English IV: Unit 2

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What words in the text describe Cyrano?

poet, swordsman, scientist noble uncommon appearance extraordinary musician *✓ all of these*

One of Christian's conflicts is that he is ___ but lacks wit.

rich, a cadet, or handsome

The series of events that build up to the climax is called ___.

rising action

This statement is false.


The weather forecast said it would be 70

80 degrees today.-Correct

Which correction should be made in this sentence? He was a self made man, but he remained humble despite his success.

A hyphen should be placed between self and made.

Which of these best demonstrates situational irony?

A trapeze artist reveals to her psychiatrist that she is afraid of heights.

What have you learned about the social customs of the historical context of the play?

Dueling in public is okay as long as the rules are followed. Insulting people can get someone killed. Eloquence in speech, art, and music are highly regarded. *✓ all of these*

"Hey, said Cloe. Why are you going the long way to school?"


"Why, Grandma, what a big nose you have"! said Little Red Riding Hood.


When Cyrano hears that his friend is in danger, he goes to his aid despite the threat of having to fight a large number of men. The foreshadowing of this builds ___ in the story.


What does the thief tell Christian that changes his course of action?

Warn Lignière about a plot to murder him.

What are the author's most used characterization techniques?

actions of the characters, characters talking about the characters, and the characters' own words

Which of these endings will complete the statement to create situational irony? An anti-technology group gets its message across by _______.

building a website

When the continuing threats and insults from Cyrano cause a(n) ______ in the resolution, the suspense continues.


The use of ___ from other characters within the play reveals much about the characters.


The one hundred men who have been hired to kill Lignière are a(n) ___ conflict for our hero.


The power that drives the human spirit is _______.


Ted's fear of failure is a major source of ___ conflict in this short story.


The audience's feeling of fear or foreboding is the ___ at the end of Act One.


Which correction should be made in this sentence? Two mules were brought to market

neither of them was sold.-Replace the hyphen with a dash.


new; original

What does the thief stop Christian from doing?

slapping Valvert with a glove

When the audience wonders what is going to happen to Christian concerning Roxane and when he goes to save his friend, this represents ______.

suspense and rising action

Cyrano says that he doesn't cry because he is too ugly to have tears on his face. This is an example of _______.

verbal irony - sarcasm or exaggeration

What does the author leave uncertain that the reader has to infer?

what emotion Mrs. Mallard dies of what exactly Mrs. Mallard wants to do exactly why Mrs. Mallard feels trapped

What actually starts the sword fight between Cyrano and Valvert?

when Valvert draws his sword

My research paper is due in twenty

one hours.-Incorrect

When two _______ ideas are put together, they can unexpectedly express a truth because life is complicated.


A statement like "I must be cruel to be kind" is called a _______.


Which of these sentences is correctly punctuated?

"Nothing," she said, "could keep me from attending this year's fashion show."

Which of these examples of dialogue is punctuated correctly?

"The last time we were here," Mrs. Stern explained, "it rained all day."

To whom belongs the voice that insults the actor Montfleury and tells him to get off the stage?


Who says that Cyrano's nose is like an elephant's trunk, is hooked like an owl's beak, has a wart on the end, and looks like it has a fly walking on it?


The highest point, or climax, in Act One occurs when ______.

Cyrano and Valvert fight

How does the sword fight end?

Cyrano hits Valvert.

What is the main purpose of Cyrano's long speech about his nose to Valvert and creating a poem while he fights him?

Cyrano is humiliating Valvert by showing how much smarter he is.

The mood at the end of Act One is foreboding because ___.

Cyrano is in love with the wrong person

In the sentence, what needs to be corrected?"Grandpa, when you were a young man, did you want . . . to join the army?" asked Kevin.

Nothing needs to be corrected.

short story

a fiction narrative shorter than book-length fiction

Which of these is expressed as the moral of the fable?

-Assumptions about one's own strength can be faulty. -Listening to others can get a person in trouble. -Often, it is better to work together than be better than someone else.

What must be corrected in this sentence? Jennifer wore a lace trimmed dress to her cousin's birthday party.

A hyphen is needed between lace and trimmed.

What does Cyrano tell Le Bret?

He is unconcerned about the enemies he's made; He loves Roxane; He fears being rejected most of all.

What is happening at the end of Scene VII?

A troupe of entertainers and others follow Cyrano to see him protect Lignière.

Marcy shortened the original quote in her paper: "Was . . . anyone hurt?"


The mood at the end of Act One is foreboding mainly because ______.

Cyrano's friend expresses his fear about Cyrano making enemies

The reason for reading literature is to examine ideas over generations of history.


What is the purpose of the author using this kind of language to characterize Cyrano?

It shows that Cyrano is hiding his true feelings; It shows that Cyrano doesn't want sympathy.

Which of these themes is illustrated by Act One?

Many people have self-esteem issues.

Which of these is the best example of situational irony in the story?

Mrs. Mallard dies because of her husband's presence. Mr. Mallard comes home when he was supposed to be dead.

What most likely is the new "farce" (absurd event) that Bellerose wants to rehearse?

another performance for Cyrano

How could this quote by Maya Angelou be meaningful to Mrs. Mallard if she had not died? "If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities."

Mrs. Mallard could have believed that she could change her current situation. Mrs. Mallard could have believed that her husband was not her problem.

Which word from paragraph 9 most expresses a quality of Mrs. Mallard's human spirit?


What evidence from the text best supports this answer?

The Burgher to his son: It's as if we were in some den of evil! It resembles an indoor tennis court, decorated and fitted out for theatrical performances. The audience . . . Cavaliers, Burghers, Lackeys, Pages, Thieves . . . *✓ all of these*

Which of these is a paradox?

The faster we work, the more we fall behind.

What must be corrected in this sentence? There was no reason to think so-none whatever.

The hyphen should be replaced with a dash.

Which of these is an example of a paradox?

The silence was deafening.


a feeling achieved when someone views art and releases emotions to become renewed

According to the text, what is the human spirit?

a life force


a play that has a script for actors to perform


a story that tells a moral or a truth

In the drama Cyrano de Bergerac, the dialogue tells about the main ______ and their conflicts.


A book

length work of fiction is a(n) ___.-novel

When the police officer accidentally handcuffs herself, _______ occurs.

situational irony

What is Christian's goal when he attends the theater?

to see the woman he is in love with

Why is Cyrano brave enough to take on the 100 men who want to kill Lignière?

He is a skilled swordsman and he thinks Roxane loves him.

In a plot structure, the (1) gives important background information in a story. The (2) is the series of events that build up to the climax. Foreshadowing is also (3) suspense here. The (4) action begins after the climax and resolves the problems in the story. This is where the loose ends are being wrapped up to the end. The (5) is the final end of the problems.

exposition rising action creating falling action resolution

What is the purpose of the situational irony in the story?

to show the power of a defeated human spirit to expose the error of Mrs. Mallard's thinking

Which paragraph is the best summary?

A woman who has a heart problem has been told her husband is dead. She gets upset, but then she gets excited about becoming a free woman. When her husband shows up, she dies. The doctor says she died of happiness, but it was because of her disappointment.

What is the power that drives the human spirit?


The _______ is the life force that animates the body.

human spirit

How does Cyrano react to the Meddler, whom he accuses of staring at his nose?

He says a man with a big nose is witty, generous, and courageous. He says a large nose is a sign of someone who is kind and courteous. He says a large nose is a sign of someone who is kind and courteous, he says a man with a big nose is witty, generous, and courageous, and he says he is proud of his nose. He kicks the Meddler on his backside. He says he is proud of his nose. *✓ all of these*

Which of these is an example of situational irony?

A farmer's children have nothing to eat.

When Christian wants to talk to Valvert about Roxane, what does Lignière say?

You will get killed

"Why, Grandma, what a big nose you have!" said Little Red Riding Hood.


A pickpocket tries to steal from Christian.

External conflict

De Guiche stands in the way of Christian and Roxane.

External conflict

How is Christian described?


What does Lignière say to Christian about Count de Guiche, who is sitting next to Roxane?

He is powerful and wants Roxane to marry Monsieur de Valvert.

What does Cyrano do when Bellerose tells him that the audience's money needs to be refunded?

He throws him a bag of money.

A Russian American trading company was organized in 1781.


A well written story has characters that seem real and believable.


Marcie found the necklace in the grass and said. "I wonder who this belongs to?"


Cyrano thinks that he is unlovable because of his large nose.

Internal conflict

Who are the two characters who enter at the end of the scene?

Lignière and Christian

Which of the authors' quotations from this Lesson best illustrates the theme of "The Lioness and the Ostrich"?

Luc de Clapiers's

War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. (1984, Orwell)


What is Cyrano's occupation as voiced by Cuigy?

a Cadet in the Guards

Birds and cats are natural enemies, but this crow fed and protected a kitten.


The man who begs his girlfriend to marry him, leaves her waiting at the altar.


The person who constantly dreamed of being rich gave all her inheritance away.


(1) is when the opposite of what is expected happens. It concerns the (2) of a story. An author may use it for humor or (3). Another reason may be to expose the (4) of a character or a cultural practice.

Situational irony circumstances shock foolishness


a category of art defined by a particular kind of content, form, or style

What is the conversation about between the Duenna and Cyrano?

The Duenna tells Cyrano that Roxane wants to speak to him.

Which sentence best describes the setting of Scene I?

The setting takes place at a hotel's theater in France in the 1600s; The tone is very busy with all different kinds of people and purposes.

Why is the answer the best theme?

The two main characters worry about rejection.

What problems have been introduced since Scene I?

a nobleman wanting Roxane to marry a friend an assassination plot on Lignière Christian's unrequited love for Roxane Cyrano making Count de Valvert angry Christian's fear that Roxane will think him dumb and not very witty Cyrano's idea about his nose and the threats he makes

How would you characterize Cyrano?

an attention seeker, someone with a death wish, and an entertainer

The writer may provide a(n) ___ at the end of the story that reflects on the theme.


Much about Cyrano as a character is revealed through ___.


Words that are omitted in a quotation are indicated by a(n) ___.


At the beginning of the story, in the exposition, the writer should try to (1) the reader by setting out the problem. This can be done through narration or (2). A writer should also use (3) words and imagery to describe events, setting, and/or characters. The writer should also add (4) and reflection with the narration and dialogue.The Latin word ad nauseam, which means "the discussion has continued to the point of nausea," provides (5) because the reader can picture how the character feels. The writer may also provide a(n) (6) at the end of the story that reflects on the theme.

engage dialouge precise commentary imagery conclusion

Which punctuation should be added in the quotation to show an omission of words? "We hold these truths to be self

evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ___ Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."-ellipsis

The conflict in the following sentence is ___. Katrina wants to go to college but will have to work full-time while taking classes.


(1) is to give a hint or indication of a future event in a story. It is (2) information that helps a reader understand the future events, as well. (3) is the tension and excitement caused by the delay of the climax and resolution. Audiences get emotionally (4) with characters whom they may identify with or care about. When the climax comes, there is a release of (5) either joy or sadness, depending on the outcome. Each character in a story has a conflict that (6) the plot. Additional conflicts cause (7) or plots within the main plot, to develop.

foreshadow background suspense involved emotion drives subplots

What about Christian might influence the action of the play?

his good looks, being a soldier, and his friends and associations

The conflict in the following sentence is ___.Joel wants to compete in the talent contest, but he is afraid of performing in front of a crowd.


Which of these endings will complete the statement to create a paradox? The best rule to follow is to _______.

never follow rules

The idea that Cyrano is so brave when he thinks Roxane likes him relates to _________.

showing the "heroic" and "honorable" behaviors of that culture showing how the human spirit works showing that his self-esteem is greater now *✓ all of these*

Which historical and cultural belief most contributes to Mrs. Mallard's demise?

the idea that women serve their husbands

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