Exam 3 occupational crime

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Which of the following is a difference between an internal and an external investigation of a white-collar crime?

.Businesses investigate their employees when they suspect misconduct of any kind

In regard to the institutional anomie theory, which of the following is not a value promoted in America that encourages individuals to engage in crime?

.Loyalty encourages the lines to be blurred for close friends

Which of the following is a difference between an internal and an external investigation of a white-collar crime?

Businesses investigate their employees when they suspect misconduct of any kind.

The EPA's research on hazard identification focuses on what aspect of environmental risks?

C. Identifying the negative health consequences of various pollutants

Which of the following demonstrates how community service is a beneficial sanction for white-collar offenders?

Community service places white-collar offenders in a group of traditional criminals and forces them to come to terms with their criminal status.

How does a white-collar trial differ from a traditional criminal trial?

Criminal trials are more stressful for the defendant.

What type of community is at a higher risk for experiencing the effects of environmental crime?

D. Minority communities

Which of the following describes a difference between disintegrative shaming and reintegrative shaming?

Disintegrative shaming has the potential to cause a lot of anger and reintegrative shaming focuses on communicating messages of disapproval, but at the same time helping the offender integrate back into society

Attempts by global police agencies to use law enforcement strategies to investigate and prevent white-collar crime internationally have been hampered by which of the following?

Getting cooperation among many global policing agencies makes collaborating on cases difficult

Why were the 1970's labeled the "environmental decade"?

Hundreds of new laws were passed to protect the eniviroment

Which element of a white-collar case is most difficult to establish for a prosecutor?

Intent of the offender

What does the differential association theory suggest that offenders learn from their peers?

Laws on crime are wrong

What is the alternative sanctions argument for choosing not to prosecute a white-collar case?

Prosecutors can use less costly civil or administrative proceedings to respond to whitecollar offending

What is a common reason prosecutors are often reluctant to prosecute corporations?

Prosecutors don't want to punish innocent shareholders and workers.

Under the "sin tax" what are companies allowed to do with pollutants?

Release pollutants into the air

What right that is granted to individuals during trial is not granted to corporations?


What was the result of the Supreme Court's review of the federal sentencing guidelines in Booker v. Washington?

The guidelines set forth in the Sentencing Reform Act were made more advisory than mandatory

What does the "cradle the grave" provision of the resource conservation and recovery act refer to?

The responsibility of the creator of the waste to track it from creation to disposable

How do some organizations view large fines that are imposed on their companies for white-collar crimes?

They are viewed as just a cost of doing business.

What is a common strategy for most white-collar defendants?

They deflect blame on others.

What is one reason judges use to justify giving white-collar offenders shorter sentences?

They do not want to cause additional harm to offender's family.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a white-collar undercover investigation?

Undercover officials in a white-collar setting rarely spend an extended amount of time undercover.

What did Wheeler et al. conclude in their 1982 study of sentencing practices for white-collar offenders?

White-collar offenders were more likely to go prison for longer periods of time than conventional offenders.

How does the offender/witness relationship play into investigations of white-collar crime?

Witnesses that investigators want to interview will be in a trusting relationship with the offender.

In regard to the conflict theory of white-collar crime, which of the following statements based on propositions outlined to show how powerful classes exert their power to define behavior as criminal, is true?

a. Crime is created by authorities in a politically organized society.

What is the difference between illegal dumping and illegal disposal of hazardous wastes?

a. Dumping refers to products businesses no longer need. b. Dumping usually refers to chemical wastes. c. Illegal disposal refers to parts that no longer work. d. Dumping refers to the general concept of littering, while illegal disposal is more precise and refers to chemical products.

Which of the following theorems of white-collar offending developed by Hirschi is correct?

a. Executives with strong commitments to lines of action will have lower workplace offending rates. b. Executives with weak bonds to coworkers, who could be potential offenders, are less likely to engage in criminal behavior. c. Executives who believe in the rules are more likely to break them. d. Executives with strong involvement in corporate activities are just as likely to offend.

What does the systems theory focus on?

a. How change in one system can lead to changes in another system, which can lead to crime

If a company trades a substance that is harmful to the ozone, what type of environmental crime is being committed?

a. Illegal disposal of hazardous wastes b. Illegal handling of hazardous wastes c. environmental state crime d. international environmental crime

Which variety of environmental crime was committed when the U.S. used uranium in the production of armor and weapons during the Gulf Wars?

a. Illegal disposal of hazardous wastes b. Illegal handling of hazardous wastes c. environmental state crime d. international environmental crime

Disposing of old products such as old tires, automobile parts, and different kinds of waste (e.g., landscaping or construction waste) in sites that are not designated for that purpose is which type of environmental white-collar crime?

a. Illegal emissions b. Illegal disposal of hazardous wastes c. Illegal dumping d. Illegal consumption

What is an example of harmful treatment of animals as an environmental white-collar crime?

a. Illegally fishing without a license b. Illegal hunting c. abusing a pet d. overharvesting sea life

In regard to the institutional anomie theory, which of the following is not a value promoted in

a. Loyalty encourages the lines to be blurred for close friends.

What is one risk of illegal dumping?

a. Products are usually not biodegradable and will destroy land. b. Dumping sites might be converted into housing. c. Products are usually toxic in nature. d. Dumping sites become breeding grounds for crime.

What idea was established after two researchers studied presentence reports of both white- collar criminals and conventional criminals?

a. Self-control operates differently based on circumstances and situational factors. b. Self-control theory does not explain corporate offending. c. The self-control theory is oversimplified. d. Traditional offenders exhibited high self-control.

Why was the EPA criticized by rural communities?

a. The EPA gave too much power to states to enforce EPA regulations in rural communities. b. The EPA did not provide enough guidance on the regulations it was imposing on farmers. c. The EPA was accused of overregulating farmers and interfering with their ability to make a living. d. Rural communities were angry that the EPA was not addressing the environmental concerns that affected the farming industry.

One study on self-control suggests that individuals with high morality have what tendency with regard to committing white-collar crime?

a. They can be more likely to offend, even with high self-control b. High morality can lead to low self-control, increasing their chances of offending. c. They are less likely to offend, regardless of their level of self-control. d. Low self-control is unlikely among high morality individuals; therefore such individuals would not offend.

How are cases of illegal disposal of hazardous wastes usually brought to the attention of the authorities?

a. anonymous tips b. policing efforts c. rival companies report misconduct d. by mistake

Which of the following is an appeal to accidents excuse?

a. borrowing, claiming they were going to give it back b. scapegoating, blaming others c. denial of law, describing the law as unfair d. describing the outcome as an accident

Which of the following is an example of harmful destruction of property?

a. chemical fertilizers b. logging on private land c. land development without approval d. building on former hazardous waste site

What did criminologist James Coleman think was promoted through industrial capitalism?

a. culture of competition b. wide range of misconduct c. fierce loyalty to one's company d. determination to offend

The desire for an offender to gain control of his or her environment is associated with which theory?

a. deterrence theory b. self-control theory c. rational choice theory d. control theory

Which of the following is an example of a white-collar environmental crime?

a. driving fast on the way to work, releasing higher amounts of pollution than normal b. littering while driving a company car c. disposing of production materials in an unauthorized site d. dumping your old refrigerator on the side of a road

Which of the following has the least impact on costs resulting from pollution and environmental crimes?

a. economic costs b. wildlife costs c. physical costs d. community costs

What is the primary reason illegal dumping occurs?

a. economic reasons b. ease and access reasons c. laws that are not strict enough d. lack of enforcement of laws

Which of the following would be considered a risk when considering costs to the community due to illegal dumping?

a. emotional distress b. injury to children playing around dump sites c. soil deterioration d. damage to parks and public spaces

The allegations against the British Petroleum company (BP) after their major oil spill in 2010 were for what type of crime?

a. environmental crime b. environmental negligence crime c. environmental safety crime d. environmental white-collar crime

In regards to explaining corporate crimes, what is one aspect the organizational processes focus on?

a. how pressure from employers results in crime

What mode of adaptation associated with classical strain theory is analogous to the given example of podium politics at the Olympics, where medalists make prohibited symbolic gestures while receiving their medals?

a. innovators b. ritualists c. retreatists d. rebels

How are state, local, and federal regulatory agencies involved in responding to white-collar crime?

a. investigating and prosecuting serious white-collar crimes casesb. ensuring that businesses and corporations are not violating federal, state or local laws and regulationsc. providing assistance to prosecutors at every stage of the investigation processd. referring offending businesses or corporations in violation of laws and regulations for criminal prosecution

What does the differential association theory suggest that offenders learn from their peers?

a. laws on crime are wrong

What is the first stage of a white-collar investigation?

a. locating the victims of the crime b. deciding which charges to formally file c. identifying the scope of the crime d. identifying the offender(s)

What is one criterion that theories or explanations regarding white-collar crime must meet?

a. offer ideas that should be avoided because they would increase white-collar crime b. help point to changes that would reduce, not increase, white-collar crime c. be thoroughly researched and guaranteed true to be considered a theory d. provide insight into individual and corporate motives for their misconduct

Based on research which type of offender is more likely to neutralize their actions?

a. older workers b. younger workers c. male workers d. executives

What is one of the main roles of the EPA?

a. protecting public health b. enacting pollution legislation c. prosecuting future misconduct d. managing public lands

What is one specific method that the EPA uses to help keep the public informed about air pollution issues?

a. research b. AirNow c. monthly reports available online d. television commercials

What does the deterrence theory rely on to be effective?

a. rewards for good behavior b. making spectacles out of offenders that get caught c. the idea that people are rational d. that people are irrational

Which theory focuses on changes in society impacting white-collar crime rates?

a. routine activities theory b. conflict theory c. systems theory d. learning theory

Which theory focuses on the way in which those with power exert influence in order to use the law as an instrument of power?

a. routine activities theory b. conflict theory c. systems theory d. learning theory

Why do offenders rationalize their engagement in white-collar crime?

a. so that they control how others see them b. to gain sympathy from coworkers c. because they feel bad about their behavior d. so that they do not get caught

Which of the following is not focused on an explanation of corporate crime?

a. structure of organization b. organizational process c. values promoted within an organization d. top-down pressure

The U.S. government has identified which of the following as an environmental threat?

a. use of federal land b. preparation for catastrophic events c. harmful destruction of wildlife d. intentional burning

What question does control theory ask that is different from other theory perspectives?

a. why people commit crimes b. why people commit their first crime c. why people get caught offending d. why don't people commit crime

How is a qui tam lawsuit different than most other civil cases?

an individual is suing a corporation on behalf of the government

Which strategy for gathering evidence in a white-collar crime case specifically employs the principle of skepticism?


Why do white-collar offenders choose a plea bargain agreement rather than go to trial?

avoid the stigma of a lengthy public trial

How did Hirschi and gottfredson criticize the cultural theory of white- collar crime?

b. They said it was too broad, and if it were true more people would be offending

How does the EPA generate funds in its efforts to fight environmental crime?

b. collecting corporate fines to help clean up the cost of environmental pollution sites

Not being promoted or not being given a raise (a positive stimulus) can result in workplace misconduct under which criminal theory?

b. general strain theory

When offenders believe their victims deserve the harm, what theory are they playing into?

b. neutralization theory

How does the media make it more difficult for authorities to respond to environmental crime?

c. They give the public and policy makers a distorted image of environmental crime

According to the routine activities theory, which of the following is not an element that must be present for crime to occur?

c. motivations to commit crime

What is a possible job a forensic accountant may do during or after an audit?

calculate economic loss due to misconduct

Who would most likely be affected by large punitive damages a company is forced to pay for committing a white-collar crime?

customers who will pay higher prices so the company can recover profits lost to paying the damages

When Green highlighted four steps that he felt led to embezzlement, what idea was he unknowingly demonstrating?

d. the integration of theories

Which trend is accurate regarding the guidelines that judges follow when sentencing convicted offenders?

downward from the guidelines when the harm is only monetary ??

How did the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 affect sentences for white-collar criminals?

dramatically increased prison time for some white-collar crimes

What was the purpose of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984?

equalize sentences for street criminals and white-collar offenders

Which defense focuses on the defendant's lack of knowledge or intent, but also includes a clause called the "ostrich instruction" that voids the defense if the defendant was ignoring behavior they should have been monitoring?

good faith defense

The collaboration of different agencies in investigating a white-collar crime leads to which problem?

increases complexity of the investigation

Which of the following is a major difference between investigating white-collar crime and traditional crime?

it takes longer to prepare for interrogations of white-collar criminals than for conventional offenders

Category III of which strategy focuses on getting employees to share information about coworkers' misconduct?

loss prevention

What type of a red flag of white-collar crime typically surfaces during audits?

managers override internal controls

chp 12


chp 13


Which factor leads to lenient sentences for white-collar offenders?

the "status shield"

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