Euro unit 1

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Explain Martin Luther's belief in "salvation by faith alone" and "sola scriptura"

"Salvations by faith alone" - Martin Luther believed that human beings, weak and powerless in the sight of almighty God, could never do enough good works to merit salvation. "Sola Scriptura"- is one of the five solae, considered by some Protestant groups to be the theological pillars of the Reformation(simply means that all truth necessary for our salvation and spiritual life is taught either explicitly or implicitly in Scripture)

When was the printing press invented

1450s by Johannes Gutenberg

Explain Habsburg actions against the Ottoman Empire during the 1500s.

1531: formed a defensive alliance known as the Schmalkaldic League. 1532-1535: Charles fought off an Ottoman attack 1544 : made peace with with the Turks

Individualism—Use Pico della Mirandola as an example.

A focus on personal rather than institutional interests "Oration on the Dignity of Man," by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, was a controversial speech that is often referred to as the "manifesto of the renaissance." It glorifies God, and it glorifies human beings as the most wondrous of God's creations, created for the purpose of loving God and appreciating all that he created. The speech conveyed traditional ideals expressed by other writers of the period, but it was considered heretical at the time it was written because Pico claimed that human destiny was not predetermined and thus part of God's plan, but rather subject to free will.

Explain TWO ways in which Philip II tried to keep Catholic unity as the King of Spain.

Aggressive use of the Spanish Inquisition, and the establishment of a strong, monarchical authority

Why are alchemy and astrology? Why would they have been important during this time period?

Alchemy is the use and study of metal through means of purification by fire to find "essence". It is the belief that matter could be understood and transformed. Astrology is studying the positions of stars and planets in the belief that they influence the course of human affairs and natural consequences on earth. This was important at this time because it supported the idea that humans could understand the universe and make predictions about it. (it also led to a separation between religion and science)

Who is Petrarch? What is he known for?

An Italian poet and scholar, one of the earliest humanists -He saw the Middle Ages as a period of darkness when knowledge of classical civilization was in decline -He criticized medieval scholars for their inelegant use of the Latin language and searched for forgotten Latin manuscripts in libraries throughout Europe -Also criticized medieval scholars who had focused more on scholarly issues of logic than on everyday concern of ethics

Explain humanism

An intellectual movement that focused on human beings and their inherent dignity -Saw man as a rational and sentient being, with the ability to decide and think for himself -Emphasis on a good Earthly life rather than a life of penance aimed toward an afterlife

In what ways did Anabaptists refuse to recognize the subordination of the church to the secular state

Anabaptists refused to hold political office or bear arms because of how seriously they took the commandment "thou shall not kill." This shows that they hold their religious beliefs higher than their country and patriotism. They believe that human rules/laws have no power over the wishes of God.

Migrants to the cities challenged the ability of merchant elites and craft guilds to govern, and strained resources: Explain and give evidence for TWO ways in which urban migration presented challenges to town/city governments.

As more people migrated to cities, population density increased dramatically, which led to crowded and difficult living conditions for members of the lower classes. Cities generally lacked the resources to deal with this rapid growth and the problems that came with it such as insufficient housing. Crowded and unsanitary conditions in London in the early 17th century led to the outbreak of disease such as plague and tuberculosis. The great fire of London in 1666 was caused by overcrowding and shoddy construction.

Explain Key Concept IIIA in regard to the Price Revolution. (Population recovered to its pre-Great Plague level in the 16th century, and continuing population pressures contributed to uneven price increases; agricultural commodities increased more sharply than wages, reducing living standards for some)

As population grew, prices increased unevenly. Prices for agricultural commodities such as wheat rose more rapidly than workers' wages. Higher population meant a greater demand for food, which led to higher food prices. However, the greater number of workers meant competition for jobs, so wages stayed low. The disparity between wages and prices reduced the standard of living. It was inflated more when rulers increased taxes to build up their military.

Explain TWO examples of classical styles of painting from the Renaissance period.

Aspects of classical styles of painting from the Renaissance include: Individualism, Secularism, Classicism, Nature, Anatomy, Linear perspective, Realism, and Dept -Mona Lisa: Painted by Leonardo da Vinci -Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Painted by Michelangelo

Explain TWO examples of classical styles of architecture from the Renaissance period.

Aspects of this type of architecture include: emphasis of symmetry, proportion, geometry, and regularity of parts. The Florence Cathedral The facade of Santa Maria Novella

What was the Index of Prohibited Works?

Banned all books that went against the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church

Explain ONE example of Baroque art.

Baroque art is a style of architecture, music, dance, painting, etc. that exaggerates motion and uses clear detail to exaggerate drama, exuberance and grandeur. -The elevation of the Cross painted by Peter Paul Rubens

ID the Little Ice Age

Began around 1300 - a series of harsh winters that led to poor harvests in the 1600's. Scarcity of food brought malnutrition and widespread disease.

Explain the concept of balance of power after the Peace of Westphalia

Belief and an arrangement by which the power of one state (or group of states) is kept in check by the opposing of other states.

Explain the growth of town elites (bourgeoisie/middle class).

Bourgeoise / middle class came to rise mainly due to new overseas opportunities as well as increasing industrialization led to job opportunities.

How did the Columbian Exchange facilitate European subjugation and the destruction of indigenous peoples in the Americas?

By far, the worst disaster was the introduction of European diseases, such as smallpox and measles (due to the diseases that came along with European settlers). Death from the disease was a major reason European dominated Native Americans as quickly as they did. Therefore, a demographic catastrophe occurred among indigenous peoples (prompting the subjection of Africans and bringing a market change to the Atlantic slave trade).

Explain ONE example of how Henry VIII controlled religion in England.

By passing the Act of Supremacy the English monarch now controlled the church

In what ways did Calvinism refuse to recognize the subordination of the church to the secular state

Calvinists often believed in Predestination, in which God has already chosen who will go to Hell and who will go to Heaven. This sometimes took away people's motivation to follow the law or be a good person, because they saw no reason to if God already chose where they will go.

Explain the differences in how Catholics, Lutherans, and Calvinists viewed Communion (the Eucharist)

Catholic: Transubstantiation - The bread and wine transform into the body and blood of Christ once consumed. Lutheran: Consubstantiation - the belief that the bread and the wine coexist with the body and blood of Christ Calvinist: The bread and wine represent the body and blood of Christ.

Explain a charivari (think Martin Guerre)

Charivari was a loud, public mock parade, with clanging pots and pans to make rough music. IT was a form of social intimidation or shaming, particularly in small communities in W. Europe. As populations grew and capitalism began to replace subsistence farming, the social structure that supported charivari eventually disappeared with the rise of social control such as police.

Briefly explain TWO ways that Christian humanists wanted to reform the Church.

Christian humanist felt that through education in the sources of classical, and especially christian, antiquity, they could instill a true inward religious feeling that would bring about a reform of the church and society.

How did education change during the Renaissance?

Education shifted from theological writings to classical texts and new methods of scientific inquiry. (Humanism)

How did the Book of Common Prayer help control religion and morality

Established Under Elizabeth I to create a holy book that blended Catholic and protestant beliefs under the Church of England.

Slave Trade—Causes

Expanding Atlantic trading system and the colonization of the Americas. Grew gradually as the Portuguese continued to explore and trade along the west coast of Africa. The establishment of a plantation economy in the Americas.

Explain what is meant by farmers paid rent and labor services for their lands.

Farmers worked on land owned by someone else and they paid rent either in money or in shares of the crop.

Briefly explain an example of the Portuguese in either the Indian Ocean World or Brazil

Ferdinand Magellan set out in 1519 to explore the eastern coast of South America and the Pacific. Magellan reached the islands at the southern tip of South America and headed west. In 1521, they reached the Philippines and Magellan passed away there. Only one of his ships continued to the Indian Ocean and around Africa, completing the voyage around the world.

influence of Copernicus regarding heliocentrism

First to think of, or at least publicly share, heliocentric conception. He believed that the eight planets revolved around a stationary sun, and that the moon revolved around the Earth.

How did Francis Bacon lead to the scientific method?

He advocated an inductive method for scientific experimentation. Inductive method: Direct observation that produces systematically recorded and organized, ultimately leading to a hypothesis.He argued that this process of controlled experimentation would lead to forming universal principles/scientific laws.

Why did Henry IV convert to Catholicism?

He converted to Catholicism because he realized that he would never be accepted by Catholic France. His coronation in 1594 ended the religious wars.

influence Newton of regarding heliocentrism

He invented calculus and proved the universal law of gravitation. With the law of universal gravitation, all motion in the universe was explained.

How did the Catholic Reformation cement the division within western Christianity?

In 1542, the pope introduced the Roman Inquisition to stop Catholics from converting to Protestantism. Seventeen years later, the pope took another step to stop the spread of Protestantism, establishing the Index of Prohibited books, a list of books that Catholic printers were not to pint and Catholics were not to read. Together, the Inquisition and the Index cemented the growing religious divide in Europe.

Explain and give evidence of ONE example of an established gender role in both urban and rural areas.

In European societies, they mainly followed the ideas of patriarchy. Men controlled the government and public life while the women stayed at home and all of their earnings went to the men.

Classical Literature

Literature of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome Homer, Ovid, Plato, Plutarch

Briefly explain the Bank of London

London became England's financial center as trade expanded. It's original plan was to gather enough subscriptions from wealthy investors.

Explain patronage of the arts and give ONE specific example.

Patrons of the arts were rulers, popes (people of power), who sponsored artists and commissioned works of art (mainly to increase their social prestige) -The Medici family, which controlled Florence, commissioned numerous paintings, sculptures, and architecture that made Florence the early center of Renaissance art Lorenzo de' Medici sponsored Sandro BotticellI -The Pope sponsored Michaelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Explain serfdom in Eastern Europe.

Serfdom in Eastern Europe was getting worse as the serfdom in Western Europe got better. Peasants's status deteriorated and landlords assumed bureaucratic positions as tax collectors, judges, and military officers. This caused the aristocracy to benefit greatly while the serfs struggled.

Explain Catherine de Medici's actions as regent during the French wars of religion.

She looked to religious compromise as a way to defuse the political tensions but found to her consternation that both sides possessed their share of religious fanatics unwilling to make concessions.

ID (using SCAR) the 95 Theses

Subject- Martin Luther condemned and called out the Catholic Church on its corrupt ways Cause- the churches sale of indulgences Action- advocated for the church to stop selling indulgences (end its corrupt ways) Result- Seen as the primary means for the Protestant Reformation

ID Carnival

The Christian period of Lent spans the 6 weeks before Easter and Carnival is a 3-6 day period of celebration immediately before Lent. It contained lavish feasts and celebrations in contrast to Lents fasting and purification.

Explain why religion declined as a cause for warfare after the Peace of Westphalia

The Treaty of Westphalia removed religion as a reason for warfare by rescinding the edict of restitution and reasserting the major feature of the religious settlement in the Peace of Augsburg. Also, the calvinists received the religious freedom they were looking for, so they did not have a need for war anymore.

Explain John Calvin's concept of predestination

The absolute sovereignty of God. Since God is all-knowing, he already knows who is going to Heaven and who is destined for Hell.

Explain geocentrism.

The belief that the Earth lies in the middle of the universe, rather than the sun.

ID the Genevan Consistory

The church council - served as a court that judged moral behavior and handed out punishments such as public whippings or banishment from the community.


The separation from religion -Caused the Pope and the Catholic Church to lose some of the spiritual authority they once held

Explain British/French rivalries regarding the New World during the Seven Years' War.

The seven years war was a brutal conflict between France and England. Since the French were settling in Canada near the British colonies in America there was debate on who owned what land.

Briefly explain an example of vernacular literature from this period.

Vernacular literature was language not written in Latin, in other words written for the "common people" Ex. English, French...

Explain the role of women and female education among Catholics

Women became more literate because they needed to be able to read the bible and teach their children. Catholic women participated more in church ceremonies.

Explain the beliefs of Sir Thomas More. Be sure to reference at least ONE of his writings.

-Sir Thomas More wrote "Utopia." -Strong religious devotion to the Catholic church -His devotion to the catholic church cost him his life - he was a Catholic martyr.

What TWO beliefs of the Anabaptists set them apart from other Protestant groups?

-They advocated for adult baptism rather than infant -No one should be forced to accept the truth of the bible

Explain THREE ways in which the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) strengthened Catholicism.

1. Their devotion to their faith helped the spread of Catholicism by spreading their ideas and beliefs among non-Christians. They were very successful in China 2. Their focus on and ways of education strengthened the Catholic communities 3. They also fought against Protestantism, and succeeded in restoring Catholicism to parts of Germany and Eastern Europe(Poland)

Explain the encomienda system.

A system in which large landowners forced indigenous people to work on plantations for food and shelter. Indigenous groups were also forced to send men for the dangerous work in the mines. This huge supply of labor allowed for tremendous wealth being produced for Spain.

Briefly explain ONE example of how a political or religious ruler used Mannerism or Baroque to promote their own stature and power.

Catholic rulers and clergy in central and northern Europe resisted the Reformation and commissioned dramatic Baroque architecture and sculpture to stimulate religious devotion in their followers -The courts of Madrid, Vienna, Prague, and Brussels were patrons of Baroque art and used their grand palaces to evoke awe and reflect their power -The French king Louis XIV embraced Baroque art Louis XIV established royal control over artisanal production in France, prohibiting the purchase of luxury goods from abroad. He also established the Academy of Painting and Sculpture, which maintained a hierarchy of genres in painting and a distinctly Classical flavor

Explain Charles V's actions to try to keep Catholic unity while Holy Roman Emperor.

Charles V put Martin Luther on trial at the Diet of Worms and in the Edict of Worms declared him an outlaw and a heretic. He also jailed some protestant princes.

Explain and give evidence of Spanish colonial activities in the Caribbean.

Christopher Columbus, searching for a route to Asia, landed in the bahamas finding coconuts, indigenous people and most notably gold.,

how did the Genevan Consistory help to control religion and morality

Church council that served as a court that judged lapses in moral behavior and handed out punishments that included public whippings or banishment from the community. They might also refer some cases that were more serious to the city council for justice.

What is civic humanism?

Civic humanism was the idea that education should prepare future leaders to be active in civic affairs. This would include knowledge of many subjects, and would follow the example of Cicero.

Briefly explain an example of the Spanish in the New World

Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 and explored parts of Cuba and Hispaniola. He believed he had reached Asia and had claimed the land for Spain and named it the West Indies.

influence of Galileo regarding heliocentrism

Condemned by the church, Galileo published many books on space, the sun, and the planets. Through his use of a telescope, he discovered that the other planets are also made up of material substance like Earth, rather than ethereal, unchanging substance.

Explain and give evidence of England's colonial acquisitions and trading network during the 1600s.

England conquered the Native American and created colonies on the east coast of the U.S. They primarily were used for manufacturing, farming cash crops and trading to improve the power of England.

Explain the beliefs of Erasmus. Be sure to reference at least ONE of his writings.

Erasmus wrote "In Praise of Folly" in 1513. In this he criticized the corruption of the church and hypocrisy of the clergy. He was an influential Christian Humanist who wanted to return the church to its original form. He influenced Martin Luther.

how did the spanish inquisition help to control religion and morality

Established to combat heresy in Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella while also helping them to consolidate power. It led to the Reconquista (10 year long war against the Muslims) and the removal or conversion of the Jewish people in Spain.

How did the Columbian Exchange create economic opportunities for Europeans?

Europeans profited in many ways from the Columbian Exchange. For example, by establishing plantations to grow sugar cane, tobacco, and cotton in different parts of the Americas, Europeans cultivated lucrative cash crops that could be sold directly to a growing European market. Because the European relied largely on forced labor of indigenous peoples and enslaved Africans, their costs to grow the crops were minimized. In addition, the slave trade itself was a source of profit.

explain religion in regards to Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain), Louis XI, the Spider (France), and Henry VII (England)

F and I - secured from the pope the right to select the most important church officials in Spain - virtually guaranteeing the creation of a Spanish Catholic Church where the clergy was an extension of royal power. They held strict religious uniformity. Louis XI Henry VII:He was extremely Catholic and supported the Observant Franciscans. The king also carried out extensive work of charity.

explain dispensing justice in regards to Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain), Louis XI, the Spider (France), and Henry VII (England)

F and I dispensed justice through audiencias in major cities. Louis XI replaced the feudal system of dispensing justice (controlled by lords) with one that placed a section of the royal council in charge of justice. Henry VII developed the Justices of the peace position, although this was not a new concept (later becoming magistrates), Henry increased the power of these unpaid officials massively. Their new set of roles included: implementing social and economic statutes . Dispensing justice and trying criminal offences, upholding public order, acting in cases of non-capital offences without jury, granting bail. Although this sounds good, these officials were still dependent on other officials bringing the criminals to them, so Henry was still dependent on goodwill to ensure that justice was implemented. Henry also established the Court of Star Chamber which didn't use a jury and allowed torture to extract confessions.

Explain tax Collection in regards to Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain), Louis XI, the Spider (France), and Henry VII (England)

F and I instituted sales taxes and a 1/3rd tax on all tithes paid to the church. In addition, Ferdinand and Isabella took control of imports and exports, including gold and silver. Louis XI retained the taille, an annual direct land or property tax that was earlier established by Charles VII. Louis made the taille a permanent tax under royal authority. This helped him create a strong, regular income source. Henry VII: He was successful in gaining income from traditional financial resources such as crown lands, judicial fees and customs duties. He avoided war and in return didn't need to call parliament to raise taxes. Due to low taxes he gained popularity among the landowners and middle class.

explain using military force in regards to Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain), Louis XI, the Spider (France), and Henry VII (England)

F and I reorganized the military in Spain. They developed a strong infantry. Louis XI - Louis struggled to have a strong standing army due to lack of funding but started collapsing the wealthy and taking their funds to use for the army. Henry VII - He did not have a standing army so he used private armies provided by wealthy aristocrats in loyal service (private armies will be eliminated under Henry VII)

Compare and contrast governments in Florence and Venice.

Florence: -Florence was a "republic" during the Renaissance. By the early 15th century, it was ruled by a small merchant oligarchy who had control over the so-called republic. -In 1434, Cosimo de'Medici took control of the oligarchy. The Medici family, who were very wealthy, would become a very powerful family in politics in Florence. The Medicis maintained the republican government style for the sake of appearances, but really they were running the whole government behind the scenes. Venice: -Venice was also a republic and is often considered a maritime republic. -Like Florence, the "republic" of Venice was also governed by a small oligarchy of wealthy merchants. Venice developed a commercial empire that gave it international power status. -Venice began a conquest of a northern Italian territorial state in the late 14th century to protect its food supply and trade routes. -Florence became the cultural center of Renaissance Italy, while Venice was the commercial center.

Explain traditional humoral theory and the ideas of Galen.

Galen was a Greek physician who had a great influence on the medical world in medieval times. Doctors relied on his findings in anatomy, physiology, and disease. However, Galen used an animal dissection to arrive at his conclusions, making his ideas quite inaccurate. Galen's doctrine of four bodily humors were blood, yellow bile, phlegm, and black bile.

What was the gentry in England?

Gentry is a social class made up of landowners who were able to live entirely from rental income.

What is Malleus Maleficarum?

Harm brought on by witches. Popular in the peasant class - accusations usually came after arguments over land or resources. These disputes were a normal part of village life. They rose to a level of concern as Europe changed from an agricultural economy to a capitalistic one. Witchcraft accusations highlighted the breakup of the traditional village community and economy.

Explain the works of William Harvey.

Harvey's observations and experiments proved Galen's theories wrong. He showed that the circulation of blood began in the heart rather than the liver, and that blood makes a complete circuit through the body. His theory of blood circulation laid the foundation for modern physiology.

How did René Descartes lead to the scientific method?

He advocated a deductive method for the search for truth. He doubted all notions based on authority or custom. He started with a self evident axiom known to be true, and then used logical reasoning to deduce various inferences.

How did Isaac Newton lead to the scientific method?

He published Principia, a combination of Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Galileo's laws of inertia and falling bodies, and his own law of universal gravitation. His formula described all forms of celestial and terrestrial motion. He demonstrated that the universe is governed by universal laws that can be expressed in mat formulas. He believed in deism: the universe is a vast machine created by god but working according to universal laws that could be discovered by humans.

Explain the works of Andreas Vesalius.

He published a book based on his own personal dissection of a body, and included incredible illustrations that were able to be printed in many copies. Vesalius took a hands-on approach to teaching anatomy, which allowed him to prove some of Galen's work wrong. However, he still believed in many of Galen's incorrect theories.

Explain how Gustavus Adolphus changed warfare

He was a Swedish general who fought in the Swedish phase. He was a devout Lutheran and fought because he wanted to support Protestants. His army had superior muskets. He figured out how to move cannons and cavalry very fast.

Explain and give evidence of joint-stock companies

It is a business arrangement in which many investors raise money for a venture too large for any of them to undertake alone. They share the profits in proportion to the amount they invest. English entrepreneurs used joint-stock companies to finance the establishment of New World colonies.

ID the Price Revolution (using SCAR)

It was an unprecedented inflation during the 16th century. It was caused by population growth and import of silver from the new world.

ID the German Peasant War of 1524-25 (using SCAR)

It was the latest popular uprising in Europe until the French Revolution. It was crushed with a total of 200,000 fatalities. Peasants did not go back to serfdom but were pushed out of politics. Luther opposed the violence and kept the protestant revolution from being violent.

Explain TWO examples of how Northern Renaissance art considered individuals and everyday life appropriate objects of artistic representation.

Jan Van Eyck - "The Arnolfini Wedding" -Painted the most microscopic realistic details that would tell you about the people and time (oranges → had to be rich to have them in winter) (reflection of him painting) -Brilliant glowing color -Surface appearance and textures precisiley Bruegel - "Hunters in the Snow" -Depicted peasant life (men activities during snow) -Perspective (sharp foreground, hazy background)

Give an example of a Renaissance thinker who used scientific inquiry (think dissections)?

Leonardo da Vinci performed dissections of the human body. Although it was prohibited by the Catholic Church - artists would perform dissections to understand the human body.

Explain the ideas of Machiavelli.

Machiavelli expressed his main political ideas in his book, The Prince, published in 1513. This book dealt with the political issues present in Italy at the time and Machiavelli's ideas on how they should be solved. He stressed the importance of the acquisition and expansion of political power but also expressed his opinions on how an ideal ruler should behave. In sharp contrast with ideas from the Middle Ages that stated that a good ruler should follow Christian moral principles, Machiavelli believed that this was not practical or realistic. He believed that a good prince abandons morality and puts the interests of his state before being a good person. His main motto was that a ruler should do what is right if possible but do what is wrong if necessary.

Secular model for political behavior—Explain the importance of Machiavelli's The Prince

Machiavelli's The Prince created the sentiment for rulers that it is better to be feared than love, and absolute leadership is needed to keep people safe and unified. And it was Italy's disunity that made them fail. Also, they have to be willing to use methods like trickery and bribery, while maintaining a virtuous image to the people. It took out religion and morality from politics, and would influence European leaders moving forward.

Explain ONE example of Mannerist art.

Mannerism = replaced the traditional principles of balance and harmony with more distortion and illusion to add drama to works -El Greco - his elongated figures and dark, eerie colors created feelings of intense emotion

Give an example of how vernacular literature could contribute to the development of a national culture.

Martin Luther was able to print pamphlets in vernacular and distribute them among German-speaking lands Additional reformers joined the debate sparked by Luther, and since the printing press allowed for them to spread their ideas faster and more widely, soon the Protestant Reformation begun

Briefly explain household duties in an urban home

Men would go into the city to work. Boys would stay home until old enough to learn a trade or craft. Women and girls would do chores around the house.

Explain the characteristics of mercantilism and the importance of colonies to the mercantilist system.

Mercantilism is an economic system that is focused on trade that depends on the supply of valuable metals such as gold and silver. Huge emphasis on exports over imports. Colonies could benefit the parent country extremely by providing metals, crops, and other coveted products.

Explain ONE example of naturalism in painting

Naturalism = observing the natural world more closely to imitate nature -The study of anatomy helped Michaelangelo sculpt David -Leonardo da Vinci studied nature and dissected humans to learn about their structure → displayed in his art

Give ONE other example of changes in warfare between 1450-1650 (After peace of Westphalia)

Naval powers increased, and the use of small firearms and artillery became more popular.

What were the "Nobles of the Robe" in France?

Nobles of the robe are a class of hereditary nobles who acquire rank by holding a high state office. ( name came from the robes worn by officials)

What is philology? How would Lorenzo Valla's Donation of Constantine be considered an example?

Philology = the study of the history of language Donation of Constantine = a forged Roman imperial decree where the 4th-century emperor Constantine the Great supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope 1440 - Lorenzo Valla showed that the Latin used in the document was not that of the 4th century and proved the document was forged

Explain and give evidence of ONE example of an established religious hierarchy.

Popes were given much importance but overtime this importance had decreased a lot. People believed that only through popes they could reach god, but as the enlightenment and scientific revolution ideas crept

Explain and give evidence of Blood sports

Popular entertainment of the early modern period. These activities pitted humans against each other in jousting matches. Not intended to be deadly but many did die. (Dog fights and cock fights are other examples)

Explain and give evidence of Portuguese commercial activities along the African coast.

Portugese ships tarded for and carried slaves away from the African coast from wealthy merchants back to Lisbon. Found a new source of gold off the southern coast of West Africa. Traded for gold, ivory, and slaves from the state of Bakongo.

Briefly explain and give evidence of ONE advance in cartography that enabled Europeans to establish colonial empires.

Printing detailed maps based off of the observations of explorers enabled Europeans to establish colonial empires.

Explain the changes in trade that occurred during the shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.

Prior to the discovery of new trade routes that originated on the Atlantic Ocean, Europeans thought there was little benefit to having ports on the Atlantic coast. They had believed that there was little of value that could come from the West. But Portuguese and Spanish explorations opened their eyes to a far different possibility. In the 17th century, the Dutch were the first to grasp this possibility and gain ascendancy in the new global trading network; yet by the early 18th century, the English surpassed the Dutch.

What is subsistence agriculture?

Producing enough food for one's family to eat. Mainly just producing it for the family or the local community.

Explain the role of women and female education among Protestants

Protestant women also could be literate to read the bible and teach their children, but they did not participate in church like Catholic women did. Protestant churches had greater control over marriage.

influence of Kepler regarding heliocentrism

Published three laws of planetary motion. One: the planets rotate around the sun not in a circle, but in an ellipse. Two: planets closer to the sun orbit faster than those further from the sun. Three: planets with larger orbits revolve at a slower velocity than those with smaller orbits.

ID the Military Revolution (using SCAR)

S- The Military Revolution was a series of inventions and developments between the 15th and 18th centuries that changed the way military battle was conducted and wars were fought. C- Technological developments were a big cause of the Military Revolution. They allowed for the invention of many of the new military weapons introduced during the time period. The centralization of political power was another big cause that influenced the size and power of armies. Finally, the influence of the Swedish army, who introduced many new developments in warfare, caused other countries to follow along. A- The main innovations introduced during the Military Revolution were the use of large guns, or artillery, to bombard enemies from a distance; the switch in naval warfare from boats that were rowed to larger and more powerful ships; large guns mounted on ships; battlefield tactics that used guns instead of knights on horses; and increase in army size. R- The Military Revolution drastically changed the way wars were fought, and many of the innovations in warfare introduced during this time period are still used today, such as the use of guns as weapons, war tactics suited to guns, and the concept of total war. The Military Revolution also changed the global balance of power so that Europe was much more powerful.

Explain and give evidence of ONE example of an established rural class hierarchy.

Serfs would work for the land owner in return for little to no pay, and only would get food and a place to stay. All the profits went to the land owner while he didnt do any work.(Feudalism)

Explain how Christian humanism was both similar and different than Italian humanism.

Similarities: - cultivated knowledge of the classics - embraced education and individualism Differences: Christian (northern) focused on linking the classics and christian content Italian was more focused on the classics and how they can adapt that to the present.

Explain THREE Catholic abuses

Simony is the sale of church offices (unqualified people). Pluralism is an official holding more than one position. Absenteeism is officials not participating but receiving payments. The sale of indulgences are citizens paying money to resolve sins.

Explain and give evidence for city laws regarding either vagrancy, idleness, begging, or prostitution prior to 1648.

Stricter Codes on prostitution and begging: Cities made laws to regulate prostitution and to limit beggars but the underlying assumption was that people were in these positions by choice. The social attitude towards poverty was changing and the poor were looked at as lazy.

ID (using SCAR) the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Subject- August 1572; Paris; Huguenots (murdered) At a time when Catholic and Calvanist parties had reconciled (through marriage) Cause- The Guise family convinced the king and Catherine de' Medici (mother) that the gathering of Huguenots posed a threat (Huguenots gathered as a result of the wedding because Henry of Navarre- the one getting married- was acknowledged leader of Huguenots). Charles and his advisers decided to eliminate the Huguenot leaders in response. Action- approximately three thousand Huguenots were murdered. The king's guards sought out and killed some prominent Huguenot leaders. For three days, Catholic mobs roamed the streets of Paris, killing Huguenots. Result- three thousand Huguenots dead. Henry of Navarre was not killed because he promised to turn Catholic.

ID (using SCAR) the War of the Three Henrys. Be sure to differentiate between the three Henrys.

Subject- Henry, duke of Guise, Henry III, Henry Navarre; 1588-1589 Cause- Henry, duke of Guise (in the pay of Philip II of Spain), seized Paris and forced King Henry III to make him chief minister. Action- Wanting to get rid of the Guise influence, Henry III assassinated the duke of Guise and joined with Henry of Navarre (who had returned to Calvinism)- he was next in line to the throne. He joined with Henry of Navarre to crush the Catholic Holy League (formed by the ultra-Catholics who vowed to exterminate the heresy and seat a true Catholic champion- Henry, Duke of Guise- on the French throne in place of Henry III) and retake the city of Paris. Result- Henry III was assassinated in 1589 by a monk who was repelled by the spectacle of a Catholic king cooperating with a protestant. Henry of Navarre now claimed the throne (IV)

ID (using SCAR) the German Peasant Wars of 1524-25 (pg. 375-376)

Subject- series of uprisings by German peasants Cause- German peasants dissatisfaction with the slow moving economic improvements/ peasants suffering from economic changes they did not comprehend. Empowered in their religious views, and pressed by crop failures that threatened starvation, they saw an opportunity to overthrow the feudal system, in which they were bound to the estates of the nobles and forced to give up the produce of the fields in which they worked.The burden of heavy taxation. Action - In the spring of 1525, there were five large bands of peasants roaming the countryside, burning homes of nobles and princes, and bringing townspeople over to their side. The peasants sought relief from heavy taxes, an end to serfdom, fair trials, and an end to the taxes they owed on the death of a member of their families. They set down these demands in a document known as the Twelve Articles. Result-It failed because of intense opposition from the aristocracy, who slaughtered up to 100,000 of the 300,000 poorly armed peasants and farmers.

ID (using SCAR) the Spanish Armada and explain how it was also motivated by politics and economics.

Subject: Spanish Armada, Queen Elizabeth, Philip II of Spain Cause: Unofficially, Elizabeth encouraged English seamen to raid Spanish ships and colonises. Elizabeth encouraged English piracy and provided clandestine aid to French Huguenots and Dutch Calvanists to weaken France and Spain. Elizabeth avoided alliances with any major powers. Elizabeth became more involved with the Netherlands (Spain and England already experienced friction). Philip II of Spain was persuaded to invade England by his advisers. Action: The SPanish Armada set sail but did not have the ships nor troops that Philip had planned to send. Elizabeth sent fireships towards the Armada and the ships that remained were forced North where they encountered storms that inflicted even more damage. Result: English and Spanish would continue their war for another 16 years. The defeat of the Armada guaranteed for the time being that England would remain a Protestant country. Spain received a physiological blow- even though they made up for its losses within 1.5 years.

ID (using SCAR) the Council of Trent.

Subject: it was the formal Roman Catholic reply to the doctrinal challenges of the Protestant Reformation Cause: called by Pope Paul III, he realized the abuses in the Catholic Church and saw that reform was needed Action: served to define Catholic doctrine and to help renew the Roman Catholic Church after the Protestant expansion Result: resulted in a chastened but consolidated church and papacy, sealed the Roman Catholic church apostasy

ID (using SCAR) the Edict of Nantes.

Subject:The Edict of Nantes granted limited religious freedom to the Huguenots in France by Henry IV (of navarre) Cause: Henry IV was a Huguenot but was forced to convert to Catholicm to be king. He sympathized with the Huganots and used his position of power to grant them freedoms. Action: Used his royal power to pass the Edict of Nantes. Result: recognized the rights of the Protestant minority and ostensibly the principle of religious toleration, also guaranteed the Huguenots the right to worship in selected places in every district

Explain the slave trade and the Middle Passage

The Atlantic slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of various enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage (which was the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of Africans were forcibly transported to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade).

Secular model for individual behavior—Explain the importance of Baldassare Castiglione's The Courtier.

The Baldassare Castiglone's The Courtier created a sort of norm and social rules that would influence how the nobility (proper gentlemen and lady) acted and their behaviors. For instance, it compared the ideal courtier as a medieval knight who was also classically educated, trained in the arts, and engaged in civil life in order to serve that ruler.

Explain and give ONE piece of evidence that supports this statement. -Across Europe, commercial and professional groups gained in power and played a greater role in political affairs.

The Dutch East India Company is a good example of a commercial group in Europe that gained power and played an important role in political affairs. The company was founded as a trading company in 1602 in the Netherlands to protect Dutch trade in the Indian Ocean and strengthen the Dutch in their war of independence against Spain. As the company grew larger, it expanded its trade routes throughout the East Indies and in some regions of Africa as it built a monopoly in the spice trade. The company had been founded by the Dutch government, and Dutch trade in the East Indies and Africa became linked with political and military control over those regions. The Dutch built a fort on the island of Java and brought the inland parts of the island under their control. By the end of the 18th century, almost the entire Indonesian archipelago was under Dutch rule, and the Dutch East India Company had become a powerful political force as well as a trading company.

Briefly explain an example of the Dutch in the East Indies/Asia

The Dutch benefited from the weakening of Spain and Portugal, and focused on developing a trade network rather than a colonial empire. The Dutch East India Co. became a large trading company and made a huge presence in the Spice Islands.

Explain ONE example of how Elizabeth I controlled religion in England.

The Elizabethan religious settlement was initiated in 1559. This designated Elizabeth as the only supreme governor of the realm.

Explain and give evidence of English colonial competition with the Spanish.

The English and Spanish were in a constant struggle for control. In the Americas there were many wars for control over lands such as Texas, Florida and the caribbean islands.

How did the French Huguenots challenge French monarchical control of religion?

The French Huguenots only made up about 10% of the population, but 40-50% of French nobility, so the conversion of so many nobles made the huguenots a potential threat to monarchical power.

Explain the indifference towards religious orthodoxy in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands were controlled by Spain, but after finding out that their taxes were being used for Spanish interests and not their own. When Philip attempted to crush Calvinism, this was the last straw. All seventeen provinces unified under William of Orange, and put aside their religious differences in order to push back against Spain. This unification lasted until the Duke of Parma came into power in Spain and broke up the provinces.

Briefly explain one way in which the Northern Renaissance was more religious than the Italian Renaissance

The Northern Europe Renaissance was much more religious in its nature than the Italian Renaissance. Many Northern scholars, such as Erasmus, were very much interested in the reform of the Church. They denounced superstitions and clerical abuses and corruption in the name of the true faith. Erasmus was born in the modern-day Netherlands, was religious and also very interested in the classical world. It parallels with civic humanism.

how did the Peace of Augsburg help to control religion and morality

The Peace of Augsburg, also called the Augsburg Settlement, was a treaty between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and the Schmalkaldic League, signed in September 1555 at the imperial city of Augsburg. Charles V fought the war to maintain Catholicism in the HRE but in the peace agreement he was forced to allow the Lutheran faith to develop. Each German prince could decide which religion (Lutheran or Catholic) their territory would be. (Calvinism was still banned)

Explain the provisions of the Peace of Westphalia

The Peace of Westphalia allowed all German states, including the Calvinist ones, to determine their own religion (really they were only allowed to choose whether they would be Catholic or Protestant). France gained parts of western Germany, some of Alsace, and the cities of Metz, Toul, and Verdun. Sweden and the German states of Brandenburg and Bavaria also gained some German territory. The Peace of Westphalia greatly diminished the role of the Habsburg dynasty since many of the states in the Holy Roman Empire became independent. Additionally, the Peace of Westphalia made clear the separation of politics and religion. Some historians claim that it marked the beginning of a modern international relationship between European states in which the states all have individual sovereignty and operate as equals. also marked the effective end of the medieval ideal of universal Christendom, accelerated the decline of the Holy Roman Empire by granting princes, bishops, and other local leaders control over religion.

Explain and give evidence of Portuguese commercial activities in South America.

The Portuguese established colonies in Brazil, colonizing the people to farm cash crops, specifically sugar.

How did the Puritans challenge English monarchical control of religion?

The Puritans wanted to rid the church of England of Catholicism. They worked through Parliament to create an alternative national church modeled after Calvin and Geneva.

Explain and give evidence of the Netherlands' colonial acquisitions and trading network during the 1600s.

The dutch were very successful because of the dutch east India trading company that largely controlled the major trade routes towards Asia.

Explain the enclosure movement and why it benefited large landowners in Western Europe?

The enclosure movement consolidated various strips of land into one larger field. This benefited large landowners because this allowed for investors to buy more land and this helped the landowners produce more crops which helped the economy and they made more money.

Briefly describe and give evidence of the exchange of plants(columbian exchange)

The exchange of plants is apparent due to the transportation of wheat and coffee from Africa and Eurasia to the Americas.

Explain and give evidence of France's colonial acquisitions and trading network during the 1600s.

The french developed forts and settlements in Canada and Africa. Mostly looking for natural resources such as fur and gold. Also they traded for crops such as tobacco.

Explain the Protestant Work Ethic.

The idea that religious values explain social and economic developments, also the idea that Protestant values lie at the heart of capitalism. Calivinists believed that if they were prosperous that was God working through them. This led them to work harder leading to the Protestant work ethic.

Briefly explain and give evidence of ONE advance in military technology that enabled Europeans to establish colonial empires.

The increased use of gunpowder weapons and steel swords also assisted Europeans in establishing overseas colonies and empires.

Why was the invention of the printing press so important?

The invention of the printing press was so important because it allowed the revival of Greek and Roman texts to challenge universities and the Catholic Church.

Briefly explain and give evidence of ONE advance in navigation that enabled Europeans to establish colonial empires.

The magnetic compass and the astrolabe helped mariners to determine their location at sea.

Briefly explain household duties in a rural home

The men and older boys went out to the fields to tend to the crops and farm animals while the woman and girls did household chores.

Results of the Slave Trade

The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and a continuing fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible throughout much of western Africa. The transatlantic slave trade also generated great wealth for many individuals, companies, and countries, but the brutal trafficking in human beings and the large numbers of deaths that resulted eventually sparked well-organized opposition to the trade.

Explain and give evidence of Spanish colonial activities in the Americas.

The spanish settled in the Caribbean island and expanded into Mexico. Hernan Cortes conquered the advanced civilization of the Aztec after portraying himself as the god.

Explain and give evidence of Spanish colonial activities in the Pacific.

The spanish under the command of Pizzarro conquered the Incas in Peru. The spanish had brought many diseases with them that ravaged the native people.

What are theological writings?

The study of ideas based on God - reflected in the writings

What is geometric perspective in painting?

The use of mathematics to help artists create the appearance of space and distance in 2D paintings

How did Spain's colonial empire lead to Spanish dominance in the 1500s-1600s?

Their control over immense amounts of precious metals, spices and trade made them extremely wealthy and powerful in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Explain and give ONE piece of evidence of how authorities enforced communal norms through public humiliation

There were public whipping and branding events. Lawbreakers placed in stocks. There were charivaris, which were loud processions in which people were mocked and humiliated for violating social norms.

ID (using SCAR) the Great European Witch Hunts

They ran from about 1500-1700 and killed about 50,000 people. It occurred at the same time as the rise of science because of the Protestant Reformation. It shattered the unity of western Christendom and put everyone on edge. Psychological distress based around the idea that people were going to go to hell caused people to find a scapegoat who was in league with the devil. The scapegoats were the women.

Explain the impact of Jesuit missionaries.

They tried to save indigenous people from the horrors of conquistadors and the encomienda labor system. They persuaded Charles V to call together Church officials and declare the situation unjust and necessary for change.

Explain ONE piece of evidence that reflects the idea that many still believed the universe to be governed by spiritual forces.

They were believers in the geocentric theory, and believed that God placed the earth at the center of the universe on which the great drama of life took place.

Why would people delay marriage and childbearing in response to environmental challenges such as the Little Ice Age?

To cope with their poverty, members of the agricultural class started to have smaller families. They waited until they could become financially established before marrying, and married at a later age. When women married later they had less children. Poor working conditions and lack of medical knowledge led to more miscarriages and stillbirths. 1 in 4 babies dies in infancy and another 1 in 4 during childhood.

Explain the La Querelle des Femmes

Translates to the woman question. Stemmed from a debate in the 1530's in France on if women were fit to attend university. Led to gender relations questions Two arguments - . Women were naturally inferior to men because God created man first, men were physically stronger and Eve deceived Adam leading to humanities downfall - unchangeable. Men oppressed women, Eve was actually the one that was deceived, women's position was due to lack of education - changeable

Explain and give evidence of Portuguese commercial activities in South and East Asia.

Vasco de Gama sailed around the cape of good horn to India in search of "spices and christians". He found many spices including ginger and cinnamon.

Briefly explain the Bank of Amsterdam

Was formed in 1609 so individuals, companies, and governments could deposit money in the bank and transfer capital to one another.

Explain the irony of French entry into the Thirty Years' War.

While devout Catholics the French entered on the side of the Protestants in the thirty years war.

How did delay of marriage and childbearing improve the economic condition of families

Wives had many responsibilities as workers and as managers of a household. By having less children women had a larger opportunity to contribute to the household income. Peasant women performed numerous duties, from tending fowl and sheep and a vegetable garden to brewing beer and assisting with the harvest. Artisan wives did skilled craft work alongside their husbands, or did the work themselves during their husbands' absence. Sometimes women became members of craft guilds in this way. (A guild was an organization that trained apprentices for a craft or trade and set standards for quality.) Wives of merchants tended shops, helped keep accounts, or managed other business records. Among wealthier patrician and aristocratic families, women performed the textile work that women everywhere were expected to do, but they generally made luxury items such as gold-thread embroidery

Mannerist and Baroque artists

employed distortion, drama, and illusion in their work. Monarchies, city-states, and the church commissioned these works as a means of promoting their own stature and power.

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