exam 3

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The purchase of a parcel of land in present-day southern Arizona was negotiated by​ ​Zachary Taylor. Correct! ​James Gadsden. ​John Fremont. ​Franklin Pierce. ​Nicholas Trist. In 1848, gold flakes were discovered in the American River by ​ ​None of these are correct. Correct! ​James Marshall. ​John Sutter. ​James Gadsden. ​James Polk. The 1849 migration to California included primarily​ ​free slaves from the south. ​families. Correct! ​white men from the East Coast and Midwest. ​Mexicans. ​Europeans. The 1849 migration to California was referred to as ​ ​the Great Migration. ​civil disobedience. ​None of these are correct. ​California Fever. Correct! ​the Gold Rush. By 1854, more than ___________________ people had made their way to California.​ Correct! ​three hundred thousand ​two hundred thousand ​one million ​fifty thousand ​one hundred thousand

Between 1849 and 1855 more than ___________________ worth of gold was pulled out of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.​ ​$20 million ​$100 million ​$200 million Correct! ​$300 million ​$10 million Which of the following is true about the dynamic surrounding mining towns in California?​ ​Thousands of foreigners poured into California. ​Americans asserted that mining should be reserved for American citizens. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​Economic competition fueled racial tensions. ​Class divisions softened. Of all the foreigners who came into California beginning in 1849, ___________________ faced the most hostility because of their long history of mining and immediate success.​ ​the Chinese ​Mexicans ​Brazilians Correct! ​Chileans ​Europeans ​The Foreign Miner's Tax of 1850 charged non-U.S. citizens a ___________________ fine for mining in California. Correct! ​$20.00 ​$25.00 ​$12.00 ​$15.00 ​$10.00 ​Which of the following is true about the Chinese who arrived in California in the 1850s? ​Most arrived after 1852. Most who arrived were men of some means. ​They were familiar with the United States as a result of missionaries who had visited China. ​Many were familiar with the English language. Correct! ​All of these are correct.

The purpose of the 1836 U.S. Exploration Expedition was to ​ ​asses the effects of Indian removal among Indian groups. ​continue Lewis and Clark's exploratory voyage of the Louisiana Territory. ​explore South Florida and collect data on its flora, fauna, and native peoples. Correct! ​survey and collect data from the South Pacific and Antarctic regions. ​None of these are correct. The 1836 U.S. Exploration Expedition was authorized by ​ ​John Quincy Adams. ​James Polk. Correct! ​Andrew Jackson. Martin Van Buren. ​John Tyler. After a series of forced migrations, Mormons finally settled in ​ ​San Diego. ​Independence. Correct! ​the Salt Lake Valley. ​Galveston. ​Sacramento. Mexico gained independence from Spain in ​ Correct! ​1821. ​1815. ​1800. ​1831. ​1825. Which of the following is true about Texas under Mexican rule?​ Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​Texas on the northern frontier felt neglected in terms of support against Indian attacks. ​The Mexican government made an effort to protect its northern border against the United States. ​A large majority of Americans who settled in Texas were southerners who sought to grow cotton using slave labor. ​The Mexican government encouraged foreigners to emigrate to Texas under Mexico's terms.

In 1834, ___________________ declared himself the dictator of Mexico.​ ​Sam Houston ​Juan Seguín ​Stephen Austin ​William Travis Correct! Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna​ The terms of the Treaty of Velasco called for recognition of ___________________ independence.​ ​Baja California's Correct! ​Mexico's ​None of these are correct. ​Texas' ​California's Which of the following was an issue of bipartisan consensus during the 1830s and 1840s?​ ​the annexation of Texas as a state ​the power of the federal government ​None of these are correct. Correct! western expansion ​slavery The Webster-Ashburton Treaty clarified the boundary between​ ​Mexico and California. ​Michigan and Canada. ​Oregon and Canada. Correct! ​Maine and New Brunswick. ​Mexico and Texas. Manifest Destiny ​resonated in public and political discourse. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​was the belief that the United States was destined to rule over the North American continent. ​was a popular belief during the early half of the nineteenth century. ​was used to justify the annexation of Texas.

The Industrial Revolution began in ​ ​Italy. ​Germany. Correct! ​Great Britain. ​the United States. ​Ireland. The first mill in the United States was built by​ ​Patrick Lyon. ​Samuel Slater. Correct! ​Francis Cabot Lowell. ​None of these are correct. ​Eli Whitney. Initially, the Lowell Mills employed _________________ as laborers​. Correct! ​single women ​Irish immigrants ​white men ​Native Americans ​free blacks The phenomenon of surplus labor primarily affected ​ ​land sales in the western frontier. ​factories. Correct! ​American farms. ​Southern plantations. ​merchant ships. A turn out was a ​product made with standardized parts. ​method of recruiting labor. ​a system of recruiting laborers for America's new factories. Correct! ​strike. system of more efficient labor productions. During the nineteenth century, two rapidly expanding ranks of service workers were ​ ​maids and farm hands. Correct! ​clerks and boarding house keepers. physicians and accountants. ​None of these are correct. ​lawyers and messengers. The General Trades Union was formed as ​ ​women sought equal opportunities for promotion as men. ​manufacturers sought better prices for their raw materials. ​artisans sought to remain a part of the economy. ​farmers sought better prices for their agricultural products. Correct! ​workers sought better wages. Boarding houses for women, such as those of the Lowell mills,​ ​enforced curfews for their young female tenants. ​mandated church attendance for their tenants. were run by women specifically hired as boardinghouse keepers. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​had rules that limited mixed-sex socialization. The interstate slave trade transported slave laborers to ​ ​the Northeast. ​the Chesapeake. Correct! ​the Deep South. ​New Orleans. ​California. The family wage refers to ​ ​None of these are correct. ​the income brought in my working men and women. ​the income brought into the family household by men, women and children. ​supplemental income provided by children working in factories. Correct! ​the amount of income needed for a man to support his wife and children.

Internal improvements refer to Correct! ​improvements in transportation and infrastructure for the benefit of commerce. ​None of these are correct. ​improvements in the living quarters of workers living in factory housing. more flexible corporate legislation. ​improvements in production methods in factories. Railroads were constructed on a major scale beginning in the ​ ​1840s. ​​1850s​. ​1820s. Correct! ​1830s 1810s​. The Erie Canal was completed in ​ ​1837. Correct! ​1825. ​1840. ​1832. ​1830. Which of the following is true about steamboats? ​Steamboats allowed travel both upriver and downriver. ​Steamboats on the Mississippi brought the global economy to the U.S. interior. Correct! ​All of these are correct. By the late 1830s, there were 700 steamboats traveling the ​Mississippi. ​The first steamboat was developed in 1807. Eminent domain refers to ​ ​a company's power to set rules for those living in company towns. ​None of these are correct. ​a worker's right to strike. Correct! ​a corporation's legal right to force landowners to sell their property along a turnpike, canal, or railroad. ​a manufacturer's rights to set wages. Which of the following is not true about the first Patent Act?​ ​It was passed in 1790. Correct! ​It protected inventions patented outside the United States. It gave inventors a fourteen-year monopoly on machinery and processes they had created.​ ​It was also known as an Act to Promote the Progress of Useful Arts. ​It only protected inventions patented inside the United States. The first bankruptcy law ​still bound the debtor to a percentage of his debts. did not allow for a debtor's assets to be divided among his creditors.​ Correct! ​was overturned three years after it was passed. ​was passed in 1807. ​the individual who filed bankruptcy could not take on new debt for five years. The American System included ​ ​federal money for internal improvements. ​a protective tariff on imports. ​a national bank. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​increased federal land sales. After the Napoleonic Wars​ prices on American land dropped. ​demand for American crops decreased. Britain turned back to India for their cotton supply. European farmers began producing their crops.​ Correct! ​All of these are correct. The Second Bank of the United States​ ​was chartered for a ten-year period. ​had only once branch in Washington, D.C. Correct! ​was charted in 1816. ​held deposits for the government but did not lend it money. ​had no control over the circulation of money in the United States.

Ninety-nine percent of all human endeavor prior to the 1800's was in what form? Slash and burn farming Subsistence Farming none of these is correct Correct! Cash Crop Farming When everything a family needs comes from the family farm it is called ________________________ farming. Crop rotation farming None of these is correct. Correct! Subsistence Farming Cash Crop Farming In the pre-1800 family model of living, father did what? Correct! The Outside Work The Outside and inside work The inside work Went out into the world to work for money The industrialization paradigm called for Mom to do what? Mom did outside and inside work Correct! Mom was responsible for creating a haven from the world of work for Dad; and educate the children. Mom did inside work Mom watched Jerry Springer The changes of ___________________________________ caused social disruption in New England. Cash Crop Farming Correct! Industrialization None of these are correct Subsistence Farming The social upheaval of the anti-bellum age in New England fed into the, what? Subsistence Farming Cash Crop Agriculture Correct! The Second Great Awakening Burnt Over District The Second Great Awakening was different from the first in what way? Correct! The concerns of women were taken into account during the 2nd Great Awakening. The concerns of children were taken into account during the 2nd Great Awakening The concerns of men and boys were taken into account during the 2nd Great Awakening. The concerns of Ministers were taken into account by the 2nd Great Awakening. How were women a part of the Second Great Awakening? Women worked through Church organizations to improve society. None of these are correct; Correct! Women were allowed to become ministers during the 2nd Great Awakening. Women became auxiliary ministers. The desire to improve society to the point that Jesus Christ would return to Earth was called: None of these is correct. Correct! Millennialism Adventism Returnism Women Church Groups with the goal of improving society were called: Correct! Tract Societies Secret Societies. Pamphlet Societies Traditional Church Groups

Issues addressed by Women's Church Groups included: Correct! Abolition, Temperance, Mental Health, Prison Reform, literacy Juvenile Delinquency None of these are accurate P.E.T.A.; Norml and other acronyms Women referred to the new model of family life that arose w/industrialization as: The Best Life Livable None of these are accurate Correct! The Cult of Domesticity The Bonds of Child rearing & clothes washing "The Bonds of Womanhood" was a phrase women in New England used to describe: The new paradigm for families in the South Correct! The condition of being married The new paradigm of family life that they were involved in, which they disliked. None of these are accurate The goal of the Society for propagation of the faith was to do what for western areas of the nation? Used Camp Meetings to gather in the people of new churches Correct! All of these are correct. Ministers became "Circuit Riders" ministering to several churches, one each week. Identify and educate Ministers to preach in the West. Women's Tract Societies led eventually to: American Women earning the vote None of these are correct. English abolition conferences being made co-ed. Correct! A woman serving as President of the United States. What was it that occurred in July of 1846 at Seneca Falls, NY? The first American Anti-Slavery Conference was held in New York State The second Woman's Right's conference was held in NYC. Correct! The first American Women's Rights Conference was held. The first American woman was elected governor of New York State. The goal of the Seneca Falls meeting was, what? To secure a Bill of Rights for Women in America Correct! To advocate for women's right to vote, first on the local level, then on the national level. To advocate for more strict enforcement of domestic violence laws To secure the right of property for women in America The goal of the conference in Seneca Falls: Was never realized. Continues to be a goal for women in America. Correct! Was achieved when the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and ratified in 1920. Was partially granted by the 22nd amendment.

The White Buffalo Calf Woman is the protagonist in the ___________________ origin narrative.​ ​Creek ​Apache ​Tlingit ​Cherokee Correct! ​Sioux Between 1800-1850, the native population in the U.S. West​ ​increased steadily. ​None of these are correct. Correct! ​decreased. steadily. increased, then decreased. ​decreased,then increased. The first population pressure on Indians living in the great plains came from​ ​Texans. ​French fur traders. Correct! ​the Sioux. ​Spanish settlers. American frontiersmen.​ The Sioux were spared the most dramatic impact of the 1837 small pox epidemic because​ ​None of these are correct. ​they had developed a cure using traditional native medicine. ​they were genetically immune to the disease. Correct! ​their mobility allowed them to disperse themselves away from settled villages. ​they had developed immunity due to earlier contact with Europeans. Sioux ties to the global market led to the decline of ​ ​None of these are correct. Correct! ​the vast bison herds. ​the matriarchal structure of Sioux society. ​Sioux patterns of nomadic life. ​Sioux family patterns.

The Black Hawk War in 1832 involved​ ​Meskwakies. ​Potawatomies. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​the Sauks. ​the United States. The outcome of the Black Hawk War opened ___________________ to white settlement.​ Correct! ​Iowa ​Kansas ​Oklahoma ​Nebraska ​Indiana The Treaty of New Echota gave the Cherokee land in Indian Territory, located in present day ​Texas. ​Missouri. ​Nebraska. Correct! ​Oklahoma. ​Colorado. Of those who set out on the Trail of Tears, ___________________ percent died.​ ​15 ​35 ​10 ​30 Correct! ​25 The Trail of Tears took place from ​1845-1847. ​1845-1846. ​1842-1845. Correct! ​1838-1839. ​1840-1842.

The quick urbanization of a significant portion of the American population happened between Correct! ​1820 and 1850. ​1810 and 1820. ​1840 and 1860. ​1800 and 1830. ​1825 and 1845. Which of the following groups did not account for a bulk of the urban population during the first three decades of the nineteenth century?​ ​None of these are correct. ​free black people ​migrants from rural surroundings ​immigrants from abroad Correct! ​urban slaves In the Five Points neighborhood of lower Manhattan, ​ Correct! ​disease passed quickly through the water supply. ​banks and other businesses converted the region into a thriving financial district. ​the wealthy lived in mansions. ​None of these are correct. ​few immigrants were among the population. Which of the following was common in urban areas like New York City during the first half of the nineteenth century?​ ​competition for work among different racial and ethnic groups ​filthy conditions and international trade exposed Americans to global epidemics such as cholera Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​religiously-based clashes between Catholics and Protestants ​violence and discrimination towards African-Americans and immigrants The notion of domesticity included which of the following?​ ​The male and female "spheres" were seen as one and the same. ​Domestic labor was regarded highly as an important economic contribution. Correct! ​The distance between the middle-class and working-class poor neighbors was highlighted. The responsibilities of mothering lost significance as housekeeping became more important​. ​Women were having more children. In 1800, __________________ percent of the children born in St. Louis were métis, meaning that they had both Indian as well as European ancestors.​ ​40 ​60 ​50 ​70 Correct! ​80 An abroad marriage refers to ​ ​None of these are correct. ​marriages between an immigrant and who traveled to the United States and someone in his native homeland. ​marriages between white men and Indian women for the purposes of establishing trade networks. ​marriages between people of different social classes. Correct! ​marriages between slave people who lived on different plantations. Which of the following is true about slavery in the South?​ ​Most slaves on Southern plantation were from Africa. ​Even on the plantation there was an isolated sense of domesticity for slave women. ​Half the slaves in the South lived on plantations that had more than 100 slaves. ​The experience of slavery did not allow for networks of family and support to form. Correct! ​Slaves who worked in workshops, stables, or homes avoided some physical strain but were subjected to increased vigilance. Whites who lived in the borderland South​ ​worked all day to meet basic needs. ​developed a very insular culture. ​were disconnected from cotton fields and growing markets. ​were isolated due to a lack of infrastructure. Correct! ​All of these are correct. Brawling refers to ​ ​​a form of conflict resolution carried out between male slaves. ​a form of dueling carried out by upper class men. ​an aggressive form of negotiation carried out by western fur traders. Correct! ​a style of bare-knuckle fighting carried out by white men in the backcountry South to defend their honor. ​None of these are correct.

The Second Great Awakening​ ​was based on evangelical Christianity. ​led to increased church attendance. ​took place during the early nineteenth century. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​was a Protestant movement. Camp meetings were ​ ​meetings where Indians and white Americans would negotiate land treaties. ​None of these are correct. ​parties held at rural estates where the upper class would mingle during parties that lasted for days. Correct! ​outdoor religious revivals where people would sing, pray, and listen to ministers and lay preachers. ​political forums held in rural areas where local residents would discuss current political issues. According to the notion of perfectionism, ​ ​God had created humans as perfect beings. ​women were morally superior than men. ​only a perfect society can breed perfect humans. Correct! ​humans can work to free themselves from sin during their lives. ​Protestants needed to stamp out the influence of other religious groups, namely Catholics. The American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions​ Correct! ​sent Protestant missionaries to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. ​organized evangelical camp meetings in the frontier. was a Catholic organization. ​carried out mission trips to Latin America. ​was a political as well as religious organization. ​The African Methodist Episcopal church ​was created by the Free African Society. ​was formally recognized in 1816. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​began as an all-black affiliate of a Philadelphia congregation. ​as the first independent black denomination in the United States. The Shakers​ ​were founded in the early nineteenth century. ​were not a utopian community. ​encouraged sexual relations between married men and women. Correct! ​believed in the separation of the sexes. ​believed that God was male. The Mormons​ ​All of these are correct. ​​were established by Francis Wright. Correct! ​are also known as the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ​established themselves as a denomination in Philadelphia. ​established their church in the late eighteenth century.​ Utopian socialism was developed by ​ ​Frances Wright. ​Charles Finney. ​Joseph Smith. Correct! ​Robert Owen. ​Ann Lee. Which of the following is not true about the message of evangelical Protestantism in the South?​ ​It stressed the duty of fathers to lead their families to Christian conversion. ​It stressed the duties that masters had to their slaves. ​Women were encouraged to pray but not speak about church business. ​It stressed obedience on the part of slaves. Correct! ​It stressed the sinfulness of slavery. Which of the following was not a denomination ​that divided over the issue of slavery? ​Baptist ​Methodist Episcopal ​None of these are correct. Correct! ​Mormons ​the American Presbyterian

The Great Migration of 1843 refers to the movement of Americans to ​ ​Utah. ​Oklahoma. ​Texas. ​California. Correct! ​Oregon. The forty-ninth parallel was established as the U.S. border between Canada and​ ​Maine. ​Michigan. ​Montana. ​Minnesota. Correct! ​Oregon. "On Civil Disobedience" was written by​ ​Ralph Waldo Emerson. ​Zachary Taylor. ​David Wilmot. Correct! ​Henry David Thoreau. ​James Polk. "On Civil Disobedience" was a treatise primarily against​ ​temperance. ​abolitionism. ​Indian removal. Correct! ​the U.S.-Mexican War and slavery. ​None of these are correct. The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed in ​ ​1836. ​1842. ​1840. Correct! ​1848. ​1846.

The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ended hostilities between ​Mexico and Texas. ​Texas and California. ​the United States and Texas. Correct! ​Mexico and the United States. ​California and Mexico. The Treaty of Cahuenga turned ___________________ over to the United States.​ ​None of these are correct. Correct! ​California ​Oregon ​the Nueces Strip ​Texas The Bear Flag Revolt was led by​ ​Zachary Taylor. ​Sam Houston. Correct! ​John Fremont. ​Stephen Austin. ​William Travis. The Bear Flag Republic was established in ​ ​New Mexico. Correct! ​California. ​Oklahoma. ​Arizona. ​Texas. The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo established the U.S.-Mexico boundary at the ​ Correct! ​Rio Grande. ​None of these are correct. ​Colorado River. ​Arkansas River. ​Nueces River.

Mourning culture ​ ​None of these are correct. was popular in the late eighteenth century but lost influence after the beginning of the nineteenth century. ​aimed to keep thoughts of death and deceased as far away as possible. ​was embraced by working class Americans. Correct! ​was based on the belief that grief helped to awaken Christian sympathy. Transcendentalism​ ​was based on the suppression of romanticism. ​was a term coined by Henry David Thoreau. ​argued that human reason was the best tool for understanding. Correct! ​argued that humans should seek to transcend their senses and come to understand truth. ​was a movement founded in the south. The lyceum movement​ Correct! promoted education through public lectures and debates. ​encouraged the education of slaves. ​promoted education but only in the university setting. ​provided a source of enrichment but was not thought of as a means to reform society. ​reached out specifically to the working class. The penny press​ ​was supported by advertising and sold on street corners. ​covered local crimes and sensational stories. pioneered investigative journalism. ​was made possible by the cylinder printing press. Correct! ​All of these are correct. P. T. Barnum​ ​None of these are correct. ​was a famous song writer. Correct! ​won fame through his outrageous claims. ​was an early nineteenth-century social reformer. ​was an evangelical minister. The most eager audiences for minstrel shows were Correct! ​white working men. ​white working women. ​white middle-class men. ​white middle-class women. ​social reformers such as ministers. __________________, a Transcendentalist, experimented with ​solitary existence by moving into Walden Pond. ​Ralph Waldo Emerson ​Joseph Smith Correct! ​Henry David Thoreau ​Charles Finney ​Immanuel Kant Parlor music​ ​was popular at camp revivals. ​was popular in the frontier western area of the United States. ​was popular among African American slaves. Correct! ​was popular among the middle class. ​was popular among the working class. The Anglo-Spanish Treaty of 1817 pledged Spain to end slavery north of the equator immediately and south of the equator by 1818. 1824. ​1825. Correct! 1820. 1822. The Amistad was a​ ​an American military vessel. Correct! ​Spanish schooner carrying rebellious and illegal slaves. ​a fur trading ship that sailed on the Pacific. ​French pirate ship. ​British merchant vessel.

The Tredegar Iron Works had a __________________ percent enslaved workforce made up mainly of rented slaves. Correct! ​50 ​60 ​30 ​20 ​40 ​Proslavery doctrine drew on __________________ to justify slavery. ​religion ​law Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​racist science ​history Proslavery southerners justified slavery through​ ​arguments of paternalism. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​arguing that they were maintaining the true bonds of caring dependence which had been disrupted elsewhere by industrial growth. ​accusing northern industrialists of exploiting their laborers. ​arguing that they had committed themselves to supporting enslaved people throughout their lives. The idea of polygenesis ​None of these are correct. ​argued that nations built on different cultures are socially and economically stronger. Correct! ​argued that human beings had fundamentally different origins. ​argued that humans were fundamentally the same. ​argued against notions of racism. Scientific racism linked __________________ to character.​ ​national origins ​level of education ​None of these are correct. ​socioeconomic status Correct! ​physical appearance Which of the following was not ​one of the groups of humanity mentioned in Crania Americana? ​Mongolians ​Caucasians ​Negroes Correct! ​Hispanics ​Native Americans ​Phrenologists examined ​a person's physical strength. ​the pigmentation of one's skin. ​a person's height. Correct! ​the bumps on one's skull. ​the length of a person's limbs. Turner's Rebellion took place in ​ ​1844. ​1840. ​1825. Correct! ​1831. ​1850. Turner's Rebellion was a revolt led by Native Americans on the frontier. ​backcountry Southerners. ​southern planters. ​working class laborers. Correct! ​slaves. The Slavery Abolition Act of 1834 freed slaves in the ​ ​country of Mexico. Correct! ​British Empire. ​Spanish Empire. ​French Empire. ​Louisiana Territory.

Composite farming​ ​involved focusing almost all resources on cash crops. ​involved experimenting with new types of fertilizer. ​involved the use of slave labor. Correct! ​was a farming system where crops were grown both for market exchange and household use. ​meant that farming had become more mechanized. By 1840, United States trade with China Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​provided a source of Chinese silk, tea, and porcelain. ​was an $8.6 million industry. ​meant that traders had to establish connections with native peoples in order to export furs and hides to China. ​made China the third largest exporter to the United States. The Treaty of Wanghia​ ​was a treaty between China and Britain. Correct! ​gave the United States the same trading benefits as Britain and France. ​called for the payment of debts owed to Chinese merchants. ​established protective tariffs to protect American domestic products from Chinese competition. established a United States embargo of Chinese products. The Missouri Compromise Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​admitted Missouri as a slave state. ​was passed in 1820. ​admitted Maine as a free state. ​permitted slavery in the Louisiana territory south of the 36th parallel. Rendezvous points were ​places where American and French fur traders would fight for influence. schools where native peoples would be educated in American culture and learn the English language. ​ports where merchant ships would arrive from China. ​meetings where native peoples and government officials would work out treaties over land ownership and hunting rights. Correct! ​annual gatherings in which white and Indian fur trappers would gather to exchange furs for manufactured goods. Which of the following is not​ true about the Monroe Doctrine? ​It was delivered as a message to Congress. ​It was written in 1823. ​It was written by President James Monroe and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. ​The president promised "not to interfere in the internal concerns" of Europe. Correct! ​It stated that the United States would support European powers in fighting Latin American independence movements. Which of the following changes concerning voting rights began taking place in the early nineteenth century? ​Women were given the right to vote. ​All free blacks were given the right to vote. ​None of these are correct. ​All Protestant men were given the right to vote. Correct! ​All white men were given the right to vote. The alleged "corrupt bargain" through which John Quincy Adams became elected president took place during the election of ​1828. Correct! ​1824. ​1832. ​1836. ​1820. The Democratic Party ​supported the interests of elites. ​None of these are correct. Correct! ​favored the white male franchise. ​carried out small-scale, exclusive politics. ​formed around John Quincy Adams. Which of the following was not among those who felt victimized by the economic changes of the nineteenth century? ​southern and western white farmers who wanted Indian land ​artisans Correct! ​large scale manufacturers ​indebted farmers ​None of these is correct.

Which of these is true about Andrew Jackson and the Second Bank of the United States?​ ​He removed all federal deposits from the bank and put them in state banks. He wanted to destroy the bank and replace its paper money with gold and silver currency.​ ​He vetoed the bill to recharter the bank in 1832. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​He argued that the bank was run by the rich and powerful as many of the stockholders were wealthy foreigners. The Indian Removal Act was passed in ​1830. ​1828. ​1838. ​1840. Correct! ​1832. The Indian Removal Act pushed southeastern Indian groups over the ​Ohio River. Mexican Border. Correct! ​Mississippi River. ​Great Lakes. ​Canadian border. Which of these was a Democratic experiment that took place during the first half of the nineteenth century? ​The Cherokee nation expanded men's access to their governments. ​Independence movements in Latin America led to the establishment of new republics. ​The British Parliament permitted Catholics to serve in Parliament. Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​The French King Charles X was forced to abdicate the throne in favor of Louis-Phillipe, the "citizen king." Beginning in the late 1820s, disenfranchised Americans employed the method of _________________ to participate in politics.​ ​protesting ​rioting writing newspaper articles​ Correct! ​petitioning ​letter writing Which of these groups participated in the Ten Hour Movement? American factory workers ​British factory workers ​the Lowell Female Reform Association Correct! ​All of these are correct. ​Philadelphia blacksmiths and carpenters Sectionalism refers to loyalty to one's political party. ​identifying with members of one's social class. ​political identity on the basis of gender. ​loyalty to one's country. Correct! ​political loyalty to one's own region of the country. Vice President Calhoun's doctrine of nullification was a response to the ​Specie Circular. ​Panic of 1819. ​Indian Removal Act. Correct! ​Tariff of 1828. ​None of these are correct. The Whigs ​All of these are correct. Correct! ​were supported strongly by businessmen. ​favored a weak central government. ​were supported strongly by laborers. ​encouraged immigration. The Specie Circular​ Correct! ​prohibited the federal government from accepting anything but gold and silver coins as payment for government land. ​encouraged the use of paper money. encouraged speculation in land markets. ​outlined the outlined the platform for the Democratic party. ​prohibited the use of gold and silver currency when trading with Native Americans. As Power increases, what happens to Liberty? Liberty increases as power increases because they are connected together. Correct! As Power increases, Liberty decreases; they are in an inverse relationship. None of the above are correct. Liberty disappears if Power increases.

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