food & nutrient ch.4 quiz review

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A term that refers to the stomach

pyloric sphincter

At the base of the stomach is the ____, which controls the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine.

pancreas, small intestine

Bicarbonate, which is secreted by the ___, is a base that neutralizes the acidity of chyme in the _____.


Bile is necessary for some nutrient digestion and absorption


Bile is stored and concentrated in the


Food mixes with secretions in the stomach to become a watery mixture


Glands in stomach secrete the components of gastric juice, which contribute to the digestion of food.

simple diffusion

Low concentration <----- high concentration

facilitaed diffusion

Low concentration <----- transporter molecule <----high concentration

1. digests fat 2. partially digests protein 3. digests starch 4. Digests DNA and RNA into nucleotides

Match each of the following pancreatic enzymes with the primary action of that enzyme.


The churning movements of the___ help mix food with gastric juice.


The condition characterized by the presence of tiny pouches in the wall of the colon


The primary nutrient that bile helps digest is


When these pouches become inflamed

pancreatic lipase, chymotrypsin, pancreatic amylase, carboxypeptidase, sucrase, trypsin.

active in the small intestine

pepsin, gastric lipase.

active in the stomach


A condition characterized by infrequent bowel movements that are difficult to eliminate

miso soup, pickles, sourdough bread

Consumption of fermented foods may be beneficial to the health of the GI tract, particularly the colon.

can impact any area, superficial, discontinuous lesions

Crohn's disease


Excessive straining during bowel movements may also cause swelling of the veins in the anal canal.


The increased pressure inside the colon caused by straining during bowel movements may lead to the formation of tiny pouches called___ in the wall of the colon.

intrinsic factor

The stomach also produces a substance called ____ that is important for the absorption of vitamin B-12.


The stomach wall has three layers of muscle tissue. These muscular layers are responsible for the ____ digestion that occurs in the stomach.

facilitated diffusion absorbs


active transport absorbs

glucose, amino acids

endocytosis absorbs

immune substances from human milk

simple diffusion absorbs

lipids, most water-soluble vitamins, some minerals

active transport

low concentration to high concentration


outside cell-----> inside cell

barley, garlic, berries, legumes


yogurt, pill containing Bifidobacterium Infantis


Specific to colon, deep, continuous lesions

ulcerative colitis

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