Exam 2

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On Kant's view, moral truths can be known with certainty


On Kant's view, we can know for certain that lying is wrong.


On a utilitarian view, we can know lying is probably wrong but we cannot know this with certainty.


One of the criticisms raised against Utilitarianism is that the utilitarian standard sometimes conflicts with justice, meaning that some particular act might be right according to the utilitarian standard while at the same time being unjust.


Thomas Aquinas argues that cruelty to animals is wrong because of how it affects humans, not because it hurts nonhuman animals.


Kant's view is:

-A hedonist view -A consequentialist view -An empiricist view -***None of the above -- correct

Which of the following is true?

-According to Singer, "all humans are equal" is prescriptive -If "all humans are equal" is descriptive, it is false -Equal consideration does not demand equal treatment -***All of the above

Which of the following arguments is valid? (Remember: I'm asking about only the structure of the argument, not whether the premises or conclusions are true).

-If the case for women's rights is successful, then brutes—nonhuman animals—have rights as well. But brutes do not have rights. Therefore, the case for women's rights is not successful. -If the case for women's rights is successful, then brutes—nonhuman animals—have rights as well. The case for women's rights is successful. Therefore, brutes have rights. -***Both of the above -- correct

According to the lecture,

-The statement "All ravens are black" requires experience to determine its truth -The statement "All triangles are trilateral" does not require experience to be known -***Both of the above -- correct

Kant's moral theory is a rationalist view in that all moral knowledge comes through reason and not experience.


Which of the following is/are allowed by Decisions Near the End of Life," the article on which the 1996 AMA policy is based?

-Withholding life-sustaining treatment in order to respect the choice of an autonomous patient -Intending to alleviating pain while knowing that the dosage required to alleviate pain might hasten the death of the patient -***Both of the above -- correct

According to "Decisions Near the End of Life," the paper on which the 1996 version of the AMA policy is based, which of the following are consider euthanasia?

-Withholding life-sustaining treatment in order to respect the choice of an autonomous patient -Intending to alleviating pain while knowing that the dosage required to alleviate pain might hasten the death of the patient -***Neither of the above -- correct

According to Rachels, the reason the Principle of Utility was a radical theory in that:

-it denies the existence of right and wrong -it makes no reference to God or divine moral rules -we are required to do whatever is necessary to promote happiness -it focuses solely on one's own happiness -all of the above -***b and c only -- correct

Which of the following is a correct statement of Kant's Categorical Imperative?

Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law

A sentient being is by definition a being that is capable of reason.


According to Kant, lying is wrong because if everyone lied, the consequences would be bad.


According to Kant, our moral obligations are rooted in the fact that we all want happiness.


According to Singer, the principle of equality requires equal treatment.


According to Utilitarianism, we should always act in such a way to promote the greatest balance of pleasure minus pain for all and only people.


According to hedonism, physical pleasures are the only thing intrinsically valuable.


According to utilitarianism, justice is intrinsically valuable.


According to utilitarianism, while the moral worth of an act is determined in part by the consequences of an act, other things matter as well, such as the moral standard of a culture or God's will.


Active euthanasia will always violate someone's rights, according to Rachels.


Hastening death is the same thing as intending death, according to "Decisions Near the End of Life," the paper on which the new AMA statement is based.


If we apply the principle of equality to animals, then we have an obligation to buy the family dog new socks just as we have an obligation to buy the family children new socks.


Robert Nozick argues in favor of hedonism.


The Harm Principle allows us to interfere with a person's freedom to protect only that person from hurting him or herself.


The principle of equality requires that if a man has a right to something, a woman has exactly the same right. So, if men have a right to prostate exams, women have a right to prostate exams.


Singer's reason for thinking that speciesism is wrong is:

If a being suffers, that suffering must be taken into consideration

On Kant's view, lying is irrational, even if doing so promotes everyone's happiness.


In, "The Morality of Euthanasia," Rachels rejects a strictly utilitarian argument that would allow euthanasia in some cases, but he endorses a similar argument, one he says is "inspired by utilitarianism." What is the difference between the two?

The revised argument does not use the principle of utility as a premise whereas the utilitarian argument does

According to the lecture,

The statement "All triangles are trilateral" can be known with certainty

According to "Decisions Near the End of Life," the principle of patient autonomy requires that patients who possess decision making capacity have the opportunity to choose among medically sound treatments and to refuse any unwanted treatment offered by their physicians.


According to Kant, making a lying promise is wrong because the rule that allows it is self-defeating, that is, it is logically inconsistent.


According to Rachels, in at least some cases, active euthanasia promotes the best interests of everyone concerned.


According to Rachels, traditional Christian religion opposes euthanasia and utilitarianism allows it.


According to rule utilitarianism, the utilitarian standard is a guide for choosing moral rules, not a guide for evaluating particular acts.


An important difference between Hypothetical Imperatives and Categorical Imperatives is that Hypothetical Imperatives give us a reason to act only if we have the relevant desires, whereas Categorical Imperatives issue commands that do not depend on our having the relevant desires.


It is Mill's view that the Harm Principle is the best utility promoting rule.


It is not because lying would have bad consequences that it is wrong for Kant, but because universal lying is logically inconsistent.


It is not merely that humans have desires that make us intrinsically valuable--nonhumans have desires--but that humans are rational agents, according to Kant.


It is often claimed that the utilitarian standard is too demanding because it seems to tell us that acts that we thought were beyond the call of duty (supererogatory acts) are actually morally required since they promote more pleasure than pain.


If you want to be trusted, then you should never lie" is in the form of

a hypothetical imperative

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