creativity exam 1

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the democratic view of creativity

"The American ideology of democracy is the deep-rooted belief that everyone is equal. Many Americans today use "creative" as a complimentary term of praise. This ideology leads to a fear of making value-laden distinctions, a tendency to believe that everyone is creative, and that no one should judge what counts as good art, or even what counts as "art"

lateral thinking

-challenge. consider how to violate expectations ex. driving without a steering wheel -random idea generation. pick something at random from dict. then try to asso. the problem with what u are dealing.


-eminent creativity goal is to learn about creative genius, eternal works and more likely to focus on the person or the product ex. the works of homer, a legacy after death

issues with divergent thinking tests

-emphasis on quantity -weak predictability -stability


1. collective judgment -judged by a large number of people w expertise 2. exceptional creativity -measures are designed for the sociocultural def. of creativity

individualist approach to creativity

1. creativity is new 2. a combination 3. expressed in the world ex. your dreams arent creative... unless you write them down

sociocultural approach to creativity

1. creativity is not defined by the individual is appropriately valuable (useful in some function)

conceptual innovators

1. detailed preparation 2. changes in style 3. change the domains rules

measuring the creative ___

1. person 2. activity 3. product 4. self-reports

Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) figural

1. picture construction 2. picture completion 3. lines/circles

aesthetically motivated experimentalists

1. process is a struggle. -begin w/o a clear idea. have a hard time saying its completed 2. continuity -a body of work of fairly even quality rather than standout achievements 3. technical knowledge - large body of expert technical knowledge and perceptual skills that take time to acquire

the four p model of creativity (research facets)

1. product 2. person 3. process 4. place

genuis is recognized, ideas are discussed

1. radical ideas do face initial resistance 2. almost all creative works are collaborative

instructions of creative training

1.cognitive activation 2.duration 3.illustration 4.practice

Taylor's 5 principles

1.expressive 2.productive 3.inventive 4.innovative 5.emergentive

insight problems

1.getting stuck 2.reinterpret 3.awareness

creativity is what you do

1.heredity and stability research has proven that creativity is not hereditary... creativity tests still have a mixed record of predicting real-world creativity, suggesting that creativity isn't a stable personality trait, but rather is a situationally specific strategy. 2.dispositions. there are certain dispositions that lead a person to be more likely to be original and appropriate than others. But these dispositions can be learned; they're not fixed abilities or personality tr

creativity techniques

1.redefine problems 2.challenge assumptions 3.selling a solution to an invisible problem 4.construct, then destruct 5.tolerate ambiguity 6.dont get comfortable 7.delay gratification 8.cross disciplines 9.appropriate risks

creative training

25% of organizations of more than 100 employees offer some form of creativity training

osborn's creative problem solving (CPS)

60 lesson program

the five A framework by glavenu

Actors, Audiences, Actions, Artifacts and affordances

TTCT verbal

For the first three, the subject refers to a picture at the beginning of the test booklet. In Form A, the picture is of an elf staring at its reflection in a pool of water. 1. asking. Subject asks as many questions as possible about the picture. 2. guessing causes. Subject lists possible causes for the pictured action. 3. guessing consequences. Subject lists possible consequences for the pictured action. 4. product improvement. is asked to make changes to improve a toy (like a stuffed animal) 5. unusual uses. Subject is asked to think of many different possible uses for a common object (like a paper clip) 6. just suppose. Subject is asked to imagine that an improbable situation has happe

Remote Associates Test

Mednick & Mednick (1967) Let's give people triosiachs and see how many words people can come up with. i.e., Year, Night, Flash = Think Night Light --Only a moderate correlation

The big 5

OCEAN openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

results of the drawing KOZBELT study

artists who were higher rated spent more time handling and rejecting objects before drawing. spent a lot more time preparing and revising

letters and numbers

breaking down the concept of creativity into its component parts and symbols

how does creative training work?

cognition: problem finding, conceptual combination, and idea generation heuristics: provides a set of strategies

convergent thinking

coming up with a single right answer

divergent thinking

coming up with many potential answers by using fluency originality flexibility elaboration


everyday creativity ex. modifying a recipe with new flavors

forced interruptions

external breaks

forced incubation

forcing themselves to take time away from the project. internal

DeBono's cognitive research trust

generating ideas preparing for action understanding the challenge

who proposed the structure of intellect model (SOI) with 24 distinct types of divergent thinking



insight that is personally meaningful and new to a person. ex: purely subjective. internal, emotional, personal creativity


involve an internal, symbolic language. representations and operations also involve a set of everyday practices

the word creativity

is modern. WWII

Creativity is not a burst of inspiration

it is work. 1. mostly conscious hard work 2. insights are a product of previous mental work

survivorship bias

judgement error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their invisibility

flat associate heirarchy

large number of remote associations between seemingly distinct ideas

examples of assessment

musical: length of run, money sold from tickets, awards, reviews

consensual assessment technique

process in which teachers collect samples of students' creative work and then rate its creativeness


professional or expert, but not transformative creativity. ex. professional artists

a category approach to creativity

splitting creativity into the domains in which it appears

the ballon model

stage 1: divergent thinking stage 2: convergent thinking

problem solving and finding study by KOZBELT

step 1- 24 students taped while drawing step 2- are given objects and asked to draw step 3- artists and non artists rate the drawings for quality, originality and technical skill

steep associative heirarchy

strong associations between related concepts

action theory

the execution of the creative work is essential to the creative process

categories of magnitude

the four c model of creativity

Unwarranted assumptions

the four lines do not have to stay within the box itself; the solution requires that your pencil lines extend outside of this box — thus the famous saying "Think outside the box

rejection of convention

the reality is connectivity, not rejection. 1. breaking a rule not the rules. 2. grain of truth, radical connections

the questions we must ask

what is needed? how does it develop? how do we generate ideas?

is creative training effective?

yes. each of the four major criteria were observed

idealist theory

your creative work is done once the idea is fully formed in your head

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