Contemporary Behavior Therapy - Final Review

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The first contemporary token economy was established in 1961 by: -Mowrer and Mowrer -Lindsley -Ayllon and Azrin -Lazarus

Ayllon and Azrin

It is standard practice in behavior therapy to include a(n) ____ when a deceleration target behavior is changed -negative consequence -written contract -acceleration target behavior -baseline phase

acceleration target behavior

An early, relevant investigation of a treatment for phobias was performed by -Watson -Pavlov -Jones -Thorndike


If being late for appointments was a target behavior, it would most likely be -a behavioral deficit -resistant to change -a behavioral excess -targeted later on

a behavioral excess

A case study is -the combination of ABAB and multiple-baseline studies -a detailed description of a specific client's treatment -multiple experiments focusing on one problem -an analysis of multiple studies over time

a detailed description of a specific client's treatment

A meta-analysis asks whether -the patient is equally dedicated over the course of treatment -a therapy is equally effective across target behaviors -a therapy is an effective treatment for a certain problem -different cultures benefit from a specific treatment

a therapy is an effective treatment for a certain problem

Paul was treated using in vivo exposure and a variety of behavior therapy procedures. This illustrates the use of -the self approach -a scientific approach -a treatment package -an active approach

a treatment package

A baseline measurement consists of repeated measures of the target behavior -as it occurs naturally -under therapy conditions -resembling treatment goals -at its worst

as it occurs naturally

Which of the following is most likely a competing behavior for daydreaming? -watching a movie -writing a letter -going for a run -debating politics

debating politics

In the behavior model, past events have ____ influence on present behaviors -a direct -a significant -an indirect -no

an indirect

Behavioral assessment usually begins with -a behavioral diary -controlled studies -natural observation -an interview

an interview

Subjective Units of Discomfort are an example of -a direct self-report inventory -quantified covert behavior -an interview technique -maintaining conditions for anxiety

an interview technique

____ determine whether a behavior will occur in the first place. -probability -consequences -expectations -antecedents


In contrast to traditional assessments, behavioral assessment -appreciates situational factors -deals with more than one client at a time -assessment behavior indirectly -rely heavily on interviews

appreciates situational factors

One common way to learn about another's covert behaviors is to -ask the person directly -review behavioral records -observe across multiple settings -it is impossible to learn about covert behaviors

ask the person directly

Unlike behavioral descriptions, traits misleadingly suggest that -behaviors are consistent -the past causes behavior -people are behaviors -individuals are unique

behaviors are consistent

A baseline is taken -during therapy -before therapy begins -before and during therapy -before, during, and after therapy

before therapy begins

The question, "What specific things do you do that lead you to describe yourself as. . .?" suggests the -need for introspective accounts of one's behavior -importance of maintaining antecedents -language barrier between clients and therapists -behavior model's focus on behavioral causes

behavior model's focus on behavioral causes

At a dinner party, guests wait until the host begins to eat before they begin. The guests are guided by a ____ prompt -physical -behavioral -enviornmental -verbal


Acceleration target behaviors are examples of -behavioral deficits -maintaining conditions -initial treatment goals -behavioral excesses

behavioral excesses

The purpose of an adaptation period in systematic naturalistic observation is to -decrease training time -increase interobserver reliability -increase observer accuracy -decrease reactivity

decrease activity

The essential difference between prompts and setting events concerns -intensity -efficacy -breadth -frequency


The number of cans of beer remaining from a case of beer is a(n) ____ measure of "drinking behavior" -frequency -duration -by-product -intensity


In the behavioral model, the term maintaining is synonymous with -causal -fundamental -potent -singular


Maintaining antecedents and maintaining consequences differ form other antecedents and consequences in that they are -causal for the behavior -maintained by the behavior -greater in number -constant over time

causal for the behavior

Interrater reliability : interobserver reliability :: ____ : ____ -direct self-report inventory; simulated observation -interview; simulated observation -rating scale; self-recording -checklist; systematic naturalistic observation

checklist; systematic naturalistic observation

Behavior therapy is considered an active therapy in part because: -researchers actively test existing treatments -behavioral change is activated via treatment -therapists play an active role in treatment -clients engage in actions as part of treatment

clients engage in actions as part of treatment

____ refers to changes in clients' problems that are clearly meaningful for the client -generalizability -acceptability -clinical significance -longmaintenance

clinical significance

Which of the following terms was shown to raise ethical concerns? -behavior modification -experimental control -contingency manipulation -controlling variables

contingency manipulation

A major development for behavior therapy during the 1980s was the: -contribution to behavioral medicine -founding of behavior therapy journals -foray of cognitive therapy -code of ethical conduct

contribution to behavioral medicine

Behavior therapists overcame the early widespread resistance to behavior therapy by -demonstrating the effectiveness of behavior therapy -setting up large-scale treatment centers around the country -arguing that behavior therapy was similar to insight therapy -attacking the theoretical foundations of psychoanalysis

demonstrating the effectiveness of behavior therapy

One criticism of checklists and rating scales is that they -depend on the informant's accuracy -are poor screening tools -are mainly for children's problems -cannot assess maintaining conditions

depend on the informant's accuracy

After which step in the behavior therapy process does measurement of the target behavior begin? -designing a target behavior -identifying maintaining conditions -designing a treatment plan -evaluating the success of a change plan

designing a target behavior

A target behavior is a -discrete aspect of the problem -desirable final outcome -conspicuous negative consequence -difficult maintaining condition

discrete aspect of the problem

To determine the average degree of change, a meta-analysis uses -effect size -medical records -participant distribution -actuarial date

effect size

Physiological measurement may also be used to assess -emotion -cognition -intentions -overt behaviors


When loud music disrupts Michael's focus, he considers how to alter his environment. This is an example of ____ influencing ____. -overt behavior; environment -environment; covert behavior -overt behavior; covert behavior -covert behavior, environment

environment; covert behavior

Stop signs are examples of ____ prompts -physical -verbal -environmental -behavioral


In behavior therapy, conversations between the client and therapist are predominantly for: -building rapport and trust -developing insight into problems -working through past trauma -exchanging information

exchanging information

When a reinforcer indicates that a behavior has been performed correctly it is providing ____ -feedback -reward -insight -a prompt


Which phase in an ABAB study is most likely to pose an ethical problem? -second B -second A -first A -first B

first A

The number of beers a client drinks in a day is a(n) ____ measure of "drinking behavior." -frequency -intensity -duration -by-product


Events that serve as reinforcers for many people are called -positive reinforcers -universal reinforcers -empirical reinforcers -generalized reinforcers

generalized reinforcers

All the construction workers building a house were given a bonus because one of the workers, who had been late frequently, showed up on time 5 days in a row. This is an example of a(n) ____ contingency -partial -bonus -group -individual


Behavior therapy emerged, in part, due to the: -open-mindedness of the era in which it developed -availability of financial support for research -over-reliance on psychiatric -growing discontent with psychoanalysis

growing discontent with psychoanalysis

One reason behavior therapy has "a long past but a short history" is that early examples -haphazardly mixed multiple techniques -often employed unethical procedures -had no real influence on its development -were generally ineffective treatments

had no real influence on its development

One major limitation of single subject studies is that they -delay necessary treatment -are often unethical -are inefficient for data collection -have poor generalizability

have poor generalizability

A treatment plan specifies the therapy procedures that will be used, including -the anticipated costs of therapy -how they will be individualized -those contributing to research -how the patient might react

how they will be individualized

We can know that an event is reinforcing -after it has occurred -if the client desires it -when it is generalizable -only if it is adaptive

if the client desires it

The term in vivo is used to designate therapy procedures -not requiring therapists participation -requiring extensive practice by the client -associated with greater client discomfort -implemented in the clients' natural environment

implemented in the clients' natural environment

One potential problem for systematic naturalistic observation is -unacceptability -impracticality -inefficacy -irreversibility


Behavioral assessment is -indispensable to behavior therapy -impossible for covert behaviors -often a sufficient treatment -difficult with young clients

indispensable to behavior therapy

The only major approach to psychotherapy until about 1950 was -insight therapy -clienttherapy -action therapy -existential therapy

insight therapy

____ refers to reinforcing only some of the occurrences of a target behavior -reinforcer unreliability -fractional reinforcement -intermittent reinforcement -an individualized contingency

intermittent reinforcement

The most frequently used behavioral assessment method is -self-recording -simulated observation -naturalistic observation -interview


Behavior therapy is the term preferred by the author because behavior therapy: -includes all behavioral modifications -changes behaviors directly -does not deal with cognitions -is the broadest and purest term

is the broadest and purest term

Stimulus control is relatively efficient in that -it is easy to administer -the techniques are often familiar -the effects are long lasting -there is great empirical support

it is easy to administer

Time sampling is often preferred over continuous observation because it is -less intrusive -more accurate -less reactive -more efficient

less intrusive

Behavior therapy directly changes -clients' expectations -behavioral symptoms -maintaining conditions -target behaviors

maintaining conditions

The major difference between rewards and reinforcers is that rewards -may not change behavior -do not follow the ABC model -are not always consequences -are often pleasant events

may not change behavior

Target behaviors are -defined loosely -measurable -broad in scope -usually maladaptive


The multimethod approach of behavioral assessment means that more than one -target behavior is assessed -method of assessment is employed -maintaining condition is monitored -change agent is required

method of assessment is employed

Reinforcing consequences that people receive in their daily lives are called ____ reinforcers -in vivo -environmental -natural -social


Sally turns in her exam, and no longer feels the pressure of test-taking. She is more likely to do this again next time. This example best illustrates the concept of -negative punishment -negative reinforcement -stimulus empowerment -positive reinforcement

negative reinforcement

A ____ control group is used to control for improvements in clients' problem that are due to being participants in a study rather than to the specific therapy procedures. -attention -no contact -placebo -no treatment

no contact

A teacher assists a young boy in writing the letters of the alphabet by holding his hand and guiding him through the required movements. This is an example of a(n) ____ prompt -environmental -verbal -behavioral -physical


In systematic naturalistic observation, trained observers record -all environmental conditions -probable maintaining conditions -all overt behaviors -predetermined target behaviors

predetermined target behaviors

According to the behavioral model, behaviors are direct result of: -development experiences -genetic factors -uninfluenced decisions -present conditions

present conditions

Behavior therapy is said to have a present focus because it assumes that: -the problem only exists in the present -problems are only influenced by present conditions -past events do not lead to present problems -it is impossible to focus on the past

problems are only influenced by present conditions

____ research is that which identifies the effective components of a therapy procedure -outcome -process -controlled -analogue


The presenting problem is the -difficulty between client and therapist -new problem arising during treatment -reason the client came to therapy -symptom interfering with attendance

reason the client came to therapy

Continuous reinforcement refers to the -natural state of unmodified behaviors -reinforcement of every occurrence of the target behavior -non-contingent availability of reinforcement -process of reinforcer sampling

reinforcement of every occurrence of the target behavior

A local movie theatre had small cups of popcorn sitting on the counter where patrons purchased tickets. The cups were called "complimentary cups," and their purpose was to promote the sale of popcorn. This procedure is most similar to -reinforcer sampling -intermittent reinforcement -generalized reinforcement -self-reinforcement

reinforcer sampling

The Premack principle uses -tangible reinforcers -social reinforcers -reinforcing activities -token reinforcers

reinforcing activities

Consistency of observations is an element of -reactivity -significance -validity -reliability


One similarity between checklists and ratings scales is that they are both -preliminary -retrospective -reactive -lengthy


A(n) ____ is comprised of a baseline phase, a treatment phase, and reinstatement of the baseline phase. -multiplestudy -ABAB study -reversal study -analogue experiment

reversal study

Precision and empirical evaluation are elements of which defining theme of behavior therapy? -learning -scientific -active -present focus


An anger diary is an example of -self-recording -a direct self-report inventory -simulated observation -a checklist


____ are broad environmental conditions that influence the likelihood that a person will perform a particular behavior -environmental prompts -physical prompts -setting events -shaping contingencies

setting events

To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of a woman's lack of assertive behaviors at home, at work, and in social engagements, a multiple baseline across ____ would be used -clients -settings -target behaviors -maintaining conditions


____ involves reinforcing successively closer approximations of a target behavior -fading -shaping -reinforcer sampling -prompting


In order to encourage Heather to comb her own hair, each time she combs her hair well her Dad says, "Your hair looks great. Good job." This is an example of -social reinforcement -negative punishment -negative reinforcement -feedback

social reinforcement

Which type of reinforcer is most likely to be a natural reinforcer? -reinforcing activities -token reinforcers -tangible reinforcers -social reinforcers

social reinforcers

Asking appropriately qualified people to judge the client's behavior following therapy establishes -culture relevance -social validity -change maintenance -agent cooperation

social validity

____ refers to clinical significance evaluated in terms of general standards of adaptive or acceptance functioning -statistical significance -normative validity -social validity -practical significance

social validity

In scientific research effectiveness differs from efficacy in that it refers to -success in genuine, clinical settings -adherence to validated theory -the effect after eliminating dropouts -success in randomized studies

success in genuine, clinical settings

Joseph Wolpe is sometimes referred to as the founder of behavior therapy, in part because he developed -modeling therapy -systematic desensitization -reinforcement therapy -the token economy

systematic desensitization

Which of the following is most likely to be used when a principal observes a teacher in the classroom? -direct self-report inventory -systematic naturalistic observation -simulated observation -role-playing

systematic naturalistic observation

Pencils, magazines, and socks would be examples of -social reinforcers -token reinforcers -generalized reinforcers -tangible reinforcers

tangible reinforcers

Self-recording is especially useful in that -it does not impact behavior -it can be completely at any time -the client is always available to observe -less time is required from the client

the client is always available to observe

One potential ethical issue in behavior therapy is: -the use of inefficacious treatments -the deprivation of a client's rights -excessive financing from managed care -a prolonged course of treatment

the deprivation of a client's rights

Clinical significance differs from statistical significance in that it describes -the impact of the change -other changes as a result of therapy -if the change would likely occur again -if a change actually occurred

the impact of the change

Conclusions about the effectiveness of behavior therapies are based on: -the judgement of experienced therapists -the testimonials of satisfied clients -managed-care company actuaries -the results of empirical research

the results of empirical research

Bandura's social learning theory emphasized -the role of cognitions -economic models of behavior -clasical conditioning -an evolutionary foundation

the role of cognitions

Guiding clients to conduct their own treatment is representative of -client-therapist collaboration -the self-control approach -learning focus -in vivo treatment

the self-control approach

In behavior therapy, decisions about therapy procedures are most often made by: -the physician and client jointly -the client's physician -the therapist and client jointly -the therapist

the therapist and client jointly

The purpose of the second B phase of an ABAB study is -to continue the benefits of effective treatment -to control for extraneous variables -for followassessment after treatment -to obtain a second baseline

to obtain a second baseline

A ____ control group is used to account for the influence of clients' expectations that they will receive therapy -no contact -placebo -attention -wait list

wait list

With a(n) ____ control group, the control subjects do not receive therapy immediately, but they do receive therapy after the study is completed -no treatment -wait list -placebo -attention

wait list

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