Global Health Exam 1

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Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF, aka Doctors without Borders) assisted in all of the following situations EXCEPT

(EXCEPT)Treaty negotiations and disarmament Treatment for marginalized groups (prisoners, homeless, sex workers) Natural disasters Disease epidemics

Despite important progress in improving human health globally, in 2013...

289,000 women were estimated to have died of maternity-related causes. There were over 6 million under 5 child deaths. Over half a million people died of malaria.

Neonatal Mortality Rate is calculated based on the number of deaths of infants under...

5 year of age

What is the infant mortality rate in the US

7 deaths per 1000 live births

When comparing health systems across countries, the US system is essentially:

A mix of taxation, employer contribution and privately purchased

Following development, this trend changes from a pattern of high fertility and high mortality to a pattern of low fertility and low mortality over time.

Demographic transition

According to the UNICEF: For Every Child video, what is NOT one of the 4 issues that UNICEF works towards?

Education (NOT) Liberation Health Protection

Global Health programs focus on many aspects, which of the following is NOT one of such aspects?

Eradication of all diseases

Compare the health system to the US to other European countries

European countries universal health care is based on the principle of social solidarity meaning health care is financed by individual and their ability to pay. All provide universal coverage for less money than US even though populations are older US spends more on health care and private out of pocket expense for families

Which of these is NOT a needed characteristic of a health service, as defined by the United States' Institute of Medicine (IOM)?


True or False: According to the video Dr. Farmer's Remedy, Partners in Health provides modern medical care to poor communities ONLY in Haiti.


True or False: According to the video WHO: Health Action for Haiti Survivors, during the Haiti crisis, many actors such as civil societies, international organizations, and the Haitian government were NOT overwhelmed by the scale of the devastation.


True or False? The person performing surgery in Tanzania would be considered a nurse by American standards.


True or False? UNICEF is headquartered in Switzerland.

False. Answer is New York

Unitus: What the poor lack is motivation and drive. They don't lack opportunity. There are millions & millions & millions of poor people around the world who have access to financial services.

False. They are well motivated

Epidemiological transition

Following development, this trend changes the pattern of disease from communicable diseases to one dominated by non-communicable diseases as the population ages.

The government had a unique approach to this Millennium Villages program. What did it request that was unusual?

Full partnership

what are the 4 functions and 3 outcomes of a health system

Functions- Stewardship(person in charge) Creating resources(investment and training) Service delivery(personal and population-based) Financing(collecting, pooling and purchasing Outcomes- Health(level and equity) responsiveness(to people's non-medical expectations) Financial protection(and fair distribution of burden of funding)

This organization/program was founded in 2000 by a number of governments, foundations and individuals in order to make vaccines more accessible, affordable, and sustainable.


Which country uses sickness funds and a social insurance scheme to fund its health system?


Advocacy organizations focus on advocating on behalf of _______.

Global health issues

The World Health Report 2000, produced by the World Health Organization, focused entirely on ________.

Health Systems

Which of the following is NOT a key determinant of health?

Healthy over-the-counter supplements

According to the textbook, all _____ countries, except for the United States, have some type of mandatory and universal health insurance system that is meant to ensure that access to health services is not dependent on income.

High income

Describe 3 Health Equity goals

Improve living conditions tackle inequitable distribution of power evaluate action and raise awareness about health

According to the video WHO: Health Action for Haiti Survivors, who was overwhelmed by the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti?

International organizations Civil society groups Haitian government

describe 5 problems that can occur in health delivery

Inverse care-benefits rich more than poor. impoverishing care- people that lack social protection largely pay out of pocket service fragmented care-narrowed focus of many disease control programs unsafe care- poor system unable to ensure safety and hygiene standards misdirected care-neglecting potential of primary prevention

6 Building blocks of Health (L.S.W.I.F.T.) to improve health,responsiveness,financial protection and improved efficiency

Leadership(seek maximized health for the money spent) Services(deliver safe effective interventions in efficient manner) Workforce(appropriate number of trained staff in the right fields) Information(delivers the information needed for monitoring health status) Financing(raises enough money to fund an agreed upon health program) Technologies(medical products, vaccines, and technologies that are safe and can be used in cost effective ways)

According to the lecture, the Human Development Index is calculated using the following variables, EXCEPT:

Life expectancy Education level Income ( EXCEPT )Development level

According to the lecture, what are the three measures of human development measured by the Human Development Index?

Living a long and healthy life, knowledge, and standard of living

What is critical to ensure the quality and continuity of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF, aka Doctors without Borders) programs?

Local connections

What is an NGO? Name 3 examples of NGOs

MSF(doctors w/o borders)- violence and catastrophe Oxfam- reduce poverty and injustice, emergencies CARE-largest organization, vicroties over poverty

Describe 3 nutrient deficiencies and what is being down to solve the problem

Maramus-severe deficiency of calories and protien Kwashiorkor- premature abandonment of breastfeeding causing them to have lots of carbs but low on protien. Solving the problem with plumpy'nut

Started in 1998 by the WHO, UNICEF & the World Bank, this organization is committed to fighting malaria. Who am I?

Roll Back Malaria

What is cash on delivery (COD)?

Transfers made from payers to providers

Before 1960, Dengue fever was largely concentrated in Southeast Asia and the coast of South America.


True or False: Some NGOs are faith based.


Describe 3 United Nations special agencies devoted to health

UNICEF-children advocate(expansion of vaccines) WHO- highest level of health USAID-long range(social development/global health)

According to the lecture, which of the following is NOT an agency of the United Nations?


4 core components of Primary Health care

adequate food supply/nutrition and water maternal and child health immunization/ sanitation and prevention of diseases

According to the lecture, what is the most common type of work for child labor worldwide?


Health Systems defined by WHO

all actors, institutions and resources that under take health actions-- where a health action is one where the primary intent is to improve health.


best health care in the world established in 1945. Funded by tax revenues and social insurance contributions from employers and employees All legal residents are covered.


largest NGO in the world involved in international development. Works to improve maternal, child health and vulnerability of communicable disease

What is the generational cycle of poverty?

lived in poverty for 2 years, can't get out of poverty because they grew up in it and had a disadvantage of getting an education, then getting a job, so when they have a family they struggle in supporting them which makes them fail to get out of poverty

Bilateral aid organizations support important health programs in ___ and ____ income countries.

low and middle

Human development index

measures life expectancy, school enrollment/knowledge, literacy and income/standard of living

Secondary Health Care

medical care provided by specialized physician (hospital for emergencies)

Cost-effective analysis

method to compare cost of investment with amount of health purchased (cheap+effective= best method) it depends on cost, reduced morbidity, mortality and disability, effectiveness.

What does 'NGO' stand for?

nongovernmental organization

According to the video African Families Beat Poverty with Beads, Beads for Life created a market for the beads made in Uganda by sending the beads and the stories of the women to _____________ where they are sold at home parties.

north America

Macro nutrients

nutrients such as carbs, fats, or proteins that are needed in relatively large amounts of the diet

micro nutrients

nutrients such as vitamins or minerals that is needed in relatively small amounts of the diet

Non-private sector

owned by non-governmental organizations and use in most low income countries

How do nutrition requirements change as we age

physiological demands for certain nutrients differ with age and also gender

Copenhagen Consenses

project prioritezed interventions ex. very good= control HIV/AIDS and malaria, provide micronutrients fair=improve infant and child nutrition lower barriers to migration for skilled workers


residents must have health insurance and quasi-public and private providers. Spends 10.4% of GDP on health care Oldest universal program 1883 sickest funds(90% covered) funded through social health insurance

How does infection increase malnutrition

roundworm causes malnutrition of fat, protein, carbs, and vitamins because it absorbs the nutrients for its own growth.

Public Sector

setting policies and enforcing the rules and is responsible for raising funds for the health system. It can own or operate its own facilities

Name 3 Diseases that are linked to overnutrition

diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart diesease

According to the lecture, who created MSF in France?

doctors and journalist

In the video African Families Beat Poverty with Beads, Torkin Wakefield made this statement "I like to think that Bead for Life is really about helping hard-working people become individuals who can sustain themselves long into the future..." Which term was defining when she made this statement?


Define Malnutrition

failure to achieve nutrient requirements which can impair physical and or mental health

True or False: According to the lecture, as a country decreases its education level, its life expectancy almost always rises.


True or False: Consulting firms are ONLY not-for-profit.


True or False: Poverty is a very simple social issue and is linked only to money.


Primary Health Care

first contact, person-focused, problems too uncommon to maintain (clinics)

____ _____ increases longevity, the longer one can earn, and the higher one's lifetime earnings will be.

good health

Private Sector

health is for sale and health care services are in business to make profit, operates hospitals and health care services that are linked to insurance reimbursement.

According to the textbook, health is an important contributor to the productivity of people, and poor health can negatively influence the ability of people to accumulate the knowledge and skills to be productive. Healthy, productive people can be considered _________________.

human capital

What happened to Alma Ata convention

in 1970s they declared a new emphasis on health for both developed and developing countries. Main focus was achieving "health for all" and prevention of illness not just the cure.

According to the video UNITUS: Microfinance Microcredit Introduction, the majority of the UNITUS microloans are given to ____________ because they invest the profits into health and education.


According to the textbook, which of the following is the correct definition of Health Disparities?

A type of difference in health that is closely linked with social or economic disadvantage.

How many people live on less than $1 per day? What regions have the most people in that category?

Approximately 1 billion live on less than $1 per day. Asia and Sub-saharen African regions have most people in that category

According to the video Doctors without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), in each country where Medecins Sans Frontiere is working, one or more of four events has taken place. Which of the following is NOT one of such events:

Armed conflict (NOT) International Presidential Summit Endemic or Epidemic disease Social violence

What region has the most hunger? What are 3 key factors underlying child nutrition

Asia has the most hunger Key factors- household food security, care for mother and children, health and environment

Which of the following is an example of an NGO involved in global health?


According to the video African Families Beat Poverty with Beads, before the involvement of Beads for Life in Uganda, the women were making less than $1/day doing what activity?

Breaking rocks

Human capital is the ability to be productive and ability to accumulate skills necessary to be productive. According the video African Families Beat Poverty with Beads, how did the Beads for Life program increase human capital for the women in the program?

By holding monthly sessions on how to market and finance businesses By holding vocational training classes and teaching life skills By requiring the women to take up another skill, like auto repair

This organization was founded in 1945, with headquarters in Atlanta. It aims to achieve lasting victories over poverty. Who am I?


According to the UNICEF: For Every Child video, what is the cornerstone of the UNICEF mission?

Child survival

According to the video WHO: Health Action for Haiti Survivors, which of the following are part of the 5 urgent actions identified by WHO?

Coordinating health sector response and conducting needs assessments Preventing and controlling disease outbreaks Providing safe water & water quality Ensure availability of essential drugs and medical supplies

According to the video WHO: Health Action for Haiti Survivors, the WHO mobilized to respond to the disaster. The magnitude of this event is immense and therefore the response must also be extraordinary. What do you risk when you have an extraordinary response in such a small location?

Creating chaos

Name 2 agencies that are federally funded by the united States government

PAHO-improve access to healthcare and living standards(erradicated polio) Peace Corps-promote rights for genders, people served and others

Who designed the health care "house call" program?

Partners in Health

According to the video WHO: Health Action for Haiti Survivors, in the long term, WHO will need to ensure continuity of ___________________.

Primary health care services

What sector is responsible for stewardship of a health system?


What are the 6 elements of quality

Safe-(wrong medications, delay of abnormal results) Effective-(prevention, chronic, primary and hospital care, coordination) Patient-centered-(communication, patient engagement,choice and continuity, and responsiveness to patient preference Timely-(waited 6+ for appointment w/doctor,or getting care over the weekends) Efficient-test results failed to reach doctors office in time for appointments. Equitable-income negatively affected their ability to access care in the US

How is education linked to SES?Health?

Same with the generational cycle. The less educations the less opportunity to get a job and have money to support family and healthcare.

According to the UNICEF: For Every Child video, what did UNICEF develop to provide education to children in times of war and disaster?

School in a box


Spends 10.1% of GDP on health care publicly funded social insurance with private delivery Spends about half as much per person on health care compared to US. 100% coverage creating long wait times for serious conditions.

United Kingdom

Spends 8.4% of GDP on health care National Health service established in 1948 and largest publicly funded by taxpayers Primary care trust-oversee 80% of funding /spending Secondary- elective surgery and providing community care services

According to 2008 data provided by the World Bank, which region has the highest infant mortality rate?

Sub-Saharan Africa

According to the figure, in which of the following world regions there are countries with less than 50% primary school enrollment?

Sub-Saharan Africa

According to the text, what is "human capital"?

The ability to be productive and ability to accumulate skills necessary to be productive

What happens if fertility stays at the current rate in Japan?

The population will shrink in half

Stewardship is...

The wide range of functions carried out by government as they seek to achieve national health policy objectives.

According to the textbook, which of the following is NOT an example of how education and health are connected?

There are intergenerational links, meaning that parental health and education affect the health of offspring. Cognitive development and school performance can be negatively impacted by malnutrition and disease. (NOT) Poor health is the only result of low education level. Education enables people to better prevent and manage poor health.

Identify 6 classes of nutrients

carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water

The core of BRAC's health programs in Bangladesh is a ____________ approach to primary health care, called "___________"

community-based; Essential Health Care (EHC)

Tertiary Health Care

specialized hospitals for advanced emergencies and complicated illnesses

What is brain drain? Why is there a global shortage of health care workers

the migration of health personnel in search of the better standard of living and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced technology and more stable political conditions in different places worldwide poor working condition's and high salaries drive health workers into better options in different places worldwide

Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year. a number of lower- and middle income countries spend about 4-7 percent of their GDP on health

What is the nutrition transition

transition occurs with human and economic development, increases of high fat diets, transition from unprocessed foods to processed

Cassava is a root crop that provides Ugandans with 30-50% of their caloric intake. However, by 1988, African Cassava Mosaic Disease was killing the plants. In 1992, new cassava plants were engineered that were resistant to the disease and women farmers quickly disseminated the plants to those in need.


True or False: According to the textbook, an important example of the use of cost-effectiveness analysis is to set priorities among different ways of achieving the same health goal.


True or False: According to the textbook, research shows that a mother's education has a powerful impact on child survival.


True or False: According to the video, In Mexico, a Plan to Beat Poverty with Health Care and Education, in the Oportunidades program, girls are worth more financial assistance than boys.


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