Geography US & Canada

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All of the following were crops introduced to California between 1881 and 1912 EXCEPT


The primary geographic influences on climate are:

Topography and Latitude

This City has the largest population in Canada?


Which of the following is NOT part of the Northlands region?

Toronto and Ottawa

What regional resources attracted the early settlers to the Bypassed East?

Trees and fish

Nearly 20% of all Americans will change their residence in any given year. True or false?


Regions are either uniform or nodal.


Regions are primarily mental constructs.


Regions can exist at different scales.


The Columbia River, at Grand Coulee northwest of Spokane, was dammed primarily to provide hydroelectric power.


The Department of Defense is the dominant employer in the state of Alaska


The Driftless Area is a portion of southwestern Wisconsin and part of the adjacent Mississippi River that escaped glaciation. True or False?


The Megalopolis contains green spaces like parks or other land available for recreation as well as substantial agricultural areas. True or False?


The United States is the world's leading exporter of coal


The United States is the world's leading exporter of coal.


The people who live in the panhandle of Alaska look to air and sea transportation for connection with the rest of the world


The physical environment is integral to the makeup of all regions. True or False?


The physiographic region MOST affected by glaciation is The Canadian Shield. True or False?


The primary reason for why so many good harbors are located close to one another lies in the Megalopolis' geologic history. True or False?


Topography's effect on precipitation almost disappears east of the Rocky Mountains.


True or False? Places that experience greater seasonal temperature extremes are being affected by continentality.


True or False? Regions are primarily mental constructs.


The Great Lakes are interconnected with only _____significant changes of elevation:


Which state is the LARGEST coal producer in the United States today?


Monument Valley

a region of the Colorado Plateau characterized by a cluster sandstone buttes, including the mitten rocks


a region's distance from the moderating influence of the sea

uniform region

a region/area sharing one or more physical or cultural feature. (formal regions)


a remote and undeveloped area

Palm Springs

a rich resort town in California's desert

sedimentary rock

a rock that forms from compressed or cemented layers of sediment


a seasonal warm wind that blows down the Rockies in late winter and early spring


a sharp mountain ridge

Plural society

a society in which different cultural groupls keep their own identity, beliefs, and traditions

Postindustrial society

a society in which the economic emphasis is on providing services and information

metes and bounds system

a system of land surveying east of the Appalachian Mountains. The system relies on descriptions of land ownership and natural features such as streams or trees.


a tall grass whose seeds are used as grain and to make syrup

karst terrain

a type of topography that is formed on limestone, gypsum, and other soluble rocks, where bedrock dissolution has created underground openings such as caves

Imperial Valley

a valley in the Colorado Desert, extending from southeastern California to Mexico

French and Indian War

a war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by indian tribes)

What people dominant the Northlands?

1) American Indians 2)Métis 3)Inuit 4)Eskimos

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the physical effects on the landscape due to permafrost?

1) Buildings must be placed on piles sunk deeply into the permafrost for stability 2) Roads must be repaired extensively each year 3) Construction needs much attention in order to maintain any resemblance of an even roadbed 4) Most of Alaska is underlain by continuous or discontinuous shifting of surface

Northlands soils are

1) Varied 2) Generally acidic 3) Poorly drained 4) Of low agricultural quality

Which of the following was early French fort that is now an important urban center?

1)Chicago 2)Detroit 3)Pittsburg 4)Sault Sainte Marie

Most of the residents in the agricultural core are descendants of migrants from

1)Germany 2)Scandinavia 3)The Netherlands 4)The British Isles

Wheat was planted by settlers in the early nineteenth century as they moved west because

1)It was a familiar crop to both the producers and the consumers 2)It was a high-value crop with a reliable market demand


A form of government in which a group of states or provinces unite under a single, mutually acceptable sovereign central authority. Canadas cultural and regional diversity.

A lacustrine plain refers to

A former lakebed

The lowlands of Oregon are part of a structural trough that was created at the same time the ______________ were elevated.


To the east of the lowland in the north pacific region is a second north-south trending range of mountains called the:


To the east of the lowland is a second north-south trending range of mountains called the:


For the Europeans, the greatest long-term return on their investments was from

Cash crop farming


Cash crop that made a profit and saved Jamestown

Mexican-American War in 1848

Causes: U.S. desire for land (expansion to Pacific Coast); Mexico refused to recognize annexation of Texas

What two bays were formed from the drowned lower courses of the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers?

Chesapeake and Delaware

Which one of the following is NOT a city that established planning commissions whose jurisdictions extend beyond the geographic limits of each large central city? New York Boston Chicago Baltimore Philadelphia


Examples of cities located near naturally navigable waters are:

Chicago, Milwaukee and Buffalo, Toronto, Cleveland and Philadelphia, New Orleans, Memphis and Montreal, Miami, Mobile, San Diego

The United States is the leading exporter of all of the following EXCEPT: Wheat Corn Coal Rice Cotton


Volcanic mountains in this region are:


The major lumber tree of the Pacific Northwest is:

Douglas Fir

Which of the following regions does NOT extend EAST of the Mississippi River?

Empty Interior

Which of the following regions does NOT extend EAST of the Mississippi River? Megalopolis Appalachia and the Ozarks Empty Interior Changing South Coastal South

Empty Interior

Homestead Act of 1863

Encouraged settlement of the West by giving each settler a quarter section (160 acres of land) for little or no money

Hudson Bay Company

English corporation, formed in 1670, which held a monopoly over trade in the region watered by streams flowing into Hudson Bay in Canada

Today, the majority of Southern whites are of

English, Scottish, or Irish descent

Today, the majority of Southern whites are of:

English, Scottish, or Irish descent

Massive boulders left behind by glaciers are known as:


Prior to 1910, the cities of Megalopolis absorbed large numbers of immigrants from:


Which of the following is NOT true regarding early settlement of the South?

European population densities were quite high compared to the North

With a few exceptions, the entire region receives precipitation

Exceeding 30 inches per year

With a few exceptions, the entire region receives precipitation:

Exceeding 30 inches per year

Which of the following are the offshore banks along the coasts of the Bypassed East best known for?

Excellent fishing

The tallest peak in the eastern United States, Mount Mitchell, is located in Vermont.


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

In Los Angeles, mountain breezes push pollutants out towards the Pacific


In Quebec and small sections of southern Ontario, France granted land to settlers within blocks

Which is NOT true regarding Major Stephen Long's beliefs about the Great Plains?

It contained vast deposits of silve

Coastal locations have smaller temperature ranges than continental interiors because of:

Maritime influence

An increasing proportion of the work force in the cities began to live at distances and in residential densities that made it uneconomical for:

Mass transit

Which of the following is NOT true about the precipitation of the Canadian Core?

Mean annual rainfall is more than 40 inches.

New York City, Boston, and Washington D.C. are considered to be in what type of region?


New York City, Boston, and Washington D.C. are in this region.


Which is of the following has the HIGHEST precipitation totals?


Metallic minerals are MOST often found where this TYPE of rock occurs:


Metallic minerals are MOST often found where this type of rock occur


When the internal structure of previously formed rocks is changed through tremendous pressure and heat:, what is formed?

Metamorphic Rock

When the internal structure of previously formed rocks is changed through tremendous pressure and heat:

Metamorphic rock is formed

Evangelical Protestant religions

Methodist, Episcopal, and mostly Baptists

A statistical unit of one or more counties that focuses on one or more central cities larger than a specified size, or with a population larger than a specified size is a:

Metropolitan Statistical Area

When did Spanish explorers first reach California?


The Hawaiian archipelago is a string of islands and reefs, 3,300 kilometers long, that forms a broad arc in the:

Mid-Pacific Ocean

Which of the following is NOT a primary industry of the Californian megalopolis?

Mineral extraction

All of the following states LOST metropolitan area between 1990 and 2002 EXCEPT


All of the following states LOST metropolitan area between 1990 and 2002 EXCEPT: Alabama Georgia Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky


The Great Valley extends through all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following states is considered completely metropolitan?

New Jersey

Which of the following states is considered completely metropolitan? New York Maryland Delaware Massachusetts New Jersey

New Jersey

After the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848, most Mexicans settled in

New Mexico

European immigrants generally passed through what large Megalopolitan port?

New York

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was founded in:

New York

The Erie Canal was constructed in ________ to permit freight to bypass Lake Ontario:

New York

What state has the worst soil?

New York

The largest concentrations of nonreservation American Indians can be found in:

New York and Los Angeles

Examine the positive aspects of New Orleans' site and situation.

New orleans- louisiana's largest area for growing sugar cane, Located between 2 halves, not as strong in either specialization

Which Manufacturing Core city developed an extremely diversified industrial mix

New york

All of the following are TRUE regarding California's future EXCEPT:

The state has nearly 30 percent of the electoral votes needed to elect the President


The surrounding trade area of an urban area

core area

The territorial nucleus from which a country grows in an area and over time, often containing the national capital and the main center of commerce, culture, and industry.

Doctrine of Prior Appropriation

The theory that whoever begins using the water first, has the right to continue using the water.

. In 1954, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision that did what?

Reversed the separate but equal doctrine thereby helping to end segregation

In 1954, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision that did what?

Reversed the separate but equal doctrine thereby helping to end segregation

Which of the following is NOT part of the major megalopolis formed along the northeastern coast of the United States by the gradual coalescence of large, independent metropolitan areas: New York Philadelphia Baltimore Richmond Boston


Ridge and Valley

Ridges and Valleys; forests and pasture; textile and manufacturing center (carpets)

. Farming was never easy in the Bypassed East primarily due to:

Rocky soils and hilly terrain

"Pittsburgh plus" pricing refers to

Rules that artificially made it cheaper to buy Northern steel than Southern steel

"Pittsburgh plus" pricing refers to:

Rules that artificially made it cheaper to buy Northern steel than Southern steel

By 1740, Vitus Bering had claimed the Alaska coast for:


The capital of California is


What city is considered the Mexican-American Cultural Capital?

San Antonio

A devastating earthquake struck what city in 1906?

San Francisco

Which city benefited MOST from the Gold Rush?

San Francisco

Cumberland Plateau

Sandstone monolith, shallow acid soils

All of the following are cities in the California Central Valley EXCEPT:

Santa Barbara

The drainage basin of the Mississippi River is an example of a:

Single-feature uniform region

The prime motivation for intraurban interaction is the geographic separation of:

Supply and demand

Which of the following is NOT an after-effect of the Civil War that helped cripple the South?

Surplus cotton glutted the market

The Cajun population of southern Louisiana originated in

The Atlantic Provinces of Canada

The Cajun population of southern Louisiana originated in:

The Atlantic Provinces of Canada

Which of the following is the result of the erosion of sedimentary rock in South Dakota?

The Badlands

Karst terrain can be found in

The Bluegrass Basin

Before the 1840s, most European settlers in the South came from:

The British Isles

An important high-volume business enterprise of the early South was:

The Plantation

The physiography of the West is characterized by:

The Rocky Mountains, The Pacific coastland's mountains and valleys, A series of high, heavily disseced plateaus west of the Rockies, North- South trending mountains

America's broad interior plains are nearly enclosed by zones of metallic minerals found mostly in all of the following EXCEPT:

The Sierras

In the United States, the Baptist religion is MOST prevalent in

The South

Which of the following was NOT a factor of Black outmigration away from the South?

The Southern economy did not suffer as a result

San Joaquin Valley

The Southern part of CA's agricultural kingdom. Many Okies and Arkies came here, as it was similar to the Southern plains. Life was hard here.

The most widely accepted soil classification system in the United States was formulated by:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding Hawaii and migration?

The United States became the main source of Hawaii's new residents immediately after World War II

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

The United States imports nearly all its coal

French Fur trappers

The earliest job of the Louisiana settlers

The Atlantic Plain

The east coast of the United States

Most the precipitation in the Agricultural Core falls between

The end of April and the beginning of November

Most the precipitation in the Agricultural Core falls between:

The end of April and the beginning of November

surface mining

The extraction of mineral and energy resources near Earth's surface by first removing the soil, subsoil, and overlying rock strata.

Which group was severely impacted by the Los Angeles Aqueduct?

The farmers of Owens Valley

What has been one of the most fundamental and far-reaching changes in Megalopolis during the last 40 years?

The great areal expansion of major metropolitan areas

What is the major form of manufacturing employment in the Northlands?

The smelting and refining of ores

The altitude above which trees, given sufficient moisture, will NOT grow, is called:

The treeline

As settlement density and economic activity on the interior plains increased, large amounts of the goods produced were carried to:

The urban core

Which statement is TRUE regarding sections of the terrain in the Empty Interior?

They have some of the most rugged terrain in the United States

Which is NOT true about the Atlantic Provinces?

They have the highest per capita income in Canada

What are some of the repercussions of urban sprawl?

They lose the population and less goods and services. Gentrification

Which of the following is NOT true about the Green Mountains of Vermont

They peak at 6200 feet

The LARGESTof the Pleistocene Lakes is

Lake Agassiz

The largest lake in the Empty Interior during the Pleistocene was

Lake Bonneville

Which of the following regions is a major milk shed?

Lake Champlain Lowlands

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

- 1965 - Its primary thrust is to improve highways in Appalachia in the hope that this will decrease isolation and encourage manufacturers to locate in the region.

Arkansas River Navigation System

- 1971 - three-meter navigation canal up the Arkansas River from its confluence with the Mississippi River to Catoosa, Oklahoma, just downstream from Tulsa - increase in barge, hydroelectric power

Metropolitan Water District

- Los Angeles and 10 other southern California cities - develop an adequate water supply for their area.

significant attributes of Pittsburgh's site and situation

- Steel - River junction: two rivers: Allegheny and monongahela river - raw materials - down river market

Center pivot irrigation system

- big sprinkler that rotates

Mennonite immigrants

- brought hard winter wheat from russia

Earthquake laws

- building laws to protect people from building collapse

major production

- corn - soybeans - meat

Old-Timey music

- folk - a combination of fiddle and plucked string instruments

Lake Agassiz Basin

- grows barley - formerly occupied by the largest of the Pleistocene lakes, - flat - valley of the Red River of the North in North Dakota and Minnesota

distinctiveness of the Southern Coastlands

- it has a humid, subtropical environment - generating U.S. trade patterns with the rest of the world and its distinctive industrial pattern

the positive aspects of New Orleans' site and situation

- louisiana's largest area for growing sugar cane, Located between 2 halves, not as strong in either specialization

population predominately anglo

- main way of life since no war

sig of "transportation shadow" in the bypassed East

- ocean trans can bypass - no identity -

rural landscape in the region

- open landscape with small towns

Nonbasic employment

- refers to all activities that produce goods and services for the local economy - this type of employment circulates money that is already in the local market and is also known as service employment Ex. School teacher

manufacturing limited in NEW England

- small local market and relative isolation - lack of trade over boarder - NE is independent

increase in soybean production

- soybeans act as a soil reconditioner by increasing the nitrogen content - can grow them anywhere in the east - lots of uses

physical geographical factors of agricultural core in North America

- wide range in its temperatures - topographic relief is properly moderate - fertile soil -

Higher elevations are cooler that lower elevations by:

-6.5 degrees Celsius per kilometer -3.5 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 feet

Los Angeles Aqueduct

-Brought water from Owens River to Los Angeles -William Mulholland spearheaded the controversial project -Negative impact on Owens Valley and Mono Lake

The only extensive lowlands near the Pacific Coast are located in:

-California's Central Valley -Oregon's Williamette Valley -Washington's and British Columbia's Puget Sound Lowland

In the United States and Canada, a place's settlement date can be predicted by knowing

-Its distance from the East coast -The country's pace of settlement

A city's site relates to:

-Its soil characteristics -Its terrain -Its topography -Its access to water transportation

Cities are located where they are as a result of:

-Land and water connections -Major transportation routes -Economic advantages -Security concerns

The Interior Lowland region is:

-Much hillier than the coastal plains -Underlain by hard sedimentary rock

What are the differences between Rural and Urban environments?

-Rural life can more demanding but slower paced -Urban life offers more concentrated economic opportunities -Rural economic activities are more extractive -Rural areas focus on a limited number of supply centers

Water shortages exist in the western third of the United States because:

-The region is arid -There are inadequate supplies

California's Gold Rush

-a rush of settlers to California after gold was found -population of California rises to the amount required for statehood

major areas of mineral production in the Bypassed East

-building stone- igneous & metamorphic in northern New England - granite- central Vermont and central coast of Maine. - marble- Vermont

All of the following are correct regarding permafrost EXCEPT

1) It is a subsurface layer of permanently frozen ground 2)It commonly has a depth of 100 meters 3) During summer, it usually thaws down to a depth of 1 meter 4) It is discontinuous in warmer areas

Which of the following is a type of tundra vegetation?

1) Lichens 2)Grasses 3)Mosses 4) Shrubs

The taiga forest mostly consists of

1) Spruces 2) Firs 3) Pines 4) Tamaracks

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Northland precipitation?

1) The cold air of the region holds little moisture 2)The ocean supplies very little moisture through evaporation 3)The northern Arctic Islands are the most arid parts of Canada and the U.S. 4) The Northland's snowfall range is about 50 inches

Which is TRUE about San Francisco's metropolitan area?

1)It was the northern core of the Spanish interest in California 2)It was the supply center for the Gold Rush 3)It was the largest city on the West Coast until 1920 4) It was a focal point for Asian immigration to the United States

All of the following attract people to live in Southern California EXCEPT

1)Mountains 2)Seashore 3)The mild climate 4)The outdoor image

In Peoria, Illinois, near the center of the region

1)The average temperature in January is 25? F 2)The average temperature in July is 76? F

By the last few years before World War I, the number of immigrants into the United States each year was approximately:


In 2012, more than 23% of the U.S. population lived in just __________.

10 of the largest urban areas

In 2012, more than 23% of the U.S. population lived in just __________. -10 of the largest urban areas -15 of the largest urban areas -20 of the largest urban areas -25 of the largest urban areas -30 of the largest urban areas

10 of the largest urban areas

Approximately what percentage of northern New England land is used for farming today?


Hawaii's eight main islands contain almost _________ percent of the state's land area and all but a handful of its people:


All of the region receives substantial and evenly distributed precipitation at what amounts

100 to 150 centimeters

Native Americans settled the continent at least

12,000 years ago

Native Americans settled the continent at least

12,000year ago

The frost-free period is roughly__________ days at the southern margins of the area but little more than ________ days near the Arctic Ocean

135; 14

48. The frost-free period is roughly__________ days at the southern margins of the area but little more than ________ days near the Arctic Ocean


Oregon's Williamette Valley

150-mile long valley in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States

Tobacco was grown in the South as early as


The first African slaves arrived in the South around


Most American Indians were removed from the South by the


California's Gold Rush began in


California gained statehood in:


Most of the Great Plains of the United States was settled by non-native-Americans between

1860 - 1890

Reconstruction in the South took place from


When was barbed wire invented?


The Metropolitan Water District was created in the


Colorado River Compact

1922 agreement among seven U.S. states in the basin of the Colorado River in the American Southwest governing the allocation of the water rights to the river's water among the parties of the interstate compact.

Pulp and paper industries emerged in the South during the


In what period did people began to leave the largest metropolitan regions in greater numbers than those who moved in the regions?


The United States' population center crossed the Mississippi for the first time in:


As the state's economy changed and the Panhandle languished which city became Alaska's population leader?


Historically, there are how many years between drought occurrences on the Great Plains?


By most estimates, the number of people taken from Africa during the slave trade was approximately:

20 million

In 1790, Americans of African origin represented what percentage of the total population:


On average, what percentage of Americans change residences in any given year?


The percentage of United States residents that move each year is nearly:


The original Hispanic population greatly increased by substantial immigration during the:

20th century

In 2014, the United States and Canada accounted for about ________ of the world's daily oil consumption.


A map scale ratio of 1:2400 will mean that 1 inch on the map will equal

2400 inches on the ground

A map scale ratio of 1:2400 will mean that 1 inch on the map will equal: 2.400 feet on the ground 2400 feet on the ground 2400 inches on the ground 2400 miles on the ground All of the above are correct

2400 inches on the ground

Theodore Roosevelt

26th President of the United States

Less than _____ percent of the American population lives in the Pacific Northwest


Less than _____ percent of the American population lives in the Pacific Northwest:


About how many Americans operated farms in 2002?

3 Million

pittsburgh significance

3 rivers meet

Locations in the Southern Coastlands east of Houston generally receive rain each year in the amount of

50 or more inches

metamorphic rock

3.6 billion years old, arises from transformations of existing rocks

Sidewalk farmer

A farmer who lives in an urban area and makes frequent trips to the farm to tend the crops

The approximate height of mountains in the Coast Ranges is

3000-5000 feet

By the time of the first census in 1790, Blacks comprised nearly ________ of the population of Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia.


The growing season in the Agricultural Core regularly extends across:

4 to 5 months

The ocean floor in this area is about how many meters BELOW sea level?


U.S. Forest Service,

A federal agency that manages public lands in national forests and grassland

About what percentage of the American population resides in Metropolitan Statistics Areas with 1 million or more people?


About what percentage of the American population resides in Metropolitan Statistics Areas with 1 million or more people? 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%


By the last few years before World War I, the number of immigrants into Canada each year was approximately:


he continental shelf of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain extends seaward for:



Capital of Canada


Capital of Manitoba

What percentage of central Los Angeles land-use is either road or parking?


Higher elevations are cooler that lower elevations by

6.5 degrees Celsius per kilometer, 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 ft

The percentage of direct investment to Canada from the United States in 2006 was about:


Arctic Circle

66.5 degrees North

How many states use water from the Colorado River Basin?


Southern sections of the region receive around__________ daylight hours during the winter


About what percentage of the American population resides in an urban area?


What percentage of precipitation in California is consumed by farms and cities in southern California?


What percentage of precipitation in California is consumed by farms and cities in southern California?


The percentage of Canadians living within 150 kilometers (95 miles) of their southern border is approximately:


Which of the following is NOT true regarding Northland precipitation?

All of the above are correct

What percentage of Nevada's land is managed by the U.S. government?


About what percentage of the population of the United States were farmers in 2002?

< 1%


A Native American tribe in the southwest who were farmers, lived in pueblos, and were excellent builders and potters. Descendants of the Anasazi.


A Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings

Erie Canal

A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, completed in 1825. The canal, considered a marvel of the modern world at the time, allowed western farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in the North and allowed northern manufacturers to ship finished goods to sell in the West.

One of the most important site characteristics of Megalopolitan growth was:

A coastline of abundant indentations

Which one of the following is NOT one of the significant aspects of the Megalopolis

A common mix of economic qualities

Which one of the following is NOT one of the significant aspects of the Megalopolis: -Merging cities with dense populations -A common mix of economic qualities -High amounts of transportation and communication activities -Export trade that passes through the region's six main ports -All of the above are significant aspects of the Megalopolis

A common mix of economic qualities

In geographical terminology, the Agricultural Core has

A continental climate

Glen Canyon Dam

A dam on the Colorado River at Page, Arizona. The dam has been controversial since its inception, because it caused the flooding of Glen Canyon to create a man-made reservoir, Lake Powell.

sink hole

A depression created at Earth's surface when an underground cavern collapses.

Coast Ranges

A group of mountains, lying along the Pacific Ocean and stretching from Alaska to California.

Canadian shield

A huge, rocky region that curves around Hudson Bay like a giant horseshoe. The Shield covers half the land area of Canada.

The Southern Coastlands' climate is best described as

A humid, subtropical place

The characteristics of the Interior Lowland region have influenced the economic and settlement history of the United States because

A large portion of this region has vast agricultural potential

Land Ordinance of 1785

A law that divided much of the United States into a system of townships to facilitate the sale of land to settlers.

Ring of fire

A major belt of volcanoes that rims the Pacific Ocean

San Andreas fault

A major geological fault in California. Sliding Boundary


A mining town that was established due to deep deposits of lead, it is considered one of the richest strikes.

fault block mountains

A mountain formed by blocks of rock uplifted from normal faults.


A plant used to make valuable blue dye

A fault block is

A portion of the crust that has tilted upward


A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class owner-occupied area.

The Wilderness Road

A road that traveled westward over the Appalachian Mountains into Kentucky

Which of the following is true about precipitation in the Pacific Northwest?

All of the above are correct

A nodal region is characterized by

A set of places connected by the same function purpose

A nodal region is characterized by

A set of places connected by the same functional purpose

A nodal region is characterized by:

A set of places connected by the same functional purpose


A solid, energy-rich organic material similar to bitumen.

Temperature inversions

A stable layer of warm air overlying cooler air, trapping pollutants near ground level.


A structure that carries water over long distances

Solid South

A term used to describe the tendency of the southern states to vote Democratic after the Civil War.

Plate tectonics

A theory stating that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move.

Anthracite coal

A type of coal, noted for being hard and clean burning.

Which of the following is NOT a nonbasic economic activity?

A university

Which of the following is NOT a nonbasic economic activity? A restaurant A university A beauty salon A hardware store A carwash

A university

Gulf Stream

A warm ocean current of the northern Atlantic Ocean off eastern North America.

The Wyoming Basin is best described as

A western peninsula of the Great Plains

All of the following are correct regarding permafrost EXCEPT:

All of the above are correct regarding permafrost

How many people does the Metropolitan Water District serve?

About 18 million


Above ground houses made of a heavy clay called adobe.

Changes in elevation between the Piedmont region and the Appalachians is usually:

Abrupt and substantial

How can you explain the tremendous ethnic diversity found in the major manufacturing cities of the core?

Accessibility resources, goods and services. Where things are located

tremendous ethnic diversity found in the major manufacturing cities of the core

Accessibility resources, goods and services. Where things are located

What are the major components of "Southern culture

Agrarian, Strong rural provincialism, lack of influence from non British sources

Which region does NOT include part of California?

Agricultural Core

Which region does NOT include part of California? California Agricultural Core Southwest Border Area North Pacific Coast Empty Interior

Agricultural Core

Has government intervention served to stimulate the South's economy? Explain the initiatives and their impacts.

Agricultural adjustments act- adjusted wages and prices Brown Vs Board of education- ruled that segregations of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment. (abolished separate but equal doctrine)

The Willamette Valley is the region's largest

Agricultural area

The greatest demand for water in California is from


The greatest demand for water in California is from:


In Canada, the only substantial north-south highway runs along the western edge of


The two major soil types found in the agricultural core are

Alfisols and Mollisols

Three of the more productive soils ar

Alfisols, utlisols, mollisols

Three of the more productive soils are:

Alfisols, utlisols, mollisols

All of the following might be considered PULL factors EXCEPT: Better employment opportunities elsewhere Closer proximity to loved ones Schools have higher rates of graduation Less commuting distance

All are examples of Pull factors

What people dominant the Northlands?

All of the Above

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the physical effects on the landscape due to permafrost?

All of the Above permafrost

Examples of cities located near naturally navigable waters are: a. Chicago, Milwaukee and Buffalo b. Toronto, Cleveland and Philadelphia c. New Orleans, Memphis and Montreal d. Miami, Mobile, San Diego e. All of the above

All of the above

Exurbia refers to: A zone that is further out than many suburbs Areas of converted vacation homes Rural estates Areas containing longer-distance commuters and people who are able to work from home All of the above

All of the above

Greater opportunity for access to water transportation in Megalopolis could be attributed to: An interpenetrated coastline Bays and river estuaries that penetrate the landmass Peninsulas that jut into the Atlantic Ocean Islands that are scattered along the coast All of the above

All of the above

In North America the primary deposits of metallic ores are located in: a.The Canadian Shield b. Portions of the Appalachian Highlands c. The eastern Piedmont of the Appalachian Highlands d. Sections of the western mountains e. All of the above

All of the above

Northlands soils are:

All of the above

Service activities, wholesale and retail businesses, centers of information and control all grew and supported further urban expansion, with the greatest growth occurring in: New York Philadelphia Boston Baltimore All of the above

All of the above

The Land Ordinance of 1785 established:

All of the above

The physiography of the West is characterized by: -The Rocky Mountains on the east -The Pacific coastlands' mountains and valleys -A series of high, heavily dissected plateaus west of the Rockies -North-South trending mountains -All of the above

All of the above

The spread of urban population far beyond city limits also had a strong impact on rural activities in Megalopolis such as: -A greater number of people having to be fed by foodstuffs shipped in from rural areas -Tens of millions of people in urban Megalopolis began consuming agricultural products from across America and beyond -Table crops such as tomatoes, lettuce and apples came to dominate farm production in sections of rural Megalopolis -The production of dairy products increased -All of the above

All of the above

Urban forms are manifested by: Dense patterns of streets and buildings Industrial centers Retail clusters and wholesale clusters Governmental complexes All of the above

All of the above

What occurs wherever rivers flow off the Piedmont? A series of rapids form A series of small waterfalls are formed along a line tracing the physiographic boundary A boundary known as the fall line is formed A source of water power is created All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are present in the metropolitan areas of Megalopolis? Crowded housing Industrial plants Theaters Dilapidated structures All of the above

All of the above

Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of the fall line? Water power Access to ocean shipping It was advantageous to the transfer of goods brought in or going out Settlements were able to develop because of ocean access All of the above are benefits of the fall line

All of the above are benefits of the fall line

Most American Indians are found in the major reservation areas, especially those in

All of the above are correc

What minimized Spanish concern for their northern territory?

All of the above are correct

An important element of its regional character is the North Pacific Coast's relative _____________from the rest of America.

All of the above are important elements

The region's average growing season is longer than 280 days and supports such crops as

All of the above are supported in this region

Which is TRUE about San Francisco's metropolitan area?

All of the above are true

Which is TRUE about the Bay Area Rapid Transit system?

All of the above are true

Which of the following is NOT true of Portland

All of the above are true

Which of the following is a type of tundra vegetation?

All of the above are types of tundra vegetation

The Southwest is made distinctive by the

All of the above contribute to its distinctiveness

All of the following are TRUE regarding the Border Industrialization Program EXCEPT

All of the above statements are correct

Which of the following did NOT facilitate the settlement of the South?

All the above contributed to the settlement of the South

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the metropolitan areas of Boston, Miami, and Vancouver?

All three grew to city size in the same historical period

The term 'fallow' refers to

Allowing the land to rest for a year under a recuperative grass

The term 'fallow' refers to:

Allowing the land to rest for a year under a recuperative grass

Proposition 13

Also known as the "tax revolt", it was a Californian ballot measure in 1978 that slashed property taxes and forced deep cuts in government services.

What is the technique often used by prairie farmers to preserve water?

Alternating rows of wheat with fallow rows

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the 'Black Codes'?

Although sharecroppers, most Blacks owned the land they farmed

Regional boundaries are

Always changing over time

Regional boundaries are: Static Well-defined Easy to map Always changing over time Differentiate between sudden changes in cultural traits

Always changing over time

Nodal region

An area organized around a node or focal point

A narrow, jagged ridge line with small peaks created when two glaciers form in parallel valleys is called

An arête

Golden Horseshoe

An industrial district in Canada extending from Toronto to Hamilton, on the western end of Lake Ontario.

Riparian Rights

An owner's rights in land that borders on or includes a stream, river, or lake. These rights include access to and use of the water.

What are the major areas and agricultural products of the Bypassed East?

Annapolis River valley: apples, St. John- Aroostook Valley: potatoes, Lake Champlain Lowland: Milk shed: supplies milk to a metropolitan area for northern megalopolis. Prince Edward Island: Seed potatoes

What is the ethnic heritage of Appalachia and the Ozarks?

Appalachia: Germans, Scots, Irish, Catholic and Orthodox Ozarks: native americans??

ethnic heritage of Appalachia and the Ozarks

Appalachia: Germans, Scots, Irish, Catholic and Orthodox Ozarks: of English, Scots-Irish, and German descent,some Native American

The Interior Lowland is bound on the east by the


The Interior Lowland is bound on the east by the:

Appalachian Mountains

Blue Ridge

Appalachian Mtns; highest precipitation; clay and sandy soil; northeast Georgia

The Annapolis Valley is known to be Canada's center for production of


What is the average annual precipitation for the north coast of California?

Approximately 80 inches

Everywhere north of the ____________ is in darkness for at least one day at midwinter and experiences at least a 24-hour period without the sun setting at midsummer.

Arctic Circle

Places that experience greater seasonal temperature extremes

Are being affected by continentality

St. John

Area ideal for potato growth, widely sought seed potato production

Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain

Area of initial settlement, drowned river valleys, bays, swamps, barrier islands

In the postindustrial age, more employment opportunities exist in:

Areas with greater amenities like the California Region

In the postindustrial age, more employment opportunities exist in: -Areas with greater amenities like the California Region -Urban areas in the Manufacturing Core region -Agricultural areas like the Agricultural Core Region -Great population centers like the Megalopolis -Rural areas like the Appalachia Region

Areas with greater amenities like the California Region

Four extensive but generally unproductive soils are

Aridisols, Spodosols, tundra soils, highland soils

Four extensive but generally unproductive soils are:

Aridisols, spodosols, tundra soils, highland soils

This state has attracted the aircraft industry and the corporate offices of a number of other major corporations:


Santa Fe

Capital of New Mexico

It is evident that manufacturing is an important economic activity in the United States through:

Articles of clothing, Items of preserved food, Residential structures, Means of transport and communication

In the decades between 1970 and 1990 the principal sources for immigrants into Canada were:

Asia and Europe

Flour milling sites sprang up

At points of embarkation, like Cincinnati

Coca-Cola and CNN are headquartered in:


A city that is an exception to water orientation is:

Atlanta Denver Calgary Dallas-Fort Worth

Bay Area Rapid Transit


The PRIMARY crop in Alberta is


Economic activities that bring income to a region from outside are called:



Bay Area Rapid Transit

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Honolulu:

Because of its size, living costs are about 20 percent below the national average

The Ogallala aquifer is

Being depleted

Washington, DC

Capital of the United States

All of the following might be considered PULL factors EXCEPT

Better employment opportunities elsewhere Closer proximity to loved ones Schools have higher rates of graduation Less commuting distance Correct Response All are examples of PULL factors

About 40 percent of Florida's citrus groves are found:

Between Tampa and Orlando

The largest human-made excavation is in

Bingham Canyon

All of the following are economic drivers in the Empty Interior EXCEPT

Biomedical research

What type of coal is MOST common in the Appalachians?


Immigration from China was:

Blocked by the United States after 1881 and by Canada in 1923

What are the three major physiographic provinces in Appalachia?

Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Great Valley

three major physiographic provinces in Appalachia? What are the criteria for this regional scheme?

Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Great Valley

The coniferous forest unique to the northlands region is called a:

Boreal forest

What major Manufacturing Core city changed to manufacturing electronic components and machinery?


Wheat was planted by settlers in the early nineteenth century as they moved west because:

Both B and C (It was a familiar crop to both the producers and the consumers, It was a high-value crop with a reliable market demand)

Between 1900 and 1997, the Midwest census showed:

Both B and D

Stonewall Jackson

Brave commander of the Confederate Army that led troops at Bull Run. He died in the confusion at the Battle of Chancellorsville.

Shenandoah Valley

Breadbasket of Virginia (hay, corn, apples)

Goods and people transfer from one transportation mode to another transportation mode at locations referred to as:

Break-in-Bulk Points

Which of the following terms best describes places where vessels were unloaded and their goods moved and reloaded onto other boats along the Northland waterway transportation network?

Break-in-bulk points

Which group led to arrival of Europeans in Ontario?

British Loyalist forced out of the United States after the Revolution.

Lower Canada

British colony "down" the St. Lawrence, mostly French speaking

In general terms, the topography of North America consists of:

Broad lowland plains East coast mountainous zones West coast mountainous zones

In general terms, the topography of North America consists of

Broad lowland plains, East coast mountainous zones, West coast mountainous zones

The primary role of the Appalachian Regional Commission was to:

Build roads and improve highways

This government agency controls the MOST land in the Empty Interior:

Bureau of Land Management

Crazy Horse monument

But Crazy Horse descendants feel the chief didn't have the right to ask that such a thing be done. Elaine Quiver, a descendant of Crazy Horse, told Voice of America in 2003 that Lakota culture requires consensus among family members, but nobody asked his descendants.

Bituminous coal

Coke for steel making and power plants

The MOST populous city of the Canadian prairies is


All of the following are TRUE regarding the automobile landscape in California EXCEPT:

California spends more per capita on highway construction than any other state

cultural dualism that exists between Quebec and Ontario

Canada would lose the population and services Quebec: French, close to st Lawrence river, so has more access Ontario: British providence

The linear population distribution along Canada's southern border is partially a result of

Canadian policies using settlement as insurance against United States expansion

The linear population distribution along Canada's southern border is partially a result of:

Canadian policies using settlement as insurance against United States expansion

Settlement moved onto the interior grasslands more rapidly in the United States than in Canada for all of the following EXCEPT: -The Mississippi River and its tributaries offered easy routes -The Great Lakes presented a barrier to movement west in Canada -American settlers found excellent agricultural land well into the Great Plains -As they moved west, Canadian settlers found the land to be worthless for agriculture -Canadians moved south into the United States Great Plains

Canadians moved south into the United States Great Plains

Prince Edward Island


In 1540, what did Francisco Vázquez de Coronado search for in what is now part of Kansas?

Cities of gold

fall line cities

Cities on the east coast located on a geographic boundary where the Piedmont meets the Atlantic Coast.

fall-line cities

Cities on the east coast located on a geographic boundary where the Piedmont meets the Atlantic Coast.

The region's MOST important specialty crops are:

Citrus fruits, rice, and sugarcane

Köppen is associated with:


What factor minimizes the moderating effect of the Arctic Ocean on the Northlands?



Climatologists use a classification system devolved in 1918 by

Climax vegetation can be found:

Climax vegetation probably never existed

Which was NOT a staple of the early economy in Canada?


Largely ignored by 19th century Anglo settlers, the Navajo reservation lands are now highly valued because of their

Coal deposits

The region's major population clusters are i

Coastal Harbors and The Triassic Lowlands

Soils properties include

Color and Tecture

Soils properties include:

Color and Texture

Four Corners area

Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico

Inshore fishing

Commercial fishing carried out close to shore in small, independently owned boats

Ninety years ago, the central business districts of all large cities were crowded with spiderweb networks of telephone lines, testifying to the intensity of:

Communication demands

In the 1980s U.S. farmers cut back on soybean production because:

Competition from foreign countries increased

Welland Canal

Connects all the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean; part of the St. Lawrence Seaway

In terms of economic benefit, what is the most important mining resource in the Empty Interior?


By the 1830s the settlers in the agricultural core had switched crops and started planting a variety of:


Texas Triangle

Corpus Christi, Houston, San Antonio

Over time, the biggest revenue-generating crop grown in the South was


Over time, the dominant revenue-generating crop grown in the South was:


The United States is the leading exporter of all of the following EXCEPT:


National Reclamation Act of 1902

Created to plan and develop irrigation projects

What are the site and situational characteristics of Canada's core region

Culture, health, political focus.

What are the site and situational characteristics of Canada's core region?

Culture, health, political focus.

site and situational characteristics of Canada's core

Culture, health, political focus.

Pennsylvania Valleys

Dairy, apples

The Cumberland Gap

Daniel Boone used this route (GAP) through the Appalachian Mountains, becomes Wilderness Road

Urban forms are manifested by

Dense patterns of streets and buildings, Industrial centers, Retail clusters and wholesale clusters, Governmental complexes


Des Moines

What was the name of the new country early Mormons sought to create


The city that derives its name from the French word for "the narrows" is


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA

Developed the resources of the Tennessee Valley

One way farmers adapt their practices to the flat terrain of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains is by:

Digging deep drainage ditches around fields

Given the disadvantageous nature of its site, how did Chicago emerge as the dominant city of the interior manufacturing core?

Disadvantages: bad water, swampy, fire. It emerged:people of south and west, the ports and transfer of goods and services

chicagos dominance

Disadvantages: bad water, swampy, fire. It emerged:people of south and west, the ports and transfer of goods and services


Distance north or south of the equator

The Manufacturing Core rose to prominence:

During the 1870s

Which state in the Bypassed East has the HIGHEST per capita income?

New Hampshire

Topography's effect on precipitation almost disappears where?

East of the Rocky Mountains

Mohawk Corridor

East-west travel between the northeastern seaboard and the Great Lakes area

The cattle-grazing industry that the Spanish introduced into Texas was ill-suited to the moist, forested lands of the ___________portion of the state.


Describe the conflicts that arise between the types of development in the eastern half of the region compared to the western half.

Eastern half: emphasizes environmental attractions, and Miami: recreation and travel, Cuban americans- links to latin America Western half: resources, manufacturing, trade, Houston.

development conflict in the eastern half of the region compared to the western half.

Eastern half: emphasizes environmental attractions, and Miami: recreation and travel, Cuban americans- links to latin America Western half: resources, manufacturing, trade, Houston.

North America's ethnic mosaic was a result of:

Economic Opportunity

How did the early plantation economy impact on the spatial organization of the South?

Economic activities??

North America's ethnic mosaic was a result of

Economic opportunity

Which statement is TRUE regarding urbanization in the Appalachian region?

Excepting West Virginia, every capital and major urban center lies outside of the region

Push factors

Factors that induce people to leave old residences.

pull factors

Factors that induce people to move to a new location.

When is winter wheat planted?


A large-scale map will show a large area.


A nodal region is characterized by a uniform set of features.


A uniform region is also called functional region.


Air arriving from the arid southwest usually carries MORE moisture across the Great Plains


Alaska has NO metropolitan areas.


Alaska has NO metropolitan areas. True or False?


Alaska has an economy of low prices resulting from its use of its own natural resources


Although Great Plains agriculture is large-scale, mechanization is rare and much of the work is still done by laborers


Forestry did not become nationally important until well into the 20th century when improved transportation facilities and the destructive overcutting of many eastern forests opened the region's woods to lumbering


Higher elevations are warmer than lower elevations by 6.5 degrees Celsius per kilometer.


Multifeature uniform regions are specific and frequently objective.


Multifeature uniform regions are specific and frequently objective. True or False?


Native Americans no longer live in the Great Plains


Only about 5 million Americans operated farms in 2002


Plucking rocks are massive boulders left behind by glaciers.


Proximity to the ocean always equals access to oceanic travel. True or False?


Regional boundaries are quite well-defined.


The High Plains is considered to be the smallest section of the Great Plains


The Yukon Delta is part of the National Park System


The rural Southern United States has very little poverty.


The rural Southern United States has very little poverty. True or False?


The type of rock that forms when small solid particles settle gradually in stationary or almost stationary water and are compressed over a long period of time is known as metamorphic rocks. True or False


True or false? Only about 5 million Americans operated farms in 2002.


Wind and temperature are the MOST important components of climate. True or False?


In the United States and Canada the major topographic features extend east-west across the continent.

False. (North/South)

All of the following are TRUE about water use in California EXCEPT

Farmers are unable to keep up with the costs of irrigation projects

The Columbia Plateau is a substantial

Farming area


First permanent French settlement in North America, founded by Samuel de Champlain


Fishing, skiing, canoeing, and just driving around

Florida Keys




Which of the following agriculture products does the Lompoc valley primarily produce?


James River

Flows into the Chesapeake Bay; Richmond and Jamestown located along the James River

Tennessee valley

Fodder crops, livestock

Which is TRUE about the climate of the Bypassed East

Fog and clouds are common

What has long been a major economic mainstay of the north pacific region?

Forest products

Vegetation regions include:

Forest, Grasslands, Scrublands


French Acadians who were sent to Louisiana by the British.

Jacques Cartier

French explorer who explored the St. Lawrence river and laid claim to the region for France (1491-1557) Reached Montreal island

Gold and silver deposits can be found:

From south of the Mexican border to central Alaska

Since a variety of activities are carried on in a city, interaction is stimulated between or within zones of the same _________


During which early trading period did the Métis appear in the Northlands?


Agricultural Adjustment Acts

Gave farmers money to reduce crop size to reduce production and bring up the value of crops

Which of the following is the main factor contributing to the poor economic opportunities in the Appalachians?

Geographic isolation and limited access to/from the region

The Interior Plains

Geographic region in the United States composed of flat lands

The mix of rocks and soil dropped by glaciers is known as:

Glacial Till

The unimpressive landscape of the agricultural core is a result of


Which one of the following does NOT explain how Long Island has enhanced the quality of New York's harbor? -The length of coastline available for port facilities, already significant along the Hudson River, was increased considerably -When an urban area grows around a large, fully developed harbor, the growth creates a demand for more space -Good land to accommodate the New York area's urban growth was not restricted to the west of the Hudson River in New Jersey by tidal marshes and the erosion-resistant ridge of the Palisades -Long Island had good harbors that lent themselves to expansion -All of the above

Good land to accommodate the New York area's urban growth was not restricted to the west of the Hudson River in New Jersey by tidal marshes and the erosion-resistant ridge of the Palisades

The region occupying most of the center of the United States is

Great Pains and Prairies

The region occupying most of the center of the United States is:

Great Pains and Prairies

The region showing the greatest negative population change is the:

Great Plains and Prairies

All of the following are TRUE about ethnic diversity in Los Angeles EXCEPT:

Greater Los Angeles has the largest Chinese population outside China


Group that settled the frontier, made whiskey, and hated the British and other governmental authorities

Nova Scotia


Which of the following is the Bypassed East's largest city?

Halifax and Nova Scotia

The LARGEST and SMALLEST of the main eight islands are

Hawaii and Kahoolawe

Extreme variations in precipitation from one Hawaiian location to another are caused by:

Hawaii's unique topography

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT

In Los Angeles, mountain breezes push pollutants out towards the Pacific

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Northlands region?

High amounts of precipitation

Mining has all of the following impacts on the Appalachian region EXCEPT

High profits from taxes of local economies

All of the following might be considered PUSH characteristics EXCEPT:

Higher wages elsewhere

All of the following might be considered PUSH characteristics EXCEPT: Higher wages elsewhere Religious intolerance War High crime rates Ethnic discrimination

Higher wages elsewhere

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Northland's region?

Highest precipitation levels occur in the far southeast part of the region

Which of the following is NOT true about John Borchert?

His model for metropolitan growth was called the concentric zone model

Layers within soil are known as:


Great Lakes

Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

The Southern Coastlands are the region where:

Hurricanes concentrate

Stock-car racing

I am the official state sport. Fans come watch at the track or speedway.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, cheap transportation was of critical importance to those moving iron ore to the coal fields in:

Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia

Which of the following is NOT true about the European immigration patterns to North America: -Nearly all French migration to Canada occurred in the seventeenth century -In 1790 two-thirds of the white United States population was ethnically British -Immigration to North America increased rapidly between 1760 and 1815 -The number of French in Canada increased hundreds of times over in last 300 years -Germans and Dutch made up a significant portion of the immigrants in 1790

Immigration to North America increased rapidly between 1760 and 1815

Salton Sea

Imperial Valley water flow from Colorado River, tried to increase water flow and the flood created the

Shenandoah Valley

Important source of Confederate supplies and key victory for Union; breadbasket of Virginia

The development of sugar plantations created a need for

Imported Labor

site and situation factors

In terms of production, these refer to factors like labor cost, distance to markets, and labor laws. They help influence where industries locate.

The Grand Canyon is located:

In the Colorado plateau

Metropolitan Statistical Area

In the US, a central city of at least 50,000 population, the county within which the city is located, the adjacent counties meeting one of the several tests indicating a functional connection to the central city

major identifying regional features are found

In the core of a multifeatured uniform region:

Quaternary occupations are in the field of:

Information and data manipulation

Port Royal

Inland river territory, scene of fierce competition between the French and land-speculating English colonists

Lake Bonneville

Inland sea left by melting glaciers whose remnant is the Great Salt Lake

Jim Crow laws

Institutionalized racial segregation

Borchert's Third Epoch was stimulated by the development of steel, which replaced

Iron rails

The Winter Garden area of the lower Rio Grande Valley is a major area of

Irrigated agriculture

The Great Salt Lake

Is saltier than the oceans

As a result of the massive weight of vast ice sheets covering much of the Shield over the last 1 million years this region:

Is slowly increasing in elevation

The core of a multifeatured uniform region:

Is where the major identifying regional features are found

All of the following are TRUE about the California megalopolis EXCEPT:

It began its urban shift just after World War II

All of the following are advantages to growing corn EXCEPT:

It can be grown year after year on the same land

Which of the following is NOT true about the great Arctic ice pack?

It holds less fresh water then all the world lakes.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding plantation agriculture?

It increased voluntary immigration to the South

What is TRUE about the 'Extraterrestrial Highway' in the Empty Interior?

It is known for its sparse human impact

Which statement is TRUE about location of the Canadian National core?

It is located at the far east of the center of the country

Which is NOT true about Northern Appalachia?

It is much less developed than Southern Appalachia

Which statement is TRUE regarding the precipitation in the western portion of the Great Plains?

It is often lighter than other parts of the region

Which statement is TRUE about Proposition 13?

It limits property taxes and limits a county's ability to raise revenue

All of the following are TRUE about the California Aqueduct EXCEPT:

It originates at the Delta-Mendota canal

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Salton Sea?

It provides irrigation water for the Imperial Valley

Which best describes the Big Thompson River project?

It supplied water down the western slope of the Rockies Front Range

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the Southern steel industry?

It was aided by corporate manipulation of the market

The reasons why any city grew where it did are often divided in aspects of:

Its site and situation

A city's site relates to

Its soil characteristics, Its terrain, Its topography, Its access to water transportation

The Napa Valley is noted for

Its vineyards

quaternary sector

Jobs that deal with the handling and processing of knowledge and information

Quaternary Sector

Jobs that deal with the handling and processing of knowledge and information.

Counties showing large positive population change are located in all the following states EXCEPT


Counties showing large positive population change are located in all the following states EXCEPT: Nevada Arizona Kansas Colorado Florida


What is the general climate of the Great Plains?

Large temperature extremes resulting from very cold winters and very hot summers

The development in the eastern half of the Southern Coastlands region is:

Largely recreational and includes abundant retirement communities

The Allegheny Plateau contains which of the following?

Largest deposits of coal in the world

carrying capacity

Largest number of individuals of a population that a environment can support

Great Salt Lake

Largest saltwater lake in North America

San Antonio

Largest settlement in Texas during the Spanish period

The fastest growing city in the Empty Interior is

Las Vegas

The growing season in the Southern Coastlands region

Lasts at least 9 months

In the decades between 1970 and 1990 the principal sources for immigrants into the United States were:

Latin America and Asia

Angular measurement of distance north or south of the Equator is known as:


Jim Crow laws

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites


Layer of soil and rock overlying a mineral deposit. Surface mining removes this layer.

The offshore banks comprise all but the following:

LeFevere Bank

What are the mining activities in the region?

Lead, Oil, Zinc, and copper. Shaft Mining: underground mining, surface mining, strip mining

mining activities in the region

Lead, Oil, Zinc, and copper. Shaft Mining: underground mining, surface mining, strip mining

Francisco Vázquez de Coronado

Leader of Spanish expedition into northern frontier region of New Spain; entered what is now United States in search of mythical cities of gold.

About what percentage of the population of the United States were farmers in 2002?

Less than 1%

Karst formations are associated with


Mixed farming refers to farmers who raise

Livestock and feed grain

Appalachian farms were marginalized from the prosperity of large scale farming in the United States mainly due to:

Local geography prevented farmers from ever having large farms to compete, especially after rising farm costs

Prince Edward Island

Located in New Brunswick, seed potatoes

Aroostook Valley

Located in St John (Maine), potatoes

Annapolis river valley

Located in novia scotia, apples

How might you define the relative location of the continent's manufacturing core?

Located near resources, oil and steel, above megalopolis, culture

relative location of the continent's manufacturing core

Located near resources, oil and steel, above megalopolis, culture

In geography, situation describes:

Locational features that link one place to another

example of a moraine

Long Island

Describe the long-lots of Southern Quebec. What are the advantages of this unique survey system?

Long lots- people interact with neighbors easier. They are on a river. Advantages: access to main transport line which is the river, inclusion of land of all types (swamp to upland)

long-lots of Southern Quebec

Long lots- people interact with neighbors easier. They are on a river. Advantages: access to main transport line which is the river, inclusion of land of all types (swamp to upland)

Quebec Succession

Lose 25% of population, lose 90% of Canadas economy, lose mouth of St. Law

Northern Appalachia

Lower mountains, less poor, orthodox and catholic, more economic activities, more diverse

Lignite coal

Lowest grade of coal containing only about 30% carbon.

The North Pacific Coast is the leading producer of:


The mechanical reaper

Machine invented by Cyrus McCormick that could harvest wheat quickly

Mechanical Reaper

Machine invented by Cyrus McCormick that could harvest wheat quickly (mechanically)

In which of the following states is forestry a key industry?


Which state accounts for over 70% of the United States lobster catch?


What state and province share the Aroostook-St. John River Valley?

Maine and New Brunswick

White Pine

Maine to become a center for ship construction, all gone now

Department of the Interior

Manages and protects the nations public lands and natural resources

A basic economic activity is:


A basic economic activity is: Manufacturing A barber shop A grocery store Retail sales Food services


Which of the following regions does NOT extend WEST of the Mississippi River?

Manufacturing Core

Which of the following regions does NOT extend WEST of the Mississippi River? Manufacturing Core Southwest Border Area California Southern Coastlands Great Plains and Prairies

Manufacturing Core

A major impact of massive office clusters emerging within the suburban rings surrounding the central cities is:

Many exceeded the square footage of downtown office space

The MOST fertile major soil group in the agricultural core is the


The MOST fertile major soil group in the agricultural core is the:


Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers

Monongahela River rises in northern West Virginia and flows north into PA where it joins allegheny River at Pittsburg to form Ohio River Monogahela

North America's traditional population core lies in a quadrant defined by:

Montreal, Chicago, St. Louis and Washington, D.C.

When glaciers pause during their retreat they leave behind hills of debris referred to as:



Mormon land in Utah

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Mormon legacy in the Empty Interior?

Mormons initiated large-scale irrigation projects that are now the norm for the region

Lompoc Valley

Most flowers grown for seed in the United States are planted in


Most native speakers of the French language in Canada live in Quebec, where French is the official and majority language.

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding tourism in Hawaii:

Most visitors to Hawaii now come from Asia

All of the following are TRUE about the topography of California EXCEPT

Mount Whitney is the highest peak in the Coast Range


Mountain range in upstate New York that is separated from the Green Mountains of Vermont by Lake George and Lake Champlain

High precipitation and the vegetation associated with this heavy moisture are the result of the influence of __________ on the region's climate


Green Mountains

Mountains in Vermont

The highest mountain in North America is

Mt. McKinley

The highest mountain in North America is:

Mt. McKinley

The eastern half of the agricultural core occupies the same area as the western half of the manufacturing core because

Much of the urban development and manufacturing capacity was stimulated by the demands of agricultural producers


Native American-Indian tribe; 1870's; group from Arizona and New Mexico led by Geronimo were difficult to control; chased into Mexico by Federal troops; they became successful farmers raising stock in Oklahoma

Many petroleum deposits are found in conjunction with

Natural Gas

Many petroleum deposits are found in conjunction with:

Natural Gas

Most large cities in the United States and Canada are located near:

Navigable waters

Arizona and New Mexico together are the home to about how many American Indians?

Nearly 400,000

Which statement is TRUE about the separatist referendum of Quebec?

Nearly half of Quebec does not want to succeed

Las Vegas


Which of the following has the GREATEST percentage of land area dedicated to forestry industries?

New Brunswick

Which one of the following had access to very productive fishing banks?

New England Coast

Which one of the following regions was covered with hardwood and pine forests ideal for ship construction?

New England Hills

What are the major factors that have limited manufacturing in New England?

New England is more unified, and the lack of effect of us to Canada boundary.

Economic activities that recirculate money already in a region are called:


Tundra soils with frozen and often water saturated soils dominate the


Mount Mitchell, the tallest peak in the eastern United States, is located in:

North Carolina

The Manufacturing Core includes parts of all the following states EXCEPT

North Carolina

The Manufacturing Core includes parts of all the following states EXCEPT: Ohio North Carolina Pennsylvania Michigan Indiana

North Carolina

Which state is NOT part of the Empty Interior region?

North Dakota

Which state is NOT part of the Empty Interior region? Utah Arizona Colorado North Dakota Wyoming

North Dakota

French geographer Jean Gottmann's 'very special region' is located in the

Northeastern United States

The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain extends from

Northern Mexico to New England

The Manufacturing Core of the United States includes all of the following areas EXCEPT:

Northern New England

Which of the following is TRUE about the Canadian electrical power

Northland hydroelectric facilities provide nearly 70% of Canada's electricity

Precipitation above 190 centimeters is common, and averages are double that amount on the western slopes of the Olympic Mountains in ___________Washington.


Mixed hardwood forests in Ohio, Indiana, and lower Michigan were signs that:

Noting the gradual transition from forested land to grasslands


Nova Scotia

Atlanta-Birmingham-Chattanooga Triangle

Numerous iron-making companies and iron- and steel-using industries

The territory created by the Canadian government in 1999 to settle Inuit land claims is known as:


Soil horizons in order

O, A, E, B, C, R

New Orleans became both a control point and a shipping focus for the entire Mississippi River system because:

Of its site

The New York metropolitan economy has become dominated by what kind of industries?


The climate of the Bypassed East can generally be described as the following:

Often cold and damp

Within the interior core, the _________River crosses the interior plains for hundreds of kilometers before joining the ___________ River.

Ohio, Mississippi

heavy manufacturing industries

Oil, mining, shipbuilding, steel, chemicals, machinery manufacturing

All of the following are states in the Empty Interior EXCEPT:


The Appalachian Highlands

Old, eroded mountains (oldest mountain range in North America)

Moisture falls:

On the windward side of a mountain

Mauna Loa pours out lava on the average of:

Once every four years

What province benefited the MOST from the opening of the Welland Canal?


Which of the following incorporated areas is farthest east of the City of Los Angeles?


Lake Placid

Opening Ceremonies of the 13th Winter Olympics are held in...

What competitor states have been the main threats to the St. John-Aroostook Valley farmers' economic development?

Oregon and Idaho

Site and situation are clues to the __________ of the Megalopolis.

Origin and Growth

Site and situation are clues to the __________ of the Megalopolis

Origins and growth

What are some of the major social and environmental problems experienced within Megalopolis? Identify some possible solutions.

Over crowded housing = urban sprawl, gentrification = waste management and pollution issues solutions- wider roads, more efficient use of vehicles like car pooling

What are some of the major social and environmental problems experienced within Megalopolis? Identify some possible solutions

Over crowded housing = urban sprawl, gentrification = waste management and pollution issues. (making a place more suitable) increased capacity-wider roads, more efficient use of vehicles like car pooling

social and environmental problems experienced within Megalopolis

Over crowded housing = urban sprawl, gentrification = waste management and pollution issues. (making a place more suitable) increased capacity-wider roads, more efficient use of vehicles like car pooling

Which of the following has become a high-status community free from the typical Los Angeles smog?

Palm Springs

Which of the following best describes the "rang" system?

Parceling of land to settlers in parts of Quebec and Ontario

driftless area

Part of Wisconsin not covered by the last glaciation, contains non-glacial topography absent everywhere else

Which of the following does NOT affect the pattern of manufacturing industries in the United States? -Industrial linkages -Differences in labor availability Patterns of city growth Quality of transportation facilities Local political attitudes

Patterns of City Growth

Which of the following does NOT affect the pattern of manufacturing industries in the United States?

Patterns of city growth

Which of the following is NOT part of the Changing South region?

Peninsular Florida

The cultural characteristics found in the agricultural core include

People who are politically and socially conservative

Maritime moderation in northlands region is significant only along the:

Peripheries of the region

In some cases, decayed organic matter is trapped between folds of rock and is then found as:


What and where are the major areas of mineral production in the Bypassed East?

Petroleum and natural gas: Hibernia field off of newfoundland, Iron ore: Adirondacks, Labrador. Coal in Nova Scotia. Building stone/ granite and marble in Vermont and Maine

Which two cities are so different in industrial inheritance and urban character but now show indications they may be becoming more alike?

Philadelphia and Baltimore

This city has doubled in size several times since 1950 and it is now a major urban area:


The North Pacific Coast is primarily defined on the basis of its:

Physical environment

Traveling inland from the Atlantic Coast, the very flat coastal plain is succeeded by a rolling, frequently hilly landscape called the


A mixture of these two trees predominates around the Great Lakes

Pines; Hardwoods

Lodgepole Pine

Pinus contorta, Pinaceae

major manufacturing core cities

Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, cities on Ohio River, Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland

major manufacturing core cities

Pittsburg, cincinnati, Louisville, buffalo, all on Ohio river, Cleveland, and Detroit


Places far from large bodies of water have greater seasonal extremes of temperature than coastal communities

Bracero program

Plan that brought laborers from Mexico to work on American farms

"let it burn policy"

Policy change that allows naturally-started fires to burn rather than racing to put them out

Which of the following is TRUE about agriculture in the Canadian Shield?

Poor soil and harsh climate restricted productive farming.

What city/nation was the first European settlement in the Bypassed East?

Port Royal/France

Economies specializing in professions and services are known as:


Economies specializing in professions and services are known as: Basic Regional Postindustrial Nonbasic Manufacturing


Aroostook Valley

Potato producing valley in Maine

What crop is The Aroostook Valley of Maine and New Brunswick know for producing


What quality of the vegetation on the Great Plains did NOT lend it to plowing?

Prairie grass root systems are deep and well developed

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding the Great Plains region?

Prairie grasses have shallow, simple root systems in order to take maximum advantage of the region's precipitation

It is variations in ____________ that mark seasonal changes on the islands:



Process of soil nutrient removal by erosion and chemical action of water

Buffalo Commons

Proposed refuge for wildlife and Native American populations

The initial role of the Tennessee Valley Authority was to:

Provide navigable waterways through the Tennessee River stream network

The latest patterns of internal migration in the United States reflect the recent economic growth patterns in:

Providing services and manipulating data

Discuss the push and pull factors that led to the tremendous out-migration of Black people from the South.

Push factors: Jim crow laws- violence, war in Europe- cutting off market for cotton Pull factors: jobs in industry, opportunity for better life

Which of the following is NOT considered a main occupation of the region?


As of 2001, 90% of Canadians speak French in?


This Canadian province tried to secede from Canada?


Which industry was key to the settlement of a large portion of the small towns in the Empty Interior?


Southern Pacific Railroad

Railroad into Southern California that greatly sparked interest in that area, despite the former idea that Southern California was unfarmable.

Broad geographical areas of distinctive character are called


Broad geographical areas of distinctive character are called:


Which of the following is NOT correct

Regions are primarily physical constructs

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Regions are primarily physical constructs

Which of the following is NOT correct? -Regions are primarily physical constructs -No one regional scheme is necessarily better than another -Regions are systems of categorization -A regionalization is acceptable if it meets the requirements of its creator -Regions make combinations of discrete information understandable

Regions are primarily physical constructs

British Loyalists

Remained loyal to the Crown and England/powerful navy/well trained


Residential areas far from big cities


Residential areas far from big cities; region beyond suburbs

The development in the western half of the Southern Coastlands region is heavily dependent on

Resource extraction


Scenery of places, including physical, human, and cultural features

In 1883 the Northern Pacific Railroad was completed to


In 1883 the Northern Pacific Railroad was completed to:


Which type of rock is NOT a major component of the Canadian Shield?


The type of rock that forms when small solid particles settle gradually in stationary or almost stationary water and are compressed over a long period of time is known as:

Sedimentary Rock

The type of rock that forms when small solid particles settle gradually in stationary or almost stationary water and are compressed over a long period of time is known as:

Sedimentary rock

Niagara Peninsula

Separates Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Crosses by Niagara River. Cascades over Niagara Falls. All waters flowing from the lakes flows into the falls. Hydroelectric power.

Tertiary occupations are in the field of:

Services such as retail or restaurant work

All of these are defining characteristic of the Canadian Core EXCEPT?

Several large multi-nodal urban-industrial cities.

A form of agricultural tenancy where the tenant pays for use of the land with a portion of the crop is known as


A form of agricultural tenancy where the tenant pays for use of the land with a portion of the crop is known as:


welland canals

Ship canal in Ontario, Canada, connecting Lake Ontario and Lake Erie

Typically, what economic activity is found in the fringe suburbs near major highways?

Shopping Centers

Typically, what economic activity is found in the fringe suburbs near major highways?

Shopping centers

great circle route

Shortest route between any two places on the planet

Borchert's Model better understand the evolving American urban system

Showed change as time went on 1st: sail wagon, 2nd: railway development, 3rd: steel rail, 4th: auto-air-amenity

How can Borchert's Model be employed to better understand the evolving nature of the American urban system?

Showed the population and change of the city as time went on; named periods of time. 1st: sail wagon, 2nd: railway development, 3rd: steel rail, 4th: auto-air-amenity

The drainage basin of the Mississippi River is an example of a: Single-feature nodal region Single-feature uniform region Multifeature nodal region Multifeature uniform region None of the above

Single- feature uniform region

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding rural Southern poverty?

Small-scale southern white farmers managed to escape the poverty levels of Black farmers

Appalachian Plateau

Smallest of Georgia's regions; contains the only fossil fuel deposits (coal) in the state.

Which statement is FALSE about air quality in Southern California?

Smog levels have increased over the last 25 years due to more automobiles

Lignite Coal

Soft, brownish coal

Megalopolis provided easy ocean access to all of the following EXCEPT: Europe South America The Caribbean colonies Southern North America The British Isles

South America

The giant Crazy Horse monument can be found in which state?

South Dakota

n what state would you primarily find the Black Hills?

South Dakota

The Grand Coulee Dam made large amounts of irrigation water available to

South-central Washington

By 1913, more than 80 percent of all immigrants into the United States were from:

Southern and Eastern Europe

Black Codes

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves

A coniferous forest stretches across an arc in the

Southern part of the region


Spanish military bases built to protect the missions

North American's manufacturing hearth is:

The Pittsburgh steel cities region

Describe the five general components of the urban landscape

Spatial interaction, spatial complementary, functional complexity, public services, accessibility

five general components of the urban landscape

Spatial interaction, spatial complementary, functional complexity, public services, accessibility

The type of soils you would expect to find in a cool, moist climate are:


Which river has its mouth on the northern coastline of the Bypassed East?

St. Lawrence

EXCEPT for Spain's modest northward expansion from the Rio Grande, Europe's settlement of North America:

Started along the continent's east coast and moved west

White-tailed deer

State Animal

What are the significant attributes of Pittsburgh's site and situation

Steel is located here and is important for the cities growth. River junction: two rivers: Allegheny and monongahela river, raw materials, down river market

Which of the following helped solidify the Canadian core as the focus of Canada's transportation network?

Strong economic trade connections to Europe

The most substantial group of Native Americans in the region can be found in:

Substantial groups of Native Americans are found in all of the above

An increasing number of urbanites have minimized some disadvantages of city living by moving their residences to _________locations


An increasing number of urbanites have minimized some disadvantages of city living by moving their residences to _________locations.


What are the key specialty crops in the region?

Sugar cane, citrus, rice

the key specialty crops in the region

Sugar cane, citrus, rice

One byproduct of burning coal from the Eastern Interior Field is a noxious gas called:

Sulfur Dioxide

Which of the following is the historical time of year in which sea ice allows cross-Arctic sea transport?


Which of the following is NOT one of the fish in the Atlantic Province catch


Crop Lien System

System that allowed farmers to get more credit. They used harvested crops to pay back their loans.


T- hispanic texans h- hispanic american c- live in us have strong mexican american ties

The most important components of climate are:

Temperature and Precipitation

The most important components of climate are

Temperature and precipitation



Which of the following is NOT part of the Ozark tristate district?


New South

Term that identified southern promoters' belief in the technologically advanced industrial South

The monotony of the interior plain's flatness is broken up by

Terminal moraines

Which state has the GREATEST power capacity from wind farming


What is the significance of the term "transportation shadow" as it applies to the Bypassed East?

That it is an area of limited development located near an area of much greater accessibility. The bypast east became isolated as settlement pushed westward

Area of the United states that exhibited the lowest level of poverty as a percentage of population in 2014

The Agricultural Core region

Which of the following areas of the United States exhibits the LOWEST level of poverty as a percentage of population in 2014?

The Agricultural Core region

The most important coal deposits in the United States are in

The Appalachian field

The most important coal deposits in the United States are in:

The Appalachian field

The physiographic region MOST affected by glaciation is

The Canadian Shield

The physiographic region MOST affected by glaciation is:

The Canadian Shield

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding the Northland region?

The Canadian Shield is underlain by relatively new basaltic rock

In North America the primary deposits of metallic ores are located in

The Canadian Shield, Portions of the Appalachian Highlands, The eastern Piedmont of the Appalachian Highlands, Sections of the Western mountains.

What is generally true about the population and economics of Canada?

The Canadian core contains the majority of the population and most of the economic activities

Ninety percent of British Columbia's forests are owned by

The Canadian government

According to the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, in 2000 the most dominant religion at the county level in the United States is:

The Catholic Church

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Central Valley EXCEPT

The Central Valley receives more precipitation than the California coast

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Central Valley EXCEPT:

The Central Valley receives more precipitation than the California coast

The cultural contributions of African-Americans are more predominate in:

The Changing South Region

The cultural contributions of African-Americans are more predominate in:

The Changing South region

The Trail of Tears refers to the forced relocation of

The Cherokee

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding the topography of the North Pacific Coast?

The Coast Mountains decline in elevation from west to east

The portion of southwestern Wisconsin and the part of the adjacent Mississippi River that escaped glaciation are known as:

The Driftless area

Long range economic plans for the Empty Interior are decided by:

The Federal government

Cotton was the major cash crop in all of the following areas EXCEPT

The Florida Panhandle

Who was responsible for establishing many of the trading posts in the Canadian Prairies, such as Edmonton?

The Hudson Bay Company

The settlers who arrived in Hawaii about 1500 years ago came from:

The Marquesas

Which of the following is NOT true about water consumption in California?

The Metropolitan Water District serves cities in all of California's counties

The MOST widely used and understood name for the U.S. portion of the agricultural core region is

The Midwest

The Manufacturing Core region of the US is bordered by or overlaps all of the following EXCEPT:

The Mississippi River

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the relative location of the Manufacturing Core?

The Mississippi River formed a barrier to east-west transportation

Which of following has allowed for the irrigation of at least a quarter of the Great Plains?

The Ogallala Aquifer

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? The United States imports nearly all its coal The United States imports nearly half of its petroleum The United States imports all its tin The United States imports all its aluminum The United States imports an increasing amount of iron ore

The United States imports nearly all its coal

Which canal was built to bypass Niagara Falls?

The Wellands


The ability to speak two languages

What are some of the general circumstances that contributed to the growth of an American manufacturing core?

The accessibility resources, like welland canals, ports, goods and services and raw materials. Railroads and canals.


The actual or potential relationship between two places, usually referring to economic interactions.


The actual or potential relationship between two places, usually referring to economic interactions.

When the United States had a warfare-generated labor shortage, Mexican laborers could enter the United States and work in

The agricultural sector

The dramatic seasonal variation in temperature results from shifts in:

The angle of incidence of the sun's rays

An example of an urbanized cluster is:

The area between Boston and Washington D.C.

Farm machinery can be used throughout the Agriculture Core region because:

The area has low, moderate relief

Farm machinery can be used throughout the region because

The area has low, moderate relief

Central Business District (CBD)

The area of a city where retail and office activities are clustered.

What was the MOST important contribution to the production of the southern California landscape?

The automobile

Green River Formation

The basins comprises of three primary lakes formed as a consequnce of drainage from tectonic highlands envolved in the uplift of the Rocky Mountains during Tertiary time.


The beautiful trees that inspired John Muir in Yosemite Valley.

Settlement density increases as we approach:

The city core

What are the major changes that have occurred in the South's economic structure since the mid-1930s?

The civil rights act??

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the outmigration of Blacks from the South?

The increasing flow of European immigrants into the South

Maritime influence

The influence of the sea on climate

The growth of the region was reflected in the gradual shift of transportation concentration as railroad lines began to spread across:

The interior Plains

Which of the following is NOT a reason Northern textile manufacturers moved to the South?

The lack of land in the North for new factories

Allegheny Plateau

The largest region of Pennsylvania

In terms of quality harbors, what makes Megalopolis different from other cities such as San Francisco, Seattle, and Mobile?

The location of the harbors and their proximity to one another

In terms of quality harbors, what makes Megalopolis different from other cities such as San Francisco, Seattle, and Mobile?

The location of the harbors and their proximity to one another.

All of the following are TRUE regarding California's population EXCEPT

The majority population are California natives

All of the following are TRUE regarding California's population EXCEPT:

The majority population are California natives

Which of the following is the driving force behind Appalachian poverty

The mechanization of coal mining

The Great Lakes connect:

The mineral-rich Canadian Shield and the fuel-rich Interior Plains

MOST precipitation in the Great Plains is caused by:

The mixture of northern and southern air masses

Bituminous coal

The most common form of coal; produces a high amount of heat and is used extensively by electric power plants.

The Southern Coastlands region extends from

The mouth of the Rio Grande, through Florida and up to North Carolina

Yukon River

The mouth of which river is farther north - the Yukon River or the Columbia River?

Easy and inexpensive shipment of farm goods in Agriculture Core region is a result of:

The natural networks of waterways

Easy and inexpensive shipment of farm goods is a result of

The natural networks of waterways

Which part of Megalopolis was covered by glaciers during the most recent Ice Age?

The northern half

An important high-volume business enterprise of the early South was

The plantation

secondary sector

The portion of the economy concerned with manufacturing useful products through processing, transforming, and assembling raw materials.

primary sector

The portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of materials from Earth's surface

Tertiary Sector

The portion of the economy concerned with transportation, communications, and utilities

Thematic regionalization

The process of dividing an area into smaller segments called regions

Bochert's Second Epoch was triggered by the development of:

The railway

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Northlands region climate:

The region's climate is mostly a maritime climate

Grand Banks

The rich fishing area in the Atlantic Ocean near Newfoundland

Altamaha River

The river along which the Highland Scots settled.

St. Lawrence River

The river that connects Lake Superior with the Atlantic Ocean and is a major trade route for Canada


The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures.

The regions's climate is influenced by

The warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico

Much of the basis for the location of the industrial capacity that developed along the southern margins of the Great Lakes can be attributed to

Their function as a natural accessibility resource

Capturing what is fundamentally significant in a region rather than using predetermined categories is called: Scale Landscape evolution Single classification Thematic regionalization Topography

Thematic Region

Capturing what is fundamentally significant in a region rather than using predetermined categories is called:

Thematic regionalization

All of the following are TRUE about California's climate EXCEPT

There is a definite east-west gradient in average annual precipitation

All of the following are TRUE about California's climate EXCEPT:

There is a definite east-west gradient in average annual precipitation

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the cultural effects of cash crop agriculture?

There was increased interaction with the North

As a direct consequence of high farm productivity on high-quality agricultural land and the natural accessibility provided by the region's waterways

There were industrial growth opportunities in Kansas City, Chicago and Cincinnati

As a direct consequence of high farm productivity on high-quality agricultural land and the natural accessibility provided by the region's waterways:

There were industrial growth opportunities in Kansas City, Chicago and Cincinnati

All of the following are TRUE regarding the grape crop of the San Joaquin Valley EXCEPT

These grapes produce the state's finest wines

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding multifeatured uniform regions?

They are frequently quite objective

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding multifeatured uniform regions? -They summarize different types of information for a given area -They encompass several distinct zones -They have a core area containing the major identifying features -They are frequently quite objective -They are usually quite general in nature

They are frequently quite objective

Which of the following is NOT true about the Canadian lumbering, pulp, and paper industries?

They are owned by the Canadian government

Which of the following is TRUE about the trees of the taiga?

They are slow growing and short

Which of the following is TRUE about the skylines of San Francisco and Los Angeles?

They both had a practically even and low skyline with very few tall buildings until recently

Which of the following is TRUE about the Hudson's Bay Company expansion into the Canadian Northlands?

They established on the margins of the Hudson Bay, and then pushed south and west.

Large, nearly flat fields in the Agricultural Core can be managed by small numbers of farmers as long as:

They have enough equipmen

Basic economic activities are:

Those industries that bring income into an area

Nonbasic economic activities are

Those industries that recirculate money through the local economy

Nonbasic economic activities are:

Those industries that recirculate money through the local economy

. Nonbasic economic activities are:

Those industries that recirculate money through the local economy.

The manufacturing region overlaps the agricultural core

Throughout much of Ohio

Which of the following Northland ports is the second largest in Canada?

Thunder Bay

glacial till and moraines

Till is gravel, clay and rock--> when it mounds up it is called moraines

What were the initial goals of the Tennessee Valley Authority? Discuss the major contributions of the TVA.

To improve accessibility through rivers: transportation, water power, flood control, navigation

initial goals of the Tennessee Valley Authority

To improve accessibility through rivers: transportation, water power, flood control, navigation

What were the original objectives of the Appalachian Regional Commission? Discuss the major goals of the ARC.

To improve highways and roads: decrease isolation and attract manufacturers

original objectives of the Appalachian Regional Commission

To improve highways and roads: decrease isolation and attract manufacturers

Until the end of the nineteenth century in the United States, the population migrated

To the West and frontier agricultural lands

Until the end of the nineteenth century in the United States, the population migrated:

To the West and frontier agricultural lands

What are the key agricultural products of the region?

Tobacco, apples, tomatoes, cabbage, corn to moonshine, marijuana

key agricultural products of the region

Tobacco, apples, tomatoes, cabbage, corn to moonshine, marijuana

A portion of the United States may be occupied by parts of two or more multifeature regions.


A uniform region may be multifeatured.


Because the fall line was often the head of navigation, goods brought inland or those to be exported had to be unloaded at fall line locations for transfer to another mode of transport.


Denver is considered to be at the western edge of the Great Plains.


Gottmann believed massive and complex urban regions such as those developing in North America at the time, represented a future in which similarly evolving urban regions would develop elsewhere in the world. True or False?


In the United States, producing and consuming wealth plays a large part in where settlements are located.


Inuit are the predominant population in most of the Arctic


Many petroleum deposits are found in conjunction with natural gas.: True or false?


Metallic minerals are located most often where metamorphic rock occurs. True or False?


Most of the land in the United States is rural


Most of the land in the United States is rural.


Nearly 20% of all Americans will change their residence in any given year.


The soil that represents the ultimate stage of weathering and soil formation in the United States is:


soil classification system

Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), describes the texture and grain size of a soil

An area that one or more features throughout is called a:

Uniform region

All of the following are differences between rural and urban environments EXCEPT

Urban areas possess less intense and complex spatial organization

In the early twentieth century, migration within the United States moved towards:

Urban areas where new industries were located

In the early twentieth century, migration within the United States moved towards:

Urban areas where new industries were located.

What are some of the repercussions of urban sprawl?

Urban sprawl, when someone moves out of a place. They lose the population and less goods and services. Gentrification

repercussions of urban sprawl

Urban sprawl, when someone moves out of a place. They lose the population and less goods and services. Gentrification

A main reason for regional specialization in manufacturing in the United States is:

Variations in the availability of industrial raw materials

A main reason for regional specialization in manufacturing in the United States is:

Variations in the availability of industrial raw materials.

Which of the following does NOT produce wild blueberries for market?


Which of the following is the leading marble producing state?


Which of the following is TRUE about population distribution in New England?

Vermont has small urban clusters surrounded mainly by empty forested areas

spring wheat

Wheat planted in the spring and harvested in the late summer.

The southern section of the Cascade Mountains appear as a high, eroded plateau topped by a line of:

Volcanic Peaks

The southern section of the Cascade Mountains appear as a high, eroded plateau topped by a line of:

Volcanic peaks

Which city was no longer large enough to absorb the burgeoning civil service population and the growing number of people needed to feed, clothe, and otherwise serve that population?

Washington DC

Which fall line city is unique in that its growth has followed directly from expansion of the national government structure

Washington DC

Which of the following was NOT one of the Manufacturing Core cities based on commerce and the financial exchanges it stimulated?

Washington DC


Wasteland that has been carved into unusual shapes by wind and water

For early settlers, the fall line hindered

Water navigation

Borchert identified the Sail-Wagon Epoch as when almost all cities and towns were associated with:

Water transportation

Which of the following is the only state COMPLETELY in Appalachia?

West Virginia

Napa Valley

What California valley is known for its vineyards

Sangre de Cristo Mountains

What mountain range forms the eastern side of Great Sand Dune National Park and Preserve exposing Precambrian aged granitic rocks?

All of the following are leading California agriculture products EXCEPT


All of the following are leading California agriculture products EXCEPT:


Initially European settlers in agriculture core region grew


What tree dominated the New England forests?

White pine

Canada's most ethnically diverse city is


What are the potential climatic hazards found throughout the Southern Coastlands?

Winter freeze, Hurricanes, rainfall, sinkholes

the potential climatic hazards found throughout the Southern Coastlands

Winter freeze, Hurricanes, rainfall, sinkholes

Mennonite immigrants from the Ukraine are credited with the introduction of what crop to the Great Plains?

Winter wheat

Which of the following was the world's first national park


Mediterranean climate

a climate marked by warm, dry summers and cool, rainy winters

Labrador Current

a cold ocean current flowing down from the north

Migrant labor

a common type of periodic movemetn involving millions of worker in the US and tens of millions of workers worldwide who cross internationl borders in search of employment and become immigrants, in many instances


a factory in Mexico run by a foreign company and exporting its products to the country of that company.

Bureau of Land Management

a federal agency responsible for managing vast tracts of public lands in the American west

California's Central Valley

a flat valley that dominates the geographical center of the U.S. state of California. It is 40 to 60 miles wide


a gentle slope leading from the base of mountains to a region of flat land.

Wyoming Basin

a geographic area through which the Continental Divide of the Americas traverses

Ozark tristate district

a historic lead-zinc mining district

Central Valley

a huge basin with the Sierras and Coast Ranges on either side

Llano Estacado

a large semiarid plateau forming the southern part of the Great Plains


a large subtropical swampland in Florida of about 4,000 square miles


a member of the Navajo Indian tribe

metropolitan coalescence

a merging of urbanized areas of separate metropolitan centers

Sierra Nevada

a mountain range in eastern California

Accessibility Resources

a naturally occurring landscape feature that facilitates interaction between places

accessibility resources

a naturally occurring landscape feature that facilitates interaction between places

Lacustrine plain

a nearly level land area that was formed as a lake bed


a point of trans-shipment and a stopover on the passage to the interior

"Pittsburgh plus"

a pricing system that was economic discrimination against the South in the steel industry, in which steel lords of Pittsburgh charged Birmingham steel a fictional fee no matter where it was shipped

growth of an American manufacturing core

accessibility resources, like welland canals, ports, goods and services and raw materials. Railroads and canals.


after British rule began in southern Ontario, they decided this would be the regions capital. (now Toronto) which is the cities political capital while Quebec is the provincial capital. This region had to be well connected by road and rail to Ontario.

Canadian Shield

all areas are underlaying by Igneous rock, metallic minerals mined here

The Mississippi River does all of the following EXCEPT

all of the above are correct

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the metropolitan areas of Boston, Miami, and Vancouver? All three attracted immigrants from different places All three have different climates All three have populations that exceed one million All three have active ocean ports All three grew to city size in the same historical period

all three grew to city size in the same historical period

Chesapeake bay bridge

allowed expansion for urban sprawl


an agglomeration of towns or cities into an unbroken urban environment

Cash crop farming

an agricultural crop which is grown for sale to return a profit

Transportation shadow

an area of limited transportation development located near an area of much greater facility availability.


an area of rolling land along the foot of a mountain range

vernacular region

an area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity

Erie Canal

an artificial waterway connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo

dorr farm

an uprisning led by thomas dorr - so you didnt have to own land to vote

Great Valley

another name for the Shenandoah Valley

Winter Garden

area of south Texas known for its vegetable production

The Hudson-Mohawk River system is located where?

at the head of the best natural route through the Appalachian Mountains

soil classification system

attempts to classify soils


automobile center.

Chicago bad site, good situation

bad water, swampy, fire. - people of south and west, the ports and transfer of goods and services

township and range survey

based upon lines of latitude and longitude

Laurentian Upland

basically a part of the Canadian Shield that extends into the northern part of the US. It encompasses the Great Lakes region of the country.

black migration during World War I

blacks moving north to industrial jobs

Delaware River

body of water Washington famously crossed before launching the attack on Trenton

uniform region

boundary based on the area/ physical characteristics



One way farmers adapt their practices to the flat terrain of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains is

by digging deep ditches around fields

Places that experience greater seasonal temperature extremes are being affected by what?


table crops

carrots, onions, leafy greens

Orographic rainfall

caused by uplifting and cooling of moist air over mountains

Iron Horse Epoch (1830-70

characterized by impact of steam engine technology, and development of steamboats and regional railroad networks;

Sail-Wagon Epoch (1790-1830)

cities grow near ports and major waterways which are used for transportation;

An assemblage that will grow and reproduce indefinitely at a place, given a stable climate and average conditions of soil and drainage is called:

climax vegetation

light industry

clothing, appliances, and bicycles

raw materials

coal and iron, cement and limestone

Mississippi riviera

coastal area with poor, sandy soil, but attracts many tourists because of the beaches

Maritime influence

coastal locations have much smaller temperature range than continental interiors


cold, flows south, ocean current, extends growing season

Prairie wedge

common grass

map scale

compares a distance on a map with a distance in the real world

Puget Sound Lowland

contains fertile valleys and deep water ports and largest populated region

The Pacific Mountain System

covers west coast of usa; area extends from cascade mountains in north down entire west coast through states of washington, oregon, and california

growth of AM manuifactuing core

deep ports, hubs, freight transfer areas

Big Thompson River Project

designed to carry water from the west slope of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains to the east slope and the irrigated lands beyond

The Pueblo of the Upper Rio Grande Valley

developed the technologically most advanced pre-European Indian civilization in what was to become the United States

Tertiary Sector

devoted to service activities (transportation)

Exotic streams

discharge decreases as you move downstream

sectors of the economy

divisions of regions

Black Hills

dome-shaped area of eroded igneous rock

Steel Rail Epoch (1870-1920)

dominated by the development of long haul railroads and a national railroad network;

baptist religion

early European migrants seeking freedom of worship brought this religion as a nonestablished church. became the souths dominant church

Prairie Wedge

eastward extension of the grasslands across Illinois and western Indiana, use of fire by Native Americans

High-Technology Epoch (1970-present)

expansion in service and information sectors of the economy

manifest destiny

expansion of the US throughout the American continents was invetible

Someone living north of the Arctic Circle experience...

experiences 24 hours of daylight at midsummer

Major Stephen Long

explored the plains, called it the "Great American Desert"

Basic employment

export driven employment


extended urban area, several towns merging with suburbs of 1 or more cities

A nodal region is characterized by a uniform set of features. True or False?


suitcase farmers (hobby farmers)

farmers who move from pieces of land to another and farm for hobby

Rang System

farmsteads were located on a riverbank or lakeshore, or on a railroad constructed parallel to the shore. This gave settlers equal access to the main transport lines

climax vegetation

final stage in the succession of a vegetative community

oil shale

fine-grained sedimentary rock from which oil can be extracted.

New York City

first capital of the United States


first national park in Wyoming

John borcherts epochs of metropolitan growth

five distinct periods, Each epoch is characterized by the impact of a particular transport technology on the creation and differential rates of growth of American cities.




flour making, wheat industry raised

sedimentary rock

forms when small solid particles settle gradually in stationary water and then compressed over a long period of time, formed from minerals or organic particles at bottom of ocean

fall line

found along a line tracing physiographic boundary

Major Manufacturing Core Cities

from atlantic mississippi river

Specialty Crops

fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).


grass or other green fodder compacted and stored in airtight conditions, typically in a silo, without first being dried, and used as animal feed in the winter.


grassland soils with high base status

The spread of urban population far beyond city limits also had a strong impact on rural activities in Megalopolis such as

greater number of people having to be fed by foodstuffs shipped in from rural areas, Tens of millions of people in urban Megalopolis began consuming agricultural products from across America and beyond, Table crops such as tomatoes, lettuce and apples came to dominate farm production in sections of rural Megalopolis, The production of dairy products increased


growth of the place

Anthracite coal

hardest / lowest in moisture content

Athabasca Tar Sands

heavy crude oil sands in alberta


higher hills


higher hills

long lots

houses erected on narrow lots perpendicular to a long river, so that each original settler had equal river access

Vernacular region

how someone describes an area


huge properties for raising livestock set up by Mexican settlers in California


ice free during winters, largest city in Bypast east

What are some of the implications of the cultural dualism that exists between Quebec and Ontario?

if Quebec split off from Canada, Canada would lose the population and services Quebec: French providence, close to st Lawrence river, so has more access Ontario: British providence They are both located on access routes from Europe to Canadian interior They are both urban commercial centers, rural to urban migration

great circle route

imaginary line that follows the curve of the earth and represents the shortest distance between two points

2. How has Long Island enhanced the quality of New York harbor?

increased length of coastline, more land for urban growth

How has Long Island enhanced the quality of New York harbor?

increased length of coastline, more land for urban growth

Long Island enhanced the quality of New York harbor

increased length of coastline, more land for urban growth

Wasatch Valley

initial western settlement of mormons

Delaware Bay

inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between the states of Delaware and New Jersey

Non-reservation American Indians

integrate / blend in community but still practice their cultural traditions

general locations of the major coal and metallic ore reserves

interior, western, appalachian


introduced poverty in Appalachia's

Reclamation Act of 1902

is a United States federal law that funded irrigation projects for the arid lands of 20 states in the American West.


is the son of Lot through Lot's eldest daughter. The Moabites are descendents from Moab.


isolated boulders left behind by a glacier

Mount Assiniboine

it is the highest peak in the Southern Continental Ranges of the Canadian Rockies.

Auto-Air-Amenity Epoch (1920-70

ith growth in the gasoline combustion engine;


known for shoes; letter industry

Intermontane Plateaus

large region that includes the pacific northwest, the Colorado plateau, and the basins of the southwestern us. This area covers the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, part of Utah, new Mexico, and Arizona. It also covers the areas of the grand canyon and death valley.

Grand Canyon

largest canyon in the world

the four major climatic controls

latitude, elevation, ocean currents, airmasses/nearness to water

tree line

latitudinal or elevational limit of normal tree growth

Border Industrialization program

launched by Mexican gov, solved unemployment along the border - Maquiladora program

soil horizons

layers in well developed soils

table crops

lettuce, tomatoes, apples, dairy products

The US Interior Highlands

located between the Rockies and the Appalachians, this mountain region is located in Central US

1. Explain the site and situational characteristics of megalopolis.

located in a centered region, highly populated, on a coast, located on fall lines, good soils, good access to resources

Explain the site and situational characteristics of the megalopolis

located in a centered region, highly populated, on a coast, located on fall lines, good soils, good access to resources

site and situational characteristics of the megalopolis

located in a centered region, highly populated, on a coast, located on fall lines, good soils, good access to resources


location of a place

break-in-bulk points

locations where transfer among transportation modes is possible

long-lots of Southern Quebec

long strips of land on river, more people could have river, got all types of land

Briefly describe some of the long-term implications for Canada should the province of Quebec ever seceded

lose population, transport of goods and services. Lose 25% of population, 90% of Canadas economy is in Quebec. St Lawrence river, mouth of river is by Quebec, so controlled by Quebec.

Quebec ever seceded

lose population, transport of goods and services. Lose 25% of population, 90% of Canadas economy is in Quebec. St Lawrence river, mouth of river is by Quebec, so controlled by Quebec.

Erie Canal

low cost needs of transport, connects the Hudson River at Albany with it in buffalo.


main source is Appalachian plateau

push factors

make people move from their home permanently

heavy Manufacturing industries

manufacturing activities engaged in conversion of large volumes of raw materials in higher value


market area


massive boulders

fault block

massive part of earth's crust tilted upward

Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers

meet at Pittsburgh to form Ohio River


metamorphic rock that was once limestone


metropolitan region merged to form centered region


moderately weathered forest soils

Hudson Mohawk River system

mohawk flows into Hudson

When glaciers pause during their retreat they leave behind hills of debris referred to as....


Southern Appalachia

more poor, Higher mountains, independent, conservative, dominated by germans, Scots, and Irish.

White Mountains

mountain range in New Hampshire that is part of the Appalachians

st Lawrence river

mouth of river by Quebec, main value for large quantities of raw materials. Low value bulky materials (iron ore, coal, cement, limestone)


movement from one part to another

General farming

multiple crops and animals exist on a single farm to provide diverse nutritional intake and non-food items

Bingham Canyon Mine

near Salt Lake City, Utah is the largest mine in the world; it is one of the few man-made things on Earth that can be seen from space

driftless area

never glaciated


nickname for Cincinnati for its important slaughterhouses

agricultural patterns that prevail along the southern coasts

nine months or longer of potential growth - veggies - citrus

continets manufactuing core

north east region of US is the most important for manufacturing because it has had well developed ties with Europe and Asia since past years due to better connectivity


northern province Canada created, to settle decades of claims issues with native Insuit in the region

Yazoo-Mississippi Delta

northwest section of the U.S. state of Mississippi which lies between the Mississippi and Yazoo Rivers.


number 1 Cash Crop in the South in the 1800's.

1862 homestead act

obtain land easier

tertiary and quaternary occupations

occupations providing services and those manipulating and creating information

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

official name of the Mormon Church.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Coachella Valley

palm springs, CA irrigated ag crop: dates

continental shelf

part of a continent that extends out underneath the ocean

Avalon Peninsula

peninsula on the southeastern end of Newfoundland, location of St. John

What are the major fall line cities in Megalopolis? How did these cities benefit early on as break-in-bulk points?

philly, Trenton, Washington, Baltimore, Wilmington, benefited: transportation and transfer of goods and services is better because located on coast

What are the major fall line cities in Megalopolis? How did these cities benefit early on as break-in-bulk points? Major fall line cities: cities along the coast?

philly, Trenton, Washington, Baltimore, Wilmington, benefited: transportation and transfer of goods and services is better because located on coast

fall line cities in meglopolis

philly, Trenton, Washington, Baltimore, Wilmington, benefited: transportation and transfer of goods and services is better because located on coast


piles of rocky debris left by melting glaciers


plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow; land left unseeded; to plow but not seed

Ogallala aquifer

porous rocks that contain the largest freshwater supply in North America

Birmingham differential

pricing policy imposed and enforced by the US steel company on all users of Alabama steel, consumers required to pay price of steel in Pittsburgh and freight cost from Birmingham

Sectors of the economy

primary, secondary, tertiary


process of making an area more urban

Secondary Sector

processing of basic materials extracted by the primary sector

Annapolis Valley

produces a large proportion of Canada's leading fruit, the apple and also potatoes and vegetables. It is located in the southwest in the cultivated land in Nova Scotia.

Canyonlands of Arizona and Utah

provided an effective barrier to Spanish expansion northward from Mexico.

plantation agriculture

raising a large amount of a "cash crop" for local sale or export

key advantages of manufacturing core

raw materials, labor, market, transportation, energy

Appalachian Field

refers to the entire mountain range with its surrounding hills and the dissected plateau region


relates to its immediate physical environment; landscape characteristics where the city is located


relates to the city's position relative to other places, also called relative locations


removal of dissolved materials from soil by water moving downwards


renovating and improving a house or district to meet middle class taste; begins in small area and spreads outward

Alabama's 'Black Belt'

rich black topsoil, oppressive white area, black slaves

metamorphic rock

rock that has been changed by heat and pressure

Dejure segregation

segregation that is imposed by law

What occurs wherever rivers flow off the Piedmont?

series of rapids form, A series of small waterfalls are formed along a line tracing the physiographic boundary, A boundary known as the fall line is formed, A source of water power is created

Long Island

shelters Upper New York Bay† from the Atlantic Ocean and was for many years the most important part of the hinterland* of New York City.

welland canals

ship canal in Ontario, connecting Lake Ontario and Lake Erie

city location

site and situation

Bituminous coal

soft coal


soft wood used in making paper


southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts to Washington, D.C

Central Business District (CBD)

the main business and commercial area of a town or city.

Big bluestem

state prairie grass


steel industry

Colorado Trail Ridge Road

stretch of U.S. Highway 34 that traverses Rocky Mountain National Park from Estes Park, Colorado in the east to Grand Lake, Colorado in the west

white wolves

subspecies of grey wolf

Susquehanna River

supplies around 50% of the Ch. Bay's freshwater

Lake Champlain Lowland: Milk shed

supplies milk to a metropolitan area for northern megalopolis. Location: Vermont / New York/ Quebec

Lake Champlain milk shed

surplus of milk


system in which landowners leased a few acres of land to farmworkers in return for a portion of their crops



The Maritimes

the Canadian provinces that make up the east coast of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland.

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Central Valley EXCEPT:

the Central Valley receives more precipitation than the California coast

Vieux Carre

the French Quarter

Hudson-Mohawk River system

the Hudson River Watershed. It covers much of New York, as well as parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont

fault block

the blocks of crust on each side of the fault

Interior Lowland

the broad, generally flat areas of the central part of the North American continent.


the center of the Canadian oil industry, petroleum deposits were discovered in oil springs.

Anthracite coal

the cleanest-burning coal; almost pure carbon. Hard coal.

Allegheny Front

the eastern slope of the Allegheny Plateau

Primary Sector

the extraction of basic materials (mining, agriculture, lumbering)

Trail of Tears

the forced removal of Cherokees and their transportation to Oklahoma


the growth of cities

Tree line

the highest elevation where trees grow on a mountain

Mount Mitchell

the highest peak of the Appalachian Mountains and the highest peak in mainland eastern North America.

Chesapeake Bay

the largest estuary in the United States.

Great Lakes

the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world

Columbia Plateau

the largest lava plateau in the world

water table

the level below which the ground is saturated with water.

Melting pot

the mixing of cultures, ideas, and peoples that has changed the American nation. The United States, with its history of immigration, has often been called a melting pot.

church of Jesus Christ or ladder day saints

the mormons

core area

the portion of a country that contains its economic, political, intellectual, and cultural focus.

light industry

the production of small consumer goods

the midwest

the region that contains the 12 states of the north-central United States

Strip mining

the removal of strips of soil and rock to expose ore

Climax vegetation

the species of plants that dominate the region


the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream.

urban sprawl

the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas.

urban sprawl

the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas. (sprawls out of inner city)

Salinas Valley

the valley where Steinbeck lived

nodal region

the way communication moves

Canadian core area compared to the relatively small territory it now occupies

thin soils, acidic soils, poor drainage, length of growing season is shorter, low temperatures

What are some of the factors that have limited the size of the Canadian core area to the relatively small territory it now occupies?

thin soils, acidic soils, poor drainage, length of growing season is shorter, low temperatures

limited the size of the Canadian core area

thin soils, acidic soils, poor drainage, length of growing season is shorter, low temperatures


this native tribal group formed a national government, sought to modernize their society, but were forcibly relocated in the 1830s.

Hudson and Mohawk Valley

this valley was a great gap in Appalachians, was a gateway westward

Bureau of Indian Affairs

to manage Indian removal to western lands, Congress approved the creation of a new government agency


top layer of impermeable rock; oil

North Platte River

top one

The primary geographic influences on climate are:

topography and latitude

Rio Grande and Nueces Rivers

two rivers were involved at in the beginning of the mexican war

Polynucleated urban area

urban area with multiple center

heavy manufacturing industry

used for heavy, bulky, low cost materials

light manufacturing industry

used for light, basic, materials.

alegheny and monoghela river

used for low cost transfer for steel industry in Pittsburg

mechanical reaper

used to harvest wheat quickly

non basic employment

using the money that is inside that region; recirculating

Owens Valley

valley in eastern California that contains the dried-up Owens Lake; located east of Mount Whitney and the Sierra Nevada, but west of Death Valley; provides water for Los Angeles

bonanza teams

very large teams of migrants to farm large land - mostly wheat

fall line cities

washington, Trenton, Wilmington, Baltimore , Philly

Accessibility Resources

welland canals, Great Lakes, canals, Erie Canal. Ohio river and Mississippi River. St Lawrence river

Rocky Mountain System

western usa and canada extending from bc to montana, utah, colorado, and new mexico; mountain range called continental divide because it separates eastward flowing rivers from westward flowing rivers; waters flowing east empty into atlantic and waters flowing west into pacific


wetlands formed where rivers meet the sea

winter wheat

wheat planted in the autumn and harvested in the early summer


when two regions through an exchange of commodities can specifically satisfy each others demands

break in bulk points

where goods and people transfer from one transportation mode to another


whiskey illegally distilled from a corn mash

Grand Canyon

world's largest canyon


world's tallest tree

Why do geographers employ regional schemes

• A mental construct, a system of categorization

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