drug use and abuse chapter 15
A person who had health insurance and was diagnosed with a substance use disorder in 1985 would likely be treated in a
28-day inpatient program
Hunt, Barnett, and Branch (1971) showed that what percentage of the individuals treated for alcohol, tobacco, or heroin abuse in abstinence-oriented programs had returned to their primary substance use three months after treatment
Jerry belongs to a substance use disorder self-help group that emphasizes spirituality and a higher power. To which group does he belong
drug that interferes with the metabolism of alcohol and used in treatment programs
A person who takes disulfram and then has an alcoholic drink will soon experience life-threatening symptoms such as an excessively rapid heartbeat
According to the opponent process theory, the individual's self-efficacy to cope with high-risk situations determines whether or not they will relapse
Alcohol and drug treatment that most people receive today is consistently supported by research evidence
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been shown to be, by far, the most effective treatment for alcoholism
Harm reduction programs stress abstinence as the only way to reduce the harmful consequences of alcohol abuse to society
In order to be cost effective, a person with a substance use disorder must remain in outpatient treatment for at least three months
It is generally agreed that substance use disorders are caused by psychological disorders
One limitation of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is that it is appropriate only for those holding Judeo-Christian beliefs
Recent research has demonstrated that telehealth methods are ineffective for treating substance use disorders
Recent research has shown that acamprosate in combination with behavioral treatment produces better outcomes than the same behavioral treatment paired with a placebo
The process of changing a problem behavior seems to be different for everyone
There does not seem to be any connection between alcohol or drug abuse and psychological disorders
Treatment is needed to change patterns of alcohol and drug misuse or dependence
Why is methadone used in the treatment of heroin abuse
It blocks the addict's craving for heroin
How does polysubstance use affect treatment
It can greatly complicate treatment as polysubstance abusers often present with more and more severe impairments
Which of the following people would be considered a dual-diagnosis patient
Monica, who has an alcohol use problem and has major depressive disorder
Which of the following people is most likely to function well with moderation as the outcome of a treatment program for alcohol use disorder
Romy, who is 24 years old
resolution of a problem without the help of formal treatment
Spontaneous remission
According to the 2015 NSDUH survey, more people were admitted to drug treatment for abuse of pain relievers than for any other nonalcohol drug
According to the disease model of alcohol use disorder, complete abstinence from alcohol should be the only valid goal of treatment
Alcoholics Anonymous is a religious society that requires one to adopt Western religious beliefs
Antabuse is thought to be effective because it creates a learned aversion to alcohol
Brief interventions tend to be most effective for individuals with mild to moderate alcohol problems
Halfway houses are usually designed as milieu treatment
In inpatient settings for substance abuse, the organization of patient care is similar to that given to people hospitalized for physical problems
Naltrexone, an opiate antagonist, is an approved pharmacotherapy used in alcohol treatment
Substance-use problems in women tend to develop faster than they do in men
Temposil is an alcohol-sensitizing drug that is not available in the United States
The biopsychosocial model is a new viewpoint attempting to account for the three major variable domains known to influence behavior
The primary goal of detoxification is to manage withdrawal symptoms
How many subjects in Sobell's research indicated that their change in behavior was immediate
about a third
therapeutic activities following the completion of a formal treatment program
Which of the following results has been reported in research conducted on the effectiveness of therapeutic communities
associated with a more productive life after discharge if stay is long enough
How long must someone receive outpatient services for drug abuse in order for the treatment to be considered cost-effective
at least 6 months
When she was trying to stop drinking, Connie preferred the SOS program over the AA program because it
avoided discussions of spirituality
To increase the potential for successful outcomes, many believe that treatment of polysubstance abusers must address which of the following
behavior patterns
Which of the following perspectives on substance use disorder is most recent
biopsychosocial model
Treatment outcome research measures which of the following
What is at the core of the moral model of substance use disorders
What drives treatment decisions for a patient under the stepped care approach
client's progress relative to goals
What is the most common way that people resolve their substance abuse problems
cognitive-behavioral therapy
Paolo is receiving treatment with disulfiram for his severe alcohol use disorder; however, it was not successful and Paolo quickly went back to his usual drinking behaviors What likely played a role in the failure of Paolo's treatment
The concept of harm reduction in treating substance abuse is focused on which of the following
professional guidance where specially trained professionals perform a variety of treatment activities
What model is especially important because of its prevalence in the United States
People who attend Al-Anon meetings
experience problems from another's use of alcohol
Abstinence from alcohol is a mandatory goal of alcohol treatment
Professional treatment for substance use disorders is freely available to anyone who wants it
Relapse is such a long-standing problem in alcohol and drug treatment that we can do little about it
The only goal of any importance in alcohol and drug treatment is the reduction of substance use
Today, there are good reasons for rigid boundaries between what we call alcohol treatment and drug treatment
Treating patients who have co-occurring substance use and another psychiatric disorder is straightforward
Overall, what is treatment of those who misuse or become dependent on drugs designed to do
get dependent individuals into self-help programs
In the late 20th century, the standard approach to substance abuse treatment had shifted to shorter inpatient stays or to outpatient programs. This occurred in response to which of the following
insurer cost-benefit analyses
In recent years, cost concerns have led to
less use of inpatient treatment
drug used in treating heroin addiction that is similar in action to methadone
levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM)
A person who on a pharmacological journey from heroin use may be given which long-acting opioid as a form of maintenance therapy
In which treatment approach are the organization and structure of a setting designed to change behavior
treatment in which the organization and structure of a setting are designed to change behavior
milieu treatment
After several failed attempts to quit drinking on his own, Tuan found lasting success by attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Which models of thought was Tuan exposed to in the program
moral and disease
Research has shown that most substance use disorders have a
multidimensional origin and require multifaceted treatment
The stepped care approach to treating substance use disorders is an alternative to the common 1980s
one-size-fits-all approach to treatment
long-standing behavioral pattern that frequently creates distress for individuals due to personal or social consequences
personality disorder
occurrence of something in different forms among members of a population
The first step new members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) must complete is admitting
program designed to enhance therapeutic results for specific groups of patients
precision medicine
treatment geared to changing emotions, thoughts, or behavior without use of medications or other means
psychological treatment
conversation between a specially trained individual and another person intended to change patterns of behavior
process that results in changes back to health in physical, mental, spiritual, and social functioning
By definition, relapse must follow
In his presentation on stepped care programs to the health center's board, which of the following was a description used by Dr. Maliki? Select all that apply
restricted individualized
Which of the following most accurately reflects the moral model of substance abuse
sentencing person addicted to alcohol to jail for public drunkenness
A person who believes they have an alcohol use disorder because they grew up living above a popular pub subscribes to which of the following models
social learning
behavioral pattern characterized by lack of concern for obligations or others and tendency toward violence
When people ask Latoya how she quit smoking after 20 years, she proudly says, "Cold turkey! No patches, no groups ... just by gumption and the grace of God!" Which term best reflects Latoya's experience?
spontaneous remission
The urges and cravings model states that relapse of substance use occurs because urges and cravings are what
In a professional treatment setting, assessment directly supports which of the following
tailored treatment
planned activity designed to change some pattern of behavior(s) of individuals or their families
result of experiencing a treatment, usually measured in different areas of functioning
treatment effect
investigation designed to show a causal relationship between a treatment and some change
treatment outcome research
Assessment typically is thought to be essential to good treatment
Methadone maintenance seems to be an effective treatment for more severe heroin use disorder
According to Sobell's research, what leads a majority of people to change problematic substance use behaviors on their own
weighing pros and cons
Detoxification in drug treatment is focused on which of the following