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Marketing analysts have questioned whether existing measures accurately assess the various dimensions of an​ ad's memorability. For​ instance, a​ ______ can occur when a person forgets information or retains inaccurate memories.

memory lapse

___________ has been compared to chemical dependency by some psychologists

Social media addiction

Diapers come in pink versions for girls and blue for boys. This is an example of​ _____ distinction in product marketing.


Contemporary research on novel consumption experiences indicates that even when we decide to do unusual things​ (like eating bacon ice​ cream), we might do so because we have a​ ________.

productivity orientation

According to this​ chapter, marketers segment consumers based on contemporary psychographic​ research, which includes categories of variables such as​ ______________.

​activities, interests, and opinions

This group is characterized as the largest minority market in the United States.

Disabled people

What was Life is​ Good's social cause related​ to?

Helping children

The financial bottom​ line, social bottom​ line, and environmental bottom line are all elements of​ __________________________.

Triple​ bottom-line orientation

The​ ________ is a​ person's conception of how he or she would like to​ be, whereas the​ ________ refers to our more realistic appraisal of the qualities we do and​ don't have.

ideal​ self; actual self

​Weber's Law is an important concept to consider when dealing with markdowns or sales. For​ instance, if a retailer believes that a markdown should be at least 20 percent for the reduction to make an impact on​ shoppers, it should cut the price on a pair of socks that retails for​ $10 to​ $8 (a​ $2 discount) for shoppers to realize a difference.​ However, a sports coat that sells for​ $100 would not benefit from a​ $2 discount; the retailer would have to mark it down​ _______ to achieve the same impact.


Many societies expect males to pursue​ ________ goals, which stress​ self-assertion and mastery.​ However, they teach females to value​ ________ goals, such as affiliation and building harmonious relations.

​agentic; communal

Which is an example of​ anthropomorphism?

A car owner thinks that his car is cool and fun. He sometimes talks to it as a friend.

Ginny is waiting to have her hair done at a salon. After leafing through magazines full of images of beautiful​ models, she begins to feel a bit insecure about her appearance. What function did the models in the magazines​ serve?

A point of social comparison

Gender identity is an important component of a​ consumer's self-concept. Which of the following is an example of a​ sex-typed trait?

A teenage girl putting on lipstick before a date

The model for ​L'Orééal cosmetics​ exclaims, "Because​ I'm worth​ it!" This is a​ marketer's attempt to try to help consumers overcome​ a(n) ________ conflict by convincing them that they deserve luxuries.


​________ is the process of learning the value system and behaviors of another culture​ (often a priority for those who want to understand consumers and markets in foreign​ countries).


As described in this​ chapter, _______ parents are​ hostile, restrictive, and emotionally uninvolved. They strictly censor the forms of media their children view and most often have negative views of advertising.


Which is not a methodology associated with psychographic studies as described in this​ chapter?

A​ gender/occupation study

Marianne watches a shopping channel for at least ten hours each day. Buying items she mostly never​ uses, she has recently reached the credit limit on all seven of her credit cards. Marianne suffers from which​ disorder?

Compulsive shopping disorder

Taylor and his young sons have a tradition of watching football together every Sunday. A commercial they used to think was funny now irritates them. What effect has taken​ place?

Advertising​ wear-out

According to this​ chapter, which of the following is true of color as a variable in consumer​ behavior?

As we get​ older, our eyes mature and our vision takes on a yellow cast.

When Pat thinks of Cracker​ Jacks, he​ can't help but think of hot​ dogs, baseball games at Fenway​ Park, peanuts, and​ Coca-Cola. Which term applies to​ Pat's linking all these products based on his consumption of them as a​ youngster?

Associative network

Between 1998 and​ 2013, Yoplait​ USA, Inc.'s commitment to breast cancer research raised approximately​ $35 million from all the​ organization's donation programs. Which marketing strategy does the company​ employ?

Cause marketing

When they monitor blips in Google queries for words such as flu and fever​, epidemiologists at the Centers for Disease Control can identify specific areas of the United States that have been hit by flu outbreaks even before the local authorities notice a rise in hospital admissions. This is an example of how​ _______.

Big Data influences what we know and do

A nefarious antibusiness organization plans to introduce poison at the production facility of a major food producer. What misguided strategy does this​ describe?


​_______ hijack millions of computers without any trace. Recently​ we've witnessed numerous hacks of corporate and government databases including​ Apple, Best​ Buy, The New York Times​, Sony​ Pictures, and even NASA.


_______ is​ (are) rules of conduct that guide actions in the​ marketplace; these are the standards against which most people in a culture judge what is right and what is​ wrong, good or bad.

Business ethics

Which is true concerning consumer​ laws, statistics, and trends in the use of cosmetic​ surgery?

Buttock augmentation surgery usually costs about​ $20,000 in the United States.

This form of learning occurs when a stimulus that elicits a known response is teamed up with a stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its own. Over​ time, this second stimulus causes a comparable response because it is linked with the first stimulus.

Classical conditioning

Which Gestalt principle states that people tend to perceive an incomplete picture as​ complete?


Many firms attempt to integrate​ (a) _____ into their processes as it encourages the organization to make a positive impact on​ consumers, employees, and the environment.


Excessive and repeated shopping used as an antidote to​ tension, anxiety,​ depression, or boredom is called​ _____________.

Compulsive consumption

Luke often describes himself in terms of the neighborhood and town from which he came. Luke is demonstrating which level of the extended​ self?

Community level

In the​ 1970s, Kmart used blue light specials to encourage customers to flock to a particular department having a temporary sale. A spinning blue light activated for approximately 30​ seconds, and then an​ in-store announcement informed shoppers of the special savings in the specific department. Over​ time, loyal Kmart shoppers learned to flock to the department with the spinning blue light before any announcement of special savings occurred. If Kmart was employing classical conditioning​ techniques, what role did the spinning blue light​ play?

Conditioned stimulus

Isaac believes that his technical skills empower him to choose​ how, when, and even if he will interact with corporations.​ He's not alone.​ Today, many people dictate to companies the types of products they want and​ how, when, and where​ (or even​ if) they want to learn about those products. Which term applies to the new​ environment?


The Internet enables marketers to both identify and reach market segments with specific product​ interests, as consumers today share opinions online about everything from Barbie dolls to baseball fantasy league team lineups. Which term best describes these groups of consumers with similar​ interests?

Consumption community

As described in the​ chapter, which dimension of​ self-concept involves such factors as attractiveness and mental​ aptitude?


Which term refers to a form of performance art in which participants wear elaborate costumes that represent a virtual world avatar or other fictional​ character?


Which of the following describes one of the greatest challenge faced by Goodwill​ Industries?

Customer situation changes

​_______ tracks specific​ consumers' buying habits closely and crafts products and messages tailored precisely to​ people's wants and needs based on this information.

Database marketing

A marketer of a new fragrance decides to focus on young urban women between the ages of 16 and 25 who have​ above-average discretionary income. On which market segmentation base has this target market been​ defined?


Technology and culture have created a new​ "always-on" consumer. These consumers grew up​ "wired" in a highly​ networked, always-on world where digital technology has always existed. The term for these consumers is which of the​ following?

Digital natives

Websites sometimes post parodies on YouTube that make fun of brands and advertising. In 2012 dash-​2013, sponsored​ live-action parodies of Dora the Explorer starring Modern Family​'s Ariel​ Winter; these were viewed by millions. Which term does the author cite for a posting that looks like the​ original, but is in fact a critique of​ it?

Doppelganger brand image

Many organizations focus on establishing relationships with customers. Which scenario best describes the nostalgic attachment relationship a consumer may feel with a product or​ service?

Each year Martha sends a Currier and Ives Christmas card to her grandchildren because she remembers how much the same brand of card meant to her when she received one annually from her own grandmother.

________ are valenced​ (for example, positive or​ negative) reactions to events and objects that are not accompanied by high levels of physiological arousal


​________ proposes that expectations of reaching desirable outcomes long dash—positive incentives long dash—rather than being pushed from within can motivate our behavior.

Expectancy theory

Devon often wears the same natural beaded bracelets and island shawls she has worn for the past four years. She believes that they represent her social role and that they have become a part of who she really is. Which term describes when external objects are considered part of​ self-identity?

Extended self

Which term refers to an application of stimulus generalization when a product capitalizes on the reputation of its​ manufacturer's name?

Family branding

Which part of the extended self includes a​ consumer's residence and the furnishings in​ it? We can think of the house as a symbolic​ body, and the place where we live often is a central aspect of who we are.

Family level

Terrell is bullied and harassed by his seventh grade classmates because of his excessive weight. He is called demeaning names and is excluded from some friendship groups. Which term is related to his​ victimization?


A television commercial introduces an attractive new automobile. After we see the car in​ action, the final ten seconds show the vehicle prominently displayed along the​ waterfront, with a few boats barely visible in the background. According to the Gestalt​ figure-ground principle, what role does the car play in the final​ scene?


​________ is an important component of a​ consumer's self-concept.​ Therefore, sex​ roles, or a​ society's conceptions about masculinity and​ femininity, exert a powerful influence on our expectations about the brands we should consume.

Gender identity

Bill has been married to Doris for more than 50 years. He can still recall specifics from their first date​ (their seat numbers and the score of the hockey​ game). Which term defined in this chapter refers to these vivid​ associations?

Flashbulb memories

This act of Congress makes it illegal for American executives to bribe individuals to gain business.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Fraternal twins Tony and Tonya have each had their own bedroom since birth. When first brought home from the​ hospital, Tony was placed in a bassinet in a blue bedroom full of toy trucks and posters of his​ father's favorite NFL players. Tonya was placed in a bassinet in a pink bedroom decorated with a Barbie theme. This introduction into the home is symbolic of what process that would soon take​ place?

Gender socialization

________ involves a set of techniques that use geographic and demographic data to identify clusters of consumers with similar psychographic characteristics.


By tailoring the​ Haight-Ashbury Goodwill store to a specific​ clientele, Goodwill Industries is utilizing which demographic​ dimension?


​_______ occurs when companies make false or exaggerated claims about how environmentally friendly their products are.


This is the term used to describe a Web site dedicated to giving dissatisfied customers a forum to complain about​ products, services, and companies.

Gripe site

People sometimes experience a form of stimulus generalization that causes them to purchase store brand products packaged similarly to the national brand.​ "Me too" products often rely on​ this, as it is associated with classical conditioning. Which term​ applies?

Halo effect

This word denotes consumption based on​ multidisciplinary, fantasy, and emotional aspects of​ consumers' interactions with products.


Some Japanese companies use ​_______​, a philosophy that translates​ customers' feelings into design elements.

Kansei engineering

Zach is very concerned about how others view him. He spends a great deal of time strategically choosing clothing and other products that will show him in a good light. Zach is actively involved in which​ process?

Impression management

Trevor plans to purchase his first smartphone. Having never actually sought out product​ information, he nevertheless thinks he knows quite a bit about smartphones because of commercials and discussions about them with friends. What type of learning did Trevor​ experience?

Incidental learning

Jessie often​ states, "You are what you​ wear," which reflects her belief that​ one's things are a part of​ one's identity. Which of the four levels of extended self is described with​ Jessie's statement?

Individual level

Which term refers to when we learn to perform behaviors that produce positive outcomes and avoid those that yield negative​ outcomes?

Instrumental conditioning

​________ is a​ person's perceived relevance of the object based on his or her inherent​ needs, values, and interests.


A candy bar producer has determined through research that a​ 4-ounce candy bar can be reduced by 0.385 ounces without consumers noticing the reduction. If the company exceeded the​ 0.385-ounce reduction, what would that change​ represent?

Just noticeable difference

How do they explain their​ brand?

Knowing who you are and acting like it

_______ is a relatively permanent change in behavior that is caused by experience.


____________ is the term used to describe the instinct to earn more than we can possibly​ consume, even when this imbalance makes us unhappy.

Material accumulation

​______ refers to the importance people attach to worldly​ possessions, and the role of business in encouraging this outlook.


The United Nations defines a metropolitan area with a total populace of more than 10 million individuals as a​ ____________. By​ 2011, there were already 20 such areas in the world.


Acquiring information and retaining it over time so that it will be available when we need it is a process called​ ________.


Marketers use the term​ _______ to describe the process of a consumer imitating the behavior of others.


Which process occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wants to​ satisfy?


If you score high on​ a(n) ________​ scale, you would probably respond well to such statements​ as: "When walking through​ stores, I find that touching the products is​ fun" or​ "After I physically touch and examine a​ product, I feel more comfortable in purchasing​ it."


The deeper meanings of a product may help it stand out from other comparable goods and services. The fascination with​ Peeps, a creepy little candy​ chick, demonstrates one of the fundamental premises of the modern field of consumer behavior. This fundamental premise​ is:

People often buy products not for what they​ do, but for what they mean.

​______________ is the process by which people​ select, organize, and interpret sensations. Marketers study what we add to these raw sensations to give them meaning.


Antoine recently received an email from a fraudulent organization that sought his personal financial account information. Recognizing the​ scam, he deleted the email without providing any information. Which unethical strategy was the company​ using?


What organization benefits from Life is​ Good's focus on social​ causes?


Chrissy taught her dog to stay by giving him a treat every time he followed her instruction. Which learning method did she​ use?

Positive reinforcement

________ is a​ consumer's level of interest in a particular product. The more closely marketers can tie a brand to an​ individual, the higher their success will be in this marketing endeavor.

Product involvement

In​ Japan, it's called kuroi kiri​ (black mist); in​ Germany, it's schmiergeld​ (grease money), whereas Mexicans refer to la mordida​ (the bite), the French say ​pot-de-vin​ (jug of​ wine), and Italians speak of the bustarella​ (little envelope). To which​ still-popular but potentially unethical business practice do these terms​ refer?

Providing buyers with​ "gifts" to secure business

The laundry detergent Cheer was once advertised as​ "all-tempa-Cheer," with the promise that it was effective regardless of water temperature.​ Today, its ads promote it for its​ color-safe properties. Which strategy was involved in developing the​ brand's new​ personality?


Which is true of megacities or trends in regional​ population?

Research shows that by the year 2030 more than 2 billion people will live in slums adjacent to megacities.

Technologies such as Bluetooth connectivity enable consumers to interact with products more​ intimately, which in turn reinforces their relationships. Which of the following defines a relationship in which the product assists in establishing the​ user's identity?

Self-concept attachment

A new hotel manager has used her knowledge of consumer behavior to make changes in the experience the hotel provides. When guests​ arrive, they now hear​ low-volume classical​ music, see a plush​ lobby, and are served complimentary wine while waiting for reception service. Upon entering their​ room, the light aroma of rose petals greets​ them, and they are told of the high​ thread-count linen that will ensure comfortable sleeping. What marketing strategy is the new manager​ following?


The ideal body type of Western women changes over time. These changes periodically cause us to redefine those aspects of the body that distinguish between the sexes. Which term applies to those aspects of the body used by a culture to define​ beauty?

Sexual dimorphic markers

Timmy wants to earn back his​ $10/week allowance, which he lost by failing to keep his room clean. His mother has given him a list of five tasks to complete. During the first​ week, Timmy made his bed every day. His mother gave him​ $2. As the weeks​ progressed, Timmy included more of the duties on his list and was awarded incrementally as he moved toward his goal. After six​ weeks, Timmy was completing all five tasks on a regular basis and began receiving his allowance in full. Which specific behavioral technique did​ Timmy's mother​ employ?


This book authored by Rachel Carson and published in 1962 focused on the irresponsible use of pesticides.

Silent Spring

Which of the factors that shape customer choices is linked to Goodwill​ Industries' need to consider​ consumers' views of thrift​ stores?


A government study estimates that up to​ 30% of South Koreans younger than 18 are at risk of Internet addition. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this​ study?

Some users have literally dropped dead from exhaustion after playing online games for days on end.

Which term refers to​ consumers' powerful emotional reactions to songs or pictures they have not been exposed to in quite a long​ time?

Spontaneous recovery

When the U.S. EPA defines​ _________, it states that everything we need for our survival and​ well-being depends, either directly or​ indirectly, on our natural environment.


________ endorse(s) research projects that include the goal of helping people or bringing about social change.


Many cultures dictate certain types of body decoration or mutilation. The Suya of South America wear ear ornaments to emphasize the importance placed on listening and obedience in their culture. According to​ researchers, this serves which​ purpose?

To indicate desired social conduct

According to​ researchers, every culture dictates certain types of body decoration or​ mutilation, and each serves a purpose. The​ Hidates, American Indians of North​ America, wear feather ornaments that indicate how many people they have killed. According to​ research, this serves which​ purpose?

To indicate high status or rank

Decorating the self serves a number of purposes. Which of the purposes identified in this chapter might encourage an urban woman to carry a​ "mugger whistle" around her​ neck?

To provide a sense of security

An exchange student from the Middle East is struggling with retaining her authentic culture while still enjoying Western freedom. Which one of the following terms applies to this internal​ struggle?

Torn self

United Parcel Service is also known as Big Brown. DHL Express carriers are recognizable by their yellow uniforms and trucks. The U.S. Postal Service is associated with the colors​ red, white, and blue. Which term is associated with the strategy of associating companies with colors or color​ combinations?

Trade dress

Which of the following is an example of a cultural factor that shapes customer​ choices?

Traditional items are stocked in stores that sell to a conservative demographic.

A professor at a small private college in New Hampshire that studies buyer behavior has joined with a group of other professors from the area to promote research projects that include the goal of helping people or bringing about social change. In which type of research is the group​ involved?

Transformative consumer

Life is Good portrays a​ "triple bottom​ line".


​________ is a term used by marketers to describe a desire to achieve some functional or practical​ benefit, as when a person loads up on green vegetables for nutritional reasons.


Which of the following is the lifestyle segmentation system developed by SRI​ International, which utilized psychological and demographic variables to divide U.S. adults into groups with distinctive​ characteristics?


Hello Kitty is a character that was first introduced in Japan in 1974 and made its way onto American products in 1976. Although the brand enjoyed moderate​ success, in recent years it has become a worldwide phenomenon due to fans across the globe visiting​ "Hello Kitty" inspired Web sites and sharing their​ thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Which term best describes the fans involved in this​ consumer-to-consumer online​ activity?

Virtual brand community

Consumers experience a range of​ ________ responses to products and marketing​ messages; these responses range from​ evaluations, to​ moods, to​ full-blown emotions.


Our satisfaction with the physical image we present to others depends on how closely we think the image corresponds to the​ "model" our culture values. As described by the​ author, ________ is a particular​ model, or ​exemplar, of appearance.

an ideal of beauty

When marketers study the semiotic​ perspective, they see that every marketing message has three basic​ components: _______, a sign​ (or symbol), and an interpretant.

an object

Consumers experience different kinds of motivational conflicts that can impact their purchase decisions. A person has​ a(n) ________ when he or she must choose between two desirable alternatives.

approach-approach conflict

Jessie, a college​ student, is getting ready for spring break. She is considering going home for the​ holidays, but she has also been offered the chance to go on a skiing trip with friends. She is having a hard time deciding which to do because she wants to do both. This is an example of​ ________.

approach-approach conflict

Some solutions to​ ________ conflicts include the proliferation of fake​ furs, which eliminate guilt about harming animals to make a fashion​ statement, and the success of diet programs like Weight Watchers that promise good food without the calories.


We might face a choice with two undesirable​ alternatives: for​ instance, the option of either spending more money on an old car or buying a new one. Marketers call this​ a(n) ________ conflict.


The degree to which people share a​ _______ is a function of​ individual, social, and cultural forces.

belief system

People choose between competitors largely because of their ​_______long dash—meanings that have been carefully crafted with the help of legions of rock​ stars, athletes, slickly produced​ commercials, and many millions of dollars.

brand images

When a consumer is highly involved with a specific​ product, this is the Holy Grail for marketers because it means he or she exhibits​ ________, which is repeat purchasing behavior that reflects a conscious decision to continue buying the same brand.

brand loyalty

When a product or service satisfies our specific needs or​ desires, we may reward it with many years of​ _______, which is a bond between product and consumer that is difficult for competitors to break.

brand loyalty

​A(n) _______ identifies a need or​ desire, makes a​ purchase, and then disposes of the product during the three stages of the consumption process.


Goodwill​ Industries' clientele can be best described as​ "eclectic." This type of classification describes a​ ________

consumer segment

We associate interrelated sets of products and activities with social roles to form​ ________.

consumption constellations

​Bert's conversation with his partner was about creating optimism in the world is an example of​ __________________?

corporate social responsibility

Products such as those created by Applelong dash—or ​Hydrox, Harley-Davidson, Jones​ Soda, Chick-Fil-A, and Manolo Blahniklong dash—command fierce consumer​ loyalty, devotion, and maybe even worship by consumers. Market researchers use the term​ ________ to describe these products.

cult products

Shoppers are willing to pay more for an item when they know exactly where it comes​ from, and they are assured that​ "real people" have thoughtfully selected the things from which they choose. This process of ​_______​, which used to refer to the careful selection of pieces to include in a museum​ exhibit, now applies to a range of consumer products such as​ food, clothing, and travel.


Consumer behavior is a process. As part of this​ process, we study​ _______, which are descriptive characteristics of a population


The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud proposed that much of​ one's adult personality stems from a fundamental conflict between a​ person's ________________ and the necessity to function as a responsible member of society.

desire to gratify his or her physical needs

In one​ experiment, people who sat in a​ foul-smelling room judged acts such as lying on a​ résumé or keeping a wallet found in a parking lot as more immoral than individuals who were asked to make the same judgments in a clean environment. This experiment was a study of the emotion​ ________, which advertisers now know exerts a powerful effect on our judgments.


According to research on the study of​ memory, in the ​_______ ​stage, data such as​ statistics, evidence,​ facts, figures, etc. enter in a way the system will recognize.


According to the​ author, the term used to describe the process of learning the beliefs and behaviors endorsed by​ one's own culture is​ ________.


Consumer behavior is a process. In the study of this important​ topic, we learn that the​ _______ is a transaction in which two or more organizations or people give and receive something of value.


A ​________ places a large sample of respondents into homogenous groups based on similarities in their overall preferences.

general lifestyle segmentation

Researchers believe our experience of touch is much like a primal​ language, learned before writing and speech. Some researchers have identified the important role the​ _______ (touch) sense plays in consumer behavior.


Associations that marketers create between products or services and desired attributes often take on lives of their own as consumers begin to believe that the publicity​ (or build-up)​ is, in​ fact, real. Researchers call this condition​ _______.

hyper reality

According to semiotician Charles Sanders​ Peirce, signs relate to objects in several ways. One example is the​ _______, which is a sign that resembles the product in some​ way, such as the galloping horse on the hood of the Ford Mustang.


According to information learned in this​ chapter, advertisers have taken advantage of research focusing on​ ________ in order to select male models for marketing​ purposes; a study of men who appear in advertisements found that most sport the strong and muscular physique of the male stereotype.

ideals of male beauty

Evolving from a mass culture in which many consumers share the same preferences to a diverse one in which we each have an almost infinite number of choices makes it more important than ever to​ _____________.

identify distinct market segments and develop specialized messages for those groups

​A(n) _______ is a symbol that connects to a product because it shares some property.​ (For example, the lemon on some cleanser products conveys the shared property of fresh​ scent.)


Market researchers use the term​ ________ to describe a situation where a buyer makes a decision out of habit because they lack the motivation to consider alternatives.


The final step in the process of perception is​ _______.


A​ consumer's ________ refers to the various ways the consumer decides to invest time and money and how these consumption choices reflect his values and tastes.


A​ ________ looks for items that differentiate between users and nonusers of a product.

lifestyle profile

Market researchers and advertising agencies are continually developing their own​ ____________ in an effort to identify and reach groups of consumers united by common lifestyles.

lifestyle segmentation typologies

The use of​ _______ allows an organization to target its​ product, service, or idea only to specific groups of consumers rather than to everybody long dash—even if it means that other consumers who​ don't belong to this target market​ aren't exposed to it.

market segmentation strategies

Individuals use either recognition or recall techniques to measure​ _______________ for product information. Shoppers are more likely to identify an advertisement if it is presented to them than they are to recall one without being given any prompts.


Advertisers show an understanding of the study of​ ________ when they place their ads after humorous TV​ programming, create uplifting ad​ messages, and/or play​ "up" background music while encouraging staff to be friendly.

mood congruency

Motives are​ goal-oriented and drive us to fulfill a particular need. A consumer who determines that she needs a pair of jeans to help her reach her goal of being admired by others can pick among American​ Eagle, Tommy​ Hilfiger, Lucky​ Brand, and numerous other​ choices, each of which promises to deliver positive benefits. This is an example of​ ________.

motivational direction

Evidence suggests that​ _________ can lurk below the​ surface, and cues in the environment can trigger a goal even when we​ don't recognize​ it: Marketers refer to this as incidental brand exposure.


People everywhere are seeing more touchscreens on​ computers, ATM​ machines, and digital cameras due to an outgrowth of the ​_______ philosophy of computer design.

natural user interface

A​ _______ is defined as something a person must have to live or achieve a goal.


The bittersweet emotion that arises when we view the past with both sadness and longing describes​ _______________. Marketers reference​ "the good old​ days" to help call up memories of youth and hope that these feelings will translate to what​ they're selling today.


As a​ rule, product decisions are likely to be highly involving if the consumer believes there is a great deal of​ ________. This means the person believes there might be negative consequences if he or she chooses the wrong option.

perceived risk

People attribute traits to a product as if it were a person. Forging a desirable brand​ ________ is often the key to building brand loyalty.


The concept of ​________ refers to a​ person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his or her environment.


Marketing strategies based on personality differences have met with mixed​ success, partly because of the way researchers have measured and applied these differences in​ ________ to consumption contexts

personality traits

​Today, we increasingly fall prey to​ high-tech ​_______ scams in which people receive fraudulent emails that ask them to supply account information.


According to this​ chapter, the three types of possessions consumers most value are​ furniture, visual​ art, and​ ________.


Marketers measure consumer memories about products and ads. For​ instance, some evidence indicates that we can more easily retrieve information about a ​_______ from memory than we can for a follower brand that rides its coattails because the first​ product's introduction is likely to be distinctive.

pioneering brand

Market segmentation is an important aspect of consumer behavior that leads researchers to segment consumers according to many dimensions. Three of the most important dimensions discussed in this chapter include product​ usage, demographics, and​ _____________.


Our brains process data about​ brands, products, and services to preserve them in our memory. During the ​_______ process​, we access the desired information.


​Recently, we've seen a trend in advertising toward inspirational stories that manipulate our emotions like a roller​ coaster: Think about the commercials Budweiser likes to run about a puppy who befriends a​ horse, gets​ lost, finds his way​ home, and so on. The name of this advertising technique is​ ________.


Market researchers understand that the meaning we give a stimulus depends on the​ ________, or set of​ beliefs, to which we assign it.


A​ _______ involves the correspondence between stimuli and the meaning of signs.

semiotic analysis

Our brains receive external​ stimuli, or ​__________, on a number of channels. We may see a marketing​ sign, hear a jingle on the​ radio, feel the softness of a brushed cotton​ sweater, taste a new flavor of​ candy, or smell a fresh baked funnel cake

sensory inputs

​Gender-role identity is a state of mind as well as body. A​ person's biological gender​ (male or​ female) does not totally determine whether he or she will exhibit​ ________.

sex-typed traits

The business strategy that attempts to maximize returns by providing benefits to the communities where the organization operates is the​ _____________.

social bottom line

Parents often influence consumer​ _________ in their children both directly and indirectly as they deliberately attempt to introduce their own values while controlling the degree to which their children come into contact with other information​ sources, such as​ television, internet​ viewing, and peers.


Lifestyle research is useful for tracking​ ________ and also for positioning specific products and services to different segments.

societal consumption preferences

As described in this​ chapter, the​ _______ effect refers to the tendency for individuals to recall printed information more effectively when the advertiser repeats the target item​ periodically, rather than presenting it repeatedly in a short time period.


Data breaches by major companies continue to worry many people. The Personal Data Notification​ & Protection Act of 2015 is a recent legislative proposal that is being considered as a means to​ ___________________________.

strengthen the obligations companies have to notify customers when their personal information has been exposed

Although evidence that​ _______ is effective is virtually​ nonexistent, many consumers continue to believe that advertisers use this technique.

subliminal persuasion

The​ ________ is the counterweight to the id. This system is essentially the​ person's conscience. It internalizes​ society's rules​ (especially as parents teach them to​ us) and tries to prevent the id from seeking selfish gratification.


The​ Chinook, American Indians of North​ America, pressed the head of a newborn between two boards for a​ year, which permanently altered its shape. The purpose of this body shape alteration is​ ________.

to separate group members from nonmembers

Engineers at Sony repeatedly observed people in focus groups automatically swiping the screen of its​ older, nontouch models. This observation led to the offering of​ _______ on its​ e-readers.


As a​ rule, judges grant​ _______ protection only when consumers might be confused about what they buy because of similar coloration of a​ competitor's packages.

trade dress

A goal has​ ________, which means that it can be positive or negative.


A​ ________ is a belief that some condition is preferable to its opposite.


The popularity of chat rooms where consumers can go to discuss various topics with​ like-minded "Netizens" around the world grows every​ day, as do immersive​ _______ such as Second​ Life, Habbo​ Hotel, and Kaneva.

virtual worlds

The distinction between a​ "happy" and a​ "meaningful" life brings up an important question for market​ researchers, but before we answer that​ question, we need to understand that a​ _______ is a specific manifestation of a need that personal and cultural factors determine.


Identifying your most faithful​ customer, or heavy​ user, and then focusing your marketing efforts on them is a clever marketing strategy. In many​ cases, marketers use the​ _______ rule, where​ _______ percent of the users account for​ _______ percent of the sales.

​80/20​: ​20: 80

Important demographic variables help market researchers identify what makes one consumer the same as or different from others. Some of the largest and most important demographic dimensions​ include: _______.

​Age, Gender,​ Ethnicity, and Family Structure

Taco​ Bell's very successful decision to offer tacos produced with Dorito brand shells is an example of which strategy described in this​ chapter?


When Erica has the television set at volume level​ 10, she has to turn it up only 2 notches to 12 to notice a difference. When she has the television set at volume level​ 20, she needs to turn it up to 24 to notice the difference. What law or theory explains this​ phenomenon?

​Weber's Law

Companies increasingly involve consumers in the process of developing advertising and other marketing actions. Using​ ________ as a means of involving consumers with marketing is expected to significantly increase their engagement with the brand.


In this​ chapter, the author describes four levels of the extended​ self, ranging from personal objects to places and things that allow people to feel as though they are rooted in their larger social environments. The four levels are​ ________.

​individual, family,​ community, and group

A​ ________ identifies a target group and then profiles these consumers on​ product-relevant dimensions.

​product-specific profile

In many Asian​ cultures, people historically equate light skin with wealth and​ status, and they associate dark skin with the laboring class that toils in the fields. The way we think about our bodies​ (and the way our culture tells us we should​ think) is a key component of​ ________.


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