Final Chapter 13

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A student is most likely to feel angry when he or she perceives that his or her poor performance was due to which of the following? A. External factors that another person controls B. External factors that cannot be controlled C. Internal factors that the student can control D. Internal factors that cannot be controlled


Failure syndrome refers to which of the following descriptions? A. Having low expectations for success but continually put in the effort B. Having low expectations for success despite experiencing success C. Having low expectations for success and giving up on difficult tasks D. None of these


According to Maslow, most people stop maturing after they have satisfied which need? A. Self-actualization B. Safety C. Love and belongingness D. Esteem


All of the following strategies are likely to help students achieve flow, except which one? A. Assign tasks for which students are highly skilled, but which provide little challenge. B. Provide students with both instructional and emotional support. C. Be knowledgeable about the subject matter. D. Teach with enthusiasm to present yourself as intrinsically motivated.


Ben performed poorly on his first mathematics exam. As a result of this experience, Ben sought help from his teacher and a tutor. Subsequently, Ben did very well on his next mathematics exam. In this scenario, Ben sought help because he perceived that his poor performance was due to which of the following? A. Internal, unstable factors that could be controlled B. Internal, stable factors that could not be controlled C. External, unstable factors that could be controlled D. External, stable factors that could not be controlled


Chase believes that his English instructor disliked a recent essay because the teacher disagreed with Chase's point of view. This view best represents a combination of which of the following causal attributions? A. External-stable-controllable B. External-unstable-uncontrollable C. Internal-stable-controllable D. Internal-unstable-uncontrollable


Critics of Maslow argue which of the following? A. Individuals do not necessarily meet their needs in the order that Maslow describes. B. Self-actualization is impossible to attain. C. Students must meet their love and belongingness needs prior to meeting their cognitive needs. D. It is more important for others to judge us in a positive light than to have positive self-esteem


Current research shows intrinsic motivation is positively linked to which of the following? A. Prosocial behaviors B. Higher grades and standardized test scores C. Lower stress levels D. Increased desire to participate in extracurricular activities


From the behaviorist perspective on motivation, external incentives are mentioned in all of the following except which one? A. The teacher gives stars to students who answer all questions correctly. B. The teacher assigns homework to students who do not complete their work in class. C. The school sends "honor student" bumper stickers to parents whose children get good grades. D. The child is interested in a project and therefore invests extra time to do it well.


From the perspective of a performance-oriented type of person, what is the most important aspect of a challenge? A. The process of learning B. The goal of winning C. The ability to get someone else to help D. Avoiding the challenge altogether


In early adolescence, students face a choice between focusing on academic goals or social goals. What effect does this have in the long term? A. This decision has little influence on students' long-term educational success and choice of career. B. This decision does have long-term impact on educational success and choice of career. C. This decision is a "no turning back" point in an individual's life. D. This decision depends on the nature of the peer group.


In general, socioeconomic status is better than ethnicity at predicting what student outcome? A. Spatial skills B. Verbal ability C. Interpersonal skills D. Academic achievement


In her third-period calculus course, Ms. Littleton notices that Rhianna seems excited by challenging concepts and problems, while other students often feel threatened and give up. She uses effective learning strategies and focuses "on the process, not the product." Which of the following best describes Rhianna's mindset? A. Mastery motivation B. Helpless orientation C. Performance orientation D. Fixed mindset


In order to avoid failure, some students simply do not try. What is the name of this protective strategy? A. Nonperformance B. Setting unreachable goals C. Procrastination D. Anxiety


In which grade are students most likely to be more influenced by parental approval than peer approval? A. Second grade B. Sixth grade C. Ninth grade D. Twelfth grade


In which of the following scenarios does the extrinsic reward undermine the student's motivation to learn? A. Douglass read dozens of books as quickly as he could because he wanted to win a race with classmates to read the most books by the end of the year. B. Sally practiced singing several holiday songs because she loved to sing and wanted to join the school choir. C. Randy competed against other students for a position on the debate team because he thought that such an opportunity would help him pursue a career as a lawyer. D. Wayne used to dislike writing because he had trouble spelling words correctly, but now he enjoys writing with the help of the spell-check on his computer.


In which of the following scenarios is Emily, a low-ability student, most likely to experience success? A. Emily doesn't expect to do well on tomorrow's Spanish test. B. Mr. Jenkins asks his low-achieving students convergent, recitation questions. C. Ms. Rudy pauses 15 seconds after she asks Emily a question that requires her to evaluate a classmate's conclusion. D. Ms. Tanaka requires her high-ability students to work harder and complete complex projects.


Jack Randall has just been assigned to Riverview High. While he is excited about teaching, he is concerned about his ability to teach effectively given that the school serves primarily low-income, inner-city families. What valid concern might Jack be experiencing? A. Too many advanced courses B. Lack of quality academic support services C. High student enrollments D. Faculty support


Jenny failed a recent biology exam, but has no idea why this happened. After all, she spent hours and hours studying and thought she knew the material well. Jenny decided that it simply must have been bad luck. Jenny's view is best described as a combination of which of the following causal attributions? A. External-stable-controllable B. External-unstable-uncontrollable C. Internal-stable-controllable D. Internal-unstable-uncontrollable


John feels guilty because he didn't bother to study for a science test, and as a result, he did very poorly. In this example, John's poor performance was due to: A. external factors that another person controlled. B. external factors that could not be controlled. C. internal factors that John could have controlled. D. internal factors that could not be controlled.


John is motivated by the need to excel. He enjoys the feeling of accomplishment he gets from mastering a task. Therefore, he doesn't understand his sister's apathy towards school. The only way she is motivated to do anything is by the teacher's offering the students endless toys and trinkets for good work. Which motivational perspective does John subscribe to? A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Social


John is motivated by the need to excel. He enjoys the feeling of accomplishment he gets from mastering a task. Therefore, he doesn't understand his sister's apathy towards school. The only way she is motivated to do anything is by the teacher's offering the students endless toys and trinkets for good work. Which motivational perspective does his sister subscribe to? A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Social


Jose perceives himself as having a low aptitude. This view most likely arises from a combination of which of the following causal attributions? A. External-stable-controllable B. External-unstable-uncontrollable C. Internal-stable-controllable D. Internal-unstable-uncontrollable


Justine is just not interested in learning Spanish. Mrs. Rodriquez has tried numerous strategies in an effort to motivate Justine. Which of the following strategies should Mrs. Rodriguez try next? A. Establish rewards for good grades on Spanish tests. B. Share the benefits of understanding the Spanish language. C. Establish consequences for off-task behavior. D. All of these


Maribell had always done well in math and English. But partway through her seventh-grade year, she stopped handing in math homework and spent more time talking during class than listening and working. Meanwhile, her grades in English have remained high. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this behavior? A. She no longer cares what her parents and peers think of her. B. She has reduced expectations for success in math. C. She is too busy to study. D. She is building friendships with high-achieving peers


Mr. Leeland, the school's principal, is sitting down with the school's new third grade teacher. The two are discussing the best way to motivate students in today's classrooms. The new teacher, however, raises the issue of how relationships and connections to family and friends are vital. Students will have more positive attitudes towards school and learning if they have supportive relationships. What motivational perspective does this new teacher subscribe to? A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Social


Mr. Leeland, the school's principal, is sitting down with the school's new third-grade teacher. The two are discussing the best way to motivate students in today's classrooms. Mr. Leeland stresses getting students inherently interested in the content matter and giving them the confidence to succeed. What motivational perspective does Mr. Leeland subscribe to? A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Social


Ms. Nightingale notices one of her students, Isabelle, has been staring out the window more than remaining on task. Isabelle is new to the school, and Ms. Nightingale wonders if she feels out of place and disconnected from her friends and family back in Spain. Which of the following most readily explains Isabelle's apathy? A. Need for relatedness B. Need for self-actualization C. Need for competence motivation D. Need for better parenting practices at home


Of the following strategies, which is least likely to foster a sense of self-determination and choice? A. Take time to talk with students about their ideas and interests. B. Be attentive to students' feelings. C. Manage the classroom in a way that lets students make personal decisions. D. Offer praise to students for following directions in the book.


Of the three dimensions of causal attributions identified by Bernard Wiener, which of the following statements best describes the attribution of "stability"? A. Whether the cause is internal or external B. Whether the cause is constant or variable C. Whether the cause is luck or effort D. Whether the cause is controllable or uncontrollable


Paco's test scores and study skills in math have vastly improved over the last nine weeks. He seems to take more interest in his learning. What role might his parents' have played in Paco's enhanced motivation? A. They have left him alone so he can focus more on his schoolwork. B. They have cleared a spot at the table so he can do his work. C. They have maximally challenged Paco to establish high support. D. They have taken an interest in his math assignments and teacher correspondence, so they can provide appropriate support and challenge.


People need to feel a sense of connectedness with other people. What need does this refer to? A. Motivation B. Self-actualization C. Competence motivation D. Affiliation


R. W. White proposed the idea that people are motivated to deal effectively with their environment. Which of the following best describes this idea? A. Motivation B. Self-actualization C. Competence motivation D. Need for affiliation


Research shows which of the following factors contributes to the decline in students' intrinsic motivation as they move to higher grades? A. More impersonal and formal school environments B. More competitive school environments C. Lack of person-environment fit D. All of these


Researchers have found that self-efficacy and achievement are most likely to improve when students set goals that are which of the following? A. Vague and challenging B. Vague and easy to attain C. Specific and challenging D. Specific and easy to attain


Researchers have found that self-efficacy and achievement are most likely to improve when students set goals that are which of the following? A. Vague and long-term B. Vague and short-term C. Specific and long-term D. Specific and short-term


Sam is a student who engages in numerous behaviors in order to protect how others rate his ability. Which of the following would not be an appropriate strategy to help Sam? A. Give Sam challenging, yet realistic, academic goals. B. Establish a reward system in Sam's class. C. Encourage Sam to believe in himself. D. Tell Sam plainly as his teacher that he must get to work or suffer the consequences for breaking class rules.


Sam is a student who engages in numerous behaviors in order to protect how others rate his ability. Which of the following would not be an appropriate strategy to help Sam? A. Give Sam very easy work; this will boost his confidence. B. Establish a reward system in Sam's class. C. Encourage Sam to believe in himself. D. Share with Sam that you are there to help him.


Some students purposely put off making the best possible effort in order to use that as an explanation for poor performance. What is the name of this protective strategy? A. Nonperformance B. Setting unreachable goals C. Procrastination D. Anxiety


Spontaneity, creativity, self-acceptance and acceptance of others, democratic values and attitudes, and resistance to cultural conformity are all characteristics of which need? A. Safety B. Esteem C. Self-actualization D. Physiological


Students will most likely gain a sense of confidence and competence in their ability to contribute meaningfully to class discussions if the teacher compliments students for all of the following behaviors, except which one? A. Answering questions correctly B. Making insightful comments and suggestions C. Asking questions about the topic D. Saying anything at all


Teachers are attending the first faculty meeting of the school year in order to discuss strategies to enhance student motivation. Mr. Daniels states that there should be a way to build students' needs into the classroom. What motivational perspective does Mr. Daniel subscribe to? A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Social


Teachers are attending the first faculty meeting of the school year in order to discuss strategies to enhance student motivation. Ms. O'Hanlon states that there should be a school-wide management approach using token economies. Students can earn tokens for good behavior and trade those tokens in for prizes. What motivational perspective does Ms. O'Hanlon subscribe to? A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Socia


The behavioral perspective emphasizes which of the following as a key in determining a student's motivation? A. Modeling of other students' behaviors B. External rewards and punishments C. The student's sense of self-esteem D. The student's level of interest in the topic


The cognitive perspective emphasizes which of the following as a key in determining a student's motivation to learn? A. The quality of the environment B. The student's thoughts and perceptions C. The attitudes of teachers and parents D. The nature of interactions with other students


The humanistic perspective emphasizes which of the following as a key in determining a student's motivation? A. Modeling of other students' behaviors B. External rewards and punishments C. The student's capacity for personal growth D. The student's IQ


The influence of peer pressure decreases and students become somewhat autonomous when they reach which of the following grades? A. Fifth grade B. Eighth grade C. Tenth grade D. Twelfth grade


The social perspective emphasizes which of the following as a key in determining a student's motivation to learn? A. External rewards and punishments B. The student's capacity for personal growth C. The student's IQ D. The nature of interactions with other student


What have researchers concluded about the skills and work habits that children have when they enter kindergarten? A. They are among the best predictors of academic motivation and performance throughout the elementary and secondary school years. B. They are indicative of later career choice. C. They are unrelated to later behavior. D. They interfere with early curriculum goals.


What is an appropriate strategy for reaching low-achieving students with low expectations for success? A. Don't overly reassure students or they will wonder as to your sincerity. B. Give students constant reassurance. C. Reassurance is not a critical factor with these students. D. Reassurance will be seen as coddling of student.


What is the primary emphasis of efficacy training? A. Improving students' academic confidence B. Changing students' beliefs about the reason behind their performance C. Improving students' domain- and task-specific skills D. None of these


What is the primary emphasis of strategy training? A. Improving students' academic confidence B. Changing students' beliefs about the reason behind their performance C. Improving students' domain- and task-specific skills D. None of these


When beginning the process of time management, students need to do which of the following first? A. Make "to do" lists B. Set goals C. Evaluate the process D. Make a weekly schedule


When faced with a difficult task, Maria focuses on the activity rather than her abilities, and tends to concern herself more with the process than with the outcome. She enjoys the challenge, even if she doesn't succeed. Maria can best be described as which of the following? A. Performance-oriented B. Helpless-oriented C. Mastery-oriented D. Goal-oriented


When students perceive the level of challenge as being low and their skill in that area as being high, the likely outcome is which of the following? A. Apathy B. Boredom C. Anxiety D. Flow.


When students perceive the level of challenge as being low and their skill in that area as being low, the likely outcome is which of the following? A. Apathy B. Boredom C. Anxiety D. Flow


Which of the following are examples of self-handicapping strategies? A. Nonperformance B. Procrastination C. Setting unreachable goals D. All of these


Which of the following attributes is considered lowest on Maslow's hierarchy? A. Esteem B. Physiological needs C. Love and belongingness D. Cognitive needs


Which of the following attributes is considered the highest on Maslow's hierarchy? A. Safety B. Cognitive C. Self-actualization D. Aesthetic


Which of the following factors would most likely lead to an increase in intrinsic motivation among students as they progress through the elementary to high school years? A. Concern over the importance of grades B. Boredom as course content becomes more monotonous C. Perception of being challenged at a level consistent with ability D. Feelings of frustration due to competition with peers


Which of the following goals has the greatest potential to help a ninth-grade student improve his or her self-efficacy? A. I want to do well in high school. B. I want to be class valedictorian in four years. C. I want to pass biology this year. D. I want to get an A or B in biology this semester


Which of the following is not an example of procrastination? A. Ignoring a task B. Underestimating the work involved in a particular task C. Believing that mistakes are never acceptable D. Believing that repeated minor delays won't hurt you


Which of the following is the best example of a student with a growth mindset? A. After he failed the algebra test, Tyler said that math had always been too hard for him. B. After she lost the wrestling match, Miranda resolved herself to train hard and focus on the next match. C. After she forgot her lines for the play onstage, Marina decided to let her understudy take over the role. D. After he struggled to read the page aloud in class, John never volunteered to read aloud again.


Which of the following is the best example of intrinsic motivation? A. Jodi stayed after school to complete math problems she couldn't do during class. B. Martin earned a certificate for his successful performance during a spelling bee. C. Harold spent the weekend working on a science project because he thought it was interesting. D. Karen was scolded for talking to classmates during a quiz.


Which of the following is true about this teacher's opinion of the peer group's role in a student's academic motivation? A. "Due to the distractive role they can play, peers usually represent a negative influence on motivation." B. "Due to the supportive network they provide, they usually represent a positive influence on motivation." C. "Depending on the peer group, there might be either a positive or negative influence on motivation." D. "There is no established relationship between peers and a student's motivation."


Which of the following scenarios depicts a negative effect of using extrinsic rewards to motivate students? A. Mario felt more confident about his abilities as an actor when the class applauded his performance. B. Kitty was afraid to speak in front of the class even though she was interested in the topic that she had been assigned. C. Fran loved to work on science projects until she entered the science fair and became more concerned about winning than enjoying the challenge. D. Marvin enjoyed building sculptures with recycled "trash" despite the fact that he never displayed his work in public.


Which of the following shows attributes of Maslow's hierarchy in order from lowest to highest? A. Physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem B. Esteem, love and belongingness, safety, physiological C. Safety, physiological, love and belongingness, esteem D. Physiological, safety, self-actualization, esteem


Which of the following statements about motivation is not true? A. When extrinsic awards are tied to competence, they tend to promote motivation and interest. B. Verbal rewards such as praise can be used to enhance a students' intrinsic motivation. C. As students move from the early elementary school years to the high school years, their intrinsic motivation increases. D. Students who are intrinsically motivated typically do better academically than those who are extrinsically motivated


Which of the following statements best describes the attribution of "locus"? A. Whether the cause is internal or external B. Whether the cause is stable or unstable C. Whether the cause is short term or long term D. Whether the cause is controllable or uncontrollable

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