European history

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What Florentine artist was commissioned by Pope Julius II to build his tomb and paint the Sistine Chapel?


According to Machiavelli, government should be judged on whether it

provided order, security and safety of the populace.

Luther's ideas about Roman exploitation of Germany

Appealed to the national sentiment of German princes

What individuals believed that merging of Christian and classical traditions could provide reform for the church and deepen the spiritual lives of people?

Christian Humanists

How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms?

Luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teaching and practices

What aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged?

Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works

The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a

confidence among Calvinists in their own salvation

John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

detract from sovereignty of God

The Colloquy of Marburg

failed to resolve the difference among Protestants on the issue of Eucharist.

Who was the wealthy Florentine responsible for the vast patronage of Renaissance artists?

Cosimo de Medici

What is the name given to French Protestants


Why did a unified Italian state fail to develop in the fifteenth century?

Political loyalty and feeling centered on a passionate attachment to the individual city-state.

Bruni's oration beset illustrates which of the following elements of the Renaissance?

The revival of classical literature and ancient texts.

Who was the most prominent metal smith who helped develop metal movable print?

Johann Gutenberg

How did the cannon affect the power of monarchies?

only Central governments could afford cannons, enhancing the military power of the central states over its nobility

The dissolution of the English monasteries

resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

The approaches of humanist scholars such as Bruni led t which of the following developments by early sixteenth century?

Christian humanists employing Renaissance learning in service of religious reform

How were the consequences of the "little ice age" experiences in Europe?

Economic disruptions in one region had serious implications for its trading partners in other, distant regions.

which of the following identifies the term race in the Renaissance?

Groupings of people based on ethnic, national, or religious factors

How did the Calvinists understand the idea of work or labor?

Hard work, well done, was pleasing to God, and all work with a religious aspect was dignified

Why did Jan Hus gain so many followers?

His attack on papal authority and his call for the translation of the Bible into Czech resonated with many people who opposed to the church's wealth and were experiencing an emerging Czech nationalism

The image above best reflects which of the following historical trends?

Humanist revival of Greek and Roman texts shifted the focus of education away from theology and toward the study of classical texts.

Why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work?

It was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and, therefore, not responsible for supporting a family.

How did minority groups suffer during the subsistence crises of the fourteenth century?

Jews and lepers were accused of poisoning wells to kill Christians, and, as a result, many were killed, beaten, or heavily fined.

What were Lutheran and Calvinist attitudes toward secular rulers?

Lutherans taught respect for authority while Calvinists encouraged opposition to political authorities who were considered ungodly

Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir Mary, Queen of Scots, executed?

Mary became implicated in a plot to assassinate Elizabeth

The artwork above serves as evidence of which of the following historical developments

Princes and Popes, concerned with enhancing their prestige, commissioned painting and architectural works based on classical styles that often employed the newly invented technique of geometric perspective

In this excerpt, Calvin's writing best serves as evidence of which of the following practices occuring in Europe at the time?

Reformers criticized Catholic abuses and established new interpretation of Christian doctrine and practice

What key difference between Renaissance humanists and sixteenth-century natural philosophers is best reflected in the painting above?

Renaissance humanists studied classical texts, whereas natural philosophers conducted observation and experiments

Which of the following best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation

Salvation came through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace

what was theologian John Wyelif's main argument?

Scripture alone should determine church belief and practice

In Hungary, Lutheranism was

Spread by Hungarian students who had studied at the University of Wittenberg.

What educational book by Baldassare Castiglione provided a treatise on training a young man in the discipline and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentleman?

The Courtier

How did the choice to embrace or reject the Reform movement occur in a territory or region in the Holy Roman Empire?

The political leader(s) of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms.

Which of the following was the most direct consequence of the changes promoted by Calvin

The weakening of religious institutions during the Reformation left city governments with the task of regulation public morals

Why did Protestants allow the dissolution of marriages in divorce?

They viewed marriage as a contract for mutual support, and married partners who failed to provide support endangered their souls and entire community

Which of the following sixteenth-century developments best exemplifies Argula von Grumbach's claim to represent the "church of Christ"

Though Christianity fragmented in Europe, religious uniformity remained the ideal

In terms of gender relations, Renaissance humanists argued that

Women's sphere of activity was the private and domestic

Which of the following was one of the central components of the Italian Renaissance?

a glorification of individual genius

Luther believed that he church consisted of

all those who supported his views

During the Great Schism, how did the powers of Europe align themselves?

along the traditioinal political alliances, with France and her allies supporting the French Pope and the others favoring the Italian Pope

Based on the above excerpt, the Act of Supremacy best represents?

an attempt by Henry VIII to impose religious reform from the top down and expand royal authority

Henry VIII used to Act of Supremacy to

assert control of religious institutions such as monasteries

As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany

became wither Lutheran or Catholic, depending on the preference of their prince

How did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women?

marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women

Luther views celibacy as

opposed to human nature and God's commandments

The Pilgrimage of Grace attested to

popular opposition, in norther England, to Henry VIII's reformation

France supported the Protestant princes of Germany in order to

prevent Charles V from increasing his power

Which of the following illustrates a major similarity between John Calvin and sixteenth-century Roman Catholic popes.

some Protestants refused to recognize that subordination of the church to the state

Italian humanists stressed the

study of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature

What was a long-term outcome of the conflict represented in the excerpt above?

the Catholic Church in Europe was permanently fragmented

The critiques expressed by Calvin generated which of the following broader religious changes in the sixteenth century?

the Catholic Reformation revived the church but cemented the division within Christianity.

Which of the following theological reforms is best illustrated by Argula von Grumbach's interpretation of the Bible

the Reformation placed new emphasis on the individual's direct relationship to God

What does the document above suggest about the role of women in popular anticlerical movements of the Reformation era?

the Reformation raised debates about female roles in the family, society, and the church

the immediate cause of the English peasant rebellion of 1381 was

the collection of a tax on all adult males

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of

the dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII

One international impact of the religious reform evidenced in the Act of Supremacy in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries was

the effort by Hapsburg rulers to restore Catholic unity across Europe

What characteristic of political thought during the Italian Renaissance is raised by Bruni's oration?

the emphasis on secular models of individual and political behavior

What was the basis of financial support for the evolution of the renaissance artists?

the patronage of wealthy individuals and rulers

How did the flagellants respond to the Black Death?

they whipped and scourged their bodies as penance, believing that the Black Death was God's punishment for humanity's wickedness.

Martin Luther's first response to the Peasants' War was

to side with the peasants

The highly infectious nature of the plague was enhanced by

urban congestion and lack of sanitation

During the Hundred Years' War, the English kings were supported by some French barons because the latter

wanted to stop the French monarchy's centralizing efforts

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

was a middle course between Catholic and Protestant extremes

who benefited from the Black Death?

workers: those who survived demanded high wages after the Black Death, increasing the standard of living for the broad mass of people

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