Forensic Psychology Week 5 - Psychology of Violence and Intimidation

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What is reactive violence?

-Also called expressive violence - refers to physical violence precipitated by a hostile and angry reaction to apperceived threat or dangerous situation Therefore, reactive violence is often the impulse and unthoughtful response to a provocations, real or imagined.

What is instrumental violence?

-Occurs when the injury of an individual is secondary to the acquisition of some other external goal -External goal may be money, status, security, or material goods. -Individual is committing an offence to get something and in the cause of that, violence is occurring

Describe the Cognitive factors of the cause of violence?

-Refer to those processes through which a person learns patterns of thinking, behaviour and feeling from his or her early life experiences. -Refers to the ideas, beliefs, and patterns of thinking that emerge as a result of interactions with the world during a persons lifetime. -Hostile attribution bias - violent people toned to perceive hostility in others when there is no hostility -Aggressive children and adolescents have emotive antisocial, violent beliefs than their nonaggressive peers

What terminates stalking?

-Stalker "relationship with a new person" i.e. new victim -Law enforcement intervention -Victim relocation -Since most stalking is related to a history of domestic violence, what factors might make it difficult for stalking victims to attain safety?

What is serial murder?

-usually refers to incidents in which an individual separately kills a number of individuals (usually a minimum of three) over time. -Time interval sometimes refereed to as the "cooling off' period may be days or weeks but more likely years or months

According to Gilligan, How pervasive is the link between misogyny, homophobia and violence?


What are some of the causes of violence?

1. Biological 2. Socialisation 3. Cognitive 4. Situational Factors

What are some theoretical perspectives on violence?

1. Instrumental Violence 2. Reactive Violence

In the Uniform Crime Data (UCR) what are the four most violent crimes?

1. Murder and Nonngeligent Manslaughter 2. Forcible Rape 3. Robbery 4. Aggravated Assault

What are the two dominant explanations for the gender discrepancies in violent offending?

1. Socialization factors (women are less likely than men to be encouraged to be violent) 2. Biological factors ( e.g. some researchers have link the male hormone testosterone to aggression)

What is the individual stream of violent research?

Characteristics and demographics of the individual -Social factors -Psychological factors -Biological factors

What are the two types of mass murder the FBI identifies?

Classic and Family

What is the contextual stream of violent research?

Contexts and environments in which violence occurs -Family -Peer -Community -Concerns things like relationships between yourself and your family, relationships in your peer group and the community that you live in.

What is multiple killings?

Divided into three categories: Serial Murder Spree Murder Mass Murder

According to Gilligan what causes men's violence?

Feelings of shame and humiliation is the main cause of violin - inadequate, inferior, insulted, rejected being treated as inadequate. Male role belief system - world was divided into superior and inferior men were supposed to be superior and women were supposed to be inferior

What are the two primary streams of violence research according to the textbook chapter?

Individual and Contextual

What is Mass Murder?

Involves the killing of three or more persons at a single location with no cooling off period between the killings.

What is criminal homicide?

Murder -unlawful killing of one human by another with malice aforethought, either expressed or implied. Manslaughter -Unintended killing that results from unjustifiable conduct that places others at risk. Even homicide is difficult to count, categorize, and quantify

What are the different types of stalking?

Refer to notes

Describe the situational factors of the cause of violence?

Refer to the characteristics of the environment, such as stress or aggression in others, that encourage or engender violent behaviour.

Describe the biological factors of the cause of violence?

Refer to the wide array of neurological, physiological, or chemical influences on aggression and violence.

Describe the socialisation factors of the cause of violence?

Refer to those processes through which a person learns patterns of thinking, behaviour and feel ing from his or her early life experiences.

What is Spree Murder?

Refers tot he killing of three or more individuals without a cooling off period, usually at two or three different locations

What is the most pervasive finding in violence research?

Sex Differences

What is stalking?

The crime of intimidation. Defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated physical or visual proximity, nonconsensual communication or verbal written or implied threats sufficient to cause fear in a reasonable person

How is violence defined?

Violence is commonly defined as physical force exerted for the purpose of inflicting injury pain, discomfort or abuse on a person or persons or for the purpose of damaging or destroying property - violence committed without justification.

What is family mass murder?

at least three family members are killed by another immediate family member or relative

What is classic mass murder?

e.g. when an individual barricades himself inside a public building, randomly killing the patrons and nay other person he has contact with

What is ethnocentrism?

viewing others strictly through one's own cultural perspectives, often encourages people - including mental health professionals - to form stereotypes and biases that limit their ability to assess and treat those form diverse backgrounds.

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