Evolution practice 1

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the mutated gene will become more common in the next generation of these flowers

A gene mutation in a certain flower allows the flower to produce more seeds. The seeds each have the same chance of producing a new plant as do seeds from flowers that do not possess this mutation. It can be expected that

variation exits within a species

A large population of houseflies was sprayed with a newly developed, fast-acting insecticide (created to prevent the multiplying of insects). The appearance of some houseflies that are resistant to this insecticide supports the concept that

there is a change in the DNA sequence of a gene

A mutation occurs when

They had a genetic variation that gave them resistance to the chemical.

A new chemical was discovered and introduced into a culture containing one species of bacteria. Within a day, most of the bacteria were dead, but few remained alive. Which statement best explains why some of the bacteria survived?

many of the hares will be eaten

A particular breed of hare has a coat that turns white in the winter to blend with the snow in its environment. One winter, no snow falls and the white coats make the hares easy for predators to see against the brown dirt. The most immediate expected result of this environmental change is that

successful traits are passed on to future generations traits within a population are varied Individuals tend to overproduce offspring

According to the theory of natural selection

Gene pool

All the genes in a population are that population's


Any characteristic that can help an organism survive is called

Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are not passed on through genes.

During a study session about evolution, a classmate remarks, "The giraffe stretched its neck while reaching for higher leaves - its offspring inherited longer necks as a result." To correct your fellow student's misconception, what would you say?

suitability for its environment

In the process "Survival of the Fittest" the term "Fittest" refers to the organism's


Individual organisms within an existing population cannot

potato population lacked variations

Potatoes were the main crop in Ireland in the 1800s. Almost the entire population of Ireland was dependent on a single variety of potato, the "lumper." These potatoes were reproduced by a method of asexual reproduction known as vegetative propagation. In the middle of the 1800s, a disease caused by a fungus killed almost the entire lumper crop within two years. As a result, millions of people in Ireland died of starvation. The most likely reason the potato disease was able to destroy the potato crop in such a short time is that the

evidence of the source of genetic variation

The evidence Darwin fully failed to explain in his theory was

alleles that improve survival will increase in frequency within a population

The theory of evolution predicts that

variations are due, at least in part to mutations

The theory of natural selection includes the following conditions, EXCEPT

Darwin and Wallace

The theory of natural selection was proposed by

the number of fertile offspring

What is the measure of Darwinian fitness in a population?

decrease in adaptive value

When a particular white moth lands on a white birch tree, its color has a high adaptive value. If the birch trees become covered with black soot, the white color of this particular moth in this environment would most likely

Ancestral penguins without large wings were better able to swim and feed in the water; therefore they passed their genes for shorter wings structure onto their offspring.

Which is probably the best explanation for the fact that Antarctic penguins cannot fly, although there is evidence that millions of years ago their ancestors could do so?

They are different, since each species has different adaptations that function within a changing environment.

Which statement about the rates of evolution for different species is in agreement with the theory of evolution?

New organs arise when they are needed.

Which statement is not included as a part of the modern theory of evolution?

Genetic variability may better suit some members of a species to a changing environment

Why do sexually reproducing organisms have an evolutionary advantage?

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