COMM Exam 2 Texas State 1310

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Stages of De-escalation

turmoil, stagnation, de-intersification, individualization, separation, post-interaction

Three Categories of Conflict

-Pseudoconflict -Simple Conflict -Ego Conflict

Individuals who prefer to learn practical and useful information that is relevant to their busy lives are referred to as ____________________ learners. They seek information that connects with their life experiences, is relevant to their needs, and that they can use immediately.


Maggie hugs her friends often and asks for hugs from them. She has a high need for?


Which one of the following is NOT and underlying principle for the Cooperative Style of Conflict? A. Separate people from the problem B. Focus on shared interests C. Base decisions on objective criterion D. Agree to accept positive solutions

Agree to accept positive solutions

Terri works for a news magazine and is giving a presentation to a group of graduating college students. A college graduate herself, she is relating her experiences in the workplace and needs to find a way to connect with her audience. Finally, she decides to relate the experience of cramming for final exams to reaching a publishing deadline. Terri is using supporting material that focuses on linking new information to a familiar concept. This type of supporting material is called?


Rodney notices that the audience is racially and ethnically diverse. He is careful not to make generalizations that might offend anyone during his speech.n What type of speaker is Rodney?


According to Altman and Talyor's model of self-disclosure, partner's communication at the very intimate level has?

Both breadth and depth

As Mark and Gina discussed the family feud over their wedding plans, Mark suggested they elope to Las Vegas. Gina thought it would be fun to get married before the Justice of the Peace. Then Mark added getting married on a Caribbean Cruise with the closest family members might be exciting. The PUGGS in which Mark and Gina were interacting was?

Brainstorming possible solutions

Complete declarative Sentence

Complete sentence that makes a statement as opposed to asking a question

Jennifer and Allison used to send a lot of time together as roommates. Unfortunately, however, they are getting on each other's nerves and are experiencing more conflicts when they see each other. They both are now beginning to find way to avoid the other in order to keep peace in the house. Which stage of relational De-escalation are Jennifer and Allison experiencing?


Clint wrote the words "pause" and "louder" in certain points on his note cards. These words he wrote are examples of?

Delivery Cues

Johari Window

Explains how self-disclosure varies from relationship to relationship

When Kerri told Lindsey, "You know, its in both our best interests for you not to move out of our apartment and break our lease" she was engaging in which stage of PUGGS?

Identify goals

Types of supporting material

Illustrations, descriptions, explanations, definitions, analogies, statistics, opinions

Melvin is driving on a long trip across the country when he pulls into a gas station. The gas attendant asks, "May I help you". Melvin then replies, "I need 20 dollars worth". According to the text what form of communication would this be considered?

Impersonal Communication

Nicholas wants to enhance the audience's knowledge and understanding of baseball. The general purpose of his speech will be to?


During an initial conversation, Joel and Linda share basic information about themselves to determine what they have in common. Joel and Linda are in which stage of relational escalation?


Gary needs to talk to his professor about an assignment but he does not know how go get to her office. When he asks the professor for directions, Gary is engaging in which strategy of uncertainty-reduction?


Relational Escalation/De-escalation Model

Interpersonal communication facilitates movement btw the various stages

George is apporached by his roomate regarding a disagreement. His roomate compains about George not being able to pay his share of the bills. Rather than get involved in a potentially hurtful argument, George leaves the room when it gets heated. George used what kind of conflict style?


Leah likes to search the internet for information about her speech topic. She always considers the philosophies of the organization responsible for the site. Which criteria for evaluating Internet sites is Leah using?


Throughout the semester, Matthew's relationship with his roommate Kyle contained many ups and downs and was consistently changing rather than remaining stable at all times. This perspective is known as?

Relational Dialectics

When Tim walked into his house from a ling vacation and saw clothes everywhere and the dishes piled up, he approached his roommate and said "I noticed several articles of clothing on the floor and dishes in the sink. It seems that you have been either preoccupied or unaware of the mess in the house. Can you tell me whats going on?" This is an example of what communication behavior?

Perception checking

Mark is preparing a speech that he will present to his business class. He is unsure as to whether his material is comprehensive and well organized. In preparing an outline, he uses a format that allows him to examine the speech for completeness, unity, coherence, and overall effectiveness. This outline also serves as his rehearsal outline. This format is known as?

Preparation outline

Bradley states his strongest piece of evidence first. He states his weakest piece of evidence last. What method is Bradley using to organize his supporting material?


The first main point of Elsa's speech states, "Cars that use gasoline pollute the air, and solar powered cars should be used to prevent pollution". What type of organizational pattern is Elsa using?


Marianna wants to give a speech on how to make chocolate chip cookies from her aunt's recipe. Her informative speech will be about?


Angela must present a speech advocating the name change at Texas State. In making the presentation memorable, she advances her ideas in the introduction, she expands on her ideas in the body, and she restates her ideas in the conclusion. In short, she repeats key ideas and major points through out the speech. Which of the following strategies is she using?


Which of the following strategies will enhance the clarity of an informative message?

Show how new information relates to old information

To adapt a logically organized message to an audience a speaker must provide organizational cues for the audience. The speaker can do this by adding previews, verbal and nonverbal transitions, and summaries that allow the audience to follow from one idea to the other throughout the speech. These organizational cues are known as?


After gaining the attention of the audience, Tom states, "At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to explain the causes and most successful treatments for anorexia and bulimia." This statement is which of the following?

Specific purpose statement

Jill gives a speech on the fourth of July about America's independence. Jill's speech topic reveals a careful analysis of?

The occasion

Matching hypothesis

Theory that one tends to seek out individuals who represent the same level of physical attraction as oneself


final stage - lasting effect of the relationship

Cullen is preparing a speech about his visit to the Empire State Building. The type of informative speech he is preparing is a presentation about_______.

an object


a communicative strategy for decreasing uncertainty by getting information from a third party


a story or anecdote that provides an example


a word picture

General Purpose

broad reason for giving a speech


citations, quotes


comparison btw 2 ideas, things, or situations that demonstrates similarity

Relationships of Circumstance

forms situationally, life overlaps in some way (family, school, work)

The ____________ quadrant in the Johari Window represents information that is known by self but is not revealed to others.



increased conflict, less mutual acceptance, tense climate and unclear relationship definition

According to the Social Penetration Model as breath and depth of self-disclosure ______________ intimacy _______________

increases, increases


individuals make an intentional decision to minimize or eliminate contact


knowledge os power- giving that other person power over you - vulnerability


known to self and others


more in-depth interactions


not know to send and know to others


numerical data that summarized examples


opens vs closeness


partners begin to depend on each other for self-confirmation (intimate contact/time spent together)


partners define their lives more as individuals and less as a couple


predictability vs novelty

Aggressive Communication

self-serving communication that does not take a listener's feelings and rights into account


statement of what something means


statement that clarifies how something is done or why it exists

Generate main ideas

subdivisions of the central idea of speech -provides detailed points of focus


the first contact with a person with who one desires a relationship with - usually characterized by asking and answering questions


the variety of topics discussed

Direct, specific language

vague vs specific

Gather Supporting Materials

verbal or visual material that clarifies and provides evidence to support main idea

The Dialectical Perspective

views interpersonal relationships as constantly changing rather than stable

Specific Purpose

what you want audience to do/understand after speech

Stephen was planning a speech on the environmental impact of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. He planned to organize his speech by starting at the area immediately around the cone, move to a discussion of the areas directly east of the mountain, then move counterclockwise to the north and west of the mountain. What type of organizational pattern was he using?


Assertive Communication

Taes a listeners feelings and righties into account

If you want to inform an audience about three equally "risky" behaviors related to contracting HIV, which organizational pattern would work best?


Masayuki gave a speech on ways the high context values are reflected in the Japanese culture. His three main points were the language, the gift-giving customs, and the visual arts. Which pattern did he use to organize his speech?


Jose cringed as he thought about going home after work. Lately, he and Cassandra spend every minute together fighting. He used to thing the way she played with her food was cute; now he finds it annoying. What stage of relational de-escalation are Jose and Cassandra facing?


Instead of simply saying, "The dog slept on the chair," Emily said, "The lethargic dachshund snoozed contentedly on the overstuffed armchair." This best illustrates what principle of effective verbal delivery?

Use vivid words

According to the definition given in your book, which of the following situations would be classified as interpersonal communication?

You and your roommate are discussing a movie you just watched.


a non communicative strategy for decreasing uncertainty by observing others and situations


a strategy of communicating directly with the source who has the greatest potential to reduce ones uncertainty


ability to influence another in the direction one desires (getting someone to do what you want)


appropriate to which stage of the relationship your in-too personal

Audience-centered idea

appropriate vs inappropriate depending on audience

Ego Conflict

argumentative episodes focused on the same issues that occurs at least twice

The Social Penetration model

asserts both breasts and depth of info shared with another person as relationship develops


autonomy vs connection

Selecting a Narrowing Topic

based on audience, occasion, interests and experiences- "brain storming ideas"


becoming aware of ones attraction to another person and observing that person

Single Topic

central idea should reflect single topic

When a struggle occurs between two people due to unmet needs, this is called a(n)


Simple Conflict

conflict over difference in ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals


conflict stemming from lack of understanding

According to your book, the most central element in all aspects of preparing your speech is ________.

considering your audience

The audience-centered model of the public speaking process

considers and adapts to the audience at every stage

Three Categories of Conflict

construct/ destructive/ interpersonal cooperation vs lack of

The PUGSS model of conflict management is considered to be a(n) _________ approach, because it views conflict as a problem to be solved rather than a competition to be won.



define, describe, or explain a thing, person, place, concept, or process

Develop your Central Idea

definitive point about topic


degree to which another persons different abilities, interests, and needs balance out or round to ones own

Interpersonal Attraction

degree to which one desires to form or maintain an interpersonal relationship


degree to which ones characteristics, values, attitudes, etc... are like those of the other

Uncertainty Reduction Strategies

driving human motivation to increase predictability by decreasing the unknown

Comedians generally speak to get members of their audience to smile, laugh, and generally enjoy themselves. The general purpose of this type of presentation would be to _________ .


Satoshi gave a speech explaining three types of Japanese writing. Satoshi's general purpose was to ________ his audience.



not known to self, not known to others


partners provide primary confirmation of each others self-concept


personal significance of what is discussed intimacy layers

A speech that discusses the low percentage of voters turning out for the past local election and then moves on to suggest the possibility of Internet voting is using the organizational pattern of


Postdissolutional relationship

relationship formed btw dating partners after their romance terminates


relationship loses it's vitality, less communication and physical contact

On-again/Off-again relationships

repeated breakups and reconciliations


sharing info about ones self with another person with the expectation that they will also share info of the same depth


significantly decrease interrelation, increase distance, decrease dependence on ones partner for self confirmation

Relationships of Choice

sought out and intentionally developed

What the listeners should know or be able to do at the end of your speech is the ___________ purpose.



to amuse an audience


to change or reinforce audience member's ideas -urge them to do something

Identify your purpose

to persuade, inform, entertain

Properties of self-disclosure

voluntarily provide information to others that they would not know unless we told them

According to your book, the delivery style that is appropriate to most circumstances is ________.


What type of organizational pattern is reflected in these main points? I. As a young child, J.R.R. Tolkien and his young cousins invented a language called Nebosh. II. As a college student, J.R.R. Tolkien invented several languages influenced by Welsh and Finnish. III. By the time he published the works of fiction for which he is famous, J.R.R. Tolkien had invented a number of Elvish languages.


Mattie and Nancy first met each other on the job. Since they saw each other every day and worked together, they became friends. This situation best describes a relationship of ______________.


5 Principles of Effective Communication

-Be aware of your communication -Effectively use and interpret verbal messages -Effectively use and interpret verbal messages -Listen and respond thoughtfully to others -Appropriately adapt your message to your audience

properties of conflict

-power -assertive communication -aggressive communication

Steps to developing a speech

-selecting and narrowing topic -identify your purpose -general purpose -inform

Communication with an Ex

=On-again/Off-again relationships =Postdissolutional relationship

Tiffany presented an informative speech on the cognitive theory of stimulation. What type of informative speech was this?

A speech about an idea

Often, during conflict you will hear people say things such as, "What's the big deal?" or "I don't get why you are so upset!" When you hear those phrases, which stage of the PUGSS model of conflict management have you not achieved?

Achieve Understanding

When you are attempting to get your relational partners to recognize why you are upset, you are engaging in which stages of the PUGSS model of conflict management?

Achieve Understanding

Grace knew her speech--backward and forward. She rehearsed it over and over again, timing it to make sure she didn't run over the time limit. When she actually delivered the speech, she found herself much less nervous and much more confident than she expected to be. Which guideline for developing confidence provided in your text applies here?

Be prepared

According to Altman and Taylor's model of self-disclosure, communication between partners at the intimate level is _________________.

Both broad and deep

You are frustrated with your roommate, because (s)he hasn't been picking up around your apartment. When you tell your roommate about your feelings, you talk about some options or ideas for keeping the house clean. Your roommate suggests having one day each week devoted to cleaning, while you suggest keeping a chore chart. Discussing your various ideas about the conflict would be an example of which of the following stages of the PUGSS model of conflict management?

Brainstorm Solutions

Rey presented an informative speech on earthquakes. He described the structural causes of earthquakes, how they develop, which areas of the earth are prone to quakes, how quakes are measured, the damage they do, and what to do when one hits. The speech became dry, the audience's attention declined, and Rey's speech exceeded the time limit by three minutes. From this description, what was Rey's mistake?

Failing to narrow his topic

You have been sick and finally figured out that you have Mono. You have been missing classes, and now, you are failing because of your absences and missing assignments. You tell your instructor that you want to at least make up some of the missing work, but your instructor says that (s)he wants to be fair to all students and is worried that letting you make up the work will compromise fairness. In this example, you and your professor are engaging in which stage of the PUGSS model of conflict management?

Identify Goals

A few minutes remain in the class period. The teacher assigns a student to stand before the class and give a brief speech on effective study habits. What method of delivery is used in this situation?


Dan and Donna begin self-disclosing information about their dreams for the future, values, and religious beliefs, but they still spend a limited amount of time with one another. They are moving into which stage of relational escalation?



Known to self and not others


Likelihood of being attracted to people to people who are physically

Which method of delivery is a speaker using when he or she writes out their speech word for word and delivers it from that text?


Marsha and Karen have been friends since grade school. They both deeply value one another's opinions, and they both play an important role in one another's life. This example best illustrates what aspect of interpersonal communication?

Mutual influence

Laura has just started a new job and is feeling somewhat anxious. She can reduce her uncertainty by which passive method?

Observing her surroundings and how people interact on the job

Physical and sexual attraction

Physical: degree of physical appeal Sexual: desire to have sexual contact with that person

Samir notices Anna in his public speaking class and asks a mutual friend about her. This example would characterize which stage in relational escalation?

Pre-interaction awareness

Janine organized her three statistics on organ transplants according to their significance. She saved her "clincher" point about how easy it is to indicate your willingness to donate by signing the back of your driver's license for the last point before her conclusion. What organizational principle did Janine demonstrate in this speech?

Recency Effect

Yolanda was looking forward to giving her informative speech because she liked her topic--her hometown. However, when she gave the speech the audience seemed disinterested; she couldn't understand why she got such negative audience feedback. Given this information about the situation, what was Yolanda's mistake?

She was speaker-centered rather than audience-centered in her topic selection.

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