ERG users guide

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Fighting flammable liquid fires requires

Foam concentrate which is chemically compatible with the burning material, correct mixing of the foam concentrate with water and air, and careful application and maintenance of the phone blanket

The 2016 emergency response guidebook what is developed jointly by transport Canada, the US Department of transportation, the secretary of communications and transport of Mexico and with collaboration of CIQUIME of Argentina,

For use by firefighters, police, and other emergency services personnel who may be the first to arrive at a scene of a transportation incident involving dangerous goods

Blue border pages

Index list of dangerous goods in alphabetical order of material name

Yellow bordered pages

Index list of dangerous goods in numerical order of ID number

The decision to use water on fires or spells involving water reactive materialsShould be based on

Information from an authoritative source; for example, a producer of the material, who can be contacted through the emergency response telephone number or the appropriate emergency response agency

The "initial isolation distance"

Is a distance within which all persons should be considered for evacuation in all directions from the actual spill/leak source. It is a distance which defines a circle within which persons may be exposed to danger is concentrations up one of the source and may be exposed to life-threatening concentrations downwind of the source.

The coverall type protective clothing customarily worn to fight fires in forest and wildlands

Is not SFPC and is not recommended nor referred to elsewhere in this guidebook

Isolation and evacuation distances

Isolation or evacuation distances are shown in the guides (Orange-bordered) and in Table one initial isolation and protective action distances (green-bordered pages)

Toxic inhalation hazard's (TIH)materials

A TIH material is a gas or volatile liquid which is known to be so toxic to humans as to pose a hazard to health during transportation, or in the absence of adequate data on human toxicity, it is presumed to be toxic to humans because when tested on laboratory animals it has a lethal concentration 50 (LC50) value of not more than 5000 ppm. It is important to note that even though the term zone is used, the hazard zone's do not represent any actual area or distance. The assignment of zones is strictly a function of their little concentration 50 (lc50)

Protective actions

Are those steps taken to preserve the health and safety of emergency responders in the public

First responders at the scene of a dangerous goods incident should seek additional specific information about any material in question

As soon as possible. Because this info maybe more specific and accurate than this guide book in providing guidance for materials involved

Before an emergency

Become familiar with this guidebook. In the US, according to requirements of the US Department of labor's occupational safety and health administration and regulations issued by the US environment protection agency, first responders must be trained regarding the use of this guidebook


Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion

Green-bordered pages

Contains three tables

Orange-bordered pages- third section.

Covers emergency response actions, including first aid. It outlined special precautions for incidents which involve fire, spill or chemical exposure. The information on first eight is general guidance prior to seeking medical care.

Orange bordered guide- first section

Discuss potential hazards that the material may display in terms of fire explosion and healthy facts upon exposure. The highest potential is listed first. The emergency responder should consult the section 1st. This allows the responder to make decisions regarding the protection of the emergency response team as well as surrounding population.

This guy book will assess responders and make an initial decisions upon arriving at the scene of a dangerous goods incident. It should not be considered as a substitute for

Emergency response training, knowledge or sound judgment

the main hazards from a propane or LPG BLEVE are:

Fire Thermal radiation from the fire Blast Projectiles

The Erg2016 is

It is primarily a guide to eat first responders and quickly identify the specific or generic hazards of the material(s) Involved in the incident, and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial response phase of the incident

ERG 2016 does not address all possible circumstances that may be associated with the dangers good incident

It is primarily designed for use at a dangerous goods incident occurring on a highway or railroad. Be mindful that there may be limited value in its application at a fixed facilities

Green - bordered pages, table 1

Lists, by ID number order TIH materials, including certain chemical warfare agents, and water reactive materials which produce toxic gases upon contact with water. This table provide two different types of recommended safe distances which are "initial isolation distance" and "protective action distances".Materials are highlighted in green for easy identification and both numeric(yellow-border) and alphabetic (blue-border) lists of the guidebook.The list is further subdivided into daytime and nighttime situations.

Green-bordered pages, table 2

Lists, by ID number order, materials that produce large amounts of toxic inhalation hazard gases went spilled in water and identifies the TH gas is produced. These water reactive materials are easily identified in table 1 as their name is immediately followed by "when spilled in water" Some water reactive materials are also TIH materials themselves. And these instances, two entries are provided in table 1 for Land based in water-based spills. If the water reactive material is not a TIH, and this material is not spilled in water, table 1 and table 2 do not apply and safety distances will be found within appropriate orange-bordered guide

If you are dealing with a TIH/ WRM/Chemical warfare

Material (highlighted entries in the index list),the isolation and evacuation distances are found directly in the green bordered pages.

Respirators N95

N95 respirators is the most common of the seven types of particulate filtering facepiece respirators. This product filters at least 95% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil.N95 filtering facepiece respirators do not provide protection against gas and vapor exposures.

Orange border guide- Second section.

Outline suggested public safety measures based on the situation at hand. It provides general information regarding immediate isolation of the Incident site, recommend type of protective clothing and respiratory protection. Suggested a evacuation distances are listed for small and large bills and for fire situations. It also directs the reader to consult the tables listing toxic inhalation hazard materials, chemical warfare agents and water reactive materials when the material is highlighted in yellow-bordered in blue-bordered pages.

Green-bordered pages, table 3

Provides, by alphabetical order of material name, initial isolation and protective action distances for six toxic inhalation hazard materials that may be more commonly encountered. The table provide initial isolation and protective action distances for large bills involving different container types for daytime and nighttime situations and different wind speeds.

Chemical protective clothing and equipment

Safe use of this type of protective clothing and equipment requires specific skills developed through training and experience. It is generally not available to, or used by, first responders. This type of special clothing may protect against one chemical, yet be readily permeated by chemicals for which it was not designed. Therefore protective clothing should not be used unless it is compatible with the released material. No single protective clothing material will protect you from all dangerous goods. Do not assume any protective clothing is resistant to code and/or heat or flame exposure unless it is so certified by the manufacturer

For the purposes of this guy but, the initial response phase is

That. Following arrival at the scene of an incident during which the presents and Dash or identification of dangerous goods is confirmed, protective actions and area Securement are initiated, and assistance of qualified personnel as requested. It is not intended to provide information on the physical or chemical properties of dangerous goods


The danger from these decreases as you move away from the BLEVE Centre. The furthest reaching hazard his projectiles

If you are dealing with non-TIH material and the guide refers to only non-TIH materials

The immediate isolation and evacuation distances are specified as actual distances in the guide(orange bordered pages) and are not reference in green border pages

Orange Bordered pages

The most important section of the guidebook because it is where all safety recommendations are provided. It comprises a total of 63 individual guide, presented in a two page format. Each guide provides a safety recommendations and emergency response information to protect yourself and the public. The left-hand page provide safety related information where as the right hand page provides emergency response guidance in activities for fire situations, spill or leak incidents and first aid.

If it is suspected that a chemical warfare agent (CW) is involved

The use of NIOSH-certified respirators with CBRN protection are highly recommended

Street clothing and work uniforms

These garments, such as uniforms worn by police and emergency medical services personnel, provide almost no protection from the harmful effects of dangerous good

Explosives are not listed individually by either proper shipping name or ID number

They do, however appear under the general heading "Explosives" On the first page of the ID number index (yellow border pages) and alphabetically in the name of the material index (blue border pages)

Structural fire fighters protective clothing (SFPC)

This protective clothing should, at a minimum, meet OSHA fire brigade standard.Provides limited protection from heat and cold, but may not provide adequate protection from the harmful vapors or liquids that are encountered during dangerous goods incidents. Each guide includes a statement about the use of SFPC in incidents involving those materials referenced by that Guide, and some state that SFPC maybe able to perform expedient operation. The incident commander makes the decision to perform this operation only if an overriding benefit can be gained

The letter (P) following the guide number in the yellow-bordered a blue-border pages identifies

Those materials which present a polymerization Hazard under certain conditions, for example; Acrolein, stabilized 131P

Fire control

Water is the most common and generally most available fire extinguishing agent. Exercise caution and selecting a fire extinguishing method since there are many factors to be considered in an incident. Water it may be ineffective in fighting fires involving some materials; it's effectiveness depends greatly on the method of application.

If you are dealing with a non-TIH material but the guide refers to both TIH and non-TIH materials,

immediate isolation distance is provided under the heading public safety as a precautionary measure to prevent injuries.It applies to the non-TIH materials only

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