cranial & facial bone anatomy

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the occiput helps support the _____ and _____ _____.

-cerebellum -brain stem

Fx causing a portion of the skull to be depressed into the cranial cavity

depressed fx

the bone that forms the anterior portion of the cranium is the ______ bone


the _____ bone and____ _____ of ethmoid bone make up the anterior cranial fossa.

frontal and cribriform plate

the maxillary bone articulates with which cranial bones?

frontal and ethmoid

the 3 cranial bones of the orbit are:

frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid

what are the four processes of the maxillary bone?

frontal, palatine, zygomatic, and alveolar process.

which bones do the sphenoid bones articulate with?

frontal, temporal, ethmoid, parietal, and occipital.

the outer rim of the orbit consists of:

frontal, zygoma, lacrimal and maxillary

inflammation of the mastoid antrum and air cells


the _______ ______ of the ethmoid bone is the passage of olfactory nerves. (sense of smell)

olfactory foramina

the ____ ______ on the sphenoid bone is where the optic nerve will come out of.

optic foramen

the portion of the mandible that extends superiorly from the posterior aspect of the mandibular body is the ______


out of the 8 cranial bones only __ of them are paired. Which ones are they?

-2 -right/left parietal bones

the cranial sutures are known as ____ joints, which are ______.

-fibrous -immoveable

the ethmoid bone articulates with the ______ bone, ______ bone, and ___ facial bones.

-frontal -sphenoid -11

of the auditory ossicles, the malleus is most _______, the incus is ______, and the stapes is most ________.

-lateral -middle -medial

the _____ nasal concha and ______ nasal concha are apart of the ethmoid bone.

-superior -middle

the adult cranial size is normally achieved by the age of ___?


how many of the bones are facial?


the EAM is _____ cm in length.

2 1/2

the skull is composed of how many bones?


the temporal bone has ___ portions


the orbit consists of __ cranial bones and __ facial bones

3 and 4

the ethmoid bone has ___ parts.


how many facial bones does the sphenoid bone articulate with?


in an infant skull there are ___ total fontanelles.


each orbit is comprised of __ bones.


how many of the bones are cranial?


the posterior clinoid processes are at the superior portion of the dorsum sellae and will be able to see them on which view?

AP Axial Towne

the ______ is the junction of the lambdoidal and squamosal suture.


fx located at the base of the skull

Basal Fx

the portion of the occipital bone that projects anteriorly from the foramen magnum is the ______ portion.


the fontanelle located at the junction of the coronal and sagittal suture is the _______


the two fontanelles located on the midsagittal plane of the skull are the _____ and the _______

Bregma and Lambda

the structure that articulates with the occipital condyles is the ____ ______

C1 vertebra

List the CRANIAL BONES by name and quantity:

Frontal (1) Spenoid (1) Occipital (1) Ethmoid (1) Parietal rt/lt (2) Temporal rt/lt (2)

List the three classifications of fundamental skull shapes, and indicate the number of degrees of angulation (formed by the petrous pyramids and the midsagittal plane).

Mesocephalic (47 degrees) Brachycephalic (54 degrees) Dolichocephalic (40 degrees)

List the FACIAL BONES by name and quantity:

Nasal (2) Palatine (2) Lacrimal (2) Inferior Nasal Conchae (2) Maxillary (2) Vomer (1) Zygomatic (2) Mandible (1)

the _____ joins the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, frontal bone, parietal bone, and temporal bone.


what is the best view to see the mastoid air cells?


all facial bones are considered fibrous EXCEPT _____.


benign tumor arising from Schwann cells of the eighth cranial nerve

acoustic neuroma

the thick ridge of spongy bone on the inferior border of the maxillary bone that supports the teeth is the _________ process


ethmoid sinuses are ______ to the sphenoid sinuses.


the tuberculum sellae is the _____ portion of the saddle on the ethmoid bone.


the lateral masses of the _____ articulate with the occipital bone.

atlas/ C1

the _____ ______ transmits vibratory sounds/motion from tympanic membrane to inner ear.

auditory ossicles

the malleus, incus, and stapes are also known as the ______ _______

auditory ossicles

the fibrocartilaginous, oval-shaped portion of the external ear is the _____


this is also know as the cranial vault and makes up the forehead, posterior and lateral portions of the skull.


the part of the mandible that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone to form the TMJ is the ______


the two processes that extend superiorly from a mandibular ramps are the _____ and the ______ process

condyle and coronoid

fx to one side of a structure caused by trauma to the other side

contrecoup fx

the two parietal bones articulate with the frontal bone to form the _______ suture


the foramina of the sphenoid bone (Rotundum, Ovale, and Spinosum) transmit _____ nerves and blood vessels


the _____ ____ is the thick portion of the ethmoid bone that arises superiorly and serves as the attachment for the falx cerebri, which is the outer covering of the brain.

crista galli

the _____ is the spongy bone only found in the parietal, occipital, frontal, and temporal bone.


the prominent bulge of a parietal bone is called the parietal _______


the _____ bone forms the medial walls of the orbits and half of the bony nasal septum.


the cranial bone located between the orbits and posterior to the nasal bone is the ______ bone


the parietal bone articulates with every cranial bone EXCEPT the _____ bone.


the cribriform plate of ethmoid bone sits in the ______ _______ of the frontal bone.

ethmoidal notch

the ethmoidal air cells are also known as the ______ ______.

ethmoidal sinuses

the ____ bones form a protective housing for the upper ends of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Along with several cranial bones, form the orbital sockets that protect the organs of sight.


which type of joint is the Alveoli?

fibrous and Gomphosis

the bones of the cranial vault are classified as _______ bones.


the ____ of the cranium consists of the right/left temporal bones, the ethmoid, and the sphenoid bones.


infant skulls have cranial bones that are thin and not fully developed. The have _______ (soft spots).


the large opening of the occipital bone through which part of the medulla oblongata passes is the _______ ______

foramen magnum

the top of ear attachment is where the ear attaches to the ______


which type of joints are TMJ joints?

hinge and gliding

this is the only accessory bone and the only bone that does not articulate with another bone.


the _____ nasal concha is a separate facial bone.


the ______ orbital fissure is the portion between the zygoma, greater wing of sphenoid, and maxillary bone. -the maxillary branch of CN V


the scroll-like bony tissues that extend along the lateral walls of the nasal cavity are the ______ ______ _____

inferior nasal conchae

the ______ is the bone on the back of the head that you can palpate when performing the odontoid view.


the membranous labyrinth, bony labyrinth (cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals) are all located in the _____ ear.


the two _________ of the ethmoid bone are the ethmoidal sinuses.


the fontanelle located at the junction of the lambdoidal and sagittal suture is the _____


the _______ suture joins the parietal bone to the occipital bone.


the two parietal bones and the occipital bone join together to form the ______ suture


the medial portion of the labyrinths forms the ______ portion of the nasal cavity.


what view of the skull is the inion visible?


which view is best used to see the Clivus?


which view is best used to see the sella turcica?


the parietal eminence could be used to measure the skull ________.


Irregular or jagged fx of the skull

linear fx

the maxillary bone articulates with all facial bones EXCEPT ______?


you can see the ________ condyles on the SMV view.


Where is the TMJ joint located?

mandibular fossa

the process of the temporal bone that encloses radiographically significant air cells is the _______ process


the mastoid portion of the temporal bones house the _____ _____ ____.

mastoid air cells

the lateral portion of the labyrinth forms the _______ portion of the eye socket.


the average skull is considered __________ and roughly 15cm (6inches) long


the cranial sutures are not fully ossified until when?

mid to late 20s

what makes up the brain stem?

midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

the vertical or perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone forms the superior portion of the bony _____ ______.

nasal septum

the ____ is where the nasal bone meets the frontal bone.


the cranial bone that forms the posteroinferior portion of the cranium is the _____ bone


which bone is located at the apex of the orbit?


the 4 facial bones of the orbit are:

palatine, lacrimal, zygoma, and maxilla

the cranial bones that form the vertex and most of the sides of the cranium are the ______ bones


the ______ ______ are the widest portion of the skull.

parietal eminences

which bones do the temporal bone articulate with?

parietal, sphenoid, and occipital bones

all of the stuff found in the inner ear is found in the dense portion of the temporal bone which is the _______ ______

pars petras

the ______ portion of the temporal bone is the densest portion.


The thickest and densest portion of bone in the cranium is the:

petrous portion (pars petrosa, petrous pyramid)

the ______ gland sits in the sella turcica.

pituitary gland

the dosrum sellae is the _____ portion of the saddle on the ethmoid bone.


the ______ _______ of the sphenoid bone anchors muscles for mastication (chewing)

pterygoid hamulus

The two parietal bones join together to form the __ suture


the _____ suture separates the parietal in to right and left sides.


The cranial bone that provides a depression to house the pituitary gland is the ______ bone.


the basilar portion of the occipital bone fuses anteriorly with the body of the _____ bone


the basilar portion of the occiput articulates with the ______ bone anteriorly.


the _______ suture joins the temporal bone and parietal bone.


which portion of the temporal bone is the most prone to fracture?


the smallest bone in the body.


the _________ arches of the frontal bone are depressions or grooves right above the eyebrows.


the _____ _____ ____ of the sphenoid bone is the space in between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid. -CN III - CN VI

superior orbital fissure

the _________ foramina of the frontal bone is the passage way for nerves to go through


the _________ margin (SOMs) of the frontal bone is the dense or thickened portion of the frontal bone.


the auditory ossicles are located in the _____ bone


the zygomatic process of the temporal bone articulates with the _____ processes of the zygoma


which bones make up the middle cranial fossa?

temporal and sphenoid

in which portion of the sphenoid bone are the sinuses located?

the body

TEA stands for ??

top of ear attachment

the _____ protects the EAM


the auditory ossicles are housed in the _____ ______.

tympanic cavity

the external division of the ear extends all the way up until the ________ ______.

tympanic membrane

the facial bone forming the inferior portion of the nasal septum is the _______


out of the 14 facial bones, which two are unpaired?

vomer and mandible

the superior nasal concha is best seen on which view of the skull?


the lateral wall of the orbit is made up of the:

zygoma and maxillary

the ______ _____ is where the temporal bone and zygoma meet.

zygomatic arch

zygomatic processes of the frontal bone articulate the _______ _____.

zygomatic bone

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