Final for world history

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What was a direct result of the Black Death in Europe?

A shortage of workers developed

Which conclusion can be drawn from the information provided by the map?

A vast network of trade routes connected the centers of trade in Europe

How did the ideas of Aristarchus contrast the image above?

Aristarchus believed the solar system revolved around the sun, not the Earth

Which conclusion about the Roman world around AD 526 can be drawn from the information on this map?

By the time of 526 AD, the western part of the Roman Empire was completely gone and replaced by various Germanic tribes

Incorporation of European and Arabic ideas in architecture Preservation of Greco-Roman ideas Spread of Orthodox Christianity into Russia Development of Justinian Code Which title best completes the partial outline above?

Byzantine Empire

Many achievements of Islamic civilization reached European society by way of the

Crusades and eastern Mediterranean trading networks

A direct result of the Crusades was that

Europeans increased their demands for goods from the East

Which conclusion about the Grand Canal system in China can be drawn from the information shown on this map?

Grain could be shipped between Hangzhou and Beijing by the canal

Why was Charlemagne's 9th century empire significant?

His empire was the largest in Europe since the end of the Roman Empire

How did Sulla change the political landscape of Rome?

His invasion of Rome set off a series of conflicts resulting in Rome abandoning the republic in favor of an empire

What was significant about Abraham's journey?

His journey represents the first attempt at establishing a monotheistic religion

Which area was most affected by the spread of both Islam and Buddhism in the period from 200 B.C. to A.D. 1450?

Indian subcontinent

The practice of Islam throughout much of West Africa is evidence that

Islam spread beyond the borders of the Arabian peninsula

What was the significance of Pope Leo III crowning Charlemagne emperor?

It started the tradition of popes crowning emperors in the city of Aachen

A major reason that the Renaissance began in Italy was that

Italian city-states had grown wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia

Which statement about the Mongols is supported by the information in the map?

Kublai Khan and Genghis Khan extended Mongol influence to other parts of Asia

Asoka incorporated Buddhist ideas into the laws he had carved on rocks and pillars placed throughout the Mauryan Empire. Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Prince Vladimir required all Russians to become Eastern Orthodox Christians. Which generalization can be made based on these statements?

Leaders often use religion to unify an empire

Based on the information provided by this map, which statement about urban areas between 650 and 1500 is accurate?

Most urban areas developed near waterways

"The arrival of Caesar was welcomed by all the boroughs and colonies with honour and affection beyond belief; for it was his first coming since the glorious campaign against a united Gaul. Nothing was omitted (left-out) that wit could devise for the decoration of gates, roads, and every place where Caesar was to pass. The whole population, with the children, went forth to meet him, victims were sacrificed everywhere, festal couches, duly spread, occupied market-places and temples, so as to anticipate, if possible, the joy of the triumph so long, so very long expected. Such was the magnificence shown by the richer folk, such the eagerness of the humbler sort." How did Caesar's Gallic Wars influence his standing among Roman citizens?

News of Caesar's victories excited people as he defeated a long-time enemy and added millions of acres of newly acquire land

Which statement best expresses an idea held by many Renaissance humanist philosophers?

People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters

How did Rome's conflict with Carthage impact world history?

Rome's victory established it as the main power in the Mediterranean region and set Rome towards an empire

What was the purpose of the acropolis?

Serve as a fortification if the city walls were breached

Speaker A: The chief problem with the Roman Catholic Church is the practice of selling indulgences. The only way for Christians to receive salvation is through faith alone. Speaker B: If Christians want to be saved, they should perform good deeds and ask for forgiveness of sins. The granting of indulgences allows Christians to be excused for their sins. Speaker C: It is true that the Bible, and not members of the clergy, is the ultimate source of religious truth. However, God has already decided who will be saved and who will not. Speaker D: Since the Pope does not agree with my position, I have decided to separate from the Roman Catholic Church. I am now not only the head of England but also of the Anglican Church. Which speaker most closely reflects the ideas of Martin Luther?

Speaker A

Speaker A: We must fight to keep control of Jerusalem in the hands of those who believe in Allah. Speaker B: Come and battle while there is still time to protect the Holy Land where Christ walked. Speaker C: We must go forth to heal the split between the churches. Speaker D: An investment in ships and knights will yield control of profitable trade routes. Which speaker expresses a Muslim perspective during the Crusades?

Speaker A

Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages?

The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order

Based on the information in this chart, which statement best summarizes the influence of Mongol rule in Russia, Persia, and China?

The Mongols used various methods to rule the different people they conquered

Which statement is best supported by the information on this map?

The Roman Empire extended over three continents leading to a massive network of roads and trade systems which benefited the Roman Empire

What message might these frequent and violent changes in leadership might have sent to the people of the Roman Empire?

The Roman government had become unstable which caused the Roman government to ignore other major problems

Why was the Rosetta Stone important to understanding Egyptian culture?

The Rosetta Stone allowed for the understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics

Settled farming civilizations first appeared in river valleys, but were quickly overtaken by mid - latitude civilizations. Various authors have found, that even today, it is far more likely for countries located in humid continental climates to have sustainable agriculture than other areas of the world, including many of the original sites of human cultivation. Furthermore, forensic botanists have found that both in ancient and modern agriculture, high yield grains were selected because of the characteristics that allowed them to survive in a given climate, and their ability to feed an ever growing population. - Origins of Agriculture (2010) According to the excerpt, why was there was a transition in agricultural regions from river valleys to humid continental, mid - latitude areas?

The climate allowed for high yield grains to feed an ever growing population

1340s—Mongols, merchants, and other travelers carried disease along trade routes west of China. 1346—The plague reached the Black Sea ports of Caffa and Tana. 1347—Italian merchants fled plague-infected Black Sea ports. 1348—The plague became an epidemic in most of western Europe. Which conclusion can be made based on these statements?

The interaction of people spread the plague

How did the geography of the Italian peninsula influence the development of the Roman Empire?

The location of the peninsula contributed to Roman control of the Mediterranean region

What does this archaeological find indicate about Southeast Asia during the 10th century?

The region served as a crossroads between Arab and Chinese traders

How did the idea of a tetrarchy further weaken the Roman government?

The tetrarchy created more emperors who fought each other when trying to reunite the empire

What was a long-term impact of Marco Polo's trips to China?

Trade increased between China and Europe

Based on this map, which statement is true of trade routes around A.D. 600?

Trade took place over a network of land and sea routes

Which of the following is an accurate description of the founding of Rome according to its mythology?

Two brothers, Romulus and Remus, founded the city; Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf and eventually fought one another for control of Rome

The ideals developed in the Athens of Pericles and in Republican Rome influenced the development of

a parliament in Britain

". . . A separate consequence of a settled existence is that it permits one to store food surpluses, since storage would be pointless if one didn't remain nearby to guard the stored food. While some nomadic hunter-gatherers may occasionally bag more food than they can consume in a few days, such a bonanza is of little use to them because they cannot protect it. But stored food is essential for feeding non-food-producing specialists, and certainly for supporting whole towns of them. Hence nomadic hunter-gatherer societies have few or no such full-time specialists, who instead first appear in sedentary [settled] societies. . . ." — Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel Which major change in history is most closely associated with the information presented in this passage?

adoption of Neolithic Revolution innovations

Pax Romana, the Golden Age of Islam, and the Renaissance were all periods of

advancements in arts and in knowledge

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in

an ethical code of conduct and monotheism

The Crusades are considered a turning point in history because they

contributed to the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

Constantinople's location on the Bosporus Strait was one reason that the Byzantine Empire was able to

control key trade routes between Europe and Asia

The principal cause of the trend in England shown in the graph was


Which factor best characterizes the art of both ancient Greece and the Renaissance?

emphasis on the human form

Caligula, Nero and Diocletian were similar in that they

enacted strange laws or targeted minority groups to distract people from problems facing Rome

One way in which the Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code are similar is that each

established legal standards

Augustus's main aim as emperor was

establishing the empire as stable and peaceful

Which economic system is most closely associated with the activities shown in this art work?


The design of the Roman aqueducts made it possible for a large population to enjoy

fresh water

In India, the caste system determined a person's occupation, personal associations, and marriage partner. This situation shows that the caste system

has been a way of life as well as an element of religion

Which aspect of geography is the primary focus of this map?

humans interacting on Earth

"...The girl and two other children were left on a mountaintop to succumb [fall victim] to the cold as offerings to the gods, according to the archaeologists who found the mummified remains in Argentina in 1999...." — "Frozen Inca Mummy Goes On Display," National Geographic News, September 11, 2007 This passage BEST illustrates the role of archaeologists in

interpreting evidence

Which factor contributed to the fall of the Han dynasty, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the fall of the Abbasid Empire?

invasions by nomadic peoples from Central Asia

". . . Christian warriors, He who gave His life for you, today demands yours in return. These are combats worthy of you, combats in which it is glorious to conquer and advantageous to die. Illustrious knights, generous defenders of the Cross, remember the examples of your fathers who conquered Jerusalem, and whose names are inscribed in Heaven; abandon then the things that perish, to gather unfading palms, and conquer a Kingdom which has no end." — St. Bernard of Clairvaux This statement was most likely used to encourage people to

join the Crusades

The Magna Carta can be described as a

list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy

The Age of Pericles in Athens, the Gupta Empire in India, and the Tang dynasty in China all experienced a golden age with

outstanding contributions in the arts and sciences

One factor concerning decline of the Roman Empire was it initially led to

political chaos and decentralization of government

Which of the following is TRUE about the verse John 3:16 in the New Testament?

promise of eternal salvation if a person believes in Jesus and acts according to his will

One way in which the Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar is that both

promoted unity and communication by building a strong system of roads

The caste system in India and the feudal system in Europe were similar in that both

provided structure for society

Historians follow rules to help them analyze primary sources. Some of the rules they use are: Every piece of evidence and every source must be read or viewed skeptically and critically. Each piece of evidence and source must be cross-checked and compared with related sources and pieces of evidence. ---- Library of Congress These rules are designed to help historians determine the

reliability of document information

One way in which the Eightfold Path and the Five Pillars of Faith are similar is that these rules

represents codes of behavior

A direct impact that the printing press had on 16th-century Europe was that it encouraged the

spread of ideas

Which major river valley civilization was not conquered by Alexander the Great?

the Huang He River Valley

Increases in trade and commerce that occurred during the late Middle Ages in Europe resulted in

the development of more towns and cities as serfs left the manor in search of economic opportunity

Alexander the Great's conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to

the spread of Hellenic culture

Which characteristic did the early civilizations that developed along the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Huang He (Yellow River) have in common?

transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil, and natural waterways

One reason for the growth and success of 9thcentury cities such as Baghdad, Constantinople, and Ch'ang-an (Xian) was that they

were located on major trade routes

One way in which The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Mahabharata are similar in that they are

works of literature that give historians information about early civilizations

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