Electromagnetic spectrum

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What can microwaves be used for?

The Doppler radar, radar images, and microwaves


the number of wave cycles per unit time

Which waves have the highest energy/frequency?

Gamma rays

What color do visible light rays act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)


What color do x-rays act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)


Which type of ray/wave gives off heat or is thermal?

Infrared rays

Which wave/ray am I: Astronomers use me to map dust between stars.

Infrared waves


Is the position of balance. This is a line drawn in reference. It represents where the string would be without a wave going through it.

What can gamma rays be used for?

Killing cancerous cells

Which type of wave travels faster, gamma, radio, or neither one?

Neither. Both radio waves and gamma waves travel at the speed of light.


The highest point of a wave


The lowest point of a wave

What is the difference between frequency and energy?

There is no difference, they are the same thing.

How do x-rays get inside of your body?

They can penetrate the body but are absorbed by denser tissue such as bones which show up as white parts.

Natural ultraviolet light is made up of the Sun's rays as a source of UV radiation. Can we see these rays of ultraviolet light? If so, how? If not, what can?

We cannot see these rays of UV radiation, but some insects and reptiles such as bumblebees and snakes can see them.

Radio waves

__________ _________ have the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves carry the news, ball games, and music you listen to on the radio. They also carry signals to television sets and cellular phones.


As wavelengths get smaller, the waves have more energy. ____-_______have smaller wavelengths and thereforemore energy than the ultraviolet waves. ____-_________ are so powerful that they pass easily through the skin allowingdoctors to look at our bones.

What color do ultraviolet (UV) rays act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)


Can you actually see x-rays?

Can you actually see x-rays?No, what you see in the x-ray image of bones is the "shadow" of the bones due to their ability to block x-rays.

What can visible light rays be used for?


True or False: EM waves carry matter, not energy

False (EM waves carry ENERGY, not matter)

True or false: Radio waves are always the longest waves.

False (They can be longer than a football field or as short as a football.)

Electromagnetic waves can transfer energy with or without a _____________.


What type of wave(s) have a higher frequency than radio waves but longer wavelengths than visible light?

Microwaves and infrared waves

What color do microwaves act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)



This is the size of the wave. It is the height of the crest and the depth of the trough measured from the equilibrium position.

electromagnetic waves

Transverse waves that transfer electrical and magnetic energy.

True or False: Unlike sound waves, electromagnetic waves do NOT vibrate molecules around them but are the energy itself vibrating.


What type of wave(s) have higher energy than visible light and longer wavelengths than x-rays?

Ultraviolet waves

What color do gamma rays act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)


What is the order of the colors from highest to lowest frequency/ most to least energy?

Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red

What is the order of the colors from shortest to longest wavelength?

Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red

Which wave/ray am I: Astronomers use me to see the color of stars which determines their temperature, size, and age. I also pass easily through the atmosphere.

Visible light waves

wavelength, frequency

What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength? As ___________decreases, __________ increases.

When all colors of waves are seen together, what do they make?

White light

What color do infrared rays act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)


Which color is more energetic, red or yellow?

Yellow has shorter wavelengths than red. Therefore yellow's frequency and energy is higher than red's.

gamma rays

___________ _________ have the smallest wavelength and the most energy of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves are generated by radioactive atoms and in nuclear explosions. __________ _________ can kill living cells, but doctors can use gamma rays to kill diseased cells.

Visible light waves

___________ __________ ________ are the only electromagnetic waves we can see. We see these waves as the colors of the rainbow. Each color has a different wavelength. Red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest wavelength. These waves combine to make white light.

ultraviolet waves

______________ _________ have wavelengths shorter than visible light waves. These waves are invisible to the human eye, but some insects can see them. Of the sun's light, the ultraviolet waves are responsible for causing our sunburns.


___________________ have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, which heat the food we eat. They are also used for radar images, like the Doppler radar used in weather forecasts.

electromagnetic spectrum

the complete range of electromagnetic radiation from the shortest waves, gamma rays, to the longest radio waves


the distance measured from crest to crest, from trough to trough, or from any point in the wave until it repeats itself exactly.

infrared waves

There are _____________ _____________ with long wavelengths and short wavelengths. _____________ _____________ with long wavelengths are different from _____________ _____________ with short wavelengths. _____________ _____________ with long wavelengths can be detected as heat. Your radiator or heater gives off these long _____________ _____________. We call these thermal infrared or far infrared waves. The sun gives off _____________ _____________ with shorter wavelengths. Plants reflect these waves, also known as near infrared waves.

What is a neat way you can remember the order of the Spectrum of Visible Light?

ROYGBIV (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)

What can infrared rays be used for?

Radiators or heaters

What types of waves have the longest wavelength in the spectrum?

Radio waves

Which wave(s) pass easily through the atmosphere?

Radio waves and visible light rays

What color do radio waves act like commonly? (Frequency and wavelength)


What is a neat way to remember the order of waves from low energy/frequency & long wavelength to high energy/frequency & short wavelength?

Riding Miles In Vans Uses Xtra Gas (radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays)

What can ultraviolet (UV) radiation be used for?

Sunburns or the sun

What can X-rays be used for?

Taking pictures inside of your body (x-rays)

What can radio waves be used for?

Television sets, cell phones, and radio stations

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