DHN 101 Exam 3

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If Lawrence weighs 198 pounds and has an average basal metabolic rate of 1.0 kilocalorie per kilogram per hour, determine his basal metabolic rate

2,160 calories

Matching vitamins with their roles

A: vision D: a hormone E: antioxidant that prevents breakdown of Vitamin A K: activates blood clotting factors

Which of the following formulas is the best way to estimate your total daily energy needs accurately?

Add kilocalories used for basal metabolism, physical activity, thermic effect of food, and NEAT

_____ is the standard for evaluating body weight that is based on the relationship between weight and risk of certain chronic diseases

Body mass index

_____ enhances the effects of insulin?


Matching vitamins with food sources

E: plant oils D: fortified milk K: dark green leafy vegs C: citrus fruits

Victoria is a 21-year-old world class gymnast who trains, on average, for about 6 hours/day. She frequently experiences stress fractures of the bones in her feet. Although she is not pregnant, she has not had a menstrual period for the past 6 months. Based on this information, Victoria probably has

Female athlete triad

water content in foods form least to greatest

Margarine, ground beef, banana, apple, tomato

Alternate names for vitamins

Riboflavin --> Vitamin B-2 Ascorbic acid --> Vitamin C Niacin --> Vitamin B-3 Pyridoxine --> Vitamin B-6

Being overweight or obese increases risk for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer. People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk for all of the following types of cancer EXCEPT

Skin cancer

Bioleectrical impendance

You lie down and a clinician places electrode patches and wires on your body that run a low-level electrical current through you; calculations of percent body fat are made based on the concept that lean body mass conducts current and fat mass resists current

Skinfold thickness

a clinician uses fat calipers to measure the layer of fat directly under the skin from a number of points on your body

Blood pressures

a. 118/80 - normal b. 140/80 - hypertension c. 120/88 - prehypertension

BMI classification

a. Underweight → 5'8 tall and 120 pounds b. Healthy weight → 5'8 tall and 140 pounds c. Obese → 5'8 tall and 200 pounds d. Overweight → 5'2 tall and 140 pounds

The least invasive type of weight-loss surgery is ___________; in this procedure, the surgeon affixes a band to the top of the stomach that can be tightened or loosened to control the size of the stomach

adjustable gastric banding

In addition to water and food intake, hydration and fluid status are affected by a number of other factors. Check all of the factors that influence water loss

altitude, alcohol and sodium intake, and humidity

Types of energy expenditure from greatest to least

basal metabolism, physical activity, thermic effect of food, and nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

Which of the following is a mild diuretic?


Which of the following characteristics is a risk factor for hypertension?

cigarette smoking

Leona is a 5′ 4′′, 30-year-old woman who weighs almost 225 pounds. To lose weight, she's tried calorie-restricted diets, fad diets, exercise programs, and appetite-suppressing pills without success. Leona would like to try a surgical weight loss method that can be reversed, if she has serious side effects. Based on this information, Leona's physician is likely to recommend ______ as the best way to help Leona lose a lot of weight and avoid regaining much of it.

gastric banding

Which of the following foods is not a good source of vitamin E?

ground beef

Which of the following statements is true?

healthy young women have slightly less body water than healthy young men

Although the Body Mass Index (BMI) is at times useful for determining appropriateness of weight, it is not a perfect measurement as it fails to account for many other factors that affect health and weight. The BMI fails to take into account all of the following EXCEPT:


___ is a sign of vitamin E deficiency in humans?


Enriching grains doesn't restore a grain to its original mineral value. The only mineral added back during enrichment of grain products is _____.


Which of the following foods contains the most water by weight?


A procedure used to improve the contours of a person's body by reducing local subcutaneous fat deposits is called _______. This procedure does not promote weight loss.


_____ is a surgical technique that removes localized pockets of fat tissue.


Other provitamin A carotenoids include zeaxanthin and _____, two important components of the macula that help eye health.


This hormone tells the bone cells called _____ to tear down bone tissue.


Jameela is an Iranian woman living in poverty. She is not seen in public places without being covered almost completely in heavy veils. Her usual diet is comprised of legumes, small amounts of yogurt, whole-grain breads and rice, fruits, and a few vegetables. Based on this information, Jameela is most at risk of


The weight loss medication orlistat (Alli)

reduces the amount of fat absorbed by the digestive tract

Gabe's elderly neighbor told him that when he was growing up, the milkman would deliver glass bottles of milk to his family's doorstep. He wonders why milk is not available in glass bottles anymore. Gabe explains to him that light destroys certain water-soluble vitamins in milk and milk is now stored in opaque containers to help preserve the B vitamin


A ________ procedure reduces the stomach's size; it does not involve bypassing part of the small intestine and therefore it is not a malabsorptive procedure.

sleeve gastrecetomy

In order to be classified as a vitamin, a compound must meet a number of criteria to be an essential nutrient. Check all that apply:

the body can't synthesize enough of the compound to maintain health and absence of the compound from the diet for a defined period produces deficiency symptoms that, if caught in time, are quickly cured when the substance is resupplied

What function do many B vitamins serve in the production of energy?

the function as co-enzymes

The adipose cells in adipose tissue store fat in the form of ______.


Your body also has fat for protective reasons - to cushion the stomach and the intestines. This type of fat is called ________.

visceral fat

Air displacement

you are placed in a chamber that measures body volume by measuring the volume of air you displace while sitting

Side effects of vitamins

Niacin --> Skin flushing Vitamin A --> birth defects Vitamin C --> diarrhea and GI tract discomfort Folic acid --> can mask vitamin B-12 deficiency


a. Zinc: dec copper absorption b. Vitamin C: inc iron absorption c. Vitamin D: inc calcium absorption

As a mother of young children, Laura is concerned about her kids' dental health because they live in a community that does not have fluoridated water. Fluoride helps protect against dental caries. Where else can her kids get fluoride?

fluoridated toothpaste

Which of the following foods are reliable dietary sources of vitamin D?

fortified dairy products

The B vitamin content of a whole grain is dramatically decreased during the refining process. To counteract these losses, in the United States, food manufacturers are required to enrich breads and cereals from milled, refined grains with which B vitamins? (Check all that apply):

niacin, Riboflavin, thiamin, and folic acid

Underwater weighing

you are weighed on a scale and then submerged in water; the difference between the two weights is used to estimate total body volume

Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene is a fat-soluble pro-vitamin found primarily in dark orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. Fat is required to transport fat-soluble nutrients, but most fruits and vegetables that are good sources of this fat-soluble pro-vitamin are low in fat or fat-free. How can you enhance the body's absorption of fat-soluble pro-vitamins when preparing low-fat foods rich in these vitamins?

you can add olive oil or margarine to vegetables after they are cooked

Dual energy X-ray absorption (DEXA)

you lie on your back and a machine distributing low levels of radiation scans over you, calculating percentages of fat, lean tissue, and bone mass

More vs less vitamin D synthesis

a. Less: older vs younger person, dark skinned vs light skinned, less vs more time in the sun b. More: summer vs winter months, southern vs northern latitudes

While breastmilk has a near-perfect nutritional profile for infants, breast milk is low in vitamin D. Formula-fed infants who do not receive much sunlight may also be at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics doubled its recommendation for childhood vitamin D supplementation and now recommends that all children receive how much vitamin D per day?

400 IU

Lawrence was speaking with a friend about his efforts to lose weight safely and permanently. The friend said that she had recently been on a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet and lost 10 pounds, although she was afraid that most of the weight loss was water weight. Why does a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet promote weight loss? Check all that apply:

Carbohydrate intake promotes glycogen storage; for every gram of glycogen stored, your body stores 3 grams of water; when carbohydrate intake drops, so does the water weight usually associated with glycogen storage. & Without adequate dietary carbohydrate, the liver is forced to make glucose from amino acids taken from the body's tissue proteins; protein tissue contains a lot of water and dismantling that protein results in water loss in the urine.

Lino's girlfriend has been feeling exceptionally sluggish and fatigued and Lino suggests that she be checked for iron deficiency. Her physician recommends a number of tips to help increase iron absorption. Check all of the following that can help enhance iron absorption in the body:

Consuming vitamin C-rich foods or supplements along with iron supplements or iron-containing food can enhance iron absorption in the body. & eating heme and nonheme iron foods together can enhance nonheme iron absorption

Lawrence is 54 years old and he notices that now he cannot eat as much as he did when he was in his thirties without gaining weight. Why is this?

For every decade past the age of 20, the male body's basal metabolism declines by 3% per decade due to the steady decrease of lean body mass.

Energy expenditure

a. Basal metabolism → Jillian needs a min of 1,400 kcal to keep her resting, awake body alive in a warm, quiet environment for 12 hours or more b. Physical activity → david burns 250 kcal raking the leaves in his yard c. Thermic effect of food → Charlene's body uses 100 kcal to digest, absorb, and process the kcal from her days' food intake d. Thermogenesis → Linda's constant nervous twitch burns 200 kcal over the period of one day

Decreased vs increased risks for osteoporosis

a. Dec: male, non-smoker, participates in regular physical activity, overweight, large frame, African-American b. Inc: female, smokes, inactive, slender frame, Asian or Caucasian, excessive alcohol intake

Despite advertisements and fad diet promises, there is no quick solution to being overweight. Successful weight loss comes from hard work and commitment. The most reliable approach to weight loss includes all of the following EXCEPT:

increase dietary supplement use

When you consume extra calories your body doesn't need, the energy is converted to fat and stored in the adipose cells; as a result, you become fatter because your adipose cells _______.

increase in size

Damon has a chronic illness, and to treat the condition, he takes an antibiotic every day. Despite his illness, Damon's diet is nutritionally adequate, and he exercises regularly. Based on this information, Damon may need to

take a dietary supplement that contains vitamin K

Performed vitamin A carotenoids

liver, fish oils, fortified milk, eggs, fortified margarine

Lawrence is learning that energy imbalance leads to weight fluctuations. When does weight gain occur?

weight gain occurs when caloric intake exceeds energy expenditure

Constance is making a vegetable soup that contains carrots, beans, water, salt, pepper, bits of ham, and onions. The soup has to cook for 4 hours. While the soup is cooking, what will happen to some of the minerals that are in its ingredients?

The minerals will leach out of the food and into the cooking water, becoming part of the soup in the process

High vs low sodium foods

a. High: deli meat, canned soup, cheese b. Low: brown rice, pears, asparagus

Inc vs dec calcium absorption

a. Inc: infancy, eating vitamin d-enriched foods, pregnancy b. Dec: being 70+, having high-fiver diet rich in phytic acid, and oxalic acid in spinach

Increased vs decreased hypertension risks

a. Inc: overweight with knee injury, African male in 70s, drinking b. Dec: following DASH diet, reading nutrition labels, overweight then losing 15 pounds by exercising regularly

energy input vs output

a. Input → drinking a glass of wine & eating a grilled chicken salad b. Output → digesting a meal, walking with friends, and shivering in response to cold

Gabe's grandfather has a history of heart disease and is on anticoagulant drug therapy. His prescription drugs include Coumadin (warfarin). What dietary precaution should his grandfather be taking?

avoid any large increases in dark green, leafy vegetable intake because vitamin K can reduce effectiveness of anticoagulants and promote blood cells

Vitamin A containing foods from lowest to highest

beef liver, pumpkin, cooked carrots, milk

Some cells multiply excessively and form _____ which are not cancerous.

benign tumors

These pigments are also called provitamin A; the most potent form of provitamin A is ______, the orange-yellow pigment in carrots and other orange and yellow vegetables and fruits


Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin B-12?

lean meats

Weight loss after gastric banding tends to be _____ than with the more invasive surgical procedures


Osteoporosis is characterized by

loss of bone mass and structure

Cancerous cells that divide repeatedly and frequently and do not die are called _______ cells.


If these cells grow together to form masses, the masses are called ______, which invade body tissues and metastasize to other parts of the body.

malignant tumors

Vitamin supplements are sometimes used by the general public for therapeutic purposes. Of the following medicinal uses of vitamins, which vitamin supplement/health outcome is the only one proven in scientific research to be beneficial?

nicotinic acid ( a form of niacin) for lowering LDL and increasing HDL levels

This hormone tells another type of bone cell, the _______ to remove excess calcium from the blood and to start building bone tissue.


Spinach has a good amount of calcium, but the _______ in spinach binds calcium, reducing its ________.

oxalic acid & bioavailability

If blood calcium levels drop, the parathyroid secrete ______.

parathyroid hormone PTH

B vitamins function as

parts of coenzymes

The only source of retinoids, also called ______, is also found in animal foods like fish and organ meat.

performed vitamin A

Jennifer has lost weight by following a well-balanced calorie-reduced weight loss diet plan that includes daily exercise for several months. Recently, her rate of weight loss slowed, and this week, she lost no weight, even though she has continued to follow the weight loss plan. Based on this information, Jennifer has

reached a 'plateau' because she's in energy equilibrium

Lino has a family history of cardiovascular disease and he is worried about his father, who is quite unhealthy. Lino's father has atherosclerosis, and Lino's paternal grandfather (his dad's dad) had high blood pressure and died of a stroke. His dad is a smoker who doesn't exercise and is also very thin. Which of the following are risk factors for hypertension? Check all that apply:

smoking, family history, atherosclerosis

The type of fat that exists under the skin to hold it in place is called ________.

subcutaneous fat

While researching healthy ways to lose weight online, Lawrence came across the National Weight Control Registry, a group of over 4,000 adult Americans who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept that weight off for at least one year. He read that most NWCR participants engage in certain behavior(s). Check all that apply

they eat regular meals and rarely skip breakfast, they exercise for at least one hour most days of the week, and they eat low-calorie, low-fat, high carb diets averaging about 1800 cals, with no more than 25% of total caloric intake

Water-soluble vitamins

vitamins that are readily excreted from the body, vitamins that are easily lost during food processing and preparation, and vitamins that include the B vitamins and vitamin C

Fat-soluble vitamins

vitamins that travel with dietary fats through the blood stream, vitamins that are stored mostly in the liver and fatty tissues, and vitamins A, D, E, and K

While dehydration is problematic, over-consumption of water can also be harmful. Check all of the statements that apply to over-consumption of water:

water intoxication can occur, dizziness, headache, and confusion are resulting symptoms, and excessive water intake becomes problematic when water intake overwhelms the kidneys ability to excrete fluids

Foods high in calcium in order from highest to lowest

yogurt, milk, cheese, kale, ice cream

Lawrence meets with a dietitian to develop a weight-loss plan. The dietitian says she will calculate his estimated calorie needs using the Estimated Energy Requirement Calculation for Men 19 years and older. If Lawrence is 54 years old, weighs 198 pounds, is 5'7" (67 inches) tall, and has a sedentary activity level, what is his estimated energy requirement?

2500 calories

Which of the following foods is a good source of thiamin? A) pork chops; B) wheat germ; C) enriched bread

All of these are correct

Why are older people at increased risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency compared to younger people?

As you age, your stomach produces less acid, which limits cleavage of vitamin B-12 from food. In addition, decreased production of intrinsic factor by the stomach limits vitamin B-12 absorption

A food product that contains fat has the potential for spoilage when that fat becomes oxidized and rancid. The germ in the whole wheat kernel contributes fat to whole wheat bread products. If a bread's ingredient list contains whole wheat flour, water, yeast, sugar, and BHT, which ingredient is serving as the antioxidant intended to extend the bread's shelf life?


After a trip to the supermarket early in the morning, Renee forgot to place some conventionally-grown fresh celery stalks in the refrigerator. When she returned home from school that evening, she discovered the leaves of the celery had wilted and the stalks were "rubbery". Which of the following statements provides the best explanation of happened to the celery stalks?

Dehydration had occurred as the celery's cells lost some of the water content

Gabe was experiencing fatigue, despite sleeping eight hours per night. He went to the doctor and was diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. The doctor recommended he eat iron-fortified breakfast cereals. Which food would be the best accompaniment for his iron-fortified breakfast cereal and why?

He should have a cup of orange juice or an orange with the iron-fortified breakfast cereal because vitamin C in the orange increases iron absorption.

Government agencies and their areas

a. EPA: tap water regulation b. FDA: bottled water regulation c. USDA: dietary guide recommendation for food servings per day

In the human body, water is involved in what?

transporting substances, removing wastes, and regulating body temperature

Ron's diet lacks niacin. He hasn't developed pellagra, because he consumes a high-protein diet that contains plenty of _____, the precursor for niacin.


Water output mechanisms in order from greatest to least

urine, insensible perspiration, expired air, feces, sweat

It is not possible to directly measure the percentage of fat in a person's body. You can, however, measure percent body fat indirectly. All of the following are indirect methods for measuring body fat EXCEPT:

using a scale

Which of the following is a trace mineral?


Vitamins are classified as being either water soluble or fat soluble. There is disagreement in the scientific community as to whether one vitamin-like nutrient is really a vitamin. Which nutrient is not technically classified as a vitamin?


Vitamin D is unique in that it can be obtained by the diet but also is synthesized inside the body when a cholesterol-like substance is activated by sunlight and converted to the prohormone vitamin D. What two organs serve as the sites of active vitamin D synthesis?

Kidneys & Liver

While in class, Barry can't seem to sit still. He constantly taps his feet on the floor and frequently shifts his position. The energy Barry uses for these involuntary movements is classified as


Lawrence is an overweight male adult embarking on his first attempt at weight loss. He has heard that in order to lose one pound of fat per week, he should cut kilocalories by 500 kilocalories per day from his normal intake. What is the theory behind the notion that a 500-kilocalorie daily deficit promotes weight loss of one pound of fat per week?

One pound of fat tissue has 3,500 kilocalories; 3,500 kilocalories divided by 7 days in a week means 500 kilocalories less per day will help him lose one pound of fat per week.

During the _______ procedure, the surgeon staples across the top of the stomach to create a small pouch and sections of the small intestine are bypassed. The result is a reduction in digestion and absorption


Vitamin roles

a. D: increases calcium and phosphorous deposition in bones b. K: assists with blood clotting c. B-6: important for hemoglobin synthesis d. A: important for vision e. E: donates electrons to neutralize free radicals

If calcium levels in the blood become too high, the thyroid gland secretes _______.


As a result, _____ is released from bone cells and enters the bloodstream.


Calcium supplements can help people who have trouble meeting their calcium needs from food alone. Check all of the statements about calcium supplements that are true:

calcium supplements are best taken with meals to maximize absorption & certain antacids contain calcium carbonate, but taking too many can increase the risk of toxicity

An agent that is cancer-causing is said to be ______.


Plants contain pigments called ______ that can be turned into vitamin A in the body if needed.


Provitamin A carotenoids

carrots, spinach, winter squash, sweet potatoes, mangoes

Your body is made up of lean tissues, also called _______, and ______, which is comprised of essential fat and _______.

fat-free mass, total body fat, adipose tissue

Minerals from animal products are better absorbed than minerals from plant products because the ______ inhibit absorption

fiber binders in plant foods

Which of the following statements is true?: A) Less than 20% of overweight and obese people who lose weight intentionally are able to avoid regaining weight for at least a year. B) Overweight and obesity rarely occur in poor nations. C) According to a target goal of Healthy people 2020, the percentage of obese American adults should decline to 10% by 2020. D) Dietitians recommend extra servings of foods from the proteins group to prevent obesity.

Less than 20% of overweight and obese people who lose weight intentionally are able to avoid regaining weight for at least a year.

Libby wants to have a birthday party for her 5-year old daughter and several of the child's friends. She plans to serve cake, ice cream, and milk to the children in the backyard on a warm sunny afternoon. To conserve vitamins in the milk, Libby should A) add a teaspoon of baking soda and chocolate syrup to it B) heat the milk to the boiling point, and let it cool before serving it C) serve the milk in a clear glass container

None of these are correct

Matching vitamins with symptoms

a. Thiamin: person complaining of weakness and loss of appetite, nervous tingling throughout the body, poor coordination, and severe edema b. Riboflavin: person with inflammation of the mouth and tongue, inflamed skin, and cracking of the tissue at the corners of the mouth c. Niacin: person whose initial symptoms included poop appetite, weakness and loss of weight, progressed to dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis and is at high risk for death d. Vitamin B-12: person with anemia characterized by many large red blood cells in the bloodstream despite adequate folate intake, can lead to nerve degeneration, paralysis, and death e. Vitamin C: person with weakness, slow wound healing, bone pain, bleeding gums, and pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin

mineral element classification

a. Trace: zinc, copper, iron b. Possible essential mineral: boron, arsenic, nickel c. Major: calcium, potassium, sodium

Weight loss myths true and false

a. True: bake, broil or roast meats, use smaller plates and small utensils to help reduce portion size, and when you eat pasta opt for red sauce b. False: go grocery shopping on an empty stomach to help improve healthy food choices, skipping meals, make a list of forbidden foods that you promise not to eat until you reach your goal weight

Food processing can also affect a food's mineral content; refining a grain _______ the mineral content of the food


Recommended vitamins

a. Vit D → An adult woman who is told after a bone mineral density test that she has osteomalacia b. Vit A → A child in the developing world who stumbles frequently and is diagnosed with night blindness c. Vit K → A newborn baby who has difficulty with blood clotting d. Vit E → A premature infant who is exhibiting signs of hemolysis

Health conditions and corresponding minerals

a. Iodine: excessive intake of this mineral can inhibit thyroid gland function b. Zinc: inadequate intake can lead to poor growth and sexual immaturity c. Calcium: osteoporosis d. Fluoride: dental caries e. Potassium: eating more can dec blood pressure f. Iron: needed for hemoglobin synthesis

modifiable vs unmodifiable risk factors for osteoporosis

a. Modifiable: physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, diet low in calcium and Vitamin D b. Unmodifiable: Caucasian or Asian ancestry, small body frame, family history of osteoporosis

Intracellular vs extracellular anions and cations

a. Potassium: intracellular cation b. Soduim: extracellular cation c. Phosphate: intracellular anion d. Chloride: extracellular anion

The dietitian who is advising Lawrence on weight loss calculated an individualized meal plan to help him lose 1-2 pounds per week. She gave an 1,800-calorie-per-day meal plan to him. Using the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges, match the number of grams of each macronutrient he should consume to adhere to a reliable weight-loss plan

a. Protein → 45-158 b. Fat → 40-70 c. Carbs → 203-293

Different types of water

a. Spring water: comes from underground formation where water flows naturally to surface of earth b. Artesian water: comes from a well that taps a confined aquifer c. Mineral water: contains at least 250 ppm total dissolved solids and originates form a geologically and physically protected underground source, no additional minerals can be added d. Sparkling bottled water: treated water that contains the same amount of carbon dioxide it had when it emerged from its source

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