 2 days ago. While performing test A, the therapist notes minimal anterior movement of the tibia on the femur. However, when performing test B, the therapist notes at least 1 cm of anterior movement. What MOST likely explains the difference in findings?

The hamstrings are more capable of stabilizing the knee during test A.

Strategic Management

The actions that leaders take to move their organizations toward those goals and create value for all stakeholders

Always have your nose in a book

Someone is always seen reading

An ear bashing

Someone that talks incessantly

hand/finger placements for posteroanterior mobilization techniques to improve down-gliding/ closure of the T? -8 facet joints should be located at the

The axis of motion for the mid-thoracic vertebrae is above the spinous processes and below the transverse processes. Therefore, if down-gliding/closure of T-8 vertebral segment is required, the therapist's hand placement should be at the transverse process of T8 or the spinous process of T7.

deductive hypotheses

Start with generalizations (or theory) and make specific predictions

SWOT Analysis

Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats SW - Internal OT - External


Subsidiary treated as its own entity; local personnel manage operations

Jarring motion

Sudden jerking

First act to help pay for French and Indian War

Sugar acts

Which of the following statements best defines effective school supervision?

Supervision is a means of offering teachers specialized help in improving instruction.

An eight month-old infant displays an obligatory asymmetrical tonic neck reflex and abnormal trunk and extremity extensor tone when reaching. Which of the following positions will BEST facilitate age appropriate play skills?

Supported sitting with hips and knees flexed and toys at midline

Job Analysis

Systematic study of jobs to determine what tasks and responsibilities they include, personal qualifications (education level, experience, training, KSAs) necessary for performance of the jobs, the conditions under which the work is performed, and the reporting structure. Supervisors and HR work together to design the analysis.


Taking place at a unnamed time or place


Tax on imported goods

Why did Europeans resent the Venetians?

The Venetians, like the Arabs, made huge profits on the spices they sold, since they could charge pretty much whatever they liked

The 2004-2007 School Academic Progress Report for Jones High School indicated that nearly 50 percent of its students had enrolled in and completed an Advanced Placement (AP) course prior to graduation. This rate is 20 percent higher than the national average and 35 percent higher than the state average. The report also showed that while the students earned an average final grade of 93.7 in these courses, only 10 percent of these students scored at least proficient (grade 3-5) or better on the standardized AP test. The principal was asked

The school's AP curriculum and instructional program should be evaluated to ensure they meet the rigor required by the national standards.


The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid. kind of like a lighter.


The universal spirit worshipers by hindus

social structure

The way in which a society is organized into predictable relationships

Explain why the Ewells didn't have to go to school:

They didn't have to go to school because no one could make them, and the truant lady figured that she had done her job just by making them go to the first day of school.

Marbury v. Madison

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review

Wrote Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Passive Candidates

Those who are employed but are open to changing for the right opportunity


Tight control of international operations; little freedom; key positions held by headquarters (HQ) personnel

As cold as any stone

To be a cold, not friendly person


To be present countinusly


To become weaker to move to a weaker position


To come into being or becom known


To encourage the doing of something


To focus on one thought


To give or donate somthing


To guess the amount of something


To join together


To leave and not return

Why did king George the third sign the proclamation of 1785

To maintain peace with the date of Americans who lived in the region


To move from one place to another


To pay attention to somthing

Stephanie Crawford

Town Gossip

Work in a group.

Trabaje en grupo.


Trading with Central Asia benefited the Chinese?

Translate the word.

Traduzca la palabra.

Signed by Great Britain France and the US to in the revolution war

Treaty of Paris

Check the pronunciation.

Verifique la pronunciación.

Who was the first European to sail up the Atlantic coast of America and what important area did he find?

Verranzano and New York Harbor

green house effect

When heat from the surface is trapped by the atmosphere and that's out of the atmostphere

At the end of the school year, the parent of a gifted first-grade student asks the principal to allow his child to accelerate to the third grade the following school year. The student's teacher, an experienced first-grade teacher, is in agreement and shows evidence of the child's ability to perform far above grade level expectations. Currently, the school's gifted-and-talented program for the primary grades is one of enrichment rather than acceleration. For the student's best interest, which of the following considerations is most important in deciding whether to place the student in second grade or third grade?

Whether the student is motivated and socially and emotionally ready for third grade

A parent survey distributed at Back-to-School Night has shown a desire by parents to learn strategies for supporting their children's literacy at home. In response, a group of teachers approaches the principal with a proposal to host a series of evening workshops for parents. Which of the following should be the principal's primary consideration when deciding whether to endorse the teachers' plan?

Whether this strategy reaches the parents who would most benefit from the sessions

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Without time off from work a person will become boring


Words written down in a particular form

All's fair in love and war

You are allowed to be deceitful to get what you want

Am I my brother's keeper

You are not responsible for someone else's whereabouts or actions


a character that joins two or more pictographs to represent an idea

good decision making

a decision that you carefully consider the outcome of each choice

fire alarm

a device making a loud noise that gives warning of a fire


a disease that spreads widely


a force that decide a form that people will be reborn into their next lives


a form of energy that can produce light, heat, and magnetism

social class

a group of people with similar backgrounds, incomes, and ways of living


a lot

obituary (n)

a notice of someone's death


a person who fought animals and other people as public entertainment


a person who stands for a ruler too young or too ill to govern

condition (n)

a requirement for something to happen


a rock that is rich in iron


a sense of visual movement or motion created by the repetition of one or more elements


a specific kind of force


a storm with a violent wind, in a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.high winds and high rain chances.


a switching mechanism on a motor or generator


a system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Originating in ancient China, acupuncture is now widely practiced in the West.


a three dimensional object

crutch (n)

a tool to help someone walk


a two dimensional flat area made by lines that enclose it

A therapist is treating a patient with an injury at the T8 level and compromised function of the diaphragm. If no abdominal binder is available, what is the most likely position of comfort to allow him to breathe most efficiently?

a. Sitting position/Upright standing position using a tilt table; will be r/o by injury at T8 =T1-T5; around pecs while T6-T10 for abdominal =T level injury->trunk control is hard->sitting and standing will be R/O b. Semi-Fowler's position; used for uncompromised diaphragm *d*. Supine -in the supine position the abdominal contents are located more superiorly than in the other position d/t less gravitional affect. This places the diaphragm in a more elevated resting position, which allows greater excursion of the diaphragm. -Semi-Fowler's position, without an abdominal binder, allows gravity to pull the abdominal contents downward, which does not put the diaphragm in an optimal resting position. Semi-Fowler's position is, however, the position of choice for patients with uncompromised innervation of the diaphragm who have chronic respiratory difficulty. -KC; injury at T level and compromised diaphragm supine서 중력의 작용이 제일 약하다. 중력은 횡격막 움직임에 안좋다.

17-year-old athlete has just received a posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The therapist is attempting to explain some of the characteristics of the posterior cruciate ligament. Which of the following is incorrect information?

a. The posterior cruciate ligament prevents posterior translation of the tibia on the femur. b. Posterior bands of the posterior cruciate ligament are their tightest in full knee extension. c. The posterior cruciate ligament is attached to the lateral meniscus and not to the medial meniscus. *d*. The posterior cruciate ligament helps with medial(lateral) rotation of the tibia during full knee extension with open chain activities; *The posterior cruciate ligament becomes tight in full knee extension. This assists the tibia in external rotation, which is needed for the screw home mechanism with open-chain activities* =-PCL inserted at lateral meniscus

passive (adj)

accepting of anything without argument

squeak (n./v)

make a high-pitched, screeching noise


an educated guess based on data or previous experience

blemish (n)

an imperfection (skin,reputation)


an object that sticks to iron


an open or empty surface or area


an overbearing person habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people


analyze data

but if you make more my computer freezes

and i have a windows 10 computer so stop making tabs


male cousin

A therapist has been treating a woman over a period of 4 months for adhesive capsulitis which had resulted in a "frozen shoulder." Her recovery has been good; however, she still complains that she cannot reach the upper shelves in her kitchen cupboards and closets. To help her achieve this goal, joint mobilization should focus on:

anterior glide to stretch anterior part of capsule =KC is adhesive capsulitis so anterior part of capsule is adhesive so anteiror glide will stretch and soften it, not posterior glide-it will shorten anterior part of capsule.






collect data



The Great Buddha of Kamakura; Kotokuin Temple, Kamakura, Japan

cast bronze







Walter Cunningham

classmate of Scout. He cannot afford lunch one day at school and accidentally gets Scout in trouble, no shoes, hookworms, clean shirt, neatly mended overalls, skinny jaw, blue eyes



A patient in supine is performing shoulder exercises. Which type of contraction do the triceps undergo as the *shoulder moves from 180° toward 90° of flexion*?

concentric =KC;shoulder moves from 180° toward 90° of flexion* on supine =different question; shoulder moves from 90° toward 180° of extension on supine->triceps as eccentric contraction


conduct background resaerch

direct current

current that flows in a circuit in one direction


curved structure forming a ceiling or roof




dancing like; korea dances







A patient with a long history of cigarette smoking walks in a private physical therapy clinic complaining of right upper thoracic pain with tingling into the fourth and fifth digits of the right hand. The patient has not seen a primary care physician in over a year. The physical therapist's responsibility is to:

determine the origin of the dysfunction and refer the patient to a physician if a tumor is suspected as a possible cause of the symptoms

cerebral angiography

diagnostic procedure that X-rays the patient's skull after injecting dye into *Carotid and vertebral arteries*

grubby (adj)


long-term consequences

discipline covering a relatively long period of time

short-term consequences

discipline covering or applying to a relatively short period of time

Benjamin Franklin

discovered that lighting consisted of static electricity






draw conclusions


economic system that supported the political system of european feudalism; based on a set of rights and obligations between lord and serfs; economically self sufficient;no large global trade during this period


either of two opposing forces or parts, such as the poles of a magnet

el inglés



exchange goods without using money

The principal of a high school undergoing a major renovation has two letters on his desk. One is from the president of the student government complaining that the construction crew has been harassing students as they try to pass to classes. The second is from the construction foreman reporting that students are ignoring posted safety signs and cutting through work areas. In response to the two letters, the principal's best course of action is to

explore additional options such as a physical barrier, or fence, to ensure student compliance with safety signs


female cousin

Burris Ewell

filthy, cusses out the teacher, only goes to the first day of school every year





cohesive (adj)

fitting together

A patient with degenerative joint disease of the right hip complains of pain in the anterior hip and groin which is aggravated by weight bearing. There is decreased range of motion and capsular mobility. Right gluteus medius weakness is evident during ambulation and there is decreased tolerance of functional activities including transfers and lower extremity dressing. In this case, a capsular pattern of joint motion should be evident by restriction of hip

flexion, abduction and internal rotation =Right gluteus medius weakness causes flexion and internal rotation = pain in the anterior hip and groin which is aggravated by weight bearing->hip adduction worsens pain so abduction =weight bearing worsens pain so the above capsular patterns reduce weight thus pain too. =capsular pattern is joint motion

In standing, the right posterior superior iliac spine is higher than the left,(inomminate moves backward) and the left anterior superior iliac spine is higher than the right. Interventions should MOST likely include unilateral isometric contraction of the left hip:

flexors; The clinical signs are indicative of posterior rotation of the left innominate. Isometric contraction of the ipsilateral hip flexors is a muscle energy technique to correct the problem. =left innominate posterior tilting by hip extension causes right posterior superior iliac spine is higher than the left,(inomminate moves backward) and the left anterior superior iliac spine is higher than the right =iliac spine(innominate)



pivot prone

for 3 months training


for a strong central government

Lofstrand crutches

good for pt that needs more than a cane. *minimal stability and require functional standing balance and coordination*. NOT appropriate for fair balance and impulsivity *appropriate w/ arthritis*













stop making tabs before i read the other ones

if you want you could make two a day so i could read all of them at once

la class de

in class

lumbar extension

increase lumbar lordosis causing

The BEST position to stretch the right iliopsoas is hip extension combined with:

posterior pelvic tilt and left lateral flexion of the trunk.

Thomas Edison

invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the practical electric light bulb


involving physical effort work done by hand

Nikola Tesla

is best know for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system

hard lockdown

is defined as protocol that keeps students locked in their classroom; out of sight through windows or doors. Lights are usually turned off and teaching lessons stop until the treat passes

soft lockdown

is term that defines protocol in a school to respond to a threat outside the school without immediate threat to students inside the school

Jean Louise (Scout) Finch

little girl who comes of age. she tells the story. sister to Jem, daughter to Atticus


located in the center of Rome; served as marketplace and public square

heel(toe) loops

lodge foor at the wheelchair footrests

Strict vs. Loose Construction of the Constitution

loose interpretation allowed for implied powers of Congress (such as the National Bank), strict interpretation implied few powers to Congress


manner of behaving or acting











The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak; Albert Bierstadt

oil on canvas






people about your own age


perform experiment



Political Parties

persuade individuals to run for public office

Battery at Attention; Mathew Brady







place in which workers and machines are brought together to produce large quantities of goods


plan experiment

sole of foot

plantar surface

A patient has sustained a *trimalleolar fracture* on the right and a fracture of the left distal radius. For partial weight bearing it is best if the therapist has the patient use

platform crutches


poems that express strong emotions about life


political changes to make things better

scrawl (n./v)

poor handwriting

static electricity

positive and negative electric charges that are separated from each other and are not moving

articulation at the ankle joint

post CVA patient has poor strength at the ankle, intact sensation, and does not have any edema or tonal influence.

el cartal


public works

projects built by the government for public use


public speaking


publish results


push or pull



myotome basketball

refer to youtube; easy to recall myotome


repetition of color,line,shape or form in an artwork

Ryoanji Temple Garden; Kyoto, Japan

rocks and white sand

Miss Caroline Fisher

scout's first grade teacher


seasonal winds,especially in the indian ocean and southern asia












to break

collide/collision (v./n.)


priority (n)

something important to he done first









reinforce (v)

strengthen or support

scald (n./v)

to burn




study of body structure

When evaluating the lower extremity muscle strength of a patient, the physical therapist positions the patient prone with the knee flexed. The therapist asks the patient to point the toes upward toward the ceiling. The patient completes the motion, but inverts the foot slightly. This observation indicates

substitution by the tibialis posterior. =toes upward ceiling;plantarflexion (with knees flexed)


to decorate


talk on phone







emphasize(v) emphasis (n)

to add special importance to information

loom (v)

to be about to happen, over shadow



positive Active Compression test (O'Brien's Test)

used for Superior labral tear nd AC joint

bone scan

used to measure increase uptake of calcification


used to organize data visually to show a relationship between two things

postpone (v)

wait until late to do something






we girls

Arnold-Chiari malformation

weakness, pain, sensory changes, vertigo, diplopia, and ataxia

cushing's syndrome

weight gain and excessive facial hair

Woman Admiring Plum Blossoms at Night; Suzuki Harunobu

woodblock print with ink and color on paper


works that poke fun a t human weaknesses








stand up


choose the correct answer

выбирать правильный ответ

look up the word

высматривать слово

cross out the word

вычеркивать ответ

talk to the teacher

говорить учителю

share a book

делиться книгой

dictate a sentence

диктовать предложение

take out a piece of paper

доставать лист бумаги

close your book

закройте свою книгу

fill in the blank

заполнять свободное место

brainstorm solutions

искать решения

put down the pencil

класть карандаш

copy the word

копировать(переписывать) слово



circle the anwer

обводить ответ

discuss a problem

обсуждать проблему

therapist working on a pulmonary rehabilitation unit works with a patient on therapeutic positioning. The patient has experienced a lengthy inpatient hospitalization and was only recently referred to physical therapy. The patient has significant weakness of the diaphragm and is hypertensive. The MOST appropriate patient position to initiate treatment is:

①The prone position would be a difficult position in which to teach the patient diaphragmatic breathing since the *weight of the abdominal contents on the diaphragm makes it more difficult for a weakened diaphragm to contract* ②In supine, the *weight of the abdominal contents on the diaphragm makes it more difficult for a weakened diaphragm to contract*. Also, *the supine position can reduce the functional residual volume of the lungs by as much as fifty percent*. ③In the Trendelenburg position the patient's head is lower than their feet. The position is *used to facilitate drainage from the lower lobes of the lungs and to increase blood pressure in hypotensive patients*. The position would tend to increase the blood pressure of a patient that is already hypertensive. *④*The reverse Trendelenburg position is recommended to reduce hypertension and facilitate movement of the diaphragm *by using gravity to reduce the weight of the abdominal contents on the diaphragm*. -IER Patients who lack abdominal musculature-abdominal binder compensate of it assisting ventilation- (e.g., spinal cord injury)->Have a lower resting position of the diaphragm, decreasing inspiratory reserve->The more upright the body position, the lower the diaphragm and the lower the inspiratory capacity d/t gravity->The more supine the body position, the more advantageous the position of the diaphragm d/t decreased affect of gravity.

A patient with a transtibial amputation is observed ambulating with excessive knee flexion from heel strike through midstance on the prosthetic side. A possible cause for this deviation is:

①the foot is set in neutral; normal giat ②the socket is set posterior in relation to the foot->back knee -A transtibial socket that is set posteriorly to the foot will create an increased extension moment at the knee and result in insufficient knee flexion during early stance ③the prosthesis is too short; knee extension; limping gait -A prosthesis that is too short would typically create an increased extension moment at the knee and result in insufficient knee flexion during early stance. -A prosthesis that is too long may cause excessive flexion during heel strike through midstance *④*the socket is aligned in excessive flexion -If the socket of a transtibial prosthesis is aligned in excessive flexion, there will be excessive flexion during stance causing instability of the prosthetic limb. -Anatomical contributing factors include a knee flexion contracture, knee extensor weakness or a hip flexion contracture

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