Concept 48: Technology and Informatics

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improves health provider's workflow, improves health care quality, prevents medical errors, reduces health care costs, increases administrative efficiencies, decreases paperwork, improves disease tracking, creates cultural, social, organizational, and intellectual change, may be used in unintended ways, serves as an infrastructure for a learning health system, promotes and supports patient and family engagement in health decisions, connected health

application includes the designs of systems, such as clinical information systems, that are involved with data transmission, encryption, compression, and other information processing techniques

information science

collection of mathematical theories, based on statistics, concerned with methods of coding, transmitting, storing, retrieving, and decoding info

information science


international classification of nursing practice

information science

interprofessional science primarily concerned with the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination information

health informatics encompasses

interprofessional study of design, development, adoption, and application of IT-based innovations in health care services delivery, management, and planning

cognitive science

interprofessional study of mind, intelligence, and behavior from and information processing perspective| encompasses how people think, understand, remember, synthesize, access, and respond to stored information and knowledge


involves the sociologic side of informatics implementation and includes issues such as productivity, teamwork, group dynamics, project management, organizational factors, human interface design, and human-machine interaction


key component of successful implementation, used to refer to anything that has to do with the role of people in the development and use of computer hardware and software systems


knowledge and use of tools, machines, materials, and processes to help solve human problems


need for a tool, machine, materials, and/or processes to improve health care, information science, computer science, health discipline science (nursing, medicine), information technology specialist, informed patients, families, and caregivers

application of information processing

health IT (computer hardware, computer software, communications, and networking technologies that enables the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health care data, information, knowledge, and wisdom for communication and decision making


health IT and health informatics intersect with the science of health to provide powerful tools and processes for advancing health practices and serve as an infrastructure to support and promote a continuously learning health care system

subset of clinical health care informatics

nursing informatics (NI)


nursing interventions classification


nursing outcomes classification

clinical information systems (CIS)

offer the best set of tools for achieving quality outcomes and are at the heart of health care IT and informatics


perioperative nursing data set


person who works in the field of informatics, sometimes called an informaticist

Omaha system

problem, classification, scheme, intervention, scheme, problem, rating scale for outcomes

health IT

provides the umbrella framework to describe the comprehensive management of health information and its secure exchange between consumers, providers, government and quality entities, and insurers

clinical research informatics

relates to informatics whose objective is to advance the biomedical/health sciences through the humane and ethical use of informatics

office of the national coordinator for health IT (ONC)

responsibility for developing an overall policy infrastructure that supports health IT and HIES

clinical health care informatics

seeks to transform health care and enhance human health through a creative and innovative use of informatics

nursing informatics

specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice

office of the national coordinator for health IT rules

specify how hospitals, physicians, and other eligible professionals must demonstrate their meaningful use of these technologies in order to receive Medicare and Medicaid payment incentives

health information exchanges (HIEs)

support the sharing of health data across health care institutions, data warehouses that are repositories of stored data, and communication networks


systematic nomenclature of medicine clinical terms

computer science

systematic study of algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information

product of creative human action and sustained by human action


defining characteristics of health information technology

technology (hardware and software) that supports discipline of health informatics (EHR), clinical point-of-care tools, interoperable and connected, evolutionary and updated to provide new functionality, interoperable systems and tools, technology-competent and engaged patients, families and caregivers


the science that encompasses information science and computer science to study the process, management, and retrieval of information

NI support

through the use of "information structures, information processes, and information technology"


NANDA international

information science

branch of applied mathematics and electrical engineering that involves the quantification of information

computer science

branch of engineering that studies computation and computer technology, hardware, and software as well as the theoretical foundations of information and computation techniques

electronic health record (EHR)

central component of the health IT infrastructure, individual's official, digital health record and is shared among multiple facilities and agencies


clinical care classification

development of direct approaches to patients and their families and even to individuals who are not yet patients (consumers) who desire to seek the use of information and communications technology support to preserve and/or improve their health status

clinical health care informatics

clinical informatics subdomains

clinical health care informatics and clinical research informatics

AMIA's three domains of informatics

clinical informatics, public health informatics, and translational bioinformatics

Interrelated concepts

clinical judgment, leadership, communication, collaboration, safety, evidence, care coordination, and health care quality, ethics, health policy, and health care law

issues relating to the use of information and knowledge as well as the sound and socially appropriate collection and maintenance of person-specific and/or de-identified patient data

clinical research informatics

other sciences in implementation of informatics

cognitive science and organizational science


consist of information technology that is applied at the point of clinical care: EHR, clinical data modalities, and communication tools (electronic messaging systems and patient portals)

Institute of Medicine

consistently highlighted the use of health information technologies as one solution for ensuring safe and quality health care

another subset of clinical health care informatics

consumer health informatics (CHI)

HIPPA (health insurance portability and accountability act)

create a complex network of laws and regulations that address patient privacy and consent for the use of identifiable personal health information

proliferation of clinical information systems

created a pressing need for standardization of patient information systems and terminology

standardized terminology within the EHR

critical for communicating care to the interprofessional team and exchanging health information

three technology revolutions

greater access to broadband (increased access to Internet and promoted its use in various facets of people's lives), mobile connectivity and the concept of anytime/anyplace access, and the presence of social media and social networks in daily life

consumer health informatics

form of health information technology geared toward delivering better health care decisions based on the consumer's perspective

attributes from health IT and informatics concept analysis

hardware and software, data standards and terminology, policies and procedures, privacy and security, informatics workforce, and organizational skills

most promising tool for improving the overall quality, safety, and efficiency of the health delivery system

health IT

organizational science

an emerging field that focuses on behavior of organizations and includes a wide variety of topics (individual, group, and organizational decision making; the management of human resources; and the design of organizations and interorganizational networks)

electronic medical record (EMR)

an individual's health record within a health care provider's facility, and decision support tools to guide practice and decision making

clinical informatics

application of information and communication technologies to the delivery of health care services

public health informatics

application of information, computer science, and technology to public health science to improve the health of populations

American Medical Informatics Associated: health informatics

applied research and practice of informatics across the clinical and public health domains

translational bioinformatics

development of storage, analytic, and interpretive methods to optimize the transformation of increasingly voluminous biomedical and genomic data into proactive, predictive, preventive, and participatory health

discipline-specific science (nursing science or medical science)

differentiates informatics in the speciality areas of practice or domains of informatics and provides the fundamental building blocks for knowledge and wisdom

health informatics

discipline in which health data are stored, analyzed, and disseminated through application of information and communication technology

health information technology (health IT)

essential antecedents for health informatics, application of information processing involving both computer hardware and computer software that deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health care data, information, and knowledge for communication and decision making

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