EAQ Test #1

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A client is seen in the clinic with sickle cell crisis. Which hemoglobin range will the nurse expect to find? A. 6-8 B. 10-12 C. 12-14 D. 16-18


A clients lab report reveals a CD4 T-cell count of 520. According to the CDC, which stage of HIV disease is present in the client? A. stage 1 B. stage 2 C. stage 3 D. stage 4


A client is seen in the clinic with sickles cell anemia. A nurse teaches the client about sickle cell anemia. Whic information from the client indicates a correct understanding of the condition? A. "i have abnormal platelets" B. "i have abnormal hemoglobin" C. "i have abnormal hematocrit" D. "i have abnormal WBC"


A client with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue is to be treated with interstitially implanted radon seed. Which consideration is priority when the nurse is planning room placement? A. assign the client to any type of room B. place the client in a private room C. assign the client to a semiprivate room D. place the client with another client receiving the same type of therapy


A client is diagnosed as having invasive cancer of the bladder, and brachytherapy is scheduled. What should the nurse expect the client to demonstrate that indicated success of this therapy? A. decrease in urine output B. increase in pulse strength C. shrinkage of the tumor on scanning D. increase in the quantity of WBC


Besides providing reassurance, what should nursing intervention for a client who is hyperventilating be focused on? A. administering oxygen B. using an incentive spirometer C. having the client breathe into a paper bag D. administering an IV containing bicarbonate ions


On admission to the ICU, a client is diagnosed with compensated metabolic acidosis. During the assessment, what is the nurse most likely to identify? A. muscle twitching B. mental instability C. deep and rapid respirations D. tachycardia and cardiac dysrhythmias


A client is seen in the clinic with sickle cell anemia. the parents of the client ask how their child got sickle cell anemia. What is an accurate explanation? A. sickle cell anemia is a random condition with no known cause. B. if one parent is a carrier and one is negative for the gene, the child will get the diease. C. if both parents are carries, all of their offspring will probably get this disease, and they should consider sterilization. D. if both parents are carriers, the odds are one in four than an offspring will get the disease, and one in four than an offspring will be disease free.


A client with small cell carcinoma of the lung develops SIADH. What signs should the nurse expect to observe? Select all that apply. A. oliguria B. seizures C. vomiting D. polydipsia E. polyphagia

A, B, C

A client with an invasive carcinoma of the bladder is receiving radiation to the lower abdomen in an attempt to shrink the tumor before surgery. What should the nurse do considering the side effects of radiation? A. observe the feces for blood B. monitor the BP for hypotension C. administer enemas to remove sloughing tissue D. provide a high-bulk diet to prevent constipation


A client's arterial blood gas resport indicates that pH is 7.25, CO2 is 60, and HCO3 is 26. Which client should the nurse consider is most likely to exhibit these blood gas results? A. 65 y/o with pulmonary fibrosis B. 24 y/o with uncontrolled type 1 diabetes C. 45 y/o who has been vomiting for 3 days D. 54 y/o who takes sodium bicarbonate for indigestion


A client is admitted to the hospital for surgery for rectosigmoid colon cancer, and the nurse is obtaining a health history as part of the admission process. What clinical findings associated with rectosigmoid colon cancer does the nurse expect the client to report? Select all that apply. A. feeling tired B. rectal bleeding C. inability to digest fat D. change in the shape of stools E. feeling of abdominal bloating

A, B, D, E

A client has a low hemoglobin level that is attributed to a nutritional deficiency. Which foods choices highest in iron chosen by the client indicate that the nurses instructions are effective? (Select all that apply.) A. eggs B. squash C. carrots D. spinach E. apricots

A, D

A nurse identifies that clients with cancer often lose weight and may become cachectic. What common response do clients with cancer experience, regardless of the site of the cancer, that accounts for this weight loss? A. depression precipitates anorexia B. changes in taste and food aversions C. decreased saliva impedes chewing and swallowing D. nutrients are not absorbed through the GI mucosa


A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of polycythemia vera. The client asks, "why do i have an increase tendency to develop blood clots?" Which effect of the polycythemia vera should the nurse include in the teaching session? A. elevated blood pressure B. Increased blood viscosity C. fragility of the blood cells D. immaturity of the RBCs


A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes who has developed diabetic coma. Which element excessively accumulates in the blood to precipitate the signs and symptoms associated with this condition? A. sodium bicarbonate, causing alkalosis B. ketones as a result of rapid fat breakdown, causing acidosis C. nitrogen from protein catabolism, causing ammonia intoxication D. glucose from rapid carbohydrate metabolism, causing drowsiness


A nurse is teaching a client with Hodgkin disease about responses to whole-body radiation. Which clinical indicator increase should the nurse include in the teaching session? A. blood viscosity B. susceptibility to infection C. RBC prodution D. tendency for pathologic fractures


A nurse provides dietary instruction to a client who has iron deficiency anemia. Which food choices by the client does the nurse consider most desirable? Select all that apply. A. raw carrots B. boiled spinach C. dired apricots D. brussels sprouts E. asparagus spears

B, C

A client has a low hemoglobin level that is attributed to a nutritional deficiency. Which foods should the nurse teach the client to increase in the diet? (Select all that apply.) A. grapes B. spinach C. oranges D. beef liver E. cantaloupe

B, D

The nurse is caring for a client with the following arterial blood gas values: O2 89 CO2 35 pH 7.37. These findings indicate that the client is experiencing which condition? A. respiratory alkalosis B. poor oxygen perfusion C. normal acid-base balance D. compensated metabolis acidosis


The nurse is monitoring a clients hemoglobin level. The nurse recalls that the amount of hemoglobin in the blood has what effect on oxygenation status? A. except with rare blood disorders, hemoglobin seldom affects oxygenation status B. there are many other factors that affect oxygenation status more than hemoglobin does C. a low hemoglobin level causes reduced oxygen-carrying capacity D. hemoglobin reflects the body's clotting ability and may or may not affect oxygenation status


A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of AIDS. The IV infiltrates and needs to be restarted. What is necessary to protect the nurse when restarting the IV? Select all that apply. A. mask B. gown C. gloves D. face shield E. hand hygiene

C, E

A client who is recovering from an acute myocardial infarction resports not being happy about the lack of salt with meals. Which information should the nurse share with the client about the purpose of salt restriction? A. this prevents an increase in blood pressure from tissue edema B. this reduces the circulating blood volume by a diuretic effect C. this reduces the amount of edema, which interferes with the heart action D. this prevents further fluid accumulation, which increases the workload of the heart


The nurse is caring for a client with irone deficiency anemia that has decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. The nurse expects to identify what other abnormal lab level? A. macrocytic RBC B. thrombocytopenia C. decreased folate levels D. increased total iron-binding capacity


The nurse is teaching a post-radiation therapy client regarding proper skin care to the radiation treatment area. Which statement made by the client indicates the nurse need to follow up? A. "i will avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing" B. "i will avoid using adhesive bandages" C. "i will avoid exposing the area to cold temperatures" D. "i will avoid rinsing the area with saline solution"


A client comes to the ED resporting symptoms of the flu. When the health history reveals IV drug use and multiple sex partners, acute retroviral syndrome is suspected. A test for HIV is performed and acute retrovirla syndrome is diagnosed. Waht clinical responses are associated most commonly with this syndrome? Select all that apply. A. malaise B. confusion C. constipation D. swollen lymph glands E. oropharyngeal candidiasis

A, D

The nurse is providing care for a client with small-cell carcinoma of the lung who develops SIADH. What clinical findings correspond with the secretion of ADH? Select all that apply. A. edema B. polyuria C. bradycardia D. hypotension E. hyponatremia

A, E

A nurse employed in an outpatient radiology department is reviewing safety precautions with staff members. What explanation does the nurse provide to explain the reason radium is stored in lead containers? A. lead functions as a barrier B. radium is a heavy substance C. heat is produced as radium disintegrates D. lead prevent disintegration of the radium


A nurse is reviewing the laboratory test results of four clients. Which client is in the third stage of HIV diease? A. CD4 T-cell count is 180 B. CD4 T-cell count is 250 C. CD4 T-cell count is 380 D. CD4 T-cell count is 600


The nurse assesses a client receiving IV fluids. Which assessment finding should warrant the nurse calling the primary health care provider? A. crackles in lungs B. supple skin turgor C. urine output of 240 ml over 8 hrs D. increase in BP from 110/76 to 124/68


The student nurse demonstrates correct understanding of anemia related to chronic disease with which statement? A. " red blood cells appear normal in size and color; however, there is a decreased amount produced" B. "the red blood cells have an increased life span with a decrease in normal functioning" C. "administration of vitamins B12 and folate with help treat this type of long-term anemia" D. "this is the mildest form of anemia and is easily corrected through adminstration of blood products"


The registered nurse oberves the student nurse caring for the skin of a client who recently underwent radiation therapy. Which actions made by the student nurse should the nurse correct? Select all that apply. A. using a washcloth for cleaning the radiated site B. rinsing soap throroughly from the skin of the client C. drying the irradiated area with rubbing motions D. wearing loose clothes over the skin at the radiation site E. removing the ink marks that identify the location of the focused beam of radiation

A, C, E

Which statement indicates that a client understand the way HIV is transmitted? Select all that apply. A. "i can contract HIV by participating in oral sex" B. "i can contract HIV by eating from used utensils" C. "HIV is contracted by using contaminated needles" D. "i can contract HIV by using the bathroom of a person who is HIV positive" E. "babies can contract HIV because of the contact with maternal blood during birth"

A, C, E

A client has a low hemoglobin level that is attributed to a nutritional deficiency. Which foods should the nurse teach the client to increase in the diet? (Select all that apply.) A. liver B. apples C. carrots D. cheese E. spinach

A, E

What does the nurse explain to a client that a positive diagnosis for HIV infection is based on? A. performance of high-risk sexual behaviors B. Evidence of extreme weight loss and high fever C. Identification of an associated opportunistic infection D. Positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot tests


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