fnes 204 midterm

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creamlike soups made with ground dried corn and ground dried beans, quinoa, amaranth, or squash. Variations of this type of soup, called sangos, are probably the oldest Indian food. sacred dish of Inca


dried lentil chips), which are eaten roasted or fried INDIAN

Bonito flakes

dried smoked skipjack/ tuna shavings

What SA countries produce beef and wine?

Argentina- Malbec Wine- larger beef producer Chile-Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Carmenere


Bamboo skewers used for preparing certain grilled Japanese dishes, such as yakitori.


Basic Japanese stock made with kombu and katsuoboshi- kelp, bonito fish flakes

Top three biggest countries in SA

Brazil Argentina Peru


Earthenware pot with lid, used directly for stovetop cooking (on a gas stove) or at the dinner table with a portable stove. It should not be used in an oven. Often used for sukiyaki, oden, and shabu shabu.


Japanese Tea Ceremony" for many years but the word literally means hot water for tea. The simple art of Chanoyu is really a synthesis of many Japanese arts with the focus of preparing and serving a bowl of tea with a pure heart


Japanese horseradish, pale green in color with a delicate aroma; milder tasting than Western horseradish. Powdered or paste wasabi is more pungent than freshly grated root, and it is also less fragrant and flavorful.


Michoaca is the largest producer of avocados in the country native of the tropical Americas.

differences between Muslim, Jain, Buddhist and Hindu dietary restrictions.

Muslim- no pork Jain-strict vegetarians, no onions and garlic Hindu- Vegetarian, no beef consume milk Buddhist- prefer vegetarian, some eat fish, meat, consume milk

What is the mole "capital" of Mexico?


A _________ is a selection of meat grilled over hot coals, often including delicacies such as intestines, udders, and blood sausages.


The Spanish brought one of the most significant changes in food preparation to Mexico. This is..?

Pigs that gave lard for frying food

The Indian curry called vindaloo was influenced by the:


SA foods that have been introduced to the rest of the world?

Potato- Andes Tomato Corn Chocolate


entirely from soybeans, and only a small amount of water is added to the fermenting mixture. thicker, with a dark brown color, rich in bean flavor and about as salty as regular shoyu. Tamari is preferred as a condiment or flavor enhancer rather than a basic cooking ingredient.

Argentina is the 5th largest producer of wine in the world. The majority of grapes planted/harvested are from:


"Ceviche dates back to the conquistadors, who seasoned fish with sea salt and aji (chile peppers) and cured it in the acidic juice of tumbo, a tart tropical fruit."

false-dates back to incas


first to produce Chihuahua cheese

major protein in Japanese cuisine.



flaky Indian bread with different kinds of vegetarian and nonvegetarian fillings


food cooked using a Indian cylindrical clay oven

What are the common uses of ghee in Indian cooking?

frying, roasting, brushing bread, poured over rice


grains grown by Indians in SA at high altitudes and produces small seeds- rich in protein.


grilled Andean corn


gum resin used for flavor and digestion INDIAN


queso menonita, after the Mennonite communities of northern Mexico that first produced it. This is a mild, spongy, pale-yellow cheese. Unlike most Mexican cheeses, it is pale yellow rather than white, and can vary in taste from mild to a nearly cheddar-like sharpness.


rich dark sauce with chocolate, chiles, spices, herbs, groundnuts, seeds, and a variety of other ingredients


selection of different dishes, usually served in small bowls on a round tray,

Dum Pukht

slow method of cooking food INDIAN

Identify the types of flour used in making different noodles.

soba- buckwheat Kishimen, udon, Somen and Hiyamugi, Chukasoba-wheat Harusame -Potato starch Ryokuto Harusame- Mung bean

Aji Sauce

spicy red pepper sauce is a national delicacy and is found on most tables used to season meats Ecuador


staple cheese in Yucatan peninsula- holland Netherlands


sweetened, pickled rice. Raw fish (sashimi) wrapped together with a portion of sushi rice is sold as "sushi." Sushi is the term for the special rice;

Adzuki beans

sweeter, milder, and more delicate than the darker misos. richer, saltier taste- fermented longer

difference between tamari and shoyu.

tamari- thicker, with a dark brown color, rich in bean flavor and about as salty as regular shoyu, stronger, preferred as a condiment or flavor enhancer rather than a basic cooking ingredient. shoyu- cooking ingredient, has wheat


Pulverized meal was mixed with ground fish

Ghost chiles

bhut jolokia— known officially as the world's hottest chile. more than 1,000,000 Scoville units, 125 times hotter than a jalapeño.


black, gray, or buff-colored rind with a crosshatch pattern. The interior ranges from stark white to yellowish, depending on age. It has a number of holes and a mild, slightly briny, nutty flavor. great meat roasting traditions and have produced numerous recipes for cooking game,

Tequila is made from what plant?

blue agave


brewed with wheat. It has a dark brown color, rich flavor, and complex aroma, with a salt content around 17 to 18 percent. soy sauce


broiled chicken. Various cuts of chicken, including heart, liver, and cartilage are cooked on skewers over a charcoal grill.

Where is the "heat" from the chile found?

capsaicinoids- capsaicin in the whitish pith (also called membranes or ribs), not by the seeds.


clarified butter-solids removed from butter- keeps forever even in the hot climate

Gram masala

cloves and cinnamon with peppercorns INDIAN

Pisco Refrescos

cold nonalcoholic beverages, including jugos, sorbets, licuados, and batidos, all of which are generally made with milk and sometimes ice cream.

Kobe beef

come from the Hyogo province and meet strict production standards imposed by the industry. In Japan, Kobe beef is occasionally eaten as sushi, but is more frequently eaten as sukiyaki or steak.

Shojin ryori

completely vegetarian. popularized by Zen monks from China

What state in Mexico produces large amounts of coffee and cacao?


Name of the Mennonite communities of northern Mexico


This Spanish Sausage ___________ is made using the Spanish Spice______________.

Chorizo, Paprika

Manioc meal

Pulverized meal was mixed with ground fish to produce a concoction called pacoka, or pacoca. For the children, small, sun-dried cakes called carima ̃ were prepared. porridge or paste known as mingau, thin, crisp snacks called beijus, made of either tapioca flour or dough from a nonpoisonous, or sweet variety of manioc known as macaxeira or aipim- boiled for several hours, eaten like potatoes.


Root vegetable similar in length and shape to a turnip, with scaly yam-like skin. Universally made into flour for breads and cakes, and used as a base for tapioca. Mexico

What type of rice is most commonly eaten in Japan?

Seihakumai - Highly polished short grain white rice

essential equipment used to make rice.

Shamoji -A paddle made from wood or plastic, used to serve rice Fukin- cheesecloth to form rice Hangiri-wooden tub to mix rice into sushi rice


Small, hard red seeds of the annatto tree, - give color and flavor. The seeds alone have a slightly musky flavor, but they are most often combined with other herbs and seasoning to make achiote paste, which is popular in the Yucatan for marinades and sauces. In Mexico, the whole seeds are ground and used. Achiote should always be cooked in fat to remove any chalkiness.

Where are Mediterranean influences found?

Southern Mexico and The Gulf Coast- Veracruz Red Snapper Veracruz -whole fish is covered in a sauce of tomatoes, onions, capers, Spanish olives, olive oil, and pickled jalapenos. one of the few places in Mexico where people cook with olive oil, green olives and capers and raisins


Spices, herbs, and other seasonings ground or pounded together INDIAN

Curry is:

The individual combination of up to 25 spices


The most popular fresh cheese in Mexico, also called queso de canasta -carries the imprint of the basket in which it is molded. It is a white, spongy, salty, semi-soft cheese mild in flavor. It absorbs other flavors easily.


The technique of adding spices and herbs all at one time to hot oil. This is done as a first step in the cooking process, or as the last, and then pouring the tempered oil over a cooked dish. The oil extracts and retains the sharp flavors of the spices, flavoring the entire dish. INDIAN


These beans are fermented, dried, roasted, cracked, and ground. After extracting half the fat, it is again dried into unsweetened cocoa. Dutch cocoa is treated with alkali to neutralize acidity.


Wooden sushi tub usually made of cypress wood, in the shape of a large circular plate with high sides. The large surface area cools the rice quickly, and the wood absorbs excess moisture. Used to mix rice with sugar and vinegar to make sushi rice.


a group of chemical compounds that Chiles get their "heat"—from

Which country is known as Òthe beef capital of the worldÓ and is the worldÕs fifth largest producer of wine?



aromatic celebratory banquet consisting of thirty-six delectable dishes. Most of the dishes are meat based and contain heavy dose of spices, condiments, and curds INDIAN


ittle fingers of rice topped with wasabi and a filet of raw or cooked fish or shellfish. This is the most common form of sushi.

basic dashi ingredients

kelp and dried bonito flakes

Hormiga culona

large ant that is fried and eaten Colombia


leavened bread, baked at very high temperatures against the wall of a tandoor oven. INDIAN


meal consists of a set sequence of courses based on preparation techniques. One meal can consist of as many as 15 different courses


means gravy or sauce. An authentic Indian curry is a combination of stir-fried wet masala (a mixture of onion, garlic, ginger, and tomato), various spices, and seasoning, to which other items are added and prepared as a stew-type dish. INDIAN


most popular of the wheat noodles. They are a thick, long, cream-colored, noodle that may be served hot or cold.

Yerba mate

national drink made from the green dried leaves and stemlets of the tree Ilex paraguarensis important ritualistic process among the people of Paraguay and Argentina. It is served in a hollow gourd that is filled two-thirds of the way with the moistened mate herb mental stimulation, fatigue reduction, and stress reduction


passion fruit ecuador

What are the West African influences in Southern Mexico?

peanut added to meat, fish, and veg dishes and ground with spices as part of a paste-like condiment. Plantains, yucca, and sweet potatoes


plow cooking

Identify which Indian breads are deep fried.

poori Bondas/Vadas Papadam

The most important crop, especially for those in the Andean region is the


"The Inca empire, found in the Andes mountains, introduced this food to the rest of the world:"

potato/ corn

Chica cochabambina

potent alcohol made from corn. Bolivia


prickly pear cactus is the most common type of cactus eaten in Mexico. "cactus stem." usually sold already cleaned (needles removed); look for bright green and firm pads. They are typically eaten grilled or boiled.


primary source of protein in a vegetarian diet dried peas, beans, and lentils, plus split peas and other legumes. Ground powdered dal is used in crackers, unleavened breads, and spice mixtures. INDIAN


pumpkin seeds

Identify the process of tasting spices in oil before starting a dish.

tempering/ blooming- heat oil in a pan over medium heat and add whole spices- As the spices cook in the hot oil, they will begin to sizzle and release their flavors and aromas. Once the spices are fragrant and lightly toasted, they can be added to the dish, along with any other ingredients.

The service of many small bowls of food on a tray in Gujarat is called


Shippoku ryorui

the specialty cuisine of the city of Nagasaki, combines European, Chinese, and Japanese tastes.


thick soups made with hominy, beans, squash, and sweet potatoes. Bolivia, Argentina Paraguay Uruguay, Chile, ,


three-foot-long tamale that may weigh as much as 150 pounds, is perhaps the most famous food of Mexico

sesame seeds

topping for breads and pastries or as a thickener for sauces.


tree that produces brown pods containing a sweet and tangy pulp used for flavoring curries, sauces, and even beverages.

"In the high reaches of the Andes Mountains, along the border between Bolivia and Peru, the altiplano farmers raise llamas and alpacas, as they have for thousands of years."


Argentina, especially in the northwest is influenced by not only the Spanish conquest of South America but also the Inca empire.


Most of Argentina's argicultural production occurs on a location called Pampas, which is a word of Portugese origin that means "a plain without trees".



unleavened flat bread INDIAN


unleavened flat breads INDIAN


unrefined sugar vegetables or lentils dishes so that the food has a sweet-and-sour flavor INDIAN


vegetable fritters INDIAn


vegetable pear, is a native of Mexico, and its name is derived from the Nahuatl word chayutli. principal foods of the Aztec and Mayan people. mild taste of zucchini. crisp, something like a water chestnut. Chayotes come in both smooth and prickly varieties (covered in spines).

Ilex paraguarnesis

yerba. mate plant- Argentina

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