final exam 1302

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A film sequence in which the image of a person or object appears increasingly larger in the frame


When two lines of a poem are quoted in an essay, they should be separated by what?

a space, a virgule, and a space

Which verb, if inserted in the blank in the next sentence, is correct for discussing events in a work of literature? Mathilde ____ a diamond necklace for the ball.


Words in a sentence that indicate the source of a quotation, paraphrase, or summary

credit tag

Identify a major mistake writers make when writing about literature. They

do no more than retell the story or reword an idea

In analytical writing, what gives shape to the details?

howing how they lead to a dominating thought

Which statements below are true about the process of complete, polished, well-formed pieces of writing? The process of writing itself

involves launching a poor first draft that the writer nevertheless adds to, cuts into, revises, rewords, sharpens and smoothes out into a successfully argued and naturally flowing essay.

The editors maintain that printing out and revising from several marked-up drafts permits a student writer to do what?

make improvements

By encouraging students to use examples that increase in order of importance, the editor influences them toward

meeting the primary standards of organization and growth in writing

A student writer should avoid

preferring a self-evident and obvious approach to a topic because it is safe -- passing is more important than thinking or trying to interest or surprise a reader.

According to the textbook editors, good sentences in serious writing should be

so strong, forceful, exact, and comprehensive that a reader needing to make a decision based on what the writer says has as much of the information as the author can provide in a good faith effort.

For what growth is a metapor

the expression of original interpretations the disclosure of ideas that were not at first noticeable

When a writer inserts [sic] in a direct quotation, it means that

the material just before it contains a spelling, grammar, factual, or some other error

When a writer exercises the right to develop a counterintuitive view, one that departs from the one to which the author of a literary text seems to want a reader to go, s/he is cultivating the habit of

thinking for his/her self

An essay is a product of its


With what should a student writer never be satisfied?

to leave the idea exactly where s/he found it

An institution of higher learning in which students and faculty participate in the making of knowledge


Read this question from a quiz in a college political science class: "Draw a flowchart illustrating change in the flow of power when Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords' resigned from the Republican party in May of 2001." Identify the highest level at which the question works.


The century in which essays flourished


Petey's desire for a raccoon coat and the carefree characters suggest that the story is set in about which time period?


When writing in MLA style, a writer should block and indent each line of poetry when the quotation reaches

3 typed lines or more

At one point, the narrator says, "One more chance, I decided. But just one more. There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear." This statement suggests that the kind of love that is a fallacy involves

A commitment to act lovingly until the expiration date

Time-wise, what is the major distinction between a short story and a novel?

A short story can be read in one or two short sittings, but not a novel because it takes more than a few brief sessions for most peopleA short story can be read in one or two short sittings, but not a novel because it takes more than a few brief sessions for most people

Which statement is true about the three stages of writing?

A writer may go back to a previous stage when a new idea occurs or something different is needed.

The process of following a work, responding to the words, capturing the details, ideas, implications, and assumptions behind what is happening, verifying the accuracy and truth in it, then articulating an emotional response

Active Reading

Which answer below lists the types of analysis?

All of the items above

Which statement is correct about introducing a direct quotation in MLA style?

All of the items listed here

Which of the sources in the bibliography of an essay are supposed to be mentioned in the body of the essay?

All of them

Which use of [sic] below is consistent with current MLA guidelines?

All the above

The narrator describes his accomplishment in terms of this ancient Greek sculptor: "Just as Pygmalion loved the perfect woman he had fashioned, so I loved mine." Which literary device dominates here?


Read this definition and select what its term below: The type of comparison in which objects come from different classes and uses the familiar to explain the unfamiliar.


The learning level that consists of seeing not only how parts make up a whole, but also how each part relates to each of the other parts with an awareness of the rules and dynamics of the relationship


A major difference between analysis and the first two learning levels and between synthesis and all the others is that

Analysis and synthesis take markedly more energy than the skills at the levels below them

Read this research task: Learn about critical and artistic taste. At which level does it work, knowledge or analytical level and above?

Analytical level or above

Shulman gets creative with the ideas in this description: "It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect." Which literary device dominates here?


The learning level that consists of transferring training by independently selecting the behaviors appropriate to a concrete task


In the parenthetical reference, a student writer identifies a passage from a play by

Arabic numbers indicating act, scene and line separated by periods

The characteristic of correct and coherent writing that develops when the interaction of facts develops a convincing, illuminating, logically sound idea through the accurate reading of a literary text

Argumentative Edge

Why do many writers compose the introduction last? Because

As a writer works, s/he may learn s/he has been wrong, and change the thesis and content totally from what s/he thought it would be when s/he started out

To advance the understanding of literature, ideas should always be stated

As assertions that express the items that led the writer to a conclusion and trigger thought in the reader

The kind of observations which come from minimal first responses and do little more than record details about the action


List the characteristics that the narrator looks for in a potential wife

Beautiful, gracious, and intelligent

Exclamations such as "Terrif!" and "Wow-dow!" confirm that the narrator sees Polly as:

Beneath him

A successful essay about literature is a brief but thorough (not exhaustive) examination of a literary work in light of what?

Character, Symbolism, point of view

Using tints, shades, and lighting to reveal information about a personage

Color to Character

The learning level that consists of understanding the significance and purpose of a set of information that one knows


Which learning level includes translation and interpretation?


Which learning level includes activities such as translation and interpretation?


The opposition between two forces -- two people, two groups, one person and an internal force or one person and an external power such as nature or ideas, or society -- that forms the mainspring of plot and engages characters in the decisions, actions, responses and interactions featured in literature.


Read this definition and select its match below: The type of comparison that focuses mainly on differences.


What should the student writer's goal be? To

Convince readers of his/her own knowledge and the reasonableness of the conclusion in what s/he writes

The practice of examining the thinking process carefully to clarify and improve understanding by appraising alternative courses of action realistically, discussing them in an organized way, implementing one, monitoring the result for effectiveness, and making changes until one achieves the desired outcome or changes the goal

Critical Thinking

Knowing the levels can help a student when taking a test in any class or doing anything else if s/he

Decides what kind of task it is and responds to it at that learning level

What does a reader who has read the work expect the student writer to do in the essay?

Demonstrate thinking

Viewpoints advanced by placing scenes next to sequences so that their placement makes a statement

Directorial Commentary

The stages of the writing task include

Discovering ideas, creating an early rough draft, and preparing a finished, final draft

When a paragraph types up as a whole page, double-spaced, what should a student do?

Divide it into paragraphs that are about nine double-spaced lines long or so.

Read this example from a sample essay: "He is not totally bad (Campbell 126), but he urges Hamlet to commit murder, something that no ghost trying to reach heaven would ever do (Prosser 136; McFarland 36)." What does the information in parentheses mean?

Each source owns the idea before his name, and Prosser and McFarland arrived at the thought and published it separately - great minds sometimes think alike.

In film-making, the process of selecting some footage, rejecting some, and assembling the pieces of film into a coherent motion picture


A sentence like this one, "At first I was tempted to give her back to Petey," suggests what about the narrator's view of privileges in relationship? Engaging in a relationship

Entitles one to claim ownership of another.

An organized, connected, and fully developed set of paragraphs that expand on a central idea or argument


The French word that means "attempt"


A collection of paragraphs that uses the methods of development to support, develop, elaborate, and explain the idea set out in the thesis sentence


The learning level that consists of setting up appropriate standards or values according to a purpose and determining how closely the idea or object meets them


In explaining why he pursues Polly, the narrator says, "I was well aware of the importance of the right kind of wife in furthering a lawyer's career." This statement suggests that the kind of love that is a fallacy involves

Expecting something in return for being loving

Manipulating what a film-goer sees to provide information about a personage

Explaination of Character

This statement, "I was well aware of the importance of the right kind of wife in furthering a lawyer's career. The successful lawyers I had observed were, almost without exception, married to beautiful, gracious, intelligent women," suggests that the narrator may also be a type of


The point of view used in writing personal essays

First Person

The story opens with: "Cool was I and logical." It is told, therefore, with pronouns from which point of view?

First Person

I, me, my, mine, we, our, us

First person

A sequence in film during which a person or object is shown first in sharp, then soft detail

Focus/Blur close up

The British essayist who writes, "Reading maketh a full man, confidence, a ready man, and writing, an exact man"

Francis Bacon

A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are so deeply involved in a cohesive in-group that their need for acceptance and sense of belonging overrides their motivation to appraise alternative courses of action realistically


A camera technique in which a scene is shot with the camera in the immediate possession of or mounted on the operator

Handheld Shot

An open and unsettled point about which there may be disagreement or contention


When a question is an evaluation, what should a student do if neither the question nor the instructor provide the criteria for making the judgment?

Identify the criteria s/he has applied clearly and explicitly

Assume that the example below is the second time this 1950 short story by Franklin Reck is mentioned in an essay. Which example is correct?

In "The Diving Fool," Reck demonstrates how a joy in performance can elevate a capable diver into a champion.

Which paragraph below outlines a sequence that carries the stronger motivation and causation for a robust, non-predictable, and interesting literary plot?

In a time beyond future time, the United States finds itself embroiled in another civil war. Remembering how Abe Lincoln's statesmanship held the union together way back in the 1860s, the leaders decide to use a recently-developed time-travel chamber to bring him back. But the beam picks up the other person in bed with Lincoln. That character, played by Halle Berry, takes on the challenge of saving the union as the scientists work frantically to locate Lincoln's position.

Which words or phrases below, used to stress the relationship of the examples to the topic of the paragraph, fit in any essay regardless of topic?

In keeping with the idea

The high quality to which writing rises when it reveals new information, gives a new perspective on a topic or information that the audience knows, or provides entertainment value equal to, or exceeding, the worth of the time it takes to read it


After the narrator finishes teaching Polly, she uses his own logic to fend off his advances, and he says: "You know that the things you learn in school don't have anything to do with life." Which literary device dominates here?


One good reader for this story is the person who

Is giving lessons to his fiancé to teach her skills he thinks she lacks

Which statement below is true about the synthesis level?

It involves most of the other levels

Which statement is true about synthesis level?

It is the skill level most likely to yield effective solutions to life's biggest problem.

The narrator chooses to smarten Polly up rather than find someone else because

It is, after all, easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make an ugly smart girl beautiful.

All of the reasons below are good ones for memorizing facts. Which one represents the idea of there being "inherent value" in memorizing facts?

It's good in and of itself to be able to know facts

In the body of an essay and in the list of sources, the title of a book should be set off by

Italicizing it -- Book Title

Read this question from a quiz in an introductory fine arts college class which includes a unit on the basic elements of an orchestra: "List all of the instruments in the percussion section of an orchestra." Identify the highest level at which the question works.


Read this research task: Learn about the contemporary and later critics' comments and judgments. At which level does it work, knowledge or analytical level and above?


The learning level that consists of being able to state previously learned facts and details about a topic on demand


In the parenthetical reference, a student writer identifies a passage from a poem by

Line Numbers

The systematic use of primary and secondary sources in studying a literary problem

Literacy Research

Written or oral compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas


Say you were going to design a Shulman-story t-shirt. What slogan or motto below is consistent with the story?

Logic-lovers are like full diapers. They need to be changed often and for the same reason.

When the narrator succeeds, he says, "She was worthy of me, at last. She was a fit wife for me, a proper hostess for many mansions, a suitable mother for my well-heeled children." This statement may suggest that the kind of love that is a fallacy involves

Loving only those who deserve or earn it

The multidisciplinary database that includes Magill's and "Book Index with Reviews"

MagillOnLiterature Plus

The American civil rights leader who writes, "I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly"

Martin Luther King Jr.

Which sentence offers an idea, not a fact, about the story?

Maupassant's surprise ending symbolizes the need for always being truthful.

The narrator says that tunneling through to Polly's brain is not easy: "I had no idea when I would reach the light, or even if I would. But I persisted... and finally I was rewarded. I saw a chink of light. And then the chink got bigger and the sun came pouring in and all was bright." Which literary device dominates here?


"This book was written in good faith, reader. I want to be seen here in my simple, natural, ordinary fashion, for it is myself that I portray"

Michel de Montaigne

A narrative sequence that calls attention to itself in that it is cut differently from the rest of the film and shows the completion of an action or manipulates the time, location, object, and/or visual images for effect


Readers of the Shulman story see only the narrator's point of view. But if Polly is not as uninformed as the narrator thinks she is, she and Petey could be playing him. Seen in that light, with whom might most readers sympathize?

None of the characters

When a parenthetical reference follows a direct quotation at the end of a sentence, where does the period go?

Outside the last set of quotation marks

When Polly says she has chosen Petey over the narrator, he says, "I reeled back, overcome with the infamy of it." Which literary device dominates here?


The restatement of information in one's own words


Of the two major reference systems for use in a research paper, which one has the MLA preferred since 1984?

Parenthetical references or in-text citations

The verb tense that is used most of the time in essay writing about general subjects

Past tense

The act of presenting other people's work as one's own by not making it absolutely clear that the paraphrase or copied text or idea was originally discovered by another, not the writer, grounds for firing in many jobs and expulsion in school


Which event below is NOT part of the Shulman story?

Polly teaches the logical fallacies to Petey.

The verb tense recommended in essays when discussing what a literary or film character does or how an event in prose or cinema happens

Present tense

The original texts of literature or art that a researcher studies for him- or herself, firsthand and hands-on

Primary Sources

Imaginative short stories and novels that focus on one or a few characters who undergo a change or development as they interact with other characters

Prose Fiction

The American essayist who writes, "A political victory, the rise of rents, the recovery of your sick, or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event raises your spirits. And you think good days are preparing for you. Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The act of systematic investigation, examination, and experimentation that is the basic tool of intellectual inquiry


You, Your

Second Person

Texts which provide someone else's assessment of a literary work with information that sheds light upon and interprets the original

Secondary Sources

To begin the essay, Shulman uses a creative strategy in the first paragraph that employs

Short, outrageous statements

Shulman's narrator describes himself this way: "My brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist's scales, as penetrating as a scalpel." Which literary device dominates here?


(No insensitivity or offense is intended with this question. Mental illness is a very serious problem. The question is asked because it indicates mastery.) Which phrase below if placed in the blank at the end finishes the rhyme as a person with dual personalities would? Roses are red. Violets are blue. I'm schizophrenic, And _______________.

So am I

The references one can consult when doing research - people, original surveys, media such as television programs or motion pictures, and print or electronic books and articles


A beginning, middle, and end form the parts of an essay's


Essays in this class call for bringing in the voices of others who have studied each topic to work along with yours in setting forth an original perspective. Therefore, which is the highest level at which writing the essays for this class works?


Read this question from the quiz in a college class in the education department: "Compose a poem which expresses your understanding of the effect of group work (collaborative or cooperative learning) on learning." Identify the highest level at which the question works.


The learning level that consists of drawing information from relevant sources and arriving at a well-formed, coherent whole that includes parts of others, yet forms something entirely new


Bloom's taxonomy is a synonym for

The Levels of Learning

The fact that the sound of a blow in a film can be enhanced electronically sets the stage for what irony concerning verisimilitude?

The audience accepts sounds produced through artificial means as authentic, real, true, lifelike, plausible, and probable more readily than it does sounds produced naturally

To identify the writer of a quotation or paraphrase from a signed work, a student writer inserts parentheses with what in them after the quote or paraphrase?

The author's last name and the page number

Which statement is true about the knowledge level?

The majority of the world's population operates at this level most of the time.

The Coach Setliff strategy that calls for all the football team members to play out of their usual position teaches

The players to accept the usual position in which the coach places them.

Active readers can find endless interest in fictional characters because

The readers share the characters' human capacities for concern, involvement, sympathy, happiness, sorrow, exhilaration and disappointment

Why is the surface on which a film is projected called a silver screen? Because

The screen on which a movie is projected carries a silver iodide coating on the surface to reflect the images

The sentence that states the main idea of an essay


How do main ideas support the conclusions?

They show that the bulk of material leads to the conclusion.

he, she, it, they, them, her, him

Third Person

The point of view preferred in academic and professional writing

Third person

The American revolutionary patriot who writes, "These are the times that try men's souls. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. Yet we have this consolation with us that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph"

Thomas Paine

Ellipses points are

Three spaced dots to indicate that material smaller than a sentence has been left out of a direct quotation Four spaced dots to indicate that material at least one sentence long has been left out of a direct quotation

Which sentence carries the biggest number of most specific terms?

Tim O'Brien chants the words in this title, "The Things They Carried," throughout his 1990 story to hold the events of the plot together.

Which sentence states an idea rather than an action?

Tim O'Brien's story, "The Things They Carried" (1990), illustrates the strength of human character in the face of overwhelming circumstances

An assertion about how a paragraph supports the thesis

Topic sentence

Shulman's "Love Is a Fallacy" takes place

University of Minnesota

Standards or conditions carried in ideas representing what someone thinks is important, should be, and what that person will spend time, effort, and money to achieve


The British author who wrote the 1928 novel, Orlando, and asserts, "We write not with the fingers, but with the whole person"

Virginia Woolf

The slang term originally applied to a female rock star's followers who tried to imitate her. Like them, Wangero Leeewanika Kemanjo attempts to emulate members of a different group.


Which verb, if inserted in the blanks in the next sentence, is correct for discussing events in the author's life? Guy de Maupassant's short story, ''The Necklace,'' _____ a hit as soon as it ____ published in the Paris newspaper Le Gaulois on February 17, 1884.


When inserted in the blank in the sentence below, which verb is the correct tense for academic literary analysis? The plot, setting, and characters in this story ________ to support the idea that war is unthinkable.


The MLA-style heading for the list of references at the end of a research essay which uses only print sources is

Works Cited

The heading that the MLA prescribes for the list at the end of a research essay that includes the books, articles, and electronic sources a student has actually taken paraphrases or quotes from and used in the body

Works cited

The sharpened, focused expression of thought and study


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