daly chapter 3

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Under the __________, everyone in France was divided into one of three social classes.

ancien régime

Which foreign nations came to the aid of the Americans during the American Revolution?

France, Spain, and the Netherlands

Where did the British war effort finally collapse?

Yorktown, Virginia

When they fought against the French, Spanish patriots conducted

guerrilla warfare.

The __________ was a symbol of horror.


During the Enlightenment, the ideas from the Middle Ages were done away with because

they seemed unscientific and irrational.

European rulers opposed the French Revolution because

they were afraid that revolutionary ideas would spread to their own countries.

What was one of the chief goals of the Congress of Vienna?

to create a lasting peace

Why did Parliament pass the Navigation Acts in the 1600s?

to regulate colonial trade and manufacturing

The poorest citizens were the __________ workers of Paris.


What or whom did Parisians hope to find when they stormed the Bastille?


Which book is Mary Wollstonecraft known for?

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Who is the author of Leviathan?

Thomas Hobbes

Who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who described the era of the 1700s as "enlightened"?

Immanuel Kant

"My trade is to say what I think." Who said this?


What happened during the "September massacres"?

Citizens killed approximately 1,200 prisoners.

Why was the American victory in the 1777 Battle of Saratoga significant?

France was persuaded to join the Americans

The nation's first constitution was known as the

Articles of Confederation.

__________ was a philosopher, scientist, publisher, legislator, and diplomat.

Benjamin Franklin

Which of the following European countries was Napoleon unable to conquer or place under French influence?


Why did the American colonists resent British rule?

Britain imposed high taxes and controlled trade

What event triggered the War of 1812?

Britain's attacks on American ships

__________ toyed with implementing Enlightenment ideas while ruling Russia.

Catherine the Great

The __________ was a system in which nations met periodically to discuss any problems affecting the peace of Europe.

Concert of Europe

Napoleon waged economic warfare through the __________, and Britain responded with its own blockade of European ports

Continental System

As a first step toward writing a constitution, the National Assembly issued the

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Rulers who did accept some of the new ideas of the Enlightenment, but who continued to hold tremendous power, were called

Enlightened despots.

Which of the following statements about the Declaration of Pilnitz is true?

European rulers threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy.

Who were the physiocrats

French thinkers who focused on economics

How did Napoleon hide the stories of the Egyptian campaign and his worst losses in the military?

He had a network of spies and censored the press.

Why was Maximilien Robespierre nicknamed "the incorruptible"?

He showed selfless dedication to the revolution.

Who ruled Austria during the Age of Enlightenment, ending censorship and abolishing serfdom during his reign?

Joseph II

Who was known as a "hero of two worlds?"

Marquis de Lafayette

Which French port city lent its name to what would become the French national anthem?


__________ was already a popular military hero when the French politicians turned to him.


Napoleon became emperor through what act?

Napoleon placed the crown on his own head

__________ declared that, "Woman is born free and her rights are the same as those of man."

Olympe de Gouges

Robespierre was one of the main architects of the

Reign of Terror.

How did Jean-Jacques Rousseau's beliefs differ from many Enlightenment thinkers?

Rousseau believed the good of the community as a whole was most important.

Robespierre had embraced which enlightenment idea?

Rousseau's idea of the general will as the source of all legitimate law.

What was different about the suffrage extended to the people of France?

Suffrage extended to all male citizens.

How did the French government react to the publication of the first Encyclopedia?

The French government argued that it was an attack on public morals

What difficulty did some women have with the philosophes' ideas?

The philosophes' slogan, "free and equal," did not apply to women.

The French declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britain, and others, which caused those great powers to react in what way?

They expected an easy victory.

Why were French kings hesitant to call on the Estates General?

They feared nobles would use it to recover feudal powers.

After signing which of the following documents did Great Britain recognize the independence of the United States?

Treaty of Paris

When Napoleon __________, he was exiled to Elba, an island in the Mediterranean.


Which phrase best describes the principle of popular sovereignty?

all government power comes from the people

The French Revolution dislodged the old social order, overthrew the monarchy, and

brought the Church under state control.

Governments used __________ to protect themselves from the attacks of Enlightenment thinkers.


In 1792, radicals took control of the Assembly, abolished the monarchy, and

declared France a republic.

Which phrase best describes the term faction?

dissenting group of people

Physiocrats rejected mercantilism in favor of a policy of

laissez faire.

According to laissez-faire economist Adam Smith, a government should

let free market forces drive the economy.

Which phrase best describes the rococo style?

lighter, elegant, and charming artistic style of the Enlightenment

Which phrase best describes the term sans-culotte?

men and women who were radical revolutionaries

Attending civic festivals that celebrated the nation and revolution were signs of


The three social classes in France in 1789 were made up of what groups?

nobles, clergy, and the rest of society

What were the cahiers that Louis XVI had all three estates prepare before the Estates-General?


Which term describes the love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge?


What form of government was demanded by the sans-culottes?


Which phrase best describes the concept of natural law?

rules discoverable by reason

What tactic did Russian forces use as they retreated eastward?

scorched-earth policy

Which group of people did Montesquieu's ideas affect most?

the Framers of the U.S. Constitution

What event revolutionized thinking and led to the Enlightenment?

the Scientific Revolution

Claiming to represent France, the National Assembly met and delivered

the Tennis Court Oath.

Which group made up the vast majority of French society in the 1780s?

the Third Estate

Who first declared themselves to be the National Assembly?

the Third Estate

What was the Estates-General?

the legislative body consisting of representatives from the three estates

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