Exam 4

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Which statement about dialectical behavior therapy is NOT true?

It was developed by Marsh Linehan because her sister struggled with these kind of difficulties.

While Penny is undergoing chemotherapy to treat her leukemia, she depends totally on her daughter to care for her, drive her to appointments, do her shopping, cleaning, and other household chores. According to the DSM-5, does Penny meet the criteria for dependent personality disorder?

No, not if the dependence is a temporary condition rather than pervasive.

__________ is a personality disorder characterized by preoccupation with perfectionism, orderliness, and self-control.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Shalisa has little desire for sexual activity; Karina experiences no breast swelling despite direct sexual stimulation. Which answer below lists each of these people paired with the correct stage of the sexual response cycle (during which the problem is experienced)?

Shalisa--appetitive; Karina--arousal

Which of the following statements about substance use disorders is NOT TRUE?

Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with a substance use disorder.

Which of the following are factors that may play a contributory role in the development of substance use disorders?

all of the answer choices in this question

__________ must manifest itself by showing signs of conduct disorder by the age of 15 but cannot be diagnosed until an individual is at least 18 years old.

antisocial personality disorder

Medications that treat substance use disorder may attempt to:

decrease the pleasant effects of substance use; reduce the unpleasant effects of withdrawal BOTH OF THE ABOVE

Which of these types of behavior are listed in the diagnostic criteria for conduct disorder?

destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, aggression to people and animals ALL OF THE ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

According to research findings, people with antisocial personality disorder:

do not easily learn from punishing experiences

Nine characteristics have been defined in the DSM-5 as criteria for gambling disorder. In order to be diagnosed with gambling disorder, the individual must exhibit at least _____ of the characteristics within a period of ____.

4; 12 months

Which of these is NOT part of the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing substance use disorder?

A person has recurrent substance-related legal problems.

Which statement best describes the central problem in determining whether or not a sexual practice is abnormal?

Acceptable, "normal" sexual practices differ between cultures and historical times.

Professor Kiley was contrasting childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorders with adult disorders. Which of the following would be an accurate statement that he might have made?

Accurate diagnosis and treatment requires a thorough understanding of normal child development and the symptoms of childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorders.

Which of the following was discussed by Dr. Barkley in the video assigned?

All of the above answers were discussed in the Barkley video.

Which of these is NOT one of the goals of treatment for sexual dysfunction?

All of the above are goals of treatment for sexual dysfunction.

Treatment for substance use disorders that addresses psychological factors:

All of the answer choices listed

Which statement about the cause of sexual dysfunctions is accurate?

Biological, psychological, social and sociocultural factors interact to cause sexual dysfunction.

With regard to fearful/anxious personality disorders, people with:

avoidant personality disorder are worried about being rejected by others, dependent personality disorder avoid making decisions and taking responsibility, obsessive-personality disorder avoid making mistakes and experiencing strong emotions. ALL OF THE ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Helen is administering an intelligence test to children as a part of the process of determining whether they have learning disorders. She should be sure to ____.

be aware of each student's linguistic and cultural background

Brad, who was identified as female at birth and named Brenda, takes hormones and had gender reassignment surgery. Research suggests that Brad will ____.

be satisfied with the outcome, including his sexual functioning

Loretta has a long history of first idealizing men and then feeling they have abandoned her. Feelings of emptiness change into reckless acts of sexual promiscuity, gambling, and suicide attempts. She feels that she has never had a sense of self. The personality disorder most consistent with this description is

borderline personality disorder

Repeated use of a substance can result in classical conditioning such that stimuli associated with the repeated use can

elicit the effects of the substance; elicit the withdrawal effects of the substance BOTH OF THE ABOVE

__________ is an elimination disorder characterized by a child's persistent urination in bed or onto his/her clothes.


Giovanni has been treated with vascular surgery to increase blood flow to his genitals. When that did not cure his sexual dysfunction, he was given extra hormones. Now he is a candidate for implant surgery. What disorder is he most likely to suffer from?

erectile dysfunction

Which of the following is false regarding drugs considered depressants:

people can die from using too much of a depressant but not from withdrawal from depressants

_____ refers to the subjective sense of being male or female as defined by a person's culture.

gender identity

People are often attracted to Christine because she is flamboyant and emotionally very expressive. She rarely, however, develops any long-term relationships, because people experience her as shallow and self-centered. What personality disorder or trait description would most fit Christine?


Which of the following are included in the DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder?

impaired social communication, impaired social interaction, and restricted repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities

All personality disorder diagnoses require ____.

inflexible personality traits that cause significant functional impairment and distress

Which psychiatric disorder of childhood is characterized by recurrent episodes of temper that occur approximately twice weekly for at least three months?

intermittent explosive disorder

The prognosis for children with autism spectrum disorder ____.

is mixed depending on severity

It is rare for children with autism spectrum disorder to ____.

make appropriate eye contact with others

Which of the following is/are true?

medications may interfere with sexual response; disease or illness can influence sexual dysfunction BOTH OF THE ABOVE

Health benefits of drinking alcohol

none of the above

The defining features of __________ are overt disobedience, hostility, defiance, and negativity toward people in authority.

oppositional defiant disorder

"My neighbor is suspicious of everyone, always holds grudges, and is hypersensitive to any criticism. He is moody, trusts no one, and he never changes his mind. His wife says he has always been this way." What DSM-5 personality type or personality trait description does this best illustrate?


Dr. Salizar says, "People with these disorders function well enough so that they may not need therapy, and they rarely seek help themselves. However, their patterns of behavior are longstanding and are so rigid that they greatly impair their social functioning or cause subjective distress." Dr. Salizar is most likely describing ____.

personality disorders

According to the stages of change theory, an individual who does not admit that there is a problem and does not intend to change is considered to be in the:

precontemplation stage.

A therapist instructs Mrs. Weaver: "Stimulate your husband's penis until he feels ejaculation is about to happen, then stop all stimulation for a while. Continue with stimulation and then stop, repeating until he can tolerate longer periods of stimulation without ejaculating." What sexual dysfunction is being treated?

premature ejaculation

Children with ____ appear to have little trust that the adults in their lives will attend to their needs. Therefore, they do not readily seek or respond to comfort, attention, or nurturing.

reactive attachment disorder (RAD)

The story of Trisha Meili, who was raped, sodomized, and beaten so savagely that she lost 75 percent of her blood before she was discovered demonstrates the importance of ____ following rape.

regaining control over the environment and events

The personality disorder that is considered to be closest to schizophrenia is the ____ personality disorder because it includes symptoms of unusual/eccentric thoughts and behaviors.


Anxiety disorders specific to childhood include ____.

separation anxiety disorder and selective mutism

Samantha now drinks 6 - 8 servings of alcohol almost every day. She used to be able to feel a buzz after 2 -3 servings, but she now needs more. She has made some new friends at the local bar because her old friends don't seem to want to go out as often as she does. She has been noticing lately that she is feeling anxious and nauseas in the morning and early afternoon and this discomfort goes away after she starts drinking. Which level of use fits for her?

substance use disorder

For intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) to be diagnosed:

the cognitive deficits must impair daily functioning, the intellectual deficits must have begun before 18 years of age, the intellectual deficits cannot be the result of brain trauma in adulthood ALL OF THE ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Which of these is NOT part of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria in children?

the individual was born with both male and female sexual characteristics

Predisposing events for sexual dysfunctions include all of these EXCEPT:

the view that sex is natural and healthy

_____ occurs when more of a substance is required to obtain the same effect after repeated use.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the substance use disorders in the DSM-5?

tolerance or withdrawal are required for a substance use disorder diagnosis

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