exam 3 chapter questions

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Which of the following behavioral patterns is characteristic of pts with narcissistic personality disorder? A. Overly self-centered and exploitative of others B. Suspicious and mistrustful of others C. Rule conscious and disapproving of change D. Anxious and socially isolated

A. Overly self-centered and exploitative of others

You are having company for dinner and they are due to arrive in 20 min. You are about to finish cooking and still have to shower and dress. The doorbell rings and its a man selling a new product for cleaning windows Which of the following is an example of an aggressive response? A. "I dont do windows!" and slam the door in his face B. "I'll take a case," and write him a check C. "Sure, I'll take three bottles." Then to yourself think: "I'm calling this company tomorrow and complaining to the manager about their salespeople coming around dinnertime!" D. "I'm very busy at the moment. I don't wish to purchase any of your product. Thank you."

A. "I dont do windows!" and slam the door in his face

You're on your way to the laundry room when you encounter a fellow dorm tenant who often asks you to "throw a few of my things in with yours." You view this as an imposition. He asks you where you're going. Which of the following is an example of a passive aggressive response? A. "I'm on my way to the Celtics game. Where do you think I'm going?" B. "I'm on my way to do some laundry. Do you have anything you want to wash with mine?" C. "It's none of your damn business!" D. "I'm going to the laundry room. Please don't ask me to do some of yours. I resent being taken advantage of in that way."

A. "I'm on my way to the Celtics game. Where do you think I'm going?"

You have been studying for a nursing exam all afternoon and lost track of time. Your husband expects dinner on the table when he gets home from work. You have not started cooking yet when he walks in the door and shouts, "Why the heck isn't dinner ready?" Which of the following is an example of a passive-egressive response? A. "I'm sorry. I'll have it done in no time, honey." But then you move very slowly and take a long time to cook the meal B. "I'm tired from studying all afternoon. Make your own dinner, you bum! I'm tired of being your slave!" C. "I haven't started dinner yet. I'd like some help from you." D. "I'm so sorry. I know you're tired and hungry. It's all my fault. I'm such a terrible wife!"

A. "I'm sorry. I'll have it done in no time, honey." But then you move very slowly and take a long time to cook the meal

You and your best friend, Jill, have had plans for 6 months to go on vacation together to Hawaii. You have saved your money and have plane tickets to leave in 3 weeks. She has just called you and reported that she is not going. She has a new boyfriend, they are moving in together, and she does not want to leave him. You are very angry with Jill for changing your plans. Which of the following is an example of an assertive response? A. "I'm very disappointed and very angry. I'd like to talk to you about this later. I'll call you." B. "I'm very happy for you Jill. I think its wonderful that you and Jack are moving in together." C. Your ell Jill that you are very happy for her, but then you say to another friend, "Well, that's the end of my friendship with Jill!" D. "What? You can't do that to me! We've had plans! You're acting like a real slut!"

A. "I'm very disappointed and very angry. I'd like to talk to you about this later. I'll call you."

Annie has trichotillomania. She is receiving treatment at the mental health clinic with habit-reversal therapy. Which of the following elements would be included in this therapy? (select all that apply) A. Awareness training B. Competing response training C. Social support D. Hypnotherapy

A. Awareness training B. Competing response training C. Social support

Clint, a pt on the psych unit, has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He begins to tell the nurse about how the CIA is looking for him and will kill him if they find him. Clint's belief is an example of: A. Delusion of persecution B. Delusion of reference C. Delusion of control or influence D. Delusion of grandeur

A. Delusion of persecution

A nursing school graduate failing the NCLEX and a 15 yo high school girl not being selected for cheer squad are examples of which of the following? A. Focal stimuli B. Contextual stimuli C. Residual stimuli D. Spatial stimuli

A. Focal stimuli

Some biological factors may be associated with the predisposition to suicide. Which of the following biological factors have been implicated? A. Genetics and decreased levels of serotonin B. Heredity and increased levels of norepinephrine C. Temporal lobe atrophy and decreased levels of acetylcholine D. Structural alterations of the brain and increased levels of dopamine

A. Genetics and decreased levels of serotonin

Which of the following outcome criteria would be most appropriate for the Karen? A. Karen is able to express positive aspects about herself and her life situation B. Karen is able to accept constructive criticism without becoming defensive C. Karen is able to develop positive interpersonal relationships D. Karen is able to accept positive feedback from others

A. Karen is able to express positive aspects about herself and her life situation

Jack is a new pt on the psych unit with a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. Which of the following characteristics would you expect to assess in Jack? A. Lack of guilt for wrong doing B. Insight into his own behavior C. Ability to learn from past experiences D. Compliance with authority

A. Lack of guilt for wrong doing

Kim, a pt diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, manipulates the staff in an effort to fulfill her own desires. All of the following may be examples of manipulative behaviors in the borderline pt EXCEPT: A. Refusal to stay in room alone, stating, "Its so lonely" B. Asking Nurse Jones for cigs after 30 min, knowing the assigned nurse has explained she must wait 1 hour C. Stating to Nurse Jones "I really like having you for my nurse. You're the best one around here." D. Cutting arms with razor blade after discussing dismissal plans with the Dr

A. Refusal to stay in room alone, stating, "Its so lonely"

A pt with OCD spends many hours each day washing her hands. The most likely reason she washes her hands so much is that it: A. Relieves her anxiety B. Reduces the probability of infection C. Gives her control over her life D. Increases her self-concept

A. Relieves her anxiety

Which of the following interventions are appropriate for a pt on suicide precautions? (select all that apply) A. Remove all sharp objects, belts, and other potentially dangerous articles from the pts environment B. Accompany the pt to off-unit activities C. Obtain a promise from the pt that she will not do anything to harm herself for the next 12 hours D. Put all of the pts possessions in storage and explain to her the she may have them back when she is off suicide precautions

A. Remove all sharp objects, belts, and other potentially dangerous articles from the pts environment B. Accompany the pt to off-unit activities C. Obtain a promise from the pt that she will not do anything to harm herself for the next 12 hours

Tommy says to his friend, "I can't ever talk to my Daddy until after he has read his newspaper." This is an example of which of the following? A. Rigid boundary B. A boundary violation C. Enmeshed boundary D. Too flexible boundary

A. Rigid boundary

A pt who is experiencing a panic attack has just arrived at the ER. Which is the PRIORITY nursing diagnosis for this pt? A. Stay with the pt and reassure safety B. Admin dose os diazepam C. Leave the pt alone in quiet room so that she can calm down D. Encourage pt to talk about what triggered the attack

A. Stay with the pt and reassure safety

A nurse who is helping a pt in the preparation stage of the Psychological Recovery Model might include which of the following interventions? A. Teach about effects of illness and how to recognize, monitor, and manage symptoms B. Help pt identify "triggers" that cause distress or discomfort C. Help pt establish daily maintenance list D. Listen actively while the pt composes personal story

A. Teach about effects of illness and how to recognize, monitor, and manage symptoms

The nurse identifies the primary nursing diagnosis for Theresa as Risk for Suicide r/t feelings of hopelessness from loss of relationship. Which is the outcome criterion that would most accurately measure achievement from this diagnosis? A. The pt has experienced no physical harm to self B. The pt sets realistic goals for herself C. The pt expresses some optimism and hope for the future D. The pt has reached a stage of acceptance in the loss of the relationship with her boyfriend

A. The pt has experienced no physical harm to self

Janet has a diagnosis of GAD. Her Dr has prescribed buspirone 15mg daily. Janet says to the nurse, "Why do I have to take his everyday? My friend's Dr ordered Xanax for her, and she only takes it when she is feeling anxious." Which of the following would be an appropriate response by the nurse? A. "Xanax is not effective for generalized anxiety disorder" B. "Buspirone must be taken daily in order to be effective" C. "I will ask the Dr if he will change your dose of buspirone to prn so that you don't have to take it every day." D. "Your friend really should be taking the Xanax every day"

B. "Buspirone must be taken daily in order to be effective"

You are in a movie theater that prohibits smoking. The person in the seat next to you just lit a cigarette and the smoke is very irritating. Which of the following is an example of an assertive response? A. You say nothing B. "Please put your cigarette out. Smoking is prohibited." C. You say nothing, but begin to frantically fan the air in front of you and cough loudly and convulsively D. "Put your cigarette out, you slob! Can't you read the 'no smoking' sign?"

B. "Please put your cigarette out. Smoking is prohibited."

A fellow worker often borrows small amounts of money from you with the promise that she will pay you back "tomorrow." She currently owes you $15, and has not yet paid back ant that she has borrowed. She asks if she can borrow a couple of dollars for lunch. Which of the following Is an example of a nonassertive response? A. "I've decided not to loan you any more money until you pay me back what you already borrowed" B. "i'm so sorry. I only have enough to pay for my own lunch today." C. "Get a life will you? I'm tired of you sponging off me all the time!" D. "Sure, heres two dollars." Then to the other workers in the office: "Be sure you never lend Cindy any more money. She never pays back her debts. I'd be sure never to go to lunch with her if I were you!"

B. "i'm so sorry. I only have enough to pay for my own lunch today."

Velma told Betty a secret that Mary had told her. This is an example of which of the following? A. Too flexible boundary B. A boundary violation C. Rigid boundary D. Enmeshed boundary

B. A boundary violation

Which of the following behavioral patterns is characteristic of pts with schizotypal personality disorder? A. Belittling themselves and their abilities B. A lifelong pattern of social withdrawal C. Suspicious and mistrustful of others D. Overreacting inappropriately to minor stimuli

B. A lifelong pattern of social withdrawal

"Splitting" by the pt with borderline personality disorder denotes: A. Evidence of precocious development B. A primitive defense mechanism in which the pt sees objects as all good or all bad C. A brief psychotic episode in which the pt loses contact w reality D. Two distinct personalities within the borderline pt

B. A primitive defense mechanism in which the pt sees objects as all good or all bad

The nurse is interviewing a pt on the psych unit. The pt tilts his head to the side, stops talking in mid sentence, and listens intently. The nurse recognizes these behaviors as a symptom of the pos illness. The most appropriate nursing intervention for this symptom is to: A. Ask the pt to describe his physical symptoms B. Ask the pt to describe what he is hearing C. Admin a dose of benztropine D. Call dr for additional orders

B. Ask the pt to describe what he is hearing

Theresa, who has been hospitalized following a suicide attempt, has been put on suicide precautions on the psych unit. She adits that she is still feeling suicidal. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate in this instance? A. Obtain an order from the dr to place Theresa in restraints to prevent any attempts to harm herself B. Check on Theresa every 15 min or assign a staff person to stay with her on a one-to-one basis C. Obtain an order from the dr to give Theresa a sedative to calm her down and reduce suicide ideas D. Do not allow Theresa to participate in any unit activities while she is on suicide precautions

B. Check on Theresa every 15 min or assign a staff person to stay with her on a one-to-one basis

The primary goal in working with an actively psychotic, suspicious pt would be to: A. Promote interaction with others B. Decrease his anxiety and increase trust C. Improve his relationship with his parents D. Encourage participation in therapy activities

B. Decrease his anxiety and increase trust

Milieu therapy is a good choice for its with antisocial personality disorder because it: A. Provides system of punishment and rewards for behavior modification B. Emulates a social community in which the pt may learn to live harmoniously with others C. Provides mostly one-to-one interaction between pt and therapist D. Provides very structured setting in which the pts have very little inout into the planning of their care

B. Emulates a social community in which the pt may learn to live harmoniously with others

Twins Jan and Jean still dress alike even though they are grown and married. This is an exampled of which of the following? A. Rigid boundary B. Enmeshed boundary C. A boundary violation D. Boundary pliancy

B. Enmeshed boundary

Tony, age 21, has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He has been socially isolated and hearing voices telling him to kill his parents. He has been admitted to the psychiatric unit fro the ER. The INITIAL nursing intervention for Tony is to: A. Give him an injection of Thorazine B. Ensure a safe environment for him and others C. Place him in restraints D. Order him nutritious diet

B. Ensure a safe environment for him and others

Which of the following pts is at highest risk for suicide? A. Nancy, age 33, Asian American, Catholic, middle socioeconomic group, alcoholic B. John, age 72, white, Methodist, low socioeconomic group, diagnosis of metastatic cancer of the pancreas C. Carol, age 15, African American, Baptist, high socioeconomic group, no physical or mental health problems D. Mike, age 55, Jewish, middle socioeconomic group, suffered an MI a year ago

B. John, age 72, white, Methodist, low socioeconomic group, diagnosis of metastatic cancer of the pancreas

Which of the following is a true statement about mental health recovery? A. Mental health recovery applies to only severe and persistent mental illnesses B. Mental health recovery serves to provide empowerment to the pt C. Mental health recovery is based on the medical model D. Mental health recovery is a collaborative process

B. Mental health recovery serves to provide empowerment to the pt D. Mental health recovery is a collaborative process

Karen, age 23, graduated from nursing school with 3.2/4.0 GPA. She recently took the NCLEX and didn't pass. She has become very depressed and has sought counseling at the mental health clinic. Karen says to the psychiatric nurse, "I am a complete failure. I'm so dumb, I can't do anything right." What is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for Karen? A. Chronic low self-esteem B. Situational low self-esteem C. Defensive coping D. Risk for situational low self-esteem

B. Situational low self-esteem

the INITIAL care plan for a pt with OCD who washes her hands obsessively would include which of the following nursing interventions? A. Keep the pts bathroom locked so she cannot wash her hands all the time B. Structure the pts schedule so that she has plenty of time for washing her hands C. Place the pt in isolation until she promises to stop washing her hands so much D. Explain the pos behavior to her, since she is probably unaware that it is maladaptive

B. Structure the pts schedule so that she has plenty of time for washing her hands

Success of long-term psychotherapy Theresa (who attempted suicide following a breakup with her boyfriend) could be measured by which of the following behaviors? A. Theresa has a new boyfriend B. Theresa has an increased sense of self-worth C. Theresa does not take antidepressants anymore D. Theresa told her old boyfriend how angry she was with him for breaking up with her

B. Theresa has an increased sense of self-worth

The nurse is interviewing a pt on the psych unit. The pt tilts his head to the side, stops talking in mid sentence, and listens intently. The nurse recognizes from these signals that the pt is likely experiencing: A. Somatic delusions B. Catatonic stupor C. Auditory hallucinations D. Pseudoparkinsonism

C. Auditory hallucinations

At a hospital committee meeting a fellow nurse who is the chairperson has interrupted you each time you have tried to make a statement. The next time it happens, you intend to respond assertively. Which of the following is an example of an assertive response? A. "You make a lousy leader! You wont even let me finish what I'm trying to say!" B. You say nothing C. "Excuse me. I would like to finish my statement" D. You say nothing, but you fail to complete your assignment and do not show up for the next meeting

C. "Excuse me. I would like to finish my statement"

Theresa is hospitalized following a suicide attempt after breaking up with her boyfriend. Theresa says to the nurse, "When I get out of here, I'm going to try this again, and next time I'll choose a no-fail method." Which is the best response by the nurse? A. "You are safe here. We will make sure nothing happens to you." B. "You're just lucky your roommate came home when she did" C. "What exactly do you plan to do?" D. "I dont understand. You have so much to live for"

C. "What exactly do you plan to do?"

Theresa, age 27, was admitted to the psych unit from the medical ICU where she was treated for taking a deliberate overdose of her antidepressant med, trazodone (Desyrel). She says to the nurse, "My boyfriend broke up with me. We had been together for 6 years.I love him so much. I know I'll never get over him." Which is the best response by the nurse? A. "You'll get over him in time, Theresa" B. "Forget him. There are other fish in the sea" C. "You must be feeling very sad about your loss" D. "Why do you think he broke up with you, Theresa?"

C. "You must be feeling very sad about your loss"

Your husband says, "You're crazy to think about going to college! You're not smart enough to handle the studies and the housework, too." Which of the following is an example of a nonassertive response? A. "I will do what I can, and the best that I can" B. (Thinking to yourself): "We'll see how he likes cooking dinner for a change" C. "You're probably right. Maybe I should reconsider." D. "I'm going to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and you can't stop me!"

C. "You're probably right. Maybe I should reconsider."

A typewritten report for your psychiatric nursing class is due tomorrow at 8am. The assignment was made 4 weeks ago, and yours is ready to turn in. Your roommate says, "I finally finished writing my report, but now I have to go to work, and i don't have time to type it. Please be a dear and type it for me, otherwise I'll fail!" You have a date with your boyfriend. Which of the following is an example of an aggressive response? A. "Okay, I'll call Ken and cancel our date." B. "I don't want to stay here and type your report. I'm going out with Ken." C. "You've got to be kidding! What kind of a fool do you are me for, anyway?" D. "Okay, I'll do it." However, when your roommate returns from work at midnight, you are asleep and the report has not been typed.

C. "You've got to be kidding! What kind of a fool do you are me for, anyway?"

When a pt suddenly becomes aggressive and violent on the unit, which of the following approaches would be the best for the nurse to use FIRST? A. Provide large motor activities to relieve the pos pent-up tension B. Admin a dose of prn chlorpromazine to keep pt calm C. Call for sufficient help to control the situation safely D. Convey to the pt that his behavior is unacceptable and will not be permitted

C. Call for sufficient help to control the situation safely

Which of the following is the most appropriate therapy for a client with agoraphobia? A. 10 mg Valium qid B. Group therapy with other agoraphobics C. Facing her fear in gradual step progression D. Hypnosis

C. Facing her fear in gradual step progression

Joanie is a new pt at the mental health clinic. She has been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder. Which of the following meds is the psychiatric nurse practitioner most likely to prescribe for Joanie? A. Alprazolam (Xanax) B. Diazepam (Valium) C. Fluoxetine (Prozac) D. Olanzapine (Zyprexa)

C. Fluoxetine (Prozac)

In determining degree of suicidal risk with a suicidal client, the nurse assesses the following behavioral manifestations: severely depressed, withdrawn, statements of worthlessness, difficulty accomplishing ADLs, no close support systems. The nurse identifies the pts risk for suicide as: A. Low B. Moderate C. High D. Unable to determine

C. High

A nurse helping a pt with mental illness recovery using WRAP Model says to the pt "First you must create a wellness toolbox." She explains to the pt that a wellness toolbox is which of the following? A. List of words that describe how the pt feels when feeling well B. List of things pt needs to do every day to maintain wellness C. List of strategies used in past that help relieve disturbing symptoms D. List of pts favorite health-care providers and phone numbers

C. List of strategies used in past that help relieve disturbing symptoms

In evaluating the progress of Jack, a pt diagnosed w antisocial personality disorder, which of the following behaviors would be considered the most significant indication of positive change? A. Jack got angry only once in group this week B. Jack was able to wait a whole hour for a cig w/o verbally abusing staff C. On his own initiative, Jack sent a note of apology to a man he had injured in a recent fight D. Jack stated that he would no longer start any more fights

C. On his own initiative, Jack sent a note of apology to a man he had injured in a recent fight

A pt with OCD says to the nurse, "I've been here 4 days now, and I'm feeling better. I feel comfortable on this unit, and I'm not ill-at-ease with the staff or other pts anymore." In light of this change, which nursing intervention is most appropriate? A. Give attention to the ritualistic behaviors each time they occur and point out there inappropriateness B. Ignore the ritualistic behaviors, and they will be eliminated for lack of reinforcement C. Set limits on the amount of time Sandy may engage in the ritualistic behavior D. Continue to allow Sandy all the time she wants to carry out the ritualistic behavior

C. Set limits on the amount of time Sandy may engage in the ritualistic behavior

The psychiatric nurse encourages Nancy to express her anger. Why is this an appropriate nursing intervention? A. Anger is the basis for self-esteem problems B. The nurse suspects the Karen was abused as a child C. The nurse is attempting to guide Karen through the grief process D. The nurse recognizes that Karen has long-standing repressed anger

C. The nurse is attempting to guide Karen through the grief process

A nurse is assisting a pt with mental illness recovery using the Tidal Model. Which of the following is a component of this model? A. The wellness toolbox B. The daily maintenance list C. The pts personal story D. Triggers

C. The pts personal story

The nurse is caring for a pt with schizophrenia. Orders from the Dr include 100 mg chlorpromazine IM STAT and then 50 mg PO bid; 2mg benztropine PO bid prn. Why is chlorpromazine ordered? A. To reduce EPS B. To prevent NMS C. To decrease psychotic symptoms D. To induce sleep

C. To decrease psychotic symptoms

The husband says to the wife, "What do you want to do tonight?" and the wife responds, "Whatever you want to do." This is an example of which of the following? A. Rigid boundary B. Enmeshed boundary C. Too flexible boundary D. Boundary pliancy

C. Too flexible boundary

Clint, a pt on the psych unit, has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He begins to tell the nurse about how the CIA is looking for him and will kill him if they find him. The most appropriate response by the nurse is: A. "That's ridiculous, Clint. No one is going to hurt you." B. "The CIA isn't interested in people like you, Clint." C. "Why do you think the CIA wants to kill you?" D. "I know you believe that, Clint, but its really hard for me to believe."

D. "I know you believe that, Clint, but its really hard for me to believe."

You are asked to serve on a committee on which you do not wish to serve. Which of the following is an example of a nonassertive response? A. "Thank you, but I don't wish to be a member of this committee" B. "i'll be happy to serve." But then you don't show up for any of the meetings C. "I'd rather have my teeth pulled!" D. "Okay, if I'm really needed, I'll serve"

D. "Okay, if I'm really needed, I'll serve"

Nancy tried out for the cheer squad in jr high but was rejected. At age 15, she had looked forward to trying out for the cheer squad in high school. She took cheerleading classes and practiced for many hours every day. However, when tryouts were held, she was not selected. She has become despondent, and her mother takes her to the mental health clinic for counseling. Nancy tells the nurse, "What's the use f trying? I'm not good at anything!" Which of the following nursing interventions is best for Nancy's specific problem? A. Encourage Nancy to talk about her feelings of shame over the second failure B. Assist Nancy to problem-solve he reasons for not making the team C. Help Nancy understand the importance of good self-care and personal hygiene in the maintenance of self-esteem D. Explore with Nancy her past successes and accomplishments

D. Explore with Nancy her past successes and accomplishments

Ms. T has been diagnosed with agoraphobia. Which behavior would be most characteristic of this disorder? A. Ms T experiences panic anxiety when she encounters snakes B. Ms T refuses to fly on an airplane C. Ms T will not eat in a public place D. Ms T stays in her home for fear of being in a place from which she cannot escape

D. Ms T stays in her home for fear of being in a place from which she cannot escape

Carol is a new nursing grad being oriented on a med/surg unit by the head nurse, Mrs. C. When Carol describes a new technique she has learned for positioning immobile pts, Mrs. C says "What are you trying to do... tell me how to do my job? We have always done it this way on this unit, and we will continue to do it this way until I say differently!" This is an example of which type of personality characteristic? A. Antisocial B. Paranoid C. Passive-aggressive D. Obsessive-compulsive

D. Obsessive-compulsive

With implosion therapy, a pt with phobic anxiety would be: A. Taught relaxation exercises B. Subjected to graded intensities of the fear C. Instructed to stop the therapeutic session as soon as anxiety is experienced D. Presented with massive exposure to a variety of stimuli associated with the phobic object/situation

D. Presented with massive exposure to a variety of stimuli associated with the phobic object/situation

According to Margaret Mahler, predisposition to borderline personality disorder occurs when developmental tasks go unfulfilled in which of the following phases? A. Autistic phase, during which the child's needs for security and comfort go unfulfilled B. Symbiotic phase, during which the child fails to bond with the mother C. Differentiation phase, during which the child fails to recognize a separateness between self and mother D. Rapprochement phase, during which the mother withdraws emotional support in response to the childs increasing independence

D. Rapprochement phase, during which the mother withdraws emotional support in response to the childs increasing independence

Kim has the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. She often exhibits alternating clinging and distancing behaviors. The most appropriate nursing intervention with this type of behavior would be able to: A. Encourage Kim to establish trust in one staff person, with whom all therapeutic interaction should take place B. Secure a verbal contract from Kim that she will discontinue these behaviors C. Withdraw attention if these behaviors continue D. Rotate staff members who work with Kim so that she will learn to relate to more than one person

D. Rotate staff members who work with Kim so that she will learn to relate to more than one person

Theresa is hospitalized following a suicide attempt after breaking up with her boyfriend. Freudian psychoanalytic theory would explain Theresa's suicidal attempt in which of the following ways? A. She feels hopeless about her future without her boyfriend B. Without her boyfriend, she feels like an outsider with her peers C. She is feeling intense guilt because her boyfriend broke up with her D. She is angry at her boyfriend for breaking up with her and has turned her anger inward on herself

D. She is angry at her boyfriend for breaking up with her and has turned her anger inward on herself

Karen's counselor asked her is she would like a hug. This is an example of which of the following? A. Rigid boundary B. A boundary violation C. Enmeshed boundary D. Showing respect for the boundary of another

D. Showing respect for the boundary of another

A nurse is assisting pt with mental illness recovery using Psychological Recovery Model. The pt says, "I have schizophrenia Nothing can be done. I might as well die" In which stage of the Psychological Recovery Model would the nurse assess this pt to be? A. The awareness stage B. The preparation stage C. There building stage D. The moratorium stage

D. The moratorium stage

The nurse is caring for a pt with schizophrenia. Orders from the Dr include 100 mg chlorpromazine IM STAT and then 50 mg PO bid; 2mg benztropine PO bid prn. Because benztropine was ordered on a prn basis, which of the following assessments by the nurse would convey a need for this med? A. The pos level of agitation increases B. The pt complains of a sore throat C. The pos sin has a yellowish cast D. The pt develops tremors and a shuffling gait

D. The pt develops tremors and a shuffling gait

The primary focus of family therapy for its with schizophrenia and their families is: A. To discuss concrete problem solving and adaptive behaviors for coping with stress B. To introduce the family to others with the same problem C. To keep the pt and family in touch with the health care system D. To promote family interaction and increase understanding of the illness

D. To promote family interaction and increase understanding of the illness

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