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What is the "prognosis" of Diverticulitis?

A common complication of diverticulitis is the development of fistulas between the colon and other organs. Complications can also lead to bowel obstructions. Treatment centers on reducing on the inflammation of the infected diverticulum. Antibiotics to combat the inflammation are given to patients. This is also commonly followed up with diet changes, liquids only, until bowel can heal. In rare cases perforation or fistulas require surgical repair followed by a regimen of antibiotics.

Which classification is Diverticulitis? Additive or Destructive


What is the "morbidity rate" of Diverticulitis in the United States?

Almost all patients with simple diverticulitis are initially treated conservatively. Approximately 85% respond and 15% will require operation. Following successful conservative therapy for a first attack, 30-40% of patients will remain asymptomatic, 30-40% will have episodic abdominal cramps without confirmed diverticulitis, and one third will have a second attack. Long-term follow up shows a readmission rate for diverticulitis of 2% per patient year in patients treated successfully with conservative therapy.

What is the "official" definition of Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is small, bulging sacs or pouches of the inner lining of the intestine (diverticulosis) that become inflamed or infected. Diverticulitis is a complication of diverticular disease of the colon, necrosing inflammation in the diverticula, especially of the sigmoid region.

Under which "causative agent" can Diverticulitis be classified?


What is the "etiology" (causes) of Diverticulitis?

Retained fecal matter trapped in the diverticulum by the narrow opening of the diverticular neck causes inflammation of the mucosal lining, which can lead to perforation of the diverticulum.

What is the "mortality rate" of Diverticulitis in the United States?

The mortality rate of diverticulitis ranges from 1.3 - 5%. Perforated diverticulitis has a mortality rate of 6% for purulent peritonitis and 35% for fecal peritonitis.

What is the "prevalance" of Diverticulitis in the United States?

Typically only 5% of diverticulitis cases occur in adults 40 years or younger. By as 60, the increase of prevalence goes to 30% and is at its highest of 65% as patients reach 80. In those patients diagnosed before the age of 50, there is a higher occurrence that they will be male. Those patient that are above 70, this prevalence changes to demonstrate a female higher occurrence.

Radiographically, how is Diverticulitis portrayed on a general imaging study?

Intralumeninal an extraluminal contrast will be seen. This extravasation of contrast is the result of perforation of the diverticula abscess. There can also be evidence of a pericolonic soft-tissue mass that can create a localized abscess and a walled-off perforation. Adjacent diverticula can be spastic, irritable and can drape over the mass.

What is the "incidence" of Diverticulitis in the United States?

It is estimated that 20% of those patients with diverticulosis, the development of diverticula in the colon, will eventually develop diverticulitis. The incidence of diverticulitis is completely dependent on age. Those individuals whose diets that contain low-fiber are more likely to develop diverticulitis.

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