Fahrenheit 451 Part 3

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How many alarms had been called into the fire station on Montag? By whom?

2 alarms were called by Mildred and her friends

How does Faber feel now?


Why does Montag burn his house and everything in it?

He wants to get rid of the memories of mildred and her "family" or that he wants to get rid of any trace of his books

What did he hit with his foot? What earlier scene does this remind you of?

He was wandering and hits his foot on the railroad, when he hit an empty pill bottle

What does Montag do to the other two firemen?

Hit them on the head

What does Beatty say is the real beauty of fire?

No matter how old you are you are drawn to it, ands perpetual motion, it destroys responsibilities

What is strange about everyone's reaction during the declaration of war scene?

No one reacts majorly and everyone is calm and waiting for the war to happen and be over with

What does "the great idiot monsters lay asleep with the white thoughts and snowy dreams" refer to? What kind of figurative language is this?

The parlor, meaning mildred and her family. It was a metaphor

Where is Faber going?

St. Louis

How many books were left?

Four book were left.

Because the ______ wouldn't stop burning, Montag would


What do the police tell everyone to do at the same time?

"Everyone in every house in every street open a front or rear door or look from the windows. The fugitive cannot escape if everyone in the next minute looks from his house."

What do the men offer him? Why does Montag say, "his lips were scalded, but that was good."

A cup of coffee in a tin can.His lips being scalded was good because he was able to feel it and he wasn't able to feel things for a long time

What is actually looking at him?

A deer

What does Montag see?

A fire

What does Beatty say to Montag as he is finished burning the house?

Beatty says, "When you're quite finished, you're under arrest."

Why do you think Beatty's eyes widen when Montag toggles the safety on his flame thrower? Why do you think Montag kills him?

Beatty wanted to die, but he was surprised that Montag was actually gonna kill him. Montag wanted to make his own decisions but Beatty was still the 'boss' of him.

Why doesn't Faber give Montag another "green bullet" so they can keep in touch?

Because he does not have another one.

Read the paragraph that begins, "The black land slid by..." on page 140. Why does Montag say that the stars are coming out for the first time in a dozen years?

Because he hadn't been out much earlier in the book to see the stars

Why does Montag decide to go to Faber's house?

Because he wants to see someone that thinks like him

Why does Montag have a difficult time getting across the highway?

Because he was almost killed by a car full of children.

Why does the author describe the end of the house burning scene as the end of a circus?

Because the craziness ended

Why does Bradbury compare the Hound to autumn?

Because the hound is going to kill everything and during winter the plants die

Why does Montag imagine the faces of the audience as having"...gray colorless eyes, gray tongues, and gray thoughts looking out through the numb flesh of the face."?

Because they are "brain washed" and they all think alike

What will the clear liquid do?

Change his smell so the mechanical hound can't follow him

Who is the "little idiot" that Beatty refers to?


What three things does Montag want? What do they represent to him?

Cool glass of fresh milk, a few apples and pears laid at the foot of the steps.

Describe Granger's grandfather's philosophy of life.

Everyone leaves something behind like gardens and houses and stuff.

Do you think the "earthquake" was literal or figurative? Explain.

Figurative because it was how montag was feeling/his house being burnt

The firemen usually use kerosene, but Captain Beatty wants Montague to burn his house with what?


What is the name of the new character we meet?


Explain Granger's views about why we miss people we've lost. Why doesn't Montag miss Mildred?

Granger thinks that people miss other people because of the actions they do. Montag doesn't miss Mildred because she doesn't do anything, she kind of just exists.

What does Montag mean when he says, "I was saving something up," and "it's a wonder it didn't show on me..."?

He had un answered questions, and he didn't know why he was holding all of the questions ba

What does Montag hear in his Seashell earpiece?

He hears the police alert saying to look out for him, saying how he is traveling alone and on foot. He also hears that there is a war starting and the city will be destroyed soon

What does Beatty threaten to do after he picks up the "green bullet"?

He is going to track down Faber

What allusion is Beatty making in the second paragraph on page 113?

He is making an allusion to icarus and daedalus

What does Montag do to Mrs. Black? Why?

He plants books in her house because he thinks they deserve what Mr.Black did when he burned peoples houses.

What things does Montag suddenly remember?

He remembers how and where he and Mildred met (they met in Chicago) and and remembers the rest of the book of Ecclesiastes

What does Montag mean by, "The circus must go on..." on page 134? (You will need to read all of 134 and part of 135 to answer.)

He says that because of all the commotion going on with the hound, the war beginning, the helicopters, Montag's chase

What does Montag see on the "parlor walls" inside other people's houses as he escapes?

He sees the silhouettes of people watching TV

What hint did Beatty send to Montag previously?

He sent the mechanical hound to his house to sniff around

What does Montag do right before entering the river?

He tossed his clothing in the river and watched it swept away

What is unusual about Faber's TV, compared to normal TV's in their world?

It is very small. It was described as an envelope.

Describe the image that this simile give you: "The books leapt and danced like roasted birds, their wings ablaze with red and yellow feathers."

It was describing how the books were being burned and destroy. They were flying everywhere.

What happens to the Mechanical Hound?

Montag takes the flamethrower and decides to blow up the hound

What is ethics? Why would it be an ancient study?

Morals; choosing between right and wrong. People in this society don't get a choice so they don't have to worry about it.

What action has Mildred taken, and what does this show about her values? What does she mean when she says, "everything is gone now"?

She left the house and had her stuff, she means that her tvs are gone and her music.

What happened to Montag's leg?

The Mechanical Hound injected the needle into his leg

What does Montag see happening to the city?

The city gets bombed.

What are police helicopters compared to on page 125? What mood does this paragraph create?

The helicopters were compared to as if someone had blown the gray head off a dry dandelion flower.

What does Faber say there are a lot of along the railroad tracks?

The homeless camps were along the railroad tracks and Harvard degrees

What does Montag think is looking at him?

The hound

What do they plan to do once the war is over?

They are going to rewrite the books.

What two meanings could Montag have, when he says, "We never burned right..."?

They burnt all the wrong things, they never burned the people's rights (laws, freedoms)

How does the chase end for the TV audience?

They kill someone that was out on a walk (Montag is still alive)

How do these men preserve books? What are the advantages in their society of this?

They memorize them in their heads.

What did these men do previously in life?

They were all professors

The paragraph that begins, "A shotgun blast went off..." is an example of stream-of-consciousness writing. Why do you think the author writes this way?

To show how much pain Montag could be in, its trying to get the reader to experience what Montag was going through

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