Families Past Exams and Quizzes

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Which of the following facts is true about social mobility in the U.S.?

Most people do not rise above or below the social class in which they were born

Which of the following is true about the ways that parents treat boys and girls differently?

Mothers spend more time talking to daughters than they do to their sons

Respect for elders, reliance on extended family networks, and matrilineal descent are characteristics of which Early American groups?

Native Americans

Comparison Level (CL)

refers to the outcome that a person thinks he/she deserves, or can expect to get, in a relationship based on the average of the person's experience in past relevant relationships.

All of the following informal codes are part of the sexual double standard

sex should be enjoyable for both men and women

The pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to others in relation to one's own gender identity is known as____________.

sexual orientation

The situation in which one's gender identity and assigned sex do not match, perhaps leading to a feeling of being trapped in the wrong body, is known as


There are four key elements (i.e., Science, Social Structure, Social Interaction, and Social Change) that distinguish the sociological viewpoint in the study of family from other fields of study. Briefly (1 or 2 sentences) define/explain each of these elements

. Science - Sociologists follow the scientific method and engage in work that is based on empiricism, which requires that studies include information and findings that are factual, observable, and verifiable. 2. Social Structure - This concept recognizes that individuals are members of social units, or a structure, that endures over time. Social structure both guides and constrains behaviors, decisions, and outcomes. 3. Social Interaction - The recognition that how we relate to others creates and shapes meanings is a topic of that sociologists attempt to understand. 4. Social Change - Sociologists recognize that both continuity and change are moral features of social life and his direct implications for family life.

Research on the independence effect of women's employment on the divorce rate indicates which of these conclusions?

. Women's employment increases the likelihood of divorce, but only for women who are unhappy in their marriage

Name and describe two different immigrant legislation acts and the impact they had on families.

1. Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) - Act barred Chinese workers and residents in the U.S. from immigration and becoming citizens until 1943. This limited access to certain resources and the types of families Chinese people could form in the U.S. 2. Emergency Immigration Quota Act (1921, 1924, 1929) - Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any one country per year to 3% of the number of residents in the U.S. according to the 1910 census. This effectively meant that people of northern European ancestry had a higher quota and were more likely to be admitted to the U.S. than people from southern and eastern Europe, and non-European countries. 3. War Brides Act (1945) - After WWII, this Act exempted military spouses (wives) and dependents (mainly children) from the quotas established by the Emergency Immigration Quota Act. Although the Act helped military families stay together, the fact that the new immigrants were often of different races/ethnicities than their military spouses was met with hostility. 4. Bracero Program (1942-1964) - In response to the growing need for agricultural workers during and after WWII, the U.S. government granted temporary work permits to Mexican workers. However, there was resistance to extend full-scale immigration to Mexicans. As such, Mexicans continued to travel back and forth between the U.S. for work and Mexico to their families. 5. Immigration and Nationality Act (1965) - Key Act that abolished national origins formula set up through the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and replaced it with a system that focused on family reunification and immigrants' skills. At the turn of the twentieth century, the majority of immigrants entering the U.S. were primarily of European descent. Due to this Act, the majority of immigrants originated from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Asia, and Latin America by the end of the century. 6. Homeland Security Act (2002) - Immigration enforcement was moved to the newly created Department of Homeland Security after the September 11th attacks. The focus of immigration enforcement was and continues to be on the U.S.-Mexico border, and includes activities like building a fence and establishing border patrols. This has made illegal crossings between the U.S. and Mexico border more difficult and dangerous. As an unintended consequence, undocumented Mexicans (particularly male workers) are now more likely to establish permanent residence in the U.S. once they reach here and are more likely to bring their families along for the journey. 7. International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (2005) - In an effort to curb abuse of mail-order brides, this Act requires background checks for all marriage visa sponsors as well as background checks of U.S. citizens using marriage brokerage services focused primarily on providing dating services between U.S. citizens or residents and foreign nationals for a fee. It also limits serial visa applications. Although the Act is meant to protect foreign mail order brides from abuse once they reach the U.S., enforcement has not been strong which has left many brides vulnerable.

Name four of the five characteristics discussed in lecture that sociologically define a family

1. Intimately linked social unit 2. Related in some way (biologically, legally, or emotionally) 3. Usually living together 4. Responsible for rearing children 5. Functioning as an economic unit

The replacement fertility level is typically set at

2.1 children

Adoption is less common today than in the past due to all of the following

A decline in stigma with unwed mothers, availability of contraception, and legalization of abortion

Parenting, the activity of raising a child, includes the following

A. creating social bonds B. providing financial support C. socialization

Which of the following is an important historic trend impacting the character of American family life?

A. increased longevity B. families performing fewer functional tasks at home C. decreased number of children

Which of the following is an example of a family tie formed by legal recognition

Adopted parents

In a male dominated wage economy, orphans and widows were commonly

Aided by an emerging welfare system

With respect to time spent on housework, time use surveys have shown that since 1960's, married women are doing_______ housework, while married men have ____ theirs

Almost half as much Doubled

Beth takes piano lessons, plays on youth soccer team, attends after school tutoring and goes to science camp. Beth's college educated professional parents engage in a style of parenting called

Concerted cultivation

The most common form of cohabitation is

Before marraige

The tendency to impose previously held views on the collection and interpretation of data is known as


Generally, which causes more distress: work to family conflict or family to work conflict

Family to work conflict

_____________is the process through which individuals internalize elements of the social structure, making those elements part of their own personality.

C. Socialization

Three types of work

Care work, house work, and market work

Empty Love


Compare and contrast the concepts of courtship and dating. Make sure to define each term in your response

Courtship is the mate selection process in which couples begin a relationship with supervised contact in public, then proceed to additional dates in the woman's home and then to marriage if the parents approve. Dating is the mate selection process in which young adults spend time with a variety of partners before making a long-term commitment. While both courtship and dating are mate selection processes, courtship takes place primarily in the institutional arena of the family while dating takes place in the institutional arena of the market. Also, dating often occurs without parental supervision while courtship requires parental/family involvement and/or approval.

Which of the following legal provisions defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman?

Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA)

In colonial America, Christian doctrine supported the legal concept of coverture, and wives

Did not have legal existence, but rather were incorporated into their husband' citizenship

Most theories of social class are based on the notion of

Division of labor

Scientists have identified at least four subspecies of modern humans.


Feminist perspectives on gender are based on the following principles

Family structure is socially constructed rather than natural or the product of evolution. Gender inequality is central to family life. Family experiences for men and women differ according to race/ethnicity and social class

Monica, an African American woman, is on a dating show in which she must pick one of four male suitors to marry. Based on what you know about race and marriage patterns, which suitor is she most likely to pick?

Idris, the black man

Sociology as a science emerged from the

Industral Revolution

. There are three institutional arenas that underscore the topics discussed in this course (i.e., family, state, and market). Define what an institutional arena is and then briefly explain each of the three arenas

Institutional arena: a social space in which relations between people are governed by accepted rules of interaction. 1. Family - institutional arena where people practice intimacy, childbearing, socialization, and caring work. 2. State - institutional arena where behavior is legally regulated, violence controlled, and resources distributed through political means. 3. Market - institutional arena where labor for pay, economic exchange, and wealth accumulation take place.




Intimacy + Commitment

Romantic Love

Intimacy + Passion

Ancient and medieval societies divided people according to

Language and religion

Compared to the past, Americans today are having _____ children


3 Institutional arenas

Market, state, and family

The recent supreme court case that legalized same sex marraige across the US is known as

Obergefell v Hodges

Infatuated Love


Fatuous Love

Passion + Commitment

The pervasice element of European and American society in which men controlled all property and had control over women and children is called


One of the primary restrictions that individuals apply in their choice of marraige partner is

Race and ethnicity

Compare and contrast the concepts of race and ethnicity. Make sure to define each term in your response

Race is a system for classifying people who are believed to share common descent based on perceived innate physical characteristics (e.g. skin color, hair texture, eye shape, etc.). Ethnicity is a system for classifying people who are believed to share common descent based on perceived cultural similarities (e.g. language, dress, food, etc.). While both race and ethnicity are systems of classifying people, there are important differences between the two concepts: While race is anchored in broad color terms (e.g. black, white, brown, etc.) that denote vast, continental groupings that include millions and billions of people ethnic groups tend to be much smaller in size and associated with local, national, or regional geography rather than with continents. Racial categories tend to be imposed on individuals or groups by others (external classification) while ethnic labels are more likely to be chosen by the individuals or groups concerned (internal classification). Finally, in the U.S., race has mattered more than ethnicity in terms of classifying people and the social implications of those classifications.

The selection of individuals or groups for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved and ensuring that findings are not generalizable to the population is known as

Selection effect

Which of the following is a current trend in the growing diversity of American families

Single parenthood, adults living alone, and stay at home dads

Octavia's parents are professionals, as are their siblings and most of their friends. They are able to draw on their social networks to help Octavia achieve her goals. This is an example of.

Social Capital

Micro level theory

Symbolic Interaction

Difference between motherhood mandate and intensive mothering

The main difference is that while the motherhood mandate says that all women should want and aspire to be mothers, intensive mothering says how mothers should parent once they have children.

Ancient societies, like the Greeks, did not divide people according to physical differences, but according to religion, status, class or even language.


No one characteristic, trait or gene distinguishes all the members of one race from all the members of another race


Slavery predates the social construction of race.


The genes for skin color have nothing to do with genes for hair form, eye shape, blood type, musical talent, athletic ability or forms of intelligence.


The motherhood penalty, the loss of earnings women experience after having children, is due to which of the following

Women choosing part time or decreased hours to take care of children, employer discrimination, and belief that mothers will be less devoted to their jobs

The family in the second half of the 20th century was heavily impacted by

Women entering the workforce

A _____ occurs when the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult for people to fulfill their obligations in either role

Work family conflict

In her book The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood, sociologist Sharon Hays describes an ideology she calls intensive motherhood, which is

a cultural pressure on women to devote more time, energy, and money to raising their children.

The Gini index is

a measure of inequality.

Which of the following are among the conceptual categories of cohabitation discussed in class?

before marriage, instead of marriage, and after marriage

A situation that can occur in blended families when family members do not know or do not agree on who is in the family or what role each person plays is known as:

boundary ambiguity

The stereotype of Asian Americans as successful students—the "model minority"—may

cause distress due to expectations held by and of Asian students

Generally, religion exerts a ____________ influence on family life and gender roles within families.


Which of the following measures tells how many divorces there are in the United States, relative to the total size of the population?

crude divorce rate

Overall marriage rates in the US are


Which of the following social phenomena contributed to the rise of concentrated urban poverty among African Americans?


The view of modern marriage as more of an option than a necessary tradition is referred to as the:

deinstitutionalization of marriage

The most commonly used divorce rate statistic, which compares the number of divorces to the number of new marriages in a given year, is the ________,

divorce-marriage ratio

Social Exchange Theory

is a theory that suggests that relationship partners focus on the positive outcomes (rewards) and negative outcomes (costs) of their relationships.

A personal outlook common among Latino families that puts family obligations first, before individual well-being, is called


When it comes to occupational sex segregation,

female dominated occupations are often similar to the work women have traditionally done and continue to do without pay at home.

The rapid growth of the American Indian population over the last century—and the last 50 years in particular—is mostly due to

greater desire, or willingness, of those with mixed ancestry to express that identity

Father involvement generally:

improves children's happiness and well-being.

The cultural notion that women will devote the majority of their time and energy to children, family, be self sacrificing, and engage in emotion work is known as

intensive mothering

When a person's chromosomal composition does not correspond with his or her sexual anatomy, it is known as


The new ideal for fatherhood that focuses on fathers being an emotional, nurturing companion who bonds with his children is known as the

involved father ideal

Norm of homophily

is the principle/norm that requires that friends, lovers, and spouses be characterized by similarity in age, race/ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic statu

Maternal gatekeeping

is the process by which mothers prevents others from having access to their children and insist that they [as mothers] are involved in all of the important decisions in their children's lives. This type of behavior includes: 1) rigid standards (e.g., there is only one way to clean or keep an appropriate house); 2) external validation (e.g., what would the neighbors think?); and 3) a differentiated view of family roles (e.g., distinct spheres for men and women)

Separation is a legal process that involves:

married spouses separating into different households

Comparison Level of Alternatives (Calt)

refers to the outcome that a person thinks he/she can get if he/she were to enter into a different relationship. This typically signals the lowest level of outcomes a person will accept in light of available alternatives.

Which of the following characteristics DECREASES the likelihood that a married couple will get a divorce?

spending time alone together

Expectations for men's behavior compared to women's behavior

tend to support a rigid cultural view of masculinity.

Intensive mothering

the cultural notion/pressure that women will devote the majority of their time and energy to children and family, be self-sacrificing, and engage in intensive emotion work

Assimilation can be described as

the gradual reduction of ethnic distinction between immigrants and mainstream society

Although Jeff has a high-paying job, he decided to take a lower-paying position so that he could spend more time with his kids, reflecting

the involved father ideal

motherhood or maternal paradox

the notion that mothers have higher levels of distress, but over the long term receive more benefits from parenting. The scenario states that "Although ensuring everything is done correctly creates a lot of stress for Rhonda, her kids bring her tremendous satisfaction and joy," suggesting that Rhonda is experiencing the motherhood paradox.

Max Weber originated the concept of life chances, which refers to

the practical opportunity to achieve material success and experiences.

motherhood mandate

the primary gender norm that describes the desire to mother. The mandate is a conception of femininity that all women are expected to follow

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