EOC US History

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Passed in 1924, the Dawes Plan served to resolve dispute over reparations owed by Germany from WWI. It also created connections between German industry and American banks. Despite popular sentiment at the time, what doctrine did the Dawes Plan go against?


Which of the following was the main objective of the Granger Movement in the late 19th century?

lowering the freight rates of railroads

Which group most favored the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882?

nativists on the West Coast

Which of the following describes the Open Door policy of the 20th century?

open access to China for American investment and commercial interests

What was the first industry to be regulated by the United States government?


Following the Civil War, American farmers supported which of the following?

the Granger Movement against railroads

Which event was the cause for the secession of the first seven southern states in 1861?

the election of Abraham Lincoln

The Kansas-Nebraska Act concerned which issue?

the expansion of slavery into new territories

What did American farmers in the late 1880s see as their two main problems?

the gold standard and excessive freight charges by railroads

What was a consequence of the rapid growth of cities in the late 1800s?

the rapid growth of tenements and ghettos

Which useful function was served by the political machines of the late 1800s?

they assisted in the social and political assimilation of immigrants into the community

What was the main purpose of the reservation system?

to clear federal lands for settlement by railroads, ranchers and farmers

What was the primary goal of the Dawes Act of 1887?

to integrate Native Americans into mainstream society

Which of the following was the primary purpose of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

to prevent international conflicts from leading to war

What was the main purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887?

to prevent railroads from charging farmers and merchants high shipping rates

What was the main purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887?

to regulate and prevent railroads from charging farmers and merchants high shipping rates

These steps are all performed by a single company: Step 1: Owning a hog farm Step 2: Owning a slaughterhouse where the hogs are prepared Step 3: Owning transportation that allows the product to get out to the national market Which of the following best describes these steps?

vertical integration

The _________ Amendment was ratified in 1870. It prohibited states from denying any citizen the right to vote on the basis of race or previous "servitude"


During the "Hundred Days" of the New Deal which of the following concerns was NOT addressed? A. Court restructuring B. Banking regulation C. Unemployment relief D. Homeowner mortgage support

A. Court restructuring

The quote below comes from a speech given by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964: "I submit, for the consideration of the Congress and the country, the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The Act does not merely expand old programs or improve what is already being done. It charts a new course...It can be a milestone in our one-hundred-eighty year search for a better life for our people." President Johnson gave this speech because the U.S. faced which of these problems? A. High level of poverty B. Failure to pass a minimum wage law C. Widespread unemployment D. Unequal pay for women

A. High level of poverty

Which New Deal agency constructed a series of dams that produced hydro-electricity A. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) B. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) C. SEC D. FDIC

A. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Who was responsible for the growth of the Florida East Coast in the late 19th century? A) Andrew Carnegie B) Sarah Goode C) Henry Flagler D) Thomas Edison

C) Henry Flagler

In 1861, which event was the catalyst for secession of the first seven southern states? A) passage of a higher protective tariff B) issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation C) the election of Abraham Lincoln as President D) the shipment of Union supplies to Fort Sumter

C) the election of Abraham Lincoln as President

What did African-American writers, artists, and musicians hope to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance? A) to display their ability as conscientious workers in the workplace B) to show that the pursuit of material success could produce great tragedy C) to demonstrate that African Americans could produce great works of literature and art D) to reveal that conditions for African Americans in the South were almost as bad as the North

C) to demonstrate that African Americans could produce great works of literature and art

Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens? A)1st B)13th C)14th D)15th


Which tactic was sometimes used by management to resist the demands of labor? A)Strike B)Boycott C)Lockout D)Picket Line


Which of the following was a government agency created to influence public opinion on American participation in World War I?

Committee on Public Information

Under the ________________________, California was admitted as a free state, the sale of slaves was banned in D.C., and the Fugitive Slave Act was enacted.

Compromise of 1850

Who founded the political party known as the Black Panthers? A. Malcolm X B. Rosa Parks C. Stokely Carmichael D. Huey Newton

D. Huey Newton

During WWI, many German Americans faced backlash and harassment because of their heritage and connection to Germany. Measures were taken to restrict German language education, media production, and other cultural factors, and German American's were often attacked. Which of the following was NOT a result of these actions?

Families encouraged relatives to move the U.S. to increase the German population

This was a group formed to educate farmers about topics such as interest rates on loans and government control of banks and railroads. Membership grew to almost 4 million.

Farmers Alliance

How was Florida impacted from Henry Flagler's involvement in the completion of the Florida East Coast Railroad?

Flagler made a significant contribution to Florida's economy through tourism and agriculture

This was established by Congress in March of 1865 to help former slaves adjust to freedom.

Freedmen's Bureau

The Dawes Act, passed in 1887, initiated widespread restructuring of Native American society, including changes to gender roles and land ownership. These shifts reflected a traditional capitalist structure. Based on these effects, what can be concluded about the purpose of the Dawes Act?

It was intended to make Native American society more like America's image of a "correct" society

After the start of WWII, the American people did not want to be involved in the conflict until the attacks on Pearl Harbor. After Pearl Harbor, there was overwhelming public support for joining the war. What does this say about how the United States viewed the war?

It went from a foreign conflict to a personal attack

Who is credited with putting the book together called "How the Other Half Lives"?

Jacob Riis

Which exiled Cuban leader raised money in Ybor City and other cities in Florida to organize a new revolt against Spanish rule in Cuba?

Jose Marti

This labor union was created in 1869 and supported an 8 hour workday and equal pay for equal work.

Knights of Labor

Which party adopted a platform containing demands for the American farmers?

Populist Party

What did sharecropping enable Southern landowners to do following the Civil War?

Preserve the labor force and some control over African Americans that existed under slavery

Which two groups most helped the freedmen during the Reconstruction Era?

Radical Republicans and Carpetbaggers

This court case gave women the right to have an abortion

Roe v. Wade

Who is credited with the invention of the fold-away bed?

Sarah Goode

The Fundamentalist Movement was a reaction to modernism and a rejection of the leisure and consumerism of the 1920s in favor of traditional Protestant values. These beliefs and confrontations led to what phenomena?

Scopes Trial

Historians refer to this time period as a low point in American race relations

The Nadir

By the end of the 1920s, the production of Henry Ford's model T automobile resulted in which of the following?

widespread purchase of automobiles by average American families

This cartoon, published in 1898, is an example of which of the following?

yellow journalism

The _____ Amendment abolished slavery


The __________ Amendment abolished slavery.


Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens?


The _______ Amendment was ratified in 1870. It prohibited states from denying any citizen the right to vote on the basis of race or previous "servitude"


What was the main economic challenge faced by American farmers in the late 19th century? A) Agricultural overproduction led to falling prices for their crops B) The declining U.S. population led to reduced demand for food C) The arrival of European immigrants led to overcrowding on the Great Plains D) Intensive farming had reduced the prairies and Great Plains to fields of dust

A) Agricultural overproduction led to falling prices for their crops

Which American plan helped to restore prosperity to Europe in the mid-1920s? A) Dawes Plan B) Marshall Plan C) Dollar Diplomacy D) Open-Door Policy

A) Dawes Plan

Long-Term Causes of WWI in Europe · Nationalism · Imperialism · Militarism · Which phrase completes the box? A) Entangling Alliance System B) Social Revolution C) Drought and Famine D) Worldwide Economic Depression

A) Entangling Alliance System

How did the Zimmermann Telegram contribute to U.S. involvement in World War I? A) It contained a promise by Germany for aid to help Mexico regain lost territory B) It revealed Germany's intention to invade Belgium C) It revealed Germany's responsibility for the assassination in the Balkans D) It revealed Germany's disagreement with Spain over the succession of the throne

A) It contained a promise by Germany for aid to help Mexico regain lost territory

What was the impact of the Dawes Act of 1887 on Native Americans? A) It eliminated Native American communal lands and destroyed tribal life B) It integrated the Native American population with newly arrived immigrants C) It granted full citizenship and equality for Native Americans in exchange for military service D) It strengthened the Native American culture by restoring reservation lands to tribal ownership

A) It eliminated Native American communal lands and destroyed tribal life

Image " cartoon appearing in Puck magazine, Jan 23, 1889." What message is the cartoonist sending by portraying the monopolists as larger in size than the senators? A) The monopolists have more power to influence the government B) The monopolists represent the majority of the population C) The monopolists work harder D) The monopolists voice the concerns of the people more effectively

A) The monopolists have more power to influence the government

What role did Cuban-American communities in Florida play in the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? A) They contributed money to Jose Marti and other Cuban revolutionaries B) They secretly exploded the U.S.S. Maine to bring the U.S. to war C) They encouraged the government to build defensive fortifications around Tampa D) They brought Cuban methods of sugar production to Florida

A) They contributed money to Jose Marti and other Cuban revolutionaries

The information below lists several major strikes in the late 19th century · Homestead Strike (1892) · Pullman Strike (1894) · Coal Mine Strike (1902) How were these major strikes similar? A) They ended in important defeats for organized labor B) They were stopped by the intervention of the U.S. Army C) They were secretly organized by the American Socialist Party D) They led to armed conflicts between workers and the Pinkertons

A) They ended in important defeats for organized labor

Which statement best describes the American labor movement in the late 19th century? A) Workers organized their own labor unions against harsh conditions despite public hostility B) Government officials encouraged workers to form labor unions C) Union leaders were unable to recruit members because most workers were satisfied with their conditions D) Disagreements between native-born and immigrant workers made the organization of labor unions almost impossible

A) Workers organized their own labor unions against harsh conditions despite public hostility

How did the federal government pay for the costs of World War I? A) by raising taxes and selling war bonds B) by investing money lent by Britain and France C) by confiscating the property of German Americans D) by demanding free goods and services from American businesses

A) by raising taxes and selling war bonds

Read the following information about a movement associated with Washington Gladden and answer the question below "The Social Gospel Movement was a religious movement of the late 19th century. The ministers of this movement encouraged people to help other people, especially the less fortunate. This movement also stressed the idea that wealth should be shared with others." Which characteristic does this movement have in common with political machines A) providing aid to immigrants B) maintaining a strict hierarchy C) taking control of local governments D) controlling the outcome of elections

A) providing aid to immigrants

What were the major consequences of the Civil War? A) the end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the federal government B) recognition of the rights of states to leave the Union and to nullify federal laws C) an end to racial discrimination and establishment of social equality throughout the nation D) the abolition of slavery in all Northern states and in all federal territories north of 36 30' N

A) the end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the federal government

To receive a pardon under Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan, Southerners had to take an oath of loyalty to the United States. What did Southerners have to agree to under this plan? A) to never secede again B) to accept slaves were now free C) to set up schools for freedmen D) to pay damages to the North

A) to never secede again

How did the patent system encourage inventiveness? A)It guaranteed an inventor sole rights to the use of his or her invention for a limited time B)It guaranteed inventors a fee if they successfully applied and were granted a patent C)It ensured that inventors could locate manufacturers to produce their inventions D)It advertised an invention so that the inventor could sell more products faster

A)It guaranteed an inventor sole rights to the use of his or her invention for a limited time

Which entrepreneur is NOT correctly paired with his field? A)John D. Rockefeller-telecommunications B)Andrew Carnegie-steel C)Gustavus Swift-meat-packing D)J.P. Morgan-finance E)Cornelius Vanderbilt-railroads

A)John D. Rockefeller -telecommunications

"My fellow citizens of the world; ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man..."John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, 1961 Which program was started by President Kennedy to further the ideals expressed in this part of his Inaugural Address A. Peace Corps B. Space Program C. South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) D. Opening of relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC)

A. Peace Corps

Which of the following shows the correct sequence of events in WWII?2 A. Pearl Harbor; Battle of Midway; D-Day; VE-Day; VJ-Day B. Pearl Harbor; Battle of Midway; VJ-Day; D-Day; VE-Day C. Battle of Midway; D-Day; VE-Day; Pearl Harbor; VJ-Day D. None of the above

A. Pearl Harbor; Battle of Midway; D-Day; VE-Day; VJ-Day

Which step was taken by Herbert Hoover as head of the U.S. Food Administration during World War I? A. Persuading Americans to eat less wheat and meat Persuading Americans to eat less wheat and meat B. Rationing food on the home front with ration coupons Rationing food on the home front with ration coupons C. Prohibiting the migration of farm workers to jobs in Prohibiting the migration of farm workers to jobs in cities cities D. Directing farmers to grow fewer crops to maintain Directing farmers to grow fewer crops to maintain food prices

A. Persuading Americans to eat less wheat and meat Persuading Americans to eat less wheat and meat

Which of the following Second New Deal programs provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed? A. The Social Security Act B. The Tennessee Valley Authority C. The National Industry Recovery Act D. The National Labor Relations Board

A. The Social Security Act

Executive Order 9981 (below) was issued by President Harry Truman in 1948. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin. What was the immediate impact of Executive Order of 9981? A. The armed forces of the United States were desegregated B. Free education was promised to veterans who had served in WWII C. Southern members of the Democratic Party left and formed a new political party D. Equal opportunity in education was established to promote advances in science and mathematics

A. The armed forces of the United States were desegregated

The Teller Amendment had been passed to declare war to protect Cuba, not annex it. As a part of the peace treaty, the United States passed the Platt Amendment that restricted Cuba's abilities to sign treaties without the United States. What did the passing of the Platt Amendment represent?

American Imperialism

Which of the following industrialists was responsible for using the Bessemer Process to mass produce steel?

Andrew Carnegie

After Lincoln was assassinated, ____________________ took over as President of the United States

Andrew Johnson

Many immigrants from Japan checked in at ____________________ in the San Francisco Bay.

Angel Island

Which group of Americans fought under French command during WWI but did not have combat roles in the U.S. Army? A) women volunteers B) African Americans C) Hispanic Americans D) conscientious objectors

B) African Americans

Which argument was used by the supporters of Prohibition? A) Several religions support the use of alcohol in their ceremonies Which argument was used by the supporters of Prohibition? A) Several religions support the use of alcohol in their ceremonies B) Alcoholic beverages lead to poverty, crime, and the breakdown of families C) Attempting to regulate alcohol will simply encourage the growth of organized crime D) People should be able to make their own moral choices without government interference

B) Alcoholic beverages lead to poverty, crime, and the breakdown of families

What were the economic effects of demobilization after WWI? A) New federal agencies developed during the war, remained in control of the economy even after the return of peace B) Americans suffered a mild recession as soldiers returned from war and industries shifted back to peacetime production C) The United States incurred vast wartime debts to France and Great Britain, which slowed its post war economic recovery D) Because of a lack of foreign demand for American goods, Americans fell into a serious depression lasting almost a decade

B) Americans suffered a mild recession as soldiers returned from war and industries shifted back to peacetime production

How were the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 similar? A) Both permitted slavery across the North B) Both resolved disputes over whether to admit territories as new states C) Both limited the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories D) Both included provisions for the return of the escaped slaves to their owners

B) Both resolved disputes over whether to admit territories as new states

The Venn diagram below compares two industrial revolutions First Industrial Revolution Steam Power Factory System Steamboats and Railroads ? Second Industrial Revolution New Processes for making steel Oil and Electrical Industries Growth of National market Which best completes the diagram? A) Warfare Brings New Inventions B) Innovations Stimulate Economic Growth C) Foreign Competition Threatens Prosperity D) Government Subsidies Encourage Inventors

B) Innovations Stimulate Economic Growth

The diagram below provides details about legislation during the Progressive Era Meat Inspection Act of 1906->Impact ? Which phrase completes the diagram? A) Encouraged U.S. consumers to buy local beef B) Insured the safety of meat eaten by consumers C) Helped American ranchers by taxing foreign beef D) Led to public criticism of meat-packing processors

B) Insured the safety of meat eaten by consumers

Read the following excerpt and answer the question below "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled... ...that in all cases where any tribe or band of Indians has been... ...to allot the lands in said reservation in severalty to any Indian located thereon in quantities as follows: To each head of a family, one-quarter of a section; To each single person over 18 years of age, one-eighth of a section; To each orphan child under 18 years of age, one-eighth of a section; and To each other single person under 18 years now living, or who may be born prior to the date of the order of the President directing an allotment of the lands embraced in any reservation, one-sixteenth of a section. " Why was the Dawes Act a significant step towards assimilation of Native Americans? A) It allowed Native Americans to buy and sell land B) It granted land ownership to individual Native Americans C) It granted Native Americans the choice to accept the land or move to the city D) It provided economic assistance for Native American farmers to purchase land

B) It granted land ownership to individual Native Americans

Which statement describes how the 13th Amendment affected African Americans? A) It made racial discrimination illegal B) It made involuntary servitude illegal C) It outlined the characteristics of citizenship D) It permitted male citizens to join the military

B) It made involuntary servitude illegal

Why was Hawaii important to America during imperialism? A) It was a tropical paradise B) It was an important source of sugarcane C) It was rich in minerals, timber, and oil D) It was the site of a critical refueling station

B) It was an important source of sugarcane

Why did the United States Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919? A) Many Senators opposed the severe sanctions that the treaty placed on Germany B) Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the U.S. in foreign wars C) Many Senators felt the League of Nations would interfere with American plans in the Philippines D) Many Senators predicted that membership in the new League of Nations would be too expensive

B) Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the U.S. in foreign wars

Why was the conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti in 1921 socially divisive? A) Many hoped Sacco and Vanzetti would become leaders of an anarchist revolution B) Many saw their conviction as the result of prejudice against immigrants C) Many thought Sacco and Vanzetti should be deported without a trial D) Many believed that Sacco and Vanzetti had acted in self-defense

B) Many saw their conviction as the result of prejudice against immigrants

Which of these is an example of a Jim Crow law? A) Enslaved persons who escape to the North must be returned to their owner B) People of different races cannot be permitted to use the same public facilities C) People whose grandfathers were able to vote area also automatically entitled to vote D) African Americans cannot travel from their own towns to other places without a special pass

B) People of different races cannot be permitted to use the same public facilities

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by an State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude Which practices were introduced to Southern states after Reconstruction to avoid following this amendment? A) African American freedmen increased their participation in government in the nation's first experiment in biracial democracy B) Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens C) White and black children in southern states were required to attend separate, racially segregated public schools, and to use separate play grounds D) "Jim Crow" laws imposed racial segregation in public places

B) Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens

The cartoon below was published by Thomas Nast in the 1870s What is the view of the cartoonist about the power of Tammany Hall in New York City? A) New York City government was unaffected by Tammany Hall B) Tammany Hall maintained its power by falsifying vote counts in elections C) Immigrants were happy to vote for Tammany Hall to repay it for its services D) Many ordinary citizens felt powerful because Tammany Hall listened to them

B) Tammany Hall maintained its power by falsifying vote counts in elections

How did most labor union members feel about the rapid influx of immigrants between 1870 and 1900? A) They worried that the costs of urban housing would go down B) They feared that immigrants might take their jobs for lower wages C) They welcomed the arrival of diverse peoples and different foods D) They hoped that the arrival of immigrants would bring more cultural activities to the United States

B) They feared that immigrants might take their jobs for lower wages

What was the role of settlement houses in late 19th century America? A) They offered free education to former slaves in the South B) They offered English classes and other services to poor immigrants C) They provided favors for immigrants in exchange for receiving their votes in local elections D) They organized workers to achieve better conditions through strikes and collective bargaining

B) They offered English classes and other services to poor immigrants

Which statement describes a reason for greater support of suffrage and less discrimination against women in the 1920s? A) Women generally obtained higher college degrees than men B) Women had effectively filled the jobs of men during the war C) Women acknowledged the importance of traditional gender roles D) Women had created a separate political party to address unfair laws

B) Women had effectively filled the jobs of men during the war

How did the Committee of Public Information prepare Americans for war during WWI? A) by overseeing wartime production B) by creating posters, newsreels, and pamphlets C) by raising money to help pay for the war effort D) by conscripting young men into the armed forces

B) by creating posters, newsreels, and pamphlets

Who benefited from the use of standardized time and time zones when they were introduced? A) telephone and telegraph operators B) railroad companies and train travelers C) manufacturers who dealt in interstate trade D) factory owners whose workers had set schedules

B) railroad companies and train travelers

Which event led to the outbreak of WWI in Europe? A) the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany B) the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand C) submarine attacks on merchant shipping in the Atlantic D) a dispute with the Soviet Union over the future of Eastern Europe

B) the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Read the excerpt below from William Jennings Bryan "Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the street of every city in the country...We...answer...their demand for a gold standard by saying...You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Which economic policy did Bryan warn against in his speech? A) cooperatives B) the gold standard C) the "free silver" policy D) the separation of church and state

B) the gold standard

What constitutional issue was addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Schenck v. United States (1919)? A) freedom of religion in wartime B) the limits of free speech in wartime C) racial segregation in public schools D) whether specific ethnic groups could be lawfully interned in wartime

B) the limits of free speech in wartime

What was the main purpose of the reservation system? A) to make the new transcontinental railroad safer to operate B) to clear federal lands for settlement by railroads, ranchers, and farmers C) to provide employment for Union troops and veterans after the Civil War D) to make it easier for Indians to assimilate into mainstream American culture

B) to clear federal lands for settlement by railroads, ranchers, and farmers

This person was born into slavery and believed all African Americans should learn a trade A)W.E.B. DuBois B)Booker T Washington C)Ida B Wells D)None of the above

B)Booker T Washington

Which African American inventor is credited with over 50 patents on lubricating systems for steam engines? A)Garrett Morgan B)Elijah McCoy C)Sarah Goode D)John Burr

B)Elijah McCoy

What goal motivated Henry Flagler to build the Florida East Coast Railway? A)To encourage the U.S. government to build a canal in Panama B)To bring tourists to the luxury hotels he had built along the Florida coastline C)To create a refuge for people immigrating to the U.S. from Latin America D)To build a "dream town" with money he had made from his partnership with John D. Rockefeller

B)To bring tourists to the luxury hotels he had built along the Florida coastline

Before 1898, most Americans had opposed imperialism. Why did imperialism suddenly become more popular in the U.S. by the end of the century? A. Americans felt it was against the principles of democracy to rule over others B. Americans wanted to sell goods to new markets and buy raw materials for new industries C. Americans wanted to rule others because America had once been a British colony D. Americans feared imperialism would bring the U.S. into conflict with other powers

B. Americans wanted to sell goods to new markets and buy raw materials for new industries

Which group of adult males, ages 21 to 30, was NOT required to serve in the U.S. military during World War I? A. African Americans B. Conscientious objectors C. People who opposed the war D. American Indians with U.S. citizenship

B. Conscientious objectors

What did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., urge his followers to do in order to bring about racial justice? A. File lawsuits against segregationists B. Engage in acts of civil disobedience C. Lobby Congress for reparations payments D. Vote only for African American candidates

B. Engage in acts of civil disobedience

What did the rejection of the League of Nations, the higher tariffs imposed by the Fordney-McCumber Act, and the Emergency Quota Act all point to during the early 1920s? A. Increasing militarism B. Increasing isolationism C. Increasing imperialism D. Increasing internationalism

B. Increasing isolationism

A period of general fear of communists and anarchists A. Imperialism B. Red Scare C. Prohibition D. Isolationism

B. Red Scare

How did engineers overcome the obstacles that the geography of Panama posed the building of the Panama Canal? A. They built new paved roads so that a greater number of dump trucks could remove the excavated earth. B. They sprayed insecticides to kill mosquitoes and built concrete locks to raise ships to a higher elevation C. They used steam shovels to dredge the interior lake and bring its elevation down to sea level to build a sea-level canal.

B. They sprayed insecticides to kill mosquitoes and built concrete locks to raise ships to a higher elevation

Who wrote The Jungle ? A. Booker T. Washington B. Upton Sinclair C. Langston Hughes D. W.E.B. DuBois

B. Upton Sinclair

Which battle was the turning point in the Civil War?

Battle of Gettysburg

________________________ were rules and laws that attempted to keep freedmen in a state of slavery

Black Codes

This Civil Rights activist was born into slavery and titled his autobiography Up From Slavery. He urged African Americans to be patient and learn a trade. He also founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.

Booker T Washington

Which amendment did Southern States violate when they imposed restrictive laws on African Americans. This amendment also guaranteed "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens. A) 1st Amendment B) 13th Amendment C) 14th Amendment D) 15th Amendment

C) 14th Amendment

Which problem did American factory workers face in the late 19th century? A) Factory owners required all workers to join unions B) Workers often lacked a means of transportation to their factories C) Factory workers in many industries faced periodic unemployment D) Factory owners demanded that their workers obtain more education

C) Factory workers in many industries faced periodic unemployment

How did the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1927 promote international peace? A) Nations pledged to create a League of Nations B) France and Britain excused Germany from paying reparations C) Fifteen nations agreed to give up war as an instrument of policy D) The five naval powers agreed to limit the number of their warships

C) Fifteen nations agreed to give up war as an instrument of policy

What was significant about the Scopes Trial? A) There was little interest in educational issues in the 1920s B) The federal government required all states to teach evolution in their schools C) Fundamentalists in rural areas opposed the teaching of evolution in public schools D) The practice of racial segregation was affirmed in public schools throughout the South

C) Fundamentalists in rural areas opposed the teaching of evolution in public schools

Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's objectives in the American Civil War? A) He set out to fight a war of abolition and free the slaves in the Southern states B) He wanted to invade the South to take over the plantations in order to boost the economy of the North and supply textile mills with cheap cotton C) He wanted to preserve the Union D) He realized that an alliance between France, Britain, and the Confederacy would be a major threat that could take over the entire U.S.

C) He wanted to preserve the Union

How did the implementation of trench warfare affect the course of WWI? A) It allowed the Allies to cut enemy supply lines B) It allowed greater mobility along the frontlines C) It led to a stalemate that prolonged the conflict D) It gave the Allies a greater communication advantage

C) It led to a stalemate that prolonged the conflict

What was a benefit of the laissez faire policies practiced during the Second Industrial Revolution? A) Business owners helped pay for many of the expenses of government B) Businesses avoided corruption by following their own codes of ethics C) Many American industries, such as railroads, steel and oil, achieved rapid growth D) Businesses were motivated to provide good pay and fair working conditions to their employees

C) Many American industries, such as railroads, steel and oil, achieved rapid growth

How did U.S. tariffs affect the economy during the 1920s? A) U.S. companies fought tariffs because they believed in open markets B) Foreign countries could not afford to buy U.S. exports or repay U.S. loans C) Prices for U.S. goods were kept high, so fewer people could afford to buy them D) Factories increased production to keep up with the demand for U.S. exports

C) Prices for U.S. goods were kept high, so fewer people could afford to buy them

How did the Radical Republican program for Reconstruction differ from President Lincoln's "Ten-Percent Plan"? A) Radical Republicans wanted to pardon former Confederate leaders B) Radical Republicans wanted freedmen to migrate to Canada C) Radical Republicans imposed a civil rights act and military occupation D) Radical Republicans denied that freedmen should be given equal rights

C) Radical Republicans imposed a civil rights act and military occupation

The excerpt from below is from President Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." In this excerpt, what view does Lincoln express about future Reconstruction? A) The damage done to the Union by the South can never be fully repaired B) The South must be severely punished for having threatened the Union C) The South should be welcomed back to the Union with justice and kindness D) Confederates should be banned from public life for their role in causing the Civil War

C) The South should be welcomed back to the Union with justice and kindness

Which is the best contemporary definition of a "scalawag"? A) a Northern abolitionist who supported the Freedmen's Bureau B) a Northerner who came to the South after the Civil War C) a white Southerner who supported Reconstruction D) a freedman entitled to vote

C) a white Southerner who supported Reconstruction

Attacks on American cargo ships by German submarines led to the development of which of the following? A) cost plus system B) liberty ships C) convoy system D) victory garden

C) convoy system

Read the information and answer the question below. The Sherman Antitrust Act authorized the Federal Government to institute proceedings against trust in order to dissolve them Source: NARA Which phrase explains the goal of this congressional action that was taken in 1890? A) protecting natural resources from overconsumption B) assisting labor unions in improving workplace conditions C) enabling smaller companies to compete in the marketplace D) consolidating important companies to maintain national security

C) enabling smaller companies to compete in the marketplace

The excerpt below is from a treaty signed by the United States in 1922. "Article IV The total capital ship replacement tonnage of each of the Contracting Powers shall not exceed in standard displacement, for the U.S. 525,000 tons; for the British 525,000 tons; for France 175,000 tons; for Italy 175,000 tons; for Japan 315,000 tons." What was the primary object of this treaty? A) to maintain freedom of the seas B) to promote open trade between different regions of the world C) to limit the destructiveness of war by limiting the number or warships D) to help the British police their vast empire without foreign interference

C) to limit the destructiveness of war by limiting the number or warships

What was Lincoln's main goal at the outset of the war? A)Free the slaves B)Cutoff shipment of Confederacy supplies C)Preserve the Union D)Build railroad for transportation of troops and supplies

C)Preserve the Union

Which event was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven Southern states? A)Passage of a higher protective tariff B)Issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation C)The election of Abraham Lincoln as President D)The shipment of Union supplies to Fort Sumter

C)The election of Abraham Lincoln as President

Which identifies an accomplishment of Thomas Edison and his team of researchers at his lab in New Jersey? A)The first telephone B)The first steam engine C)The first practical light bulb D)The first internal combustion engine

C)The first practical light bulb

How did the "New Immigrants" differ from the "Old Immigrants"? A) Most of them were Protestants B)Most of them spoke very little English C)They came seeking economic opportunities D)They were generally accepted by native-born Americans

C)They came seeking economic opportunities

The peace agreement between Egypt and Israel was known as A. WIN Act B. Helsinki Accords C. Camp David Accords D. OPEC

C. Camp David Accords

President Franklin Roosevelt made the statement below in his annual message to Congress on January 6, 1941. "I also ask this Congress for the authority and for funds sufficient to manufacture additional munitions and war supplies of many kinds, to be turned over to those nations which are now in actual war with aggressor nations. Our most useful and immediate role is to act as an arsenal for them as well as for ourselves. They do not need man power, but they do need billions of dollars' worth of weapons in defense. The time is near when they will not be able to pay for them all in ready cash. We cannot, and we will not, tell them that they must surrender, merely because of present inability to pay for the weapons which we know they must have." What measure did President Roosevelt urge Congress to pass in this message? A. Neutrality Act B. Quarantine Act C. Lend-Lease Act D. Exchange of arms for leases to bases

C. Lend-Lease Act

•The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created •National Defense Education Act was passed •Increased federal money was provided to improve schools, especially in math and science Which event sparked these changes A. Mao Zedong led a successful Communist revolution in China B. North Korea crossed over into South Korea C. The Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik D. None of the above

C. The Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik

Which of these conditions was an economic cause of the Cold War in Europe? A. Stalin resented the fact that the Western Allies had delayed the invasion of France during the war B. Truman failed to share the secrets of the atomic bomb at the Potsdam Conference C. The U.S. had a capitalist system while the Soviet Union had Communist system with central planning D. Stalin felt the Soviet Union had the right to establish a "sphere of influence" in Eastern Europe

C. The U.S. had a capitalist system while the Soviet Union had Communist system with central planning

Northerners who came to the South after the Civil War to help freedmen and look for possible business opportunities were known as _________________________.


Which piece of legislation state that no citizen may be denied the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"? A) 2nd Amendment B) 8th Amendment C) 10th Amendment D) 15th Amendment

D) 15th Amendment

How did Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois differ on civil rights for African Americans? A) Booker T. demanded immediate equality, while DuBois thought it was better to wait B) Booker T. favored the use of violence in the struggle for civil rights, while DuBois opposed it C) Booker T. thought the "Talented Tenth" would lead the struggle for civil rights, while DuBois emphasized vocational training D) Booker T. urged submission to Southern segregation in exchange for some benefits, while DuBois felt African Americans should agitate for complete equality

D) Booker T. urged submission to Southern segregation in exchange for some benefits, while DuBois felt African Americans should agitate for complete equality

What was an important effect of the sharecropping system and debt peonage? A) Freedmen achieved social and political equality in the South B) Freedmen played an important role in local and state governments C) Freedmen achieved economic independence from their former masters D) Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former masters

D) Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former masters

According to the quotation, what is Theodore Roosevelt's attitude toward American imperialism? "Is America a weakling, to shrink from the work of the great world powers? No! The young giant of the West stands on a continent and clasps the crest of an ocean in either hand. Our nation, glorious in youth and strength, looks into the future with eager eyes and rejoices as a strong man to run a race." A) He believes imperialism is immoral B) He supports it, but suggests that America proceed cautiously C) He feels America is too young a nation to establish colonies overseas D) He thinks America should be aggressive in establishing itself as a world power

D) He thinks America should be aggressive in establishing itself as a world power

The picture below shows the British ship Lusitania What impact did the sinking of this ship have? A) It kept Americans from helping Belgian children B) It meant that millions of British citizens would starve C) It encouraged Irish subjects to remain loyal to Britain D) It helped turn American public opinion against Germany

D) It helped turn American public opinion against Germany

What effect did George Pullman's sleeping car have on transportation? A) It alleviated crowded conditions on railway lines B) It reduced the rates charged by railroad companies C) It allowed trains to travel faster while using less fuel D) It made long trips on trains more comfortable for travelers

D) It made long trips on trains more comfortable for travelers

The information below identifies examples of the work of the muckrakers · Upton Sinclair exposed the unhealthy practices of Chicago's meat-packing plants · Ida Tarbell revealed the dishonest business tactics of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company · Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives, showing the conditions of the residents of New York City tenements What was the impact of these muckraking activities during the early 1900s? A) Society changed in response to their promotion of Social Darwinism B) Voters agreed to let the owners of Big Business create more profitable monopolies C) Reports of these works in publications abroad led to a sudden decrease in immigration D) Public reaction to their books led to new laws addressing the abuses of industrialization

D) Public reaction to their books led to new laws addressing the abuses of industrialization

How did the spread of railroads after the Civil War contribute to the Second Industrial Revolution? A) Railroads led urban workers to migrate to rural farms B) Railroads stimulated steamship travel along America's inland rivers C) Railroads caused cotton and rice production to move to the Pacific Northwest D) Railroads encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market

D) Railroads encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market

What was the reason for the Palmer Raids in late 1919 and early 1920? A) Communists had infiltrated the U.S. State Department B) A pair of Italian anarchists had killed a guard while robbing a bank C) Congress had just limited immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe D) The U.S. Attorney General wanted to arrest anarchists making bomb threats

D) The U.S. Attorney General wanted to arrest anarchists making bomb threats

How were American consumers affected by the economic boom during the Roaring 20s? A) They paid more in taxes to support increased public services B) They benefited from massive federal public works programs C) They gained greater production with stronger enforcement of government regulations D) They acquired more consumer goods, including household appliances, radios and cars

D) They acquired more consumer goods, including household appliances, radios and cars

What was one reason why government leaders generally opposed strikes by labor unions in the 19th century? A) They felt that most industrial workers were well treated B) They didn't think that enough industrial workers were unionized C) They feared that striking workers would overthrow the government D) They believed that business owners had the right to set conditions for their own employees

D) They believed that business owners had the right to set conditions for their own employees

How did the experiences of Chinese immigrants differ from those of the "New Immigrants" from Southern and Eastern Europe? A) They often took the least desirable and lowest paying jobs B) They frequently faced prejudice and discrimination from nativists C) They were unable to use all of the same skills that they possessed at home D) They could not own property, testify in some state courts, or become citizens

D) They could not own property, testify in some state courts, or become citizens

What was a positive impact of political machines in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? A) They bribed local officials in order to win public bids B) They instructed new citizens in how they should vote C) They made fortunes by overcharging through corrupt city contracts D) They provided essential services to immigrants, such as finding housing

D) They provided essential services to immigrants, such as finding housing

Which international conference led to an agreement limiting the number of ships in the navies of each of the Great Powers? A) Yalta Conference B) Kellogg-Briand Pact C) Paris Peace Conference D) Washington Naval Conference

D) Washington Naval Conference

How did the Selective Service Act prepare Americans for war during WWI? A) by overseeing wartime production B) by creating posters, newsreels, and pamphlets C) by raising money to help pay for the war effort D) by conscripting young men into the armed forces

D) by conscripting young men into the armed forces

Which immigration was most reduced by new legislation in the 1920s? A) immigration from Latin America B) immigration from China and Japan C) immigration from Great Britain and Ireland D) immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe

D) immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe

Which contribution did Madam J. Walker (1867-1919) make to the American economy? A) invention of the first electric motor B) invention of the first automatic dishwasher C) invention of a fold away bed to be tucked into a desk D) invention of new cosmetic products and special shampoos

D) invention of new cosmetic products and special shampoos

Which contribution did Elijah McCoy (1844-1929) make to the American economy? A) invention of alternating current B) invention of the rotary blade lawn mowers C) invention of a new traffic signal D) invention of oil-drip cups to lubricate locomotive engines

D) invention of oil-drip cups to lubricate locomotive engines

Why did Chinese immigrants come to the United States in the early 1860s? A) to escape industrialization in China B) to escape religious persecution C) to work in factories in Chicago D) to work on the transcontinental railroad

D) to work on the transcontinental railroad

Cattle->Slaughterhouse->Meat Packing Plants->ACE Meat Industries Which of the following choices best describes this diagram? A) holding company B) horizontal integration C) trust company D) vertical integration

D) vertical integration

Which issue divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction Era? A) whether slavery should be abolished B) whether to allow the circulation of Confederate money C) how much to raise tariffs on manufactured goods from abroad D) what conditions to impose on Southern States for readmission into the Union

D) what conditions to impose on Southern States for readmission into the Union

How did the experiences of Chinese immigrants differ from those of the "New Immigrants" from Southern and Eastern Europe? A)They often took the least desirable and lowest paying jobs B)They frequently faced prejudice and discrimination from nativists C)They were unable to use all of the same skills that they possessed at home D)They could not own property, testify in some state courts, or become citizens

D)They could not own property, testify in some state courts, or become citizens

What tactic was used by Cesar Chavez to further the goals of the United Farm Workers? A. Voting for new laws to protect workers B. Armed violence against rich farm owners C. Civil disobedience by lying down in fields D. National boycotts of some types of products

D. National boycotts of some types of products

•Upton Sinclair exposed the unhealthy practices of Chicago's meat-packing plants. •Ida Tarbell revealed the dishonest business tactics of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company. •Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives, showing the conditions of the residents of New York City tenements What was the impact of these muckraking activities during the early 1900s? A. Society changed in response to their promotion of Social Darwinism B. Voters agreed to let the owners of Big Business create more profitable monopolies C. Reports of these works in publications abroad led to a sudden decrease in immigration. D. Public reaction to their books led to new laws addressing the abuses of industrialization

D. Public reaction to their books led to new laws addressing the abuses of industrialization

How did the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869 encourage settlement of the American West? A. The railroad led to new discoveries of precious minerals B. It required immense quantities of iron and coal to build C. Frightened Indian tribes, who retreated to reservations D. The railroad made it easier for ranchers and farmers to ship goods back east.

D. The railroad made it easier for ranchers and farmers to ship goods back east.

Which useful function was served by the political machines of the late 1800s? A. They prevented corruption in local government B. They helped provide cheap and skilled labor for industry C. They served as role models for future city governments by acting as city managers D. They assisted in the social and political assimilation of immigrants into the community

D. They assisted in the social and political assimilation of immigrants into the community

Which Amendment gave women the right to vote? A.13th B.15th C.18th D.19th


Which strategy for furthering integration and equal rights during the Civil Rights Movement was NOT utilized? -Bus boycotts -Sit-ins -Marches including the 1963 Birmingham Children's Crusade -Dance-a-thons including the 1961 Detroit Dance for Freedom

Dance-a-thons including the 1961 Detroit Dance for Freedom

Which African American inventor is credited with over 50 patents on lubricating systems for steam engines?

Elijah McCoy

When immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe arrived in the United States they were checked in and inspected at

Ellis Island

Just prior to the Great Depression, Florida was hit by multiple Hurricanes that severely weakened its economy. Similar to the impact of the Dust Bowl, what did this demonstrate about the Depression?

Environmental factors had significant impact on the welfare of the state

Radical Republicans did NOT want equality for African Americans and opposed the passage of the 14th Amendment.


The Gettysburg Address was a short speech given by Robert E. Lee to honor the Confederate soldiers killed at the Battle of Gettysburg


What was an important effect of the sharecropping system and debt peonage?

Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former masters

This idea was proposed by Stephen Douglas during a debate with Lincoln. It stated that the residents of a territory could still ban slavery despite what the Supreme Court rules.

Freeport Doctrine

This agreement limited the emigration of unskilled workers to the U.S. from Japan in exchange for the repeal of San Francisco's segregation order that had separated Japanese children and put them in separate schools.

Gentleman's Agreement

Which of the following groups of nations constituted the Central Powers during WWI?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria

Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's objectives in the American Civil War?

He wanted to preserve the union by defeating the Confederate forces and bringing the seceded states back into the U.S.

Which of the following industrialists was responsible for founding the Florida East Coast Railway and sparking the development of the Florida Gold Coast?

Henry Flagler

Who was the first African American to sit in Congress?

Hiram Rhodes Revels

In which event did company managers hire Pinkerton Detectives to reopen a steel mill surrounded by striking workers?

Homestead Strike

Which of the following muckrakers wrote The History of Standard Oil, which helped to expose the monopolistic practices of John D. Rockefeller's oil empire?

Ida Tarbell

Which of the following is NOT a reason for nativist sentiment against "new immigrants" in the late 19th century? -Immigrants spoke different languages -Immigrants practice different religions - Immigrants controlled agriculture -Immigrants competed for jobs with native born workers

Immigrants controlled agriculture

Some of the Congressional opposition to the Treaty stemmed from Wilson's refusal to include Congressional Republicans in the negotiations, including his development of Wilson's 14 Points. The rejection of the 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles effectively did what the U.S. foreign policy?

It cemented isolationism as the guiding principle for U.S. policy

The Zimmerman Telegram played an important role in making many Americans support declaring war against Germany by promising Mexico, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Why was this a significant turning point in public opinion?

It made the public feel that the United States was under attack

The Vietnam War was the first significant war that the United States public watched on their televisions. The nightly news was a common point of information on the war, especially for major events such as the Tet Offensive. How did this impact people's perspectives on the war?

It made them feel closer and more affected by the war

The G.I. Bill was a major piece of legislation that helped provide benefits for veterans following WWII. Which of the following provisions were NOT an element of the G.I. Bill?

It promised jobs for unemployed veterans

The 14th Amendment is commonly thought of as one of the most important amendments in constitutional history. What is the main reason the 14th Amendment is seen in this way?

It provided a definition of citizenship

The United States established the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western European nations following the destruction of WWII. This involved loans and supplies given to European nations as well as American manpower to help rebuild. What secondary objective did the Marshall Plan accomplish?

It provided an opportunity for the United States to spread its culture in Europe

Which entrepreneur had a significant impact on the cosmetics and hair-care industry?

Madam CJ Walker

Some ideas of imperialism were driven by the notion that the United States occupied a superior place over the rest of the world and was supposed to control territory. What ideology did this represent?

Manifest Destiny

Southern legislatures passed voting laws such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements. Based on these measures and the rights extended to African Americans, what conclusion can be made about Southern Reconstruction society?

Many of the disadvantages felt by slaves still existed for free African Americans

The Red Scare of the late 1940s and early 1950s were known by what nickname, given for the prominence of the Senator in this image?


The above 1890 photograph, taken from Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, shows homeless children in Manhattan. What is the name of the journalistic practice of searching for and exposing societal injustices?


Which of these is an example of a Jim Crow Law?

People of different races cannot be permitted to use the same public facilities

Which famous court case made it OK to have racial segregation in public places?

Plessy v. Ferguson

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was created by charter in 1949 between the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations as a mutual defense organization. What was the foundational objective of NATO?

Provide security against an attack by the Soviet Union

The Watergate Scandal was a major political event that shook the United States. The result, was Nixon's resignation in the face of impeachment over accusations of abuse of power and obstruction. What was a long-term impact of this scandal?

Public distrust of the federal government

The Great Migration occurred in the late 19th Century as African Americans fled the South to move to the booming Northern cities. What long-lasting effects of Jim Crow laws were reflected by this movement?

Racial segregation in the North faded, offering more opportunities

How did the spread of railroads after the Civil War contribute to the Second Industrial Revolution?

Railroads encouraged the growth of cities and the creation of a national market

President Franklin Roosevelt designed the New Deal around principals described by the Three R's. What were they?

Reform, Relief, Recovery

Which was NOT a problem faced by farmers in the Which was NOT a problem faced by farmers in the late 19 late Century?

Rising city populations were willing to pay higher prices in food.

What was one of the biggest obstacles to the completion of the Panama Canal?

Several thousand workers were killed by diseases including malaria

What is the belief that the same natural selection seen in plants and animals in nature applies to humans, races, social order, and business?

Social Darwinism

Which of the following describes the role of women during WWI?

Some women served as clerks or nurses, while others worked in factories or farming

Which of these is NOT a long-term cause of the Civil War? Sectionalism Slavery Sovereignty States' Rights


The Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case is well known for the phrase "separate but equal" in the U.S. legal system. What was the legal result of this case?

States were responsible for providing separate facilities based on race

What was one result of the Second Industrial Revolution?

Steel emerged as a preferred material for construction and machinery

After the Civil War, Lincoln planned on readmitting the states once 10% of a state's voters pledged allegiance to the Union and accepted the Emancipation Proclamation. This plan was known as the

Ten Percent Plan

The __________________________ encouraged western migration by promising settlers 160 acres of land for $1.25 an acre after improving it for six months or for free if they farmed it for five years.

The Homestead Act of 1862

What was the name of the first federal act to outlaw monopolistic business practices?

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Which of the following was a consequence of the Soviet Union's launch of the Sputnik satellite?

The U.S. federal government increased investment in American higher education

The United States failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles due to concerns in the Senate over its provisions. One provision that concerned the Senate was that the League of Nations could declare war without a Congressional vote. What did this reveal about U.S. foreign policy concerns at the time?

The U.S. government was concerned about maintaining an isolated position

The Selective Service Act of 1917 established a draft for WWI. The majority of black soldiers drafted were not deployed to the frontline, but rather were placed in labor and support roles. What did this segregation suggest about the U.S. military?

The military displayed ingrained racism in troop assignments

Why was it difficult for President Woodrow Wilson to maintain a policy of neutrality while WWI raged in Europe?

The sinking of the Lusitania and other crises cost American lives and interfered with the freedom of the seas

What was a significant impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The war became a moral contest over slavery

This President coined the term "muckraker" and was known as a trust buster?

Theodore Roosevelt

In 1922, the Fordney-McCumber Act raised tariffs in order to protect farms and factories from post-war imports and allow them to expand. Based on this Act, what was a reasonable conclusion about the primary concerns of the federal government following WWI?

There was a focus on growing American business

Who are the four men on Mount Rushmore?

They were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.

Many states had laws resembling the Black Codes before the Civil War and passed new ones following Reconstruction. These included restrictions on voting privileges, wages, and education. Based on these actions, what can be concluded about the goal of Black Codes?

They were designed to restrict social mobility and power for black people

Which of these civil rights activists founded the NAACP in 1909?

WEB DuBois

The Cross of Gold was a speech given by __________________.

William Jennings Bryan

Which is the best contemporary definition of a "scalawag"?

a white Southerner who supported Reconstruction

Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War? a. Southerners feared that Northerners intended to abolish slavery b. Southern states wanted a free hand in suppressing local slave revolts c. The Dred Scott decision led Northern state officials to defy federal law d. Northerners opposed the shipment of Southern cotton to Great Britain

a. Southerners feared that Northerners intended to abolish slavery

Samuel Morse __f__ Alexander Graham Bell __d__ Thomas Alva Edison _e___ Henry Bessemer __j__ Sarah Goode __g__ Cornelius Vanderbilt __h__ Andrew Carnegie _i___ John D. Rockefeller __c__ J.P. Morgan __b__ Cyrus Field _a___

a. Transatlantic Cable b. Financer c. Oil Refining d. Telephone e. Electric Light Bulb f. Telegraph g. Fold-away Bed h. Steamships/railroads i. Steel Industry j. New Steel-making Technique

At the outset of the war, the North had a larger population, more factories, and more railroad track than the South.

a. True

The South was considered to have a stronger military and more decorated and skilled military personnel.

a. True

The Sacco and Vanzetti trial is one of the most controversial trials in U.S. history. The false convictions and execution is often blamed on what elements of the Red Scare?

anti-immigrant sentiment and fear of anarchy

Which statement describes the long-term impact of the Civil War? a. many state governments appointed African Americans to political offices b. Southern whites instituted policies that forced African Americans into debt peonage c. Southern states enacted laws that forced African Americans to organize political parties d. The federal government compensated African Americans with land from former plantations

b. Southern whites instituted policies that forced African Americans into debt peonage

What was a significant impact of the Emancipation Proclamation? a. Slaves in Northern states were freed b. The war became a moral contest over slavery c. Slaves in border states were immediately freed d. African Americans were admitted into the Confederate army

b. The war became a moral contest over slavery

In which of the following ways were the Homestead Strike and the Pullman Strike similar?

both involved federal government intervention to support business

Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's objectives in the American Civil War? a. He set out to fight a war of abolition and free the slaves in the Southern states b. He wanted to invade the South to take over the plantations in order to boost the economy of the North and supply textile mills with cheap cotton c. He wanted to preserve the union by defeating the Confederate forces and bringing the seceded states back into the U.S. d. none of the above

c. He wanted to preserve the union by defeating the Confederate forces and bringing the seceded states back into the U.S.

Which event was a cause for the secession of the first seven southern states in 1861? a. passage of a higher protective tariff b. issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation c. the election of Abraham Lincoln d. the shipment of Union supplies to Fort Sumter

c. the election of Abraham Lincoln

Which of the following was a major objective of the reformers from the Progressive Era?

correct the abuses of big business

The excerpt below is from a letter by General Winfield Scott written in 1861. "So as to envelope the insurgent States and bring them to terms, with less bloodshed than by any other plan." What was the main objective of the plan described by General Scott's letter? a. to attack and bring under control a few key Southern cities b. to disrupt Southern supply lines by controlling the railroad junctions in the South c. to sign treaties with Britain and France to prevent them from assisting the South d. to suffocate the South by controlling the Mississippi River and the Southern ports.

d. to suffocate the South by controlling the Mississippi River and the Southern ports.

Which of the following best explains why labor unions had trouble achieving their goals in the late 1800s?

government favored big business

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