Ethics chapter 1 Ethics and the Examined Life

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Which of the following is a reason that religious believers need to do ethics?

Religious rules of conduct sometimes conflict with each other or with our beliefs.

What is the dominance of moral norms?

That moral norms override no moral norms when there is conflict

There are never any good reasons for treating someone differently from the way we treat others.


Which field studies the moral principles, rules, or theories that guide our actions and judgments?

normative ethics

Which of the following statements BEST summarizes then disadvantages of trying to avoid doing ethics?

You will not really be in control of your own choices, and you will run the risk of being lost if your moral beliefs do not answer certain questions

All major religious thinkers have accepted the divine command theory.


All norms are moral norms.


Feelings do not play an important role in our moral experience.


Religious moral codes typically provide clear and direct answers to all moral questions.


The principal of universalizability demands that a moral statement that applies to one situation must apply in

All other situations that are relevantly similar

Which of the following BEST summarizes the Euthyphro dilemma that Socrates raises for divine command theory?

Either actions are morally right because God wills them to be so, or God commands actions because they are right, and both options lead to problems for divine command theory.

Which of the following statements BEST summarizes what the author describes as important features of ethics?

Ethics requires that we be able to give good reasons for our judgments, especially when we judge that two people should be treated differently.

What does it mean if something is instrumentally valuable?

It is a means to obtaining something intrinsically valuable

Which field would study the following question: "what does it mean for an action to be wrong?"


Miguel believes that it is wrong for a doctor to assist a patient in committing suicide. To convince others of this, he provides reason that it is up to god when someone dies, not up to humans. According to the author, what would be a major limitation of Miguel's stratagems for convincing others to share his belief?

People with different religious views may not accept this reason.

What is descriptive ethics?

The scientific study of moral beliefs and practices

Which of these statements is the required principle of utility?

To justify any discriminatory treatment by providing morally relevant differences

Assume human life is intrinsically valuable. Which of these conclusions is BEST supported by that assumption?

Whatever helps humans stay alive is instrumentally valuable.

Ethics, or moral philosophy, is

the philosophical study of topics such as roght and wrong, good and bad

Many great religious thinkers have relied on reason to understand the truths of morality.


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