European Politics midterms

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The Council of Europe

- 47 members - all parts of the European continent - most powerful organization in the world, with respects to human rights - Belarus cannot be accepted to this because it is a dictatorship - has right, along with the Parliament, to put forward a legislative proposal

states applying for EU membership

- Bosnia/Herzegovina - Macedonia - Kosovo - Montenegro - Iceland - Albania - Serbia - Turkey

European Neighborhood Policy

- EU policy designed to foster stronger ties with neighboring countries in the Middle East, North Africa and post-Soviet Europe by offering more aid and enhanced cooperation, but not the prospect of EU membership - like w/ the Ukraine

The current organization of the EU for conduct of external relations

- High Representative for foreign affairs and security - the European External Action (EEAS) - President of the European Council - President of the Commission - 2 Commissioners

the EU and the Council of Europe & NATO

- NATO & the EU cooperate on security. NATO became the main forum for security cooperation during the cold war, but security has always been a fundamental part of european integration - EU members are all signatories to the Council of Europe. It has a wider membership than the EU, and provides an important indication of the limits of Europe as recognized internationally

Political Institutions of Europe

- OSCE - Council of Europe - EU - Schengen Area - Eurozone

Institutions of the EU

- Parliament - Council of Europe - Commission - ECJ - Council of Ministers - Economic and Social Committee

intergovernmentalism (in terms of a model that has contributed to the EU)

- a descriptive term to describe an EU that is dominated by its member states

functionalism (in terms of a model that has contributed to the EU)

- a mix b/w intergovernmentalism and federalism - in essence what the Lisbon Treaty represents

United Kingdom

- constitutional monarchy - the Queen of England is the head of the Anglican Church - 2 house system: house of Lords and House of Commons - proportional representation

EEAS (current external relations organizations)

- created by the lisbon treaty and became active in 2010 - works under the authority of the high rep - brings under 1 roof the EU and the national diplomats - intends to make the missions more like real embassies


- currently demographically and economically the strongest country of the EU - still hurting from WWII, so not the strongest politically - high respect for human life - It is a federation with a parliamentary regime (president has very little power- like queen of England) - Constitution written in 1949 - 2 chambers, like the US, that represent the state - government has a chancellor (like a PM) who has the real power

exclusive competencies of the EU

- customs union - competition rules for the functioning of the internal market - monetary policy for member states in the eurozone - the conservation of marine biological resources under the common fisheries policy - common commercial policy - conclusion of international agreements if necessary

things the Lisbon treaty did

- got rid of unanimity in voting, changed it to qualified majority voting, except in some aspects - incorporated what some wanted to be part of a Constitution - made the ECB an EU institution

experimentation and change

- has not been guided by an agreed-upon master plan - when the EU changes, it changes happen incrementally - Lisbon Treaty as steps toward a Constitutional Treaty - does not always run smoothly

sociological/cultural approach

- how interests and identities are constructed - decision-makers are the same as anyone else : fundamentally social beings

criteria for becoming a member state of the EU

- human dignity, human rights (esp for minorities), freedom, democracy, equality - stability of institutions that promote the things above - functioning market economy - adherence to EU political, economic and monetary union - EU's capacity to absorb a new member

shared competencies of the EU (with member states)

- international market - social policy, for the aspects defined in the Treaty - Economic, social and territorial cohesion - Agriculture and fisheries, excluding the conservation of marine biological resources - Environment - Consumer protection - Transport - Trans-European networks - Energy - Area of freedom, security and justice - Common safety concerns in public health matters

federalism (in terms of a model that has contributed to the EU)

- means the adoption of something closer in form and substance to a Constitution, flag, anthem, president, and foreign minister

Human Aid and Crisis Response

- member of the European Commission - The portfolio deals with the distribution of aid; the European Commission is the largest supplier of humanitarian aid in the world

the CSDP + Cold War and NATO

- military spending in most of the EU states declined sharply after the Cold War, minimizing the CDSP's powers - the CSDP, to critics, has been viewed as a way for NATO's reluctant European members, esp. the French, to create and alternative security alliance and distances the EU from the US

growing importance of European public policy and convergence

- moving toward a multilevel governance system - eroding national sovereignty - convergence of national policy styles: one "European" style - opportunities for Europe to reinvent itself

the international relations approach

- nature of power in international politics, and the extent to which cooperation is possible or durable in the absence of any "international government" - different types: neofunctionalist and intergovernmentalist

sharing power and seeking consensus

- power is distributed among states, institutions, and organized interests - consensus and compromise is highly valued - unwritten rules and norms have been learned and internalized y policy makers - the idea that consensus should be the ultimate aim and long negotiations and compromises are the price to pay for it - often matter far more than what the treaties say - multi-level system of governance - often suffers from a lack of leadership

President of the European Council (current external relations organizations)

- president of Europe in some cases - represents the unit at external summit meeting - chaired by a minister of the member state and rotates every 6 mos - the presidency are the chair of just one of the institutions - no additional powers - it's job is to build consensus

Supporting competencies of the EU

- protection and improvement of human health - Industry - Culture - Tourism - Education, vocational training, youth and sport - Civil protection - Administrative cooperation

President of the Commission (current external relations organizations)

- selected by the European parliament by an absolute majority on a proposal of the council which must take account of the results of European parliamentary elections - it is becoming more political, reflecting converging political parties in Europe


- semi-presidential, definitely NOT fascist - Parliament is bi-cameral - unitary, not federal - Currently has a socialist president and parliamentary representatives who are from the extreme left, green, and socialist parties - president elected for 5 yrs

responsibility of EU + member states for foreign policy

- since the 1970s, there has been a transition from system of international relations in which states with pure realist aims dominated the global system to a global governance system in which states are working collectively in order to enhance security across the globe - member states now showing willingness to pull resources together at the EU level to have greater influence over global issues, like environmental policy, trade policy, and political security issues

economic and monetary policies of the EU (pay attention to Eurozone)

- so far, has been the most salient policy of the EU - in 1988, the EU set Jacques Delors with the task of developing a plan for the Economic and Monetary Union - European Central Bank - after 1993, one of the most important topics was the capacity of countries to adopt the euro, a common currency. Tony Blair was a major supporter of the euro, but the UK did not want to give up the pound -

comparative politics approach

- study the state with regards to politics - types: new institutionalists (cooperation is now normal and accepted)

public policy approach

- studying what the EU produces - policy network analysis: insist that EU polciies or outcomes are shaped in important ways by informal bargaining, much of which takes place outside formal institutions or policy process

Europe 2020

- ten year growth - 5 targets 1. 75% employment 2. lower dropout rates 3. more funding for research 4. reduce poverty 5. better climate

High Representatives for foreign affairs and security (current external relations organizations)

- the Lisbon Treaty merged the post of high rep. and the external relations commissioner - this person is also VP if the commission - the high rep chairs meetings of the council of foreign affairs ministers - they have NO ROLE in enlargement negotiations

the idea of two-speed Europe

- the idea that different parts of the EU should integrate at different levels and pace depending on political situation in each individual country - this is called, in EU law "flexible integration", or "reinforced cooperation", or "enhanced cooperation

scope and capacity

- the scope has grown much faster than the EU's ability to manage affairs - evolved almost by stealth into a global power - with no agreed-upon end goal it takes on new tasks and members - there's a gap between the scope and capacity - institutional and political

widening v. deepening of the EU

- widening: the Union should develop by including more member states - deepening: making the links between the member states tighter

the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP)

-part of *internal* EU security policy, which seeks to defuse or counter threats to security within EU's own borders - launched formally in 1999 with the Bosnian crisis in the past and the Kosovo crisis yet to come - has been restricted to modest missions - has become a framework for combining European military assets at the "hard" end of capabilities through European "battle groups"

2 Commissioners (current external relations organizations)

1. Commissioner for Development: deals with promoting sustainable development in deprived regions. It previously included humanitarian aid. 2: Commissioner for International Cooperation: deals distribution of aid

3 pillars of the EU

1. European community: internal market and movement of people 2. common foreign and security policy: preserve peace, promote international cooperation. 3. Justice and home affairs: cross-border crime, interpol

crucial points in European History

1. Renaissance/Reformation (middle ages): rebirth and rediscovery of a civilization of Europe, Calvin & Protestantism 2. Enlightenment and French Revolution: philosophers, Declaration of Rights of Man, reason > tradition. Diderot, Kant, Voltaire. 3. 19th century Revolution, and the Rise of Liberal Democracy: revolutions of 1848, demanded more constitution and law, rights. Montesquieu. Argument that constitutional monarchy creates national unity and is a symbol to represent the country 4. Industrial Revolution, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism: more people concentrated on money. Marx, Growing concern for working class. 5. European Imperialism and colonialism: at the same time as #4. Globalization of capitalism. They became new world powers. 6. WWI, the Soviet Revolution, Fascism, and WWII. 7. Reconstruction (post WWII), Divided Europe, Birth of Europe: Axis v. Allied powers. Division of Europe into spheres of influence led to an arms race (Cold War). European community of steel and coal created. European integration process. 8. The Great Transformation of the Late 20th century: emergence of a new European era. The fall of the Berlin Wall. Oil crisis of the 70s. Rise of regional identity, multiculturalism, decline of religion in post-modern Europe, new middle class

main steps in progressive creation of what is at present the European union

1. Treaty of Paris (est. European coal and steel community) 2. treaties of Rome (1957) (est. European atomic energy community, European economic community) 3. single European Act (1986) 4. Maastricht Treaty (treaty on European Union) 5. Lisbon Treaty (incorporated everything the constitution did)

the 6 concluding points on Magone, ch. 16

1. diversity and convergence in European politics 2. mediatisation and electoral markets in Europe 3. a multilateral governance system 4. flexible means of communication 5. toward multicultural societies? 6. the unification of the continent as a historical milestone

policy clusters of the EU

1. economic and monetary policies 2. trade and competition policies 3. environment and energy policies 4. policies on the movements of peoples 5. European regional policy or cohesion policy 6. common agricultural policy

3 themes running throughout the EU book

1. experimentation and change 2. sharing power and seeking consensus 3. scope and capacity

four main forms of organizing territory

1. federal 2. regionalized unitary 3. decentralized unitary 4. centralized unitary

steps to enlargement of the EU & how they compare to the treaties

1. founder members: Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands 2. added Denmark, Ireland and the UK 3. added Greece, Portugal, Spain 4. added Austria, Finland, and Sweden (right after the Maastrich Treaty 5. added Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, SLovenia

what 3 things is the EU a hybrid of?

1. inter-governmentalism 2. federalism 3. functionalism

four types of conceptual approaches to understanding the EU

1. international relations 2. comparative politics 3. public policy 4. sociological cultural

functions of Parliament

1. legitimation 2. representation 3. policy-making 4. control

four phases of modern European politics

1. national elites created strong states 2. emergence of mass politics 3. social democratic consensuses 4. globalization and erosion of national sovereignty

current changes and continuity in the European political parties

1. the Americanization of European parties and party systems 2. transformation to cadre to cartel parties 3. decline of party membership 4.importance of public funding for political parties

supranational decision-making process of the EU

1. the EU court of justice sends decisions that add to the EU law to the European Commission 2. the European Council sends guidelines for the future of the EU to the European Commission 3. Th European Commission proposes legislation the the Council of Ministers 4. the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament co-decide on the legislation 5. the European Parliament controls and confirms the members of the European Commission

4 approaches to understanding the EU

1. the International Relations approach 2. the comparative politics approach 3. the public policy approach 4. the sociological/cultural approach

path to EU membership

1. the country submits an application to the Council of Ministers 2. the Council of Ministers asks for an opinion from the Commission 3. the Commission delivers its opinion to the Council of ministers 4. the Council issues the Opinion on the Treaty of Accession to the European Parliament 5. the Council opens accession negotiations to the EU member states 6. the Parliament gives consent of the Treaty to the country applying to be a member 7. the country signs the Treaty of Accession (which may require referenda) and becomes a member state

five societal trends

1. welfare-workfare state 2. end of traditional class politics 3. decline of religious cleavages and religiosity 4. rise of regional identity 5. homogenous to heterogenous society

the EU

28 member states created after WWII originally to regulate production of steel and coal industries (France and Germany) Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy moved to common market UK joined in 1974 common $ (euro) common policy partly supranational

Europe as a continent

50 countries 742 million people, low birth rate, low mortality rate, high expectancy of life, high GDP - $26.9 thousand,

competencies of the EU

Competencies (powers) of the EU and member states are set out in the Lisbon Treaty. Policies not mentioned belong automatically to the member state. 1. exclusive 2. shared 3. supporting competencies

member states' representatives are in these institutions of the EU

Council, the European Council, and the European Parliaments

Empty Chair Crisis

De Gaulle decided to pull France from all the council meetings and it left one chair empty. He was opposed to the commission's plans to extend EC's (European Economic Community) general powers

When were the first European institutions created? Why? By whom?

European Coal and Steel, 1950/1. It was an agreement to regulate the coal and steel industry based on functionalism. Started by France and Germany

centre-periphery cleavage

First source of division within European societies. Structural relationship between an advanced, metropolitan "centre" and less developed "periphery". The culture of the periphery is less viable.

The European Commission

Made up of civil servants and commissioners from member states propose legislation policies: economic and monetary (most power), foreign policy/security/terrorism, justice


Members of the EU that introduced and share the same currency (Euro) 18 countries smallest regime of the EU

The European Parliament

Only directly elected multinational parliament 751 members 7 groups (p155 pink book) Higher degree of pluralism 4 powers: legislative, budgetary, scrutiny, appointments Questions of legitimacy Appoints president of commission First election was 1979


Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 57 participants includes the USA issues of security, still active

Schengen Area

This area covering much of Western Europe, which was incorporated into the EU in the 1999 Treaty of Amsterdam, allows for freer movement between countries that are within it. Second smallest regime in the EU 28 countries

European Court of Justice

decide on problem of conformity of states to laws of EU

the European Free Trade Association

is an intergovernmental organisation set up for the promotion of free trade and economic integration 4 members, which are not members of the EU

representatives of interest groups and lobbies

lobbyists provide a wealth of information to EU policy makers. They also raise questions about whose interests are being served in EU decisions. Include businesses, nonprofits, or governmental organizations

European Central Bank

located in Germany completely independent controls inflation

structures of European constitutions

most start with a preamble reflecting the historical legacy, usually followed by diff sections outlining the "rules of the game" first section normally includes rights, or definition of state further sections define main institutions and their relationships to one another defines political structure of territory usually ends with a description of procedures for special situations (i.e., state of emergency, amendments)

coalition government

not able to complete the legislation period. Weak governments, not majoritarian or consensual

origins of Parliament

oligarchical assemblies of the middle ages

Council of Ministers

originally ministers of foreign affairs; powers of the ministers: adopt legislation (council and parliament share legislative power)

characteristics of European consitutions

originally rigid, change was difficult, but the acceleration of international change and integration has led to several amendments. Separation of power, but close cooperation.

policy-making legislature v. policy-influencing legislature

policy-making: government-imposed legislation. Majoritarian-like policy-influencing: government initiates the legislation and the parliamentary groups inside parliament review, amend, or change it

origins of European constitutions

reaction to the arbitrary absolutist monarchies of the early modern period all are based on liberal and democratic principles. they are human products and need to be modified, flexible, to keep up with global and European trends

representatives of the EU only, and not member states, are in these institutions of the EU

the Commission, the European Court of Justice, and the European Central Bank

rejection of European constitution

they said no to a constitution, but everything thy wanted to get into the EU was done through the Lisbon Treaty.

the European Model

two-head executive, variations within

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