Excel #2
text wrap
a command with which can display text on multiple lines within a cell.
a graphical representation
automatically changing the column width to accommodate the longest column entry.
a predesigned combination of chart element
chart layout
a worksheet that contains only a chart
chart sheet
a pre-built chart format the applies an overall visual look to a chart
chart style
a chart type useful for illustrating comparisons among related numbers
column chart
the related data points in a chart
data series
number format
rules that specify the way numbers should display
general format
the default format applied to numbers
range finder
the excel feature that outlines all of the cells referenced in a formula
the function that adds a group of values and then divides the results by the number of values in the group
the value that determine how a function should be used
absolute cell reference
a cell reference that refers to a cell by its fixed position in a worksheet and does not change when the formula is copied.($)
category axis
a chart line that contains words as labels
value axis
a chat line that contains numeric data.
a chart placed on a worksheet with the source data
embedded chart
a green triangle that indicates a possible error in a formula
error indicator
the box that identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the data series
the chart type that best displays the relationship of part to a whole
pie chart