Comm tests

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but the couple that can keep their cool when metacommunicating stands a good chance of coming to an aggrement on how the relationship will prosper through better interaction

"I don't like the way you pick on me in front of others", "You know you could share your frustrations with me instead of bottling them up inside" would be examples of assertive metacommunicating

vocalizes pauses

"ah" and "um"

Lloyd Bitzer's definition of an "exigence" is

"an imperfection marked by the need for something to be said"

Communication Apprehension

"an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication

the avoidance stage is not necessarily a bad idea

"give me some space". rather than risk further bas words or deeds, take a break, get involved in other activities, and meet new ppl.


-Speaker credibility -Ethics

casual organization pattern

-cause and effect

Individualistic Cultures

-cultures that value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence and place "I" before "we".-Value directness and clarity. -EX.USA, Australia, Great Britain

inductive organization pattern

-first present specific evidence -then build to your position/general conclusion

deductive organization pattern

-first present the position/general conclusion -then provide supporting evidence


-formal logic: supportable premises logical conclusions

Social Penetration Theory

-illustrates how self disclosure over time is like peeling away layers of an onion (in breadth & depth







This is a break between tips and definitions!! CHAPTER 6


Coordinated Management of Meanings

..., Concerned with how individuals organize, manage, and coordinate their meanings and actions with one another

Self diclosure is importance for...

1) Allows us to develop a greater understanding for ourselves. 2) Allows you to develop a more positive attitude about yourself and others. 3) Allows you develop more meaningful relationships with others.

in 1958, French and Raven's original research found that there are 3 levels of compliance:

1. COMPLIANCE (simply following a command or request 2. IDENTIFICATION (following an order or request to please the person of higher status) 3. INCORPORATION (following a request because you believe in acting consistently with the goals of the person or group, because you have adopted and internalized their values)

Three Types of Persuasive Effects

1. Create a new attitude 2. Reinforce an existing attitude 3. Change an attitude or behavior

Monroe's Motivated Sequence- organization pattern

1. attention 2. need (problem addressed) 3. satisfaction (solution/solve need) 4. visualization 5. action

The 4 C's of Comm

1. confident 2. conversational 3. compelling 4. comfortable

effects of control on communication in an interpersonal relationship-- in general, we we see 3 types of control in interactions:

1. control over decision making 2. control of conversation 3. control over your dyad's view of social reality

Name the four steps to extemporaneous delivery

1. create an outline (mind map) 2. write the speech 3. create key word speaking notes 4. practice and adapt

Family in the social system- culture & education

1. culture- different beliefs 2. education- people who go to ucf will have difference experiences that people who go to NYU

What are Aristotle's defined appeals

1. ethos 2.pathos 3.logos

What is our social system composed of?

1. family 2. govt 3. religion 4. education 5. media

education in the social system

1. k-12 2. higher education


1. participative decision making (aka PDM) and how decisions are made and who makes them 2. mutual and reciprocal communication (the amount of responsiveness to you) 3. feedback activities (how aware your partners and leaders are to your feedback)

Altman and Taylor believe that relationships often

1. progress systemically and predictably 2. include DEPENETRATION & DISSOLUTION (breaking up, declining relationship) 3. self disclosure is the "CORE" OF relational development

types of intros

1. startling statement/statistic 2. rhetorical question 3. personal reference 4. vivid illustration 5. suspense

What are the prereqs when it comes to the cultivation theory

1. television is centralized system of storytelling 2. tv replaced other primary sources in influencing predisposition and preferences

Main prepositions of the Cultivation theory: Media Exposure leads to...

1. the cultivation of shared conceptions of reality among otherwise diverse publics through exposure to a similar system of programming 2. perceptions of reality that more like tv reality

According to your text, studies indicate that most audience members will retain about ______________ of the specific information from presentation


What is the rate of speaking?

125 words a minute.

Intimate Distance

18 inches

Personal Distance

18 inches to 4 feet

Personal Zone

18 inches to 4 feet


1950s, IRVING GOFFMAN wrote several books, one entitled "THE PRESENTATION OF SELF IN EVERYDAY LIFE". in it, he discussed how we present oursleves, how we chose the symbols that represent us, and how those symbols construct meaning or clash with how others react to our symbols

Identify and explain recent research findings regarding listening.

24% of the day is used listening, 20% writing emails, 13% on the internet, 9% writing, 8% reading, 8% watching television, 7% on the telephone, and 5% writing emails.

Social Distance

4-12 feet


A form of power that derives from attraction to the leader

Which of the following cannot be effectively utilized when gathering evidence for your speeches?

A friend's speech


A generalization about some group of people that oversimplifies their culture.

What is stereotyping?

A generalization about some group of people that oversimplifies their culture.


A group of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood types, genetic code patterns or genetically inherited characteristics.


A group that exists within a larger, dominant culture but differs from the dominant culture in some significant characteristics

Reference Librarian (ch11)

A librarian specifically trained to help you find sources of information.

Identify and explain the "listening tree."

A method of listening developed by Wolvyn and Coakley which illustrates the interdependence of different ways to listen. Discriminative listening is the root of the tree; Comprehensive listening is the trunk of the tree; and appreciative, critical, and therapeutic listening are the branches of the tree.

Monroe's Motivated Sequence

A method of organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action. The five steps of the motivated sequence are attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action.

Asian American Women Struggling to Move Past Cultural Expectations

About Asian families moving to America and the parents keeping the beliefs, customs, and traditions of Asia. (more collectivistic- get married, take care of the family ), but the kids assimilating i to American culture and adopting those beliefs, customs and traditions (more individualistic -get a job/career, make money). This creates a disconnection between kids and their parents. Relation to class: Individualistic vs. Collectivistic cultures, Assimilation Marginalization

All of following are needs fulfilled by primary groups EXCEPT


The best time to distribute handouts is

After the speech

Identify and explain how ethics impacts workplace communication.

Aggressive communication, honesty, and sexual harassment.

One of the reasons you need to be careful with media presentations is that they can be replayed time and again, therefore, in class, we discussed the importance of creating right impression and adapting your message to the media, by

All the above

The following filters can affect the listener's perception of the speakers;

All the above

When rehearsing your speech, you should:

All the above

all of the following are part of the Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication except:

All the above

Nonverbal Communication

All the ways we communicate without using words.

Nonverbal Communication

All the ways we communicate without using words. Nonverbal communication can include clothing, physical appearance, gestures, facial and eye expressions.

Building blank slides into powerpoint presentations...

Allows you to reconnect with your audience

When you practice your speech, it is best to:

Always practice out loud

Which statement below is NOT an example of ethnocentrism?

American Workers get higher pay for less work than most people in the world.... (the belief that your own group or culture is superior to other groups or cultures)

Critical Thinking (ch5)

Analyzing the speaker, the situation, and the speakers ideas to make critical judgements about the message being presented.

Informal Communication

Any interaction that does not generally follow the formal structure of the organization but emerges out of natural social interaction among organization members


Anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture.


Anything that increases a specific behavior.


Appeal to beliefs or character


Appeal to emotion


Appeal to logic

Chronological Pattern

Arranging main points on basis of time

In reference to chromatics, relaxed people might______. whereas task-oriented people __________.

Arrive and leave late, arrive and leave on time or early

When preparing for and taking part in an interview, you should...

Ask and answer questions effectively and ethically.

Cultural Relativism

Behavior in one culture should not be judged by standards of another culture.

Internal References (ch11)

Brief notations indicating a bibliographic reference that contains the details you are using in your speech.

Weber also noted that bureaucracies have a

CLEAR AND GRADED HIERARCHY OF POWER AND AUTHORITY. each member has a rank within that hierarchy. that rank PRESCRIBES (ALLOWS) & PROSCRIBES (PROHIBITS) tasks and communication activities. lower level subordinates do not burst in on executive meetings just as top level mangers do not enter the assembly line except in times of crisis

a bureaucracy alos has a

COMMUNICATION CLIMATE- the emotional tone of those who do not conform to the being used in conversations from the corporate level to the staff line. the types of climates can be from open and friendly to hostile and close-minded


Comparing unknown to known. Making a comparison between two things (without using like or as).


Comparison using like or as

Competition vs Communication

Competition: Men view communication as a competition where someone wins, dislike the "one down" situation where they are below someone Communication: women view communication as an opportunity to further the relationship, communicate support,and be a part of a group

Persuasive Message

Contain Pathos, Logos, and Ethos

just as the bonding stage is characterized by a symbolic commitment of wanting to be together, terminating a relationship involves expressions of

DISENGAGEMENT- some official act of dissolution. it could be as subtle as not returning phone calls or a as big as an all out public divorce spectabcle

interpersonal communication is the exchange of messages in a


Uncertainty Avoidance

Deals with the way that a culture handles change and accepts uncertainty within social or cultural contexts

What online tool did Dr. Hanlon recommend for scheduling groups? Explain how this tool is useful.

Informal Communication consists of all of the following EXCEPT:

Downward Communication

Identify and explain the three ways that information typically flows in formal networks.

Downward, upward, and horizontal communication.

Deductive Reasoning

Drawing a conclusion from initial definitions and assumptions by means of logical reasoning.

Appopriateness of Touch

Duration, body position, hands, intensity of touch, power force or concentration

A non- profit hospital is what type of organization?

Economic Production

Aristotle's Defined Appeals

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

In our lecture on analyzing an audience, I discussed Lloyd Bitzer's notion of a "rhetorical situation." The three components of a rhetorical situation, according to Bitzer, are:

Exigence audience, and a set of constraints

Don Draper holds ________ over Conrad Hilton

Expert Power

Statements by someone with special knowledge on a given subject is known as

Expert Testimony

All of the following are true of positive imagery, except:

Feelings, such as pride or confidence, will not occur until the situation actually exists

180 degree

Few people will change their opinions completely around 180 degrees as a result of a conversation or speech.

100% Rule

Few speakers achieve 100% agreement with their audience.

Vocalized Pauses (ch13)

Filler words such as um or ah.

Primary Credibility

First hand; autobiography

When Lisa is out at a restaurant or Cafe with her friends she is very informal. At work, Lisa is a completely different person. She dresses and acts professionally. What type of behavior is this?



Forbidden actions bringing sanctions

What are the 5 communication networks?

Formal Communication, Downward Communication, Upward Communication, Horizontal Communication, and Informal Communication.


Formalized patterns of actions or words followed regularly

Schultz created the

Fundamental Interpersonal Relational Orientation profile (FIRO), a measure of the usual and typical way we communicate with our relational partners

Group Decision support System (ch9)

GDSS, an interactive network of computers with specialized software allowing users to generate solutions for unstructured problems.


Gained over time and easy to lose

Which of the following countries would most likely use M time?


Monroe's Motivation Sequence

Get attention, address need/problem, after satisfaction/solution/ visualization, action your going to take

Secondary Credibility

Get info from somewhere else; someone's biography

Identify and explain the issues related to effective and ethical group communication.

Group members must be honest and truthful; group members must be thorough and unbiased when they evaluate information; group members must behave with integrity; and group conflict.

Emergent group

Group resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals

Disjunctive Tasks (ch9)

Group tasks that require little coordination and that can be completed by the most skilled working member alone.

Emergent Groups (ch9)

Groups resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals.

What are emergent groups?

Groups resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals.

Assigned groups

Groups tat evolve out of a hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group

Assigned Groups (ch9)

Groups that evolve out of a hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group.

What are assigned groups?

Groups that evolve out of a hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group.

interpersonal communication is marked by

HIGHLY STYLIZED COMMUNICATION as opposed to standard and commonly used speech. calling your spouse a pet name, or the way you greet each other ("wassup dog?") would be more stylized than the standard greeting for an impersonal relationship ("hello there")

Hearing, Understanding, Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating, Responding



Habitual, expected behaviors (a common practice that has not been around awhile)

Therapeutic Listening

Help to a person who needs to talk through a concern

Organizational Pattern

Helps you define the important points of your presentation and keep the audience on track.

How did Dr. Hanlon explain artifacts? Be specific.

Her ankh necklace.

Voluntary audiences, according to your text, tend to be:


Messages between organizational members of the same power level are described as:


Information flows in an organization through patterns of relationships known as...

Horizontal Communication

interpersonal relationships are

IRREPLACEABLE. could you really replace a parent?



Labels (ch13)

Identify specific elements of a graphic slide.


Identifying the uniqueness of objects events, and people.


Identifying the uniqueness of objects, events, and people

Communication Theory of Identity (CIT)

Identity is based on social categorization or group members.

By smiling, gesturing, and using facial expressions in the workplace to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others, you are enacting...


Identify and explain the four specific behaviors that are important for the workplace.

Immediacy, supportiveness, strategic ambiguity, and interaction management.

Connotative Meaning

Implied meaning within given context

What are the 4 delivery styles?

Impromptu, Manuscript, Memorized, and Extemporaneous Delivery

relational deterioration

In Knapp's model the process by which relationships disintegrate.

Ad Hominem

In an argument, this is an attack on the person rather than on the opponent's ideas. It comes from the Latin meaning "against the man."


In dialectic theory the idea that each person in a relationship might have two opposing desires for maintaining the relationship.


Include points just discussed, relates point to the objective, introduces next main point

Grapevine Communication

Informal networks that form as a result of informal communication


Informal rules for group interaction created and sustained through communication

Norms (ch9)

Informal rules for group interaction created and sustained through communication.

What are norms?

Informal rules for interaction created and sustained through communication.


Informal, casual street language used among equals with words unsuitable for more formal contexts.

Supporting Materials (ch11)

Information you can use to substantiate your arguments and to clarify your position.



Small-group communication

Interaction among three to nine people working together to achieve an interdependent goal

Small Group Communication (ch9)

Interactions among three to nine people working together to achieve an interdependent goal.

Narrative Coherence

Internal consistency with characters acting in a reliable fashion; THE STORY HANGS TOGETHER

The advantage of having a communication orientation toward a presentation instead of a performance orientation is...

It helps you focus on your goals as a communicator.

Why is it important to study listening in a public speaking course?

It is important to the communication process.

What is appreciative listening?

It serves "to obtain sensory stimulation or enjoyment through the works and experiences of others"

Emotional Labor

Jobs in which employees are expected to display certain feelings in order ti satisfy organizational role expectations


Judgements or appraisals formed in the mind about particular matter

Identify and explain the types of bodily movement in nonverbal communication.

Kinesics, which includes posture, gestures, and facial expressions. Emblems, illustrators, affect displays, regulators, adaptors.

How do you use PowerPoint effectively?

Know who is the presenter and who's the audience, maintain eye contact, draw attention to the content, and make visuals easy to receive.

Ageist Language

Language that denigrates people for being young or old.

One might think of eye contact between audience and speaker as...

Looking each other in the mind

once you have bonded, the relationship goes thru the

MAINTENANCE PHASE. relationship don't just exist on their own. they have to be worked at, fine tuned, extended, and occasionally modified. in the MAINTENANCE STAGE, many research studies show that a bond is characterized by high degrees of trust


MARK KNAPP, a researcher in our field has often described the engagement, maintenance, and disengagement phases of relationships



Formal Communication

Messages that follow prescribed channels of communication throughout the organization

Identify and explain how Hall furthered our understanding of cultural diversity.

Monochronic and polychronic time.

Customer service representatives may use which of the following compliance-gaining strategies, in which the representatives implies that it is immoral not to comply?

Moral Appeals


More benefit when speaker credibility is low; most benefit on long term persuasion; must be new to audience

Low-context cultures

More important to have a well-structured argument or a well-structure delivered presentation than it is to be a member of a high-status family or to be blood-related to the person by blood


Most common/basic used in persuasive talk


Movements of hands, arms and fingers that illustrate and emphasize what is being said.

Read/Write learning style

Must read or write information to learn.

How does personality impact listening?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) measures it across 4 bipolar dimensions: introversion vs. Extraversion; Intuiting vs. Sensing; Thinking vs Feeling; and Judging vs. Perceiving.

A State in which an unsatisfied condition exists is:


First Person Observation (ch5)

Observation based on something that you personally have sensed.

Which of the following is not a basic stage of listening?


What are some bad qualities of negative relationships?

Obsession that includes fatal attraction and jealousy. Abuse is also a quality.


Occurs when a person feels attacked

Identify and explain the key guidelines for answering questions effectively and ethically.

Offer relevant answers, substantiate your claims with evidence, provide accurate answers, and be positive.

What are the problems people have in interpreting nonverbal codes?

One code communicates a variety of meanings and a variety of codes communicate the same meaning.

Message Sidedness

One-sided message Two-sided non refutational messages Two sided-refutational messages

Long term vs short term

Orientation towards time, either daily or throughout life. Example: High power-distance= call boss by title. Low power-distance= call boss by first name

During the lecture on "Building Speaker Confidence" I stated that the most difficult audience to speak in front of, the one that makes us most anxious, is typically an audience comprised of

Our Peers

lastly, a bureaucracy has some sort of

PHYSICAL PRESENCE THAT REGULATES COMMUNICATION B/W ITS MEMBERS= communication infrastructure (telephone and computer lines, pagers) these serve as the internal and external communication needs. there is a body of research in nonverbal artifactual communication that shows what furniture arrangements promote or inhibit discussion in work groups - physical arrangements communicate to the members where they stand in the hierarchy

Kelly is listening to her friend, Sheri, talk about her boyfriend who is leaving for 1 year to serve in the army. Kelly says "mmm-hmm" during the conversation to show Sheri that she is listening. She is communicating using:

Paralinguistics ...

The army is which type of organization


An organization with this orientation generates and distributes power and control within society.

Political Orientation


Popular beliefs about groups of people

"Smoking among teenagers is increasing. Teenagers are also more involved in crimes than they used to be. We need to ban the sale of cigarettes to kids under 18 before our our cities turn into violent war zones." This is an example of what type of fallacy?

Post Hoc

Cultural Rituals

Practices, behaviors, celebrations and traditions common to people, organizations and institutions

Jane Swift

Pregnant women running for Lt. Governor of Massachusetts but getting a lot of negative criticism for it. Relation to class: demonstrates double standards, gender stereotyping, cooperative overlap.

Richard Nixon's "Checkers" speech is famous for employing what logical fallacy?

Red Herring

Types of Conclusions

Reference to intro, General summary, Emotional appeal, Personal intentions, Quotations (Don't read)

The UCLA basketball coach John Wooden was able to motivate his players because of his charisma and the high level of respect his players held him in. What type of power does this illustrate?

Referent Power (charisma)


Refers to persons who possess stereotypical female and male characteristics


Refers to the study of how people use space and distance to communicate.


Refers to the study of the use of voice to express self.


Refers to the surroundings that shape the communication context. Ppl are influenced by environment factors such as architecture, design, doors, windows, color, lighting, smell, seating arrangements, temperature, and cleanliness.

A woman shaded her eyes with her open hand on her brow and said "wow it is ever bright out here" The nonverbal cue here is a(n)




Identify and explain the two types of listening models.

SIER Hierarchy of Active Listening Model and the CARESS Model.

Semantics can be defined as the

Science of meaning in language


Source, Message, Channels, receivers, environment

Extemporaneous Delivery

Speaker has practiced thoroughly but not memorized, using speakers notes, not a manuscript


Speaker writes the entire presentation word for word


Speakers need to measure the resistance of an audience (how open they are to new ideas) and adjust the speech to their interests, needs, and desires.

Examples (ch11)

Specific instances used to illustrate your point.


Specifying when you made an observation, since everything changes over time


Specifying when you made an observation, since everything changes over time.

Identify and explain the issues regarding sexual harassment.

Teens are big targets because laws aren't aimed at protecting them from harassment and they feel that it might be the norm because they're not used to the workplace.

Selective Exposure

Tendency to place ourselves in environments with others who think as we do.


Textual expression of emotions that show our feelings in the digital world


The altering or modifying of a person's attitudes, beliefs, values or outlook about a topic

Which of the following items uses onomatopoeia?

The antacids hit the water: plop,plop,fizz,fizz

Intercultural Communication

The exchange of information between individuals who are unalike culturally.

Dynamism (ch11)

The extent to which the speaker is perceived as bold active, energetic, strong, empathetic, and assertive. An aspect of credibility.


The extent to which the speaker is perceived as bold, active, energetic, strong, empathic, and assertive.

Source Credibility (ch5)

The extent to which the speaker is perceived as competent to make the claim he or she is making.


The fact that men dont like the "one up, one down" situation is an example of this defining principal of gender communication

Impression Management

The format of an impression, a perception, or a view of the other.

Impression Management

The formation of an impression, a perception, or a view of the other

Symbolic Interactionism

The framework that positions communication as the primary means by which people internalize and use social values to guide how they see themselves, how they see others and how they interact

Automatic Attention (ch5)

The instinctive focus we give to stimuli signaling a change in our surroundings, stimuli that we deem important, or stimuli that we perceive to signal danger.

Co-cultural communication

The interactions among underrepresented and dominant group members

Which of the following is NOT an example of a group norm ?

The leader has a very large vocalualary so se practically needs an interpreter for others to understand

Cultural Competence

The level of knowledge a person has about others who differ in some way in comparison to self


The location, distance, or range between persons and things

Assimilation goal

The marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominant group

Power Distance

The perceived equality or inequality felt between people in certain cultural or social contexts


The polychronic time schedule, which views time as "contextually based and relationally oriented".

Perception Checking

The practice of asking others to get a more informed sense of understanding


The practice of describing observed behavior or phenomena instead of offering personal reactions or judgments.

Within-group diversity

The presence of observable and/or implicit differences among group members

What is within-group diversity?

The presence of observable and/or implicit differences among group members.

Within Group Diversity (ch9)

The presence of observable and/or implicit differences among group members.

Sleeper Effect

The principal of persuasion that says sometimes it takes repeated and frequent exposure for a message to sink in.

According to the SMCRE model of communication, which of the following best describes the environment of a speaking occasion? pg 8

The situation or contest in which a speech takes place

Group culture

The socially negotiated system of rules that guide group behavior

Group Culture (ch9)

The socially negotiated system of rules that guide group behavior.

What is group culture?

The socially negotiated system of rules that guide group behavior.


The socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, attitudes and values of a particular period, class, community, or population. Also a combination of rituals, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, and ways of behaving that unify a group of people.

The sleeper effect means that the

The speech hd a delayed message impact because of separation of speaker from message over time


The standards by which a group must judge potential solutions


The state of being involved with others; a human need


These people are more resistant to persuasion because they rigid in their beliefs and see things in black and white.


These refer to the emotional overtones that are frequently used by women in communication.

How are objects used in nonverbal communication?

They can communicate your age, gender, status, role, what your religion is, what the climate is, what time of day, etc. Communicates authority and people's roles.

Identify and explain the benefits of wikis.

They're cheap, don't require a specialized software, worldwide access, compatible with any computer.

Small Group Communication

Three or more individuals are interdependent, share goals, identify with one another, and interact.

Which of the following is NOT a function of a speech introduction ?

To forecast the development and organization of the speech

How are wikis used by corporations?

To see how their brand is being mentioned in social media and other websites. They use wikis to see how they can enhance their company brand and image.

The innate, internal fears speakers bring to the situation that is a relatively rare form of anxiety, is called______anxiety



Translating thoughts into words

A recent poll shows fear of public speaking to be the number to fear of Americans


Audience size is crucial in determining what type of visual aids you will use.


Beliefs are the reasons people hold the attitudes they do


Feeling apprehensive about public speaking is normal.


If possible, a speaker should never give a speech without presenting a visual aid.


In Shannon and Weaver's Models of Communication, the final "destination" can be a person or a machine


The audience's first impression comes more from what they see than from what the hear.


of course, this brings on conflict through defensiveness if the

VALENCE of the interpersonal communication is negative

Deep-seated principles that serve as personal guidelines for behavior are:



Verbal Mistakes


Verbal cues indicating organizational relationships of main points

Non Fluencies (ch13)

Verbal mistakes such as false starts, mispronunciations, or excessive ah's or um's.

Lecture Cues (ch5)

Verbal or nonverbal Signals that stress points or indicate transitions between ideas during a lecture.


Verifiable forms of information


View conflict as battle and advance own interests over those of others

From class notes, visual aids should be?

Visible Non-distracting Simple and clear Functional In your possession "Profitable"

Visual Aids (ch13)

Visual Elements that help your audience receive your message.


Ways in which a presenter signals to an audience where the presentation is going

Explain the culture of the continental United States in regards to the concepts of cultural diversity.

We are a short-term, flat hierarchy, accepting, more masculine, and individualistic nation.


We take in lots of information but only attend to some of it


When people engage in communication behaviors intended to create perceptions psychological closeness with others

What is discriminative listening?

When we "distinguish the auditory and visual stimuli"

What factors influence the meaning and use of touch?

Where you are and who it is. It can be welcomed, as seen as caring and gentle, but can also be seen as unwanted and harassing.

Which of the following is most likely an example of a primary group?

Women Playing Cards

Which of the following statements regarding gender and group interaction is true?

Women Prefer more formal speeches

Which of the following statements regarding gender and group interaction is true?

Women formal speeches

Identify and explain the decision-making for small groups.

Wording the discussion question, discussing criteria, identifying alternatives, and evaluating alternatives.


Words and phrases specific to a particular region or part of the country.

Concrete Language

Words and statements that are specific rather than abstract or vague.

Concrete Language

Words or Statements that are specific rather than abstract or vague

Which part of the listening process is responsible for interpreting and assigning meaning to stimuli?

Working memory

Testimonial Evidence (ch11)

Written or oral statements of others experience used by a speaker to substantiate or clarify a point.

Common Ground

You and Your audience share an understanding of the world

Frozen Evaluation

You do not allow your assessment to change over time

Selective Attention

You focus on certain cues and ignore others.


You pay attention to messages that are important to you.


You set aside your views and accept the those of others

Communication Orientation

Your focus as a speaker is to achieve your communicative goals

Communication Orientation (ch13)

Your focus as a speaker is to achieve your communicative goals.

Which of the following best typifies the meaning of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis ?

Your language shapes your perception...

What factors determine the amount of personal space you use?

Your size, your gender, and how much space you claim as your own.


______ means emotional appeal and appealing to motivation.


__________Involves voluntary compliance and is the act of influencing someone's attitude, behavior, or emotions with hopes of changing them.

social influence theory states that we all form norms and standards of behavior in dyads and in larger groups

a 1999 survey showed that a third of all subordinates at work felt like punching out their bosses for real or imagined insults. the difference is that most of us have self restraint controls and we do not feed or urge on those feelings.

transition (ch 12)

a bridge between sections of a presentation that helps the presenter move smoothly from one idea to another

sleeper effect (ch 11)

a change of audience opinion caused by the separation of the message content from its source over a period of time

explanation (ch 11)

a clarification of what something is or how it works

a bureaucracy also has REGULAR AND ONGOING EVALUATIONS of its members

a co had the right to evaluate a member's performance and to recommend changes in their behavior. most of the time the evaluations center on TASK PERFORMANCE, however, evaluations of a member's social and communication behavior are common


a collection of symbols, letters, or words with arbitrary meanings that are governed by rules and used to communicate

language (ch 3)

a collection of symbols, letters, or words with arbitrary meanings that are governed by rules and used to communicate

analogy (ch 11)

a comparison of things in some respects, especially in position or function, that are otherwise dissimilar

attractiveness (ch 6)

a concept that includes physical attractiveness, how desirable a person is to work with, and how much "social value" the person has for others


a consistent pattern of interaction or behavior exhibited over time

role (ch 9)

a consistent pattern of interaction or behavior exhibited over time

implicit rule culture (ch 7)

a culture in which information and cultural rules are implied and already known to the participants

explicit rule culture (ch 7)

a culture in which information, policies, procedures, and expectations are explicit

Operational definition

a definition that identifies something by revealing how it works, how it is made or what it consists of

operational definition (ch 3)

a definition that identifies something by revealing how it works, how it is made, or what is consists of

Operational Definition

a definition that identifies something by revealing how it works, how it is made, or what it consists of

job description

a document that defines a job in terms of its content and scope

job description (ch 8)

a document that defines the job in terms of its content and scope

functional resume

a document that organizes your credentials by type of function performed

functional resume (ch 8)

a document that organizes your credentials by type of function performed

chronological resume

a document that organizes your credentials over time

chronological resume (ch 8)

a document that organizes your credentials over time

brake light function (ch 12)

a forewarning to the audience that the end of the presentation is near


a generalization about some group of people that oversimplifies their culture

reference librarian (ch 11)

a librarian specifically trained to help you find sources of information

one significant factor in breakups is when one person experiences

a major change. your communication becomes so unlikable that you cannot tolerate it another minute. worst of all, as in social exchange theory. you realize that the costs far outweigh the rewards of the relationship and you realize that it may be over.

problem/solution pattern (ch 12)

a method of organization in which the presenter describes a problem and proposes a solution to that problem

cause/effect pattern (ch 12)

a method of organization in which the presenter first explains the causes of an event, a problem, or an issue and then discusses its consequences, results, or effects

novelty and predictability.

a relationship that has no suprises can feel boring, but a relationship that lacks predictability can feel unstable and unreliable.

second person observation (ch 5)

a report of what another observed

cover letter (ch 8)

a short letter introducing you and your resume to an interviewer

cover letter

a short letter introducing you and your resume to and interviewer

quid pro sexual harassment (ch 8)

a situation in which an employee is offered a regard or threatened with punishment based on his or her participation in a sexual activity

quid pro quo sexual harassment

a situation in which an employee is offered a reward or is threatened with punishment based on his or her participation in a sexual activity

two sided argument (ch 11)

a source advocating one position presents an argument from the opposite viewpoint and then goes on to refute that argument

slang (ch 3)

a specialized language of a group of people who share a common interest or belong to a similar co culture

extemporaneous delivery (ch 13)

a speech is practiced throughly but not memorized, using speakers notes, not a manuscript

memorized delivery (ch 13)

a speech is written as a manuscript and then delivered from memory

impromptu delivery (ch 13)

a speech that has little or no preparation time and is made up along the way

manuscript delivery (ch 13)

a speech that is written word for word using a tone and language that is appropriate for speaking rather than reading

culture (ch 2)

a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, and artifacts that members of a society use to cope with one another and with their world

short term memory (ch 5)

a temporary storage place for information


a term used to describe the unique differences in people.


a textual expression of emotions, is how you show your feelings in the digital world.


a textual expression of emotions... How you show your feelings in the digital world.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

a theory or perception of reality is determined by our thought processes, our thought processes are limited by our language, and therefore that language shapes our reality

Sapir Whorf hypothesis

a theory that our perception of reality is determined by our thought processes, our thought processes are limited by our language and therefore that language shapes our reality


a unique combination of rituals, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, and ways of behaving that unify a group of people

culture (ch 7)

a unique combination of rituals, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, and ways of behaving that unify a group of people

Relational Culture

a unique private world constructed and sustained by partners in a relationship

Code Sensitivity

ability to use verbal and nonverbal language appropriate to the cultural norms of individual with whom you are communicating

Matching hypothesis

according to it, we tend to form relationships with people who are comparable to us in terms of physical attractiveness

self actualization (ch 2)

according to maslow, the fulfillment of one's potential as a person

all of the following are fulfilled by primary groups except


Of those polled, 55% indicated that they certainly would buy a gun, another 20% said they would strongly consider it. Clearly gun ownership is a right that needs to be protected This is an example of what type of fallacy?

ad populum

post hoc (logical fallacies)

after the fact; not a direct cause and effect

frozen evaluation (ch 3)

an assessment of a concept that does not change over time

Sexual Orientation

an enduring sexual attraction toward members of either one's own sex or the other sex

you should think of your speech as

an expanded conversation of a convo you have everyday

Group Conflict

an expressed struggle between 2 or more members of a group

Group Conflict

an expressed struggle between two or more members of a group

group conflict (ch 10)

an expressed struggle between two or more members of a group


an expression that has lost originality and force through overuse

cliche (ch 3)

an expression that has lost originality and force through overuse

Connotative Meaning

an individualized or personalized meaning of a word, which may be emotionally laden

Connotative Meaning

an individualized or personalized meaning of a word, which may be emotionally laden.

group decision support system GDSS (ch 9)

an interactive network of computers with specialized software allowing users to generate solutions for unstructured problems

Group Decision Support System (GDSS)

an interactive network of computers with specialized software, allowing users to generate solutions for unstructured problems

network (ch 8)

an intricate web of contacts and relationships designed to benefit the participants


an unintended outcome of cohesion in which the desire for cohesion and agreement takes precedence over critical analysis and discussion

groupthink (ch 9)

an unintended outcome of cohesion in which the desire for cohesion and agreement takes precedent over critical analysis and discussion

Which of the following BEST describes the appropriate steps for developing content of an effective speech

analyze the audience and occasion then plan and organize your message.

critical thinking (ch 5)

analyzing the speaker, the situation, and the speakers ideas to make critical judgements about the message being presented

Generalized Anxiety

anxiety about almost all forms of communication in all settings will all people

informal communication

any interaction that does not generally follow the formal structure of the organization but emerges out of natural social interaction among organization members

informal communication (ch 8)

any interaction that generally does not follow the formal structure of organization but emerges out of a natural social interaction among organization members

doublespeak (ch 3)

any language that is purposefully constructed to disguise its actual meaning

Speech Act

any verbal or nonverbal message as part of an interaction


appropriate stances or positions


are rewards for adherence and sanctions for violations

After arriving in the US to begin work on his masters degree in business, Shoko found that the best way for her to fit into her new surroundings was to begin dressing like her fellow classmates and developing interests that were similar to theirs. Which type of goal is Shoko attempting with this behavior as a member of a marginalized group?


Interpersonal Relationship

association between at least two people who are interdependent and use consistent patterns of interaction

interpersonal relationships (ch 6)

associations between two people who are interdependent, who use some consistent patterns of interaction, and who have interacted for an extended period of time

The preferred way to avoid ethnocentric perspective is to

assume that other individuals would prefer to think and act as you do

Mass Communication Research

attempts to understand and explain the role(s) the media play (cognitive, affective, and behavioral effects)

introductions are composed of

attention, motivation, credibility, and purpose

self esteem exerts a large influence on your self concept in terms of

attitude toward your self and how certain you are of your self and your abilities

as you find out more about each other, you begin to notice similarities b/w you not just in surface-level facts and opinions but now in

attitudes, schemas, values, & central beliefs. should you both reveal that you are born-again Christians, or that you went to the sam high school and know the same friends, your relationship will INTENSITY

relational dialects

attributes the communication patterns between partners to the existence of dialectical tensions

Horn Effect

attributing a variety of negative qualities to those you dislike

Referent power

based on others' respect (charisma)

Positive qualities...

can become unhealthy as well.

_____replaces irrational negative thoughts with more positive ones

cognitive restructuring


collection of symbols, letters, or words with arbitrary meaning that are governed by rules and used to communicate


collection of symbols, letters, or words with arbitrary meanings that are governed by rules and used to communicate

Content curation

collection/storage of documents from web covering specific topic

genetic contributors

combinations of inherited tendencies that may exert influences on our behavioral preferences

Culture of Touch

contact cultures non-contact cultures


control, responsibilities, and power are FLUID. although there may be clear divisions of work, there is nothing preventing one partner from assuming other roles and responsibilities

Collectivist Cultures

cultures that value the group over the individuals, commitment to family,tribe, and clan. Value cooperation over competition and place "we" before "I". EX. Venezuela, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand

Decode vs Encode

d= translate into thoughts, e= into words


deals with how people influence each other by defining yourself through the reactions of others. i.e. walk into a nightclub and no one acknowledges you

Which of the following statement about emotional labor is not true?

decrease turnover


deeply held habitual behavior (customs done for a long time become traditions, experiences based on a belief used to pass on ideals/values).

Nonverbal immediacy

defined as the use of closeness inducing nonverbal behavioral cues. these include touching someone in a nonviolent manner, smiling, orientating your body toward another person. Appearance, voice, facial/eye expression, gestures, touch.

a bureaucracy is a

deliberately structured group of people with a PHYSICAL PLACE OF OPERATION, DEFINED PLAN of operations, goals, norms, controls, and formal routing of messages. generally a bureaucracy has some sort of written statement of their mission and the way they operate. again some of the GOALS are TASK (making a product, achieve profitability, running a sports team) but some bureaucracies are SOCIAL (service club, support group, singles club, and reading clubs)

What type of information includes general audiences characteristics such as age, gender, and education?


titles (ch 13)

describe the general focus of a graphic slide

Perceptual Checking

describing, interpreting, and verifying that helps you understand another person and his or her message more accurately.

negative self talk (ch 10)

destructive self criticism

negative self-talk

destructive self-criticism

Supporting Material

details you can use to substantiate your arguments

definitions (ch 11)

determinations of meaning through description, simplification, examples, analysis, comparison, explanation, or illustration

Dominant Culture

determined by who has the power and influence in a group

Denotative meaning

dictionary meaning of a word

in 1970s, the idea transferred to let i "all hang out" in the hope that the

discussion would clear the air. the answer is usually somewhere in b/w "space" & "air"

Corridor Culture


When marginalized groups try to fit in with the dominant group, they are attempting to achieve


Discriminative Listening

distinguish the auditory and visual stimuli

ppl use verbal and nonverbal communication to manipulate us into giving up more than we want

do it very quietly (cold stares) and sometimes it happens by fore (physical assault, rape, or abuse)

Informal Communication

does not follow the formal structure of the organization but emerges out of social interactions

impromptu delivery style

done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed; very little preparation; exercise of improvisation

Central Route Processing

effortful scrutinizing of the message

70 year old women

elaboration likelihood model

specific contexts

environments that have a distinct and unique pattern of exchanging messages

Interaction Management

establish smooth pattern of interaction that allows a clear flow of topics and ideas. EX) using pauses, changing pitch

interaction management

establishing a smooth pattern of interaction that allows a clear flow between topics and ideas

interaction management (ch 8)

establishing a smooth pattern of interaction that allows a clear flow between topics and ideas


ethically neutral

When people bring prejudices of their culture to intercultural interactions, they are being


Assif Mandvi's imitation of an American answering a call for "tech support" was an example of


The same reptile known as a river turtle in Illinois is a cooter in Florida. This language phenomenon is classifies as


communication apprehension

fear and avoidance of communication with other people

communication apprehension (ch 10)

fear and avoidance of communication with other people

Govt in the social system

federal & states

disconfirmation (ch 2)

feedback in which others fail to respond to your notion of self by responding neutrally

conformation (ch 2)

feedback in which others treat you in a manner consistent with who you believe you are

rejection (ch 2)

feedback in which others treat you in a manner that is inconsistent with your self definition

generalized anxiety

feelings of anxiety associated with communication in nearly all situations

generalized anxiety (ch 10)

feelings of anxiety associated with communication in nearly all situations

nobody likes this STAGNATION STAGE

few ppl can stand more than a few days of stagnation yet some ppl seem unable to muster the energy to change the relationship. when you do get some energy or the breaking point is looming closer, when that threshold is reached, both partner may decide to READJUST (actually changes have been agreed whether reached through compromise or outright warfare) & RECALIBRATE (actual changes have been implemented) the relationship


frequent rude behavior that may or may not have the intent of being harmful

examples of dyads

friend to friend, parent to child, student-teacher, boss to employee, etc.

how does the speaker gain the audience's trust

gained over time & easy to lose; reveal to audience why you're trustworthy; eye contact; confidence; reliable sources

diversity across communication contexts

gender influences, ethnicity & race, language differences, religion & spirituality, people with disabilities and sexual orientation

Political Orientation

generate and distribute power and control within society

self fulfilling prophecy (ch 2)

idea that you behave and see yourself in ways that are consistent with how others see you

labels (ch 13)

identify specific elements of a graphic slide

fundamental attribution error (ch 2)

in judging other people, the tendency to attribute their successes to the situation and their failures to their personal characteristics

connotative meaning (ch 3)

individualized or personalized meaning of a word, which may be emotionally laden

Connotative meaning

individualized or personalized meaning of word, may be emotionally laden

active listening (ch 5)

involved listening with a purpose


is a group of two people with some sort of relationship between them. generally their interaction is face-to-face and there is an expectation of future interaction. it doesn't matter whether the relationship is very goal oriented or simply social. the power structure and VALENCE (positiveness or negativity) of the interactions will become evident and the research tends to support a number of factors that lead to successful interpersonal relationships


is behavior that indicates that a person's ego or image is threatened. instead of addressing the issue, the defensive person lashes back ("oh you're the one to talk!") , attacks the perceived critic ("you don't know what you're talking about"), discounts the accusations ("that's b.s.") or changes the critics shortcomings ("you think I'm sloppy. you should see your room after a weekend.")

Analog Code

is made of sound waves for audio and music and light waves for pictures and words. analog is converted to binary for the computer to understand.

Cultural Relativism

is the belief that another culture should be judged by its own context rather than measured against your culture

Which of the following is NOT a criteria for evaluating sources of information ?

is the supporting material personal

When evaluating sources, you should ensure that the supporting material...

is verifiable.


judgments or appraisals formed in the mind about a particular matter

Heterosexist Language

language that implies that everyone is heterosexual

Heterosexist language

language that implies that everyone is heterosexual

heterosexist language (ch 3)

language that implies that everyone is heterosexual

Racist language

language that insults a group because of its skin color or ethinicity

logos (ch 1)

logical appeals

When people stereotype, they

make a generalization about a group of people that oversimplifies their culture


make people receiving your message feel something about your topic


making judgement on another person about his/her behavior

Economic Orientation

manufacture products and or sell services to customers

Assimilation Goal

marginalized group attempts to fit in with dominant group

Assimilation goal

marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominant group

Separation goal

marginalized group exclusive with own group and little with dominant

Accommodation goal

marginalized group keeps its ID strives for positive relations with dominant culture

Accommodation Goal

marginalized group manages to keep its identity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant culture

Separation Goal

marginalized group relates as exclusively as possible with its own group and as little as possible with the dominant group

social attraction

measured by an individual's actions and personality

Social Attraction

measured by an individuals actions and personality


mechanics of listening including converting sound into electrical impulses and then into meaning (decoding)

statistics (ch 11)

numbers that summarize numerical information or compare quantities

first person observation (ch 5)

observation based on something that you personally have sensed

Appreciative Listening

obtain sensory stimulation through the works and experiences of others

defensiveness (ch 6)

occurs when a person feels attacked

Upward Communication

occurs when messages flow from subordinates to superiors


occurs when nonverbal codes are used to monitor and control interactions with others

common ground

occurs when you and your audience share an understanding of the world, either in broad terms or in a relationship to specific issues (past, present, or future)


occurs when your verbal and nonverbal messages conflict

Downword Communication

occurs whenever superiors initiate messages to subordinates

Those who schedule their days, are early for appointments, and plan for the future are probably members of an

on-time Culture

political orientation (ch 8)

organizations that generate and distribute power and control within society

integration orientation

organizations that help mediate and resolve discord among members of society

integration orientation (ch 8)

organizations that help to mediate and resolve discord among members of society

economic orientation (ch 8)

organizations that manufacture products and or offer services for consumers

economic orientation

organizations that manufacture products and/or offer services for consumers

pattern-maintenance orientation

organizations that promote cultural and educational regularity and development within society

Chronological Resume

organized credentials over time

Functional Resume

organizes your experiences by type of function performed


originator of message does not show concern for the second person

artifacts (ch 4)

ornaments or adornments that you display that hold communicative potential

Expert power

others value expertise

politeness (ch 2)

our efforts to save face for others


outcome of the process

active perception (ch 2)

perception in which your mind selects, organizes, and interprets that which you sense

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

perception of reality is determined by our thought processes, our thought processes are limited by our language

interpretive perception (ch 2)

perception that involves a blend of internal states and external stimuli

turning points

perceptions of events that transform relationships

Model of Interaction Stages

person receiving the message responds by sending another message back, Iniating, Experimenting, Intensifying, Integrating, Bonding, Differentiating, Circumscribing, Stagnating, Avoiding, Terminating

Legitimate power

person with title

ad hominem (logical fallacies)


Imagined Trajectories

personal understandings of various tracks in relationships


persons attempt to influence a target

Learned Helplessness

persons communication behavior is rewarded one time and punished the next

another factor in successful long term relationships concern the fact that some ppl are more rhetorically sensitive than others.

ppl who keep their audience in mind, even if its an audience of one when they are communicating are likely to enjoy satisfying convos that are free of control, negative perceptions, and misunderstandings that could hurt the relationship


prefer challenging and complex messages

Two-sided nonrefutational messages

provide counter arguments but do not refute those arguments

two sidedness non refutational (ch 14)

provide counter arguments but do not refute those arguments

One-Sided Message

provide only the arguments that support your message

one sidedness (ch 14)

provide only the arguments that support your message

Two-Sided Refutational Message

provides and refutes counter argument

Two-Sided nonrefutational message

provides counter arguments but do not refute those arguments

One-sided message

provides only the arguments that support your message

Forming relationships

proximity: the distance between to people. it could be physical as in distance living from eachother, or virtual, which can include relationship through online activities/communities

Strategic Ambiguity

purposeful use of symbols to allow multiple interpretations of messages

peripheral route processing (ch 1)

receivers give brief attention to the message without elaborated thought

complementary relationships (ch 6)

relationships in which each person supplies something the other person or persons lack

what is the #1 type of motivation



restating another person's message by rephrasing the content or intent of the message

paraphrasing (ch 3)

restating another persons message by rephrasing the content or intent of the message

in periods of crisis and conflict,

rhetorically sensitive ppl focus on preserving the relationship instead of being right or stubborn. they recognize that there is a time to push and a time to pull back and don't mind sharing control. they believe that giving in is good for the relationship but does not meaning giving up an ego, status, or face

The skit shown in class about two men applying for a job illustrated the concept of



same message is sent verbally and nonverbally

Performance Orientation

seeing your presentation as a performance and your audience as critics

performance orientation

seeing your presentation as a performance and your audience as critics

performance orientation (ch 13)

seeing your presentation as a performance and your audience as critics

self talk (ch 10)

silent communications with oneself that influence our perceptions of reality

most important factor in health relationships is that the relationship is deemed more important than the tangible issues. conversely, ppl who concern themselves w/ dominance and power (being right at all cost) find themselves very weak partners of few friends

some relationships deserve to die because debilitating interactions are not good for the psyche

emergent leader (ch 9)

someone who becomes an informal leader by exerting influence toward achievement of a groups goals but who does not meet the formal position or role of a leader

Emergent leader

someone who becomes an informal leader by exerting influence toward the achievement of a group's goal but does not hold the formal position or role of leader

Designated Leader

someone who has been appointed or elected to a leadership position

Memorized Presentation



standards of behavior

celebrity testimony (ch 11)

statements made by a public figure who is known to an audience

lay testimony (ch 11)

statements made by an ordinary person that substantiate or support what you say

Lay Testimony

statements made by ordinary person to support what you say

expert testimony (ch 11)

statements made by someone who has special knowledge or expertise about an issue or idea

Kinesthetic learning style

student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration

Visual learning style

students who learn most effectively when it is portrayed in illustrations

surveys (ch 11)

studies in which a limited number of questions are answered by a sample of the population to discover opinions on issues


study of language as it is used in a social context


study of language used in social context and effect on communicators


study of the way humans use language to evoke meaning in others


study of use of human space and distance

Aristotle's defined appeals- Logos

substance go a message; arguments provide proof; logical appeals; greets impact on long term persuasion

Testimonial Evidence

supporting material that consists of written or oral statements of others experience used to substantiate or clarify a point


supportive language & words free of negative connotations. they spend the time and energy to listen when you want them to listen, they sympathize with you when you are down, and they appreciate your emotional needs and triumphs. in convos, they generally don't hog the floor or put others down. plenty of equal turntaking, never top someone's stories or try to compete for attention or admiration. avoid interpositions and nullifications. sensitive communicators use feelings and emotional lang instead of cliches. avoid placing blame and using judgments and evaluations. ppl who use sensitivity and openness with a focus on the relationship while avoiding petty negative issues find tat their attitudes, philosophies, and relationships converge

on the other hand, just the fact that someone is listening to you, esp in a crisis situation, is a

symbolic indication of belonging in that dyad

Laissez-faire leaders

take no initiative for group discussion


target refuses to comply requests

Verbal Citations

tell listeners who the source is, how recent the information is , and what the sources qualifications are

closure (ch 2)

tendency to fill in missing information in order to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement

An example of a non-dominant culture that does not try to fit into the dominant culture in the United States is

the Amish

cultural competence (ch 3)

the ability of individuals and systems to respond respectfully and effectively to people of all cultures, classes, races, ethnic backgrounds, and religions in a manner that recognizes, affirms, and values the worth of individuals, families, communities, and protects and preserves the dignity of each

behavioral flexibility (ch 6)

the ability to alter behavior to adapt to new situations and to relate in new ways when necessary

Culture Competence

the ability to communicate among/between cultures and to determine skill in interacting w/ and understanding people of other cultures


the ability to influence our environment

control (ch 9)

the ability to influence our environment

denotative meaning (ch 3)

the agreed upon meaning or dictionary meaning of a word

Denotative Meaning

the agreed-upon meaning or dictionary meaning of a word

Denotative Meaning

the agreed-upon meaning or dictionary meaning of a word.

as your relationship gets more interpersonal and develops over time,

the amount, depth, and breadth (width) of info you tell about yourself or know about your partner increases

ethnocentrism (ch 7)

the belief that your own group or culture is superior to other groups or cultures

result of debilitating behavior is

the breaking of trust. once the trust is violated, the relationship will come that much closer to the breaking point. serious metacommunication must occur for repairs to be implemented if that trust is to be restored

Content Curation

the collection and storage of documents and other multimedia from the Web, covering a specified topic

Content Curation

the collection and storage of documents and other multimedia from the web covering a specific topic

when the REWARDS (stimulation, satisfaction, contentment, pleasures, or outright thrills) outweigh the COSTS (negative feelings, negative valence, poor quality of info),

the communication reflects a desire to keep the relationship going


the degree to which a speaker is perceived as skilled, qualified, experienced, authoritative, reliable, and informed

Physical Attraction

the degree to which one finds another person's physical self appealing


the dislike or hatred one has toward a particular group.

self esteem (ch 2)

the feeling you have about your self concept, how well you like and evaluate yourself

introduction (ch 12)

the first part of your presentation where you fulfill the 5 functions of an introduction

figure (ch 2)

the focal point of your attention

retirement has given them access to the aesthetic things in life-

the highest hierarchy on MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS

similarity (ch 6)

the idea that our friends and loved ones are usually people who like or dislike the same things we do

complementarity (ch 6)

the idea that we sometimes bond with people whose strengths are our weaknesses

responsiveness (ch 6)

the idea that we tend to select our friends and loved ones from people who demonstrate positive interest in us

Perceptual Constancy

the idea that your past experiences lead you to see the world in a way that is difficult to change.

perceptual constancy (ch 2)

the idea that your past experiences lead you to see the world in a way that is difficult to change; your initial perceptions persist

Source Credibility

the image held of a communicator by a receiver at a given time

source credibility (ch 14)

the image held of a communicator by a receiver at the given time

body (ch 12)

the largest part of the presentation, which contains arguments, evidence, and main content

cultural competence

the level of knowledge a person has about others who differ in some way in comparison to self

proximity (ch 6)

the location, distance, or range between persons and things

in long term relationship, the maintenance stage is rarely a smooth road.

the maintenance stage is more like a roller coaster ride with high and low points. mature communicators try to maximize the highs and minimize the lows but as we know, some of us have higher highs and lower lows than others

Assimilation Goal

the marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominant group

assimilation goal (ch 7)

the marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominant group

Assimilation Goal

the marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominate group

accommodation goal (ch 7)

the marginalized group manages to keep co cultural indentity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant culture

Accommodation Goal

the marginalized group manages to keep its identity while striving for positive relationships with dominate culture

M time (ch 7)

the monochromic time schedule, which compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separates tasks and social dimensions and points to the future

compliance gaining strategies

the most common tactics are: positive and negative reinforcement, inclusion and exclusion from a dyad or group, SEQUENTIAL PERSUASION TECHNIQUES (repeated exposure to a message) but think of all the communication you do to convince a friend and how frequent, intense, and repetitious your messages are

main points (ch 12)

the most important points in a presentation, indicated by roman numerals in an outline

relational climates

the overall emotional feeling, or temperature, of the relationship

rate (ch 4)

the pace of your speech

role (ch 2)

the part an individual plays in a group, and individual's function or expected behavior

working memory (ch 5)

the part of our consciousness that interprets and assigns meaning to stimuli that we pay attention to

conclusion (ch 12)

the part that finishes the presentation by fulfilling the four functions of an ending


the perceived equality or inequality felt between people in certain cultural or social contexts

source (ch 1)

the person initiating the communication

self image (ch 2)

the picture you have of yourself, the sort of person you believe you are

Wear-Out Point

the point at which a repeated persuasive message loses its effectiveness

wear out point (ch 14)

the point at which a repeated persuasive message loses its effectiveness


the point at which a repeated persuasive message loses its effectiveness

subpoints (ch 12)

the points in a presentation that support the main points indicated by the capital letters in an outline


the process of receiving, attending to and assigning meaning to aural and visual stimuli


the process of translating your thoughts into words

encode (ch 3)

the process of translating your thoughts into words

leadership (ch 9)

the process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of others to meet group goals

nonverbal communication (ch 4)

the process of using messages that are not words to generate meaning

interpersonal communication (ch 1)

the process of using messages to generate meaning between at least two people in a situation that allows mutual opportunities for both speaking and listening

Nonverbal Communication

the process of using wordless messages to generate meaning.

proactive imagination (ch 10)

the process of visualizing yourself having a successful communication experience

strategic ambiguity

the purposeful use of symbols to allow multiple interpretations of messages

strategic ambiguity (ch 8)

the purposeful use of symbols to allow multiple interpretations of messages

as the relationship deteriorates,

the quality and quantity of self disclosure decreases correspondingly


the rules of living and functioning in a particular society

repetition (ch 4)

the same message is sent both verbally and non verbally

environment (ch 1)

the situation or context in which the transaction takes place

Group Culture

the socially negotiated system of rule that guide group behavior

Group culture

the socially negotiated system of rules that guide group behavior

group culture (ch 9)

the socially negotiated system of rules that guide group behavior


the socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and values of a particular period, class, community or population


the socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and values of a particular period, class, community, or popular


the standards by which a group must judge potential solutions

criteria (ch 9)

the standards by which a group must judge potential solutions


the state of being involved with others, a human need

inclusion (ch 9)

the state of being involved with others, a human need.


the state of being involved with others; a human need


the study of the use of voice to express self. Through tone, volume, articulation, pitch, rate of speech, and use of silence

semantics (ch 3)

the study of the way humans use language in order to evoke meaning in others


the study of the way humans use language to evoke meaning in others

the type of person we are (or we think we are) often dictates

the type of person we will be in normal and crisis interactions

imagined trajectories

the understanding of various paths relationships can take and where those paths lead


the unique differences in people

positive self talk (ch 10)

the use of positive coping statements instead of negative self talk

tactile communication (ch 4)

the use of touch in communication

inflection (ch 4)

the variety or changes in pitch

Speech Act

the various actions we perform through speech ex: promises, threats, apologies, questions, ect.


the way in which words are arranged to form phrases and sentences

syntax (ch 3)

the way in which words are arranged to form phrases and sentences


the way that people organize and use time

one of the central issues in social influence theory and research is how ppl influence and control each other

these activities are called COMPLIANCE GAINING STRATEGIES AND TACTICS and it turns out they we have many diff strategies and tactics to exert influence, power, and control

all these verbal and nonverbal cues are really indications whether your partner accepts or rejects your review of yourself.

they could be considered VALIDATIONS OR INVALIDATIONS of your worth to them.


things listeners bring to a listening situation and the context in which listening occurs, including culture

Non-Dominant Culture

this term includes people of color, women, gays/lesbians/bisexuals, people with disabilities, the lower/working class, the unemployed, the bankrupt, the young, and the elderly

Non Dominant Culture

this term includes people of color, women, gays/lesbians/bisexuals, people with disabilities, the lower/working class, the unemployed, the under employed, the bankrupt, the young and the elderly

Non-Dominant Culture

this term includes, people of color, women, gays/lesbians/bisexuals, people with disabilities, the lower/working class, the unemployed, the underemployed, the bankrupt, the young, and the elderly

compliance gaining (ch 6)

those attempts made by a source of messages to influence a target "to perform some behavior that the target otherwise might not perform"

Interdependent refers....

to people's being mutually dependent on each other and having an impact on each other. (give-take and vis versa)

Uncertainty-accepting Cultures

tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

Uncertainty-accepting cultures

tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

which is the most versatile pattern



traits, including biological and social traits, associated with being male

difference between transitions & signposts

transitions are a sentence or two & signposts are as brief as a few words. transitions explain the relationship in the message by reflecting back & forth. Signposts point more briefly to what the presenter is going to do at the moment.

T/F evidence must be new to the audience


sexual harassment

unwelcome, unsolicited, repeated behavior of a sexual nature

sexual harassment (ch 8)

unwelcome, unsolicited, repeated behavior of a sexual nature

emphasis (ch 4)

use of nonverbal cues to strengthen verbal messages

Tactile Communication

use of touch to communicate

contradiction (ch 4)

verbal and nonverbal messages conflict

in control of conversations,

we some gender based research conclusions. men are more public with speaking, enjoying entertaining with stories and accomplishments in front of groups while women in that same conversation will remain relatively quiet. men tend to cut off women during conversations more than women cut off men while women are less likely to speak at public gatherings such as family reunions, formal banquets, conferences, etc.

how can a speaker be competent

well prepared & organized, citing credible course, mention achievements


what it means culturally to be a man


what it means culturally to be a woman

most ppl define trust as commitment to relationship and dependability- doing what you say you will do.

when a bond breaks (due to infidelity, untrustworthy actions, family crisis), it can be repaired but it will never be the same as before the break


when people first meet, research studies say the initial interactions show a high degree of apprehension about what to say to their partners and how to react to them. as we find out more details about our partners, our anxiety lessens. we become more comfortable with the norms of behavior you create between each other.

When does evidence benefit the most

when the speakers credibility is low

over the years, you develop your own stylized vocabulary, pet names for each other, and habits like telephoning every first month.

when you haven't seen each other for a long time, there's always apprehension that you or your partner have changed so much that you have to go back to the information gathering stages, tread carefully, and use more questions for clarification until you are sure how to proceed.

then you slide into the AVOIDANCE STAGE,

which is characterized by definable and noticeable physical or psychological distance. ex. move out, separate rooms, get fired or reassigned, may realize your bbf for 5 yars in untrustworthy w/ the info you tell her confidentially so you avioid her


willing to negotiate away some of your position as long as the other party in the same conflict is willing to do the same

how are manuscripts typed

word for word


words and phrases specific to a particular region or part of the country

colloquialisms (ch 3)

words and phrases used informally

Selective Retention

you remember things that reinforce your beliefs. better.

recency theory

you're more likely to remember the last or most recent thing you heard

Deductive Pattern

Present general position first and provide supporting evidence; opposite of inductive

Inductive Pattern

Present specific evidence first and build to general conclusion; opposite of deductive

Implicit- rule culture

A culture in which information and cultural rules are implied and already known to the participants

Explicit- Rule cultures

A culture in which information, policies, procedure, and expectations are explicit


A term used to describe the unique differences in people

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

A theory that our perception of reality is determined by our thought processes, our thought processes are limited by our language, and therefore that language shapes our reality.

Perceptual checking is a skill that?

Understand another person and his or her message more accurately


A unique combination of rituals, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, and ways of behaving that unify a group of people

self-centered functions

Behaviors that serve the needs of the individual at the expense of the group


Study of touch

the way people react to you either

CONFIRMS OR DISCONFIRMS your view of yourself

Hearing (ch5)

The act of receiving sound.

Cultural Relativism

The belief that another culture should be judged by its own context rather than measured against your culture.

Competence (ch11)

The degree to which the speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, experienced, qualified, and informed.


The process of assigning meaning to others words in order to translate them into thoughts of your own.

Nonverbal Immediacy

The use of closeness - inducing nonverbal behavioral cues

Emoticons (ch5)

Typographic symbols showing emotional meaning.

personal network

a web of contacts and relationships to help you gain job leads and make referrals

outline (ch 12)

a written plan that uses symbols, margins, and content to reveal the order, importance, and substance of a presentation

Group Climate

the emotional tone or atmosphere members create within the group


the extent to who an audience perceives the speaker as bold, active, energetic, strong, empathetic, and assertive (these are behaviors the audience will value)

Source Credibility

the image help of a communicator by a receiver at a given time

automatic attention (ch 5)

the instinctive focus we give to stimuli signaling a change in our surroundings, stimuli that we deem important, or stimuli that we perceive to signal danger.

What do points and claims require in a speech

the require support

Analogy (ch11)

A comparison of things in some respects, especially in position or function, that are otherwise dissimilar.

Information Overload

A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual's processing capacity


A more polite, pleasant expression used instead of a socially unacceptable form.

What is prejudice?

A negative attitude toward a group of people just because they are who they are.

Informal role

Also called a behavioral role; a role that is developed spontaneously within a group

Informal Role (ch9)

Also called behavioral role, a role that is developed spontaneously within a group.

Formal Role (ch9)

Also called positional role, and assigned role based on an individuals position or title within a group.

Relationship Oriented Groups (ch9)

Also called primary groups, groups that are usually long term and exist to meet our needs for inclusion and affection.

Relationship-oriented groups

Also called primary groups; groups that are usually long-term and exist to meet our needs for inclusion and affection

Task Oriented Groups (ch9)

Also called secondary groups, groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions.

Objective statement

An articulation of your goals

Frozen Evaluation

An assessment of a concept that does not change over time.


An association of people sharing principals and standards and working together for a common goal.

Organizational Patterns

Arrangements of contents of presentation

Spatial Pattern

Arranging main points according to space

Maintenance functions

Behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among group members

Maintenance Functions (ch9)

Behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among group members.

What are maintenance functions?

Behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among group members.

What are self-centered functions?

Behaviors that serve the needs of the individual at the expense of the group.


Belief in the superiority of you clture

Based on what you have seen on the class and read in the textbook, which of the following is an example of autocratic leadership?

Bertram Cooper .....

Non Verbal Communication

Body Language, messages sent without words


Human speech can be divided into a set of discrete sounds known as:

Uncertainty-Accepting Cultures

Cultures that tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity.


IN DYADIC INTERACTION, then count the times that type of interaction occurs and make our conclusions

one of the most important acts of a bureaucracy is to set up

NORMS AND STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR that members are expected to follow. some of the norms are EXPLICITLY STATED in a employee handbook and some are IMPLICIT (following your co-workers to the appropriate lunchroom at the appropriate time


Definition: Status and hierarchy (the degree to which a culture adheres to status consideration in a hierarchy ). Example: High power - distance =call boss by title Low power-distance= vall boss by first name.

Male-female attribution

Definition: Traits associated with gender; the degree to which traits attributions, and responsibilities are seen in gender terms. Examples: Males=making money, independent Women= taking care of family

Dominant Culture

Determined by who has the power and influence in a group; in the United States the dominant culture is white, male, able-bodied, straight, married, and employed.


Different cultures maintain different standards of proximity/personal space.

Interpersonal Communication

Direct, face-to-face communication between two or more people.

Identify and explain the types of listening.

Discriminative, comprehensive, appreciative, critical, and therapeutic.

Identify and explain different types of organizations and communication networks within organizations.

Economic orientation, political orientation, integration orientation, and pattern-maintenance organizations.

What results in a higher credibility?

Effective delivery skills

Identify and explain broad cultural characteristics.

Individualistic versus collectivist cultures; uncertainty-accepting vs. Uncertainty-rejecting cultures; on-time vs. sometime cultures

Defensive Communication

Language that creates a climate of hostility and mistrust.

Sexist Language

Language that excludes individuals on the basis of gender.

Racist Language

Language that insults a group because of its skin color or ethnicity.


Language that is disrespectful of things sacred.


being self-aware and learning from interactions with intent of improving future interactions


being self-aware and learning from interactions with the intent of improving future interactions

Cultural relativism

belief that another culture should be judged by its own context instead of against yours


belief that own group is superior to others


belief that your own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures

Contact Cultures

cultures that promote interaction and encourage displays of warmth, closeness and availability


have high regard for feelings of others

Integration Orientation

help mediate and resolve discord among members of society


how people use space and distance to communicate

Peak Communication Experiences

individuals' greatest moments of mutual understanding, happiness, and fulfullment in interpersonal communication

Proactive Imagination

influence visual perceptions with visualized images

norms (ch 9)

informal rules for group interaction created and sustained through communication


informal, casual street language used among equals with words unsuitable for more formal contexts


lack of openness to alternative ideas

Ageist Language

language that denigrates people for being young or old

Sexist Language

language that excludes individuals on the basis of gender

sexist language (ch 3)

language that excludes individuals on the basis of gender

critical listening (ch 5)

listening that challenges the speaker's message by evaluating its accuracy, meaningfulness, and utility

empathic listening (ch 5)

listening with a purpose and attempting to understand the other person

central route processing (ch 14)

persuasion achieved by the quality of the arguments in a message

central route processing

persuasion achieved by the quality of the arguments in a message; longer lasting; more resistant to subsequent competing messages


process of making intentional disclosure about yourself that others would be unlikely to know.

mass media communication (ch 1)

process of using messages to generate meaning in a mediated system, between a source and a large number of unseen receivers

Angela tells Richard that he will not receive a raise unless he gives her a massage. This is what type of sexual harassment?

quid pro quo

Selective Attention

receivers avoid a message by not paying attention to it

Narrative Fidelity

refers to how accurately a narrative represents accepted facts.

Physical Appearance

refers to observable traits of the body and its accessories and extensions.

Social penetration theory

shows how relationships progress toward intimacy as a result of self disclosure from both partners

always being told to live up to an image of a more successful sibling can be a

significant demotivator and cause of resentment, low esteem, self worth & negative self concept

organizations (ch 8)

social collectives, or groups of people in which activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and collective goals


social collectives, or groups of people, in which activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and collective goals

Collective Cultures

socialize their members to view themselves as members of the larger social group and to place the group's concern before their own

social penetration and self works in 3 ways. onion metaphor

sometimes we know a little bit about a lot of things about our partners much like peeling a layer or two of an onion. sometimes we know a lot about one or two thing about a person much like taking a deep chunk out of one area of an onion. sometimes we know a lot about a lot of area of our partners much like peering the onion down layer by later until you reach the core. when you reach the core


speakers have little or no preparation and make up speech on the spot

examples (ch 11)

specific instances used to illustrate your point

Concrete language

specific not abstract statements


specifying when you made an observation, since everything changes over time

dating (ch 3)

specifying when you made an observation, since everything changes over time

extemporaneous delivery type

speech carefully prepared, PRACTICED (but not memorized), and the presented with few if any notes (not a manuscript); very natural; most effective delivery style

Manuscript Presentation

speeches that are read from a word for word

High-context Cultures

spoken words are less important than the rest of the context

high-context cultures

spoken words are less important than the rest of the context


the degree to which a speaker is perceived as honest, fair, sincere, friendly, honorable, and kind

trustworthiness(ch 11)

the degree to which the speaker is perceived as honest, fair, sincere, honorable, friendly, and kind. an aspect of credibility.

physical attraction

the degree to which you find the bodily traits of another person pleasing and desireable

Accommodation Goal

the marginalized group manages to keep its identity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant culture

Separation Goal

the marginalized group relates as exclusively as possible with its own group and as little as possible with the dominant group

separation goal (ch 7)

the marginalized group relates as exclusively as possible with its own group, and as little as possible with the dominant group

channel (ch 1)

the means through which the message is sent

message (ch 1)

the message the speaker intends to send

customer service encounter

the moment of interaction between the customer and the firm

customer service encounter (ch 8)

the moment of interaction between the customer and the firm


the process of assigning meaning to others' words in order to translate them into thoughts of your own

perception (ch 2)

the process of becoming aware of objects and events from the senses

argumentativeness (ch 6)

the quality or state of being argumentative, synonymous with contentiousness or combativeness

ethos (ch 1)

the receiver's perception of a sender's competence and trustworthiness; credibility

compliance resisting (ch 6)

the refusal of targets of influence messages to comply with requests

Cultural Rituals

the repetition of formulas that help coordinate our needs and desires.

communibiology (ch 10)

the study of biological bases of human communication

kinesics (ch 4)

the study of bodily movements, including posture, gestures, and facial expressions


the study of body movement and facial expressions

kinesics (ch 10)

the study of body movement and facial expressions


the study of body movement including both posture and gestures


the study of body movement including both posture and gestures.

pragmatics (ch 3)

the study of language as it is used in a social context, including its effect on the communicators


the study of language as its used in a social contexts, including it's effect on the communications


the study of the biological bases of human communications

proxemics (ch 4)

the study of the human use of space and distance


the study of the language as it is used in a social context, including its effect on the communication


the study of the way humans use language to evoke meaning in others, focuses on individual words and their meaning, people who study are interested in how language and its meaning change over time.


the study of the way humans use language to evoke meanings in others


the study of the ways in which time is used to structure interactions


the surroundings that shape the communication context

selective attention (ch 5)

the sustained focus we give to stimuli we deem important

selective exposure (ch 2)

the tendency to expose yourself to information that reinforces rather than contradicts your beliefs or opinions


the tendency to fill in missing information to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement.

dialectic (ch 6)

the tension that exists between two conflicting or interacting forces, elements, or ideas

On-time Cultures

the time schedule that compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separate work and social time, task and relational time. Say they cannot waste or save time and points to the future. EX. Northern America & Northern Europe


the time schedule that compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separates task and social dimensions and points to the future


the time schedule that compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separates task and social dimensions, and points to the future


the time schedule that views time as "contextually based and relationally oriented"


the time schedule that views time as "contextually based on relationally oriented"


the time schedule that views time as "contexually based and relationally orientated". Factor in time as one element of a larger context and value social relationships and time considerations together. Orchestrate family and social responsibilities and task dimensions. EX. Latin America, Middle East, Asia, France, Africa


the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women

organizational communication (ch 8)

the ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals

as we initiate relationships, we form strategies to find out about our partners. in Western culture, we generally use direct verbal strategies. our convos are very detail oriented and we are not offended by direct questions about our activities, beliefs, and social circumstances.

theorist Edwin Hall calls these "LOW CONTEXT" CULTURES

Sapir Whorf Hypothesis (ch 3)

theory that our perception of reality is determined by our thought processes, which are limited by our language and, therefore, that language shapes our reality

collaborative style (ch 8)

thoughtful negotiation and reasoned compromise

which organizational method is most seen in informative presentations

time-sequence pattern (chronological)

Communication Apprehension

type of anxiety that involves the fear and avoidance of communication with others

Deceptive communications

That practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are not true

Integration orientation

Organizations that help mediate and resolve discord among members of society.

Pattern-maintenance orientations

Organizations that promote cultural and educational regularity and development with society


Pervasive, amoral, necessary to advancing life's agenda.

Hearing is _________ ?


Physical Attraction

Physical attraction refers to the degree to which you find the bodily traits of another person pleasing and desirable.

How do you make powerpoint fade to black during presentation?

Press "B"

Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans took place during which era ?

Print Era

What is therapeutic listening?

Provides "help to a person who needs to talk through a concern"

Dr. King's "I Have A Dream Speech"

Public speech about civil rights movement. Relation to class: MLK's style of communication makes it easy for listeners to depict life as an American Black person, uses metaphors, similes, and repetition.

Which of the following groups may be classified as a secondary group?

SGA committee

Information Overload

The negative feelings resulting from being given too much information to process a topic

Matching Hypothesis

The notion that people are most likely to form relationships with those who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness

Relational Climate

The overall emotional feelings, or temperature, of a relationship

Working Memory (ch5)

The part of our consciousness that interprets and assigns meaning to stimuli that we pay attention to.


The process in which two or more parties attempt to reach an agreement on what each should give and receive in a transaction between them.

Self- Disclosure

The process of making intentional revelations about yourself that others would be unlikely to know and that generally constitute private, sensitive, or confidential information.

What is Listening?

The process of receiving, attending to, and assigning meaning to aural and visual stimuli.


Those attempts made by a source of messages to influence a target "to perform some desired behavior that the target otherwise might not perform".

Collaborative Style

Thoughtful negotiation and reasoned compromise

Selective Attention (ch5)

The sustained focus we give to stimuli we deem important.

Horn effect

The tendency to allow perceptions of one negative trait to influence perceptions of other negative traits

Halo effect

The tendency to allow perceptions of one positive trait to influence perceptions of other positive traits


The tension that exists between two conflicting or interacting forces, elements, or ideas.

non Sequitur Argument

This Latin phrase means "does not follow." This is the argument with a conclusion that does not follow from the premise.

co-culture (ch 2)

a group whose beliefs or behaviors distinguish it from the larger culture of which it is a part and with which it shares numerous similarities

bibliography (ch 12)

a list of sources used in a presentation

Non-dominant Culture

This term includes people of color, women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, people with disabilities, the lower/working class, the unemployed, the bankrupt, the young, and the elderly.

Systems Model

characterizes listening as more than the interaction between sender and receiver

small group communication (ch 1)

communication that takes place between three or more individuals who are interdependent, share goals, identify with one another, and interact

Section Transitions

complete sentences that show relationship between major parts of speech

describe extemporaneous delivery tone

conversational tone

what does evidence prevent


individualistic cultures (ch 7)

cultures that value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence

Collectivist Cultures

cultures that value the group over the individual

Emergent Groups

groups resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals. EX. a group of friends who meet at college

Assigned Groups

groups that evolve out of hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group

in Asian, African, and some Latin American countries, convos are held at SUPERFICIAL LEVELS and info in PERCEIVED FROM YOUR SOCIAL & FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES. if your new friends know your family is from a certain town and holds a certain position in society, that is ENOUGH FOR THEM TO JUDGE YOU.

hall calls these "HIGH CONTEXT" CULTURES

Uncertainty-rejecting cultures

have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, diversity

Neil Armstrong piloting the "eagle" to a safe touchdown is a good example of

high cognitive efficiency

central route has what kind of likelihood

high elaboration

Integrative power

highlights interdependence to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals


highly stylized behavior (series of actions, like a ceremony used to express a belief.

If you obtained information for your speech from several websites and failed to cite how much information came from those sources, you are engaging in

incremental plagerism

peripheral route processing

influence based upon factors outside of the quality of the message

peripheral route processing (ch 14)

influence based upon the factors outside the quality of the message


informal, casual street language used among equals with words unsuitable for more formal crowds

Blind Area means...

information that is known to others but unknown to you. I.e. your personality characteristics that others perceive but that you do not recognize.

The Hidden Area is...

information that you know about yourself but that others do not know.

supporting materials (ch 11)

information you can use to substantiate your arguments and to clarify your position

when is topical-sequence pattern used

informative & persuasive presentations

All of the following are reasons listed in your tb why you should study in small groups except

it is more fun to do things with a group rather than an individual


it is true that couples, romantic, work, or social, become one with other, finish each other's sentences, and find love and happiness even after 20 or 30 yrs of marriage, employment, or friendship

Emotional Labor

jobs in which employees are expected to display certain feelings in order to satisfy organizational role expectations

emotional labor

jobs in which employees are expected to display certain feelings in order to satisfy organizational role expectations

Racist Language

language that insults a group because of its skin color or ethnicity


language that is disrespectful of things sacred

supportive communication (ch 8)

listening with empathy, acknowledging others feelings, and engaging in dialogue to help others maintain a sense of personal control

What does evidence have the most effect on

long term persuasion

high levels of uncertainty tend to increase info seeking but also reduce intimacy

on the other hand, uncertainty tends to increase reciprocity in hopes of getting info partners can use to predict behavior

Interpersonal communication

refers to communication with or between persons who approach one another as individuals in a relationship

Self disclosure

refers to the act of revealing info about one's self to others

Co-Cultural communication

refers to the communication among people from a variety of different cultures.

Designated power

reflects importance of relationships like marriage or family

Which of the roles described is more of an informal role than a formal role?

"ticketmaster" (Informal - reflect personality traits)

lifelong dyadic relationships that are satisfying and productive,

even if there is no economic or extrinsic rewards

problem-solution organization pattern

ex. Parking at UCF is a problem because there are limited parking spaces, but the solution could be that students are restricted from parking tickets

religion in the social system

ex. church

Public Distance

exceeds 12 feet


extent to which speaker is perceived as bold, active, energetic, strong, empathetic, and assertive

there are 3 types of goals:

extrinsic, instrumental, and intrinsic

people who read from manuscripts tend to have poor

eye contacts, lack vocal variety, and commit more verbal errors

interpersonal context

face-to-fce, one-on-one


finds that inclusion in a relationship is very desirable b/c we need that social stimulation in our lives. however it is important to remember that we form relationships to achieve goals, whether they are INTRINSIC (WITHIN OURSELVES FOR INTIMACY) or EXTRINSIC (FINANCIAL, ADMIRATION, STATUS). is the point of every relationship to become intimate? it depends on the participants and what they want out of life, romance, or social situation

around the late 1880s, German sociologist MAX WEBER describe 5 BASIC FEATURES OF A BUREAUCRACY.

first and foremost, Weber feels that an organization has a FIXED AND UNIVERSAL SYSTEM OF SANCTIONS THAT ARE BASED ON A MEMBER'S REPUTATION FOR COMPETENCE AND PERFORMANCE. the organization places VALENCE on your performance. if the valence is positive, the member is positively sanctioned (included in meetings with higher ups, afforded more decision making power and responsibility, given a raise). if the valence is negative, attempts to correct behavior that is outside the norm will start. most companies have a PROBATIONARY PERIOD that will review you after 6 months. when the behavior doesn't change after a predetermined time, negative sanctions will be implemented which could range from disciplinary actions, loss of privileges, reassignment, transfer, or outright firing

a member who follows the norms generally is rewarded,

first by inclusion into the group, & later by promotion or recognition.

opening and closing must be strong because

first impressions make a huge impact


first person treats second person with lower status


first proposed Uncertain Reduction Theory in 1975 and over the years have refined it to say that we have much uncertainty over other people's attitudes and beliefs as well as anxiety in predicting their behavior in a number of situations

to simplify this subject, we have four basic stages of self concept formation:

first, we take INVENTORY of our strengths and weaknesses in the SELF AWARENESS STAGE. then we determine how satisfied we are with them in the SELF ACCEPTANCE STAGE.


focal point of your attention

team building in the workforce, as opposed to the old method of assigning ppl to task groups,

focuses on the members influencing each other in terms of work habits, commitment to the project, and mutual trust and reciprocal feedback

Interpersonal relationships last...

for any given time

rituals (ch 6)

formalized patterns of actions or words followed regularly


formalized patters of actions or words followed regularly

Causes of CA

genetic contributions, environmental reinforces, personality traits, cultural factors

Reward power

give followers what they want and need

According to the Hiscock-Anisman, an honest person

gives 30 percent more detail

What is the study of the origin of language called?


a healthy self concept is essential to positive communication and interpersonal relationsips

gotten players to believe in themselves by using positive feedback and the opportunity to excel

disjunctive tasks (ch 9)

group tasks that require little coordination and that can be completed by the most skilled working member alone

conjunctive tasks (ch 9)

groups for which no one member has all the necessary information but each member has some information to contribute

Emergent groups

groups from environmental conditions (ex: friends who meet at college)

Organizational Communication

groups of people maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals

stakeholders (ch 9)

groups of people who have an interest in the actions of an organization


groups of people who have an interests in the actions of an organization

organization communities

groups of similar businesses or clubs that have common interests and become networked together to provide mutual support and resources

Emergent Groups

groups resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals

emergent groups (ch 9)

groups resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals

assigned groups (ch 9)

groups that evolve out of a hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group

Assigned Groups

groups that evolve out of a hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group. EX. a student union advisory board

pitch (ch 4)

highness or lowness of speaker's voice

Messages between organizational members of the same power level are best described as


According to the tb, conditions in the workplace that are sexually offensive or intimidating are known as:


coordinated management of meaning

how we coordinate our actions with others to make and manage meaning

ppl who nag usually think they have the right to correct the course of others and that their nagging advice will change their partner's behavior

however, most receivers question the legitimacy and intelligence of the nags. demonstrates vast difference b/w what sends think they are sending and what the receiver receives. research shows that ppl generally don't like being manipulated into changing their behavior and nagging is the primary form of manipulation

for some of us, the nonverbal symbols of success are irrelevant

i.e. a pair of old worn jeans is fancy enough

at certain times of your life, you will realize you have attained the top of a particular hierarchy

i.e. finishing a four year college degree or retirement or examples of your 4th stage of self concept formation - SELF ACTUALIZATION. your true potential is realized when you do things for your own pleasure. your growth is motivated from within not b/c anyone nagged you to into it, told you to do it, or forced you in any way. when you graduate from college, you realize then that you have actualized your true potential

Operational Definitions

identifies something by revealing how it works, how it is made or what it consists of.


identifying the uniqueness of objects, events and people

indexing (ch 3)

identifying the uniqueness of objects, events, and people

In the middle east, traditional arab woman knows of the rules of her culture is that she is to walk a few paces behind her husband. What type of culture is this?

implicit rule

self serving bias (ch 2)

in assessing ourselves, the tendency to attribute our own successes to our personal qualities and our failures to the circumstances

contradictions (ch 6)

in dialectic theory the idea that each person in a relationship might have two opposing desires for maintaining the relationship

relational deterioration (ch 6)

in knapp's model, the process by which relationships disintegrate

rational development (ch 6)

in knapp's model, the process by which relationships grow

relational maintenance (ch 6)

in knapp's model, the process of keeping a relationship together

1960s, many speech researchers advocated free and unrestricted self disclosure. anytime was a good time to reveal intimate details to a partner

in the 1980s, that feeling changed to a more RESTRICTED VIEW that for self disclosure to add to an interpersonal relationship, it has to be the right info, to the right person, at the right time, and in the right location

that is not to say that Americans can't be high context

in the South, family connections are important introductions into adult society and many ppl are likely to introduce themselves as the son or dauighter of someone known in the town

some people believe that every interaction is an opportunity to dominate but people who keep the needs and desires of their partners in mind and have a healthy sensitivity to other people often have more satisfying relationships

in turn, they get more beneficial mutual and reciprocal positive feedback


include RELATIONAL EXCHANGE (giving respect to get respect, mutual affection)

The Johari window, Open area means...

includes information that is known to you and other people. Age, weight, and height are examples of this.

According to William Schultz, three interpersonal needs that are satisfied through interaction with others are

inclusion, affection, and control

Which of the following is false regarding our need for intercultural communication

increases in technology are reducing the need for skills to communications inter culturally with others

Cultures that are more concerned with individuality, competition, and private property are which type of culture?


high self monitors (ch 2)

individuals who are highly self aware of their identity management behavior

low self monitors (ch 2)

individuals who communicate with others with little attention to the responses to their messages

Peripheral Route Processing

influence based upon factors outside of the quality of the message

Peripheral route processing

influence based upon factors outside of the quality of the message


informal rules for group interaction created and sustained through communication

Unknown area means...

information that you and others do not know.

American business now recognize that in a global economy,

initiative and innovation can come from the team members themselves, and not solely the higher management. to do this, we empower staff to take on more responsibility, to communicate more effectively, and create higher level of productive norms through social influence

Paralinguistic cues can indicate all of the following except


Incremental Plagiarism

intentional or unintentional use of information from one or more sources without fully divulging how much information is directly quoted

Small group communication

interaction among 3-9 people working together to achieve an interdependent goal

Small-Group Communication

interaction among three to nine people working together to achieve an interdependent goal

be aware of "problematic" dysfunctional relationships where most of the

interaction is negative and causes great difficulty in relating to ppl. the women whose rage towards her unsuccessful husband causes her to become bitter toward her friends is transferring anger onto others. man whose personal problems cause him to lash out at co-workers and subordinates. child who seeks attention by disrupting classroom are all examples of ppl who have problems interacting with even the most sympathetic partners

unlike self concept theories that focus on one partner (the individual) in the communication event,

interaction theories focus on the ACTUAL MESSAGE EXCHANGE - the instant when our communicative behavior reveals our true meaning

small group communication (ch 9)

interactions among three to nine people working together to achieve and interdependent goal.

Group decision support system (GDSS)

interactive network of specialized comp software allowing users to make solutions for unstructured problems

Personal Network

interactive web of contacts and relationships designed to benefit participants including leads and referrals

to simplify matters,

interpersonal communication and theories of self are the MESHING OR CLASHING OF SYMBOLS


interpersonal influence that forms that basis for group leadership


interpersonal influence that forms the basis for group leadership

power (ch 9)

interpersonal influence that forms the basis for group leadership


interpersonal relationships are marked by UNIQUENESS that you find important in your life. impersonal communication is very ordinary, mundane, and functional


involve the value of association and contacts

emotional labor (ch 8)

jobs in which employees are expected to display certain feelings in order to satisfy organizational role expectations

ad ignoratiam (logical fallacies)

lack of evidence


language particular to a specific profession, work group or culture and not meant to be understood by outsiders


language particular to specific profession, work group, or culture, and not meant to be understood by outsiders

Sexist Language

language that excludes individuals on the basis of their gender

racist language (ch 3)

language that excludes people on the basis of race

profanity (ch 3)

language that is disrespectful of things sacred

Distributive power

leader exerts influence on others

Democratic Leaders

leaders who encourage members to participate in group decisions

Democratic leaders

leaders who encourage members to participate in group decisions

democratic leaders (ch 9)

leaders who encourage members to participate in group discussions

Autocratic Leaders

leaders who maintain strict control over their group

Autocratic leaders

leaders who maintain strict control over their group

autocratic leaders (ch 9)

leaders who maintain strict control over their group

Laissez faire Leaders

leaders who take almost no initiative in structuring a group discussion

Laissez-Faire Leaders

leaders who take almost no initiative in structuring a group discussion

laissez faire leaders (ch 9)

leaders who take almost no initiative in structuring a group discussion


likes to receive concise accurate information

Supportive Communication

listen with empath, acknowledge the feelings of others, engage in dialogue to help others maintain sense of personal control

supportive communication

listening with empathy, acknowledging others' feelings, and engaging in dialogue to help others maintain a sense of personal control

it is important to note that some relationships are better able to handle conflict

long term relationships have more "equity", more history to draw upon so they are less likely to dissolve over more trivial issues. the investment in time and effort brings long term marries couples a measure of buffer against conflicts that would doom a younger couple. also, certain life changing events (the birth of a child or overcoming a serious illness) adds more equity to the relationship than others

peripheral route has what kind of likelihood

low elaboration

how is common ground created

mainly through communication

Autocratic leaders

maintain strict control over group

memorized delivery style

memorized speech; first written as a manuscript;


mental shortcuts used to make decisions: evaluating sources

horizontal communication (ch 8)

messages between members of an organization that have equal power

upward communication

messages flowing from subordinates to superiors

upward communication (ch 8)

messages flowing from subordinates to superiors

downward communication

messages flowing from superiors to subordinates

downward communication (ch 8)

messages flowing from superiors to subordinates

Scarcity Strategy

messages that alert receivers of time or quantity limitations regarding the availability of a product, service or opportunity

hurtful messages (ch 6)

messages that create emotional pain or upset

formal communication (ch 8)

messages that follow pre-described channels of communication throughout the organization

Formal Communication

messages that follow prescribed channels of communication through organization

formal communication

messages that follow prescribed channels of communication throughout the organization

in these situations, METACOMMUNICATION is called for

metacommunication means talking about talking, talking about interactions, and talking about your relationship

problem/solution pattern

method of organization in which the presenter describes a problem and proposes a solution to that problem

cause/effect pattern

method of organization in which the presenter first explains the causes of an event, a problem, or an issue and then discusses its consequences, results, or effects

eye contact

most important element of speech delivery

primacy theory

most likely to remember the first part of a lecture/speech

some of us have large needs in inclusion and affection. some of us are control freaks.

most of us desire a combination of these three needs.


most partners in interpersonal interaction gain info about how to communicate with and react to their partners. after a while, we learn that our partner may not tolerate foul language or want to avoid certain topics. we learn to respect each other's conversational wishes as our relationship deepens and our values converge. we agree on our daily activities and the norms of communication. we avoid forbidden topics and known when to pull back when we approach RELATIONAL BOUNDARIES


most people develop a healthy sensitivity to people's feelings in conversations. bullies- have no sensitivity

CONTROL IN TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS: in order to determine the communication qualities of a relationship, it is helpful to understand control in 3 basic types of relationships

most ppl have COMPLEMENTARY RELATIONSHIPS: two partners bring qualities that help the dyad form a whole- ex. the President of a country often has a chief of staff who bring organizational qualities that help a dyad form a whole.

relevance of a message provides

motivation to process

evidence is the most effective when

multiple sources are cited

some ppl are overly defensive and perceive threats from seemingly harmless statements

nagging is a serious threat to relationships. even the most mild mannered person will notice insults, store them up (large and small) surpass a threshold for tolerance, and set a date for terminating the relationship


neglect some stimuli and focus on others

interpersonal communication on a scale from

non-initimate (distant) to intimate (physically, psychologically, or environmentally). this can be measured through observing the amount and type of disclosure b/w interactants.

complementation (ch 4)

nonverbal and verbal codes add meaning to each other and expand the meaning of either message alone


nonverbal codes are used instead of verbal codes

substitution (ch 4)

nonverbal codes are used to monitor and control interactions with others

Affect Displays

nonverbal movements of the face and body used to show emotion

affect displays (ch 4)

nonverbal movements of the face and body used to show emotion


nonverbal movements that accompany of reinforce verbal messages. "shaking your head"

illustrators (ch 4)

nonverbal movements that accompany or reinforce verbal messages


nonverbal movements that control the flow or pace of communication

regulators (ch 4)

nonverbal movements that control the flow or pace of communication

emblems (ch 4)

nonverbal movements that substitute for words and phrases


nonverbal movements that substitute for words and phrases. ''beckoning"

adaptors (ch 4)

nonverbal movements that you might perform fully in private but only partially in public


nonverbal movements that you might perform fully in private but only partially in public. "rub your nose"

Paralinguistic Features

nonword sounds and characteristics of language such as pitch, volume, rate, and quality

paralinguistic features (ch 4)

nonword sounds and characteristics of language such as pitch, volume, rate, and quality


one of the oldest interaction theories around is 1973 ALTMAN AND TAYLOR'S SOCIAL PENETRATION THEORY. social penetration is concerned with how people BOND in a relationship as a consequence of the quality and quantity of SELF DISCLOSURE as well as the breadth and depth of the info disclosed. typically we move from superficial and surface level talk to more intimate communication (verbally and nonverbally) Altman and Taylor say are generally centered around mutual satisfaction of personal and social needs

even in a dyad,

one person assumes leadership and influences the other. sometimes both influence each other through following mutual activities and confirming how much they enjoyed it. most of the time that is healthy.


one popular theory of interaction is THIBAUT AND KELLY'S SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY. Thibaut and Kelly theorize that as we interact, we rationally weight the COSTS AND REWARDS of communicating in that relationship.


one-sided messages provide only the arguments that support your messages; two-sided nonrefutational messages provide counter-arguments but do not refute those arguments; two-sided refutational messages provide and refute counter arguments

1960s, speech researchers began to focus on the

one-to-one situation. as a result, the subspecialty of interpersonal communication was born


ones that create BARRIERS to healthy relationships include defensiveness, nagging, & perception of control. these types of communication move the dyad close to RELATIONAL BOUNDARIES- the point at which you may break off the relationship b/c a forbidden topic was brought up, a bad name for your partner was used, or you were outright insulted. then you and your partner have to clean up the metacommunication issue ("how dare you call me that name!") before you get back to the original issue ("now about that garbage you don't take out for the 3rd day in a row")

long term memory (ch 5)

our permanent storage place for information including but not limited to pas experiences, language, values, knowledge, images of people, memories of sights, sounds and smells, and even fantasies.

communications network (ch 8)

patterns of relationships through which information flows in an organization

mass communication research: perspective

people are producers as well as products of social systems (people to social systems to people to social systems and so on)

Passive Perception

people are simply recorders of stimuli. No longer accurate


people or objects that are close to each other in time or space are seen a meaningfully related.

low-context cultures

people separate their relationships from verbal communication and focus on the information conveyed and logical argumentation

Low-Context Cultures

people separate their relationships from verbal communication and focus on the information conveyed and logical argumentation.

Give and example of the cultivation henry in terms of the mean world syndrome

people who watch a lot of programs like news, crime dramas, health dramas, etc. are more likely to see the world as a more dangerous and less trustworthy place

when we cannot negotiate how much autonomy we have in the relationship or sense that our partner has too much freedom outside the relationship, we

perceive a threat to the relationship. BAD DIFFERENTIATION. communication, from daily convos to deep discussions about values often result in arguments that reflect incompatible goals, irreconcilable differences, or deep divisions in how to achieve those goals or rectify the mistakes. when a couple notices this and acts on it, they begin drifting apart, physically or psychologically. metacommunicatively, you both realize something serious is threatening the relationship and those issues have to be faced before it can be repaired

what is an important factory of the cultivation theory in terms of the mean world syndrome

perceived realism

Co-Cultural Communication

persons occupy multiple groups, thus adopt communication strategies consistent with the best available options for translation

Central Route Processing

persuasion achieved by the quality of the arguments in a message

Central Route

persuasion achieved by the quality of the arguments in the message

social influence theory predicts

ppl will negotiation a concept of self within their relational partner and move towards the neutral or empathic communication in normal times and when conflict occurs

descriptiveness (ch 3)

practice of describing observed behavior or phenomena instead of offering personal reactions or judgements

cultural rituals

practices, behaviors, celebrations, and traditions common to people, organizations, and insitutions

Cultural rituals

practices, behaviors, celebrations, and traditions common to people, organizations, and institutions. Rituals include teachers passing out syllabi on first day of class.


process by which attitudes or behaviors are influenced as a result of receiving a message


process of numbing facial expressions to hide how you really feel.

public speaking (ch 1)

process of using messages to generate meaning in a situation in which a single source transmits a message to a number of receivers

Pattern-maintenance Orientation

promote cultural and educational regularity and development within society

pattern maintenance orientation (ch 8)

promote educational and cultural regularity and development within society

two sided refutational (ch 14)

provide and refute arguments

Two sided-refutational messages

provide and refute counter arguments

selective attention (ch 14)

receivers avoid a message by not paying attention to it

central route processing (ch 1)

receivers mentally elaborate on the elements of your message and carefully scrutinize your arguments and evidence

Source Expertise

receivers perceptions of the persuader's knowledge, qualifications and competence

Source Expertise

receivers' perceptions of the persuaders' knowledge, qualifications and competence

When other members of a group admire and respect a person, that person has

referent power


referes to the verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors that foster prejudiced attitudes including the act of excluding or denying ppl of products, rights, and services based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

androgynous (ch 6)

refers to people who possess stereotypically female and male characteristics

symmetrical relationships (ch 6)

relationships in which participants mirror each other or are highly similar

Mr. Young I studies my notes for 18 hours before taking this exam and all I got was a C. I deserve a higher grade. This argument fails the standard of what?


social comparison is a powerful shaper of your

self concept

chapter 5 includes 3 main topics:

self concept and knowing the self, theories of interaction, and theories of relational communication

Organizational Communities

several organizations - similar businesses, clubs - have overlapping interests and get networked together to provide mutual support and resources

Cover Letter

short letter to an interviewer persuasively introducing you and your credentials in relationship to the job description, accompanied by your resume


shows the sequence of your arguments or main points, indicates their relative importance, and states the content of your arguments, main points, and sub points


silent communications with oneself that influence our perceptions of reality

significant commonality

similar in age, have same general education level, have similar economic backgrounds

listening for enjoyment (ch 5)

situations involving relaxing, fun, or emotionally stimulating information

hyper-personal communication

situations when the affection, emotion, and intimacy that develops through computer-meditated communication equals or surpasses what happens face to face

"It is a mistake to allow assisted suicide. That will just open the door to forced extermination of anyone society feels is too old or too sick." This is an example of what type of fallacy?

slippery slope

hasty generalization (logical fallacies)

small sample


smallest meaningful units of speech; simple words, suffixes, prefixes; examples: red, hot, calm, -ed, pre-


socially acceptable synonym used to avoid using language that would be offensive in a formal setting .

face (ch 2)

socially approved and presented identity of an individual

culture (ch 3)

socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and values of a particular period, class, community, or population

individualistic cultures (ch 10)

societies that stress assertiveness over group harmony

individualistic cultures

societies that stress individual assertiveness over group harmony

designated leader (ch 9)

someone who has been appointed or elected to a leadership position

in a hierarchy, sometimes getting promoted to a higher rank involves demonstrating a higher capacity for good work.

sometimes it is becoming a follower and adhering to the "COMPANY LINE". this is called "SOLDIERING" & just as in the military, the follower "TOES THE COMPANY LINE" without question

In text citations

source information placed in parenthesis within the body of a research paper


speaker does not allow second person to join in discussion

jargon (ch 3)

technical language developed by a professional group

Oprah- teenagers in prison

teens lack a clear perception of self- works on remediating learning disabilities and repairing low self esteem


tend to be more confident, more able to withstand criticism, and tend to work harder for demanding bosses. they are bothered less by little things and generally make an effort to maintain successful relationships, in the social circle and at work


tend to view the world negatively, are likely to expect rejection from others at first, and they take criticism more personally. withdraw from social relationships but occasionally they mask their low esteem, lack of confidence, and insecurities with aggressive behavior. whether its sarcastic remarks or outright defiance, bullies often suffer from low esteem and may be the loneliest people around. it sounds strange, that a low esteem depressed person would be aggressive but it happens. they cannot build themselves up but they can sure tear you down

Selective exposure

tendency to place self in environment with people who think same way

selective retention (ch 2)

tendency to remember the things that reinforce your beliefs rather than those that oppose them

research shows that bureaucracies that feature open and honest and mutual messaging generally function better

than ones that feature one-sided communication and a traditional top-down chain of command, esp in American organization - definite association b/w reciprocity and feedback behaviors - said they would give up pay raises and prospects for promotion if their immediate instructional leaders communicated more openly in a more positive communication climate. that feeling was stronger for women than men

when people leave the table when you start talking

that is a pretty clear nonverbal indication of your lack of importance or salience to them

lecture listening (ch 5)

the ability to listen to, mentally process, and recall lecture information

information literacy (ch 5)

the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the information needed

Code Sensitivity

the ability to use the verbal and nonverbal language appropriate to the cultural norms of the individual with whom you are communicating

Code sensitivity

the ability to use the verbal and nonverbal language appropriate to the cultural norms of the individual with whom you are communicating

ethical persuasion

the act of motivating an audience, through communication, to voluntarily change a particular belief, attitude, or behavior

listening (ch 5)

the active process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or non verbal messages. It involves the ability to refrain information, as well as to react empathically and/or appreciatively to spoken and/or non verbal messages

Denotative Meaning

the agreed upon meaning or dictionary meaning of a word

attribution (ch 2)

the assignment of meaning to people's behavior


the assignment of meaning to stimuli

pervasive, amoral, necessary

the attributes of the process of communication: ______, _______, and _________ to advancing our life-agenda

receivers (ch 1)

the audience to whom the message is delivered

source credibility (ch 11)

the audience's perception of your effectiveness as a speaker

ground (ch 2)

the background against which your focused attention occurs

Cultural Relativism

the belief that another culture should be judged by its own context rather than measured against your culture

Culture Relativism

the belief that another culture should be judged by its own context rather than measured against your culture

cultural relativsim (ch 7)

the belief that another culture should be judged by its own context rather than measured against your culture


the belief that your own group or culture is superior to other groups or cultures

parallel form (ch 12)

the consistent use of complete sentences, clauses, phrases, or words in an outline

parallel form

the consistent use of complete sentences, clauses, phrases, or words in an outline; must be in this form for an outline

indentity management (ch 2)

the control (or lack thereof) of the communication of information through a performance

elaboration (ch 1)

the degree to which a receiver scrutinizes a message

competence (ch 11)

the degree to which the speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, experienced, qualified, authoritative, and informed. an aspect of credibility.

this is the aformentioned concept of RELATIONAL SUFFICIENCY

the degree to which your interpersonal relationship fulfills your goals whether those goals are economic, emotional, or relational. relational sufficiency is an indicator of health and satisfaction with your partner's communication style which has a direct bearing on how your relationship will develop and be maintained.


the distance between two people

How does the dominant culture differ from a non-dominant culture?

the dominant culture makes the rules


the emotion of caring for others and or being cared for


the emotion of caring for others and/or being cared for

affection (ch 9)

the emotion of caring for others and/or being cared for by others

Group climate

the emotional tone or atmosphere members create within the group

group climate (ch 9)

the emotional tone or atmosphere members create within the group

Intercultural Communication

the exchange of information between individuals who are unalike culturally

Intercultural communication

the exchange of information between individuals who are unalike culturally

intercultural communication (ch 7)

the exchange of information between individuals who are unalike culturally

dynamism (ch 11)

the extent to which the speaker is perceived as bold active, energetic, strong, empathetic, and assertive. an aspect of credibility

source credibility (ch 5)

the extent to which the speaker is perceived as competent to make the claim he or she is making

incremental plagiarism (ch 11)

the intentional or unintentional use of information from one or more sources without fully divulging how much information is directly quoted

plagiarism (ch 11)

the intentional use of information from another source without crediting the source

Intercultural Communication

the interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds

sometimes we form relationships -very quickly -after a long period of time -change over time

the point is that both partners have to be ready. then they find a NATURE RHYTHM & RATE OF DEVELOPMENT that fits both participants. self disclosure will be low at first, but quicken and deepen as the relationship develops. in fact, you can tell a lot about the progression of your relationship form the quantity and quality of self disclosure. at some point from the type of interaction you have, you will realize that a relationship has been established as long as both of you express it verbally or nonverbally. if only one person sees it that war, it is very hard to force a relationship on the other.

P time (ch 7)

the polychronic time schedule, which views time as "contextually based and relationally oriented"

Perception Checking

the practice of asking others to get a more informed sense of understanding.


the practice of describing behavior or phenomena instead of offering personal reactions or judgement


the practice of describing observed behavior or phenomena instead of offering personal reactions or judgements

rough draft

the preliminary organization of the outline of a presentation; can have sentences or even just a word

Within group diversity

the presence of observable and or implicit differences among group members

Within-Group Diversity

the presence of observable and/or implicit differences among group members

within group diversity (ch 9)

the presence of observable and/or implicit differences among group members

proximity (ch 2)

the principle that objects physically close to each other will be perceived as a unit or group


the process by which attitudes and behaviors are influenced as the result of receiving a message


the process by which attitudes or behaviors are influenced as a result of receiving a message

persuasion (ch 14)

the process by which attitudes or behaviors are influenced as a result of receiving a message


the process in which a receiver attaches meaning to a message

bargaining (ch 6)

the process in which two or more parties attempt to reach an agreement on what each should give and receive in a transaction between them

Group problem solving is usually more efficient when

the process is systematic and organized

decode (ch 3)

the process of assigning meaning to other's words in order to translate them into thoughts of your own

amoral (ch 1)

the process of communication is ethically neutral

Symbolic Interactionism

the process of development of the self through the messages and feedback received from others.

self disclosure (ch 6)

the process of making intentional revelations about yourself that others would be unlikely to know and that generally constitute private, sensitive, or confidential information

Horns affect

the tendency to let our perceptions of one negative trait influence our perceptions of other negative traits

Halo affect

the tendency to let our perceptions of one positive trait influence our perceptions of other positive traits

Selective Exposure

the tendency to place ourselves in environments with others who think as we do

selective exposure (ch 14)

the tendency to place ourselves in environments with others who think like we do

Selective Perception

the tendency to see, hear, and believe only what you want

selective perception (ch 2)

the tendency to see, hear, and believe only what you want to see, hear, and believe.

selective attention (ch 2)

the tendency, when you expose yourself to information and ideas, to focus on certain cues and ignore others

organizational communication

the ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals

the study of organizational communication begins with the study of a common type of organization called a BUREAUCRACY

though the term has a definite negative connotation, the term bureaucracy very adequately describes the process of ppl coming together to achieve goals, whether those goals are task or social

snide remarks, insults, disconfirmations and invalidations, story topping, topic shifts, interposition, and nullifications are the

types of communication seen in the bad differentiation stage. your friends may notice you bickering and arguing more, sullen expressions, and outright hostility. these are signs that the quantity and quality of communication is going downhill fast

Personal Idioms

unique forms of expression and language only understood by two people in a relationship

personal idioms (ch 6)

unique forms of expression and language understood only by individual couples

personal experience (ch 11)

use of your own life as a source of information

Phatic communication

used to establish a mood of sociability instead of ideas or info

lecture cues (ch 5)

verbal or nonverbal signals that stress points or indicate transitions between ideas during a lecture


verifiable forms of information

the self concept develops over time therefore it changes slowly- gradual process unless life-changing event occurs

very rarely do we change our self concept instantly unless we experience something very deep and moving (religious conversion, life threatening event, seeing war up close)

visual aids (ch 13)

visual elements that help your audience receive your message

Non-verbal Codes

vocalics, kinesics, chronemics

how is dynamism exhibited

voice, movement, facial expressions, gestures, etc.


way in which words are are arranged to form phrases or sentences


ways in which a presenter signals to an audience where the presentation is going

signposts (ch 12)

ways in which a presenter signals to an audience where the presentation is going

when relationships converge,

we adopt RULES of social conversation


we also reflect on our performance by looking at us relative to some sort of REFERENCE GROUP based on age, gender, ethnic background, educational level or other measurement. ex. after we check our midterm score, we turn to our other classmates to see how they did. we observe others in our situation to see how they handle things. we compare and contrast our performances to others

THEORIES OF INTERACTION incorporate what we know about ourselves and predict how will act with another person

we bring all sorts of history and "BAGGAGE" when we elated to others and then we negotiate our way along. as you get to know each other, you learn about your partner's communication style, i.e. forbidden topics, hot buttons, turn-ons, etc. then you act on what you know until you find out otherwise

we now recognize that in the interpersonal relationship,

we communicate our norms, leadership and follower rules, explicit rules and guidelines, and systems of controls.

RELATIONAL COMMUNICATION - how and why ppl relate to each other thru communication

we form relationships for a number of reasons. PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTRACTION is at the top of the list. but how would that explain opposites like Marilyn Monroe and playwright Arthur Miller? perhaps they COMPLEMENT each other. one is beauty, the other is the brains. sometimes we form deep relationships based on PHYSICAL PROXIMITY. secretaries marry their bosses, teachers date students, and colleagues get together socially. however, few of those relationships would deepen without psychological proximity. in fact, as you converse, you find out info about each other, some of which you may find salient to your value system and personality.

in complementary relationships,

we see a SPLIT in control, responsibilities, & power. perhaps it is a 60-40 split, 70-30, or 80-20. rarely do we see a 100-0 split although it is not unknown. "I leave all decisions up to him, after he makes all the money." however, large differences in control are seldom mutually satisfying even if the physical results are impressive (large home, big bank accounts, adorable children yet unsatisfied and frustrated spouse)


what it means culturally to be a woman. traits are connected to being loving and compassionate

long range goal (ch 12)

what you expect to achieve by your message in the days, months, or years ahead

immediate purpose (ch 12)

what you expect to achieve on the day of your presentation

why do we disclose

with self disclosure in interactions, we assume that our disclosures will be RECIPROCATED. in other words, we disclose in return for disclosure. we found out more info in return and act on it in order to achieve a comfortable level of intimacy. this way we can predict our partner's behavior toward us and how we react to them.


words and phrases specific to a particular region or country

regionalisms (ch 3)

words and phrases specific to a particular region or part of a country

Concrete Language

words and statements that are specific rather than abstract or vague

Concrete language

words and statements that are specific rather than abstract or vague

concrete language (ch 3)

words and statements that are specific rather than abstract or vague


written and non-written items that provide information

this may be the root of most conflicts esp b/w 2 strong willed and opinionated ppl. one partner yells at the other (thinking that a louder voice will intimidate) yet that person

yells back defensively ("Oh yeah, you're a good one to talk"). or the parent that shouts "Get in the car now!" gets angrier when the response is "I said I'm not ready!" That's why counselors and therapists work on less yelling and humiliating types of communication as a first step in overcoming debilitating relational convos. video "Yelling in Families" that shows a family engaged in strong-willed behavior that threatens their happiness.

social influence theorists point out that as you get to know someone well,

you begin to influence each other. sometimes one person has more influence than the other.

Selective Exposure

you expose yourself to information that reinforces, rather than contradicts your beliefs or options.

communication orientation

your focus as a speaker is to achieve your communicative goals

communication orientation (ch 13)

your focus as a speaker is to achieve your communicative goals

Active Perception

your mind selects, organizes, and interprets what you sense.

when you begin to take on each other's commitments,

your relationship begins to INTEGRATE. you become less of an individual and more of a team (at work) or a couple (in romance). "I" becomes "we" and you expect your time commitments to be shared whether its a social function you attend together or planning vacay time

subjective perception (ch 2)

your uniquely constructed meaning attributed to a sensed stimuli

Subjective Perception

your uniquely constructed meaning attributed to sensed stimuli.

Facial expressions

--Sadness: eyes and eyelids -- Anger: forehead, mouth, brows, and cheeks -- Disgust: Multiple areas of face, bridge of nose -- Fear: Eyes and eyelids -- Happiness: Lower facial region; eyes and eyelids. -- Surprise: All facial regions (brows/forehead, eyes/eyelids, and lower face)

Model of Interaction Stages Coming apart

1) Differentiating: asserts separateness of partners 2) Circumscribing: from identifying differences to restricting the communication between 3) Stagnating: compares the relationship to a still lifeless pond 4) Avoiding: extend declining comm by physically steering clear 5) Termination: reversal of bonding stage

Types of Touch

1) Functional/Professional: serve a specific purpose. low intimacy. 2) Social/Polite: connected to cultural norms, such as handshakes. 3) Friendship/Warmth: people use to show platonic affection and support towards eachother. 4) Love/Intimacy: strong feelings of affection.

Influences on communication

1) Gender Influences: sex is biological, gender is social, androgyny is having both male and female traits, rapport talk is cooperative messages used to establish connection. 2) Ethnicity and race: race is categorizing with physical raits. ethnicity is shared history and location. 3) Language differences 4) Religion and spirituality 5) ppl with disabilities 6) Sexual orientation

Models of Interaction Stages Bonding

1) Initating: partners first communicate 2) Experimenting: partenrs probe to see if there is common ground 3) Intensifying: develop greater intimacy and exchange a greater number and depth of self discolsure 4) Integrating: partners engage in communication that weaves their lives together and solidifies their status as a couple 5) bonding: involves a public and formal declaration that "two have become one"

Zones of Space

1) Intimate Zone: about 0-18 inches and is usually reserved for significant others. 2) Personal Zone: 18 inches- 4 feet. Reserved for personal relationships with acquaintances or friends. 3) Social Zone: 4-12 feet. distance at which you usually talk to strangers or conduct business. 4) Public Zone: over 12 feet. refers to distance typical of large, formal, public events.

Functions of Nonverbal Communication

1) Repeating: A nonverbal message may "repeat" the verbal message. For example, you may simultaneously say "Yes" and shake your head up and down. 2) Accenting: A non verbal message may highlight the verbal message by emphasizing or enhancing a certain point. You may stress the work despise in "I despise weather" to emphasize your strong negative feelings. 3) Conflicting: You may use a nonverbal message to contradict your verbal message. For example, you might say, "Im having a great time at this party." While shaking your head no with eyes open..... SARCASM 4) Complementing: A nonverbal message can reinforce a verbal message. Saying, "Im listening to you.", while showing that you are listening. 5) Regulating: Nonverbal messages often manage the flow of verbal conversation. Raising your hand in class to say something. 6) Substitution: The use of a nonverbal message can replace a verbal message. Example include pointing when you're asked where an item is located.

Reducing CA:

1) Systematic desesitization: practicing infront of others. you will become aware of the affects of CA without suffering too much from symptoms

The three types of persuasive effects are

1) create a new attitude 2) reinforce an existing attitude or behavior 3) change an attitude or behavior

Which testimonial evidence best meets the criteria for evaluating such evidence?

A cafeteria worker, a student, testifies about conditions in the cafeteria kitchen

Hyperpersonal Communication

A certain type of interpersonal communication that is facilitated by using a computer to establish relationships with others.

Sleeper Effect

A change of audience opinion caused by the separation of the message content from its source over a period of time

Sleeper Effect (ch11)

A change of audience opinion caused by the separation of the message content from its source over a period of time.

What is a wiki?

A cheap webpage where people can edit information.

Explanation (ch11)

A clarification of what something is or how it works.


A collection of symbols, letters, or words with arbitrary meanings that are governed by rules and used to communicate.


A concept that includes physical attractiveness, how desirable a person is to work with, and how much "social value" the person has for others.


A consistent pattern of interaction or bagpipe exhibited over time


A consistent pattern of interaction or behavior exhibited over time

Role (ch9)

A consistent pattern of interaction or behavior exhibited over time.

What is a role?

A consistent pattern of interaction or behavior exhibited over time.

Individualistic Culture

A culture in which people believe that their primary responsibility is to themselves.

Operational definition

A definition that identifies something by revealing how it works, how it is made, or what it consist of.


A negative attitude toward a group of people just because they are who they are.


A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific.

Communication Apprehension

A person's level of fear or anxiety associated with a communication situation; can be either real or anticipated communication

Social Judgment Theory

A persuasion theory that maintains that individuals can be persuaded on a topic by being convinced to accept changes that are close to their already held beliefs

Halo Effect

A predisposition to attribute positive qualities to physically attractive people.


A process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of others to meet group goals


A relationship to personal space

Second Person Observation (ch5)

A report of what another observed.

Rites of Passage

A ritual where a person changes status

Cover Letter

A short letter introducing you and your resume to an interviewer

Quid pro quo sexual harassment

A situation in which an employee is offered a reward or is threatened with punishment based on his or her participation in a sexual activity.

What is quid pro quo sexual harassment?

A situation in which an employee is offered a reward or is threatened with punishment based on his or her participation in a sexual activity.


A social group that may be joined together by facts such as shared history, shared identity, shared geography, or shared culture


A socially and culturally constructed set of distinctions between masculine and feminine sets of behaviors that is promoted and expected by society

Extemporaneous Delivery (ch13)

A speech is practiced thoroughly but not memorized, using speakers notes, not a manuscript.

Memorized Delivery (ch13)

A speech is written as a manuscript and then delivered from memory.

Impromptu Delivery (ch13)

A speech that has little or no preparation time and is made up along the way.

Manuscript Delivery (ch13)

A speech that is written word for word using a tone and language that is appropriate for speaking rather than reading.

Internal Previews

A statement in the body of the speech that lets the audience know what the speaker is going to discuss next


A system of words represented by symbols

Short Term Memory (ch5)

A temporary storage place for information.

Inductive Reasoning

A type of logic in which generalizations are based on a large number of specific observations.

Persuasive Presentation

A type of presentation that seeks to change, alter, or modify an audience's attitudes, beliefs, values, or outlook about a topic

Informative Presentation

A type of presentation that seeks to convey new information and increase the audience's understanding about a topic

In which of the following surveys should you place the most trust?

A university study by known sociologists that concludes welfare payments are insufficient


A word that has 2 or more related messages: bright-shining/intelligent; deposit-mineral/money in the bank.

in terms of relational convergence and metacommunication, sensitive communicators use

ACTIVE LISTENING (suspending judgment, paraphrasing for clarification) & EMPATHY (viewing it from another person's perspective)

the process of exerting a higher amount of influence and power is called a

AGENY. that person is called an AGENT of influence. term "agent provocateur" - a political term meaning a person who exerts much pressure on a group's ideology, activities, or philosophy. sometimes it is a direct order from your partner ("I hate when you cut me off in midsentence") but oftentimes it is just a subtle negotiation as to how you want to conduct yourselves in conversation (they don't laugh or pay attention to your dirty jokes)

What is an informal role?

AKA behavioral role; a role that is developed spontaneously within a group.

What is a formal role?

AKA positional role; an assigned role based on an individual's position or title within a group.

What are relationship-oriented groups?

AKA primary groups; groups that are usually long-term and exist to meet our needs for inclusion and affection.

What are task-oriented groups?

AKA secondary groups; groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions.

Clan of the Crocodile

About a tribe that worships the Crocodile and has certain traditions about becoming a warrior that honor crocodile ways (like getting crocodile markings). Certain members of the tribe lead the ceremony. Relation to class: Rituals, customs, traditions, rites of passage, cultural transmission.

Which type of source undergoes blind peer review to ensure high-quality information and contains specified studies?

Academic journal articles

Which technique of conflict management is used to maintain relationship harmony but to stifle creative dialogue and decision making?


Ethical Persuasion

Act of motivating audience through communication to voluntarily change particular belief, attitude, or behavior

Listening is __________ ?

Action and mental processing


Adopting the new norms of a culture and leaving the old culture's norms behind.

Formal role

Also called positional role; an assigned role based on an individual's position or title within a group

Task- oriented groups

Also called secondary groups; groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions

Task-oriented groups

Also called secondary groups; groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions

Common Ground (ch11)

Also known as co orientation, the degree tow which the speakers values, beliefs, attitudes, and interests are shared with the audience. An aspect of credibility.

Models of Interaction stages

An account that explains the typical pattern of how communication progresses relationships through five stages of coming together and five stages of coming apart

A feeling of approval of disapproval of a person, group, idea or event is defined as:

An attitude

Which of the following is a true statement regarding credentials?

An effective resume contains good style, content, and format.

Group conflict

An expressed struggle between two or more members of a group

What is group conflict?

An expressed struggle between two or more members of a group.


An expression that has lost originality and force through overuse.


An incident in a person's life or in a story or play


An individual or group attempt to identify and establish control over a clearly defined territory considered partially or wholly an exclusive domain; the behavior associated with the defense of the home territory.

Connotative Meaning

An individualized or personalized meaning of a word, which may be emotionally laden.

Group decision support system (GDSS)

An interactive network of computers with specialized software, allowing users to generate solutions for unstructured problems


An intricate web of contacts and relationships designed to benefit the participants


An unintended outcome of cohesion in which the desire for cohesion and agreement takes precedence over critical analysis and discussion

What is groupthink?

An unintended outcome of cohesion in which the desire for cohesion and agreement takes precedence over critical analysis and discussion.

Groupthink (ch9)

An unintended outcome of cohesion in which the desire for cohesion and agreement takes precedent over critical analysis and discussion.

What are the characteristics of effective Visual Aids?

Are visible, non-distracting, simple and clear, and are functional.


Aristotle said that ______, which is defined as the speaker's credibility and ethics, is important in order to be an effective persuader.

How can you improve your own listening skills?

Ask pre-questions, consider your interest level, use elaboration strategies, take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction, choose to focus, be aware of logical fallacies, source credibility, & appeals, keep a listening journal, and be willing to listen.

How can you improve your listening skills?

Ask pre-questions; consider you interest level; use elaboration strategies; as a listener, take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction; choose to focus; be aware of logical fallacies, source credibility, and appeals; keep a listening journal; and be willing to listen.

How can we improve listening?

Ask pre-questions; consider your interest level; use elaboration strategies; as a listener, take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction; choose to focus, be aware of logical fallacies, source credibility, and appeals; keep a listening journal; and be willing to listen.


Assertion of one's rights at the expense of others and care about one's own needs but no one else's

Identify and explain different types of groups.

Assigned, emergent, task-oriented, and relationship-oriented groups.

Identify and explain the three possible goals that marginalized, non-dominant groups use to relate to dominant groups

Assimilation goal, accommodation goal, and separation goal.

Interpersonal relationships means...

Associations between two people who are interdependent, who use some consistent patterns of interaction, and who have interacted for an extended period of time.

Types of Introductions

Attention, Motivation, Credibility, Purpose; only need attention

What are the ways Visual Aids help us communicate more effectively?

Attract audience attention, emphasize key points, show relationship between points, simplify numerical information, make examples more specific, illustrate difficult to describe objects or scenes, and illustrate symbolic relationships.

Recency Theory

Audience remembers most recent or last words

Primacy Theory

Audience remembers the first thing they hear

What are some helpful powerpoint tips?

Avoid "stupid slides" Use the black screen feature Use pictures Customize builds (animations) Make text easy to read Avoid using more than one text per visual aid

What are ways to manage conflict productivity?

Avoidance, competition, compromise, accommodation, and collaboration.

Which of the following is the best example of an advertising slogan designed to appeal to the self-actulization need?

Be all that you can be

Identify and explain the strategies for improving nonverbal communication

Be sensitive to context, audience, and feedback.

How can bumping your v-card be beneficial in the workplace? Identify why these are important workplace tools.

Because you have gained the contact information from someone who might be beneficial to the company.

Asked to support his assertion that a particular team will not win the championship, a sports commentator says, "They won't win because they won't be able to put enough points on the board." This is an example of what type of fallacy?

Begging the Question

"The ability to alter behavior in order to adapt to new situations in new way when necessary" is a definition of

Behavioral Flexibility


Behaviors associated with being caring or compassionate (what is means to be a woman)


Behaviors associated with being more assertive or aggressive (what it means to be a man)

Task functions

Behaviors that are directly relevant to that group's task and that affect the group's productivity

What are task functions?

Behaviors that are directly relevant to the group's task and that affect the group's productivity.

Task Functions (ch9)

Behaviors that are directly relevant to the groups task and that affect the groups productivity.

Self-Centered functions (ch9)

Behaviors that serve the needs of the individual at the expense of the group.


Being a part of two cultures, but not really being a power in either.


Being exposed to norms and being expected to uphold them.


Being self-aware and learning from interactions with the intent of improving future interactions


Being self-aware and learning from interactions with the intent of improving future interactions.


Being well prepared and organized, mentioning credentials, citing credible resources

A(n) _________________ is the mental acceptance that something is true even if we can't prove that it is true.


The mental acceptance that something is true, even if we can't prove it is true is:



Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.


Belief that the world should operate according to your culture [principles]


Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.


Believability, trustworthiness

how do we reduce uncertainty?

Berger and Calabrese and others say people try to spend more time in positive and mutual interaction, asking questions, showing nonverbal IMMEDIACY & expressing AFFILIATION (the desire to associate further)

The definition of dynamism is that speaker is perceived as

Bold, energetic, active, and assertive

During the interview for a waitress job, Mr. Mitchell (the interviewee) if she married or has any children. This is a violation of

Bona fide occupational qulaifications

According to your text, audience members' frames of references impact

Both the encoding and decoding of a message

signs of poor self image and self concept is called

CONDUCT DISORDER and it is characterized by ANTI-SOCIAL behavior that the rest of society would deem outside of even the extremes of normative behavior

Casual Pattern

Cause and effect between two events


Characteristics of the voice that communicate meaning

Coca-Cola Allows Muslim Staff to Keep Beards

Coca-Cola had a policy that staff could not wear beards. A Muslim man, where beards are usually worn for religious reasons, was denied a job due to his beard. He sued and now Coca-Cola has a policy where people with beards can work there, but cannot come into contact with customers. Relation to class: Customs/traditions of a culture, Marginalizing.

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Collectivist - more concerned with family and group harmony Individualism - individuality and pursuit of individual identity encouraged Asia =collectivist America= individualism


Communication behaviors intended to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others

What is immediacy?

Communication behaviors intended to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others.


Communication behaviors that create a sense of closeness with speaker; established by extemporaneous

Regulative Rules

Communication rules that regulate interaction by specifying when, how, where, and with whom to talk about certain things.

Phatic Communication

Communication that is used to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.

Interpersonal Communication

Communication with or between persons who approach one another as individuals in a relationship

Bibliographic References (ch11)

Complete citations that appear in the references or works cited section of your speech or outline.

He is good at writing and understanding literature, she is a whiz at math and statistics; together they make a great pair. The concept of friendship illustrated here is


instead of worrying about looks or impressions, it is better to:

Concentrate on getting your message across

Hostile work environment sexual harassment

Conditions in the workplace that are sexually offensive, intimidating, or hostile and that affect an individual's ability to perform his or her job

Identify and explain strategies for improving communication with people from other cultures and co-cultures.

Conduct a personal self-assessment; practice supportive communication behaviors; develop sensitivity toward diversity; avoid stereotypes; avoid ethnocentrism; develop code sensitivity; seek shared codes; use and encourage descriptive feedback; open communication channels; and manage conflicting beliefs and practices.

Identify and explain strategies for preparing for the job market.

Conduct a self-inventory, create a personal network, search for a job prepare a cover letter, prepare a resume and other credentials.

Four C's

Confident, Conversational, Comfortable, Compelling; creates immediacy environment

What are the 3 empathetic responses?

Congruent Emotional Responses (friend feels sad, so you feel sad), Perspective Talking (walking in other person's shoes), and Sympathetic Responsiveness (feelings of sorrow for others).

How does empathy impact listening?

Congruent emotional responses, perspective taking, and sympathetic responsiveness.

How do people view time differently?

Contrast between monochronic and polychronic times.

Identify and explain effective strategies for employment interviews.

Create a first impression, speak with clarity, and demonstrate interest.

The three types of persuasive effects are:

Create a new attitude, reinforce an existing attitude or behavior, and change an attitude or behavior


Credibility, competence, trustworthiness, and goodwill

When you analyze the speaker in a situation to make judgements about the message presented you are engaging in ______

Critical Thinking

Low Context Culture

Cultures in which messages are direct, specific and detailed

High Context Culture

Cultures in which messages are indirect, general and ambiguous

Low-Context Cultures

Cultures like the United States and Scandinavia, in which communication tends to be centered on the source, with intentions stated overtly and with a direct verbal style.

What are on-time cultures?

Cultures that compartmentalize time to meet personal needs, to separate task and social dimensions, and to point to the future.

Uncertainty-rejecting cultures

Cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, and diversity

Uncertainty-Rejecting Cultures

Cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity.

What are uncertainty-rejecting cultures?

Cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity.

High-context cultures

Cultures that place emphasis on the total environment or context where interactions occur

Uncertainty-accepting cultures

Cultures that tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity.

What are uncertainty-accepting cultures?

Cultures that tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity.

Individualistic Cultures

Cultures that value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence


Cultures that value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence.

What are individualistic cultures?

Cultures that value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence.

Collectivist Cultures

Cultures that value the group over the individual

Collectivist cultures

Cultures that value the group over the individual

What are collectivist cultures?

Cultures that value the group over the individual.

What are sometime cultures?

Cultures that view time as "contextually based and relationally oriented"

Individualistic cultures

Cultures where more emphasis is places on individuals rather than groups

Collectivist cultures

Cultures where more emphasis is places on the group rather than the individual to promote group cohesion and loyalty

Short-term Time Orientation

Cultures with short term orientation towards changing events have an expectation of quick results following one's actions. Europeans time in month-long intervals (Aries, Gemini, Pisces)

when you begin to notice significant difference either in practical matters or incompatible communication styles, you are in the

DIFFERENTIATION STAGE. not all differentiation is bad. many of us recognize that our partner have their own friends and family - people they need to communicate with.

in problematic relationships, we see inordinate amounts of control and sometimes this causes a

DOUBLE BIND situation. the child who never gets recognition and admiration for success yet receives only negative reinforcement for failure will develop an unhealthy self concept that would carry over to interpersonal relationship. damaging if no way to win in your most important interpersonal interactions. some research suggests a link b/w ppl put in double binds and schizophrenia

Individualism vs collectivism

Definition: Collectivist- more concerned with family and group harmony. Example: Asian= Collectivist Individualism-individuality and pursuit of individual identity encouraged. Example: American= Individualism

_____________ information includes general audience characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, education, etc.


Words can have what types of meanings?

Denotative and connotative meanings


Deny existence of conflict

Titles (ch13)

Describe the general focus of a graphic slide.

Conflict in the workplace can be...

Destructive and productive

Definitions (ch11)

Determinations of meaning.

Identify and explain how culture develops in small-groups.

Develops as a result of group norms, role structures enacted by group members, group cohesiveness, and diversity.

What are the 5 ways of listening?

Discriminative, Comprehensive, Therapeutic, Critical, and Appreciative listening.

Identify and explain the five types of listening

Discriminative, Comprehensive, Therapeutic, Critical, and Appreciative.

Identify and explain Spradlin's passing strategies.

Distancing, dissociating, dodging, distracting, denial, and deceiving.

If a person speaks with vocal variety, movers toward the audience, or uses facial expressions and gestures, he or she is exhibiting which aspect of credibility?


you may know ppl who argue constantly, nag each other, and try to get your sympathies. it is complicated by

EGO DEFENSES, having to be right (esp to outsiders_, and lifelong habits like bullying. stay away from ppl in negative symmetrical relationships


EXPLICIT GUIDELINES we are expected to follow based on norms, roles, ranks, and controls and how they change our perceptions and thus, our outward communication. we are rewarded for following rules and punished for breaking them

What are the 4 types of organizations?

Economic Orientation, Political Orientation, Integration Orientation, Pattern-Maintenance Orientation.


Effect of time on communication

Identify and explain the five types of kinesic behaviors discussed in class.

Emblems, illustrators, affect displays, regulators, adaptors

Which of the following statements about emotional labor is NOT true?

Emotional labor can decrease turnover

What is the E-A-R method?

Empathize - Commit yourself to understanding Attend - Give full nonverbal attention to your partner Respond - Indicate that you're heard or understood your partner's message or feelings

Interaction Management

Establishing a smooth pattern of interaction that allows a clear flow between topics and ideas

What is interaction management?

Establishing a smooth pattern of interaction that allows a clear flow between topics and ideas.

Identify and explain potential intercultural communication problems.

Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, and prejudice.

Critical Listening

Evaluate the merits of a message

Which stage of listening includes listeners considering the message and making value judgments about the speaker and the message?



Evaluating another culture using the standards of one's own culture

communication that lends harmony to relationships are called

FACILITATING BEHAVIORS and they are characterized by open and more honest communication. words of respect, terms of endearment, individuality, and inclusion have been cited by research as factors in a relationship that meets your needs and is very personally satisfying

Horizontal Communication

Flows between two people with the same level of organizational hierarchy

How can you use Twitter to gain unique access to individuals and organizations?

Follow the organizations or brands you like and you might be selected to be in a tweet-up because you're one of their followers.

Stakeholders (ch9)

Groups of people who have an interest in the actions of an organization.

Emergent groups

Groups resulting from environmental conditions leading to the formation of a cohesive group of individuals

Assigned groups

Groups that evolve out of hierarchy whereby individuals are assigned membership to the group

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." This is known as

Hanlon's Razor

Uncertainty-rejecting Cultures

Have a difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

How can you facilitate increased listening in the audience?

Have a strong message that is relevant to your audience, use confident language, define any unfamiliar terms and use standard english, offer opportunities for clarification, and assume that your audience may not have the same listening style as you.

How can a source improve their receivers' listening skills?

Have a strong message that is relevant to your audience; use confident language; define any unfamiliar terms and use standard English; offer opportunities for clarification; assume that your audience may not have the same listening style as you.

Auditory learning style

Having to do with the sense of hearing, learner is one who retains information better by hearing lectures or listening to music and tapes

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Hearing is Involuntary and Listening is a voluntary process.


Hearing, Understanding Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating, Responding

Audience Relevance

How and why speech relates to them

What is passing?

How one conceals normal info about oneself to preserve, sustain, and encourage others' predisposed assumptions about one's identity.

finally, at the opposite end of the extrinsic goals are

INTRINSIC GOALS - the exchange of INTIMACY- think double i

Which of the following is not reflected in the respect credibility


Independence vs Interdependence

Independence:men = "I", seek independence and maintaining an image via communication Interdependence: women = "we" seek to be part of a social network

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Indi cultures: there is more emphasis placed on individuals rather than groups. collect cultures: more emphasis placed on the group rather than individual to promote group cohesion and loyalty.

Identify and explain Hofstede's dimensions of cultural diversity.

Individualism vs. Collectivism; Masculinity vs. Femininity; Uncertainty Avoidance; and Power Distance.

Brief notations in your online that indicate a reference used in your speech are called ________ references, whereas ________ references are complete citations that appear in the "references" section of the speech outline.

Internal; Bibliography


Interpersonal influence that forms the basis for group leadership


Interpersonal influence that forms the basis for group leadership

Active Listening (ch5)

Involved listening with a purpose.


Language particular to a specific profession, work group, or culture and not meant to be understood by outsiders.

Inclusive Language

Language that does not stereotype, demean, or patronize people on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or other factors.

Heterosexist Language

Language that implies that everyone is heterosexual

Laissez Faire Leaders (ch9)

Leaders who take almost no initiative in structuring a group discussion.

Identify and explain how leadership is relevant to small-group communication.

Leadership is used to create a balance between several tensions in an effort to push the group to achieve its goals while building and maintaining a positive culture.

Which of the following is not an example of PowerPoint abuse...

Leaving the lights on

Two Levels of the Cultivation Theory

Level 1: perceptions of prevalence (commonness) Level 2: attitudes and values

high-context cultures

Like those of the Asian Pacific Rim and Central and South America, in which much of the meaning is "preprogrammed information" understood by the receiver and transmitted also by the setting in which the transaction occurs.

What do we spend most of our time doing over anything else?


Critical Listening (ch5)

Listening that challenges the speaker's message by evaluating its accuracy, meaningfulness, and utility.

Empathic Listening (ch5)

Listening with a purpose and attempting to understand the other person.

Supportive communication

Listening with empathy, acknowledging others' feelings, and engaging in dialogue to help others maintain a sense of personal control.

What is supportiveness?

Listening with empathy, acknowledging others' feelings, and engaging in dialogue to help others maintain a sense of personal control.

Audience members who are doodling, leaning forward, and make occasional direct contact with the speaker are exhibiting signs of _________________.


Identify and explain how Bond furthered our understanding of cultural diversity.

Long-term vs. short-term orientation

what distinguishes many groups of organized ppl from informal groups is the fact that

MESSAGES HAVE A DEFINITIVE FORMAL ROUTE to follow. in a bureaucracy, there is a clear effort to generate and disseminate info quickly and accurately. to do so, memos are issues, internal reports are published, a co newsletter is distributed, and departments have regular meetings. even to many bureaucracies now use less face-to-face interaction, a video conference or email system is still a formal routing of messages

What are 5 ways to reach listeners?

Make them pay attention Make them understand Make them buy into it Make them remember Make them act on it

"FunGals" is an unfortunate employment of what rhetorical device?


The mode of delivery that may be the most accurate is...


Delivery Styles

Manuscript, Memorized, Impromptu, Extemporaneous

What is horizontal communication?

Messages between members of an organization with equal power.

Upward Communication

Messages flowing from subordinates to superiors

What is upward communication?

Messages flowing from subordinates to superiors.

Downward Communication

Messages flowing from superiors to subordinates

What is downward communication?

Messages flowing from superiors to subordinates.

The _____considers itself rational, objective, and open to new information

Neutral audience

False starts, mispronunciations and excessive um's and ah's are known as...


What are affect displays?

Nonverbal movements of the face and body used to show emotion.

What are illustrators?

Nonverbal movements that accompany or reinforce verbal messages.

What are regulators?

Nonverbal movements that control the flow or pace of communication.

What are emblems?

Nonverbal movements that substitute for words and phrases.

What are adaptors?

Nonverbal movements that you might perform fully in private but only partially in public.

Statistics (ch11)

Numbers that summarize numerical information or compare quantities.

when people group themselves together for a specific purpose, they form an

ORGANIZATION. when they attempt to communicate to support the goals of the organization, it is called ORGANIZATION COMMUNICATION

according to the text, which of the following is not true when comparing oral communication to written communication

Oral communication is usually more formal

Verbal Citations (ch11)

Oral explanations of who the source is, how recent the information is, and what the sources of qualifications are.

Schema (ch5)

Organizational filing systems for thoughts held in long term memory.

Political Orientation

Organizations that generate and distribute power and control within society

What is an political orientation organization?

Organizations that generate and distribute power and control within society.

What is an integration orientation organization?

Organizations that help mediate and resolve discord among members of society.

Economic Orientation

Organizations that manufacture products and/or offer services for consumers.

What is an economic orientation organization?

Organizations that manufacture products and/or offer services for consumers.

What is a pattern-maintenance organization?

Organizations that promote cultural and educational regularity and development within society.

Which of the following would be a good example of self-disclosure

Parents were originally from Mississippi

Communication Networks

Patterns of relationships through which information flows in an organization

What are communication networks?

Patterns of relationships through which information flows in an organization.

When is it NOT appropriate to wiki?

Peer reviews and expressing opinions.

Message Design Logics

People have different beliefs about the purpose of communication (3 beliefs)

sleeper effect

People try to plant seeds of ideas or doubt in your mind to let them grow over time.

Identify and explain the role of appearance in communication.

People who are physically attractive are more privileged. It generally leads to more social success in adulthood, they are seen as more sociable and sensitive, they have higher initial credibility, etc.

What are the 4 listening styles?

People-oriented, Action-oriented, Content-oriented, and Time-oriented.


Perceptions that describe the way humans categorize or understand, which may cause one to perceive others as belonging to a particular ethnic or social group; can be positive, neutral, or negative

The idea that our past experiences lead us to see the world in a particular way that is difficult to change is called

Perceptual Consistency

Long Term Memory (ch5)

Permanent storage place for information.

Cultural Transmission

Perpetuating and passing on the norms, customs, rules, traditions and rituals of a culture.

Which of the following is an implicit characteristic of a group?

Personal Artifacts

Identify and explain the characteristics related to paralanguage.

Pitch, rate, volume, inflection, quality, nonword sounds, pronunciation, articulation, enunciation, and silence.


Presenting a series of arguments supported by evidence can lead an audience to a logical conclusion.

The concept that suggests that your roommate is more likely to become your friend that a person ten blocks away is known as



Psychological state of audience (emotional); most impact on short term

Aristotle's defined appeals- Pathos

Psychological state of the audience; emotional appeals; greatest impact on short term persuasion

Complementary Relationship

Relationship in which each person supplies something the other person or persons lack.

Symmetrical relationship

Relationships in which participants mirror each other or are highly similar.

Relational Dialect Theory

Relationships involve experiencing tensions based on contradictory needs.

Systematic desensitization is a method of dealing with trait anxiety, which involves

Relaxing and staying relaxed as you visualize anxiety-producing situations

Report vs Rapport

Report: men want the facts and quick solutions. Rapport: women want to get support and further the relationship.

Source Credibility

Resides in audiences perception of speaker; requires both trustworthiness and competence; doesn't matter how you really are, all that matters is audience's perception


Restating another person's message by rephrasing the content or intent of the message.


Restating another persons message by rephrasing the content or intent of the message

From class notes, how do you speak effectively using presentational aids?

Reveal only when ready Talk to your audience Do not read Know slides Refer to Conceal Backup aid

Constitutive Rules

Rules that define what communication means by specifying how certain communicative acts are to be counted.

parallel relationships are characterized by

SENSITIVITY to your partner's needs and often have MORE SPONTANEITY & EXCITING PATTERNS than the same routine day in and day out unless you both are happy w/ complementary or symmetrical relationships.

when you first meet, you INITIATE communication through the use of

SMALL TALK & CLICHES. the initiation stage is almost always characterized by SURFACE LEVEL COMMUNICATION. how about this weather? did you watch the Gators yesterday? what's your major?

two people in a dyad also create a view of

SOCIAL REALITY. what we mean by this is every couple presents some sort of view of the world through their responses, some of which are very daily opinions ("Oh, we never do that." "Well, that's not really a good restaurant.") to deeply held values ("Roger and I think abortion is murder")

a bureaucracy generally has a

SYSTEM OF CONTROLS, a way of ensuring CONFORMANCE & COMPLIANCE with established procedures of the group. again, these may be explicit rules (a co's substance abuse policy) or they may be implicit (looks of disapproval)

What issues regarding listening research did Dr. Hanlon highlight?

Self-reports are usually used so the information isn't so reliable or accurate.

Which of the following is a good example of a complimentary relationship ?

She is shy, and he likes to speak for the both of them


Show relationship between ideas

Demonstrative Information Presentation

Shows audience how to do something, may give audience a chance to try.

The Bloopers Tape

Shows several people failing to measure the impact of their statements (ex: Al Campanis said" Blacks don't have the necessities" Relation to class: examples of public speaking.

Which of the following is NOT one of Perelman's audiences to consider when crafting a presentation?

Situational audience

Listening for Enjoyment (ch5)

Situations involving relaxing, fun, or emotionally stimulating information.


Social Influence Theory helps explain a lot about dyadic communication. how do you really know yourself? have you compared yourself socially?


Social collectives, or groups of people, in which activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and collective goals.


Speech prepared with little or no preparation


Speech prepared, practiced, and presented with little or no notes; most effective

"I will oppose any effort to build a nuclear waste suppository in this state." This is an example of what rhetorical device?



Standards of behavior (behaviors accepted by society)

Celebrity Testimony (ch11)

Statements made by a public figure who is known to an audience.

Lay Testimony (ch11)

Statements made by an ordinary person that substantiate or support what you say.

Expert testimony (ch11)

Statements made by someone who has special knowledge or expertise about an issue or idea.

Identify and explain how technology can be used to facilitate small-group communication.

The GDSS, group decision support system, allows group members to anonymously communicate with one another.

"Who once said, in a celebration of English royalty, "Give three cheers for our queer old dean?"

The Rev. William Spooner

Code Sensitivity

The ability to use the verbal and nonverbal language appropriate to the cultural norms of the individual with whom you are communicating

Self disclosure

The act of revealing information about oneself to others

Listening (ch5)

The active process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages.


The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

Impression Management

The attempt by people to get others to see them as they want to be seen

Source Credibility (ch11)

The audience's perception of your effectiveness as a speaker.

Cultural relativism

The belief that another culture should be judged by its own context rather than measured against your culture

What is ethnocentrism?

The belief that your own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures.


The belief that your own group or culture is superior to other groups or cultures


The belief that your own group or culture is superior to other groups or cultures.

Denotative Meaning

The central or core meaning of a lexical item. Its conceptual meaning.

Content curation

The collection and storage of documents and other multimedia from the Web, covering a specified topic

Relational Dialects Theory

The communication patterns in relationships arise form a series of tensions based on contradictory needs and conflicting core values held by relationship patterns

When situation invites an emergent leader?

The company has just announced impending personnel reductions, and a small group of recently hired employees have gathered to discuss strategy.

Social Attraction

The degree to which a person finds the actions and personality of another pleasing and desirable

Trustworthiness (ch11)

The degree to which the speaker is perceived as honest, fair, sincere, honorable, friendly, and kind. An aspect of credibility.


The degree to which the speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, experienced, qualified, authoritative, and informed; an aspect of credibility.

Learning styles

The different ways individuals like to obtain and process information

Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis

The idea that distinctions encoded in one language are unique to that language


The idea that our friends and loved ones are usually people who like or dislike the same things we do.


The idea that we sometimes bond with people who strengths are our weaknesses


The idea that we tend to select our friends and loved ones from people who demonstrate positive interest in us.

Source Credibility

The image held of a communicator by a receiver at a given time

Assimilation Goal

The marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominant group.

What is a assimilation goal?

The marginalized group attempts to fit in with the dominant group.

Accommodation Goal

The marginalized group manages to keep co-cultural identity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant cultures

Accommodation Goal

The marginalized group manages to keep its identity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant culture.

Accommodation goal

The marginalized group manages to keep its identity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant culture.

What is a accommodation goal?

The marginalized group manages to keep its identity while striving for positive relationships with the dominant culture.

Separation goal

The marginalized group relates as exclusively as possible with its own group and as little as possible with the dominant group

Separation Goal

The marginalized group relates as exclusively as possible with its own group and as little as possible with the dominant group.

What is a separation goal?

The marginalized group relates as exclusively as possible with its own group and as little as possible with the dominant group.


The process of translating your thoughts into words.

Leadership (ch9)

The process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of others to meet group goals.


The psychological and emotional characteristics of individuals

Strategic Ambiguity

The purposeful use of symbols to allow multiple interpretations of messages

What is strategic ambiguity?

The purposeful use of symbols to allow multiple interpretations of messages.


The quality or state of being argumentative; synonymous with contentiousness or combativeness


The refusal of targets of influence messages to comply with requests

Which of the following is an inference?

The road appears dangerous


The rules of living and functioning in society

Criteria (ch9)

The standards by which a group must judge potential solutions.

Inclusion (ch9)

The state of being involved with others, a human need.


The study of body movement


The study of how we use space and distance to communicate


The study of language as it is used in a social context, including its effect on communicators.


The study of our surroundings; the physical setting of a presentation


The study of the use of voice to express oneself


The study of the ways in which tie is used to structure interactions


The study of the ways in which time is used to structure interactions. Being late a party, etc. 1)monochronic: being on time is very important 2)polychronic: less emphasis on keeping a tight schedule and values greater flexibility.


The study of touch

Social Penetration Theory

The theory that relationships progress toward intimacy as a result of self-disclosure from both partners


The time schedule that compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separate task and social dimensions, and points to the future.


The time schedule that views time as contextually based and relationally oriented.

Relational Culture

The unique private world relationship partners create and maintain through their communication

Organizational communication

The ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and order trough their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals

Listeners will pay close attention to a presentation that shows how:

Their needs will be met


Things that represent or stand for something else


Thoughtful negotiation and reasoned compromise whereby both parties agree that the negotiated outcome is the best possible alternative under the circumstances

Comprehensive Listening

Understand the message in order to retain, recall, and possibly use the information at a later time

When information is transferred formally between a worker and his or her boss, which type of communication takes place?

Upward Communication


Use of nonverbal cues to strengthen your message

Personal Experience (ch11)

Use of your own life as a source of information.

What is comprehensive listening?

Used to "understand the message in order to retain, recall, and, possibly, use that information at a later time."

How were handouts used to explain course concepts? Be specific.

We had to fold a paper multiple times in order to get two eye holes on the paper, and we had to listen to Dr. Hanlon give the instructions.

What is critical listening?

We use it to "evaluate the merits of the message"


What it means culturally to be a man. traits connected to assertivesness, competitive, and possibly aggressive

Relational dialectics theory

a ground breaking analysis of interpersonal relationships that attributes the communication pattern between partners to the existence of dialectical.

an organization is

a group of people that come together, is designed, and structured in such a way to facilitate and achieve a desired objective. to do this, they share goals and a purpose.

co-culture (ch 7)

a group that exists within a larger, dominant culture but differs from the dominant culture in some significant way

topical-sequence pattern

a method of organization that emphasized the major reasons an audience should accept a point of view by addressing the advantages, disadvantages, qualities, and types of a person, place, or thing

Problem-Cause-Solution Pattern

a method of organizing persuasive speeches in which the first main point identifies a problem, the second main point analyzes the causes of the problem, and the third main point presents a solution to the problem

time sequence pattern (ch 12)

a method or organization in which the presenter explains a sequence of events in chronological order


a more polite, pleasant expression used instead of a socially unacceptable form


a more polite, pleasant expression used instead of a socially unacceptable form

euphemism (ch 3)

a more polite, pleasant expression used instead of a socially unacceptable form


a negative attitude toward a group of people just because they are who they are

Chronological Pattern

a pattern of organization that arranges the elements in time sequence, or in the order in which they happened

Spatial Pattern

a pattern of organization that arranges the elements on the basis of space or situational relationships

Cause and Effect Pattern

a pattern of organizing the main points of a speech so that they describe the causes of an event and then identify its consequences

learned helplessness (ch 10)

a person feels unable to predict weather a behavior will result in a reward or punishment; therefore he/she avoids the communication all together

learned helplessness

a person feels unable to predict whether a behavior will result in a reward or punishment, therefore he or she avoids the behavior all together if possible


a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work


a process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of other to meet group goals


a process of using communication to influence the behaviors and attitudes of others to meet group goals

search engine (ch 11)

a program on the internet that allows users to search for information

relational culture

a unique private world constructed and sustained by partners in a relationship

behavioral flexibility

ability to alter behavior to adapt to new situations and to relate in new ways when necessary

Code sensitivity

ability to use appropriate language for culture of person you are with

Informal Role

also called a behavioral role, a role that is developed spontaneously within a group

Informal Role

also called a behavioral role; a role that is developed spontaneously within a group

Formal Role

also called a positional role, an assigned role based on an individual's position or title within a group

Formal Role

also called a positional role; an assigned role based on an individual's position or title within a group

informal role (ch 9)

also called behavioral role, a role that is developed spontaneously within a group

objectics (ch 4)

also called object language, the study of human use of clothing and other artifacts as nonverbal codes

formal role (ch 9)

also called positional role, an assigned role based on an individuals position or title within a group

relationship oriented groups (ch 9)

also called primary groups, groups that are usually long term and exist to meet our needs for inclusion and affection

Relationship oriented groups

also called primary groups, groups that are usually long term and exist to meet our needs for inclusion and affection. EX. family

Relationship-Oriented Groups

also called primary groups; groups that are usually long-term and exist to meet our needs for inclusion and affection

task oriented groups (ch 9)

also called secondary groups, groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions

Task oriented groups

also called secondary groups, groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions. Ex. a group of students studying for an exam

chronemics (ch 4)

also called temporal communication, the way people organize and use time and the messages that are created because of their organization and use of it

common ground (ch 11)

also known as co orientation, the degree to which the speakers values, beliefs, attitudes, and interests are shared with the audience. an aspect of credibility

Task-Oriented Groups

also secondary groups; groups formed for the purpose of completing tasks, such as solving problems or making decisions

Acme inc has a mission statement that is open to interpretation. Many steak holders identify with it. Their mission statement is:


believe it or not, not all terminations of relationships are bad, esp in spousal abuse cases but terminations have to be handled competently

an amicable divorce, not using the children, keeping tempers calm, and knowing when to push and pull back are FACILITATING BEHAVIORS during DISSOLUTION as opposed to debilitating ones. it is possible to terminate using metacommunication to face up to the reality of a broken relationship. it's how you terminate that's more important

objective statement

an articulation of your goals

objective statement (ch 8)

an articulation of your goals


an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact

Frozen Evaluation

an assessment fo a concept that does not change over time

Frozen evaluation

an assessment of a concept that does not change over time

Topical Pattern

an organizational pattern arranged by main points or topics and presented in the order that seems most suitable

sentence outline (ch 12)

an outline consisting entirely of complete sentences

sentence outline

an outline consisting entirely of complete sentences; doest have all the words that will occur in the delivered speech; blueprint of speech

key word outline (ch 12)

an outline consisting of important words or phrases to remind you of the content of the presentation

key-word outline

an outline consisting of important words or phrases to remind you of the content of the presentation; shorter than a sentence outline;


appeals to emotions and motivations like patriotism, value, health, aesthetic, fear, Maslow's hierarchy of needs(physio, safety, aesthetic)

message design logics

are distinct ways of thinking about communication situations, choosing which thoughts to express them in order to achieve goals i.e.: expressive, conventional, rhetorical

women, on the other hand,

are more private speakers, enjoying the camaraderie of sharing a private movement with family and friends. as a group, women tend to prefer long social conversations rather than quick solutions to problems and issues that are on their mind. women enjoy PCs :)

Affect Displays

are nonverbal movements of the face and body that show emotion.

Family in the social system

are nuclear, extended; culture; education

Central-route processing

arguments in message

organizational patterns (ch 12)

arrangements of contents of a presentation

spatial organization pattern

arranging main points according to space/location

Objective Statement

articulation of your goals on your resume just below the contact information on resume

readjustments and recalibrations are difficult to manage and may require professional intervention. we all adjust and find a balance in our relationship

as a natural result of getting to know someone over the years. but once in a while something internal or external causes imbalances that must be addressed for the relationship to survive

the social exchange theory- rewards outweigh cost- is an economic model

as your interpersonal relationship deepens, you put more EQUITY into it. you really do INVEST in a relationship. you BANK "favors" and goodwill to DRAW UPON in times of crisis and conflict. and like a financial investment, you do communicate with symbols whose positive value you hope will grow over the years

aggressiveness (ch 6)

assertion of one's rights at the expense of others and care of one's own needs but no one else's

Frozen evaluation

assessment of a concept that does not change over time


assign meaning to

other debilitating factors in relationships include

backtalk (in fam and work dyads), snide comments, excessive teasing, and public ridicule. research shows almost every killer surveyed had suffered from public ridicule from their parents

good bureaucracies take stock of themselves regularly

bad bureaucracies continue to make the same mistakes over and over with false justifications

According to Mr. Young, too many speeches make the mistake of

beginning before the beginning

Cultural Imperatives

behavior patterns that everyone within a culture is expected to display.

Task Functions

behaviors that are directly relevant to the group's task and that affect the group's productivity

Task functions

behaviors that are directly relevant to the group's task and that affect the group's productivity

task functions (ch 9)

behaviors that are directly relevant to the groups task and that affect the groups productivity

Maintenance Functions

behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among group members

Maintenance functions

behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among group members

maintenance functions (ch 9)

behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among group members

Self centered functions

behaviors that serve the needs of the individual at the expense of the group

Self-Centered Functions

behaviors that serve the needs of the individual at the expense of the group

self centered functions (ch 9)

behaviors that serve the needs of the individual at the expense of the group

negative strategies

being right becomes more important than compromising and being sensitive to your partner

reflexivity (ch 7)

being self aware and learning from interactions with the intent of improving future interaction


being self aware and learning from interactions with the intent of improving future interactions

when is a transition the most important

between the intro and body paragraphs, between main points in the body, and between the body and conclusion

Who is more likely to use touch as a means of communicating?

black woman from puerto ricp

Non verbal Transitions

body movement, vocal inflection, pauses, gestures

where should you use citations

both your outline and speech

internal references (ch 11)

brief notations indicating a bibliographic reference that contains the details you are using in your speech

describe extemporaneous delivery notes

brief speaking notes; visible; large and legible; discreet

moving in together involved INTEGRATION of personalities and value systems

but also logistical and physical considerations. you begin to check with each other more frequently. your goals become your partner's goals and you communicate frequently to check on press.

most of us feel aggressive from time to time, even curious about "bizarre" experiences

but something pulls us back. SIGMUND FREUD called it the SUPEREGO

when using the internet as a resource, what should you do?

carefully verify the information for accuracy

Peripheral Route Processing

casual, more cursory message reception

self concept

central to the presentation of the self is SELF CONCEPT. as a person grows, we acquire info about how to act, communicate, and use appropriate behavior. through a succession of EXTERNAL FACTORS (culture, society, parents, role models, peer groups) and INTERNAL FACTORS (basic personality, tolerance for uncertainty, emotional makeup) we come to know who are are


children tease or torture animals cruelly (esp. when they are confined), humiliate their friends and classmates (esp. the weaker ones), and lie about it when confronted. if this behavior is not corrected, these children grow up to be cynical, uncaring, unfeeling, and aggressive adults. the underlying cause is believed to be poor self esteem, low tolerance for frustration, lack of empathy, risk taking behavior and a general impairment of daily functioning and interpersonal relationships

what is the most efficient way to develop a rough draft

choose limited number of main points important for your purpose and audience

evaluations have

clear criteria and some sort of written form designed to explain how the employee measures up to that criteria. but some of the evaluations may be as informal as a chat in the boss office or a quick memo from the CEO

The concept of common ground in public speaking is most closely elated to which detention of source of credibility ?

co orientation

nonverbal codes (ch 4)

codes of communication consisting of symbols that are not words, including non word verbalizations

Nonverbal Codes

codes of communication consisting of symbols that are not words, including nonword vocalizations.

Which of the following is an implicit characteristic ...

cognitive paradine

genetic contributors (ch 10)

combinations of inherited tendencies that may exert influences on our behavioral tendencies

The Frye Standard refers to

commonly called the "general acceptance" test, the Frye standard dictates that scientific evidence is admissible at trail only if the methodology or scientific principle on which the opinion is based is "sufficiently established to have gained general acceptance in the particular field in which it belongs." the Frye test applies only to "new" or "novel" scientific methodology

Goffman brought up theories of self in the hopes that we would understand that our communication with others depends on

communication WITHIN OURSELVES


communication behaviors intended to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others

immediacy (ch 8)

communication behaviors intended to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others

journalism (ch 1)

communication of news, information about events in our communities, our nation, and our world; and commentary

pervasiveness (ch 1)

communication takes place wherever humans are together because people tend to look for meaning, even when a message is not deliberately sent.

organizational communication (ch 1)

communication that is necessary to form and maintain an organization

Organizational Communication

communication that is necessary to form and maintain an organization in the focus of study.

Phatic Communication

communication that is used to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas

Phatic Communications

communication that is used to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas

phatic communication (ch 3)

communication that is used to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas

Phatic Communication

communication used to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

communication with people from other cultures is becoming increasingly uncommon

An extrovert being friends with an introvert demonstrated what the of relationship?

complementary relationships

bibliographic references (ch 11)

complete citations that appear in the references or works cited section of your speech or outline

When Jerry gives Elaine a TV guide to read on the subway ride home, its an example of _____ behavior

compliance gaining

Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

comprehensive theory of persuasion; Motivation & ability

hostile work environment

conditions in the workplace that are sexually offensive, intimidating, or hostile and that affect an individual's ability to perform his or her job

hostile work environment sexual harassment (ch 8)

conditions in the workplace that are sexually offensive, intimidating, or hostile and that affect an individuals ability to perform his or her job

Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment

conditions in workplace are sexually offensive, intimidating, or hostile. Affect employees ability to perform duties

If you are trying to improve your intercultural communication, you should do which of the following?

conduct a personal self-assesment


control, responsibilities, and power behavior tend to MIRROR each other. soft voices and romantic convo are mutual. however, anger in one partner will bring out anger in the other. examining communication in symmetrical relationships shows that the behaviors presented will be MATCHED BY SIMILAR BEHAVIORS


convinced themselves of an ALTERNATIVE SOCIAL REALITY (where their abnormal behaviors are acceptable) or that is more important to be right and in power than to respect the relationship

when bad differentiation reaches some sort of threshold, the

couple may refuse to address the problems constructively. maybe b/c they are getting nowhere and flat out tired. so they drift farther apart and the communication is characterized by low quantity and low quality such as lack of interest, distant nonverbal and touching behavior, and even a subtle hostility. regular activities become boring, unfulfilling, and repetitious

your co's structure, politics, and habitual communication behavior

create a communication climate that you have to master. in time, you will get to know the ropes, who has the real power, and who are influential but you will also participate actively in communication practices that tend to repeat and thus contribute to that climate

three types of persuasive effects (ch 14)

create a new attitude, reinforce an existing attitude or behavior, change an attitude or behavior

Aristotle's defined appeals- Ethos

credibility of the speaker; ethical appeals

however, relational partners who always stick to fixed positions find that few relationships can withstand poorly negotiated or one-sided norms

cultural- many cultures prescribe submissive roles for women and children but in the U.S., creating an equitable individual identity within a relationship is normal and desirable

low context cultures (ch 7)

cultures like the united states and scandinavia, in which communication tends to be centered on the source, with intentions stated overtly and with a direct verbal style

high context cultures (ch 7)

cultures like those of the asian pacific rim and central and south america, in which much of the meaning is "preprogrammed information" understood by the receiver and transmitted also by the setting in which the transaction occurs

collectivistic cultures

cultures that discourage individual assertiveness and stress group harmony

collectivistic cultures (ch 10)

cultures that discourage individual assertiveness and stress group harmony

Uncertainty-Rejecting Cultures

cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty and diversity

Uncertainty-Rejecting Cultures

cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

uncertainty rejecting cultures (ch 7)

cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

Uncertainty Rejecting cultures

cultures that have difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity. Threatened by ideas and outsiders and establish formal rules for behavior; prefer stability hierarchy, structure and embrace written rules, regulation, and rituals. EX. Japan, France, Spain, Greece, Argentina

Uncertainty-Accepting Cultures

cultures that tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

uncertainty accepting cultures (ch 7)

cultures that tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity

Uncertainty accepting cultures

cultures that tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity and take risks. Avoid rules, seek flexibility and reject hierarchy. Value individual opinion, general principles, and common sense. EX. USA, Great Britain, Denmark

Individualistic Cultures

cultures that value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence

collectivist cultures (ch 7)

cultures that value the group over the individual

Operational definition

defined by how something works

Relational Climate

defines the overall emotional feeling or temperature of the relationship

once convo is initiated, you begin to reveal info about yourself in the hopes that

disclosure will be reciprocated. this EXPERIMENTATION STAGE is characterized by small talk but with MORE INFORMATIONAL VALUE. details about your opinions and life begin to emerge. in fact it almost seems like you are AUDITIONING each other. pass the audition and the relationship continues. say something negatively revealing (racist, sexist, gross, or otherwise) and conversational turntaking of termination will occur

college convos research

early breakups in the engagement stage were due to inappropriate self disclosure levels. either one partly disclosure negative personal info about themselves, or they revealed a different level of feeling about the relationship than the partner. the study confirmed the general social theory that older women tend to have more relationships and more intimate ones, and therefore understand the demands of a long term relationship. link to age and time of marriage and length of that marriage but were surprise at the size of the differences

perhaps we are satisfied with ourselves, perhaps we feel there is room for improvement.

either way, how we feel about ourselves- the distance between our real self and our ideal self- becomes our SELF ESTEEM

Long-term Time Orientation

emphasis on future and tend to value perseverance and thrift, good of society of the group

describe extemporaneous delivery behaviors

employ immediacy behaviors

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

employee is offered a reward or threatened with punishment based on participation in sexual activity


employment of manipulative and premeditative behavior

uncertainty reduction theory has been used not just for regular interpersonal interaction theories, but also for intercultural communication encounters

encounters b/w ppl from diff cultures are inherently uncertainty. the desire to reduce anxiety in forming interpersonal relationships fits perfectly with the foundation of URT Berger and Calabrese and others have set up

Democratic leaders

encourage members to participate

Types of symbols

-- physical objects -- cultural artifacts -- places -- events/times -- behavioral actions

The importance to interpersonal relationships is...

1) the need to be a part of something 2) the need for affection 3) the need for control

a bureaucracy also has opportunities to

RECHANGE AND RENEW ITSLEF. despite the prevalent view that a bureaucracy is a slumbering giant resistant to change, organizations do change over time. some changes can be massive. these activities lead to a variety of symbolic changes from huge layoffs to new chief of operations

there are professors of speech communication who believe that all interpersonal communication is

RELATIONAL, i.e. every interaction defines and redefines our relationship

The Amish in the US use the ______ in order to protect their way of life.

Separation Goal

The four basic methods of delivery discussed in class include all of the following except:


Group Climate (ch9)

The emotional tone or atmosphere members create within the group.

What is the group climate?

The emotional tone or atmosphere members create within the group.

Bandwagon Fallacy

The error of assuming that a claim is correct just because many people believe it

Denotative meaning

agreed upon meaning or dictionary meaning of a word

in the work dyad, the boss may give you a raise, a promotion, or simply pat you on the back. perhaps your boss will begin to include you on important decisions and more responsible tasks.

all of these indicate a higher level of trust, commitment, and dependability b/w your boss and you

if there is no implementation at all,

all the agreed upon changes would be worthless

vocal cues (ch 4)

all the oral aspects of sound except for words themselves

Non-Verbal Communication

all ways we communicate without using words

Denotative Meaning

literal or explicit definition of a word


along the way, you will undergo a number of processes in checking your self perceptions. from time to time, you'll reflect and appraise your behavior. you will determine what you can do to keep the successful interactions happening and what you can change about the unsuccessful ones by thinking deeply about your behavior

testimonial evidence (ch 11)

written or oral statements of others experience used by a speaker to substantiate or clarify a point

uncertainty avoidance

the way that a culture handles change and accepts uncertainty within social or cultural contexts

Interpersonal Communication

the way we establish and maintain relationships. Usually between two people.

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

theory that language shapes reality

collaborative style

thoughtful negotiation and reasoned compromise

What are the types and goals of listening?

Active, empathic, critical, and enjoyment.

"I say the Democratic Party Leadership conspired to keep details of the foley scandal quiet until right before the November election. Can you prove that they didn't ? " This is an example of what type of fallacy?

Ad Ignorantiam

Commonly known as the "bandwagon" appeal .....

Ad Populum

Of course we cannot take Sen. Smith's objections to affirm action his womanizing is well known. This is an example of which type of fallacy?

Ad hominem

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for improving intercultural communication?

Adopt an ethocentric persepective

Which of the four basic methods of delivery describes a speech that is not memorized or written out word for word, but is developed and present from brief notes?


Eye behavior

Eyes are window of soul. --Deception cues: hints that a person is being less than forthright.

above all, INTERPERSONAL communication has a

FAR HIGHER LEVEL AND RATE OF SELF DISCLOSURE. it is rare, though not unknown, that you would tell a stranger very confidential info about yourself.

deceptive communication (ch 6)

the practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are not true

non fluencies (ch 13)

verbal mistakes such as false starts, mispronunciations, or excessive ah's or um's

those who do not conform to the rules run the risk of disapproval,

lack of power and influence, and isolation from a group, even firing

Cultural competence

refers to the level of knowledge a person has about others who differ in some way in comparison to self.

sometimes the informal communication NETWORK (gossip, lunch breaks, email)

set of emotional tone of your office and this can be a powerful factor in your job satisfaction, relationships at work, and productivity. oftentimes, morale problems can be traced to tolerance of negative communication behavior (gossip, rumors, backbiting, lying)

rough draft (ch 12)

the preliminary organization of the outline of a presentation

What is the rate of thinking?

400-500 words a minute.

Research by Ericson and Gardner found what percent of high apprehension college students fail to graduate


What are some design rules for text visuals?

6X6 24 Font Phrases not sentences Upper and Lower cases Simple typefaces High contrast color Simple effects


A direct wrong of a personal nature, it injures the feelings of the person and does not take into account the effect of revealed information on the standing of the person in the community.

Job Description

A document that defines the job in terms of its contents and scope

Functional resume

A document that organizes your credentials by type of function performed

Chronological resume

A document that organizes your credentials over time

lastly, Weber discussed the fact that a bureaucracy has

FIXED RULES- STABLE NORMS OF BEHAVIOR THAT APPLY TO EVERYONE. in a way, this is what is so frustrating about larger organizations- the fact that you are supposed to give up your individuality for the good of the group.


Credibility of speaker (ethical)

One of the tips for managing situational anxiety shared in class was the time tested "view your audience in their underwear" exercise


The anxiety that is caused by a speaker's feelings of personal inadequacy or low self-esteem is known as situational anxiety


Trait anxiety is more common than situational anxiety.


Values are not stable and are easy to change.


When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, the listener is most likely to believe that the verbal message is the more truthful


Connotative meaning

Individualized or personalized meaning of a word

Vocalized Pauses

Um's and Ah's

Personal idioms

Unique forms of expression and language understood only by individual couples

topical sequence pattern (ch 12)

a method or organization that emphasizes the major reasons an audience should accept a point of view by addressing the advantages, disadvantages, qualities, and types of person, place or thing

Physical Attractiveness

a perception of beauty derived from cultures.

Assif Mandvi's immitation for an american answering a call for "tech support" was an example of

attribution error...

Source Credibility

audiences perception of your effectiveness as a speaker

Reference List

authors cited in reports are listed alphabetically by author surnames at the end of the report (often on a separate page) under the heading REFERENCES (or BIBLIOGRAPHY or WORKS CITED)

Autonomy and connectedness

autonomy is a basic human need, but connection with others is also necessary.

Selective attention

avoid message by not paying attention to it


background against which your focused attention occurs

what are the two main routes of persuasion

central route processing & peripheral route processing

Dominant Culture

determined by who has the power and influence in a group; in the US the dominant culture is white, male, able bodied, straight, married, & employed

Dominate Culture

determined by who has the power and influence in a group; in the US the dominant culture is white, male, able-bodied, straight, married, and employed

Dominant Culture

determined by who has the power and influence in a group; in the United States the dominant culture is white, male, able-bodied, straight, married, and employed

when the cost outweigh the rewards, 2 things will happen.

either person will initiate communication designed to address that imbalance or failing that, terminate the relationship

pathos (ch 1)

emotional appeals

Did thePresident of the US really have the flu or was is just a serious malady? This is a question of


Peripheral-route processing

factors outside message

environmental reinforcers (ch 10)

factors within our environment that contribute to our fear of speaking

environmental reinforcers

factors within our environment that contribute to our fear or speaking

vocalized pauses (ch 13)

filler words such as um or ah

openness and closedness

highlights relationship partners' simultaneous needs to share personal info and to have privacy. boundaries are necessary, but sharing private info fosters greater intimacy.


groups of people who have an interest in the actions of an organization


identifying uniqueness of objects, events, and people




language particular to profession

horizontal communication

messages between members of an organization with equal power


more polite expression used for inappropriate word

whether that symbolic commitment takes a

physical form, or is something nonverbal that passes b/w you and your partner, bonding is an important rite of passage for partners


physical process of receiving sound

symbolic interactionism (ch 2)

process in which the self develops through the messages and feedback received from others

The SMCRE model of communication identifies

pg 8

verbal citations (ch 11)

oral explanations of who the source is, how recent the information is, and what the sources of qualifications are.

The ways in which groups of ppl both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions refers to

organizational communication

schema (ch 5)

organizational filing systems for thoughts held in long term memory

political orientation

organizations that generate and distribute power and control within society

A non-profit hospital is what type of organization?

pattern maintenance

Communication Networks

patterns of relationships through which information flows in an organization

communication networks

patterns of relationships through which information flows in an organization


placing your own cultural beliefs in a superior position leading to a negative judgement of other cultures.

Wear-out Point

point at which a repeated persuasive message loses its effectiveness

sometimes begin promoted is a

political act of acquiring resources, info and valuable contacts. sometimes its just plain luck - being in the right place at the righ time

When a speaker says, "Imma show you all of the things you need to buy" ....

poor articulation

ad populum (logical fallacies)

populations (ex. change drinking age because everyone already breaks the rules)

When you have a negative attitude about other people just because they are who they are, you are demonstrating


How can a speaker establish credibility over the audience

presentations well organized, employ personal experiences, offer strong supporting evidence, prepare quality visual aids, confident delivery, etc.

similarity (ch 2)

principle that elements are grouped together because they share attributes such as size, color, or shape

in these types of interactions, you continually validate views of each other through confirming and disconfirming behaviors which range from

quiet grunts and groans to loud public declarations

manuscript delivery style

reading from a script to an audience; deliver it in a tone of speaking rather than reading;

source expertise (ch 14)

receiver's perceptions of the persuader's knowledge, qualifications, and competence

Peripheral Route

receivers are influenced by factors other than argument quality

hearing (ch 5)

the act of receiving sound


typically WITHDRAW from communicating with others while high esteemers seem to make friends at ever yturn and often have rewarding convos


transmitting messages to a deliberately structured group through CHANNELS (formal or informal or both). these messages hold meaning for and have influence on the individuals, subgroups, and members as a hwole.

most important information should be reveled first and last


audience's perception of speakers deal with

trustworthiness(*goodwill*) & competence

media in the social system

tv, radio, internet, etc.

Goffman's book cover is a great class of symbols

two wealthy, society women with diamond tiaras and fur coats emerge smugly from a limo while a common woman with a dowdy old cloth coat looks on enviously

emoticons (ch 5)

typographic symbols showing emotional meaning


using senses to process information about the external environment.


value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence

The Johari window quadrants...

vary in size and shape depending on who you are in a relationship with. I.e.: two bests friends having a large open area.

facework (ch 2)

verbal and nonverbal strategies that are used to present your own varying images to others and to help them maintain their own images


you begin to form opinions about your relationship and the possibilities for the future. in the romantic dyad. we become perfect partner in each others' eyes and each succeeding detail that matches your ideals is discovered. SELF DISCLOSURE BEGINS TO INCREASE DRAMATICALLY. in work relationship, feel a sense of fitting in with the values and corporate culture. in romantic dad, begin to anticipate each other's presence

Hurtful messages

Messages that create emotional pain or upset


your position in a hierarchy

Types of Organizational Patters

Chronological, spatial, deductive, inductive, casual, problem/solution, Monroe's Motivated Sequence, Tell-tell-tell

Which statement about clothing and the perceptions of others is NOT verified by research?

Clothing and artifacts are unrelated to how acceptable we find other people to be

Which of the following remarks a metaphor?

Coffee is a jump start for the brain

A conflict management style involves negotiation is also known as


Conjunctive Tasks (ch9)

Groups for which no one member has all the necessary information but each member has some information to contribute.


Groups of people who have an interest in the actions of an organization

another feature of organizational life are

INITIATION RITES- in an effort to educate members about norms and practices of the co and to get members to incorporate their values, most bureaucracies have found a formal training period (perhaps a PROBATIONARY PERIOD) and certain activities designed to evaluate whether a new member has passed preliminary tests for inclusion. the tests may be very formal (as in a performance evaluation) or informal (a practical joke)- some of these activities can be dangerous- UF has a very strict policy against abusive initiation rites deemed as "hazing"


In Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream Speech" he says the phrase "I have a dream " several times throughout the speech. This is an example of using _____


In Dr. Martin Luther King's speech he says " the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty amidst aa vast sea of material wealth " This is an example of what style of speech.

Relational development

In Knapp's model the process by which relationships grow.

Relational maintenance

In Knapp's model the process of keeping a relationship together.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding our need for intercultural communication?

Increases in technology are reducing the need for skills to communication interculturally with others.

Identify and explain how Hofstede & Minkov furthered our understanding of cultural diversity.

Indulgence vs. Restraint

The disadvantage of an impromptu speech is...

It doesn't allow for much preparation.

ex. Columbine HS

Kleibold and Harris formed an in-group, exerted agency over the other, distinguished themselves from the outgroups, and fed off each other's perceptions. harris was obviously the leader but they both brought isolated and alienated self concepts and low esteem to the dyad. their interaction confirmed their roles of outsiders--> their normative behavior became focused on completing the expected behavior. even children with bizarre habits and upbringing do not march toward oblivion as Kleibold and Harris unless they created their own version of social reality with norms that were validated by their verbal and nonverbal confirmations. in doing so, Harris and Kleibold created a world unto themselves.

people with whom who have impersonal relationships have

LITTLE IMPACT on your life. i.e. supermarket checkout clerk

The statement, " I don't care; whatever you want is fine with me" is an example of what type of leader

Laissez-faire leader

Democratic leaders

Leaders who encourage members to participate in group decisions

Autocratic leaders

Leaders who maintain strict control over their group

Autocratic Leaders (ch9)

Leaders who maintain strict control over their group.

Laissez-faire leaders

Leaders who take almost no initiative in structuring a group discussion

Cultural Imperativess

Many different reasons to study communication, culture, and diversity. 1) Peace Imperative: essential in understanding the foundation of communication, culture, and diversity. 2) Economic Imperative: comm and culture is associated with the economic needs of all nations concerning trade, relations, intl business ventures, and the like. 3) Technological Imperative: gains more importance in today's society as technological advances make the world more easily accesible. 4) Self- Awareness Imperative: particularly important because it is important for communicators to learn about other cultures. 5) Ethical Imperative: guide you in doing what is right versus what is wrong in various communication contexts.

Cooperative Overlap

Men interrupt in communication, takes control of conversation Women: cooperates in own overlap= if interrupted the women will let it happen, loses control in a conversation and then has to reassert control

How does gender impact listening?

Men make more errors in communication and are more likely to use "uh" or "um;" --- Women use more body language and movement to communicate; however, they perceive head nods differently.

Doubled standard

Men: rejects double standards. Women: accepts double standards.

Metamessages (Talking about talking, has emotional overtones; what is communicated but not said)

Men: uses less metamessages, refuse to admit emotional overtones, favor quick solutions: thanks for coming over. Women:produce and interrupt metamessages; more "I'm so glad wevgot to talk"

Horizontal Communication

Messages between members of an organization with equal power

some other distinguishing features of a bureaucracy include an

ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. just as a society create norms, customs, rituals, rewards & punishments, and taboos, so so leaders and followers at work create a type of unique society. members of that "CORPORATE CULTURE" are supposed to know and they socialize newcomers with probationary periods, initiation rites, rituals, and reinforcement. American law recognized the power of an organizational culture to create or tolerate harassment by its members. employers can be held liable if the acts of their members create an organizational culture that discriminates, harasses, abuses, or demeans a member (or class of members)

Multimedia Presentational Aids

Objects and technology that reinforce your message, create emotion, or add new information using a variety of senses in a presentation

What are the types of visual aids?

Objects or models, posters or flip charts, overhead transparencies, and power points.

Physical Appearance

Observable traits of the body and its accessories and extensions

Which of the following would not be considered a leader according to definitions presented in the text?

One member persuading to sabotage a group goal

I.A. Richards defines the "Proper Meaning Superstition" as the "mistakes belief that words have inherent meaning." In other words, Richards believes that words do not have meaning in and of themselves; instead, words have meaning

Only when placed in "context'

If your boss tells you that you can leave work early on Fridays if you go on a date with him or her, he or she is utilizing a type of sexual harassment called?

Quid pro quo sexual harassment

secondly, each member of a bureaucracy has a

RATIONALLY DEFINED DIVISION OF LABOR FOR THEIR POSITION. an organization will discuss and map out specific duties and they are usually spelled out in an employment contract, handbook, job description, or in a formal meeting. Presidents and CEOs have diff duties than line and assembly personnel. duties carry guideline, PRESCRIPTION AND PROSCRIPTIONS about communication and regulate the members' use of speech and nonverbal behavior


Reading speech word per word

Selective Attention

Receivers avoid a message by not paying attention to it

Source Expertise

Receivers perceptions of the persuaders knowledge, qualifications, and competence


Repeating the same sentence structure or word choices for emphasis.

even though the communication may seem meaningless, just the fact that you initiated conversation may be a

SYMBOL OF INTEREST. in some cultures where male-female communication is strictly regulated, meaning may be inferred by CULTURAL AGENTS and consequences could happen, even if you initiate conversation to learn the language and need someone to practice with. what Americans view as harmless social interaction, conservative culture may view intergender initiation of conversations differently.

when you get comfortable with your partner and see your future with them you make a

SYMBOLIC COMMITMENT WHICH INDICATES BONDING. in romance, ppl get engaged and married. the wedding ring becomes the physical symbol of bonding, the ceremony is the public announcement of the commitment, and your new life together confirms the fact that your future is intertwined.

Performance Orientation (ch13)

Seeing your presentation as a performance and your audience as critics.

Visual aids should...

Serve as communicative purpose

Tolerance for Uncertainty

Some cultures deal with life

Emergent Leader

Someone who becomes an informal leader by exerting influence toward achievement of a group's goal but who does not hold the formal position or role of leader

Emergent leader

Someone who becomes an informal leader by exerting influence toward the achievement of a group's goal but does not hold the formal position or role of leader

Emergent Leader

Someone who becomes an informal leader by exerting influence toward the achievement of a groups' goal but does not hold the formal position or role of leader

Designated leader

Someone who has been appointed or elected to a leadership position

Designated Leader (ch9)

Someone who has been appointed or elected to a leadership position.

Designated leader

Someone who has been appointed or elected to leadership position

Which of the following is NOT included in the study of proxemics?


Source Credibility

Source materials=Primary vs. Secondary


Speech memorized; forgetfulness downside

Surveys (ch11)

Studies in which a limited number of questions are answered by a sample of the population to discover opinions on issues.


Study of bodily movements, including posture, gestures, and facial expressions

Identify and explain the construction of an effective resume and cover letter.

Style, content, format, portfolios.


Substance of the message; arguments provide proof (logical); most impact on long term

Information used to substantiate arguments and clarify a speaker's position is called...

Supporting Material.

Which of the following statements concerning source credibility is consistent with the TB ?

Surce credibility is an attitude perception that must be established every time a person gives speech to an aoudience

The term that refers to the arrangement of words is


when you express a desire to dissociate and there is a deadline with it

TERMINATION STAGE. ppl going thru divorce often compare this stage to a train pulling into the final station

Which type of supporting material includes written or oral statements of others' experiences?

Testimonial Evidence

Megan is giving persuasive speech on patronizing local clothing outlets rather than going to the mall...


Behavioral flexibility

The ability to alter behavior to adapt to new situations and to relate in new ways when necessary.


The ability to influence our environment

Control (ch9)

The ability to influence our environment.

Lecture Listening (ch5)

The ability to listen to, mentally process, and recall lecture information.

Information Literacy (ch5)

The ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the information needed.

Learning Styles

The different ways people naturally think and learn


The dislike or hatred one has toward a particular group


The emotion of caring for others and/or being cared fo


The emotion of caring for others and/or being cared for

Affection (ch9)

The emotion of caring for others and/or being cared for by others.

Group climate

The emotional time or atmosphere members create within the group

Intercultural Communication

The exchange of information between individuals who are unalike culturally

Customer service encounter

The moment of interaction between the customer and the firm


The monochronic time schedule, which compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separates task and social dimensions, and points to the future.

One of the problems noted in the interpretive stage of listening is that listeners often assume they understand and fail to ask question for clarification.


To communicate effectively, speakers must send the same message in all thee codes: verbal, visual, vocal.


Which aspect of source credibility is the degree to which a speaker is perceived as honest, friendly, and honorable?


Red Harring Fallacy

Trying to derail someone from an argument by distracting the person with non relevant information.

however, sometimes that is not the case. people often choose not to reveal certain things about themselves

UNEQAL EXCHANGES in the amount and depth of disclosure could signal discord or large power differentials, both hazardous interpersonal situations in need of change

everyone has some amount of decision making control but in most dyads, research shows relationships are characterized by

UNEQUAL CONTROL. rarely to we have a 50/50 slip and rarer still is a 100/0 split but they do happen. most of us have a 60/40 or 70/30 splits but power and control can fluctuate over a lifetime

France is an example of a(n) _________ culture

Uncertainty-Rejecting (138)

Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome, unsolicited, repeated behavior of a sexual nature

the verbal and nonverbal signs of those splits become obvious as you relate to each other and to others outside your dyad.

you may change them from time to time but over the years, your complementary patterns of power become noticeable and stable. you fall into patterns of behavior that symbolize your control, duties and responsibilities

when you reach the inner core of disclosure,

you understand your partner's central core of beliefs, value system, and criteria for judging the world. this generally happens in long term relationships

at some point after you have known a person for a while,

you will notice differences b/w you and your partner. from ordinary preferences to deeply held values and beliefs. it is how you handle those differences and integrate them into your interaction that shows the strength of your bond. generally, using METACOMMUNICATION WITH A POSITIVE VALENCE IS A GOOD STRATEGY

if there is a LARGE DISTANCE between the real you and the ideal you,

your ESTEEM WILL SUFFER unless that is what is expected of you

Objects & Artifacts

your clothing and other adornments communicate your age, gender, status, role, socioeconomic class, and personality

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