Exam #1: Group Development Stages

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what are Leadership Challenges?

-don't be authoritative -don't dictate

How Members can promote Maturity and Cohesiveness:

1. Have a focus - think about what you'd like to change, set a goal 2. Pay attention to feelings - yours and other members, share feelings with group 3. Be an active participant - silence may block the group & get stuck in a control phase 4. Give feedback - this builds trust 5. Be open to feedback - don't get defensive, just listen & think about it 6. Take responsibility for what the group accomplishes. Your actions can move the group forward...or not. Invite members to participate and give feedback, if it becomes critical therapist redirects

Theories: Flight, Fight, Unite

Bion (BFF unite)

Yalom which stage? Increase in morale Increase in self-disclosure Long buried transgressions are shared Members show concern over absences or missed sessions Desire to socialize outside the group Chief concern is closeness/intimacy Suppression of negative affect Mutual support Problems are constructively worked through

Cohesive maturity

Schutz which stage? Rebellion & challenge is normal for this stage Where do I stand in relation to power & authority? How much influence do I have? Will I have too much responsibility? Characteristics: leadership struggle Therapist viewed with mistrust, analyzing & judging members, withholding answers Leader must not show signs of defensiveness If leader abdicates authority, members will attempt to fill void; these attempts are met with severe criticism however Scapegoats must be protected by therapist


Theories: Inclusion, Control, Affection

Schutz (SICA)

How a Leader can promote cohesiveness in groups:

Share responsibility with members, assign roles, delegate Allow members' expression of dissention/unrest & acknowledge it Take the blows, don't allow members to be scapegoated Make some changes in response to group - be adaptive; set clear boundaries and stick with those standards Allow conflict to resolve while preserving integrity of group

Importance for OT

These stages help us understand the process for OT group interventions Stages are predictable - as therapists we can plan developmentally appropriate activities to suit the developmental readiness of members. Helps to predict leader challenges OTs can design activities to help therapeutic groups reach mature state (cohesiveness)

Theories: Orientation, Conflict, Cohesive Maturity


Schutz which stage? Group Cohesiveness How do others feel about me? How do WE feel about each other? Characteristics: expression of positive feelings, emotional investment in group, really listen to each other, anger can be expressed without negative consequence, secret issues may be shared Belief that one is loved & capable of loving Real consensual validation occurs Members able to explore new behaviors Separation anxiety occurs toward each other


Yalom which stage? "the struggle for control is present in every group" "social conventions are abandoned...members feel free to make personal criticism A time of "oughts" & "shoulds" The leader is challenged Leader doesn't have all the answers - members get angry Leader viewed as omnipotent, but holding back Members realize none of them will become therapist's "favorite child" Members divided between "attackers" & "defenders" of the leader Hostility toward the therapist emerges in many forms Members have resistance to self-disclosure

conflict (dominance, rebellion

Schutz theory mimics:

development of child on family

Bion which stage? Members attack leader or scapegoat a rival leader (member) as a flight from leader


Bion which stage? members dependent on leader, avoid taking on responsibility; members turn to eachother


Tuckman: which stage? Beginning - everyone is on their best behavior Members try to determine roles - where do I stand compared to other members? Energy is directed toward one self as opposed to members of the group Orientation - what is this group about? Task organization is helpful; Members look to therapist for guidance Members attempt to gain acceptance from leader Leadership - more directive to group's needs


________________: stages that groups & teams typically go through. All groups move through predictable stages that resemble normal development

group development

Schutz which stage Will I be accepted? Where do I fit in? What can I give to this group? Will I be important? Respected? Can I be myself? How will the leader respond to me? Members look to the leader for guidance; members are sizing each other up


Tuckman which stage? differences are resolved Development of cohesion/TOGETHERNESS Members are more accepting of the group & accept each other's differences - Focus on the shared goal Harmony is valued; socialization is sought among members Members are open to each other (trust) & appreciate each other Leader -


Yalom which stage? Hesitant participation Search for meaning Dependency on leader Leader is active


Tuckman which stage? - respect & motivation Can work together effectively - goals are met Time to focus on new tasks, new steps Time to shine! Team effectiveness is maximized Leader is more of an advisor


Predictable stages:

preschool don't want to leave parents adolescents don't want to be seen with parents, different friends everyday college= mature phase= grounded, self identity, excepting differences

Tuckman which stage? Review/ reflect on group history Evaluate what went well or caused problems Adjust themselves as group in response i.e. Change method of decision making if current way is too stressful to group


one person that everyone takes aggression out on, targeted, someone more vulnerable is _______________

scapegoat Therapist doesn't allow scapegoating in groups

Tuckman which stage? testing of boundaries of the leader, the group tasks, and each other. Individual differences emerge Member(s) attempts to take charge & emerge as a leader Members resist structure, rules, tasks set by the leader Conflict is overt Group process is focused on differences rather than similarities Leader Role- address & manage the conflicts; clarify purpose & goals for all


Theories: Forming storming, norming, preforming, reforming


Bion which stage? Begins as pairing & sub-grouping; ends in stable working group with very little emotionality.


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