According to ______, a subject is a broad area of knowledge, such as psychology, baseball and so on. a topic on the other hand is some specific aspect of a subject
__% of meaning conveyed in a convo is expressed through the face
testimony/expert opinions
__________ of people who are acknowledge in their field can support your speech
anecdotes and narratives
___________ are sort and amusing stories while _________ are personal accounts, tales or experiences that are lengthier than the anecdote
a broad area of knowledge such as psychology and baseball
since this speech is written out and read, it provides you, the speaker, with the assurance that you will be able to deliver your speech the way you have prepared it, with the exact ideas you want to present and the precise words you have used to express these ideas
advantage of manuscript speech
you can plot out ahead of time the best wording throughout the speech
advantage of memorized speech
- prepared = confident, you are more relaxed & self-assured - conveys the impression that you are really sincere, concerned, and informed, and that you want your audience tor receive and remember what you say
advantages of extemporaneous speech
- you can present your ideas, make appeals or disseminate info at a time most appropriate or most needed by your listeners. what you say may have great value and impact - it can often raise you stock --improve your image-- in the minds of your audience
advantages of impromptu speech
an _____ is a specific case used to represent people, ideas, experiences and so on. in writing a speech, use concrete _______ to get the attention of your audience
an impromptu speech should be organized. there are some techniques you can use to help present your ideas in a clear, organized manner even at the spur of the moment
age gender education religion culture geographic uniqueness group affiliation/membership
analyzing the audience (7)
spatial order
arrange the main points of your speech from top to bottom, left to right, front to back, or some other route. describing a person place or thing
accent, voice, breathing, voice production
aspects of effective speaking
Intro - attention getter - preview Discussion - main points - logical arrangement -supporting data Conclusion - review - memorable statement
basic format of impromptu speech
internet search
browse through any reference portal, online encyclopedia or any subject-based website
changes in pitch, important to effective vocal delivery
choose a ________ that summarizes or gives the essential points of your main idea
credibility of the speaker as a good person who knows what he is talking about
- speak with confidence - maintain contact w/ audience - avoid saying ah, so, ya know - stop at the end of an idea - maintain good posture - speak loud - gesture - appear to enjoy - appear confident & relaxed - speak w/ enthusiasm - hide your goofs or blunders - sit down when you are done
delivery techniques for impromptu speech
a more than adequate preparation is required of you as a speaker because its success largely depends on your skill in speaking fluently without any word-for-word preparation
disadvantage of extempo
-easy to perform poorly since as a speaker, you feel the need to speak even when you have nothing to say. results in rambling, wandering and wasting time - makes anyone nervous.
disadvantages of impromptu speech
effective delivery is not assured because maintaining eye contact is difficult adapting the content or the style of your prepared speech to the speaking situation is equally difficult especially when there are conditions you have not envisioned when writing the speech like the type of audience you will have
disadvantages of manuscript speech
- difficult to deliver with feelings, sincerity and spontaneity - possibility of forgetting words is very high - take time to memorize
disadvantages of memorized speech
- establish a purpose - gather data - organize the data -practice
easy four-step process for extempo speech
logical order
either deductive or inductive order is used.
emotional appeal in the form of pity, sorrow, or compassion
enhance speech by using these that emphasize words or phrases to describe physical objects or events and to point out directions or location
- captivate the attention of the audience and to amuse them while you, the speaker, deliver your speech - heard on special occasions (toast, wedding, acceptance speech, motivational speech); hence, it is also called "special-occasion speech." - this type should be adapted to the occasion, the audience, and the length of time allotted for it - most speeches belong to this category
entertaining speech
final part of speech
- establish the purpose - gather data - organize the data - write a full script - practice
five step process for manuscript speech preparation
inductive order
give the supporting details before stating the topic sentence
Simon Buchknall of Toastmasters
he says that a speech title is important because it is the headline for your speech and provides a big opportunity to influence your audience. he suggests that a speaker thinks of a title that is pronounceable includes a memorable hook and is relevant to the content of the speech
vocal variety
helps emphasize meaning and create interest in your speech
identify the source of your _______ and use visual aids
appeal to action
if the goal of your speech is to motivate your audience to act, you can use this
creative title
if you want to attract the attention of the audience, think of a ____________ __________
if you want to use these in your speech, utilize features that are relevant.start w/ similarities before differences
- provides knowledge - help audience understand topic to allow them to make an educated choice or decision - may be about a person, a place or an event - you need to have descriptions and definitions as well as adequate visual aids examples: reports, lectures and demonstrations
informative speech (4)
dramatic pauses
intentional breaks to bring out the meaning of a specific passage, can help the listener focus on a startling fact or create a moment that allows him to experience an emotion
it is the intensity or loudness and softness of your voice
logical appeal, e.g., whether the speaker's argument makes sense
personal inventory
make a quick ______of your vocation, hobbies and special interests. jot down anything that comes to your mind no matter how irrelevant it may seem
115- 150 words per minute
most desirable speaking rate falls somewhere between
causal order
most speakers start with causes of the problem, event or situation and then proceed to its effects
time/chronological order
narrates a series of events as they happen. u can use this in speeches that tell a story, explain a process or demonstrate how to do something
key points
no matter what your subject is, three words can help you get your thoughts and organize what you are going to say: past, present and future
one way to arouse the interest of your audience is to start with a quotation
- convince the audience to change their views - you can make use of three modes of persuasion: pathos, ethos and logos - examples are debates, legal proceedings and sales talks
persuasive speech (3)
posture, movement, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions
physical or bodily aspects include: (5)
content, organization, delivery
practical tips for impromptu speech delivery
present a definite point of view, support your point of view, present at least some specific data, link your speech to what previous speakers have said
practical tips in impromptu (content)
- choosing the subject and topic - analyzing the audience - sourcing the info - outlining and organizing speech content
principles for the various steps in speech writing (4)
organization meetings, ambush interviews, classroom discussions
situations like the ff call for an impromptu speech (3)
presentation of high-level awards, welcoming very important dignitaries, speaking contests, oratorical competitions
situations requiring memorized speeches (4)
college lectures, powerpoint, reports to gov agencies, informational speeches, talks about a trip, study, hobby or event, fund-raising and informal campaigns
situations that call for an extempo speech
establish the purpose, gather data, organize the data, write the full script, memorize, practice
six step process for memorized speech preparation
some specific aspect of a subject
deductive order
start with the topic sentence, which is general followed by specific details such as reasons, examples, facts or explanations that support the topic sentence
- write a thesis statement - main points as complete sentences - determine the best order for your speech - write your intro - write the body - write your conclusion - title
steps to make the outline and organize the content of your speech (7)
take a sheet of paper and divide it into eight columns: people, places, things, events, processes, concepts, natural phenomena and problems
the ____ of speech is the number of words an individual utters in one minute
sourcing the info
the advent of the internet has made researching very easy because of the enormous number of materials that are readily available
the easiest way to wrap up a speech is to give the gist of the main points of your speech
impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, memorized
the four types of speeches based on the manner or style in which they are delivered are: ______, ____, _____, __________
these are breaks or interruptions in speech that separate thoughts and ideas
these help explain and give life to speeches
facial expressions
these help to reinforce your words. they should clearly support your verbal message
these make the meaning of a word clear. they can help you prove a certain point or idea
audiovisual aids
these materials allow you to present your speech through the ______/________ channels
these techniques may help you deliver your impromptu speech effectively
voice quality
this can add to or detract from an individual's speech
this can support or detract the communication process.
this describes the combination of vowels, consonants, syllables, and accents a speaker uses to emphasize a specific word
rhetorical question
this does not need to be answered; it just needs to be thought about or reflected on
simple expression of subject
this is a direct way of capturing the main idea of your speech
memorized speech
this is another type of speech that requires the use of exact wording but reading from a manuscript is inappropriate, so you, as speaker, need to commit the speech to memory
manuscript speech
this is presented when exact wording is required, such as in presenting policies, contracts, and scientific reports. it is written out word for word and is delivered by reading the script to the audience
visual delivery
this is the nonverbal aspect of communication. this aspect is important because we communicate many of our thoughts and feelings non-verbally through facial expressions, eye contact or body movements
eye contact
this is very important in visual delivery, through the _____, you can reach the intellect and emotion of your audience and gauge their feedback to your ideas
write the body of ur speech
this is where you go into full detail of each major point of your speech
problem-solution order
this order recognizes the existence of a problem followed by suggestions to solve the given problem
this refers to the actual presentation of the speech. it consists of vocal and physical elements
this refers to the clarity and enunciation of your words, phrases and sentences in a speech. audience must be able to undertand
this refers to the highness or lowness of sounds
this refers to the sound or timbre of the voice. it is the element that makes each speaker's voice unique
extemporaneous speech
this type of speech gives you an opportunity to prepare. you deliver it by referring occasionally either to your outline or to your brief notes, which may help you recall specific points and ideas. you do not however write the whole speech nor memorize it
- predict when you may be called - keep up with developments - have a few good stories & remarks ready
three suggestions for impromptu speeches
personal inventory, clustering, internet search
to brainstorm for topics, bear in mind the principles (3)
objects models overhead projector chalkboards/electronic boards graphs, charts or diagrams maps or slides motion pictures, video recordings or audio recordings computer-generated graphics
types of audio-visual aids that you may choose from
informative, persuasive, entertaining
types of speeches according to purpose
emotional/dramatic statement
use this specifically if you are writing a persuasive speech
used when you make changes in your rate, volume, and pitch to highlight significant words and sentences
using a _______ as your title can be thought-provoking to your audience
voice, pitch, rate, volume, articulation and pronunciation
vocal elements include the speaker's : (6)
we enjoy listening to stories, especially if they are dramatic or suspenseful. make sure it's relevant
you are asked to speak on the spot, and you do not know ahead of time that you will be speaking before a group
you group words and sentences into units of thought to make ideas easier to understand
startling statement
you may begin with a shocking or intriguing statement
body position and movement
your stance, position, poise and body movement can also contribute to your communication good posture = appear more prepared