Constitution Test - 2

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60. An election where by voters are given the chance to approve or disapprove some legislative act of Constitutional amendment is called A. A referendum B. An initiative petition C. A direct primary D. A direct election E. A ratification election

A. A referendum

48. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution A. After the ratification process was complete, and partly to fulfill a promos to those who had not supported ratification B. During the ratification process, before final ratification of the constitution C. During the Constitutional Convention at the insistence of Thomas Jefferson D. piece be piece during the first 100 years of its operation E. in 1800 after all 13 states had ratified Constitution

A. After the ratification process was complete, and partly to fulfill a promos to those who had not supported ratification

32. The specific powers granted to Congress by the US Constitution can be found in A. Article I, section 8 B. Article II, section 4 C. Article III, section 5 D. The First Amendment

A. Article I, section 8

58. Which of the following is NOT a linkage institution A. Congress B. Political parties C. The media D. Interest groups E. All of these are linkage institutions

A. Congress

37. The writings of the ________ had a profound impact on the development of the constitutional principle of the "separation of powers" in the US A. French politician Montesquieu B. Scottish political economist Adam Smith C. English political theorist Thomas Hobbes D. Greek philosopher Socrates

A. French politician Montesquieu

47. Which of the following is false about the Constitution? A. It discourages hyper pluralism B. It places limits on the government's powers C. It protects individual liberty D. It creates government gridlock an din action E. It creates many government access points where groups can attempt to initiate or block policy changes

A. It discourages hyperpluralism

34. Congress's ability to expand the scope of its enumerated powers has occurred as a result of the _________ clause of the US Constitution, A. Supremacy B. Federalism C. Necessary and proper D. Judicial review

A. Necessary an Proper Clause

54. The implied power clause in the Constitution has been described as the ability of Congress to take which of the following actions A. Pass an assault weapons ban B. Withdraw funds allocated to troops in Haiti C. Pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution D. Raise the price of stamps to 45 cents E. Pass a law setting quotas of immigrants

A. Pass an assault weapons ban

33. The doctrine of expressed or enumerated powers holds that Congress A. Possesses only those powers specifically outlined int he US Constitution B. Possesses only those powers given to it by the state C. Must pass legislation in written form D. Must specifically convey its intentions to the other branches of American government, and to the states during regular meetings

A. Possesses only those powers specifically outlined in the Constitution

38. The concept of separation of powers as developed in Articles I, II, III of the the US Constitution, includes provision for A. Three branches of government a different way for selecting the stop personnel of each branch, and a system of checks and balances B. Four branches of government, a system of checks and balances, and shared authority over the government's means of coercion C. Bicameral legislatives branch and a multi-person executive D. Bicameral legislative branch, an executive branch consisting of a head and a head of government and a Committee of States

A. Three branches of government a different way for selecting the stop personnel of each branch, and a system of checks and balances

56. The writers of the US Constitution A. Were distrustful of democracy B. Sought to establish the most democratic system they could C. Were interested in promoting equality above all else D. Believed n majority rule E. Patterned our government after Britain's except for the King

A. Were distrustful of democracy

51. Among the primary differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, A. Federalists favored stronger state government; Anti-federalists favored stronger national government B. Federalists favored stronger national government; Anti-federalists favored stronger state government C. Federalists insisted on a Bill of Rights Anti-federalists opposed Bill of Rights D. Federalists favored shorter terms for elected officials; Anti-federalists favored longer terms for elected officials E. All of these primary differences between the Federalists and Anti-federalists

B. Federalists favored stronger national government; Anti-federalists favored stronger state government

43. Which of the following represents a major reason why the electoral college was created A. It would encourage third party candidates B. It would enable a select group of electors to cast the final vote for president and vice-president C. It would encourages greater voter turnout D. It would give more power to the Congress in determining the outcome of the presidential elections E. It would give the voters in larger states a greater role in selecting the president and vice-president

B. It would enable a select group of electors to cast the final vote for president and vice-president

45. In the national debate over ratification of the new Constitution the Anti-federalist A. Supported a return to the government of the Mayflower Compact B. Opposed the Constitution and preferred decentralized government C. Supported the Constitution and preferred a strong national government D. Supported a return to British rule

B. Opposed the Constitution and preferred decentralized government

57. Which of the following groups believes that bargaining and compromise are essential to democracy A. Elitists B. Pluralists C. Hyperpluralists D. Democrats E. Republicans

B. Pluralists

31. Members of the US Senate were originally appointed to office by A. A committee of the leading citizens in the state where they resided B. State legislatures C. State governors D. State special conventions

B. State legislatures

50. Which of the following was NOT a power given to Congress by Constitution in terms of the economy A. Ability to levy taxes B. AbiLity to pay debts C. Ability to force states to abolish slavery D. Ability to borrow money E. Ability to regulate interstate and foreign

C. Ability to force states to abolish slavery

46. The Anti-federalists argued that the powers of the government should be limited by A. Providing Congress with a larger grant of powers B. Decreasing the posers of the executive branch, especially those of the president C. Confining the powers of the federal government to certain narrowly defined areas and by adding a bill of rights to the Constitution D. Creating an internal system of checks and controls within government

C. Confining the powers of the federal government to certain narrowly defined areas and by adding a bill of rights to the Constitution

59. Which of the following concepts best demonstrates the theory of democracy A. The rights of the accused B. Separation of powers C. Majority rule D. Bicameralism E. Big Business

C. Majority rule

35. Article III of the US Constitution created a Supreme Court capable of A. Hearing both criminal and civil cases B. Hearing only criminal cases C. Resolving conflicts that might emerge between state and federal laws D. Creating a system of inferior federal courts

C. Resolving conflicts that might emerge between state and federal laws

42. The Constitution's writers carefully drafted a document that would create A. Strong states and weak central government B. Weakened power in the state and national government C. the ability to adapt to changing times D. A dominant national government with no active participation from the states E. An equal distribution of power between states and national government

C. The ability to adapt to changing times

44. All the following represent examples of the use of checks and balances except: A. The 35 successful vetoes made by president George H.W. Bush B. The Senate rejection of the League of Nations C. The Supreme Court ruling the Flag Desecration Act unconstitutional D. Congress passing the Crime Bill after a conference committee made changes E. Congress invoking the provisions of the War Powers Act against the president

D. Congress passing the Crime Bill after a conference committee made changes

39. The most prominent feature of American federalism is the A. Overwhelming power of the states relative to that of the federal government B. Significant role that the Committee of the States plays in federal policy-making C. Totally insignificant part played by the states in the system D. Existence of two sovereign political powers-the federal government

D. Existence of two sovereign political powers-the federal government

36. The supremacy clause of Article VI of the US Constitution is significant because it makes A. Congress the superior branch of government B. The executive the superior branch of government C. Laws created by the states superior to federal laws D. Laws made by federal government superior to laws made by states

D. Laws made by federal government superior to laws made by states

55. Congress was granted the posers to tax, regulate commerce, and declare war in order to A. Balance the powers of the legislative with the executive branch B. To balance the powers of the national government with the states C. To make America's legislative branch as much like the British Parliament as possible D. To reassure the public that their views regarding exercise of these powers would be fully represented in the new government

D. To reassure the public that their views regarding exercise of these powers would be fully represented in the new government

49. A major purpose of economic provisions in the Constitution was to A. Promote a more equal distribution of wealth in the country B. Guarantee the states a significant economic role C. Preserve and strengthen the form of economy to the disadvantage of manufacturing D. Establish a comprehensive set of social welfare programs to assist people in times of need E. Creates a strong national government so as to bring bring stability out of economic chaos

E. Creates a strong national government so as to bring bring stability out of economic chaos

40. Which of the following describes the system of checks and balances and separation of powers I. It does not favor the party in power II. It can create gridlock III. It can make changes in the government easy to come by IV. It can encourage political compromise A. II only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I II and III only E. II and IV only

E. II and IV only

52. Which of the following was NOT one of the features of the Madisonian system that sought to limit majority A. Separation of powers B. Bicameral Congress C. Federalism D. Laissez-faire E. Liberalism

E. Liberalism

41. Which statement(s) best reflect what the US Constitution represents I The Constitution is a set of basic laws of the government II The Constitution is an explanation of the way government operates assigning separate powers to each branch and guaranteeing citizens their rights IIIThe Constitution is the supreme law of the land A. I only B. III only C. I and II only D. II and III only E. I, II and III only

I, II and III only

53. The power of the courts to determine whether acts of Congress and the executive branch are constitutional is called____. A. Judicial review B. stare decisis C. precedent D. Laissez-faire E. Liberalism

a. Judicial review

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