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21. Know about impaired skin integrity pg. 188 Which of the following is a true statement about impaired skin integrity? a. Stage III pressure ulcer cannot regress to stage II because the subcutaneous tissues regenerate. b. Stasis ulcer is another term for pressure ulcer. c. Muscle and fat cannot regenerate. d. Weight reduction is recommended to help prevent pressure ulcers.


22. What foods does the nurse recommend for patient with vitamin deficiency for good skin pg. 191 An older adult is vitamin deficient. Which of the following does the nurse offer to the older adult to provide the important missing vitamin for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing tissue repair? a. Carrot sticks b. Nonfat milk c. Orange slices d. Unsalted nuts


79. What qualities does a nurse need to provide caring Which of the following qualities does the nurse need to provide caring? a. Sensitivity to the needs of other nurses b. Longing to help others live a healthy life c. Desire to have a stable career and income d. Ability to create a trusting environment


11. What is the most common complication of bedrest for post-surgery patient on opioids pg. 163 An older adult who is on bed rest after surgery is prescribed morphine for pain. Which of the following is the nurse's priority for preventive care? a. Constipation b. Diarrhea c. Poor solid food intake d. Poor liquid intake


12. Know what constitutes constipation pgs. 164-4 Which of the following is a true statement about elimination in older adults? a. Defecation less than once each day is not necessarily constipation. b. Mineral oil is recommended as a laxative for the older adult. c. Excessive sleep can be a symptom of constipation. d. Leaking liquid feces should be treated as diarrhea.


13. What is important for patient on bowel training program pg. 167 Which option is part of a program that addresses bowel incontinence in an older adult patient? a. Ensuring that a toilet or commode is readily accessible to the patient b. Encouraging the intake of 1 liter of water each day c. Expecting a rapid and full recovery d. Toileting the patient 10 to 15 minutes after meals


17. What does the nurse look for when the elder complains of puritis pg. 183 The nurse monitors for which clinical indicator when the older adult complains of pruritus? a. Coarse skin b. Brown macule c. Brownish skin d. Regional edema


2. Know about the evidence-based resource used to guide patient care pg. 153 An older adult is in the hospital because of heart failure and has become incontinent of urine. Which evidence-based resource should the nurse use to guide continence care for this patient? a. Nursing Standard Practice Protocol b. The Borun Center training modules c. Toolkit from the American Geriatrics Society d. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


23. Know what to do for elder with corns and corn pads pg. 192 An older adult woman complains of foot pain from a corn. After assessing her feet, which intervention should the nurse implement to alleviate her discomfort safely? a. Cut out an oval corn pad to make a U shape. b. Use a corn pad slightly larger than the corn. c. Gently remove the corn with a sterile razor blade. d. Tape her toe with the corn to the other toes.


24. Know about Medicare pg. 223 Which of the following is a true statement about Medicare for older adults? a. Eighty percent of Medicare's annual expenditures are for individuals with chronic illnesses. b. Medicare enrollees spend under $1500 annually for out-of-pocket expenses related to chronic illnesses. c. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are not covered by Medicare. d. Medicare covers care for those who have trouble with activities of daily living.


25. Know the differences in acute illness versus chronic illness pg. 224 Acute illness is to chronic illness as to which of the following comparisons? a. An emergency department is to a nursing home b. A hospital staff nurse is to a nurse practitioner c. Health insurance is to Medicare for older adults d. Inpatient surgical care is to outpatient medical care


27. Know what chronic health condition half the over 65 population has pgs. 224-225 Over 50% of the population, aged 65 years and older, suffers from which one of the following chronic health conditions? a. Hypertension b. Renal failure c. Multiple sclerosis d. Cancer


30. What is a suitable intervention for goal setting in chronically ill elder pgs. 226-227 Which of the following statements is the most suitable for establishing goals when teaching an older adult with a chronic illness about potential changes in the health maintenance regimen? a. Management of the patient's chronic disease rests on the patient and the caregiver; therefore the goals should be collaboratively set. b. The patient will be able to make needed changes in his or her life if the nurse provides accurate, written instructions. c. Psychological functioning is usually impaired only to a small extent in a patient with a chronic illness. d. The patient's values, culture, and beliefs will have little to do with the types of changes he or she will be able to make.


33. What does the nurse look for in dementia patient after surgery that indicates pain pg.237 An older female adult had hip replacement surgery 1 day ago, and the nurse thinks that the woman also has dementia. Which patient assessment does the nurse use to determine that this woman is experiencing pain? a. Holds abdomen tightly b. Has stable vital signs c. Is not verbalizing d. Moves during sleep


47. Know what types of word phrases the normal-age related sensory changes causes problems pgs. 253-254 Persons with normal age-related sensory changes are likely to have the most difficulty distinguishing which of the following? a. Spoken pairs of phrases like "she's praised" and "fees raised" b. Orange towel hanging on a beige wall c. "Go" and "to" in lowercase letters in fine print d. Spoken word pairs like "cupful" and "capful"


5. Know about actions for bladder-retraining programs pg. 158 Which action should be included in all bladder-retraining programs? a. Toileting at bedtime b. Using adult incontinence pads c. Toileting every hour d. Providing 1000 ml of fluids daily


50. Know what assessment finding confirms high risk for DM in patient with slightly high blood glucose pg. 263 An older man who is a non-Hispanic Caucasian has a fasting blood sugar level above 130 mg/dl. Which patient assessment does the nurse use to confirm a high risk for diabetes mellitus in this man? a. 68 years of age b. 120/80 mm Hg c. Palpable peripheral pulses d. Total cholesterol 198 mg/dl


51. Know co-morbidity associated with type 2 DM affecting microvascular system pg. 265 Which co-morbidity commonly associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus enhances the development of the microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus? a. Hyperlipidemia b. Hypothyroidism c. Venous insufficiency d. Chronic constipation


59. Know assessment characteristics associated with OA pg. 276 Which assessment is typical for a patient with osteoarthritis (OA)? a. Narrow joint spaces with crepitus b. Effects occur in symmetrical joints c. Morning stiffness for at least an hour d. Swelling from excess synovial fluid


68. What goal is most important to decrease acute exacerbations of HF in elders pg. 286 Which of the following is the most important goal in the nursing plan of care to decrease the frequency of hospitalizations for acute exacerbations of HF in older adults who have HF? a. Control fluid balance. b. Control blood pressure c. Prevent reconditioning d. Maintain patient safety


70. Know what other names are associated with COPD pg. 287 Which condition is a COPD? a. Bronchial asthma. b. Histoplasmosis. c. Bacterial pneumonia d. Mycobacterium tuberculosis


71. Know what to teach an elder with COPD that wants to do own self-care pg. 290 An older woman who has COPD wants to perform self-care activities. Which instruction should the nurse include in patient teaching to help her achieve this goal? a. Bathe and eat slowly with periodic rest. b. Walk short distances without oxygen. c. Perform all activities of daily living (ADLs) and then rest. d. Bathe right after eating, and then rest.


78. Know what the nurse can do when patient wants DPA pg. 369 The older adult wants to appoint an attorney-in-fact with DPA for a specific period around a forthcoming surgery. Which should the nurse implement? a. Help the patient find a qualified attorney. b. Explain the legal rights and responsibilities of an attorney-in-fact with a DPA. c. Suggest using a guardian for the surgical period. d. Offer to act as the patient's guardian during surgery.


80. When does case manager start discharge planning Which of the following statements describes one of the standards of case management during hospitalization? a. Begin discharge planning on the first day of hospitalization. b. Keep an older adult in the hospital as long as necessary. c. Accept the hospital discharge planner's (HDP) proposal for discharge. d. Assist hospital personnel to focus on the admission complaint.


10. What does the nurse look for in patient with indwelling foley catheter pg. 161 The nurse is caring for a patient who has recently had an indwelling catheter placed. The nurse should assess the patient for: a. An increase in oral fluid intake b. A change in mental status c. Upper back pain d. A decrease in activity


16. What advice does the nurse give the elder about improving dry skin pg. 183 A 70-year-old woman complains of dry skin and asks for advice. Which advice should the nurse offer to this woman for improving dry skin? a. Add oil to bath water to keep skin soft. b. Keep bath water between 90° F and 105° F. c. Move to a climate with lower humidity. d. Dry vigorously with a rough towel after bathing.


29. What is the nurse's role in caring for a chronically ill elder pg. 226 Which of the following describes the nurse's role for an older patient with a chronic illness? a. Implement an individualized therapeutic regimen that brings about a cure. b. Provide caring to help the patient live at the optimal level of health and wellness. c. Suggest that the patient accept eventual death to reduce the burdens on the patient's family. d. Encourage the patient to minimize the use of services to control costs.


36. The elder states that the pain is back earlier than next does of med is due, what does the nurse do pg. 241 An older adult admitted for back surgery asks for opioid pain medication. The nurse knows the patient asks for pain medication 15 minutes before it is due. Which recommendation should the nurse implement? a. Validate the pain with other assessment data. b. Administer the pain medication as prescribed. c. Tell the patient it is too soon for pain medication. d. Talk the patient into alternative comfort measures.


38. What needs to be ordered for elder taking analgesic meds pg. 242 The nurse administers an opioid analgesic to an older male adult postoperative patient on a surgical unit. Which is the most important intervention for the nurse to implement before leaving the patient's room? a. Place the call bell within reach. b. Position the patient comfortably. c. Offer toileting and a sip of water. d. Instruct him to ask for help before getting up.


40. What condition is most detrimental for elder with deafness from birth pg. 249 The most detrimental illness or condition that an older adult with deafness that occurred at birth can experience is which one of the following? a. Aphasia b. Cataracts c. Glaucoma d. Osteoarthritis


45. What does the nurse teach the elder to maintain optimal vision pg. 251 The nurse is teaching older adults about maintaining health and wellness. Which recommendation should the nurse include in the teaching to maintain optimal vision? a. Take 50,000 units of vitamin A daily. b. Wear sunglasses that block sun rays. c. Read in good light to avoid eye strain. d. Visit the ophthalmologist every 5 years.


57. What is best intervention for joint health in elders pg. 276 Which statement is true about joints in older adults? a. Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory joint disorder. b. Surgical joint replacement can cure osteoarthritis. c. Joint damage in osteoarthritis is reversed with medication. d. Very old patients should avoid joint replacement surgery.


58. What is best goal for OA elder going into rehab after joint replacement surgery pg. 276 An osteoporosis-related fall necessitated hip replacement surgery for an older female adult who is entering a rehabilitation facility. Which is the nurse's priority goal during this woman's rehabilitation? a. Eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. b. Recapture preoperative mobility status. c. Keep the surgical wound clean and dry. d. Tell her to take two steps into the walker.


6. Know what intervention to use for incontinent NH patient that does not recognize it pg. 158 The nurse assesses a male resident in a nursing home for urinary incontinence and determines that he is unaware of the problem. Which recommendation should the nurse implement? a. Limit oral fluid intake. b. Provide regular toileting. c. Apply absorbent undergarment d. Encourage frequent rest periods.


61. Know best interventions for elder with OA that has fatigue for 2 weeks pgs. 276 An older male adult who has osteoarthritis tells the nurse that he has experienced fatigue for the past 2 weeks. Which nursing intervention should the nurse implement to help him manage fatigue? a. Recommend an antidepressant. b. Help him plan exercise and rest. c. Plan two or three naps everyday. d. Tell him it is due to osteoarthritis.


66. What is best goal for middle-aged African-American male in good health pg. 286 An African-American 58-year-old man in good health has a blood pressure at 120/73 mm Hg at his annual physical examination. Which of the following is the best goal for the nurse to use to assist him in maintaining his health and wellness into older age? a. Alter modifiable risk factors. b. Prevent cardiovascular disease. c. Recognize disease in early stage. d. Maintain tight glycemic control.


7. Know what intervention to use for obese incontinent patient pg. 158 The nurse wants to begin helping a resident who is overweight and has urinary incontinence with healthy bladder behavior skills. Which intervention should the nurse implement? a. Begin a low-calorie diet for weight management. b. Schedule voiding at 2- to 4-hour intervals. c. Instruct the resident to practice abdominal exercises. d. Reduce the time between an urge to void and voiding.


74. Know important goal for new CVA patient to achieve optimal health state pg. 300 An older man who is right-handed works as a carpenter, but he has been left with a flaccid right arm after a thrombus occluded a cerebral artery. Which is the most important goal for the plan of care to help this man achieve his optimal state of health and wellness? a. Maintain skin integrity of right arm. b. Collaborate with occupational therapy (OT). c. Promote plaque-reversing strategies. d. Support effective coping mechanisms.


76. Know about health costs associated with SS, Medicare, HMOs, & PPOs pg. 365 Which is the fundamental difference between Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B? a. Hospice care. b. Health care setting. c. Home care services d. Invasive procedures


14. What is important to remember about the elder's skin pg. 183 . Which is an important consideration about the skin of an older adult person? a. Generous amounts of soap should be used for cleansing. b. Sweat glands increase in activity. c. The skin becomes more vulnerable to damage. d. The skin becomes darker in unexposed areas.


19. What assessment tool does the nurse use for multicolor lesion pg. 185 The nurse is conducting an admission assessment on an older adult and notes a small lesion with a multicolor appearance. Which assessment approach should the nurse use? a. Braden Scale b. Wound staging c. ABCD (asymmetry, border, color, diameter) rule d. Pressure ulcer scale for healing (PUSH) tool


26. What does the nurse need to know about chronic illness to teach the elder pgs. 224, 229 An older female adult client is diagnosed with a chronic illness. Which principle should the nurse apply when answering her questions? a. The most prevalent form of disease in the United States is acute illness. b. Usually, chronic disease has a negligible impact on the family. c. Chronic illness is unending, and coping can be influenced by the perception of uncertainty. d. Older adults cope successfully with chronic disease by learning about the disease.


28. Know modifiable health risk factors for chronic illness pg. 225 Which older adult has the most characteristics associated with becoming frail? a. Male, African American, with dementia b. Female, high school drop-out, on Medicaid c. Male, Hispanic American, with hypoproteinemia d. Female, African American, retired allergy doctor


3. Know what causes stress incontinence pg. 154 The nurse understands that stress incontinence occurs: a. With a urinary tract infection (UTI) b. Because of emotional strain c. As a result of increased intraabdominal pressure d. With a specific amount of urine in the bladder


35. Know what the safest opioid narcotic to give to an elder in acute pain pg. 241 The safest opioid analgesic choice for an older patient who has severe acute pain is which of the following? a. Demerol (meperidine) b. Talwin (pentazocine) c. Morphine sulfate (Morphine) d. Safe opioids do not exist.


39. What does the nurse assess when elder of NH has sudden deterioration in visual acuity pg. 247 The nurse plans the care of an older female resident of a nursing home who has experienced a sudden deterioration in visual acuity. Which intervention should the nurse complete first? a. Prevent behavioral and social decline. b. Tell her to hold onto the rails during ambulation. c. Examine her mood and functional status. d. Use problem solving involving the resident.


4. Know about large residual urine volume incontinence pg. 154 A large residual urine volume characterizes what type of incontinence? a. Urge c. Overflow b. Stress d. Functional


48. Know the best intervention to treat common cause of hearing impairment in elder pg. 254 Which of the following is used to treat the most common cause of impairment to an older person's hearing? a. Hearing aids b. Cochlear implants c. Ear canal irrigation d. Sign language


53. Know what to teach active elder with type 2 DM to improve glucose control pg. 268 The nurse assists an older man who has type 2 diabetes mellitus to improve his glucose control. Which of the following instructions does the nurse give to this individual when he plans to walk more than usual in one day? a. Omit antidiabetic medication. b. Wear sturdy open-toed shoes. c. Supplement caloric intake d. Prepare to administer insulin.


60. What discharge teaching is important for elder with OA to maintain safety pg. 276 The nurse prepares an older male adult who has osteoarthritis (OA) for discharge. Which instruction does the nurse include in patient teaching to maintain safety for this man? a. Take ibuprofen (Motrin) rather than opioid analgesics. b. Increase rest periods to slow disease progression. c. Report joint instability to the health care provider. d. Avoid stretching the affected joint during exercise.


62. Know about RA pg. 277 Which of the following statements is true about RA? a. Strikes unilaterally. b. Affects more men than women. c. Can affect body systems other than the joints. d. Glucosamine can be helpful for patients in the first 2 years of RA.


63. Know proper interventions for elder with gout pg. 278 Which of the following nursing interventions are suitable for a patient who has gout? a. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) b. Liquid paraffin hand baths c. Colchicine (Colsalide) by mouth d. Hyaluronic acid injections


65. Know signs and symptoms of AMI the elderly pg. 284 Which classic sign of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) can be absent in an older man with an AMI? a. Vague complaints b. Epigastric burning c. Crushing chest pain d. Dyspnea and fatigue


69. Know consequence of proper exercise routine in elderly pg. 287 An older man in a cardiac rehabilitation exercise class refuses to participate in the cool-down phase of the activity; consequently, 2 minutes later, he passes out but quickly regains consciousness. Which instruction does the nurse include in patient teaching to reinforce the importance of cooling down after exercising to this man? a. Cardiac output diminishes with age. b. Mobility capacity decreases with age. c. Baroreceptor function diminishes with age. d. Sensory perception diminishes with age.


76. Know about health costs associated with SS, Medicare, HMOs, & PPOs pg. 365 Which of the following statements is true about health care costs for older adults in the United States? a. Older adults become eligible for full Social Security benefits upon reaching the age of 65 years. b. Medicare, Part A, covers physician visits, whereas Part B covers prescription drugs. c. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) can obtain an exemption from Medicare's per capita spending limit. d. Older adults pay a fixed premium and low out-of-pocket costs in a preferred provider organization (PPO).


9. Know what to teach incontinent female patient with stress incontinence pg. 159 An older woman tells the nurse practitioner that she fears her family will place her in a nursing home because she developed stress incontinence. Which recommendation should the nurse implement? a. Tell her to eliminate the use of caffeinated beverages. b. Coordinate a family conference with the older adult. c. Recommend exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. d. Schedule voiding for every 2 hours around the clock.


15. What can the elder use safely on their skin pg. 183 Which topical agent is safe to apply? a. Cornstarch to absorb moisture in the groin area b. Betadine to disinfect a healing pressure ulcer c. An over-the-counter preparation to dissolve a corn d. Light mineral oil to moisten skin after bathing


18. What infection control practice should be used with elder with herpes zoster pg. 184 Which infection-control practice should the nurse implement when caring for an older adult who has active herpes zoster? a. Wear a face shield and gown for all patient contact. b. Instruct staff and visitors to wear a mask of the respirator type. c. Use a hospital room that has negative airflow circulation. d. Cover ruptured skin lesions with a nonabsorbent dressing.


20. What intervention does the nurse teach a patient with malignant melanoma pg. 186 The nurse cares for an older man who has a malignant melanoma. Which intervention should the nurse implement for this man to prevent a recurrence or advancement of this condition in the future? a. Place posters about sunscreen in the halls of his apartment building. b. Promote the application of a sunscreen at his neighborhood health fair. c. Tell him to schedule all outdoor activities after 4 PM daily. d. Instruct him to wear sun-protective clothing and a hat at all times.


31. Know about acute pain and persistent pain pg. 235 Compared with acute pain, the following is true of persistent pain: a. It leads to markedly altered vital signs. b. It is usually described as a burning pain. c. It is generally gone within 4 months. d. It can bring about changes in lifestyle.


32. What intervention does the nurse use for post-op patient with elevated VS pg. 237 The nurse admits an older male patient who had abdominal surgery. Admission vital signs are P 73, R 20, BP 136/84 mm Hg. He is receiving intravenous (IV) fluids but has not requested pain medication since surgery. Seven hours later, his vital signs are P 98, R 26, BP 164/90 mm Hg, and he denies pain. Which intervention should the nurse implement? a. Administer an opioid medication by IV route. b. Check the surgical dressing for bleeding. c. Report the vital signs to the health care provider. d. Ask him about discomfort at the surgical site.


34. What tool does the nurse use to assess pain in post-op patient that denies pain pg. 237 An older male adult who is Hispanic states he is not having pain, but he had knee replacement surgery 2 days ago. Which is the best pain assessment tool as recommended by the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (HIGN) from "Try This" for the nurse to apply for this man? a. Numeric Rating Scale b. Verbal Descriptor Scale c. Iowa Pain Thermometer d. Faces Pain Scale-revised


37. Elder had surgery and is getting opioids post-op, what do you teach the elder pgs. 241-242 The nurse administers an opioid analgesic to an older male adult postoperative patient on a surgical unit. Which is the most important intervention for the nurse to implement before leaving the patient's room? a. Place the call bell within reach. b. Position the patient comfortably. c. Offer toileting and a sip of water. d. Instruct him to ask for help before getting up.


41. What eye condition affects the elder's central part of the retina pg. 250 Which of the following diseases affects the eyesight of an older adult by damaging the central part of the retina? a. Glaucoma b. Presbyopia c. Cataract d. Macular degeneration


44. What does the nurse check for when elder complains of dry eyes pg. 251 An older adult complains about experiencing dry eyes daily. Which of the following should the nurse assess to help determine the cause of the patient's complaint? a. Vitamin B deficiency b. Use of humidifier at home c. History of diabetes mellitus d. Prescription antihistamine use


49. Know what is being checked with tuning fork in the center of the forehead pg. 254 A medical illustration shows a man with the blunt end of a tuning fork pressed to the center of his forehead. The man is being tested for which of the following? a. Sensorineural hearing loss b. Presbycusis c. Tinnitus d. Unilateral conductive hearing loss


54. Know about osteoporosis pg. 272 Which is a true statement about osteoporosis? a. Osteoporosis is indicative of an underlying health problem. b. The most common site for osteoporosis fractures is in long bones. c. Women who are African American have the highest risk for osteoporosis. d. A high risk of death follows an osteoporosis-related fracture.


55. Know what to teach a elder female about preventing bone loss associated with osteopenia pg. 273 An older female adult seeks advice from the nurse about preventing further bone loss after being diagnosed with osteopenia. To achieve the woman's goal, which teaching should the nurse provide to enhance activity of osteoblasts? a. Limit sodium intake. b. Refrain from alcohol use. c. Eat high-fiber foods. d. Exercise with weights.


56. Know differences of RA and OA pgs. 275, 277 Which are characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that are unlike osteoarthritis (OA)? a. Myalgia and stiffness b. Joint pain; and that it is curable c. Crepitus and instability d. It is systemic and symmetrical


64. Know about the treatment modalities of heart disease in males and females pgs. 282 Which of the following is a true statement about heart disease in older men and women? a. More women than men die from MIs. b. Cardiac care for men and women is equally aggressive. c. Cardiac medications have been tested on men and women equally. d. Women generally receive less aggressive treatment than men do.


67. Know best med for elder female with ischemic heart disease and neurohormonal activity pg, 286 An older woman has severe ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and low cardiac output. Which medication does the nurse administer to counteract the neurohormonal activation of this patient's cardiovascular status? a. Loop diuretic b. Nitroglycerin c. Cardiac glycoside d. Beta-adrenergic blocker


72. What is essential intervention for elder with cardiopulmonary disease pg. 290 Which of the following statements is true about cardiopulmonary disease in older adults? a. COPD can be reversed with proper treatment. b. Chest radiographic studies are a reliable indicator of whether pneumonia is present in an older patient. c. Persons older than 65 years should receive Pneumovax annually. d. Mouth hygiene is essential to prevent and treat pneumonia.


73. Know risk factors for contracting TB pg. 292 Which of the following is a true statement about tuberculosis (TB) in older adults? a. The principal threat from TB is its highly contagious nature. b. The tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) is a conclusive test for TB. c. Antimicrobial drugs have made TB an infection of the past. d. Older persons, particularly those in nursing homes, are at risk for TB.


77. How are managed care systems most effective for the elder pg. 365 Managed care systems are most effective for an older adult who does which of the following? a. Avoids using the system until it is really needed in an emergency. b. Avoids seeing generalists and seeks health care only from specialists. c. Uses high-tech treatments to reduce expenses over the long term. d. Seeks regular primary care and preventive strategies to maintain health.


8. What is most important aspect for nurse caring for urinary incontinent patient pg. 159 What is the most important aspect of care for the nurse to maintain when assisting an older patient with urinary incontinence? a. Availability of protective rubber garments b. Using indwelling urinary catheters c. Using smooth muscle relaxants d. Maintaining an attitude that is respectful and positive about resolving the problem


43. What does the nurse teach the patient with retinopathy to slow its progression pg. 250

...constant, strict controls of blood glucose, cholesterol and bp. Laser photocoagulation treatments can halt the disease. Laser treatment can reduce vision loss in 50% of patients and recent evidence suggests that treatment w/ various drugs may be better. ...pp avoid wind and hair dryers

46. How does the nurse approach the hearing impaired elder for conversation pgs. 253, 257

...face the pt, sit or stand on the same level, don't turn away while speaking ...gain pt attention before speaking , look directly at pt at eye level ...careful articulation and moderate speed of speech ...use nonverbal approaches: gestures, demonstrations, visual aids, written materials ...pause between sentences or phrases to confirm understanding ...reduce background noise ...verify that info had been clearly understood, remember pt may agree with anything you say

52. What concerns the nurse regarding patient with DM that confirms progression to chronic illness pg. 266

...pp diabetic + toe removal = ^ health problems (chronic illness) The focus of management is geared more toward life expectancy and the recognition of the importance of cardiovascular health promoting strategies.

42. Which population groups are at most risk for macular degeneration pg. 250

...those aged 60 and over, whites & Asians, white women 80+ ...pp genetic predisposition, smokers, family history, excessive sunlight

1. Know about rehab and restorative care pg. 33 Which statement is true about rehab and restorative care for older adults? a. The purpose is to regain specific abilities lost because of a condition. b. Rehabilitation consists primarily of regular physical therapy sessions. c. A person can learn skills and gain abilities that enable functioning. d. The patient's capabilities are recognized at the time of admission.


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