Feline Navle Questions

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Fleet enemas are composed of what? Tx?

*Phosphate* *Hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia* CS: muscle weakness, seizures Tx: fluids, calcium gluconate, phosphate binders (aluminum hydroxide)

Lymphoma caused by FeLV peaks at what age groups?

1-3 years 7-8 years Multicentric* (generalized lymphadenopathy) Mediastinal*** (dyspnea) Extranodal (ocular, cutaneous, renal)

Tx plan for ethylene glycol toxicity

1. Decrease absorption (induce vomiting +/- gastric lavage, activated charcoal) 2. Diuresis: IV fluids 3. Correct metabolic acidosis: add bicarbonate to IV fluids 4. Prevent metabolism: 4-MP (<3 hours), ethanol (>3 hours) *Oliguric renal failure: hemodialysis

What are the core vaccines for cats?

1. Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV1) 2. Feline panleukopenia (FPV) 3. Feline calivirus (FCV) = FVRCP (rabies (canarypox, YEARLY), FeLV)

When is declawing appropriate?

1. Poses a zoonotic risk 2. Multiple attempts to control destructive scratching have been made

PE findings of HCM

1. Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve 2. Aortic thromboembolism (secondary to stasis in dilated LA) 3. Tachycardia 4. Systolic murmur 5. Pulmonary edema, +/- pleural effusion

FeLV causes what 4 main syndromes

1. immune suppression-- secondary infections (viral, resp, stomatitis, etc) 2. myleosuppression (infects BM)-- non-regenerative anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia 3. neoplasia-- lymphoma 4. neurological disease (RARE)

Rule of 3 for injection site fibrosarcoma

1. increase in size more than 1 month post injection 2. >2cm diameter 3. persists for more than 3 months post vaccination

To increase the PCV 1%, what mg/ml packed RBCs should you do? Fresh whole blood?

1mL/kg to raised the PCV by 1% 2mL/kg

Dental formula for cat

2 (I3/3, C1/1, P3/2, M1/1) Total: 30

TOC for heliobacter infection

2 Abx: amoxicillin + metronidazole 1 H2 blocker: famotidine

Length of interestrus interval?

2-3 weeks

Which diabetes is MC in cats?

20% Type 1 (insulin dependent), 80% Type 2 Male neutered, obese

When does the placenta take over in progesterone secretion during pregnancy?

25-30 days gestation

CS and signalment of feline panleukopenia? Tx?

3-4 month old kittens (unvaccinated) High fever, dehydration, severe fetid diarrhea, vomiting (similar to canine parvovirus) Tx: IV fluids (K+), broad spectrum Abx (ampicillin), NPO, then bland diet, antiemetics (maropitant) BLEACH kills, ISOLATE

MC location for feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions

307 and 407; first premolars Abnormal formation of cementum--> *cemental resorption* Very painful Take dental radiographs (lesions may be internal) Diets high in vitamin D, low in Ca/P/K/Mg Tx: *alendronate* bisphosphage-- inhibits deminerlization of bone, removal affected teeth, avoid excessive vitamin D

Length of estrus

7-9 days

What percentage of mammary tumors are malignant in cats?

80-90% (BAD); MC: adencarcinoma (dog: 50%)

Spaying cats before their first heat reduces risk of mammary tumors by how much?

91% (dog: 99.9%)

Predilection for feline asthema

<10 years old, urban areas Siamese, Himalayan Cough, dyspnea, wheezing Dx: rads (bronchial), TTW**

Mammary tumor <2 cm what is median survival time? >3cm?

<2cm= 3 years >3cm= 6 months Dx: excisional biopsy

CS associated with cholecalciferol toxicity

=vitamin D3 rodenticide Leads to hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia which can calcify tissues (GI, myocardium, kidneys)

Signalment of hyperthyroidism

>10 years old Valentine heart (HCM)= *concentric hypertrophy* Ravenous appetite with weight loss, hypertension (>180 mm Hg), tachycardia Excess T3 & T4 due to *adenomatous hyperplasia* Bilateral

HW test of choice for cats

ANTIBODY *Antigen* test detects *female* heartworms-- MALES (spindle tail) more common in cats Aberrant migration MC in cats (CNS, ocular) 1-7 worms total LOW or transient microfilaria

Drug combo of choice for declaw?

Ace, midazolam, morphine, and digital local blocks with bupivicaine Post operative pain management is VITAL

In diabetes mellitus, what may cause insulin resistance?

Acromegaly (Increased GH--pituitary adenoma) Increased glucagon Obesity

PU/PD/PP with weight GAIN in unregulated diabetic strongly suggests what?

Acromegaly-- pituitary adenoma--increased GH (somatotropin) Mandibular prognathism Tx: external beam radiation

CS associated with Easter or Tiger lily toxicity

Acute vomiting, tremors, ataxia, and abdominal pain followed by fatal renal failure

MC feline mammary tumor

Adenocarcinoma (90% malignant) Mets: lungs, LNs (80% metastasize) Siamese 2X more likely

Where should rabies and FeLV vaccines be given?

Adjuvant associated Rabies: low on RH FeLV: low on LH

Feline lungworm

Aelurostronglyus abstrusus IH: slugs, snail (L3) Paratenic host: small mammals Dx: fecal baerman Tx: ivermectin, fenbendazole

MC type of lymphoma in cats?

Alimentary and FeLV negative Tx: prednisolone + chlorambucil

Injection site fibrosarcoma

Aluminum adjuvant-- rabies, FeLV Dx: incisional biopsy for staging, thoracic rads (mets)

Why is placing a penrose drain in a cat bite abscess so important?

Anaerobic bacteria (+ Pasteurella) predominate, if the wound closes they will multiply Abx: cefovecin (convenia)

Hookworm of cats? Routes of infection?

Ancylostoma tubaeforme Skin penetration, transmammary*, transplacental, ingestion Blood suckers

Sequela of FeLV

Anemia Leukemia Lymphoma Myleodysplasia (BM suppression)

MC cause of cataracts in cats

Anterior uveitis

What is metoclopramide?

Anti-emetic and prokinetic MOA: dopamine antagonist

Test of choice for HW disease in cats?

Antibody Negative antigen test common: low worm burden, male only infection, early infection, or HARDs

Tx of CKD

Appetite stimulants Anti-emetics K+ supplementation FLUIDS Amlodipine (hypertension) Phosphorus binders Renal diet (phosphorus restricted)

What is mirtazapine?

Appetite stimulation and anti-emetic MOA: increases NE (appetite), serotonin antagonist (anti-emetic)

Cholangiohepatitis is typically due to what?

Ascending infection or immune mediated destruction of liver Triaditis: pancreatitis, cholangiohepatitis, IBD CS: icterus Elevated WBC, *elevated ALT/ALP/GGT*, elevated bilirubin

CS of ethylene glycol toxicity

Ataxia, stuporus, PU/PD Calcium oxalate crystals Dx: ethylene glycol test kit

Tx of organophosphate poisoning

Atropine first, then 2-PAM (pralidoxime chloride) (in that order!)

TOC for cryptosporidium


Clinical parameters of CKD

BUN/creatine/phosphorus increased, HYPOkalemia Normochormic, normocytic non-regenerative anemia Isostenuria, renal azotemia

Etiology of scratch scratch fever

Bartonella henselae (flea feces) Tx: doxycycline + flea preventative Humans: fever, malaise, pyogranulomatous lymphadenopathy (ZOONOTIC)

MC skin tumor of cats

Basal cell tumor (>90% benign) High mitotic rate-- still benign Firm, freely moveable, 2-4cm, well circumscribed Head, neck, shoulder

MC skin tumor of cats

Basal cell tumor (>90% benign) White cats= SCC (ears, ON nasal planum, eyelids)-- associated with UV light Dx: excisional biopsy Tx: sx removal Good prognosis w/ sx

CS associated with Toxoplasmosis?

Bilateral anterior uveitis, chorioretinitis, CNS signs, hepato-splenomeglay, and fever

How is FIV spread?

Bite (mean cat disease)

CS associate with warfarin toxicity

Bleeding Antagonizes vitamin K1 enzymes leading to deficency of 2, 7, 9, 10 clotting factors

Host of cytauxzoon felis?

Bobcat (Lynx rufus)

CS and lab findings with Cytauxzoon felis?

Bobcat, tick (dermacentor) Hemolytic anemia, icterus, marked pyrexia, cranial organomegaly (lungs, spleen, liver), pancytopenia, +/- DIC

Why is azathioprine contraindicated in cats?

Bone marrow suppression (chemotherapy agent/immune suppressive)

What drugs are involved with CHOP?

C: cyclophosphamide H: doxirubicin (nephrotoxic in cats) O: oncovin (vincristine) P: prednisone

What conditions may result from taurine deficiency?

CENTRAL retinal degeneration Dilated cardiomyopathy (eccentric hypertrophy of LV) Reproductive failure Growth retardation

CS of amitraz toxicity. Reversal?

CS: *lethargy*, bradycardia, V/D, PU/PD, hypothermia, ataxia Reversal: yohimbine, atipamazole

Why is amlodipine used for tx of hypertension?

Ca2+ channel blocker-- blocks Ca2+ influx into vascular smooth muscles, causing vasodilation

MC stones in cat's bladder

Calcium oxalte, struvite

What type of toxin do azaleas produce? What type of toxicity?

Cardiotoxic Andromedotoxins (grayanotoxins)

TOC for hyperextension injuries of carpal joint

Carpal athrodesis

What is high rise syndrome? TOC?

Cat falls from high places will land on all 4 feet but will hit mandible-- mandibular symphysis separation TOC: Circummandibular cerclage wire placed caudal to the lower canine teeth. Remove in 6 weeks.

Cat insulin is from what animal? Dog?

Cat: cow Dog: pig

Who is more prediposed to DM in cats and dogs?

Cat: neutered male Dog: spayed female

Explain the rationale behind cat blood typing.

Cats have naturally occurring antibodies against the blood type they don't have Type A has antibodies to B: less severe Type B has antibodies to A: FATAL hemolytic anemia Type AB: antibodies to neither (type A or AB)

Summary of Cheyletiella mites (walking dandruff)

Cats, rabbits, dogs Highly contagious Lives on stratum corneum (superficial) Causes scaling and crusting on dorsal surface Dx: acetate tape test, fecal exam (eggs), flea comb (large hooks) Tx: lime sulfur dips or flea products

What is the reticulocyte count have to be in cats and dogs to be considered regenerative?

Cats: 50,000 Dogs: 60,000

CS associated with bromethalin toxicity

Cats: paralysis, vestibular, ocular signs Dogs: seizures, paralysis Decreases ATP production in the CNS

Pre-natal exposure for feline parvovirus/panleukopenia causes what?

Cerebellar hypoplasia, retinal degeneration Virus or via MLV vaccine

What is maropitnant?

Cernia! Anti-emetic MOA: neurokinin 1 inhibitor Which decreases substance P in CNS

Inclusion body in the conjunctival scraping of a cat's eye suggests?

Chlamydia felis Basophillic elementary bodies

MC cause of EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency)

Chronic pancreatitis

What chemotherapy agents are contraindicated in cats?

Cisplatin- fatal pulmonary edema (cats), nephrotoxic (dogs) 5-florouracil- neurotoxic Azathioprine- bone marrow suppression Doxorubicin- nephrotoxic

What should be told to pregnant women with cats who are concerned about Toxoplasmosis? If the cat is tested, what is the preferred result?

Clean litter box within 24 hours (oocysts take up to 3 days to sporulate), cook meat, wear gloves when gardening +: means the cat has been infected and has shed the virus already (only sheds virus once in life) People MC: ingestion of undercooked meat

Tx of Toxoplasmosis


Examples of tricyclic antidepressants

Clomipramine and amitriptyline

Benzodiazepine derivatives

Clorazepate (Tranxene) and alprazolam (Xanax)

Cryptosporidium vs coccidia oocyts

Coccidia are bigger (10-40um) vs cryptosporidium (4-6um)

Etiology of FIP?

Coronavirus (mutates into evil form) Replicates in enterocytes, mutates, replicates in *macrophages* and distributed throughout the body causing *pyogranulmatous vasculitis* Not contagious, all cats have been exposed and only some cats develop the mutation

Pathophysiology of FIP

Coronavirus mutates into evil form causing an *Ab-Ag complex immune mediated* vasculitis-- effusions, necrosis, and *pyogranulomatous inflammation* Causes effusions (abdominal, thoracic), CNS signs, or anterior uveitis Progressive and fatal (high mortality)= GRAVE Transmission: fecal-oral (FCoV)

Etiology of Roman Nose

Cryptococcus (C. neoformans, C, gatti) *pigeon droppings* Mucopurulent to bloody nasal discharge, +/- lysis of nasal bones Dx: cytology of nasal exudate (narrow, budding, thin-walled yeasts surrounded by *clear capsules*) Tx: fluconazole

Dx of cryptococcus

Cytology of nasal exudate or CSF(yeast) Serology on serum, CSF, or urine (latex agglutination)

Dx of Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi

D. cati: deep skin scrape D. gatoi: acetate tape test Tx: lime sulfur dip, amitraz--TOXIC IN CATS, ivermectin

Difference between Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi

D. cati: long slender, lives in hair follicles, no pruritis D. gatoi: short, stubby, lives superficially, contagious and pruritic HOST SPECIFIC- not zoonotic

Mycoplasma hemofelia

DDx: PCR Tx: doxycyline + prednisolone

Tx of hemothorax


How do glucocorticoids help in the tx of idiopathic hypercalcemia?

Decrease calcium by decreasing intestinal absorption, increasing renal excretion, and decreasing renal absorption

Feline acne

Deep pyoderma of the chin Tx: topical aseptic cleaning daily

CS associated with nasopharyngeal polyp

Depends on location Unilateral nasal discharge, vestibular signs, stritor/stertor, Horner's syndrome Sx excision, may regrow

What CS are associated with feline panleukopenia (parvovirus/distemper)?

Depression Dehydration Diarrhea Unvaccinated kittens Attacks rapidly dividing cells leading to gastroenteritis and BM suppression Profound leukopenia (500-3000 WBC/uL) Causes cerebellar hypoplasia and retinal degeneration in newborn kittens (transplacental)

Good injectable pre-med for cats? (kitty magic)

Dexmetodomidine or xylazine (x2 agonist) Butorphanol (opioid) Ketamine (dissociative) Meloxicam + Buprinomorphine for post-op pain

Acromegaly is associated with what diseases?

Diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathy, and renal disease

What medication is contraindicated in HCM patients?

Digitalis-- positive ionotrope (increases HR)

Tapeworms of cats?

Dipylidium caninum (flea) Tanenia taeniaformis (rodents) Tx: praziquantel (droncit)

Where is declawing performed? What is removed?

Distal interphalangeal ligament (onychectomy) P3 + nail

Definitive hosts for each of the following? Sarcocystis neurona S. cruzi S. hirsuta S. hominis

Dog Dog Cat Human

Esophagus straited muscle in the following: Dog Cat Horse

Dog: striated entire length Cat/Horse: striated proximal 2/3

Dx and Tx of eosinophillc granuloma complex

Dx: biopsy (eosinophills) Tx: oral prednisolone Females MC

What are the Dx and Tx of cytauxzoon felis?

Dx: schiozonts in macrophages and merozoites in RBCs Severe: blood transfusion, IV fluids, heparin (DIC), atovaquone 100% fatal

Mode of transmission of Capillaria plica (urinary worm)?


Pathognomic lesion in eye for herpesvirus/rhinotrachitis

Eosinophillic keratitis and corneal sequestrum 80-100% become CARRIERS

Type of placentation in the cat?

Epitheliochorial and zonary

Most important aspect of treating cat with hepatic lipidosis

Esophagostomy or nasograstric tube feeding*** IV fluids Neomycin and lactulose-- decrease hepatic encephalopathy Vitamin K1 L carnitine

New name of Capillaria aerophilus (lungworm)

Eucoleus aerophilus (A)

What is psychogenic alopecia?

Excessive grooming Alopecia on ventrum Dx: blunted hairs w/ normal skin

Toxoplasmosis is typically associated with what other disease?

FIV (immune suppression)

T/F: Cuterebra penetrate the skin

False-- *ingested* then undergo aberrant migration to skin, lung, or brain

Typical CS of hepatic lipidosis cat

Fat, anorexic, icteric

IMHA, while rare in cats, is usually associated with what disease?


What can predipose cats to lymphoma?

FeLV (not GI form), FIV, IBD (GI), lymphocytic plasmacytic rhinits (nasal), herbicides, smoking Dx: FNA

How is Strongyloides stercoralis diagnosed?

Fecal baerman (L1 larva) Causes mucoid diarrhea and anemia in puppies and kittens Tx: fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate

Routes of transmission of feline panleukopenia (parvovirus/distemper)?

Feces, urine, and transplacental (cerebellar hypoplasia) Shed virus for 6 weeks after recovery

What are other names for feline panleukopenia? Etiology?

Feline distemper, feline parvovirus Etiology: Parvovirus (ss DNA)

What may cause hydrocephalus in cats?

Feline panleukopenia (in utero) Genetic (Siamese) Toxins Griseofulvin (in utero)

MC cause of miliary dermatitis

Flea allergy-- type 1 & 4 Back, face, neck

Tx of Cryptococcus

Fluconazole or itraconazole Dx: cytology of nasal exudate (narrow, budding, thin-walled yeasts surrounded by clear capsules)

What is unquie about feline pancreatic duct?

Fuses with common bile duct which opens at the major duodenal papilla

MOA of alprazolam (benzodiazepine behavior modifying drug)

GABA receptor potentiation

MOA of cisapride

GI motility enhancer

Cryptosporidium causes what?

Gastroenteritis in cats, dogs, foals, young ruminants, swine, and humans Dx: SUGAR flotation, direct smear with acid fast stain (carbonfuscien) ZOONOTIC, egg immediately sporulated and infective

What drugs are teratogenic to cats?

Glucs, griseofluvin, and FVRCP vaccine

MOA of ivermectin

Glutamate and GABA gated chloride channels (mammals are protected via p-glycoprotein (coded by MDR1 gene))

MC feline ovarian tumor

Granulosa cell tumor

Prognosis for unilateral facial nerve paralysis

Guarded-- typically progresses to other side PERMANENT Idiopathic*, polyp, neoplasia, trauma Tx: supportive

How to differentiate feline herpesvirus and calicivirus?

H: dendritic ulcers C: oral ulcerations

How do hyperthryoidism and kidney disease lead to retinal degeneration?

HYPERtension Retinal detachment Increased thickening of LV Tx: amlodipine (Ca2+ channel blocker)

What are trichobezoars?


Acetaminophen toxicity causes what?

Heinz body anemia, *methhemoglobinuria (chocolate brown blood/urine)*, hepatic necrosis, *facial and paw edema* GLUCORONYL TRANSFERASE Death 18-36 hours Tx: *N-acetylcystine (mucomyst)*, induce vomiting (<4 hours), IV fluids, SAMe (liver protectant) Poor prognosis: rising liver enzymes (ALP/ALT), methemoglobinemia >50%

Tx of thromboembolism

Heparin + analgesia Saddle thrombus-- poor prognosis

What type of diet should diabetic cats be on?

High protein, low carb

What is a feline traumatic sarcoma?

Hx of trauma--> pthisis bulbi, corneal edema, blind - menance or PLR MALIGNANT Tx: enucleation

Blood chemistry values in a cat with hepatic lipidiosis? Definitive diagnosis?

Hyperbilirubinemia, bilirubinuria *High ALT/ALP, normal GGT** U/S: HYPERechoic liver DD: liver biopsy floats in formalin or liver FNA (vacuolization of hepatocytes) Intrahepatic cholestasis

Clinical parameters of blocked cat

Hyperkalemia, acidosis (decreased pH & HCO3), post renal azotemia, hyperphosphatemia Hyperkalemia, bradycardia EMERGENCY!!! Tx: urethral catheterization, retropulsion if cannot pass catheter; urethrestomy (salvage) Bethanecol: contracts bladder after chronically distended bladder (parasympathetic like; contracts detrusor)

What disease typically masks renal disease in cats?

Hyperthyroidism-- check BUN/creatinine

Cat in congestive heart failure would have what CS?

Hypotension, bradycardia, and hypothermia

Risk factors associated with thyroidectomy?

Hypothyroidism, horner's syndrome, hypocalcemia, and laryngeal paralysis

TOC for cholecalciferol toxicity

IV saline, prednisone (decreases calcium)

What are causes of anterior uveitis in cats?

Idiopathic** FIP, FIV, FeLV, Fungal (Crypto), Toxo, Bartonella Neoplasia (lymphoma) Tx: topical steroids, oral steroids (- for infectious causes), atropine

What is the significane of measuring IgM and IgG in cases of Toxoplasma gondii infections?

IgM: increases in acute/active infections (>1:64) IgG: increases and stays increased for life (exposure) (paired titers) Ex: high IgM, high IgG= active infection


Increase *diastolic* filling, slow HR Beta blocker (atenolol) OR calcium channel blocker (diltiazem), low salt diet Failure: ace inhibitor (enalapril), Pull fluids off lungs (furosemide) Severe: oxygen, thoracocentesis (Diuretic, Diet, Dilator)

Dx of hyperthyroidism

Increased liver enzymes (ALT) Increased total T4** Increased free T4 T3 suppression: give T3, T4 does NOT suppress TRH stimulation Increased MCV (macrocytic)

Summary of Toxoplasma gondii

Ingestion of feces, infected meat (rat or insect), transmammary (sporulated oocyts) DH: cat (ingests IH) Associated with immune suppression from FIV, FeLV, etc Generalized, respiratory, and ocular signs Dx: 4X increase in serology titers 2-3 weeks apart (IgG), IgM (>1:64)

Polycystic kidney disease

Inherited conditions in *Persian Autosomal dominant*-- heterozygotes Dx: ultrasound Tx: fluids, low protein diet, famotidine, maropitant, and appetite stimulants (same as CKD) Blue smoke Persian: Chediak-Hijaskhi-- large granules in neutrophils

Shock dose of isotonic saline for cats? Colloids? Hypertonic saline?

Iso: 40-60 ml/kg Colloids: 15mL/kg Hyper: 5mL/kg

Why is metaclopramide contraindicated as an anti-emetic in patients with foreign bodies?

It is also a prokinetic agent

Which heartworm drug kills microfilaria slowly, this making it efficacious for heartworm treatment?

Ivermectin Milbemycin kills microfilaria quickly, carrying a greater risk for anaphylaxis

What is Feline Dysautonomia?

Key-Gaskell Syndrome Rare condition where there is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (megaesophagus, GI hypomotility, urinary and fecal incontinence)

MC presentation of FeLV

Kitten or young adult (<1 year) Male > female, free roaming ADR: anemia, weight loss, fever, lethargy Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia Abdominal masses (mediastinal), anterior uveitis Tx: stress free, Abx (secondary infections), separate + from - cats Fair to poor: most die within 2 years :( FeLV vaccine not given after 6 years of age

TOC for lymphoma (hypercalcemia of malignancy)

L-asparginase May cause allergic reaction, usually given with antihistamines

Esophagostomy tube

LEFT side of neck-- patient placed in right lateral recumbency, tube sticks out of left side

What drug facilitates colonic hydration and stool evacuation for megacolon?

Lactulose Cisapride-- pro-motility agent

Etiology of FIV

Lentivirus (feline AIDs)

What is ursodiol?

Liver protectant, promotes bile flow

Tx of lymphoma (small cell, GI form)

Low grade: chlorambucil + prednisolone High grade: CHOP

How to differentiate lymphocytic portal hepatitis from cholangiohepatitis?

Lympho: infiltration of *lymphocytes and plasma cells* (GOOD prognosis) Chol: infiltration of *neutrophils* (VARIABLE prognosis)

MC tumor IN nose

Lymphoma Lymphoma MC tumor in cats (30% of all tumors-- FeLV associated)

MC tumor in stomach


MC ocular tumor of cats

Lymphosarcoma Intraocular- diffuse iris melanoma

What breed is predisposed to HCM?

Maine Coon, Ragdoll Autosomal DOMINATE

Siamese are predisposed to?

Mast cell tumors, mammary tumors, megaesophagus

MC presentation of FIV

Mature (10-15 years), male (2X), outdoor, scratched up Neutropenia, anemia, leukopenia, STOMATITIS Pupil w/ reverse "D" shape, ADR, neurologic signs (seizures) Lymphoid tumors-- abdominal mass Immune suppression-- risk for gingivostomatitis, Toxo, FeLV Tx: dental, abx (secondary infections), AZT? Human inferon? EPO? GOOD prognosis w/ veterinary care

MC cause of feline obstipation

Megacolon (idiopathic) Tx: enema, pysillum (fiber), cisapride (pro-motility), lactulose; subtotal colonectomy (if unresponsive to medical tx)

What are Manx cats predisposed to?

Megacolon, sacrococcygeal dysgeneisis

MC feline brain tumor


Ringworm of cats

Microsporum canis ZOONOTIC Ears, face, legs Dx: wood's lamp (50%), culture w/ DTM or KOH (definitive) Tx: itraconazole, terbinafine, lime sulfur

Physiologic leukogram

Mild neutrophilia +/- milk lymphocytosis Common in cats, horses when entering veterinary hospitals

What is laxatone?

Mineral oil/petroleum jelly that can be added to diet in DLH with chronic hairballs

Appetite stimulants of cats?

Mirtazapine and cyproheptadine Oral diazepam= hepatotoxic

Etiology of feline leprosy

Mycobacterium lepraemurium Acid fast

Tx of acetaminophen toxicity

N-acetylcysteine (mucomyst)-- broad spectrum for liver failure Xyalzine (induce emesis if <4 hours), IV fluids, SAMe

Which classification are the following types of insulin? NPH Lente Ultralente Glargine PZI Which is best for cats?

NPH, Lente, PZI (vetsulin): intermediate Ultralente, glargine: long Glargine (lantus), PZI: long (best for cats)--BID High protein, low carb diet Exercise

Best NPV and PPV test for FIP

NPV (- rules out): Rivalta test PPV: immunofluoresnce staining of macrophages in effusion

Pyrethrin toxicity

Na+ ion channels--> hypersalivation, ataxia, muscle tremors Tx: methocarbomol, bathe

Sarcoptic mite of cats

Notoedres cati Tx: lime sulfur RARE RARE RARE

Etiology of FeLV

Oncovirus (formely retrovirus)

What is methimazole?

Oral anti-thyroid medication AE: intense facial pruritus Monitor every 2 weeks for first 3 months

What is glipizide?

Oral hypoglycemia agent

Best treatment for LONG term managment of feline asthma?

Oral prednisolone, oral terbutaline or theophylline (bronchodilator/B2 agonist) (inhalants (albuterol-B2 agonist) are shorting acting relief, asthmatic attacks)

Ear mite of cats?

Otodectes cyanotis "coffee grounds" in ears *Very contagious (dogs, cats)*, not zoonotic Tx: selamectin (revolution), moxidection (advantage multi), ivermectin (accarex), otic transaderm (acaricidal) 2 injections weeks apart (wont kill eggs)

What is triaditis?

Pancreatitis, IBD, and cholangitis Pancreatitis-- low fat diet NOT important in cats

MC cause of pneumonia in cats

Pasterurella multocida

MC bacteria isolated from cat bites?

Pasturella multocida

MC site for blockage in males

Penile urethra

What drug may be used to RELAX the internal urethral sphincter? (blocked cat)

Phenoxybenzamine-- relaxes alpha receptors of internal urethra sphincter SE: hypotension

Difference between eosinophillic plaque, ulcer, and granuloma

Plaque: abdomen and medial thighs Ulcer: upper lip Granuloma: mouth, nose, chin, and caudal thighs

Liver fluke of cats?

Platynosoum concinnum IH: toads, lizards MC in tropical areas Hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease

Drug of choice for heartworm disease in cats

Prednisone (melarsomine is toxic)

Pathophysiology of HCM

Primary myocardial disease leading to concentric (thickening) hypertrophy of LV, leads to *diastolic filling* defect of LV and dilated LA, increased HR and force to try and compensate Leads to LEFT sided CHF, pulmonary edema, +/- pleural effusion

Hormone responsible for feline mammary hyperplasia

Progesterone Tx: spay or progesteron blocker (aglepriston)

What is anisocoria?

Pupils of different sizes Check by having lights on then turning them off

CS of Chlamydophila felis

Purulent ocular and/or nasal discharge, chemosis

What is pyothroax? TOC?

Pus in thoracic cavity Bacteria: degenerate neutrophils Fungus: non degenerative neutrophils Glucose less in effusion that serum Tx: place thoracotomy tube, lavage 3X daily, Abx for 6 weeks

TOC of rounds and hooks

Pyrantel pamoate (Strongid)

Difference between herpes, calici, and chlamydia

R: nasal and ocular discharge, dendritic ulcer in eye; CARRIERS in times of STRESS; famciclovir or L-lysine C: oral ulcers, stomatitis; clindamycin, sucralfate, buprenorphine (pain) Chal: acute, severe chemosis, IBs in conjunctival scrape; tetracycline ISOLATION, vaccinate

Prevention of injection site fibrosarcoma

Rabies-- distal right hind FeLV-- distal left hind Others: distal right front Only use NON adjuvanted Don't over vaccinate

TOC for vaccine associated fibrosarcoma

Radical excision of mass (wide 3-5cm margins, 1 fascial plane deep) Radiation PRIOR to sx Chemotherapy

TOC for feline mammary tumors

Radical mastectomy (removal of entire chain)

TOC for hyperthyroidism

Radioactive iodine (I-131) Others: methimazole, sx thyroidectomy

HCM findings on radiograph, echo, and ECG

Radiographs (DV): valentine heart, +/- pulmonary edema ***Echo: LV hyperthrophy, SAM of mitral valve, mitral regurg,+/- LA enlargement ECG: Large R waves (LV enlargement), sinus tachycardia

How to eradicate FeLV from cattery?

Remove FeLV + Vaccinate FeLV - FeLV free once all cats are - on 2 consecutive test 3 months apart

Why do we check level of azotemia in patients with aortic throboembolism?

Renal infarcts

Breeds associated with familial systemic amyloidosis

Renal: Abyssinian Liver: Siamses, oriental shorthair Dx: biopsy with congo red stain

FIV infects what cells?

Replicates in *lymphoid and salivary tissues*, host immune system suppresses viremia (years), spreads to mononuclear cells causing slow decline in CD4+ (T helper cells), thus decreased immune system Macrophages, *CD4+ (T helper)****, CD8 (cytotoxic T cells), B cells Acute--> latent (years)--> terminal

Dx of FIP

Rivalta test: drop retains shape Effusion: non-septic exudate with protein >3.5mg/dL, increased globulin Chem: HYPOalbuminemia, HYPERglobinulinemia Albumin/globulin <0.6 Confirmation: antigen detection in *macrophages by immunofluoresence* or* RT-PCR on biopsy* (gold standard--pyogranulomatous vasculitis) POSITIVE CORONA TITER ONLY MEANS EXPOSURE (ubiquitous in cats)-- 7B protein ELISA

MC oral tumor in cats

SCC Dx: biopsy Tx: piroxicam Poor prognosis (MST 45 days)

Normal SG for cat urine

SG > 1.035 (dog: SG > 1.030)

CS of organophasphate toxicosis

SLUD, vomiting, tremors (rapid onset) cholinesterase inhibitor--> excessive Ach at NMJ Irreversible

How is FeLV spread?

Saliva (friendly cat disease) Placenta and milk

Estrous cycle of cat

Seasonally polyestrous (long day, January-September) *Induced ovulators--- ferret, rabbit, llama, and cat* Exhibit true lactational anestrus (won't cycle until they are no longer lactating)

What is fluoxetine?

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)

Chronic renal disease

Senior cat PU/PD, weight loss, vomiting, oral ulcers SMALL lumpy kidneys BUN/creatine/phosphorus increased, HYPOkalemia Normocytic, normochromic non-regenerative anemia Isostenuria, renal azotemia

CS associated with virulent systemic feline calicivirus

Severe acute upper respiratory disease, *cutaneous edema (head/neck) and ulcerative lesions on the skin and paws* Fecal oral

How should doxycycline be administered to cats?

Slurry or followed by a bolus of water

MC location for mast cell tumors in cats

Spleen Met: skin Rarely metastasize, not graded 2nd MC skin tumor-- Siamese (histocytic form)

Tx of FIP

Steroids (immune supression), thoracocentesis, abdominocentesis, oxygen support Supportive Prognosis: POOR

Tx for coccidia

Sulfamethoxazine. Symptomatic animals only (Cystisospora felis. C. rivolta)


Sx excision with wide margins Sx not possible: radiation + intralesional 5FU or carboplatin

SE of Griseofulvin


Main route of infection of roundworms in cats

Transmammary (dogs: transplacental) Toxocara cati PPP: 8 weeks Cats can VOMIT roundworms

Dx of choice for feline asthma

Transtracheal wash Eosinophills, mucus, PMNs

What is clomiprimine? SE?

Tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) SE: vomiting, constipation, anorexia, sedation

T/F: Osteosarcomas in cats are slow to metastasize and amputation is typically curative


T/F: Sarcoptes mites rarely effect cats and are difficult to find on superficial skin scrape

True, true

Dx of cholangiohepatitis

U/S: liver w/ normal echogenicity, hyperechoic common bile duct, +/- cholelith (obstruction), enlarged gallbladder with thickened wall Infiltration of NEUTROphils into portal area

Where do eosinophilic ULCERS typically occur?

Upper lip (rodent ulcer)

TOC for blocked cat. Prevention?

Urethral catheterization, retrograde urohydropulsion, perineal urethrostomy (salvage) Ca2+ gluconate, 0.9% NaCl (hyperkalemia) AVOID: cystocentesis, manual expression Prevention: canned food with HIGH moisture, weight loss

Dx of CKD

Urinalysis, CBC/Chem Urine culture Fundic exam, BP (hypertension) Ionized CA2+, PTH Urine protein/creatine ratio Ultrasound

Tx of cholangiohepatitis

Ursodeoxycholic acid-- liver protectant, promotes bile flow Amoxi-clav, metronidazole-- 2 months Sx decompression of cholelith Prognosis: 50% die within 3 months, 50% respond to tx

MC causes of obstructive dystocia in cats?

Uterine torsion, large fetus

MC congenital heart defect in the cat


What vitamin and other substances do cats require in their diet?

Vitamin A Taurine Arachadonic acid

Signs of vaccine reaction

Vomiting Facial swelling-- around eyes and muzzle Urticaria Usually ~10 minutes

Circulating LS of WBC, RBC

WBC: 5-9 hours RBC: 70 days

Drug used for induction of emesis in cats


Etiology of plague

Yersinia pestis Dx: culture--*bipolar coccobaccilus (safety pin)* Transmitted by fleas Reservoir: rats, prairie dogs CS: covered in fleas, outdoor cat, *mandibular lymphadenopathy with draining tracts* *Zoonotic & Reportable*

Acute cholangiohepatitis

Young (~3 years), males Neutrophilia, increased ALT, ALP and bilirubin Histopath: fibrosis of portal triads, bile duct proliferation, and centrilobular accumulation of bile Tx: amoxc-clav, metronidazole, and ursodeoxycholic acid

Clinical picture of Tritrichomonas foetus

Young cats or kittens *Large intestinal diarrhea* (cow patty, mucoid), recurring, spontaneous remission (~ 2 years old) Fecal oral transmission of trophozoites Asymptomatic carriers Dx: direct fecal smear "falling leaf, undulating membrane", fecal culture and/or PCR Tx: Ronidazole (AE: neurotoxic at high doses)

Cervical ventroflexion of the neck is seen in what conditions?

hypokalemia** thiamine deficency coral snake envenomation hyperthyroidism tick paralysis

Detection of pregnancy Palpation: Radiographs: Ultrasound:

palpation: 25 days radiographs: 45 days U/S: 25 days

Tests of choice for FIV?

screen: ELISA (antibody) confirm: Western blot (antibody) Vaccinations and maternal antibodies interfere with test results, should wait until 6 months old Virus is never cleared, remain antibody + for life No reason to vaccinate + cat

Tests of choice for FeLV

screen: ELISA (p27 antigen) confirm: IFA (p27 antigen) + for both: persistently infected/viremic for LIFE

TOC for idiopathic chylothorax

thoracic duct ligation, pericardectomy Medical: low fat diet, rutin, thoracocentesis

What transmits Cytauxzoon felis to cats?

ticks (Dermatocenter) DH: bobcat *Hemolytic anemia*, almost 100% fatal

Gestation period of cats?

~ 2 months (66 days)

When do permanent canines erupt in cats and dogs?

~ 6 months

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