Communication Final:

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Claptrap Techniques: (4)

1. Contrasts 2. List of 3 3. Set em up, knock em down 4. Puzzle - Solution

Functions of organizations:

1. Coordinate activities. 2. Establish purpose. 3. Delineate roles. 4. Establish and maintain a leader. 5. Create info networks. 6. Develop and maintain organizational structure. 7. Benefit from diversity.

Contributors to failed relationship: (4) 1 (least problematic) --> 4 (most problematic)

1. Criticism 2. Contempt: disrespect, name calling, sarcasm. 3. Defensiveness: reaction to contempt. 4. Stonewalling: withdrawing from conflict.

Stages of cultural adaptation:

1. Honeymoon: Initial happiness with new place. 2. Frustration: Becoming annoyed with various things in the new culture/not being able to assimilate. 3. Readjustment: Finding ways to cope with the new environment. 4. Resolution: Staying in the new culture or leaving.

Stages of relationship development: (5)

1. Initiating: initiating contact. 2. Experimenting: exploring possibility of relationship (date). 3. Intensifying: decide to continue. 4. Integrating: getting engaged/ moving in. 5. Bonding: formalizing/making it public.

Models of Dr. - patient relationships: (4)

1. Paternalistic model. 2. Informative model. 3. Interpretive model. 4. Deliberative model.

Communication Climate: 1. Supportive 2. Defensive

1. Positive: Less judging, problem solving, spontaneity, equality. 2. Negative: judging, controlling, strategizing remarks, superiority.

Johari Window:

1st Quadrant: Known to self, known to others. - "open self", master identities, positive things. 2nd Quadrant: Not known to self, known to others. - "blind self", not knowing you're annoying. 3rd Quadrant: Known to self, not known to others. - "hidden self", medical condition, negative traits. 4th Quadrant: Not known to self or to others. - "unknown self", hidden talent, undiagnosed medical.


A person who tends to be very talkative.


Advertising, marketing, public relations. Transmission of messages into environment.

Communication apprehension:

Anxiety about public speaking/communicating.

Social penetration:

As relationships develop, interpersonal communication moves from non-intimate levels to more intimate.


As we become closer, we reveal more things.


Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Organizational climate:

Atmosphere or tone that members of the organization experience.

Paternalistic model:

Authoritarian like parents. Traditional, doctor decides prescription.

First-order information processing:

Automatic reflexes.


Beach towels and fences.

High Involvement:

Behaviors correlate with positive perceptions. Eye contact, body orientation, posture, expressive gestures, facial expressions, vocal variety.


Body movements and gestures.

Downward flow:

Boss to employee.

Micro-wave relationships:

Brief and intense relationships.

Permanence & Portability:

Capacity for media symbols to have uses other than what they were originally used for.


Communication is interactive simultaneously and messages are distorted through context. Meaning is negotiated.

Vervet Monkeys:

Communication learned, not just instinct. 50 different calls for predators.

Impression management:

Conscious or unconscious effort to influence perceptions of others about ourselves or others.


Controls meaning/semantics.

Dependencies and Counter dependencies:

Counter dependency: Always disagreeing. Dependency: Always agreeing.

Thin description:

Description of behavior, no interpretation.


Do many things at once.

Interpretive model:

Doctor is a counselor who tells the patient their options based on patient's values. Same as informative, but it is more of an interactive process to understand patient's values.

Deliberative model:

Doctor provides suggestions and tells them what the patient should choose.

Informative model:

Doctor suggests various treatment options based on known patient values and the patient decides.

Doctor-centered care:

Doctors are overly authoritative and have their own interest at heart.

Internal network flow:

Downward, upward, horizontal, internal.

Baton signals:

Emphasize words. (Arms spread wide)

Upward flow:

Employee to boss.

Relationships in the new millenium:

Fast pace/long distance.

Social saturation:

Few geographical/historical boundaries. Fast transportation and new media technology allows for a greater variety of relationships.


Field of experience.


Finite number of words can produce an infinite number of messages.

Informal flow:

Flow between employees of different departments in a non-office setting.

Horizontal flow:

Flow of communication from two individuals of equal status within an organization.


Fragmented self. Conflict in values, ideals, opinions, and/or motives.

"Pure" relationship:

Gender equality eliminates relationships for necessity.

Semantic memory:

General knowledge about people, places, and things.

Impression given v. given off:

Given: Verbal action or offering of goods/services. Given off: Facial movements or expressions given off when a person presents himself.

Passing away:

Gradual dissolution of relationship felt by both parties.

Relationships: (Have and do)

Have: What relationships we have. Do: What we do to maintain those relationships.

Frank Dance:

Helical model - time. Each communication prior builds on the next communicative event.


How language is used.


How sounds are produced.


How sounds make words.

Puzzle - Solution:

How will we keep out Mexicans? I will build a wall.


How words form sentences.

Situated identities:

Identities change in different situations. e.g: A pilot, student, or person in uniform.


Idiosyncratic movements that are non-communicative. (Biting finger nails)

Set em up, knock em down:

If you say you're for equal rights, but refuse to pass a bill that protects equal rights, then you might have Romnesia.

Sudden death:

Immediate dissolution of relationship, normally one sided due to a broken promise ect.


Indicate relationships. (Holding hands)

External networks:

Inflow, Outflow.

Second-order information processing:

Information processing based on things we've learned.

Two-way communication:

Interaction between two or more people.

Thick description:

Interpretation of behavior.

Uncertainty reduction theory:

Lack of knowledge prompts us to seek info about others.

Reverse Cultural Shock:

Living somewhere else for awhile and when you come home, your home no longer feels like home.


Manipulates others.


Meanings behind words.

MS not equal MR:

Message sent does not always equal message received.


Most information is in explicit communication.


Most information is in people.

One-way communication:

No interaction.

How relationships develop:

Non-interpersonal knowledge -> interpersonal knowledge. Generic gift -> personal gift.


Nonverbal cues that enhance or contradict what we say.


One cannot not communicate.


One thing at a time, emphasis on punctuality.

S -> M -> R = E

One-way communication where a message is created, sent, received which results in an effect.


One-way speaker influencing audience.

Human relations theory:

Organizations are ran like a family. Managers strive to create a supportive, open work place. Organizations are effective when they enhance worker trust and encourage collaboration.

Scientific management theory:

Organizations are ran like a machine. "One-way" decision making. Maximum productivity through authoritarian boss.

Systems theory:

Organizations are ran like a system. Individuals are dependent on one another. Communication connects parts of a system to collect info and to help guide the system as a whole.

Quality theory:

Organizations are ran like a team. Managers are seen as coaches to make worker productivity better. Workers work collaboratively with a group overseer.

Two kinds of break ups:

Passing away and sudden death.

Cognitive complexity:

Paying attention to detail.

Attraction: (Beauty bias and matching norms)

People believe that individuals go for the most beautiful partner, but actually they go for those who are similar.

Native theory:

Personal theories based on everyday experiences, taken for granted, private, and stable.

Psychological traits:

Personality traits.

Stable relationships:

Pet names. Supportive communication climate.


Pictures tied to words.

Progressive and Regressive spirals:

Progressive spiral: Increasingly nicer. Regressive spiral: negativity builds.

Master identities:

Race, ethnicity, gender. Visible, can be made relevant regardless of context.


Rather stable set beliefs.


Reflecting on one's own image/behaviors.


Regulates behavior based on reactions from others in a specific social situation.


Research and surveillance. Connects organization to environment and enable it to gather information.

Shannon & Weaver:

Same as Laswell, but introduced "noise".

Preparing a Speech:

Same as writing an outline for a paper.

Affinity seeking:

Seeking acceptance/the approval of others.

Sick role:

Sickness as an excuse for social obligations.



Episodic memory:

Specific autobiographical memory of events.

Elements of a successful speech:

Strong argument if the audience agrees with your argument.

Westley & Maclean:

Suggested that the communication process begins with receiving a message.

Organizational culture:

Symbols, events, traditions and behavior patterns that characterize and organization.

Broca's area:

Syntax and production.




Things that contradict paradigms.

Interaction appearance theory:

Those who we have positive interactions with, we find more attractive.



Oral presentation prep:

Training, rehearsal, overcome communication apprehension.


Translate to language. (Thumbs up)

Katz & Lazarsfeld:

Two-step flow from mass communication to opinion leaders, then opinion leaders to general public.

Martha and Donny:

Two-way communication.

Scholarly theory:

Unstable theories based on research and experimentation. Validity, reliability, utility.


Use of space.


Use of time.


Use of touch.

Patient-centered care:

Values the patient's experience.


Vocal Behaviors.

List of 3:

We need women's rights, racial equality, and higher wages!

Social identities:

What social group/groups we belong to.


Who, says what, in what channel, to whom, to what effect.

Hawthorne studies:

Workers respond well to attention.


You cannot not communicate.

We are __________ __________ in constructing public speaking context.

active agents

Public speaking is ____________:


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