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Where do young people, who do not get their sex information from their parents, get information about sex?

- friends, siblings, books, magazines, movies, tv, and internet

What is the strongest predictor for eating disorder

-Body dissatisfaction

How does U.S. compare to other industrialized nations in terms of adolescent pregnancy rate?

-It remains higher than other industrialized nations.

How does television portray sex?

-Spontaneous and passionate, taking no steps to avoid pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease, and experiencing no negative consequences.

How do bulimics differ from anorexics in terms of mood and desire for help?

-Those with bulimia usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits, many report suicidal thoughts. Affected individual desperately want help, bulimia is usually easier to treat than anorexia through support groups, nutrition education and appetite- control medicine.

In the section "The Impact of Culture" (p. 380) on sexual activity, what role do parents play?

-Typically parents provide little or no information about sex, discourage sex play and rarely talk about sex in children's presence. When young people become interested in sex only about half report getting information from parents about intercourse, pregnancy prevention, and sexually transmitted infections. Many parents avoid meaningful discussions about sex out of fear of embarrassment or concern that the adolescent will not take them seriously.

What's an alternative role and what are the outcomes?

-Warm, open give and take is associated with teenagers's adoption of parents' view discussions about sexual health with dating partners and reduced sexual risk taking.

What three factors contribute to this high rate?

-contemporary adolescents rarely marry before childbirth, increased social acceptance of single motherhood, and belief that a baby might fill a void in their lives.


14% of sexually active teenagers in the U.S are at risk for unintended pregnancy because they don't use contraception.

What about the effects of abstinence programs on these same outcomes (as sex education).

Abstinence programs have little to no effect on delaying teenage pregnancy or sexual activity or preventing pregnancy

Describe how adolescents exhibit this type of reasoning on Piaget's pendulum problem.

Adolescents who engage in hypothetico- deductive reasoning think of variables that might possibly affect the speed with which the pendulum swings through its arc. Then they isolate and test each variable as well as testing the variables in combination. Eventually they deduce that the weight of the object, the height from which it is released and how forcefully it is pushed have no effect on the speed with which the pendulum swings through its arc. Only string length makes a difference

How do body weight/fat, exercise and family experiences affect the timing of puberty in girls?

Because estrogens trigger and then restrain GH (growth hormone) secretion more readily than androgens, the typical girl is taller and heavier during adolescence. Girl's gains in motor development and physical activity tend to level out at 14 years old. Heavier girls reach puberty earlier because fat cells release leptin, which tells the brain the body is ready for puberty. Research indicates that girls (and boys to a lesser extent) with a history of family conflict, harsh parenting, parental separation, or single mothers tend to reach puberty early.

childbirth =

Births are lower than 50 years ago yet, pregnancy rates are higher in the U.S compared to most industrialized nations. 89% are to unmarried females. Increased social acceptance of single motherhood and belief that babies can fill a void means that very few give babies up for adoption

Based on adult and peer perceptions, contrast early vs. late maturation for boys vs. girls.

Both adults and peers viewed early-maturing boys as relaxed, independent, self-confident, and physically attractive. Popular with agemates, they tended to hold leadership positions in school and to be athletic stars. Late maturing boys often experienced transient emotional difficulties, until they caught up physically with their peers. But early-maturing boys, though viewed as well-adjusted, reported more psychological stress, depressed mood, and problem behaviors (sexual activity, smoking, drinking, aggression, delinquency) than both their on-time and later-maturing agemates. Early-maturing girls were unpopular, withdrawn, lacking in self-confidence, anxious, and prone to depression, and they held few leadership positions. And like early-maturing boys, they were more involved in deviant behavior. In contrast, their later-maturing counterparts were regarded as physically attractive, lively, sociable, and leaders at school.

What is the main difference between this stage and the concrete operational stage?

Concrete operational children "operate on reality" formal operational adolescents can "operate on operations"

Define: formal operational stage including age entered

Develop the capacity for abstract, systematic, scientific thinking. Whereas faced with a problem they start with a hypothesis or prediction about variables that might affect an outcome from which they deduce logical, testable inferences. They systematically isolate and combine variables to see which of these inferences are confirmed in the real world 12-adulthood

What about long term consequences for early-maturing boys and early maturing girls?

Early maturing girls are at risk for lasting difficulties such as frequently changing sex partners & depression. In another study early maturing boys showed good adjustment, but early maturing girls reported poorer quality relationships w/family & friends, smaller social networks, & lower life satisfaction.

What are some risk factors for eating disorders?

Early puberty, certain personality traits, maladaptive family interactions, and societal emphasis on thinness heighten risk of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Heredity also plays a role.

The hypothetico-deductive reasoning process most closely resembles what type of research studied in Chapter 1 (answer not in book)?

Experimental research studies

What are the basic tasks of adolescence?

Hormonal growth, body growth, motor growth and development, and reaching sexual maturity.

How does this contrast with concrete operational children's attempts to solve this problem?

In contrast, concrete operational children cannot separate the effects of each variable, they may test for the effect of string length without holding weight constant comparing for example a short light pendulum with a long heavy one. They also typically fail to notice variables that are not immediately suggested by the concrete materials of the task for example how high the object is raised or how forcefully it is released.

contraceptive use and pregnancy rates?

Many studies show that sex education with these components can delay the initiation of sexual activity, increase contraceptive use, and reduce pregnancy rates.


Marks the beginning of adolescence. A flood of biological events leading to adult-sized body, and sexual maturity.

What is the effect of sex education on sexual activity,

North American parents provide little or no information about sex and rarely talk about sex in childrens presence. Adverse, family, peer, and educational characteristics are linked to EARLY and FREQUENT teenage sexual activity


Period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult.

What is meant by hypothetico-deductive reasoning?

Start with a hypothesis or prediction about variables that might effect outcomes Deduce logical testable inferences. Systematically isolate and combine variables to see which of these can be confirmed in the real world

What effects does providing access to contraceptive have on sexual activity,

They are least likely to use contraception in relatively new relationships in which they feel high trust or love and are having sex often. Good relationships with parents who talk openly about sex and contraception are more likely to use birth control. Sex ed leaves teenagers with incomplete information

How were early-maturing boys and girls alike?

They were both involved in deviant behavior.

What two factors account for all the findings?

Two factors largely account for these trends: (1) how closely the adolescent's body matches cultural ideals of physical attractiveness, and (2) how well young people fit in physically with their peers.

Compared to other cultures, is adolescence in industrialized countries of longer or shorter duration?

Young people of industrialized countries face prolonged dependence on is greatly extended

anorexia nervosa.

a tragic eating disorder in which youth people starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat.

bulimia nervosa

an eating disorder characterized by episodes of overeating, usually of high-calorie foods, followed by vomiting, laxative use, fasting, or excessive exercise

abortion rates =

¼ adolescent pregnancies end in abortion

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