Early Republic, Foreign Affairs, & Age of Jackson.

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Define Resettlement

The act or instance of settling or began settled in another place.

Describe the importancve of Gibbons v. Ogden.

The decision identified that only the federal government can regulate interstate commerce as outlined in the commerce clause of the constitution.

Explain what Judicial review is and how it came about.

The power of the Supreme Court to decide whether acts of a President or Laws passed by congress are constitutional; the case of Marbury V. Madison essentially defined Judicial review.

What was the purpose of Lewis and Clark's expedition? Why was it important? Where did there travels take them? When did the expedition take place?

The purpose was to explore the Louisiana Territory that had been purchased in 1803, document discoveries made in the area, and scout waterways of the pacific, which could be used for expansion of the U.S and help it growth in both size and economy over time. There travels took them west and northwest through the present day states of Missouri, Montana, and Washington to the Pacific ocean. The expedition took place in between 1804 and 1806.

Define Policy

a course of action proposed by the government.

Define Declaration.

a statement or document of a statement

Define Protective Tariff.

a tax on imports intended to protect domestic companies.

List three major issues that the nation was faced with during Jackson's presidency.

1. Increased voting rights for white males. 2. Expanding the American border to the Pacific Ocean. 3. A hands-off approach to the American economy.

Election of John Quincy Adams year?


What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?

1798: These federalist supported laws permitted the president to expel foreigners, make it harder for immigrants to become citizens, and allowed citizens to be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials. The sedition act essentially violated the first amendment right to freedom of speech especially for newspapers. These acts are considered a blemish in American history as it relates to the civil rights of people.

McCulloch v. Maryland year?


Gibbons v. Ogden year?


Election of Andrew Jackson year?


South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification year?

1828 to 1832

Indian Removal Act year?


Nullification Crisis year?


Worcester v. Georgia year?


Describe the importance of Worcester v. Georgia.

1832 decision stating that Georgia did not have legal authority over the Cherokees living within the state.

Gag Rule year?


Trail of Tears year?

1838 to 1839.

Describe the beliefs of the Federalist political party, and those of Alexander Hamilton.

A loose constructionist view of the constitution, maintain close ties to Britain, keep a strong central government, supported by businesses, and establish an effective banking system.

Describe the beliefs of the Democratic-Republican party, and those of Thomas Jefferson.

A strict constructionist view of the constitution, an expansion of states rights, main supporters were farmers and workers, and a weaker central government.

How did John Adams respond to the war between Britain and France.

Adams successfully negotiated with France to have peace. Napoleon was busy warring with other European nations and did not have time for war with the U.S. so he signed an agreement to stop seizing american ships.

Who strongly supported the creation of a National bank?

Alexander Hamilton

Washington talked about several things in his farewell address. What did he believe was a threat to democracy? And, what were his beliefs about becoming involved in other country affairs?

He believed that political parties would end up causing a division in the nation. He believed that maintaining a large military might be considered threatening to the liberty of Americans, and Washington also believed that being involved in the affairs of other countries was a dangerous business to be apart of.

How did Henry Clay attempt to resolve the Nullification Crisis?

He proposed a lower compromise tariff to attempt to keep the sections of the United states happy in order to avoid a civil war.

Describe the Monroe Doctrine.

Stated by James Monroe. Any further colonization of the Americas (especially in South America) by European countries was prohibited.

Describe the importance of McCulloch v. Maryland.

Supreme court ruling stating that states cannot impose taxes on the bank of the U.S. just because the bank was located within the state borders.

What were the goals of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

Territory west of the Mississippi River was to be set aside for Native Americans and divided into districts for said Native Americans; this was enacted in hopes of avoiding conflict between white Americans and native Americans.

Jackson was known as the first president to represent which group pf people?

The "common man"

How did the Cherokee respond to the Indian Removal Act?

The Cherokee went to the Supreme Court requesting that their rights be protected.

What was the purpose of the National Bank?

It created a place for the government to deposit money to pay the Government bills and to make loans to farmers and businesses. It was through these loans that the bank encouraged economic growth in the U.S.

Why was the election of 1800 important?

It showed that even though there was dissention in the election, the power could be passed from one party to another without war or a revolution. Power passed from from the Federalist party to the Democratic-Republican party without incident.

How was the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification (1832) a defense of states rights?

It was enacted to show that the federal government could not impose taxes on imported goods if the states considered the action unconstitutional; it was in response the imposing of tariffs in the early 1800s by the federal government.

How did Jackson respond to the Supreme Court decision to protect the rights and land of the Cherokee? (Worcester v. Georgia)

Jackson ignored the court's decision and proceeded with the removal of the Indians.

Describe the positions of Jefferson and Hamilton on the existence of a National Bank.

Jefferson: AGAINST Hamilton: FOR

Who was president of the U.S. during the XYZ affair?

John Adams

How did the Embargo Act of 1807 affect US manufacturing? What was the purpose behind the Embargo Act of 1807?

No foreign ships could enter U.S ports and no U.S. ships could leave our ports except to go to other U.S. ports; it was intended to support neutrality because of what was going on with France & Britain and while it gave national manufactures in the U.S an opportunity to sell their goods domestically or at home. It also had negative effects for the U.S. Many ships were deserted in docks and more than 50,000 seamen lost their jobs.

Why did Jackson oppose the 2nd National Bank?

President Jackson opposed the 2nd bank of the U.S. because he believed it held too much power without accountability, and he also believed it was unconstitutional.

Define States Rights.

Rights kept by the States under the Constitution; sometimes can limit the power of the federal government.

What were the causes of the Whiskey Rebellion?

An excise tax (a tax on the production or sale of a product) was placed on ¨luxury¨ goods such as whiskey so that the country could collect money to help repay foreign and domestic debts. Farmers complained that this tax made their whiskey too expensive and they refused to pay it. Congress did lower the tax in 1793 and some farmers began to pay, but others did not especially those farmers located in western Pennsylvania. These ¨Whiskey Boys¨ tarred and feathered tax collectors who tried to enforce the law. The state militia was able to put down the rebellion.

Define Mandate.

An official order or commission to do something.

Which 1828 political party rejected the national bank and supported the presidential campaign of Andrew Jackson?


What area of North America did the U.S. gain through the Louisiana Purchase and when? What were the benefits for this purchase? How much did the U.S pay for this purchase and from whom did we purchase this area?

In 1803, the U.S purchased the Louisiana Territory. Areas west of the current U.S border (Appalachian Mountains) were included the the purchases. It gave access to the Mississippi River, which gave access to new Orleans. New Orleans was a major port. This purchase doubled the size of the U.S. The U.S paid $15 million for the Louisiana Territory and we purchased from France.

Who was John Marshall and why is he important in history?

John Marshall was a Supreme Court justice who wrote the Supreme court decision that established a principle of Judicial review; he was one who maintained a strong sense of duty to his country and promoted the good of the public.

Define Sectionalism.

Loyalty to a state or a section as opposed to the whole country.

Describe the roll of the Presidents cabinet.

Members of the Presidents cabinet advise the President. the purpose of the cabinet is to serve as an advisory group to the president as well as lead parts of the government (departments). In 1789, congress created five executive departments, which included the departments of State, Treasury, and War, and the offices of the Attorney General and the Postmaster General.

Why was the election of 1828 also known as the Revolution of 1828, and what factors surrounded the election of Jackson?

The election showed a shift in power from the elite to the common people.

What was the purpose of the Pinckney's "Gag Rule"?

The gag rule, also called the gag law, was a legislative regulation that limited discussion or debate on a particular issue. Between 1836 and 1834, the United States House of Representatives adopted a series of resolutions and regulations that banned petitions calling for the Abolition of Slavery; These directives were referred to as the gag rule as they suppressed discussion of issues involving slavery.

Why did industrialist in the Northern States favor tariffs during the 1800s?

The increases tariffs would increase the demand for American manufactured goods as opposed to paying the higher tax on the imported goods from overseas.

What was the Nullification Crisis?

The issue or problem of states attempting to ignore or pass resolutions sting their opposition to the laws of the federal government based on constitutionality.

What was one of the main causes of the differing viewpoints that caused the American political party system to emerge?

The role and power of the federal government and just how much or how little power it should have.

Describe the importance of Marbury v. Madison.

This case set a precedent for Judicial review and allowed for the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional.

What was the XYZ affair?

This was the 1797 French attempt to bribe the U.S. by demanding payment (or tribute) before talks could begin on the issue of the French seizure of neutral American ships. A treaty was signed and America dropped all its financial claims against France. Partially in response to this was one reason for passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Describe George Washington´s foreign policy.

Washington wanted to ¨steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world¨ saying that it could end up being dangerous to the United States. This policy became known as Isolationism.

Describe the Trail of Tears.

Who: Cherokee What: forced removal from there lands. When: 1838-1839 Where: Moved from their homelands in the eastern part of the U.S. to the area we know as present-day Oklahoma. Why: The U.S wanted their lands for agriculture and development/settlement uses and wanted to limit the Native American interaction with white Americans.

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