Data Analytics

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You have been tasked to study product profitability. What questions should you attempt to answer at the start of the project?

What is the current cost of these products? What is the current sales price of these products? What is the current margin of these products? Which of these products has been profitable? Any of these questions will lead you to data analysis on any of these items.

Data profiling

is a high-level profile of the characteristics of the working data. Profiling helps determine what steps you should work through on the transformation of your data.

What is the benefit of quality data?

Quality data can be trusted to produce accurate insights so decisions can be made. Quality data can be used to make important decisions.

What is an example of a business rule for data?

A bundle sale is defined as a minimum of 3 products sold at the same time. Business rules can be as simple as a definition. In this case, a transaction with the same date/time with a sale of three products is classified as a business rule.

Business analytics helps you to see trends and predict future outcomes.

Business analytics helps you to see trends and predict future outcomes.

What are hallmarks of data quality?

Completeness, consistency, accuracy, and validity are the four major hallmarks of quality data.

What is the most universal data role?

Data Worker

Which option best describes effective data governance?

Data governance is a framework that incorporates strategies to create secure and quality data, enable accountability, and provide transparency of data in the organization.

When working with data in Excel, what is your first step?

Ensure that the entire data set is recognized by Excel.

Tools alone can provide business intelligence to an organization.

FALSE BI tools are used to build business intelligence, but they do not provide it by themselves.


KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator, which is used to display the metrics used for the overall health of the organization and the targets for business intelligence.

When working with data that requires transformations, which option provides you with the most robust options in Excel?

Power Query Leveraging Power Query allows you to transform your data into structures that are powerful and usable for data analysis.

What should you do with every new data set before you begin to analyze the data?

Profile the data. Use data profiling to learn about data at a high level. Profiling helps determine what steps you should work through on the transformation of your data.

You are a fluent data professional. Which option best describes data fluency?

You can create tools, reports, visuals, and data sets. Data fluency includes the ability to create tools, reports, visuals, and data sets. Meanwhile, being data literate includes the ability to read, speak, listen, and understand.

You are using all available information to help drive decisions for an organization. Which phrase describes this action at a high level?

data-driven decision making Data-driven decision making may revolve around some high level numbers, but not a single number. Utilizing all relevant data makes for true data-driven decision making.

Structured data

fits neatly into tables or spreadsheets.

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