Final Exam for Fall semester of Surgical technology

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Aortic Cannulation - What blade is used to make the incision into the aorta A. #11 B. #15 C. #10

A. #11

When doing a Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy the body of the patient is cooled ______ degrees followed by circulatory arrest A. 18-20 B. 10-12 C. 20-22 D. None of the above

A. 18-20

When doing a craniotomy how many burr holes are made into the cranium with an air powered burr? A. 2 or more B. 3 or more C. 4 or more D. None of the above


Surgical repair of pectus excavatum is recommended before the age of _______ years A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 1


How many steps ahead should a ST be thinking when doing a CABG A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2

A. 5

When doing an Endoscopic Brow Lift surgery you will need the following type of endoscope A. 5mm 30degree scope B. 10mm 0 degree scope C. 5mm 10 degree scope D. None of the above

A. 5mm 30degree scope

Which valve is the most frequently replaced in the heart A. Aortic B. Ventricular C. Pulmonary D. None of the above

A. Aortic

The circle of Willis is a ring of arteries that gives rise to the various branches supplying blood to the _____________ A. Brain B. Spleen C. Kidneys D. None of the above


What is the name of the template used to create a new umbilicus A. Cookie Cutter B. Cookie Plunger C. Cookie D. None of the above


Which instrument is used to cut think slices of skin for skin grafting A. Dermatome B. Osteotome C. Mesh Grafter D. None of the above


Methylene Blue is a ______________ A. Dye B. Stain C. Topical Anesthetic D. None of the above


A Rhytidectomy is also known as a _____________ A. Facelift B. Nose job C. Chin job D. None of the above


Venous Cannulation - What type of suture is placed around the cannula and the rubber keepers A. Heavy silk B. Heavy monocryl C. Heavy prolene


Which of the Le Fort Fracture Repair is the least invasive: A. I B. II C. III D. IV

A. I

Rhinoplasty is the surgical repair of the A. Nose B. Chin C. Ear D. Lips


What type of retractor is used to retract the nerve root medially A. Nerve root B. Army/Navy C. Senn Rake D. None of the above

A. Nerve root

What is the percentage of burns determined by A. Rule of Nines B. Rule of Eights C. Rule of tens D. None of the above


What is the name of the needle that is inserted into the vein to let the surgeon which way is the top A. Titus Needle B. SH Needle C. PS-1 Needle D. None of the above


When doing an ACDF and the retractors are removed and the incision is closed in layers the surgeon may want to have a/an _____________ done prior to the patient leaving the room A. Xray B. CT Scan C. MRI D. None of the above

A. Xray

When dealing with blood...........What does ABG stand for

Arterial Blood Gas

Venous Cannulation - The insicion is made into the right atrial appendage with a ____________ blade or Metzenbaum scissors A. #11 B. #15 C. #10

B. #15

The nervous system of the human body is divided into how many systems A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

B. 2

When doing any thoracic surgery - how many chest tubes are inserted at the end of the case? A. 4 B. 2 C. 1 D. NONE OF THE ABOVE

B. 2

When performing a cleft lip repair - how many methods are there A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

B. 2

When doing an atrial septal defect the patients core body temperature is established at what degrees celsius A. 23 B. 32 C. 31 D. None of the above

B. 32

The normal adult vertebral column is comprised of how many vertebrae A. 22 B. 33 C. 44 D. None of the above

B. 33

When doing a TRAM Flap the patient also receives a/an ___________ A. Rhinoplasty B. Abdominoplasty C. Mentoplasty D. None of the above


What is the abbreviation of the eye irrigation that needs to be used on the eye on a continuous basis A. PHS B. BSS C. HMS D. None of the above


Methyl methacrylate is also know as ________________ A. Gelfoam B. Bone cement C. Spinal fluid D. None of the above

B. Bone cement

A _____________ skin hook will be used to retract the skin upward at the apex of the nose when doing a Rhinoplasty A. single B. double C. triple D. None of the above


When doing an aneurysm repair what type of patch is placed A. Jackson B. Dacron C. Oval D. None of the above

B. Dacron

Carcinoma of the _______________ is the leading cause of death due to cancer in the United States A. Heart B. Lungs C. Kidneys D. None of the above


When doing a carpal tunnel release a small incision is made on the ___________ surface of the hand with a #15 blade on a # ________ knife handle A. Ulnar, 4 B. Palmar, 7 C. Palmar 4 D. None of the above

B. Palmar, 7

What drug may be used to prevent vasospasm A. Protomine B. Papaverine C. Pitosin D. None of the above

B. Papaverine

Once the shunt has been tunneled it will end up in which cavity A. Pelvic B. Peritoneal C. Cranial D. None of the above

B. Peritoneal

What is the name of the clips that provide hemostasis once the incision has been made on the cranium A. Haney B. Raney C. Taney D. None of the above


When doing a craniotomy digital pressure is applied to each side of the marked incision line for hemostasis, a U shaped incision is performed, and _________ scalp clips are applied over the upper skin edges. A. Haney B. Raney C. Taney D. None of the above


When doing an Upper Lobectomy and after the incision is made the surgeon will place a _________________ and the pleura is incised A. Joint retractor B. Rib retractor C. Chest retractor D. None of the above


What instrument is used to cut away at the bone A. Allis B. Rongeur C. Debakey D. None of the above

B. Rongeur

When doing a Thromboendarterectomy the surgeon will perform a median sternotomy with a _____________ A. #20 blade B. Sternal Saw C. #10 blade D. None of the above


Aortic Cannulation - What is the name of the instrument that is a partial occlusion clamp that may be placed onto the aorta if the aorta is not calcified A. Beaver B. Satinsky C. Cooley

B. Satinsky

What does "augmentation" mean A. To make smaller B. To make larger C. To remove D. None of the above


What best hemostatic agent would be used on the dura A. Bone wax B. Thrombin soaked Gelfoam C. Raney clips D. None of the above

B. Thrombin soaked Gelfoam

When doing an endoscopic brow lift a small ______________ incision is made in the forehead and the endoscope is inserted A. Costal B. Transverse C. Lateral D. None of the above

B. Transverse

When doing a Pneumonectomy the surgeon will use a ____________ to retract the superior pulmonary vein laterally to expose the pulmonary artery A. Endo Loop B. Vessel Loop C. Suture Loop D. None of the above

B. Vessel Loop

When doing release of syndactyly the surgeon will do a ________ plasty incision A. Y B. Z C. M D. None of the above

B. Z

Venous Cannulation - What type of suture is placed into the right atrial appendage A. double purse string B. single purse string C. triple purse string

B. single purse string

When doing an ACDF an incision is made into the disc space with a #15 blade loaded on a __________ knife handle A. #3 long B. #4 C. #7 D. None of the above

C. #7

How many cranial nerves are there A. 11 B. 13 C. 12 D. None of the above

C. 12

When doing Mentoplasty the surgeon will make a short submental transverse incision in the middle of the chin using a _____________ blade A. 10 B. 11 C. 15 D. 20

C. 15

Aortic Cannulation - The red rubber catheters are cut into how many inches A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

C. 4

How many degrees of burns are there A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6

C. 4

During lengthy oral procedures, the patients lips may dry and crack. To alleviate this problem a _______________ or ___________________may be applied to the lips A. CREAM B. OINTMENT C. BOTH A & B D. TAPE


The midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata are all parts of the _____________ A. Broca's area B. Wernickes area C. Brain Stem D. None of the above


What best hemostatic agent would be used on a bleeding cranium A. Thrombin B. Gel foam C. Bone wax D. None of the above

C. Bone wax

Mentoplasty is the surgical repair of the _____________ A. Nose B. Eyelid C. Chin D. None of the above


What does CCCT stand for when dealing with vessels A. CUT, CUT, CLAMP, TIE B. CUT, CLAMP, CUT, TIE C. CLAMP, CLAMP, CUT, TIE D. NONE OF THE ABOVE


What type of scan shows the facial structures in different planes? A. MRI B. X-RAY C. CT D. NONE OF THE ABOVE


When blood or pus from a chest injury is not properly drained form the pleural cavity, it coagulates and forms a fibrin layer over the visceral and parietal pleura that interfere with the proper expansion of the lung and this condition is called ____________ A. Emphplural B. Emphasemia C. Empyema D. None of the above


When doing a VATS wedge resection - the surgeon will use a ___________ to cut a wedge from the lung A. scissors B. skin stapler C. endoscopic stapler D. None of the above


Blepharoplasty is also known as A. Chin surgery B. Nose surgery C. Eyelid surgery D. None of the above


When doing a Rhytidectomy what nerve must be avoided when placing and holding retractors A. Zygomatic B. Nasal C. Facial D. None of the above


An iridectomy is the removal of a section of _____________tissue A. purple B. violet C. iris D. None of the above


What is the name of the oil that is placed on the skin prior to taking a graft A. castor oil B. paraffin oil C. mineral oil D. flaxseed oil


Sebaceous glands are the ______-producing glands A. Mucous B. Serum C. Oil D. None of the above


Prior to cannulation a ____________ is performed to secure the catheter in place A. Running suture B. Mattress suture C. Purse string suture D. None of the above


When doing an ulnar nerve transposition the ST will need moist umbilical tape, vessel loops or a _________ for retraction A. Suture B. Army/Navy C. Penrose D. None of the above

C. Penrose

What type of sponge does the ST use to remove excess bone and tissue from the rongeur A. Lap sponge B. 4x4 sponge C. Raytec sponge D. None of the above

C. Raytec sponge

Which vein is harvested and used in a CABG A. Femoral B. Popliteal C. Saphenous D. None of the above


What is the largest organ of the body A. Liver B. Heart C. Skin D. None of the above


What is the name of the venules that are located off the saphenous vein that need to be ligated so there are no leaks A. Finichettis B. Small arteries C. Tributaries D. None of the above


What does CABG stand for

Coronary artery bypass graft

What does CPB stand for

Coronary pulmonary bypass

How many categories of mandible fractures are there: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

D. 4

When doing aortic and venous cannulation - what supply is used for the actual cannulation A. Foley Catheter B. Red Rubber Catheter C. Jackson Pratt Catheter D. None of the above


TRUE OR FALSE: When filling a saline implant it is not important to keep track of the amount

FALSE When filling a saline implant it is important to keep track of the amount

TRUE OR FALSE: When the Pneumonectomy is finished the thoracic cavity is thoroughly irrigated with cold normal saline solution

FALSE When the Pneumonectomy is finished the thoracic cavity is NOT thoroughly irrigated with cold normal saline solution

TRUE OR FALSE: Cerebral aneurysms are typically found at points of non bifurcation in the arteries of the circle of Willis

FALSE; Cerebral aneurysms are typically found at points of non bifurcation in the arteries of the circle of Willis

TRUE OR FALSE: Pediatric patients can quickly become hyperthermic

FALSE; Pediatric patients can quickly become hyperthermic

Phacoemulsifier is used in the surgical treatment of... a. Vitreoretinal disease b. cataracts c. photocoagulation d. None of the above

b. cataracts

What does BSS stand for

balanced salt solution

The sclera and cornea form the _______________________.

external tunic of the eye

What does STSG stand for

split-thickness skin graft

When doing an application of Arch Bars the wire is used to attach arch bars to the teeth and the wires must be _______________________.

Precut and pre-stretched

What does the Waters view require

Requires the patient to sit or stand upright and hyperextend the neck

What is a Vitrectomy?

Surgical removal of the vitreous humor

TRUE OR FALSE: Venous Cannulation - Step 2 - A Satinsky partial-occlusion clamp is secured over the incision site


TRUE OR FALSE: A cleft lip repair is considered a clean, rather than a sterile procedure

TRUE A cleft lip repair is considered a clean, rather than a sterile procedure

TRUE OR FALSE: A sterile disposable blade is used for each patient

TRUE A sterile disposable blade is used for each patient

TRUE OR FALSE: After the surgeon has made the right pulmonary arteriotomy he will continue to removal the plaque from the segmental and subsegmental arterial branches using a combination of suction and dissection

TRUE After the surgeon has made the right pulmonary arteriotomy he will continue to removal the plaque from the segmental and subsegmental arterial branches using a combination of suction and dissection

TRUE OR FALSE: An Enucleation is the total removal of the eyeball

TRUE An Enucleation is the total removal of the eyeball

TRUE OR FALSE: An aneurysm is a sac formed by localized dilation of the walls of an artery due to structural weakening.

TRUE An aneurysm is a sac formed by localized dilation of the walls of an artery due to structural weakening.

TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic Cannulation Step 1- There are traction sutures placed into the pericardium and secured to the retractor or chest wall

TRUE Aortic Cannulation Step 1- There are traction sutures placed into the pericardium and secured to the retractor or chest wall

TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic Cannulation Step 2 - The aorta is exposed, and 2 purse-string sutures are placed high on the ascending aorta to allow room for the proximal vein grafts and the cardioplegia/venting cannula

TRUE Aortic Cannulation Step 2 - The aorta is exposed, and 2 purse-string sutures are placed high on the ascending aorta to allow room for the proximal vein grafts and the cardioplegia/venting cannula

TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic Cannulation Step 5 - The cannula is held in place by rubber catheter tourniquets that are cinched tightly over the purse-string sutures and clamped with a hemostat

TRUE Aortic Cannulation Step 5 - The cannula is held in place by rubber catheter tourniquets that are cinched tightly over the purse-string sutures and clamped with a hemostat

TRUE OR FALSE: Cerumin is also known as ear wax

TRUE Cerumin is also known as ear wax

TRUE OR FALSE: Cryotherapy Unit is used in the treatment of retinal detachment

TRUE Cryotherapy Unit is used in the treatment of retinal detachment

TRUE OR FALSE: Do not contaminate your backtable until the patient leaves the room (CST question)

TRUE Do not contaminate your backtable until the patient leaves the room (CST question)

TRUE OR FALSE: Electrocardiography, echocardiography, and cardiac cateterization are also useful diagnostic procedures for the evaluation of cardiac disease

TRUE Electrocardiography, echocardiography, and cardiac cateterization are also useful diagnostic procedures for the evaluation of cardiac disease

TRUE OR FALSE: Extra care should be taken to keep lint off the instruments so it does not get into the eye

TRUE Extra care should be taken to keep lint off the instruments so it does not get into the eye

TRUE OR FALSE: Heparin is used to prevent clotting

TRUE Heparin is used to prevent clotting

TRUE OR FALSE: IOL's are small prescription lenses placed inside the eye for clear lens replacement surgery

TRUE IOL's are small prescription lenses placed inside the eye for clear lens replacement surgery

TRUE OR FALSE: If a TRAM Flap is indicated right after a mastectomy then the ST will have 2 setups

TRUE If a TRAM Flap is indicated right after a mastectomy then the ST will have 2 setups

TRUE OR FALSE: In infants the surgeon makes an incision through the third intercostal space

TRUE In infants the surgeon makes an incision through the third intercostal space

TRUE OR FALSE: In most cases, lung cancer is the result of cigarette smoking

TRUE In most cases, lung cancer is the result of cigarette smoking

TRUE OR FASLE: Insertion of a VAD is performed for 2 reasons

TRUE Insertion of a VAD is performed for 2 reasons

TRUE OR FALSE: It is important to keep track of the amount of liquid goes in as it must come out

TRUE It is important to keep track of the amount of liquid goes in as it must come out

TRUE OR FALSE: It is important to lubricate the patients eyes to protect them

TRUE It is important to lubricate the patients eyes to protect them

TRUE OR FALSE: It is okay to sit down on any hand case

TRUE It is okay to sit down on any hand case

TRUE OR FALSE: It is very important to have a surgical conscience EVERY time

TRUE It is very important to have a surgical conscience EVERY time

TRUE OR FALSE: It is very very important that you have a surgical conscience at ALL times

TRUE It is very very important that you have a surgical conscience at ALL times

TRUE OR FALSE: Lead hands come in both reusable and disposable

TRUE Lead hands come in both reusable and disposable

TRUE OR FALSE: MRI best defines soft tissue injuries or congenital defects

TRUE MRI best defines soft tissue injuries or congenital defects

TRUE OR FALSE: Maxillofacial injuries can inhibit speech

TRUE Maxillofacial injuries can inhibit speech

TRUE OR FALSE: Mediastinoscopy is a sterile procedure. The scope should be sterilized not disinfected

TRUE Mediastinoscopy is a sterile procedure. The scope should be sterilized not disinfected

TRUE OR FALSE: Mediastinoscopy is performed for the evaluation of nodal involvement or mediastinal masses in patients with lung carcinoma

TRUE Mediastinoscopy is performed for the evaluation of nodal involvement or mediastinal masses in patients with lung carcinoma

TRUE OR FALSE: Mitral valve can be either repaired or replaced

TRUE Mitral valve can be either repaired or replaced

TRUE OR FALSE: Myocardial protection during CPB is accomplished with systemic hypothermia, topical myocardial hypothermia, and the administration of cold potassium cardioplegia solution into the coronary arteries via the aortic root and/or the coronary sinus via the right atrium

TRUE Myocardial protection during CPB is accomplished with systemic hypothermia, topical myocardial hypothermia, and the administration of cold potassium cardioplegia solution into the coronary arteries via the aortic root and/or the coronary sinus via the right atrium

TRUE OR FALSE: NEVER use bacitracin irrigation on the brain tissue as it may cause seizures

TRUE NEVER use bacitracin irrigation on the brain tissue as it may cause seizures

TRUE OR FALSE: Once the donor heart is in the patient will be placed in slight Trendelenburg position and air is removed from the heart and aorta by lowering the bypass flow, and the air bubbles are released through the ventricular and ascending aortic vents

TRUE Once the donor heart is in the patient will be placed in slight Trendelenburg position and air is removed from the heart and aorta by lowering the bypass flow, and the air bubbles are released through the ventricular and ascending aortic vents

TRUE OR FALSE: Once the donor heart is removed it is placed in a basin of cold slush saline solution and transported to where the recipient is in another OR

TRUE Once the donor heart is removed it is placed in a basin of cold slush saline solution and transported to where the recipient is in another OR

TRUE OR FALSE: Once the pectus excavatum procedure is done the sternum and anterior chest wall will be in the desired anatomic position

TRUE Once the pectus excavatum procedure is done the sternum and anterior chest wall will be in the desired anatomic position

TRUE OR FALSE: Ophthalmic surgery is considered a specialty of microsurgery since it involves the use of the microscope on the majority of procedures as well as microinstruments.

TRUE Ophthalmic surgery is considered a specialty of microsurgery since it involves the use of the microscope on the majority of procedures as well as microinstruments.

TRUE OR FASLE: Padgett is a name of a dermatome

TRUE Padgett is a name of a dermatome

TRUE OR FALSE: Patent ductus arteriosus is a failure of that fetal structure to completely close after birth

TRUE Patent ductus arteriosus is a failure of that fetal structure to completely close after birth

TRUE OR FALSE: Pulmonary embolism obstructs the pulmonary artery, resulting in life-threatening chronic pulmonary hypertension and its associated complications

TRUE Pulmonary embolism obstructs the pulmonary artery, resulting in life-threatening chronic pulmonary hypertension and its associated complications

TRUE OR FALSE: Tattoo ink is used to achieve the correct color for the areola

TRUE Tattoo ink is used to achieve the correct color for the areola

TRUE OR FALSE: The Caldwell view is similar to the Waters view

TRUE The Caldwell view is similar to the Waters view

TRUE OR FALSE: The ST must confirm the size of the implant with the doctor before the circulator opens the box

TRUE The ST must confirm the size of the implant with the doctor before the circulator opens the box

TRUE OR FALSE: The VAD helps to keep the patient ambulatory and to lead as normal of a life a possible while waiting for a donor heart

TRUE The VAD helps to keep the patient ambulatory and to lead as normal of a life a possible while waiting for a donor heart

TRUE OR FALSE: The anesthesia provider will collapse the right lung when doing a pectus excavatum repair and then the surgeon will insert the thoracoscope 2 intercostal spaces below the right lateral incision

TRUE The anesthesia provider will collapse the right lung when doing a pectus excavatum repair and then the surgeon will insert the thoracoscope 2 intercostal spaces below the right lateral incision

TRUE OR FALSE: The chordae tendineae prevent the cusps of the valve from folding back into the atrium, which would cause incomplete closure of the valve and lead to regurgitation of the blood back into the atruim

TRUE The chordae tendineae prevent the cusps of the valve from folding back into the atrium, which would cause incomplete closure of the valve and lead to regurgitation of the blood back into the atruim

TRUE OR FALSE: The manubrium, body, and xiphoid process are all parts of the sternum

TRUE The manubrium, body, and xiphoid process are all parts of the sternum

TRUE OR FALSE: The most common congenital deformity of the chest is pectus excavatum or funnel chest

TRUE The most common congenital deformity of the chest is pectus excavatum or funnel chest

TRUE OR FALSE: The parietal pleura lines inner surface of ribs, pericardium of the heart, and superior surface of the diaphragm

TRUE The parietal pleura lines inner surface of ribs, pericardium of the heart, and superior surface of the diaphragm

TRUE OR FALSE: The pericardium protects the heart and prevents it from rubbing against the thoracic cavity wall

TRUE The pericardium protects the heart and prevents it from rubbing against the thoracic cavity wall

TRUE OR FALSE: The scrub must ALWAYS label the drugs on the field

TRUE The scrub must ALWAYS label the drugs on the field

TRUE OR FALSE: The sudoriferous glands are the sweat glands

TRUE The sudoriferous glands are the sweat glands

TRUE OR FALSE: The word cataract is used to describe a lens that has become opaque

TRUE The word cataract is used to describe a lens that has become opaque

TRUE OR FALSE: There are 2 ways to put in the breast implant

TRUE There are 2 ways to put in the breast implant

TRUE OR FALSE: There are temporary and permanent aneurysm clips

TRUE There are temporary and permanent aneurysm clips

TRUE OR FALSE: Trigger finger is also known as Dupuytrens Contracture

TRUE Trigger finger is also known as Dupuytrens Contracture

TRUE OR FALSE: Tumescent is a fluid used for injection

TRUE Tumescent is a fluid used for injection

TRUE OR FALSE: Tumescent solution is injected into the adipose tissue when doing liposuction

TRUE Tumescent solution is injected into the adipose tissue when doing liposuction

TRUE OR FALSE: Upon completion of the endarterectomy CPB is resumed and the patient is rewarmed

TRUE Upon completion of the endarterectomy CPB is resumed and the patient is rewarmed

TRUE OR FALSE: Using the sterile Doppler probe, the superior and inferior epigastric arteries are identified when doing a TRAM

TRUE Using the sterile Doppler probe, the superior and inferior epigastric arteries are identified when doing a TRAM

TRUE OR FALSE: VATS stands for Video assisted thoracic surgery

TRUE VATS stands for Video assisted thoracic surgery

TRUE OR FALSE: Visceral pleura covers outer surface of each lung

TRUE Visceral pleura covers outer surface of each lung

TRUE OR FALSE: Wet the surgeons hands with saline when tying polypropylene sutures to prevent breaking them

TRUE Wet the surgeons hands with saline when tying polypropylene sutures to prevent breaking them

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing FTSG the surgeon may in fact use a #15 blade

TRUE When doing FTSG the surgeon may in fact use a #15 blade

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing Rhinoplasty the surgeon will often administer the local anesthetic prior to prepping so the medication can take effect

TRUE When doing Rhinoplasty the surgeon will often administer the local anesthetic prior to prepping so the medication can take effect

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a Mentoplasty the dressing will be 4x4's on the chin

TRUE When doing a Mentoplasty the dressing will be 4x4's on the chin

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a Pneumonectomy the rib retractor is places and opened to expose the lung in the thoracic cavity then the surgeon will explore the cavity to determine if metastasis is present

TRUE When doing a Pneumonectomy the rib retractor is places and opened to expose the lung in the thoracic cavity then the surgeon will explore the cavity to determine if metastasis is present

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a Rhytidectomy the wound edges of the developed flap are pulled taut to determine the amount of redundant skin to be excised

TRUE When doing a Rhytidectomy the wound edges of the developed flap are pulled taut to determine the amount of redundant skin to be excised

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a VATS wedge resection - the surgeon injects lidocaine or marcaine into the incision site. Then the surgeon will use a #15 blade and make an incision between the fourth and seventh intercostal space at the posterior axillary line.

TRUE When doing a VATS wedge resection - the surgeon injects lidocaine or marcaine into the incision site. Then the surgeon will use a #15 blade and make an incision between the fourth and seventh intercostal space at the posterior axillary line.

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a Vitrectomy the surgeon may want to take cultures of the vitreous washings

TRUE When doing a Vitrectomy the surgeon may want to take cultures of the vitreous washings

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a endoscopic brow lift and the surgeon is doing a permanent fixation - Mitek anchors and suture or short permanent titanium screws will be used

TRUE When doing a endoscopic brow lift and the surgeon is doing a permanent fixation - Mitek anchors and suture or short permanent titanium screws will be used

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a pectus excavatum repair the surgeon will place a template on the chest of the patient and bend it to the desired shape

TRUE When doing a pectus excavatum repair the surgeon will place a template on the chest of the patient and bend it to the desired shape

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing an Upper Lobectomy - the ST should always be ready with suture for a vessel injury at any moment during the surgery

TRUE When doing an Upper Lobectomy - the ST should always be ready with suture for a vessel injury at any moment during the surgery

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing an aortic valve replacement a median sternotomy is performed and the patient is placed on the CPB machine

TRUE When doing an aortic valve replacement a median sternotomy is performed and the patient is placed on the CPB machine

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing an endoscopic brow lift the surgeon will inject tumescent solution beneath the periosteum with the 60ml syringe and 18 gauge needle

TRUE When doing an endoscopic brow lift the surgeon will inject tumescent solution beneath the periosteum with the 60ml syringe and 18 gauge needle

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing oral and maxillofacial surgery the patient may have a fear of surgery

TRUE When doing oral and maxillofacial surgery the patient may have a fear of surgery

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing rhinoplasty you would use a nasal instrument set

TRUE When doing rhinoplasty you would use a nasal instrument set

TRUE OR FALSE: When harvesting the donor heart the inferior vena cava is mobilized from the pericardium and then the patient is systemically heparinized

TRUE When harvesting the donor heart the inferior vena cava is mobilized from the pericardium and then the patient is systemically heparinized

TRUE OR FALSE: When harvesting the donor heart the surgeon exposes the donor heart through a median sternotomy

TRUE When harvesting the donor heart the surgeon exposes the donor heart through a median sternotomy

TRUE OR FALSE: When performing an abdominoplasty the surgeon may place 1 or 2 drains

TRUE When performing an abdominoplasty the surgeon may place 1 or 2 drains

TRUE OR FALSE: When repairing Tetralogy of Fallot a median sternotomy is performed

TRUE When repairing Tetralogy of Fallot a median sternotomy is performed

TRUE OR FALSE: When the donor heart is ready for transplant the heart is brought up to the field and the first anastomosis is the left atrium of the donor heart to the left atrium of the recipient heart

TRUE When the donor heart is ready for transplant the heart is brought up to the field and the first anastomosis is the left atrium of the donor heart to the left atrium of the recipient heart

TRUE OR FALSE: Z-plasty is also known as a type of scar revision

TRUE Z-plasty is also known as a type of scar revision

TRUE OR FALSE: it is imperative that the OR team be aware of a fire hazard when working around the gases that are flowing through the endotracheal/nasotracheal tube

TRUE it is imperative that the OR team be aware of a fire hazard when working around the gases that are flowing through the endotracheal/nasotracheal tube

TRUE OR FALSE: the surgical technologist may be responsible for assisting the surgeon inserting a brush or biopsy forceps into the channel of the scope and advancing the forceps

TRUE the surgical technologist may be responsible for assisting the surgeon inserting a brush or biopsy forceps into the channel of the scope and advancing the forceps

TRUE OR FALSE: A craniectomy is the permanent removal of a section of the cranium using a burr hole to gain access to underlying structures

TRUE; A craniectomy is the permanent removal of a section of the cranium using a burr hole to gain access to underlying structures

TRUE OR FALSE: Glossopharyngeal is a sensory nerve that deals in blood pressure regulation, taste and proprioception

TRUE; Glossopharyngeal is a sensory nerve that deals in blood pressure regulation, taste and proprioception

TRUE OR FALSE: Head injuries that require crainotomy include epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, and brain injury, including hemorrhage

TRUE; Head injuries that require crainotomy include epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, and brain injury, including hemorrhage

TRUE OR FALSE: Hypoglossal motor nerve deals with tongue movement during speech, swallowing

TRUE; Hypoglossal motor nerve deals with tongue movement during speech, swallowing

TRUE OR FALSE: Loss of hearing, headache, vertigo, facial pain are all symptoms of an acoustic neuroma

TRUE; Loss of hearing, headache, vertigo, facial pain are all symptoms of an acoustic neuroma

TRUE OR FALSE: Methyl methacrylate is used to create a mold over the cranial defect when doing cranioplasty

TRUE; Methyl methacrylate is used to create a mold over the cranial defect when doing cranioplasty

TRUE OR FALSE: Oculomotor is a sensory movement of eyeball and eyelid, pupil constriction

TRUE; Oculomotor is a sensory movement of eyeball and eyelid, pupil constriction

TRUE OR FALSE: One of the reasons for a Cranioplasty is due to a congenital anomaly

TRUE; One of the reasons for a Cranioplasty is due to a congenital anomaly

TRUE OR FALSE: The Olfactory nerve is the sense of smell

TRUE; The Olfactory nerve is the sense of smell

TRUE OR FALSE: The facial nerve deals in facial expression, tear and saliva secretion

TRUE; The facial nerve deals in facial expression, tear and saliva secretion

TRUE OR FALSE: The optic nerve is vision

TRUE; The optic nerve is vision

TRUE OR FALSE: The pituitary gland is considered the master gland

TRUE; The pituitary gland is considered the master gland

TRUE OR FALSE: The vagus nerve is #10 on the nerve list

TRUE; The vagus nerve is #10 on the nerve list

TRUE OR FALSE: Trigeminal mandibular is a motor nerve and is chewing

TRUE; Trigeminal mandibular is a motor nerve and is chewing

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing a craniotomy a Hemovac drain is placed in the epicranium

TRUE; When doing a craniotomy a Hemovac drain is placed in the epicranium

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing an ACDF the esophagus, carotid artery, and trachea retracted medially

TRUE; When doing an ACDF the esophagus, carotid artery, and trachea retracted medially

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing an IV shunt the shunt may be soaked in a saline and antibiotic mixture before use

TRUE; When doing an IV shunt the shunt may be soaked in a saline and antibiotic mixture before use

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing peripheral nerve procedures there is almost always a pneumatic tourniquet used

TRUE; When doing peripheral nerve procedures there is almost always a pneumatic tourniquet used

TRUE OR FALSE: When putting the patient in prone position it is critical that all bony prominences are well padded and breasts and penis/testicles are not impinged.

TRUE; When putting the patient in prone position it is critical that all bony prominences are well padded and breasts and penis/testicles are not impinged.

TRUE OR FALSE: when doing a Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy the dura is incised and the tumor is removed with pituitary curette, dissector, enucleator, and suction

TRUE; when doing a Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy the dura is incised and the tumor is removed with pituitary curette, dissector, enucleator, and suction

What does TRAM stand for?

Transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap

When doing Arch Bars what are the wire twisters used for...

Twisting the wires a half turn and then pulling to stretch

What is the Mesh Graft device used for

Used to thin out skin and indent tiny holes to use for a skin graft procedure

What is an autograft?

skin graft obtained from ones own self, from a different location of their body

What are the 3 layers of the heart

Epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic Cannulation Step 3 - Large red rubber catheters that have been cut into 3 inch pieces are placed over each purse-string suture and the needles are cut off the suture ends.


TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic Cannulation Step 4 - An incision is made into the aorta between the purse-string sutures with a #15 blade, and the metal, bevel-ended tip of the aortic cannula is placed into the arteriotomy


TRUE OR FALSE: It is okay to reuse the Gigli saw blade as long as it has gone through the sterilization process


TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic valve stenosis is more common than mitral valve disease and usually affects females


TRUE OR FALSE: Venous Cannulation - Step 1 - A double purse-string suture is placed into the right atrial appendage


TRUE OR FALSE: Venous Cannulation - Step 3 - The incision is made into the right atrial appendage with a #11 blade or Metzenbaum scissors


TRUE OR FALSE: Venous Cannulation - Step 4 - A 3 stage venous cannula that drains blood from the right atrium, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus is inserted, and the red rubber catheter is cinched loosely over the purse-string suture securing the cannula


TRUE OR FALSE: A Key elevator is used to retract

FALSE A Key elevator is NOT used to retract

TRUE OR FALSE: An atrial septal defect is an abnormal opening in the wall between the two ventricles

FALSE An atrial septal defect is NOT an abnormal opening in the wall between the two ventricles

TRUE OR FALSE: Bronchoscopes are always rigid

FALSE Bronchoscopes can be flexible or rigid

TRUE OR FALSE: It is okay to use gloves with powder on them to do eye surgery

FALSE It is NOT okay to use gloves with powder on them to do eye surgery

TRUE OR FASLE: It is not necessary to drape out the feet when doing a heart procedure

FALSE It is necessary to drape out the feet when doing a heart procedure

TRUE OR FALSE: The lens of the eye is not transparent

FALSE The lens of the eye is transparent

TRUE OR FALSE: There is only 1 type of plastic surgery

FALSE There is NOT only 1 type of plastic surgery

TRUE OR FALSE: Venous Cannulation - Step 5 - A heavy monocryl suture is placed around the cannula and the rubber catheter

FALSE Venous Cannulation - Step 5 - A heavy monocryl suture is NOT placed around the cannula and the rubber catheter

When doing a CABG the inferior mammary artery is not an option for use

FALSE When doing a CABG the inferior mammary artery is an option for use

TRUE OR FALSE: When doing an iridectomy BSS is injected into the posterior chamber

FALSE When doing an iridectomy BSS is NOT injected into the posterior chamber

What does FTSG stand for

full thickness skin graft

What does IOL stand for

intraocular lens implant

Define Mastopexy

surgical fixation of the breast

Define Abdominalplasty

surgical repair of the abdomen

Define Otoplasty

surgical repair of the ear

When doing a FTSG what is taken

the full epidermis and dermis

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